Life On the Edge

Word Of God -part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Scott Moore (Host)


Series Code: LOE

Program Code: LOE000001

00:01 Harvest truly is plenteous,
00:03 but the laborers are few.
00:04 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest,
00:06 that he will send forth laborers into his harvest.
00:10 Also, I heard the voice of the Lord saying,
00:13 "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"
00:17 Then said I, "Here am I. Send me, Send me!"
00:23 Life on the Edge will enable you to be
00:25 infected harvest before the Lord.
00:27 We now invite you into our
00:29 classroom to come, experience life.
00:43 My friends you are about to embark
00:45 the most incredible adventure that
00:49 you have ever been on when we study
00:51 the Bible. You have joined us today here
00:54 at the Lay Institute For Evangelism.
00:57 We are going to be doing a class called
01:00 Life on the Edge. There are twenty four
01:04 different studies in these series of
01:08 Bible studies. You're going to learn about
01:10 the word of God, is it valid.
01:12 You're going to learn about the signs
01:14 of the times. You're going to learn about
01:16 a great controversy that goes on between
01:18 Jesus Christ and the Antichrist.
01:21 You learn about exciting things
01:23 like the mark of the beast, the Sabbath,
01:26 the law of God, how is it that Protestants
01:30 have come to find truth in God's word,
01:34 and you and I are going take time to
01:36 look at God's word. We will find out that
01:39 Bible prophecy is true. Bible prophecy is
01:44 reliable and that Jesus Christ is the very center.
01:49 The studies that you are going to be
01:51 learning in this course called
01:53 Life on the Edge. You're going to be
01:54 marking in your Bible and the reason
01:57 that you will mark these in your Bible,
01:58 so that you can take your Bible into the
02:01 home of your friends, your family,
02:03 maybe even in the break room it work.
02:06 And you can take what you've learned
02:07 in this class and you can transform the world.
02:12 You know, there was a young man in scripture
02:14 it's in the book of Acts, his name was
02:16 Jason and Jason was arrested because
02:20 he was associated with those that
02:22 believed in the way or those that believed
02:26 in Jesus Christ. And the testimony that's
02:29 given of Jason is that he and the other
02:31 followers of Christ had turned the world
02:34 upside down with the message that Jesus
02:38 had given to them, the message that
02:39 we can have salvation through Jesus Christ.
02:43 Now, then much of the world rejected Jesus,
02:46 but today I know that you are going
02:49 to begin that incredible journey
02:52 through scripture that will start a
02:54 relationship with your creator Jesus Christ.
02:57 As we go through today study,
03:00 we are going to be studying here at
03:01 the Lay Institute for Evangelism.
03:04 We're going to be studying a Bible study
03:05 on the word of God itself.
03:08 There are quite a few texts in this study,
03:11 but before we get to those texts,
03:13 I will give you the purpose of this study.
03:16 During each one of our Bible studies,
03:20 you're gonna have a purpose for every
03:23 one of the studies that you do.
03:24 There must be a reason for giving
03:26 the study that you're given, wasn't that?
03:28 I mean, if there is no reason for giving it,
03:29 then why should we give it?
03:31 So, the purpose if you notice on the screen
03:33 there, the purpose of this Bible study on
03:36 the word of God is to show that God's word,
03:39 the Bible, is true and reliable.
03:43 We will stay there on that graphic
03:45 you notice up there beside the title
03:47 Word of God; you have a (W).
03:50 Every time we have a study,
03:53 our next study in these series is called
03:56 Signs of the Times and the code for that
03:58 is guess what? ST that's absolutely right.
04:03 Now, the code for this Bible study is (W)
04:09 and that stands for word of God.
04:12 We also have a code called WT that stands
04:16 for witnessing, so you want to make sure
04:18 that you keep those differentiated as
04:20 you are marking this in your Bible,
04:23 because like I said you will take this
04:25 with just your Bible and you will be able
04:27 to take it into someone's home,
04:29 you can take to it to the office,
04:31 you can take it to your neighbors,
04:33 you can take it all over the world
04:34 and you will transform the world with God's
04:38 truth. So, the purpose of this study is to
04:41 show that God's word, the Bible,
04:44 is true and reliable. You also have a
04:48 center it on each one of these studies.
04:50 Every one of our studies are centered
04:53 on Christ. The Center It here is:
04:56 Jesus wants to show you that
04:58 His Word is reliable. He gives us enough
05:03 evidence to base our faith on.
05:07 The Bible says in Hebrews that faith
05:11 is the substance of things hoped for
05:14 and the evidence of things not seen.
05:17 And God is going through this study
05:20 today to give you enough evidence to
05:25 begin a walk of faith with Jesus Christ.
05:29 Now, as we go through these studies
05:32 not only am I giving the Bible study
05:34 to the students here at Life, but I'm
05:36 also teaching them and you how to give
05:40 this study to somebody else.
05:42 It's one thing for me just to teach you
05:45 or to catch a fish and bring it to you;
05:47 it's another thing for me to teach you
05:49 how to fish, because then you can catch
05:51 your own, and I can catch my own.
05:53 Jesus said in Matthew 4:19:
05:55 "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."
06:01 And so what we are going to do in this
06:03 Life on the Edge course is learn
06:06 how to fish effectively?
06:09 So, that we can catch small fish,
06:12 medium size fish, big fish, we wanna
06:15 catch all the fish that we can for the
06:17 Kingdom of God don't we? So, Jesus wants
06:21 to show us that His word is reliable;
06:24 he gives us enough evidence to base
06:26 our faith on. Now the next graphic that
06:29 you see there has all of the texts that
06:32 we are going to be using.
06:34 If you will notice there on your graphic
06:36 the one that is labeled 7W,
06:38 you look to the right and then you have 8W,
06:41 then you go back to the left you have 9W,
06:44 and then you go to 10W.
06:45 The ones that are directly across from
06:47 each other go together.
06:50 You're gonna marking this in your Bible
06:53 and as you mark it in your Bible,
06:56 you're going to want to make sure that
06:57 you know where you have gone and
07:00 where you have, where you are going to.
07:03 It's important let's suppose that Daniel
07:05 is giving a Bible study and Daniel
07:08 she's right there in the middle of that study.
07:10 And in order to make a point or just
07:12 because she forgot to keep it open,
07:15 she closed her Bible, what do you do?
07:18 You're in the middle of the Bible Study,
07:20 you don't have notes with you,
07:21 all you have is the word of God,
07:23 how do you find where you were before?
07:26 You will take all of these references that
07:29 you see here on this graphic,
07:31 and you are going to mark those references
07:33 either in the front of your Bible,
07:35 you can do that on any of the blank pages
07:38 there in the front of your Bible,
07:40 or you can begin to mark that in the
07:42 back of your Bible on the blank pages.
07:45 Now, because there are 24 different
07:50 Bible studies, you are going to need
07:53 to write small, the smaller you write,
07:57 don't write too small that you can't see it,
07:59 of course if you couldn't see it,
08:01 then you couldn't write that small.
08:02 That just makes sense but write it
08:04 as small as you possibly can,
08:06 because you have 24 different studies
08:09 that you are going to be marking
08:11 in your Bible. And you want to be able to
08:14 keep each study separate from the next one,
08:16 so you mark all of these, just in a little
08:18 section, what I did in my Bibles,
08:20 I sectioned off a piece of the page
08:22 for each one of my studies, and then
08:24 I just wrote them out there, and that's
08:26 what you may want to do as well.
08:27 You can go of course to our website
08:30 www.Come
08:34 and you can download the handouts
08:36 for each one of these.
08:38 We will also have the videos available on DVD.
08:41 We will have them available on iTunes,
08:44 you just go to our website then you'll
08:45 be able to find everything from there.
08:47 So, these texts here on the screen
08:50 are going to be written either in
08:52 the front of your Bible or in the back
08:54 of your Bible. Now, as we go through
08:57 this study, I'm going to start giving it,
09:00 but then I'm also going to take time to teach
09:04 you why there are certain things on the
09:07 graphic or on the screen.
09:09 So, you bare with us and as we,
09:11 when we get finish with this first study
09:13 this is actually gonna take two different
09:15 class periods, or two different programs.
09:17 And we will get through the first half today,
09:21 and then the next time you join us
09:23 we will get to the second half, alright.
09:25 So, we will go ahead and start our Bible study,
09:28 but before we start our Bible study,
09:30 we always need to remember when
09:32 we're giving studies to other people,
09:34 the Bible tells us, let's go to 1st Corinthians,
09:37 turn that with me if you will.
09:39 Lets go to 1st Corinthians,
09:40 1st Corinthians chapter 2,
09:44 1st Corinthians chapter 2 and verse
09:50 let see here 14, 1st Corinthians chapter 2
09:54 verse 14 and Tom as soon as we are all there,
09:58 I'm gonna ask you to read that for us.
10:00 We are in 1st Corinthians,
10:01 the second chapter and now some of you
10:03 at home this maybe the first time that
10:05 you have ever open the Bible in your
10:07 entire life. And we just praise God that
10:09 you're here with us that we could be
10:11 there with you as you study the Bible today.
10:14 In the front of your Bibles you have
10:17 something called the table of contents.
10:19 Now that table of contents will tell
10:21 you it's in two different sections,
10:23 the top section in my Bible is labeled
10:26 Old Testament and the bottom section
10:28 in my Bible is labeled New Testament,
10:30 and this is simply on the table of contents
10:32 near the front of my Bible.
10:33 And so where we're going to is
10:35 we're going to a New Testament book,
10:38 that means if I didn't know where it was,
10:40 I would simply go to the bottom half
10:42 of my page here and I would look for
10:44 1st Corinthians that would be 1 Corinthians.
10:47 It's quite amazing when you give Bible studies
10:49 to people that haven't ever study
10:51 the Bible before, they don't call it
10:52 1st Corinthians, they call it 1 Corinthians
10:56 or 2 Corinthians. So, that's what you're
10:58 looking for, you're looking for the 1
11:00 or 1st Corinthians and it says here that
11:03 it starts on page 979 in my Bible,
11:06 so what I do as I look in my Bible for
11:09 page 979 and low and behold there it
11:11 is the First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians,
11:15 so those of you that have never studied
11:16 the Bible before understand that this
11:18 course is for you as well.
11:20 We're going to try to go at a pace
11:23 where every one can keep up.
11:25 You know, in Bible times the shepherd
11:28 did not drive the sheep, the shepherd
11:31 did not drive the sheep, the shepherd
11:34 would talk or sing or make certain noises,
11:38 and the sheep would follow the shepherd.
11:41 Now, when the shepherd had a little lamb,
11:44 and those lambs were being born quite often,
11:46 you can imagine there in that flock of sheep.
11:49 There would be little lambs that would
11:51 just be one or two or three maybe
11:53 four days old. And the shepherd would make
11:56 sure that he didn't walk any faster than
12:00 the new little ones could keep up.
12:02 And so what we're going to do during
12:04 these courses, we're going to try to go
12:06 at this pace where everybody can keep up.
12:09 Now to those of you that are Bible scholars
12:12 and you're already into things you may think
12:13 ah if you're gonna go slow this Bible study
12:15 isn't for me. But you too are going to learn
12:18 much as we open God's word and explore
12:22 on this adventure through his word.
12:24 So, let's go down to Tom and we're
12:26 going to 1st Corinthians chapter 2 Tom
12:29 and we're going to read verse 13.
12:30 This would tell us why we pray prior
12:34 to studying the Bible, go ahead.
12:35 These things we also speak,
12:38 not in words which man's wisdom teaches,
12:42 but which the Holy Spirit teaches,
12:45 comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
12:48 But a natural man does not receive the
12:51 things of the Spirit of God, for they are
12:54 foolishness to him; nor can he know them,
12:57 because they are spiritually discerned.
13:00 So, Tom according to that text what is that
13:02 you and I need in order to understand
13:06 God's word. We need the Holy Spirit,
13:08 because it teaches us.
13:09 That's right the Holy Spirit because
13:10 he is the one that is going to teach us.
13:13 You remember for those of you that
13:15 have been studying the Bible for while,
13:16 you will remember that it's in John either 14,
13:19 15 or 16 where Jesus says he's going
13:21 to send us another Comforter
13:23 and he will teach us and that's what
13:26 God is going to do today.
13:28 When we're gonna pray and we're gonna
13:30 ask the Spirit of God to teach us,
13:34 and we are going to be willing,
13:37 we're gonna be open minded,
13:38 not so open minded that anything can
13:41 fall in or that something can fall out.
13:43 But we're gonna be open minded enough
13:46 to say if there really is a God and he really
13:50 did inspire people to write this book called
13:53 the Bible. Then I'm going to give it a
13:56 chance today, whether you are a skeptic,
13:59 atheist, you could care less,
14:03 maybe you even raised as Christian,
14:04 but now you couldn't even care what
14:07 the Bible says. This program is for you.
14:10 God is going to work in this program
14:12 because we're going to ask just like Tom read;
14:15 we're going to ask the Spirit of God
14:17 to teach us. So, would you bow your
14:19 heads with me as we pray?
14:22 Father in Heaven, we are here at the
14:25 Lay Institute for Evangelism;
14:27 you know this is the first program,
14:30 the first Bible study in this course.
14:33 And as this course progresses Father
14:36 we want you to fill us with your Holy Spirit,
14:41 to convict us, to convert us,
14:45 so that we can be like your son Jesus.
14:48 And Lord, we know that
14:49 there are some people at home
14:50 that are watching this and they are skeptics.
14:55 They don't believe that your word is
14:58 anything more than a book with stories in it,
15:00 and we pray that, that you will especially
15:04 be with those of us that, that have no
15:08 interest in the Bible at this moment,
15:10 but who are here watching this program.
15:13 Please show us today evidence that
15:18 we can base faith upon and we pray
15:23 this in the precious name of Jesus, amen, amen.
15:27 You will notice here on the screen,
15:30 you will notice here that the Bible consists
15:35 of 66 different books.
15:38 There are 66 different books in the Bible.
15:42 There are 39 books in what people call
15:45 or are titled the Old Testament and
15:49 there are 27 books in what is called
15:54 the New Testament. Now, the Old Testament
15:57 is just the left part of your Bible and the
16:00 New Testament is the back half or the,
16:03 what's in the right side of your Bible.
16:05 The last book of the Old Testament,
16:07 does anybody know that it's called Malachi.
16:10 The first book of the New Testament is
16:12 called Matthew, so right there in those
16:15 two ends you have that division between
16:17 the Old Testament and the New Testament.
16:20 66 different books, this book called the
16:25 Bible is collection of books written by
16:30 different authors. We have a class here at
16:34 Life that is going to go over what,
16:37 how the Bible was put together?
16:39 How was it codified, that means how
16:41 was it made into one binding like
16:44 we have today? Who were the contemporaries
16:48 in scripture? So, was Jeremiah alive when
16:51 Daniel was alive and we have course
16:53 that Eleida Feliciano is going to teach for us
16:56 and you may want to join us for that course
16:58 as well. So, you just keep it and keep tune to,
17:00 keep in tune here the name of that course
17:03 is called Horizons, it's called Horizons.
17:06 This book 66 different books put together
17:11 to make up the Holy Bible and somebody
17:13 once told me that Bible stands for basic
17:16 instructions before leaving earth.
17:19 That was my good friend David Asscherick
17:21 that taught me that, basic instructions
17:24 before leaving earth. This book the Bible
17:27 was written on three different continents.
17:30 The continents were Asia, Africa and Europe,
17:35 66 different books written on three
17:38 different continents, those continents are Asia,
17:40 Africa and Europe. It had approximately
17:44 40 different authors, 40 different authors
17:49 it was written over a times span,
17:52 written over a time span of 1,500 years.
17:57 So, what we have in this is 66 books
18:05 written on 3 different continents by
18:09 approximately 40 different authors over
18:12 a period of 1,500 years and never once
18:16 does it contradicted itself in any
18:19 theological or doctrinal issue.
18:22 Amazing have you ever been to court,
18:28 or been in court or been a witness for
18:31 an accident, there is lots of different
18:33 stories about how something happens,
18:35 but they usually contradict each other
18:37 in major areas. But this book called the Bible,
18:41 the basic instructions before leaving earth,
18:45 never does that. And so we are going to
18:48 began to explore and to mark,
18:52 and to understand how to give this
18:57 Life on the Edge Bible studies to people
19:01 that we want to see in the Kingdom of God.
19:03 Now, we understand that again that
19:05 there are people at home that may
19:07 not even believe in the Bible and right now
19:10 maybe you are even saying to yourself
19:12 who cares what this guy has to say.
19:15 Please hanging there with us for just
19:18 this next 38 minutes, and I'm sure that
19:24 God is going to catch our attention.
19:28 Are you ready for you attention to be
19:29 caught here in the classroom?
19:31 We go to our next graphic and I will
19:33 explain some things while we are here
19:35 on our next graphic. You see that in the,
19:38 the top of the screen it says 1W
19:40 that stands for the first text in the
19:43 word of God study, and that is 2nd Timothy
19:46 3:15-17 and we're going to focus especially
19:51 on verse 16. Then you see that there is a
19:54 1 in the, 1W in a yellow circle, in orange circle,
19:59 and then there is a line, that line
20:01 represents the reference or the biblical
20:05 text that you are in. So, at the top it says
20:09 1W which is 2nd Timothy 3:15-17,
20:13 especially verse 16, down here in the
20:16 circle you have a 1W and the line
20:18 represents what? What does it represent?
20:21 2nd Timothy, 2nd Timothy, you can talk
20:23 to me what does is represent? 2nd Timothy,
20:26 3:15-17 especially verse 16.
20:30 Now, the reference underneath the line
20:33 for those of us that are marking this is
20:35 in our Bibles, the reference underneath
20:37 the line tells us where we are going to go next.
20:41 We're in 2nd Timothy 3 and we are going
20:45 to go to what reference, 2nd Peter that's
20:48 absolutely right. So, we will open our study,
20:51 now in 2nd Timothy, so again we are gonna
20:57 go to a New Testament book, we are gonna
21:00 go to 2nd Timothy chapter 3.
21:03 So, if you're using the index in your Bibles
21:06 you simply look there for the New Testament
21:09 book called 2 Timothy or 2nd Timothy.
21:13 And you will notice right there when
21:15 you find Timothy that there are other
21:18 Ts right beside each other, you have the
21:21 books of Thessalonians 1st and 2nd,
21:24 then you have the 1st and 2nd book
21:26 of Timothy, then you have the book of Titus.
21:29 So, you have 5 books in the New Testament
21:32 that all began with the letter of what?
21:34 T, the letter T, now this is amazing Bill.
21:38 Look at those in your Bible there,
21:40 just quickly hold your finger where you are
21:43 and go to the table of contents,
21:45 and tell me what you notice about the
21:47 T section of the New Testament?
21:50 What it is that you notice about the
21:52 T section of the New Testament?
21:53 They are in alphabetical order.
21:55 That's absolutely right; the T section
21:58 is in alphabetical order. So, once, one you're
22:01 able do not have to keep you finger
22:03 there in the table of contents, if, if
22:05 somebody tells you maybe a pastor or
22:07 minister or maybe one of your friends
22:09 who is studying the Bible with you says,
22:10 hey lets go to 2nd Timothy.
22:13 You could say oh that's in the T section
22:15 and the T section is of course in alphabetical
22:17 order, so let's go there now.
22:18 You're gonna open to 2nd Timothy all of
22:21 that talking should have given us,
22:23 all time to get there unless you were just
22:26 captivated but I doubt that.
22:28 Let's just go now to 2nd Timothy
22:31 chapter 3 verse 15 through to 17
22:35 and Bill if you could read this for us.
22:37 And that from a childhood you have
22:40 known the holy scriptures, which are
22:42 able to make you wise for salvation through
22:45 faith which is in Christ Jesus.
22:48 So, what is it according to that verse right
22:49 there Bill, that the Bible is able to do for us.
22:54 Make us wise for salvation.
22:55 To make us wise for salvation,
22:58 so we are not just studying a history
23:03 book here, we are studying a book that
23:07 is going to increase our faith, that the God,
23:13 the inspirer of this book is real and that
23:18 he can be trusted, can you read verse 16
23:20 for us there Bill. "All scripture is given by
23:23 inspiration of God, and it is profitable
23:26 for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,
23:28 for instruction in righteousness,
23:31 keep going, that the man of God may be complete,
23:35 thoroughly equipped for every good work.
23:37 So, verse 16 told us how much scripture
23:41 is given by inspiration of God?
23:44 All scripture, all scripture is given by
23:50 inspiration of God, and is profitable for
23:53 four things, what is it? Doctrine,
23:56 what is doctrine, picks up that microphone.
23:58 Everybody has some tables there,
23:59 somebody pick up the microphones,
24:00 and you can just answer what is doctrine?
24:02 The specifics of our faith. Yeah, doctrine
24:05 is teaching is that exactly what a doctrine
24:09 is, it's teaching, Jesus had doctrine didn't he?
24:13 Jesus taught things, so the Bible is first of all,
24:17 all scriptures given by inspiration of God.
24:20 That inspiration of God means,
24:22 "God-breathed." So, God spoke or inspired
24:27 the prophets or the authors of the Bible,
24:30 and then those prophets wrote down
24:34 what God inspired them to write.
24:37 Now God didn't dictate to them what to write.
24:39 God gave them the thoughts and the
24:42 ideas and then he allowed human beings
24:46 to write that in a way that human
24:49 beings could understand.
24:50 You know there is part, reference in
24:53 scripture where God says that my ways
24:55 are not your ways, and my thoughts are
24:58 not your thoughts, but his ways are
25:00 higher than our ways, and his ways are
25:01 higher than our thoughts. So, God,
25:04 in His infinite wisdom inspired men to
25:10 write the Bible and so that's what we have here.
25:14 And the Bible says that it is good for doctrine
25:18 and then what else? What was the second thing;
25:21 you pick up those microphones, I see
25:22 nobody is holding those microphones.
25:24 Reproof, reproof, what is reproof?
25:27 Reproof is like rebuke. Alright to rebuke,
25:30 or maybe reproof would be to prove
25:32 something again wouldn't it?
25:34 And then what does it say, what's a
25:36 third thing it's good for? Correction,
25:37 correction so as we study the Bible we've
25:42 asked God to help us understand his word.
25:46 When we understand what God is telling us,
25:51 we are going to find out that some of
25:54 the things that we are doing in our lives
25:57 right now contradict what God asks us to do.
26:01 So, we will find out in this entire study
26:04 as your faith begins to grow, as your faith
26:08 begins to build, we are going to find out
26:11 in this study here, in these series of studies,
26:16 that God's word is going to correct us,
26:20 just expected to happen.
26:23 Every time I sit down, and I study God's word,
26:26 and I try to do that on a daily basis in
26:28 the morning and then in the evening.
26:30 I always ask God to teach me and show me
26:34 because I want my life to be just like
26:36 my savior's life. I want my life to be
26:38 just like Jesus, so it's good for doctrine
26:42 that's teaching, reproof or showing something
26:44 over again, or rebuking, then correction,
26:47 and then what is the last thing there?
26:50 What is the last thing, pick that microphone up
26:52 and tell me Miss Gloria what is it? Instruction,
26:55 instruction in what? Righteousness,
26:58 righteousness, now righteousness can
27:02 be defined as right doing or doing what is right.
27:07 So, the Bible is profitable, it says
27:10 there for doctrine, for reproof,
27:14 for correction, for instruction in
27:17 righteousness. And then verse 17
27:20 begins that the, so the Bible is written for
27:25 those four reasons, for doctrine, reproof,
27:28 correction, instruction in righteousness,
27:31 so that the man of whom, so that the
27:34 man of God may be complete.
27:39 Now there are some of us, maybe in
27:42 the classroom, or maybe at home that
27:46 have felt this sense that inside you're
27:50 just not full, you're not complete.
27:54 And it is our goal during these series
27:58 of studies, to allow, to introduce
28:02 you to the God that can fill that hole,
28:06 to the God that can take that void
28:08 and just fill it up with himself.
28:11 I'm a firm believer that everyone of us
28:13 have a square hole inside of us,
28:16 just imagine this with me if you will.
28:18 We have this square hole inside of us
28:20 and we are always trying to fill it up
28:22 with cylinders, we have big cylinders,
28:25 we have little cylinders, we have
28:27 short cylinders, we have wide cylinders,
28:29 we have scrunched up cylinders,
28:31 but there are cylinders.
28:32 And no matter how many cylinders
28:34 you put into a square, you always have
28:38 a little bit of room left on the edges,
28:40 don't you? And my friend it is not until
28:43 we ask God to fill us with him,
28:47 that square is complete, so as
28:52 we study the word of God,
28:54 the Bible says that it's good for,
28:57 for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,
29:01 for instruction in righteousness.
29:03 So, that the man of God may be complete
29:07 then it goes on thoroughly equipped
29:11 for every good work, and that's what
29:16 we're gonna find in this study.
29:18 We're gonna look at another interesting
29:20 text that describes this as well.
29:22 We're going to go to our second,
29:24 just go back to screen there,
29:26 we're gonna go to our second word
29:28 of God text. The second word of God text
29:32 is 2 Peter chapter 1 verses 19-21.
29:38 Let me grab my Bible. 2 Peter chapter 1
29:41 verse 19-21 and we will go ahead
29:43 and lets I believe we're gonna let
29:45 Jessica read this for us, 2 Peter chapter 1,
29:49 so those of you at home that have never
29:51 opened the Bible to 2 Peter or
29:53 may you've heard of it, you gonna want
29:54 to turn to the right from where you are,
29:57 so you are watching this, you simply just turn
29:59 to the right and look at there.
30:01 My Bible just flipped right to it;
30:02 maybe yours did the same thing,
30:04 so here we are 2 Peter chapter 1
30:07 verse 19 through 21 and if you
30:10 could read that for us Jessica.
30:12 Because of that, we have even greater
30:15 confidence in the message proclaimed
30:17 by the prophets. Pay close attention
30:20 to what they wrote, for their words
30:22 are like a light shining in a dark place until
30:26 the day Christ appears and his brilliant
30:28 light shines in your hearts.
30:30 Above all, you must understand that
30:35 no prophecy in Scripture ever came
30:38 from the prophets themselves or
30:40 because they wanted to prophesy.
30:42 It was the Holy Spirit who moved the
30:44 prophets to speak from God.
30:46 So, it was the Holy Spirits the very same
30:50 Holy Spirit that you and I have asked
30:53 to help us understands scripture today.
30:55 It was that Holy Spirit that inspired the
30:59 prophets to record what we have codified
31:04 or put together in this book called the Bible.
31:08 Quite interesting, God inspired men to
31:13 write the Bible, and they wrote it,
31:16 and so what we have here are the thoughts
31:20 that God inspired, that God gave to men,
31:23 and than they recorded it in a language that
31:25 we could understand. Now, that's exciting
31:29 because God is condescending here,
31:32 to speak to us in a language that
31:36 simple humans can understand, and that's
31:41 exciting because God would not make
31:43 his word so high level, that we could not
31:47 understand it. He wanted us to be able
31:49 to understand it, so you notice there in
31:53 verse 20 of 2nd Peter chapter 1 it says:
31:56 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the
32:01 scripture is of any private interpretation.
32:05 I'm using what's called the New King James
32:08 version, you maybe using a King James version,
32:11 maybe just grab the book of the shelf
32:13 and said hey this is the Bible that's gonna
32:14 go with this show. What other version
32:16 you have there, the Bible is telling us
32:19 right here that we cannot think to
32:23 understand the Bible by simple human reasoning.
32:26 The only way we can understand the Bible,
32:30 is to allow scripture to interpret itself,
32:36 to allow scripture to interpret itself.
32:40 So, what we are going to do now as
32:42 we launch into this study as we are going
32:45 to allow, let scripture teach us.
32:48 Before we go to our next graphic though,
32:50 let's go back up to the one that
32:52 we just were at. You see that we are in
32:54 the 2nd word of God text which is
32:57 2 Peter 1 verses 19-21. Then you see the 2W
33:02 that's in the yellow circle that represents
33:05 2 Peter 1:19 through 21, and above the line
33:09 you will notice that we have the reference
33:11 that we just came from. So, you are actually
33:16 when you go, when you were in 2 Timothy
33:19 3:15 through 17 and it said 1W, you actually
33:25 wrote there beside 2 Timothy chapter 3
33:28 verse 17 you wrote 1W circle it, made a line
33:33 and underneath that you wrote 2 Peter 1
33:36 verses 19 through 21. Now, that we are in
33:40 2 Peter 1 verses 19 through 21,
33:44 you are going to write beside verse 21 2W
33:50 and above the line you're going to write
33:52 the reference you just came from.
33:54 Now, it's on the screen what reference
33:56 was that? Somebody pick up a microphone
33:58 and tell me what reference we just
34:00 came from? 2 Timothy, that's right
34:03 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 15 through 17.
34:06 And then you will notice that underneath
34:09 that line we have the reference that
34:11 we are going to, so what reference
34:14 Tom are we going to go to next?
34:17 John 14:29, John 14:29 that's absolutely right,
34:22 so let's go now to our next text which is
34:26 John the 14 chapter and verse 29,
34:30 so for those of us again that are new
34:33 at studying the Bible, we are going
34:34 to the New Testament book of John,
34:37 we are gonna go to chapter 14 that's
34:39 the big number 14. Then under big number
34:42 14 or the chapter number we're going
34:44 to find the smaller verse number which is 21.
34:47 So, I'm turning to the left and I'm going
34:50 to what we called the gospels,
34:52 the first four books of the New Testament
34:56 are called the gospels. It's the good news of
35:00 Jesus Christ, so you have four books there
35:03 Matthew, Mark, Luke and John that are
35:07 called the gospels and we're going to
35:08 John the 14 chapter and verse 29.
35:12 Now, you will notice some of you when
35:14 you are reading in the New Testament
35:16 you will notice that some of the text in the
35:18 Bible is in red where some of the text in
35:22 other places is black. The words that are
35:25 in red, you may have just grab the Bible
35:27 at the book store or something,
35:28 hey I saw this program on TV
35:30 I want to get a Bible and now here
35:31 we are studying it. And you are asking
35:34 yourself what is that mean when this
35:35 is in red, the red letters in the New Testament
35:39 are the words of Jesus recorded.
35:43 So, it's not just they ran out of black ink,
35:45 no, no, on. They actually went through
35:48 and read and put in red ink where Jesus
35:52 had spoken and in our fourth study
35:56 we're going to do a Bible study on salvation,
36:00 and we're going to see that it is the
36:01 red blood of Christ, that cleanses us
36:05 from all sins. So, as we read the words of Jesus,
36:09 every time you open scripture and you read
36:11 it and it's in red, just remember that
36:13 Jesus gave his blood, so that you could have
36:17 eternal life. That's an exciting study,
36:19 and we hope you will hear as well as
36:20 we go over that fourth study called salvation.
36:24 So, we are going to go over here and
36:27 we are going to let Mike read for us,
36:29 John 14 verse 29: And now I have told
36:35 you before it come to pass, that,
36:36 when it is come to pass, you might believe.
36:38 So, who is speaking here? Jesus, how do
36:41 we know that? Because the words are in red,
36:43 the words are in red that's absolutely right.
36:45 So, Jesus says I tell you things before
36:50 they happen, so that when they do happen,
36:54 you can what? Believe, believe now you
36:56 remember at the beginning of the study
36:57 I told you that the purpose of this study
37:00 is to give us evidence upon which to base faith.
37:06 It would be very silly for me to say to you,
37:09 I believe there is a God and because
37:11 I believe it, you must believe it too.
37:12 The reason that I believe that there is a God,
37:16 is because I have studied the Bible,
37:18 and I study it every day learning more
37:21 and more, I'm by no means an expert,
37:23 but what I do know I love and I cherish
37:25 and that's why I'm sharing it with you.
37:27 So, as we read, we are going to see God's
37:32 thoughts coming to us and Jesus said here
37:36 in John 14:29 I'm going to tell you things
37:40 before they happen, so that when they
37:43 do happen we can have faith.
37:47 So, the purpose of this study today is
37:50 to have evidence to base our faith on
37:54 and I skipped one of my, one of my
37:57 references there. You may have got that
37:59 one at home, John 14:29 we're in the
38:02 3rd word of God reference and so our
38:06 code beside John 14:29 is 3W that represents
38:11 that we're in John 14:29 and then above
38:14 the line the reference we just came from
38:17 is 2 Peter chapter 1 verses 19 through 21
38:21 and then the reference that we are going
38:23 to go to next is Isaiah 46 verses 9 and 10.
38:29 So, we started this study in 2nd Timothy
38:33 chapter 3 then we went to 2nd Peter
38:36 chapter 1, then we went to John the 4th
38:39 of what, were those four books called
38:41 in the New Testament.
38:42 The gospels, John the fourth book of
38:45 the gospels, and Jesus says there behold
38:49 I tell you things before they happen,
38:52 so that when they do happen you can believe.
38:56 So, we can expect Jesus to tell us
39:00 things before they happen, so that when
39:04 they do happen, we can believe.
39:05 Now many of us have heard of a prophet
39:08 or someone that could tell the future,
39:10 his name Nostradamus, you've heard of him
39:11 right. And he's, he's accurate 33 percent
39:17 of the time is what mathematicians
39:19 will tell us. But I'm not comfortable
39:22 basing my faith on something that
39:25 is accurate only 33 percent of the time.
39:29 If God is who he claims to be then God
39:35 can be accurate how much? 100 percent
39:41 of the time, and so we're gonna go to Isaiah.
39:45 This is our next reference, this is the
39:47 reference that's in the Old Testament
39:49 and you'll see it there on your screen.
39:51 Isaiah 46 verses 9 and 10.
39:56 So, I'm brand new to studying the Bible,
39:58 I'm just gonna get my Bible again here,
39:59 Isaiah 46 verses 9 and 10, brand new
40:02 to studying the Bible. When we get there
40:05 you want to mark down the fourth word
40:08 of God reference and then you above
40:11 the line you put John 14:29,
40:13 beneath the line you put Daniel 26
40:17 through to 2:30. So, you're new to
40:20 studying the Bible, you're looking in the
40:22 table of contents maybe you can't find it,
40:24 but you still have your finger in John.
40:26 You're gonna want to turn to the left
40:28 in your Bibles, so just turn to the left
40:30 and you know grab a, grab a sizeable
40:32 section and just turn it. Grab another
40:34 sizable section and turn it and look at there.
40:36 I'm right here in Isaiah and believe it or not,
40:39 I'm on Isaiah 46 you know maybe that
40:41 didn't happen for you but Isaiah 46
40:44 verses 9 and 10 and we're gonna
40:46 Miss Gloria just to grab that microphone
40:48 and she's gonna read for us Isaiah
40:51 chapter 46 beginning with verse 9.
40:55 Remember the former things of old:
40:59 for I am God, and there is no other;
41:04 I am and there is none like me.
41:09 Declaring the end from the beginning,
41:12 and from ancient times the things
41:14 that are not yet done, saying,
41:18 My counsel shall stand, and I will do
41:22 all my pleasure. So, God makes a very,
41:27 very bold claim right here doesn't he?
41:30 God says in Isaiah 46:9: Remember the former
41:35 things of old: for I am God, and there is what?
41:39 And there is none other; I am God and there
41:44 is none like me, and then he tells us
41:48 in verse 10 what it is that separates him
41:52 as God from any other thing or person
41:56 claiming to be a God. He says in Isaiah 46
41:59 verse 10: Declaring the end from the what?
42:03 Beginning, beginning, now that's a little
42:06 backwards isn't it? We usually go from
42:08 the beginning to the end, but God says
42:11 he can tell you what's going to happen
42:12 at the end even from the, beginning, beginning.
42:17 Then he says and from ancient times things
42:22 that are not yet done. Now would be very
42:26 easy for me to tell Jessica, Jessica you
42:30 and I are going to have dinner at the
42:32 Lay Institute for Evangelism today at
42:35 1:30 that's a possibility isn't it?
42:39 But if I said Jessica you and I are going
42:42 to have dinner at the Lay Institute for
42:45 Evangelism ten years from now on this exact
42:48 date at 1:30. That's still a possibility
42:52 isn't it? But if I said to you 2000 years
42:57 from now, you and I are going to have dinner
43:00 at the Lay Institute for Evangelism at 1:30
43:04 that would be what? Impossible, because
43:07 you and I aren't gonna live that long
43:09 barring the second coming of Jesus prior
43:12 to us dying right. So, God tells us things now,
43:19 so that when they happen way in the
43:22 future because ancient times I think
43:25 it's a long time ago. He says declaring
43:28 things from ancient times isn't that
43:30 the language he use, declaring the end
43:32 from the beginning and from ancient times,
43:34 things that are not yet done.
43:36 So, when you're giving this Bible study,
43:40 you need to emphasize that what sets
43:43 God apart from any other God is that God
43:49 alone can tell the future with accuracy
43:54 equal to 100 percent. This isn't even like soap,
43:57 this isn't 99.44 of 100 percent pure soap,
44:01 this is 100 percent accurate every time.
44:08 And so we are actually going to take a look
44:12 at a prophecy that God inspired a prophet
44:17 to write. Now that prophet's name was
44:21 Daniel. Daniel lived in the time when
44:26 Jerusalem was, when Jerusalem was
44:30 conquered by Nebuchadnezzar,
44:33 who was a Babylonian king.
44:35 Well Daniel was taken captive,
44:39 he was one of the guys they got drag
44:41 off in chains, back over to the
44:43 Neo-Babylonian Empire and he became
44:47 one of the wise men they educated him
44:49 there in the schools of Babylon to be
44:52 one of the wise men or one of the
44:53 Kings counselors. And so, we're gonna go
44:57 see that this Daniel whom God loved,
45:02 a young man who was probably in his
45:05 teens when he was taken captive.
45:07 This young man spends his entire life
45:10 outside the country of his birth,
45:16 so let's go now we are in Isaiah.
45:19 So, we are going to go to the right in
45:22 our Bibles for those of you at home
45:23 that's to the right correct, so we're
45:25 gonna go to the right in our Bibles
45:27 and we're gonna go to Daniel.
45:29 Let's just turn to our next reference
45:30 there on the screen Daniel 2 verses 26-30,
45:35 you will note there in Daniel 2:26-30
45:38 that this is our fifth word of God text.
45:41 We just came from what reference?
45:44 Isaiah 46:9 and 10 and our next reference
45:49 is still in what book? Daniel, is still in
45:51 Daniel 2 what we're going to do is just
45:53 to divide this up in several sections
45:56 as we read through it.
45:57 So, you're turning to the right,
45:58 you have Isaiah, then you have Jeremiah,
46:02 then you have Ezekiel, we have Lamentations,
46:07 then Ezekiel and then the book of Daniel
46:11 and we are going to Daniel chapter 2,
46:16 Daniel chapter 2 we will began reading
46:19 in verse 26 and we are going to
46:22 ask Roberto to read this for us.
46:25 Daniel chapter 2 verse beginning in the verse 26.
46:31 The king answered and said to Daniel,
46:34 whose name was Belteshazzar,
46:37 Belteshazzar, there you go,
46:40 Are you able to make known to me
46:43 the dream which I have seen, and is
46:46 interpretation. Okay, Roberto we're gonna
46:49 give a little bit of history here what has
46:52 happened is there is this king named
46:54 Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar
46:57 has a dream but he can't remember it.
46:59 So, he of course has all of this people on
47:02 his payroll, he has astrologers,
47:05 he has soothsayers; he has wise men,
47:08 he has diviners, he has all of these
47:11 different types of wise people and he's
47:14 paying them, because they claim to be able
47:17 to speak or to communicate with
47:20 the God's. And so Nebuchadnezzar
47:23 correctly assumes that if someone can
47:26 communicate with God's, that they can
47:30 certainly tell him what he dream the
47:32 night before. So, he calls all of these
47:35 people into his, his chamber there,
47:37 and he says you need to tell me,
47:40 what I dreamed and you need to give me
47:43 the interpretation. And of course just
47:46 like you and I, those people saying
47:50 are just like you and me, those people
47:51 said king. You give us the dream and
47:55 we will make up an interpretation,
47:57 I mean we will give you an interpretation.
47:59 If they could agree enough then
48:02 Nebuchadnezzar would agree with them,
48:03 but Nebuchadnezzar he is a smart, smart ruler.
48:07 And he says no, no, no if you can't tell me
48:11 what I dreamed and the interpretation
48:14 of that dream, I'm gonna cut you into
48:16 pieces and turn your house into a place
48:19 where donkeys go to the bathroom.
48:20 Its sounds pretty disgusting, doesn't it.
48:23 He was a pagan king and he said you guys
48:28 are my payroll, you claim to be able to
48:31 talk to the God's, you tell me my dream
48:33 and my interpretation, and then I will know
48:35 that you can actually talk to the Gods.
48:39 Well, everyone evidently was at that
48:42 meeting except for Daniel, Daniel gets a
48:46 knock on his door. An Ariac, the captain of
48:51 king Nebuchadnezzar's guard comes to him
48:53 and says, son you need to come with me,
48:55 I need to kill you. And you can read about
48:57 this in Daniel chapter 2 the first part of it
48:59 and Daniel says well what do you mean
49:01 you want to kill me. And Ariac's describes to him
49:04 the whole situation and Daniel says just
49:08 give me sometime and I know that my God
49:11 can give the dream and the interpretation
49:14 to king Nebuchadnezzar. So, he is granted time,
49:18 he and his friends pray and when they pray
49:22 God reveals to Daniel in a night vision.
49:26 Let me see if I can find that reference there,
49:28 it is in verse, let see it's in around 19 I think.
49:36 The secret was revealed to Daniel
49:39 in a night vision, so Daniel blessed the God
49:44 of Heaven. So, Daniel asks the God of Heaven,
49:48 to give him the dream and the interpretation.
49:50 Now let's suppose that our camera man
49:53 Natal had a dream last night and Natal comes
49:58 to me and says senior Scott I had a dream
50:03 last night, I want to know what I dreamed
50:05 and what it means, and if you can't tell me
50:08 I'm going to kill you. You know what I would do,
50:13 I would run, because I don't think Natal
50:16 can keep up with me, so I would ran.
50:19 But Daniel didn't have the option of running,
50:22 did he? Daniel went to the only source
50:25 he knew he could get that information from
50:27 and that was the God of Heaven,
50:30 and God gave that to him.
50:32 My friends God will answer our every question,
50:36 he will give us the evidence to base our
50:40 faith on if we will only allow him to do that.
50:44 So, here we pick it up where Roberto was
50:47 reading and Nebuchadnezzar
50:50 asked him in verse 26? The king answered
50:52 and said to Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar,
50:55 Are you able to make known unto me the
50:57 dream which I have seen, and the interpretation,
51:01 can you keep reading for us there
51:02 Roberto just grab that microphone pick
51:04 it up in verse 27: Daniel answered in
51:08 the presence of the king, and said,
51:11 The secret which the king hath demanded
51:15 the wise men, the astrologers,
51:17 the magicians, the soothsayers, cannot
51:20 declare to the king; But there is a God in
51:24 heaven who reveals the secrets,
51:26 and he has made known to the king
51:28 Nebuchadnezzar. Yeah, let's all say that by
51:32 the way let's all say that Nebuchadnezzar,
51:39 you try that at home Nebuchadnezzar
51:43 and then put them together Nebuchadnezzar,
51:45 Nebuchadnezzar, it's a five silver words,
51:47 so it's pretty difficult but go ahead that
51:48 Roberto. That will be in the latter days.
51:52 You dream, and the visions of your head
51:56 upon your bed, were these.
51:58 "As for you, O king, thoughts came to
52:03 your mind while o your bed, about
52:07 what would come to pass after this;
52:11 and He who reveals secrets has made know
52:15 you what it will, what will be.
52:17 Let's go to verse 30 yeah:
52:21 As for me, this secret has not been
52:24 revealed to me because I have more
52:26 wisdom than anyone living,
52:29 but for our sakes who make known the
52:33 interpretation to the king, and that
52:36 you may know the thoughts of your heart.
52:39 So, it's interesting there Daniel tells
52:42 Nebuchadnezzar I can't give you this
52:45 dream or the interpretation,
52:47 but there is a God in Heaven that can.
52:49 Daniel petitions the God of Heaven,
52:52 the God of Heaven reveals to Daniel
52:54 the dream and the interpretation.
52:56 And the reason that Nebuchadnezzar
52:59 was given this dream and the interpretation
53:03 was so that Nebuchadnezzar look
53:05 there in verse 28: there is a God
53:09 in Heaven who reveals secrets,
53:11 and He has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar
53:14 what will be in the latter days.
53:19 So, the purpose of this study is not so
53:22 Nebuchadnezzar can know what's going
53:23 to happen right now. The purpose of this
53:26 dream is so that Nebuchadnezzar can
53:28 know what will happen when in the future.
53:32 Now, this should strike a little thought
53:34 in our memory because Jesus said I tell you
53:37 things before they come to pass,
53:40 so that when they do come to pass
53:44 you may what? Believe; believe,
53:47 do you think that Jesus inspiring Daniel,
53:52 giving him that dream, the interpretation,
53:55 do you think that God was trying to get
53:58 Nebuchadnezzar to believe in Him?
54:02 I think so because Nebuchadnezzar
54:04 was the most powerful monarch on earth
54:08 at that time. The most powerful monarch
54:11 on earth at that time and he says
54:13 there in verse 28 the reason for,
54:15 the first reason for this dream is so that
54:17 you can know what's going to happen
54:18 at the end of time. Then verse 29:
54:22 As for you, O king, thoughts came to
54:24 your mind while on your bed, about what
54:27 would come to pass after this;
54:30 so not only was the, was the dream given,
54:33 so that Nebuchadnezzar can know what
54:34 was going to happen at the end of time.
54:36 It was given so that Nebuchadnezzar
54:39 could know what was going to happen
54:41 after Nebuchadnezzar was gone all the way
54:45 up to the end of what? The end of time
54:49 or the latter days. So, this is what we've
54:54 seen so far in this study.
54:56 We've done several thing,
54:58 we've seen that this book was written
55:01 for four main reasons. It was written for
55:05 doctrine to teach us it's profitable rather,
55:10 profitable for doctrine, for reproof,
55:14 for correction and for instruction in
55:16 righteousness. The Bible has also made
55:19 the very bold claim, very bold claim
55:23 that it is God breathed or inspired by God.
55:29 Then the Bible taught us that you
55:32 and I can not just put our own twist on
55:34 this book. But if we want to know what
55:37 God's thoughts were, we need to take
55:40 different verses throughout all the
55:42 scripture and put it together to come up
55:43 with what is God's idea about a given topic,
55:47 because the scripture is of no private
55:50 interpretation. Then we learned Jesus says,
55:54 I'm going to tell you things before they
55:56 happen so that when they do happen,
55:57 you can what? Believe, you can
55:59 believe, you can have evidence to base
56:02 your faith on. And so we get over here
56:06 to this ancient dream that is going to
56:09 foretell the future, and this is where
56:13 we've got to stop for today.
56:14 This is where we have to stop;
56:17 we are going to in our next class,
56:20 in our next program. We are going to get
56:23 into what was the dream that
56:25 Nebuchadnezzar had and couldn't completely
56:29 remember himself. It was gone from him,
56:31 he said and we are also going to see
56:34 that the God of Heaven revealed to
56:36 Daniel the very dream. He also revealed to
56:40 Daniel the very interpretation
56:42 and that takes us all the way up to the
56:46 end of time. Let's go back here Daniel
56:51 2 verse 28: But there is a God in Heaven
56:55 who reveals secrets, and has made known
56:58 to King Nebuchadnezzar what will be in the
57:01 latter days. My friend God knows your
57:04 secrets as well and God wants you to know
57:08 that he is real, that he does care about you.
57:14 Then it says there that in verse 29:
57:18 As for you, O king, thoughts came to
57:19 your mind while on your bed, that you would,
57:21 about what would come to pass after this.
57:23 God is going to reveal to us in this study
57:26 what will come to pass after this.
57:29 In our next program you will want to join
57:31 us at Lay Institute for Evangelism,
57:34 www.come
57:38 where we will find out God's plan for our future.
57:45 With 20 DVD's in each package,
57:47 Life on the Edge is great for sharing at
57:50 prayer meetings, small groups or even
57:52 during a personal Bible study.
57:54 Many of you would like to come join us
57:56 in our classroom, you can call us at
57:58 888-MAT-28:19, 888-628-2819 or
58:06 contact us via our website at
58:08 www.come


Revised 2014-12-17