Laymen Ministries


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jeff Reich


Series Code: LM

Program Code: LM000147A

00:30 Glad you joined us in the studio,
00:32 I have with me Michael McCaffrey
00:33 and Chris Temple.
00:35 They're two of our workers in the studio
00:36 that are working on the documentary
00:38 "Days of Noah."
00:39 We did an interview with them few months back
00:41 talking about Days of Noah project
00:43 and kind of give you an update,
00:45 and this is kind of like update number two.
00:47 So we're gonna talk a little bit more
00:49 about the Days of Noah,
00:50 and if you're gonna summarize really quickly
00:52 what the Days of Noah documentary is about,
00:54 what would you say?
00:56 Well, I would say the Days of Noah documentary
00:59 is investigating the message of Noah.
01:01 What is the relevance of Noah's message
01:03 for our time today?
01:05 Jesus said, "It will be as it was in the days of Noah,
01:07 so shall be also in the days of the coming of the Son of Man."
01:10 So Jesus Himself pointed us back to the days of Noah
01:13 as being a relevance lesson for how things are gonna happen
01:17 at the end of time, and there's a lot of information
01:20 in Noah's message that I don't think that
01:22 we've really explored a lot of it
01:24 and there's just some amazing parallels
01:26 that we're dealing with
01:27 between Noah's message and the Three Angels' Messages
01:30 in Bible prophecy.
01:31 So those are just some of the themes
01:33 that we're gonna be looking at.
01:34 If you haven't seen the Days of Noah interview
01:36 part one,
01:37 make sure to call in our, to our ministry
01:40 and ask for the DVD
01:41 that's gonna have not only this program on it,
01:43 but also the first program we shot.
01:45 A lot of really good clips taken out of the documentary
01:48 that are part of the finished product
01:50 that shows some really phenomenal video footage
01:52 and kind of gives you an idea of what the video is about,
01:55 but, Chris, as you've been working on this too,
01:57 how would you kind of like quickly summarize,
02:00 how you see the direction of this video going?
02:02 What is it in your, from your perspective
02:05 being an animation person?
02:06 So when people ask me about the Days of Noah,
02:08 I typically tell them that
02:09 we take a look at the judgment hour message in Noah's day,
02:12 and we begin to draw parallels
02:13 to the judgment hour message of today,
02:15 because God doesn't do anything without first warning the world
02:18 and saying, "Hey, here what's coming"
02:19 He lets them know first.
02:20 And just as He did before, He's gonna do it again,
02:23 and now we're trying to share this message,
02:25 this warning message with the world today.
02:28 So that's typically how I would describe that to people.
02:30 That sounds like a really good summary.
02:31 I know one of the thing that we're doing that,
02:34 it's gonna be really interesting for people
02:36 is this whole idea what we did
02:38 for like three week shooting
02:39 at a football field at night time.
02:41 Now like why in the Days of Noah documentary
02:43 would you be shooting at night time
02:45 in a football field?
02:47 Yeah, well, the football field idea is
02:49 I think, it's actually a very good way
02:50 to bring something to prophecy
02:51 that we really haven't seen before
02:53 and that's our perspective in context.
02:57 If you take one inch on the football field
03:00 as a representation for one year,
03:03 the time that has elapsed from the days of Noah
03:05 to our time spans
03:07 almost exactly the length of the football field
03:09 from the end of one end zone
03:10 to the end of the other end zone.
03:13 So what we're going to be doing is,
03:14 we're doing this 3D timelines,
03:17 we have you walking on the field
03:19 and kind of explaining different parts
03:20 on the timeline,
03:21 but what the time line is going to do
03:23 is it's going to give context and perspective
03:26 to the time prophecies that we're dealing with
03:29 such as the 2300 day prophecy,
03:32 which is the announcement
03:33 that the hour of His judgment has come
03:34 and that's what Noah's message was,
03:36 he was announcing that
03:37 the hour of His judgment had come.
03:39 And so, putting those prophecies in context
03:42 and seeing exactly how much time has elapsed
03:44 from the days of Noah to our day,
03:46 and seeing how much time has elapsed
03:48 over the 2,300 day prophecy.
03:50 I just think it's a really great visual way
03:54 to represent these prophecies and also give them context.
03:58 We have a clip that we can show the viewers
04:00 that kind of give a little bit of a taste of what we're doing
04:02 because I've talked to several people about this idea
04:04 and they went, wow,
04:06 this is really, a really interesting concept
04:07 because we're trying to make the prophecies of the Bible
04:10 very easy to understand,
04:12 so the more visuals we have to be able to illustrate that,
04:15 the easier will be.
04:16 So let's go ahead and roll that clip right now,
04:18 it's a few minutes long that kind of give people an idea
04:21 what exactly we're talking about.
04:23 Noah gave a warning message to the world.
04:26 He told them the hour of God's judgment had come,
04:29 and showed them their need to enter into the ark of refuge.
04:32 This judgment hour was a testing time
04:35 in which all were faced with the choice
04:36 to accept or reject the message.
04:38 Then their probation closed
04:40 and the door of the Ark was shut
04:42 and the execution of judgment came by flood
04:45 when the waters covered the earth.
04:47 The events at the end of time
04:48 will follow this pattern exactly.
04:50 So walk with me now into the future.
05:00 I am your host Jeff Reich.
05:02 I am walking along the timeline
05:03 that expands the length of an entire football field.
05:06 Every inch of this field represents one year of time.
05:08 As you can see this timeline
05:11 really put things into perspective.
05:14 Previously we saw how prophecy in the Book of Daniel,
05:17 foretold the very year when the days of Noah
05:20 for the time where the end will begin.
05:22 We saw how this 2,300 day prophecy
05:24 began in 457 B.C.
05:26 with the decree of Artaxerxes,
05:27 and how one day being a symbol for one year
05:30 would last 2,300 years.
05:38 This prophecy extended well beyond the days of Jesus
05:40 all the way down to the year of 1844.
05:43 This is when the first angel's message began
05:45 to repeat the warning message announcing
05:47 the hour of His judgment has come.
05:50 This testing time lasted 120 years
05:52 in the days of Noah,
05:54 but in our day the judgment message has been sounding now
05:57 for over 170 years.
06:00 As the message of Noah spread throughout the earth,
06:02 so today The Three Angels' Messages
06:05 are circling the globe, warning its inhabitants
06:07 to enter into the ark of the everlasting covenant
06:10 before the execution of the final judgment.
06:13 Before the flood that come at time
06:14 when the last message of mercy had been given
06:17 and with the completed ark
06:18 and its open door set before the people,
06:21 they were brought to make a choice.
06:23 This is where we are today.
06:25 The second and third angel's message
06:27 warns us of the world's last great crisis
06:30 that will place multitudes of the earth
06:31 in the valley of decision
06:33 just as it was in the days of Noah.
06:49 Yeah, so, Chris from a technical standpoint
06:51 since you're the one who is working
06:52 on a lot of the animation segments of the video.
06:56 What was involved behind the scenes
06:58 in trying to make these really good visuals for people
07:01 so they can understand the prophecies?
07:03 It was actually quite a challenge at first
07:05 and we've learned a lot in the process
07:07 through doing it.
07:08 Mike actually has been getting good at 3D animation
07:11 and modeling as well
07:12 and he built a model of the timeline to scale.
07:15 He made a little virtual ruler
07:16 inside the computer and built that out,
07:18 and then my job was more of
07:20 making sure that we were shooting on set,
07:21 I had all the data and information needed later
07:24 to put all the stuff together,
07:26 so we did that a few different ways.
07:28 We were taking measurements
07:29 between certain markers in the scene,
07:31 so we have a scale reference in real life.
07:33 We had tennis balls all over the place
07:35 and there was a lot of research into
07:37 how many tennis balls do we need,
07:38 do we even need the tennis balls
07:39 all over the field because every tennis ball I add,
07:41 I have to be able to paint out and remove
07:43 and it's kind of like Photoshop but it's Photoshop in motion,
07:46 and so it's really been a huge, huge learning experience.
07:49 We did a lot of previous stuff with animatics,
07:51 we... like I went through a pretty much every shot almost
07:55 and did in the 3D model and everything
07:58 and just did a rough animation,
08:01 no textures or lighting or anything like that
08:02 just to give us a view of where the camera is moving,
08:05 what the lens is like.
08:07 And that helped us in production
08:10 because every shot need to be mapped out
08:12 because you're obviously interacting with something
08:13 that's really not there.
08:15 And so we have,
08:16 you know, little dates in different markers
08:18 on the timeline.
08:20 And so... we had to know exactly
08:21 how, how high off the ground those references are
08:24 so that you know where to point to
08:26 and so the camera knows what to focus on
08:28 and what to push into and what our frame is
08:30 and what all events are in the frame
08:31 and it's difficult to do that obviously
08:33 when you can't see anything.
08:35 We've been on a virtual version of view
08:37 that's kind of gliding around the shot
08:39 and stuff like that and it's all...
08:40 He built it all the scale, it turned out really nice.
08:43 One of the things that always amazes me
08:44 as we've gone out
08:45 and we've shot video for this project
08:47 is how God works behind the scenes
08:49 to cause things to happen in
08:50 like where is it that people could find a football field
08:53 that they could use every night for, you know, for three weeks.
08:57 We're staying up sometimes till 2:30 in the morning out there
09:00 and bugs are flying around the lights
09:02 and you got all these different things...
09:03 Yes, sprinklers.
09:05 Yes, sprinklers turning on in the middle of the shoot,
09:07 you know, there's a lot of obstacles
09:08 but God gave us a football field
09:10 that we could use
09:11 and people in our community here
09:14 were actually really supportive of us shooting there
09:16 and using the football field.
09:18 So one of the other things
09:20 that really are big part of the Days of Noah production
09:23 is the sanctuary and the sanctuary message.
09:25 Now people are like, "What does the sanctuary have to do
09:28 with the days of Noah?"
09:29 Well, it has incredible amount to do
09:31 with the days of Noah.
09:32 Michael, would you like to explain
09:33 just really in nutshell without,
09:35 you know, being a spoiler alert
09:36 or giving way too much information
09:37 about what we're doing here but to kind of help people
09:40 to have an understanding of what we're doing.
09:41 Yeah, one of the interesting things
09:44 that we read in scripture is
09:48 that "...the longsuffering of God
09:49 waited in the days of Noah."
09:51 And we should think about that what was God waiting for,
09:54 and we read the rest of the verse
09:55 it says, "while the ark was a preparing."
09:58 So the preparation of the ark was critical.
10:01 It needed to be done before God would send the flood.
10:04 And if we think the ark,
10:06 just, I'd like to think of things in principles.
10:08 What was the principle underlying the ark?
10:10 What was that significance in principle?
10:13 And if you actually look at the definition
10:15 of the word "ark",
10:16 it says a place of refuge or safety.
10:20 And if you look up the definition
10:22 of the word "sanctuary",
10:23 it actually means the same thing,
10:25 it's a place of refuge or safety in ark.
10:29 Basically in principle, the meaning of an ark
10:31 and the sanctuary, one and the same thing.
10:33 And in fact, we know it in Psalm 77:13,
10:35 it says, "Thy way, oh God, is in the sanctuary."
10:38 And so the sanctuary illustrates,
10:41 it's really the illustration that God came up with.
10:44 This is from a divine mind
10:46 that God came up with this visual example
10:48 to teach us how to be prepared for the coming of Christ.
10:51 And so that's, you know, it's incredibly significant
10:54 and relevant for us.
10:55 And as we know, as we study the prophecies
10:58 and it's brought out in the Days of Noah documentary
11:00 that this sanctuary concept that God gave us
11:04 and it was told so beautifully in the old Testament,
11:07 was perverted and actually cast down to the ground
11:11 and through the reformation that took place,
11:14 there was a restoration of the sanctuary
11:16 that was taking place.
11:18 Now, we have a little bit of a short clip
11:21 dealing with the whole concept
11:23 of the restoration of the sanctuary
11:24 and how it pertains to the prophecies
11:27 leading up to 1844.
11:28 We're also talking about the second angel's message
11:31 like you said, like casting down of the sanctuary
11:33 and the restoration of the different truths
11:35 represented by the sanctuary.
11:37 And Noah actually had a similar message in his day,
11:41 when we were talking about the second angel's message.
11:43 He was calling people into the ark,
11:45 but by so doing, he was calling them out of idolatry,
11:48 out of false worship, and out of confusion.
11:52 And so, the second angel's message
11:54 is the repetition of that principle,
11:56 and so that's what's illustrated in this clip
11:59 that we're gonna look at.
12:00 Restoring the truths that are represented by the sanctuary
12:04 and helping people to come out of that confusion
12:07 and the false idolatry and into knowledge of the truth.
12:10 Of course, this clip that we're gonna run
12:11 is just a short little sample of just one segment
12:14 of what we're talking about,
12:15 but it gives you an idea exactly of the content
12:18 and quality of what we're trying to achieve
12:19 in this documentary.
12:21 Let's go ahead and roll that now.
12:22 So the whole sanctuary
12:24 all the way from the door to the Holy of Holies
12:26 had been corrupted
12:28 and it needed to be restored.
12:30 The prophecy of Daniel 8:14 tell us, "Unto 2300 days,
12:35 then shall the sanctuary be cleansed."
12:38 At a certain period of time
12:40 all the truths that have been cast down
12:42 by this little horn power would ultimately be restored.
12:46 And so the entire sanctuary is cast down
12:48 and trodden under foot by this man of sin.
12:51 Protestant Reformation brings it back.
12:53 And over a period of 500 years, that exact thing happened.
12:57 God began to bring different movements upon the scene
13:01 that would restore each article of furniture
13:03 almost century by century over a period of 500 years.
13:07 And so you have John Wycliffe
13:09 coming upon the scene in the 1300s.
13:11 He translated the Bible into the language of the people
13:14 and thus set off as it were the Reformation.
13:20 Martin Luther was born in the 1400s,
13:22 begins a Protestant Reformation in the 1500s
13:25 and he in essence restores the truth
13:30 that Christ's sacrifice is sufficient
13:32 for the forgiveness of sins, you don't have to pay money,
13:35 you don't have to do penance,
13:36 it is by faith and His sacrifice for us
13:39 that we are forgiven of our sins.
13:42 John Calvin comes upon the scene in the 1500s,
13:46 founded the Presbyterian movement.
13:47 Calvin has a very strong burden for prayer.
13:52 Wrote extensively on prayer.
13:54 Basically taught that you don't need to go through priests
13:57 in order to have access to God.
13:59 You can have direct access of throne of God yourself
14:04 in the 1600s.
14:07 John Smith and Roger Williams
14:10 become the founders of the Baptist movement,
14:13 and their special burden is the restoration
14:16 of the true mode of baptism.
14:18 You must repent and then be baptized.
14:21 You can't be sprinkled.
14:23 A true baptism is a symbol of being fully submersed,
14:26 fully buried and fully brought up into the wholeness of life.
14:29 And so the Baptist movement
14:31 restores the true mode of baptism.
14:35 In the 1700, you have John Wesley
14:37 who comes upon the scene
14:38 who is the founder of the Methodist movement,
14:40 and John Wesley has a very strong burden
14:43 for the lay evangelist.
14:44 You are the light of the world, let your light shine.
14:47 The Methodist movement in essence
14:49 added to everything else that the movements
14:52 before it had brought back.
14:54 Now they add this element of evangelism.
14:57 Go out there and let your light shine.
15:02 So by the 1800, there's one article of furniture
15:06 left to be restored, it is the Ark of the Covenant,
15:08 specifically the Seventh-day Sabbath,
15:11 and it is in this sanctuary that God brings on the scene
15:14 the Seventh-day Adventists movement
15:16 that would focus specifically on the law of God
15:20 and the commandment that have been cast down,
15:22 which is the Seventh-day Sabbath.
15:28 So in essence you have these two prophecies
15:30 in the Book of Daniel,
15:32 one sitting at the sanctuary would be defiled,
15:34 the other one sitting that it would be purified
15:36 at the end of 2,300 days and to a tee,
15:40 you find this confirmed in history.
15:45 The fact that this everlasting gospel
15:46 is again preached in 1844 simply signifies
15:50 that all the things that have been altered
15:52 and disrupted in the true everlasting gospel
15:56 were fully restored by 1844,
15:58 at the same time that the everlasting gospel
16:01 is fully restored and begins to go forward again.
16:05 It is at that time that the judgment begins.
16:08 And so now you have this message going forward,
16:11 it is an end time message.
16:13 And it is a message that actually prepares the world
16:15 for the coming of Christ.
16:16 Just like Noah who was calling people into the ark
16:18 and out of the crowd,
16:20 God in the last days is calling people
16:22 out of the false teachings of Babylon.
16:25 "And I heard another voice from heaven,
16:28 saying, "Come out of her, my people,
16:30 that ye be not partakers of her sins,
16:33 and that ye receive not of her plagues."
16:36 Come out of her, my people...
16:39 You come out of the false and you come into the truth.
16:43 If God's people are in Babylon,
16:45 it must represent churches that claim to serve the Lord
16:48 or else God wouldn't call them my people.
16:50 And so God is inviting people into the true worship.
16:54 A Sabbath isn't being where I'm at.
16:56 You know, the commandments aren't being preached
16:58 where I'm at,
16:59 you know, I'm not hearing that word
17:03 in the hour of God's judgment,
17:04 and so they say, "Hey, where I'm at?
17:07 The first angel's message isn't being preached,
17:10 so I'm actually going to get out."
17:25 When I first heard this message preached to me
17:30 that the denomination to which I belong
17:34 was Babylon
17:36 and that it was a false method of worship,
17:39 it frightened me.
17:40 I came out of the Roman Catholic Church,
17:43 and I knew many good people
17:44 within the Roman Catholic system,
17:47 but when I saw that their teachings were
17:48 contrary to the scripture, I had no choice.
17:52 Being a sentient human being, I looked at it and said,
17:56 "Well, the only logical conclusion
17:59 is to follow what God has said in His Bible,
18:02 not the traditions of men."
18:05 And it was very difficult because my whole family
18:08 is Roman Catholic and they still are to this day,
18:10 and this is what we need to do
18:13 to let people know that Babylon is fallen.
18:17 It's twice fallen and not only Roman Catholicism
18:21 but also the daughters of the harlot,
18:25 that's addressed in Revelation 17,
18:28 that they too have become spiritual Babylon.
18:31 One of the segments that we shot
18:33 was actually shot in a cornfield
18:34 and it was the whole segment
18:36 dealing with the understanding of the great disappointment.
18:39 Would you like to talk about that for a second?
18:40 Maybe we can roll that clip?
18:42 Sure, yeah, we shot in a cornfield.
18:44 We just did a quick scene with Hiram Edson and O.R.L. Crosier
18:49 in their experience and their disappointments
18:52 and how God sort of led them to an understanding
18:56 that the 2300 day prophecy
18:59 was not necessarily talking
19:00 about the sanctuary meaning the earth,
19:02 but rather the sanctuary in heaven.
19:04 Let's just go ahead and watch that clip really quick
19:05 so that can viewers can get an idea
19:07 of what we're talking about.
19:08 As the Bible students then looked at that in more detail
19:12 and more carefully, obviously,
19:14 realizing that something had gone contrary to expectations.
19:19 They saw for the first time clearly
19:22 that this prophecy spoke of the sanctuary,
19:26 they were expecting the cleansing of the earth,
19:29 but it turned out
19:30 that they were mistaken in that equation.
19:34 If the sanctuary was to be cleansed
19:35 at the end of the 2300 days,
19:37 then that forced the question of what sanctuary.
19:42 There's a great danger
19:43 of misunderstanding Bible prophecy,
19:45 because if the prophecy doesn't come to pass
19:46 the way that people expect,
19:48 they can face a great disappointment,
19:50 and that disappointment will be proportionate
19:52 to how big their expectations are,
19:54 and that can cause many people to lose their faith.
19:57 Hiram Edson and O.R.L. Crosier
20:01 were walking through the cornfield the next day
20:03 to avoid the mocking crowds.
20:05 Both were from proponents of William Miller's conclusions
20:08 and the advent message.
20:10 When Jesus did not return when they had hoped,
20:13 their minds solemnly struggled to grasp what went wrong.
20:17 They were on their way to visit some of the other brethren
20:22 that were also very saddened
20:24 by the fact that Christ had not come.
20:25 They expected Him to come in 1844 and He didn't come.
20:37 Hey, Hiram...
20:40 you coming?
20:42 The day after Christ didn't come,
20:44 inspiration dawned on Hiram Edson,
20:46 and he came to understand
20:48 the key that would unlock the mystery
20:50 to their disappointment and it brought to their minds
20:52 a new revelation about the sanctuary.
20:56 It's in Hebrews.
20:58 It's in Hebrews. It's in Hebrews.
21:03 It's in Hebrews.
21:07 Look, look, look, look, chapter 8:1,
21:12 "We have such a high priest,
21:14 who sat on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty
21:16 in the heavens, a minister of the sanctuary,
21:19 and of the true tabernacle,
21:21 which the Lord pitched, and not man."
21:27 Did you see?
21:29 So the sanctuary is in heaven.
21:31 Let's go.
21:35 And they got excited about it,
21:36 they said, "We weren't wrong with the date,
21:39 we were wrong with the event."
21:41 This last summer we spent a lot of time
21:43 shooting my personal narrations
21:45 that are kind of like the little links
21:46 that connect all of the different pieces
21:48 of the documentary together,
21:49 and we traveled around a lot shooting this,
21:52 besides late nights at a football field,
21:54 we shot in cedar groves...
21:57 Courthouse.
21:58 I am sorry.
22:00 Courthouse.
22:01 Yeah, we shot in a courthouse.
22:02 This parallel of the Three Angels' Message
22:04 is so critical for us today.
22:07 We want to make this an interactive series.
22:09 It's going to be several DVDs
22:10 and what we're hoping to do is
22:12 we're going to create a workbook that goes with it,
22:14 so that you can invite people to your house
22:16 and watch like a 15 minute or half hour segment of it
22:19 and then you'll actually have a workbook that goes with it,
22:21 and be able to ask questions and review the things
22:26 that were actually shared on the DVD,
22:28 and use it kind of as an evangelistic tool
22:31 to help people understand the prophecies,
22:33 where we are today,
22:34 and how the Bible can predict the future,
22:37 and how history has come to pass in the form of prophecy.
22:40 And we're going to chapter the DVDs
22:43 to match the workbook,
22:44 so that if there's a question about anything
22:46 that's in the workbook, they can go,
22:48 "Oh, I need to go to Chapter 2 on DVD number one."
22:50 And boom, they can review the segment
22:52 that's being discussed.
22:54 It's going to be more than just a movie or a documentary.
22:58 It's going to be something interactive
22:59 that you can use as a witnessing tool,
23:00 and I'm really excited about that aspect
23:03 of using this DVD series.
23:06 We have financial needs for this
23:08 and would you two like to share with us,
23:10 I mean, some people spend like $7 million
23:13 to do a production, you know,
23:14 a lot of documentaries are $7 million.
23:16 Well, Laymen Ministries is trying to do this for,
23:19 you know, a couple of $100,000
23:21 and where it's a several DVD series.
23:24 What kind of needs do we have right now?
23:26 I mean there's apparently financial needs?
23:28 One of the biggest needs we have right now is
23:31 just more computing power, more and more computers
23:33 because we're doing these 3D animations of the sanctuary.
23:37 We've got a 3D cathedral
23:38 that we're going to use for some of the...
23:40 I believe Dark Ages stuff
23:41 and second angel's message and things,
23:42 and it takes so much time
23:44 and so, one of our biggest needs right now
23:46 is just more computers that we can throw these animations
23:49 so that we can turn them more faster and get this thing done.
23:52 And we're needing to shoot B-roll
23:54 which means traveling,
23:55 it means having some simple re-enactments.
23:57 We're not talking about something like people talking
23:59 and producing a movie type thing,
24:01 but visuals that go along
24:03 with what the documentary is talking about.
24:05 There's a lot more expenses,
24:06 you know, when you start traveling and shooting
24:08 and having to have people come and work with you
24:11 and coordinating all that, there's a lot of,
24:14 not only time involved
24:15 but there's a lot of expense involved,
24:16 and we've kind of gotten to the point
24:18 where we're close to exhausting our budget
24:19 almost we are with this project,
24:21 but yet we're getting so close
24:22 to being towards the homestretch
24:24 of finishing it.
24:25 This last summer we were doing a lot of traveling,
24:27 doing the very last narrations,
24:29 pulled together the documentary.
24:30 And in closing, I'd like to share with you
24:33 just some clips that we captured
24:35 while we were traveling this summer,
24:36 to kind of give you an idea
24:38 of some of the cinematic type of video
24:40 that's involved with this production.
24:42 As you watch this,
24:44 just think about the Days of Noah project,
24:45 think about how you could use it
24:46 with your friends and family
24:48 and pray with us as we move forward
24:49 to try to finish this production.
24:55 Noah gave us specific message to prepare people for the flood
24:58 and this angel that announces
25:00 "The hour of His judgment has come,"
25:01 also has a specific message for our time.
25:05 Both of these messages are calculated
25:07 to prepare mankind for the judgment
25:10 by calling us into an ark of refuge.
25:13 We'll begin to understand what this ark of refuge is
25:15 for us today
25:16 by closely examining the message of Noah.
25:34 The Bible tells us Noah was a preacher of righteousness
25:37 and the gospel reveals the righteousness of God.
25:40 It simply means that Noah was preaching the gospel.
25:56 I've often said that
25:58 the Sabbath is an outward sign of an inward work,
26:00 because observing the Sabbath to define that we acknowledge
26:03 only God can sanctify us.
26:23 In Central Utah, there are evacu pods.
26:26 There are billions of these organisms
26:29 that make up these layers.
26:55 And because we are again living in the judgment hour,
26:58 the gospel must once again be given to the world
27:00 to bring every one to a decision.
27:51 And if you'd like to get involved with this project,
27:53 you can contact us at Laymen Ministries,
27:55 414, Zapada Road, Saint Maries, Idaho 83861.
27:59 Call us on our toll free number,
28:00 request the DVD series of the updates
28:03 at 1-800-245-1844
28:06 or you can get us on the World Wide Web
28:08 at


Revised 2017-05-22