Series Code: LM
Program Code: LM00122B
00:30 We're glad you're with us here at Laymen Ministries.
00:32 This is part two of the two part series 00:34 of an interview with Michael McCaffrey. 00:36 Mike is our studio tech, here at Laymen Ministries 00:38 and you'll definitely want to watch 00:39 the first part of the series 00:41 because Mike shares his spiritual journey years 00:43 in becoming a Christian 00:44 and it's a really interesting story 00:47 and how he ended up coming to Laymen Ministries. 00:48 And Mike, since you've been here 00:50 and now you've been working with video 00:52 and the way of the different things like that 00:54 for little over the year. 00:56 What we want to do on this episode 00:58 is we want share with the viewing audience 01:00 about some of the opportunities 01:01 that have made themselves available 01:03 in the last six, seven years 01:06 as far as being able to use some of this "hi-tech" 01:09 things that are out there in society 01:11 to be able to reach different people. 01:13 And you were sharing with me some fascinating statistics 01:16 about the World Wide Web and YouTube in particular. 01:19 I mean, you know, we're on 01:21 lot of different networks with Laymen Ministries 01:23 and you think about with the huge viewing audience 01:25 so when people are watching the dish network on 3ABN 01:28 and these different cable networks 01:29 but what is that you were saying about YouTube 01:31 as far as the viewing audience with YouTube. 01:35 Yeah, with online video sharing sites 01:37 today like YouTube and Vimeo 01:39 and other Christians ones like GodTube or 3AngelsTube 01:43 there's all kinds of opportunities coming up 01:45 for individuals and organizations 01:48 or ministries like ours to be able to share the gospel 01:51 and the three angels messages in a very unique way. 01:55 And that is putting content up on the internet 01:59 so that it's available on demand. 02:01 People can watch it whenever they want 24 hours a day. 02:03 They can watch it 02:04 from the comfort of their own home. 02:06 They can search for a specific topics 02:08 or different issues that they're interested 02:10 in hearing about or learning about. 02:12 And for us it's great 02:13 because like YouTube for example 02:16 we're able to upload videos in high definition 02:19 and there's no cost to the ministry. 02:21 So it's absolutely worldwide free distribution for us 02:25 and that's something that it's relatively new. 02:28 And it was five years ago when YouTube started up in 2005 02:32 and in just May of this year 02:35 YouTube have stated there are some of the statistics 02:37 that said they were getting 02:39 more then two billion viewers per day 02:43 which is the double the prime time audience 02:46 of the three major U.S networks combined. 02:49 That's incredible and the thing that you can tap into 02:52 that kind of resource for free. 02:53 Yeah. 02:55 You know, we are talking about 02:56 this whole idea of digital tracks, 02:59 you know, and how we can give somebody like 03:03 for years and years we've always printed 03:05 these little tracks to give people 03:06 you know religious tracks and things people 03:08 hand them to their friends. 03:09 Now you can give a digital track 03:11 in the form of YouTube video or a DVD and reach-- 03:14 how many people did you say the viewing audience? 03:17 The viewing audience on YouTube 03:18 was more then two billion people per day. 03:20 Wow. 03:21 And then there's a lot of those people 03:22 that are looking for 03:24 different Biblical truths and different issues too. 03:28 There is a video that I finished a while ago 03:30 on prophecy and I uploaded that to YouTube 03:33 and that was probably a year ago 03:35 and as of today it's somewhere around 03:36 I think 40,000 viewers. Wow. 03:38 And so if you think about it 03:41 if I was gonna handout 40,000 tracks 03:43 that would mean I would hand out 109 tracks 03:46 every single day for an entire year. 03:47 Wow. 03:48 Hence, but the thing with the videos is, 03:51 it's also available worldwide. 03:54 So there's people all over the world 03:55 that are watching these videos and you know-- 03:58 The people even in Saudi Arabia or Yemen or wherever 04:01 if the internet is not blocked 04:02 they would stay doing something of these. Yeah. 04:03 They can have access to this solution. 04:04 Yeah, so there is a huge opportunity to reach 04:07 a lager amount of people in a short amount of time 04:09 and that's exactly what we need to do. 04:11 And you know with a track, 04:12 now our ministries has printed literally millions of tracks 04:15 over the years in different languages 04:17 and distributed them like the leaves of autumn. 04:19 And I am still a strong supporter of that 04:21 and I think that's really a great work 04:22 but when you're printing literature 04:24 you know you're looking at fact these track costs 04:26 two cents or five cents six cents depending on 04:28 how it's printed and how big it is. 04:30 But with video and like streaming on the internet 04:34 we have our initial production cost 04:35 which can be considerable. 04:37 I mean, you know, like this one video 04:38 that we just finished its part of the Voice 04:39 in the Wilderness series called Life After Death. 04:42 You know, we had week and half into production on that. 04:45 But you have the initial cost 04:47 but then after that it just goes and on and on for free. 04:50 You know thousands it can reproduce itself 04:53 absolutely for free anywhere in the world. 04:55 Yeah, and then there's also those videos get shared 04:59 with other people too through social networking websites 05:02 like Facebook or Twitter or MySpace 05:05 or some of these things are also new avenues of communication. 05:08 And the really great thing about social networking 05:12 is it allows us as a ministry 05:14 to have a presence online site like Facebook for example. 05:18 And be able to share videos 05:20 with lots of people simultaneously keep them 05:23 up-to-date as per new things they were finishing. 05:27 And it also allows us to have an interpersonal relationship 05:29 with the people that are involved with the ministry. 05:32 So when we post the videos 05:34 people can post comments about it 05:36 or ask questions about it 05:37 if they don't understand something. 05:39 And so there's, 05:40 you know, that interaction too which is really nice. 05:42 Yeah, we've just started the Laymen Ministries 05:44 Facebook account and inscribe, 05:46 you know, calling our people lot of that have joined 05:48 I guess they call them fans on there something like that 05:50 but I have my personal. 05:51 And like this video that we're gonna show here 05:53 in a second, called "Life After Death." 05:55 We post that on there 05:56 and gentleman love to post on there saying 05:59 "Jeff, I really appreciate this video. 06:01 It's very well done and it speaks to my heart." 06:04 You know and the interesting thing 06:06 is that guy is not even a Christian. 06:08 You know or a professing Christian or anything. 06:10 He is somebody I met me on eBay. 06:11 And then be became friend on Facebook 06:13 and they got on Laymen Ministry's Facebook. 06:15 And so he watched this little video 06:17 that we put on YouTube 06:18 and then linked to Facebook made the comment. 06:21 And the people like him like you were saying 06:23 can end up being a directed 06:25 to like at Laymen Ministries Resource Center. 06:27 So by taking a website which we're gonna be doing 06:29 a major renovation of our website very soon 06:31 with video streaming a lot of really cool features on it. 06:34 And YouTube and Facebook and having all these things 06:39 network people can go to our resource center 06:41 and get DVD's or get tracks of books on different subjects 06:45 so it's just really amazing networking system. 06:48 Yeah and that's really 06:49 what we wanted to do is we want to make information 06:52 available to people in a way that makes it very easy for them 06:55 to get to it and also to make it easy for them 07:00 to ask questions or to interact or to find other places 07:03 to find more information about it. 07:05 And so it's kind of all these things can deal together. 07:07 Yeah, I am really excited about 07:09 I think this is just it's great 07:11 that we're doing Russian television programs, 07:13 we're on CNN and we're you know, 07:14 we're on fresh in work in Quebec 07:16 and doing these different kinds of things that are being 07:18 you know broadcast on television. 07:21 But more and more people 07:22 are video streaming through their television 07:25 via the internet with high speed internet. 07:28 And they're spending time 07:30 you know like you and I were talking about 07:31 for instance a person can be at work and its break time, 07:34 and they're at the work computer 07:35 which a lot of people are today boom, they go to YouTube 07:38 and they start watching a video, you know. 07:39 And so here's an opportunity that our religious track 07:42 is there you know on some you know putting 07:46 Bible topic that they can watch right at the break time at work. 07:48 And I really think they were going to see 07:51 in next few years more and more video 07:52 on demand type services like places like 07:55 YouTube that you know, 07:56 anybody can access or even places 07:59 that are accessible to DVD players 08:02 and TV's now via the internet like Netflix 08:04 or it's-- I think we're going to see more and more of that 08:07 because it allows people to get to watch exactly 08:10 what they want to watch 08:11 and that have to be subject to you know program 08:14 where there one thing that they want to watch only occurs 08:17 like once a week or during certain times. 08:19 So it will be interesting. 08:21 Let's talk about the Voice in the Wilderness series 08:23 that's the productions that you came here 08:25 and we have a lot of things you and I have been talking about 08:27 and we're gonna also talking about some of the challenges 08:28 that were up against right now 08:30 but what exactly is the Voice in the Wilderness series 08:33 and what direction that heading? 08:35 The Voice in the Wilderness series 08:37 is the series that we wanted to do that 08:40 what basically cover via short video 08:43 anywhere between five to seven or eight minutes 08:45 covering different Biblical topics 08:49 so that people could kind of get a grasp of 08:51 what the Bible says about a certain issue. 08:53 Yeah, the one that we're going to show right now 08:55 which is about eight minutes long. 08:57 It's little bit longer than what our target time is 09:00 for these kind of videos. 09:02 You used a unique kind of like filter effect on it 09:05 explain to the viewing audience before we go to that clip. 09:07 You know, what where you trying to accomplish 09:08 when you were editing this 09:10 and you were shooting this particular subject. 09:13 Well, in the first part of the video 09:14 this is a CPR filter, 09:17 not a filter it was an effect obviously 09:19 but it was just kind of gives a little different look. 09:22 Since we're dealing with topic of death 09:25 and it was just a one way to kind of separate 09:28 the first half of the video kind of introducing 09:30 the subject of death comparing to the second half of this video 09:33 which talks little bit more about the hope 09:34 that we have of the resurrection. 09:36 And lot of thought and work goes into producing 09:38 this little short eight minute segment 09:41 and this is called Life After Death. 10:04 There's one thing in life 10:05 it's inevitable to all of us and that is death. 10:09 We face it with family member's, friends and acquaintances 10:12 but there's one question that often haunts many people 10:15 and that is what really happens when we die? 10:28 The Bible has the answer. 10:30 In fact, I believe God does not want us 10:32 to be ignorant on this very important subject. 10:35 The scripture refers to death is this way 10:38 in 1 Thessalonians 4:13 it says 10:41 "I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, 10:43 concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, 10:47 even as others who have no hope." 10:53 Death is referred to as a sleep. 10:55 In fact, when you read the story 10:56 about Jesus Christ's dear friend Lazarus you see, 10:59 the same picture emerging. 11:02 He Jesus saith unto him his disciples. 11:06 Our friend Lazarus is fallen asleep. 11:09 But I will go and wake him up. 11:15 Then said His disciples-- 11:18 If he's asleep Lord, he will get well. 11:21 Jesus meant that Lazarus had died 11:24 but they thought he met natural sleep. 11:26 Then said Jesus unto them plainly-- 11:29 "Lazarus is dead." 11:31 So when scripture death is refereed to as a sleep 11:35 and that's exactly what happened 11:37 people go to their graves and they rest. 11:39 This reminds me of the abbreviation 11:41 that you have probably seen on tomb stones RIP 11:44 it literally means rest in peace. 11:47 In fact, this is really what's happening. 11:49 The dead are not in the flames of hell or the bliss of heaven 11:52 or disembodied spirits floating around in the cosmos. 11:56 The scripture clearly says, 11:57 "For the living know that they shall die, 12:00 but the dead know not any thing. 12:02 Neither have they any more a reward." 12:05 Ecclesiastes 9:5. 12:19 Today, nearly all Christians believe 12:21 and teach that when we die, 12:23 we ascend immediately to heaven. 12:25 But it hasn't always been this way 12:27 even the protestant reformers had a different belief 12:29 then the protestant churches today. 12:31 The most well known reformer Martin Luther had this to say. 12:35 "In Christ it is indeed not death, 12:37 but a fine, sweet, and brief sleep, 12:40 which brings us release from this vale of tears, 12:43 from sin and from the fear 12:45 and extremity of real death. 12:47 And from all the misfortunes of this life, 12:50 and we shall be secure and without care, 12:53 rest sweetly and gently for a brief moment, 12:56 as on a sofa, until the time 12:58 when He shall call and awaken us together 13:00 with all His dear children to His eternal glory and joy. 13:05 And suddenly come alive out of the grave 13:07 and from decomposition, and entirely well, 13:11 fresh, with a pure, clear, glorified life, meet our Lord 13:15 and Savior Jesus Christ in the clouds." 13:28 When I was younger I used to wonder 13:29 about how people could die and go straight to heaven 13:31 that's already receiving the reward. 13:33 When the Bible clearly talks that in the future 13:36 when the resurrection takes place 13:37 that's when people are gonna be receive 13:39 the rewards or the punishment. 13:43 The scriptures go onto say 13:44 "Marvel not at this, for the hour is coming, 13:48 in the which all that are in the graves 13:49 shall hear his voice, and shall come forth, 13:53 they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life, 13:57 and they that have done evil, 13:58 unto the resurrection of damnation." 14:01 John 5:28, 29. 14:08 If you stop and think about it if people go to heaven or hell 14:11 when they die then what's the point of them 14:13 coming back later at the time of the resurrection 14:15 to be reunited with your body and to be judged. 14:17 Wouldn't they have been judged already 14:19 and receive their reward and punishment. 14:21 The scripture clearly tells us 14:23 that people receive their just reward 14:25 at the time of the resurrection. 14:31 In fact, when Jesus was holding the feast 14:33 He said to His disciples "Call the poor, 14:36 the maimed, the lame and blind." 14:39 Because He said "For they cannot recompense thee, 14:42 for thou shalt be recompensed 14:44 at the resurrection of the just." 14:46 So we receive our reward at the resurrection. 14:50 When will the resurrection take place? 14:52 According to the Bible, the resurrection occurs 14:55 at the second coming of our Lord. 15:09 "For as in Adam all die. 15:11 Even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 15:14 But every man in his own order, Christ the first fruits, 15:18 afterward they that are Christ's at His coming." 15:21 We all die but according to this text 15:23 when we those who are Christ be made alive. 15:28 Clearly we're made alive at His coming." 15:45 Has He come again yet? 15:47 Well, I think the Bible is very clear in explaining this point. 15:50 It says in 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17 15:54 "That the Lord shall descend from heaven with a shout, 15:57 with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God, 15:59 and the dead in Christ shall rise first. 16:02 Then we which are alive 16:03 and remain shall be caught up together 16:05 with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. 16:08 Then shall we ever be with the Lord." 16:11 So this beautiful promise of Jesus being reunited 16:14 with His followers takes place 16:16 when He shall come in the clouds of glory 16:19 and then at that time that dead will be raised. 16:37 And this promise of the soon coming 16:39 and reward is reiterated 16:41 in the very last chapter of the Bible 16:43 with the Lord is saying, "And, behold, I come quickly, 16:48 and my reward is with me, 16:49 to give every man according as his work shall be." 16:55 In describing death the Psalm says that 16:58 "When a man dies that his breath goes forth, 17:01 he returneth to his earth 17:03 in that very day his thoughts perish." 17:15 I think about my father 17:16 who quite a number of years back died 17:18 in a very tragic accident 17:20 and what a comfort it brings to me to know 17:22 that my father rest peacefully in the grave 17:26 waiting for that resurrection day. 17:30 What a wondrous thought 17:31 that while we sleep in the dust of the earth, 17:33 a time will come where we will behold 17:36 His face in righteousness. 17:38 We shall be satisfied when we awake with thy likeness. 17:47 Therefore, he said, 17:49 "Awake thou that sleepest arise from the dead 17:52 and Christ shall give you light." 18:23 I don't know about you but you know 18:25 it's hard for me to watch it 18:26 because I am the guy talking on this video. 18:28 But I tried to I put on a different hat 18:30 and watch it and just look at the content 18:32 and it really spoke to my heart 18:33 when I saw this video. 18:36 And as we started putting it on Facebook, Mike, 18:37 we're getting more and more comments that people are saying 18:39 "we're going to share this on our Facebook account." 18:41 Yeah and that's great it fits there for. 18:42 And that's the other unique thing is 18:44 that you could not only host one of these videos 18:46 just on YouTube or Facebook 18:48 but people copy it the link 18:50 and then they put it on the social networking 18:51 and it goes to all their friends 18:52 and one of those friends takes it and it just a-- 18:55 That's the idea that keeps spreading. 18:56 Yeah, so Mike, you know there's a lot of work 18:59 that goes into producing these 19:00 and what are some of the challenges 19:01 that our ministry faces right now 19:03 in dealing with actually trying to produce 19:05 like the series called Voice in the Wilderness series 19:07 or even our mission videos here. 19:09 Well, I think that some of the challenges 19:11 what we are running into now are unique 19:13 and interesting compared to challenges 19:15 that you know our ministry may have faced 19:16 like ten or fifteen years ago when-- 19:19 for example a long time ago the cost of producing a show 19:22 and the year that it took, cost of cameras 19:25 and that was extremely, extremely expensive. 19:28 And now it's like we have you know 19:31 very small high definition cameras 19:34 and even cell phones now are shooting HD. 19:37 So it's like all these technology is fantastic 19:39 because it cuts our cost down 19:41 and it enables us to do so much more 19:42 what we could have done before. 19:45 But now what we're finding is 19:46 that our bottleneck is really is in time and resource. 19:52 What do you mean time in resource? 19:53 You know, we got some nice cameras 19:55 but we don't have people to run them? 19:56 Well, we have-- 19:58 you know, this Days of Noah series that we want to do, 20:00 we have the Voice in the Wilderness series 20:01 we have the Mission videos that we're doing. 20:04 You and I've talked about during other projects 20:06 beyond that short or long form documentaries. 20:09 So we-- there's always fantastic things 20:12 that we can do and take advantage of some 20:13 of these new media outlets that we've talked about. 20:16 But the bottleneck now is really with our ministry with me 20:20 because I am only a one person 20:22 and what we would really need to do 20:24 in order to be able to continue our current workload 20:27 and add to that would be to have more human resources 20:30 so that we have somebody else helping us 20:33 with editing and camera work 20:34 so that we can continue to grow. 20:37 You know, Mike, I have been in contact 20:39 and you been in contact with some very talented people, 20:42 people that are in 3D animation, 20:43 graphic design and into editing. 20:46 You know that can do some other kind of quality 20:49 that we're producing right now. 20:50 But what really takes is that it takes resource 20:52 to be able to actually cover the cost of paying 20:55 these people contract wages to be able to help us 20:57 to put out more production. 20:59 We can double our production 21:00 if we just have more physical like you said, human recourses. 21:04 You know, physical body's to actually do some of the work 21:06 because there's a tremendous opportunity 21:09 right now to reach a lot of people. 21:12 And so I just want to ask our viewing audience 21:14 to pray with us about that 21:15 because we need to have some kind of help in this area. 21:18 The other thing that we've been talking about in the ministry 21:20 and we started production on is the Days of Noah project. 21:23 And we're gonna show you just a short teaser here 21:25 in just a second about that 21:27 but what is the Days of Noah project Mike, 21:31 and where is it going and what's all about. 21:35 Well, the Days of Noah project is a project that 21:37 you and I have started talking about that 21:39 we wanted to take the story of Noah 21:41 and compare it to ends times events. 21:44 But in the very unique and different way 21:45 then has been done before. 21:47 Hence there're so many parallels 21:50 and so many implications and things going on 21:52 in the story of the Noah, 21:54 that are not really touched on today at all hardly, 21:57 that are have huge impact on the end times 22:01 and the events that are going to happen before Christ returns. 22:04 And so what we wanted to do 22:06 is kind of bring to life's some of the parallels 22:09 between Noah's time and the end times events. 22:13 For example, that close of probation 22:16 and Gods judgment and how you know 22:18 when that the door to that Ark sealed shut 22:20 when God closed the door. 22:22 That was kind of it their fate had been sealed. 22:24 And so and then the judgment came 22:27 and there's kind of some parallels 22:28 for us now in the future that-- 22:30 Yeah, in fact when people watching trailer 22:31 which we're just gonna show here in a second 22:33 if it gives an idea that maybe it sounds 22:35 just geology or something like that 22:36 but really its much bigger than that. 22:38 In fact, I just took part of the script 22:40 for the Days in Noah 22:41 and just the one part of the script that 22:43 deals with the prophecy of Revelation 11 22:45 and the two witnesses go and prophesying the sackcloth 22:48 and the beast from the bottomless pit. 22:50 And I actually converted that into an article 22:52 that's going to be in out next magazine, 22:55 I just encourage our viewing audience 22:56 if you're not on our mailing list 22:57 to get Laymen Ministry's journal, 22:59 you would want to do that. 23:00 Because each issue that comes out has some kind of really 23:02 intriguing and interesting you know prophecy 23:05 or article dealing with present truth 23:07 that you would be able to be benefit for. 23:10 And it's written in the context of trying to reach a lay person. 23:13 Let's go ahead and run that video clip really quick 23:15 and we got plenty of time here. 23:17 And this is the trailer for Days of the Noah. 24:00 I'm Jeff Reich, I like you to come with me and a journey 24:02 as I revisit just some of the evidences of my faith 24:05 especially regarding Noah and the flood story. 24:09 In its stand way here you can see like 24:11 all different kinds of small seashells. 24:13 They're compressed together 24:14 and this is right at the top of-- 24:15 Let me say here in the goosenecks. 24:17 Eruption at Mount St. Helens 24:18 gives scientist the opportunity to study what happens 24:20 when a catastrophe hits in area as such as this. 24:23 And the water rushed over these falls 24:25 it was ten times a size of Niagara and what is known 24:28 to be the largest waterfall in existence. 24:31 All the water that came flowing down through this area 24:33 went down through these scab lands of Eastern Washington 24:36 and right down into that drainage system 24:37 in the Columbia River right after the Pacific Ocean. 24:42 As Noah and his family came off the Ark 24:44 they stood in absolute horror 24:45 as they looked around the devastation of the world 24:47 sadly they knew this was the consequence of sin. 24:51 Like we're right here at the Grand Canyon 24:53 is probably one of the greatest testimonies 24:55 that prove the flood story. 25:04 The story of Noah and the flood 25:05 is extremely important for us today, 25:07 it points backwards to a time 25:09 where God judged the world. 25:10 And it points forward to a time 25:12 where God will judge the world again. 25:13 The evidences are all around us, 25:15 so much so, that all will be with out excuse. 25:27 I'm really excited about this project 25:29 and I think that this project is gonna really reach 25:31 a lot of different people in a way 25:33 that gonna be a unique Mike, 25:34 because of the fact that is not taking 25:36 just the approach of looking at just archeology 25:40 in the Bible or evolution versus creation. 25:42 But it's kind of the package deal 25:43 of talking about prophecy and the judgments of the God, 25:47 before in the judgments of the God to come 25:50 and how God given us a door of opportunity right now 25:53 before the door of probation closes for this world. 25:56 Looking at where we are at right now 25:58 and the resources that God has given us so far, 26:02 we have got some tremendous equipment, 26:03 you got tremendous talent, 26:05 you know, we're pulling together these resources. 26:07 What can you see in the, seeable future 26:09 that you'd like to see the direction in ministry 26:11 could head into to accomplish? 26:13 You know projected vendor for the next couple of years? 26:16 And while I think ideally 26:18 if we had some more help like I would say 26:20 if we had some more help 26:22 with editing and things like that 26:23 we could easily put out more projects. 26:25 Like I think we could do 26:26 a lot more Voice and Wilderness shows, doing them faster. 26:30 We can continue to keep up 26:32 with the mission videos that we're doing, 26:34 and ideally it will be great 26:36 to have all these things going on simultaneously, 26:38 while we have, you wonder maybe even too big projects 26:41 that we're working on 26:42 little more documentary style projects. 26:44 And so I would just 26:46 like to see as we taking advantage of 26:48 you know this free worldwide distribution 26:50 and this new media outlets and opportunities 26:52 that have risen with technology 26:55 and because and get as much information out there 26:58 that we can, as quickly as we can. 26:59 Even like the Youth in Mission series 27:01 that we have got 27:02 we have video footages just sitting there 27:05 and it needs to be edited, 27:06 you know, and basically we need more help. 27:09 Yeah. 27:10 We just want to appeal to you, 27:11 that if you could help in someway 27:13 to help us move this project forward 27:15 we just ask that you would pray about it. 27:17 You know that we have real opportunity right now 27:19 to be able to use the resources of God has given 27:21 at here at the ministry. 27:22 We just need your help to be able to get more people 27:25 to help us here at ministry 27:27 to be able to open this bottleneck 27:29 so we can double or triple our production. 27:31 And there's several opportunity for all of us 27:33 to get involved in really advance God's cause. 27:35 I just encourage you, 27:36 you know to get involved with our ministry, 27:38 you can do so by contacting us at Laymen Ministries. 27:41 That's 414, Zapada Road, St. Maries, Idaho 83861 27:46 or you can call us at 1800-245-1844 27:50 or you can contact this 27:51 on the worldwide web at |
Revised 2014-12-17