Laymen Ministries

Pastor Johnson / Studio Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jeff Reich


Series Code: LM

Program Code: LM100134

00:30 Welcome back to Layman Ministries Studio.
00:32 We have Pastor Johnson with us here from India.
00:36 And this is actually part two of a two part series
00:39 of an interview with Pastor Johnson.
00:41 In our last interview, we talked about
00:43 the new television studio that was recently built
00:46 and the dedication took place
00:48 there and also some of the other things surrounding evangelism
00:51 and outreach and some of the new plans that we have.
00:53 You definitely want to get program
00:56 one and this program, program two.
00:58 Contact our ministry at the address
01:00 or the website email at the end and request the DVDs.
01:04 But, Pastor Johnson, we had a lot of exciting things
01:08 that we were talking about in our last program.
01:09 You are right, yeah. Way more than we can even show
01:11 and two or three, four, five interviewers,
01:14 but one of the things that was really,
01:17 to me is really intriguing is since we've been working
01:20 together for almost 18 years-- Laymen Ministries
01:22 have been 18 years now in India.
01:24 And you've been working with Pastor Shadrach
01:28 and for a number of years
01:30 there and so we've been there quite a while.
01:32 And how many churches have we established
01:36 or been involved with helping to establish
01:38 you think over the years.
01:39 Do you have a rough idea?
01:41 More than 60 churches. 6-0?
01:45 Yeah. 60 churches? You're right.
01:46 Wow, it's a really amazing thing
01:48 how God has blessed in that way.
01:49 You're right.
01:50 Because the work it is hard fully,
01:55 I mean very systematically we did so far.
01:58 So that's a main reason.
02:00 And there are many people supported these people
02:04 who are praying for us and also, it's our evangelism.
02:10 It's a complete package kind of door-to-door
02:15 and printing material and website evangelism
02:20 and evangelistic meetings, revival meetings.
02:24 Then baptisms and then church planting and.
02:29 Yes. So in the very onset
02:30 you said one of the first things
02:32 that we're involved with us is television ministry.
02:34 And we're currently producing nine programs per week.
02:37 This television ministry kind of sets
02:39 a credibility precedence in a sense.
02:42 And so then you start
02:43 targeting areas with Bible workers.
02:45 Is that how it works? Yes.
02:46 Yeah, Bible workers.
02:47 Because we see how our response in various areas
02:52 then we will send our Bible workers,
02:55 the Bible workers will go, they stay like a four months
02:59 and the first month there is a kind
03:01 of a ground work, friendship.
03:04 The second month is a group Bible study,
03:07 farming group Bible study.
03:09 The third month is evangelistic meeting.
03:11 The fourth month, identify the church place,
03:15 how kind of house church and all that.
03:19 I'm smiling a little bit because we have 23-24
03:23 Bible workers and two pastors that oversee two teams
03:26 like 12 in each team.
03:28 And the reason I'm smiling is every year
03:30 when I go to India, I meet with the Bible workers.
03:33 So now-- so then after the Bible workers
03:36 go and establish Bible studies in an area,
03:38 what's the next step?
03:40 Then after that we will--what we will do.
03:43 We will plant a church in that-- we search a place kind of,
03:48 we'll put a temporary shed,
03:49 so that people can come and worship.
03:52 Sometimes these are on top of a house or--
03:54 You're right. And then after that?
03:56 Then we will appoint Bible workers
03:59 to take care of the church.
04:01 Then after one or two months
04:03 then we will inform to the conference,
04:05 then the conference president they will come,
04:08 see the church member, then they will take
04:10 a responsibility, they will appoint a pastor.
04:14 So like that it's a kind of systematic one.
04:17 And also there are some failures we had experience.
04:22 In some places, we did a ground work
04:26 and started a church and everything,
04:28 but finally most of the baptism members became backsliding
04:33 and some members gone, then what we do,
04:35 we again send the Bible workers there
04:38 and do a ground work again for months.
04:40 And meet some of the same people over again?
04:42 You are right. So we won't leave
04:44 kind of--kind of people say, okay they give baptism.
04:48 No, we will fall-- we will find a way.
04:52 I see what you're saying.
04:54 So often times then I've seen
04:55 this in this quick evangelistic methods
04:57 where they baptized people, people joined the church
05:00 and then boom, there is no more support
05:02 the people backslide and some places
05:04 it's probably a highest 60-70%.
05:07 And how does evangelism play
05:08 into this as far as one of the steps?
05:10 And what is your relationship with Pastor Shadrach Samuel
05:13 as far as, you know, like organizing evangelism
05:16 as follow up in regard to what the Bible workers are doing?
05:19 What we will do is in all the places sometime
05:23 we may not hold the evangelistic meeting because to hold
05:27 the evangelistic meeting, it is expensive.
05:30 Sometime it cost money.
05:33 But for our evangelistic meeting,
05:36 we spend like, 1,500 to 1,800 or 2,000 US dollar.
05:42 But still sometime we may not have money.
05:44 So what we will do, some places we will hire
05:48 a marriage hall because in the month of January,
05:52 in the month of July, August, in the month of November,
05:55 no marriage will happen in the months.
05:59 And this has to do with a little bit
06:00 of the superstitions of people thinking
06:02 its bad luck to get married in those months.
06:04 You are right. You are right.
06:05 So what a better place to have an evangelistic meeting
06:08 than in a marriage hall and introduce people
06:10 to the--to the bride of Christ in the church,
06:14 yeah, to get married, married to Christ.
06:17 That's wonderful.
06:19 So in 2012, how many baptisms have taken place?
06:23 In 2012, we given through our ministry
06:29 there are 624 baptisms. 624 baptisms.
06:35 When I was there, just a couple weeks ago
06:36 with you in India, you had some baptisms.
06:39 In fact, wasn't plan to anything
06:41 because I was there it was like,
06:42 you were even surprised like,
06:44 "Oh, these people can baptize this week, this Sabbath.
06:46 I didn't know that.
06:48 What was the situation with them
06:49 and how many people were baptized?
06:51 Nine people were taken baptism that day because usually
06:55 we will tell our Bible workers, at the end of the month,
06:59 the last week, the fourth week we usually
07:03 have the baptism because we encourage the Bible workers
07:07 before they come for giving the report
07:10 or getting the salary, they have to finish
07:13 that month work, giving Bible study
07:16 and all the target they have to, because they have assignment.
07:19 It is not a compulsory, but it is assignment
07:22 we have given to each Bible workers.
07:26 It is not simply they cannot-- we cannot do because
07:29 our God is a God of law and order.
07:34 So we have given, okay every month you'll have this target,
07:37 this house-- this many house and--
07:40 So it's almost what I've noticed is certain things
07:42 happened certain months. You're right.
07:44 Evangelism happens certain month because of the marriage halls
07:47 being available or sometimes evangelism
07:50 happens maybe in different situations, too.
07:53 And then baptisms happen certain months.
07:55 So far in 2013, how many people
07:58 have been baptized so far this year?
07:59 And this is like we're in April right now.
08:01 So how many people have been baptized so far?
08:03 Very, 38 baptisms we did.
08:05 38 baptisms. And it's really important
08:07 for our viewers to understand that as you caught
08:10 what Pastor Johnson want to saying is these people
08:12 were not the kind of people that could baptized
08:14 then through the cracks, these are people
08:16 who are grounded and understanding Bible truth.
08:19 In connection with what we're talking about
08:21 we had an interesting evangelistic series
08:23 that happened in Vellore, India.
08:25 And Vellore, India of course of anybody
08:27 has been in South Indians knows that this is a kind of like
08:29 a place where Christian missionary years ago
08:31 established a medical college.
08:35 And so there is a hospital there and there is lot
08:37 of professional people, nurses and doctors and such.
08:39 And there was a particular doctor there that had an idea
08:43 whose longtime friends with Pastor Shadrach.
08:45 What did you and Pastor Shadrach and these medical professionals
08:48 do in Vellore here just a few months ago?
08:51 Generally Pastor Shadrach and myself
08:54 we have a different strategy.
08:58 For the northern part of Chennai,
08:59 we have a different strategy, for southern part of Chennai
09:02 we have different strategy.
09:03 When you say different strategy you mean you're still agree
09:05 with each other, but you have different
09:07 way of implanting what you do?
09:08 Yes, implanting the work.
09:10 I got you. Yeah, implementation
09:12 because we cannot work in the northern part of Chennai
09:17 same like southern part of Chennai.
09:20 And the reason for that?
09:21 It's for the people because
09:23 northern part is working class.
09:26 Like, fisherman. Fisherman.
09:27 And builders and maybe kind of a little
09:29 rougher town part of town, right?
09:31 Town. And the southern part, it is a middle class
09:34 and the IT people and all that.
09:36 Well, professional people.
09:38 So we have a strategy to implement each place.
09:43 So on that one, last year 2012 and 2011,
09:48 Pastor Shadrach is one of the powerful preacher
09:52 and he always invited by many people
09:56 around India and abroad also.
09:59 So Vellore is unique place.
10:03 All our Adventist doctors, they gathered and the students,
10:11 their passion to reach the non-Adventist.
10:16 Because there we don't need a Bible study
10:19 because everybody knows Jesus and all that.
10:23 So here Dr. Anand and his team member's goal
10:29 is to share the Three Angels Message also the Sabbath truth.
10:35 So then Dr. Anand called me, what's your schedule?
10:40 Then we discussed, Pastor Shadrach and myself,
10:43 then we had a discussion with them.
10:45 So they told their passion is to reach
10:50 the non-Adventist with the Sabbath truth.
10:55 So what they decided to do is have a series of meetings
10:59 that Pastor Shadrach every evening would speak
11:02 just upon the principles of the Sabbath.
11:04 And then in the afternoon he was holding meetings
11:07 on the Book of Daniel or something
11:08 like that in the mornings.
11:10 How many people actually attended these meetings
11:12 knowing that there was going to be about
11:13 the Seventh-day Sabbath?
11:14 Usually they--usually when we have the meeting like that,
11:19 people the attendance will be kind of less,
11:22 but because of this ground work they hired a marriage hall.
11:27 The marriage house-- hall was full, overflow.
11:30 It is almost like, 350 people.
11:34 Yeah, Dr. Anand was talking about people
11:36 were on the sides of the walls and in the back.
11:39 And there was quite a number of people
11:41 and these are all non-Seventh-day Adventist
11:43 people that signed like, information cards,
11:46 showing that they had an interest.
11:47 How many people signed cards?
11:49 It is the 75 people they were--
11:52 75 people? 75 people.
11:54 And also they have a baptism and are the few very good people
12:00 they gave their hugs to Jesus.
12:03 And there are few people that you also met them
12:06 and they are on the way of decision
12:08 to take a baptism soon.
12:10 Let's really quickly just take our viewing audience
12:12 to Vellore and meet Dr. Anand.
12:14 And let's go there really quick.
12:18 So how did this meeting start?
12:20 I was invited by Dr. Anand for meeting here to speak,
12:27 this is from Laymen Ministries.
12:29 And Pastor Dr. Anand and many of his friends,
12:32 the Vivek and several others from the church here,
12:36 they planned for this meeting.
12:38 So you said you're gonna try
12:39 a different approach with these meetings.
12:40 What was that approach?
12:41 Yeah, normally we have--we try to present
12:46 many of our doctrines in the second meeting.
12:48 We talk about State of the Dead, we talk about Second Coming,
12:50 we talk about Millennium and by doing,
12:53 then we present Sabbath.
12:55 We don't have enough time to present one topic fully.
12:58 So then we thought we'll have a bit different approach.
13:00 We thought we-- we had meetings for five days
13:02 and we thought we would present Sabbath around five days.
13:05 So we were able to cover the topic
13:07 in this entire day as much as possible.
13:10 So you had the meetings for five nights
13:12 and you were gonna focus just on the Sabbath in the evenings.
13:14 And we are doing any meetings then during the day or two or--
13:17 Yes, we had Bible study during the day time.
13:21 Not many people could come because people go to work,
13:24 but quite a few people came.
13:26 And so in the evening meetings
13:27 how many people show that?
13:28 Evening meeting around 300 and some times more.
13:31 The hall was full.
13:33 I mean, the capacity was only around 250.
13:36 When I went to invite my friends for these meetings,
13:39 people were very intrigued by the title
13:42 because the title was, "what the Bible says."
13:46 It was in Tamil, of course.
13:49 So there were kind of intrigued
13:51 does to what the Bible really says.
13:54 And the topics when I just handout--handed out this flyer
13:59 and handed out to one of my friends,
14:00 the first title was "God's Love Letter."
14:04 And he was kind of taken away.
14:05 What is this love letter from God?
14:07 I want to just come to, listen to that
14:09 talk--that's that talk, but through--
14:14 Even though the predominant theme was Sabbath,
14:16 but it was so beautifully kind of incorporated
14:21 into other beautiful truths of the Bible
14:24 that people just came in to find out
14:28 what the one of God really has to say.
14:31 And that's my bit that I put in, nothing much.
14:36 Yeah, before pastor started out with this Bible topic,
14:39 we gave a short health talk which is applicable
14:43 for our people here in the local area.
14:46 Talked about balanced diet and kind of nutrition,
14:49 how to take care of joint pains and things like that.
14:54 So everyday we had a short talk about for half an hour.
14:57 So can I ask you a question?
14:59 Do you believe in Jesus Christ?
15:01 Yeah, definitely.
15:02 Do you believe in the Sabbath?
15:04 Yeah. Do you believe
15:05 that He's gonna come very soon?
15:06 Yeah, definitely.
15:07 So you're an Adventist, you just don't know.
15:10 Because one thing--
15:13 You know, I find it really exciting
15:14 when I hear about lay people
15:16 getting involved with church work.
15:17 You know, it's like, a lot of times
15:19 we have this mentality
15:20 that the pastors, the one that's got to go out
15:21 and do the ministry, but really the responsibility
15:24 for ministry rests upon the laity of the church.
15:26 And when I hear about lay people
15:27 like yourself getting involved, teaming up with someone
15:29 who's an evangelist like, Pastor Shadrach
15:31 special thing for me is a real
15:34 blessing to hear about that.
15:36 When I met with these people I was just so excited because
15:40 it filled my heart to see that these people are not pastors,
15:43 these people were just lay people,
15:45 just lay people in the church that had a burden
15:48 on their heart to do evangelism, using lay people and connection
15:52 with some pastors doing visitation,
15:55 going out-- doing like the work
15:56 of the Bible workers and then holding
15:57 the special kind of meetings that reminded me of a statement
16:01 by our Former General Conference President
16:03 at the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
16:05 I'd like to read it to you really quickly.
16:06 Good. It's taken from 1912 in March
16:09 at the Ministry Institute Los Angeles, California.
16:12 A. G. Daniells who was then the General Conference President
16:15 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church made this assessment
16:18 between the work of the laity and the clergy in Adventism.
16:21 This is what he says.
16:22 "We have not settled ministers over our churches
16:25 as pastors to any large extent.
16:27 In some of the very large churches
16:29 we have elected pastors, but as a rule
16:31 we have held ourselves ready
16:32 for field service, evangelistic work,
16:35 and our brethren and sisters have held themselves
16:38 ready to maintain their church services and carry forward
16:40 their church work without settled pastors."
16:43 So he is saying that the pastors basically
16:45 and the church leaders were out doing evangelism
16:48 and doing visitation and things like that and the lay people
16:51 were running the church
16:52 and taking care of the Bible studies.
16:54 And then he goes on to say this.
16:57 "And I hope this will never cease to be the order of affairs
17:00 in this denomination, for when we cease
17:02 our forward movement and begin to settle over
17:05 our churches, to stay by them."
17:08 And he is talking about the pastors.
17:09 "To stay by them, settle over the churches,
17:12 do their thinking and their praying and their work
17:14 that is to be done, then the churches
17:16 will begin to weaken, and to lose
17:18 their life and spirit, and become paralyzed
17:21 and fossilized and our work will be on the retreat."
17:24 And I thought what a prophetic statement.
17:27 You know, when the pastor assumed
17:28 all the responsibilities of the church and the lay people
17:31 just sit back and do nothing, put some money in offering plate
17:33 and complaining about whether the pastor preached
17:35 a good sermon or not, just like that whole view distorted.
17:38 And what we've initiated as Laymen Ministries
17:40 in India is to change that whole principle
17:43 to get the lay people involved with evangelism.
17:46 And also for your information, they're all doctors there,
17:50 Vellore Christian Medical Hospital and College.
17:55 It is a very huge system.
17:58 They have hundreds of beds
18:00 and it's a-- The patient come throughout India.
18:04 So the point is, the doctors are very busy,
18:07 but in spite of that they have taken a time.
18:10 And now for your information this coming summer
18:14 they are planning for English congregation
18:18 to reach the English speaking people.
18:20 Like the English speaking educated
18:22 people in that area there?
18:24 Right. Right. So our ministry
18:25 is kind of two-fold.
18:27 We work in some areas with the poor and uneducated
18:30 and then in other areas we're working
18:32 with very professional people, very educated people
18:35 which is really a big blessing to be able to have such spectrum
18:39 of different people to be working with.
18:41 While I was there, there was a interesting
18:44 situation took place with an arise,
18:46 shine kind of like, your Revival Evangelistic Series
18:50 took place by that Chennai International Airport.
18:54 And tell us a little bit about how did that little group
18:57 get established there, visually like a year or two ago
18:59 and how the lay people got involved and how Shadrach
19:02 was preaching there doing evangelism.
19:04 In the year 2007, we had evangelistic meeting,
19:09 very close to that airport.
19:11 Due to some reason we were not able to conduct a church
19:18 in that place because the local people
19:21 were kind of, they are not giving
19:22 the place to hold a worship service.
19:26 So we decided in spite of that very close to the airport,
19:32 we wanted to move a little bit away.
19:34 So we moved away and did a ground work four months.
19:40 With Bible workers? With our Bible workers.
19:42 And as I said earlier, in this place
19:45 we didn't have any evangelistic meeting.
19:47 At the end of the fourth month,
19:49 we hired a place, and in that meeting hall
19:54 we arranged a meeting and at the end,
19:58 people almost 32 people took baptism.
20:01 Wow, as they established kind of like a small company,
20:04 there a small new church.
20:06 And so these people then just after they were baptized
20:10 and such became bored and set around,
20:12 twiddle their thumbs and didn't do anything?
20:14 No. What happened is, the two things I want to share.
20:18 Number one, that small church
20:21 now the offering is every month it is $400, US dollar.
20:27 For India, that's a lot.
20:28 That's a huge dollar.
20:29 So these people became active.
20:30 Yes. And so what was the next point?
20:32 The next point is when you came,
20:34 they want to have a honor the Laymen Ministry
20:39 and also they want to witness their neighbors, what a Sabbath.
20:45 So in spite of that meeting in the church,
20:48 the one layman who took a baptism recently
20:53 through our evangelist meeting and the Bible worker visitation,
20:58 he spend his own money, put a shed,
21:03 arranged the food for the Sabbath,
21:05 potluck lunch kind of like that.
21:08 He arranged everything at his own expense.
21:12 And it was a wonderful experience.
21:14 And I know the time is very short,
21:17 otherwise I can share a story.
21:19 His name is Raman.
21:22 Raman is a Hindu God.
21:24 And he and his wife and they have two children,
21:27 but his two children are not easy,
21:31 they're like a dada's.
21:34 Now they're kind of gangsters.
21:35 Gangsters, you're right.
21:36 You said-- I think I met them.
21:38 Actually they're bodybuilders.
21:39 Very good strong guys.
21:41 Yeah, very strong guys.
21:42 And one fine day, when Mrs. Raman
21:48 is on the market, they met our Bible workers
21:51 and the Bible workers went to their home
21:54 and they prayed and when they went next time,
21:57 the youngest son took a drug.
22:01 He's taking drugs and drinking alcohol?
22:03 Alcohol and lying on the ground.
22:05 And our Bible workers they're kind of fear and crossing him
22:11 and stepping over him and entering into the home.
22:16 Then "Who is that entering into my home?"
22:19 He woke up. Woke up.
22:20 And shouted, "Get lost." We don't--"
22:24 He actually threatened to kill the Bible worker.
22:26 Bible workers. "We don't need a prayer.
22:28 We don't want anything.
22:30 Just go out." Then our Bible worker got scared.
22:35 They slowly came. Then Mrs. Raman
22:39 will call our Bible workers.
22:40 "Oh, my son is not here.
22:42 So please come."
22:44 Then our Bible workers will go then they go,
22:48 then they were giving Bible study,
22:49 this fellow will come, all with the full alcohol and drug.
22:54 And threatening again.
22:55 Threatening again.
22:56 One day our pastor, the supervisor
22:59 he saw his younger son and ran.
23:04 And finally it is because of the Bible workers'
23:08 prayed honestly, they took a fasting
23:10 and prayed then they got released from the jail.
23:16 And now they're very happy and sons
23:19 were studying in our school.
23:20 They started Bible studies with the Bible workers.
23:22 You're right. And when I was there
23:23 I met the one older brother and he and his wife
23:27 they told us in fact like to cut away to that really quick
23:30 just now and we just share with you what he said.
23:33 So our Bible workers just showed up
23:35 and these are the two Bible workers that actually
23:37 came to the house here and visited them.
23:39 Was it like two years ago now?
23:40 Three years ago? Two years.
23:42 Two years ago. And Pastor Johnson,
23:46 tell us about these Bible workers here and--
23:49 Her name is Saundary and her name is Rosemary.
23:53 Rosemary. This both Bible workers
23:55 met Mrs. Sarah in the market.
23:59 "Shall we come to your home?"
24:01 Then they came to the home.
24:05 Why does she ask them to come to the home?
24:07 Because of the challenges in the home.
24:10 If you pray, God will take away everything.
24:13 When your Bible workers came to the home,
24:15 we well received by the whole family?
24:17 No. It is because everyday whenever they come,
24:24 they come with the fear because but--
24:28 Why did they have a fear?
24:30 And the fear is brother in those days
24:33 he was-- He and his younger brother addicted
24:37 to lot of alcohol and other things.
24:39 And you said they were bodybuilders and--
24:41 And they were bodybuilder, very strong personality.
24:43 So that's way they were kind of fear.
24:46 And Pastor Joseph is the one
24:48 that leads out our team here, right?
24:50 Coordinating, yeah.
24:51 And so we have two teams of Bible workers.
24:54 This is Team B they call it, right?
24:56 Laymen Ministries Bible worker Team B.
24:58 You're right. Oh, good. That's a blessing.
25:03 And when I heard what he was sharing about
25:05 how they're happy now and everything.
25:07 You could see how Christ changed their lives.
25:09 Really quickly, we only have just a little bit more time,
25:12 but let's talk about literature.
25:14 Because literature is a really part of our ministry
25:16 there with our new center we're gonna be able to have
25:19 a place now to consolidate all of our literature,
25:21 pack it and box it and ship it out
25:23 to all of the different contacts like,
25:25 call the ministry regards to the television programs
25:28 and the needs of the Bible workers.
25:30 What do we currently have available in the Tamil language
25:34 and what kind of things do we need to print?
25:35 And how important is this literature to our work there?
25:38 I feel publishing work is very important because
25:44 the print material will be in the home.
25:48 When they're kind of trouble, they will take and read it.
25:52 So kind of example.
25:53 Great Controversy, Desire of Ages,
25:55 Steps to Christ and our ministry is a first one
26:00 who initiated to print in Tamil language.
26:03 And now we have out of stock.
26:06 So right now we need to reprint
26:09 some of these little-- some of these books
26:11 and you have I've talked about printing
26:12 the Desire of Ages like in a series of smaller books
26:15 and Great Controversy in a series of smaller books
26:18 and we've printed Steps to Christ,
26:20 I think two maybe three times
26:22 now in the last 10, 12 years. You're right.
26:24 These books need to be reprint.
26:25 They're valuable.
26:26 Aren't they for our work there?
26:27 Yes, very important because for the TV viewers,
26:30 for the door-to-door evangelisms for our evangelistic meeting
26:33 and also we are sending books to Sri Lanka,
26:37 France, Italy Middle East.
26:39 There's Tamil speaking people
26:41 all over the world, and in Malaysia.
26:43 Malaysia, Australia. We need books.
26:46 And to print Great Controversy, kind of a great hope.
26:52 It cost a 40 cent for each book.
26:55 And we are planning for a 5,000.
26:59 And so this will be 5,000 each little small books.
27:02 Small books. So the Great Controversy
27:04 we broken up like five parts probably.
27:06 You're right. So how much would
27:08 that cost altogether to?
27:09 Together maybe like 10,000 US dollars.
27:11 10,000 US dollars and same for Desire of Ages.
27:13 Yeah, same thing like that.
27:14 And Steps to Christ is an invaluable book.
27:16 I mean, we really need that.
27:17 How much would it cost to do 5,000
27:19 small great Steps to Christ?
27:21 That is 5,000 US dollar.
27:24 Our time is up. Pastor Johnson,
27:25 it's always great to have you here with us.
27:27 And if you want to get this whole two part series on a DVD,
27:30 you can contact to our ministry at Laymen Ministries,
27:32 414 Zapada Rd., Saint Maries, Idaho 83861
27:37 or you can all us at our toll free number
27:39 in that states at 1-800-245-1844,
27:42 or get us on web at,


Revised 2014-12-17