Participants: Jeff Reich
Series Code: LM
Program Code: LM000145A
00:30 We're glad you joined us in Laymen Ministry studio.
00:32 We're actually in a set that was created for 00:35 part of a documentary we're working on right now 00:37 called The Days of Noah 00:38 but I don't want to do any spoiler alerts here. 00:40 I have Michael McAfee and Chris Tempel, 00:43 or do you call it Tempel? 00:44 Tempel. Yeah, I always say it wrong. 00:47 But in our studio 00:48 and you two have been working here 00:50 on this project with us 00:51 and have been part of Laymen Ministries 00:52 for quite a while. 00:54 And Mike, you've been with Laymen Ministries for-- 00:55 About seven years now. Wow. 00:57 And Chris, you're kind of a newcomer. 00:58 How long have you been here? 00:59 Just over two years now. Okay. 01:01 And what do you bring to the ministry? 01:03 Why did you, you come here to work here? 01:05 Because I love serving the Lord 01:06 and I have a background in film and video production 01:08 and visual effects as well 01:11 and so been reading a lot about it to the magazines. 01:14 You guys said you're looking for help 01:15 so I'm like hey, I think this would be fun. 01:17 It'd be cool to be a part of it. 01:18 Yeah, we're glad you joined us. 01:19 And Mike, you've been here seven years 01:21 what all have you've been involved with doing? 01:22 I've been-- started out doing the mission of videos. 01:24 And as the-- after about a year or so 01:28 we started talking about doing The Days in Noah project 01:30 and we finally started actually shooting that 01:33 and getting the project underway about 01:35 four years ago I think now. 01:36 And that's what we're going to be talking about 01:38 today on this program. 01:39 So what exactly is The Days of Noah, Mike? 01:44 Well, in a nutshell The Days of Noah documentary 01:46 is comparing the story of Noah and the flood, 01:49 which is a story which most people are 01:51 somewhat familiar with, 01:52 and using that as a template to help explain Bible prophecy, 01:56 end times events and the Three Angels' Messages. 01:58 So that's really what we wanted to do is to explain 02:01 really what's going to happen at the end of time 02:02 but do it in such a way that 02:04 is through the lens of the story of Noah, 02:06 and that people are familiar with. 02:08 And I know we've been working on this for quite some time 02:11 but to be honest with you, I'm still excited about this 02:13 as that I was when we first started talking about it 02:15 several years ago. 02:17 And then when we actually went into production, 02:18 I was pretty excited about this concept 02:19 because it's something completely different 02:21 than we've ever seen produced 02:24 ever about Bible topics, prophecy, the flood story, 02:28 geology and all these different things tied together. 02:30 It's really quite an extensive documentary. 02:32 But you've prepared 02:34 like an introductory type of promo video 02:38 that kind of highlights what this is about. 02:41 Do you want tell us about that? 02:42 And then we can roll it let the... 02:43 Yeah, we have a intro 02:45 that's about two and a half minutes 02:46 and the first part of which just gives people, 02:48 sets the stage really for what the story is all about, 02:51 what the film is all about. 02:52 Okay, well, let's go ahead and roll that right now. 03:02 In Matthew 24:37-39, 03:06 Jesus takes a look at how the days of Noah 03:12 would be a picture of how things would be 03:16 at the end of time. 03:18 "As it was in the days of Noah, 03:21 so shall it be in the days at the coming of Son of man." 03:24 He speaks of how they 03:26 were carrying on the daily activities, 03:29 marrying and giving in marriage, 03:30 eating and drinking 03:31 and they weren't paying attention. 03:33 And they didn't know that flood was gonna come, 03:37 despite a 120 years of preaching. 03:41 "So shall it be," it says, 03:42 in the coming of the Son of man. 03:48 History is repeating itself. 03:49 I'm sure the Lord looks down from heaven now. 03:52 Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, 03:54 so will it be in the days of the Son of man." 03:56 And we're seeing that in the world today 03:58 with the violence in the land, 04:00 the selfishness and self worship, 04:02 it's out there. 04:03 And I think it just-- is breaking the heart of God. 04:08 Perhaps, the single most important, 04:10 practical lesson to try and find 04:13 the present day application for 04:16 is, what does it mean to get on the ark. 04:20 We are living in the judgment hour. 04:23 We're living in the final twilight 04:25 in the world's history, 04:27 where we're standing on the threshold of eternity. 04:30 And people need to realize these are awesome times, 04:33 more so than any other time in history. 04:36 Because the sun is really going down 04:38 on the world's probation. 04:40 And now is the time 04:41 when people need to prepare to meet their God. 04:44 So I think as people watch that little introductory clip, 04:46 that's only just half of it 04:48 and we'll show the last half at the end of this broadcast. 04:50 But I'm sure some of you 04:51 probably heard about this project, 04:53 if you're from there with Laymen Ministries. 04:54 But it's been taking quite a while. 04:56 And as you can see from just that little bit of the intro, 04:59 there's going to be a lot of people involved with this. 05:02 We've spent a whole summer interviewing people, geologist, 05:05 paleontologists, scientists, theologians, 05:08 different well known people in the church, 05:09 but what have we finally decide 05:11 and how we're going to produce this series? 05:15 Well, as we started putting the project together, 05:18 we'd always started out with a template. 05:21 We wanted the first section to be about 05:23 looking at the scientific evidences for the flood. 05:25 Then we wanted to segue into 05:28 how society and culture has shifted now 05:30 to completely a more atheistic worldview. 05:33 And then we also wanted to talk about 05:35 the Three Angels' messages, 05:37 the 2,300 day prophecy and really compare 05:41 the first Angel's message, 05:42 which is the hour of His judgment is come 05:44 with the judgment hour message that Noah had. 05:47 And so we've set out to do that and in the process, 05:51 one of the things we decided to do 05:52 was to make this film, 05:55 three films instead of just one. 05:57 One of the main reasons for doing that 05:58 was to give us more time, 06:01 screen time to help explain these concepts 06:04 to the audience in a more comprehensive and clear way 06:07 and which will really help them sink in. 06:09 So the first part, 06:12 where we talk about the scientific evidence 06:13 is for the flood, we go to the Grand Canyon, 06:15 we look at some of the different 06:17 sedimentary layers 06:18 and we finish the first section 06:21 by establishing the fact that there was a judgment 06:24 and just leave the viewer with the question, 06:26 well, when does the last judgment hour begin. 06:29 Hence, in part two 06:30 we start off with William Miller 06:34 and his study of the 2,300 day prophecy, 06:37 which as we know points us to 1844 06:40 in conjunction with the First Angel's message 06:42 which says that the hour of his judgment is come. 06:44 You want to be careful not to give away too much here. 06:47 Spoiler alert. 06:48 There is there's so much more 06:49 I could even possibly spoil it out. 06:51 That's why we ended up having to make it 06:52 into three DVD segments. 06:54 But at the end of the second part 06:56 we really have established the fact that 06:58 we are actually now living in the days of Noah 07:01 for the last generation. 07:03 And then leave the viewer 07:04 with the question of well, then what is the ark. 07:06 We have prepared a clip 07:08 that deals with the one segment. 07:10 That is called Investigating the Judgment 07:13 and why don't we go ahead and watch that right now 07:15 and the people can just a little bit of a taste 07:17 of the introductory part of that segment. 07:22 God sent a flood of water 07:24 to wash away the evil of that age. 07:27 But one question remains. 07:28 Could a worldwide catastrophe occur 07:30 and not leave behind some evidence 07:32 that it actually happened? 07:34 The global flood is more than just a story written in a book. 07:37 It's written in the earth itself. 07:39 And these physical evidences remain 07:41 as a witness in a warning to us. 07:43 So now, let's take some time to investigate the judgment. 08:53 One of the most unique 08:54 and beautiful features of the Grand Canyon 08:56 are the various different colored sedimentary layers 08:58 that run along a Canyon walls for miles. 09:00 These layers are made up of sandstone and limestone 09:03 and that's what creates that rainbow in the rocks. 09:05 It's one of the things that makes the Grand Canyon 09:07 so awesome to look at. 09:10 But not only these layers unique to the Grand Canyon, 09:12 they give us our greatest clue on how the Canyon was formed. 09:20 So the section we just watched was the kind of the intro 09:22 for the Investigating the Judgment section. 09:24 And as we see, we went to the Grand Canyon 09:26 and shot you hanging off the edge of the cliff 09:29 and a few different places. 09:30 And so I think that's-- 09:33 really going to the Grand Canyon 09:35 and really shooting a lot of those evidences 09:37 was another way to really establish the fact 09:39 that a judgment had happened. 09:41 And so that segment was kind of the opening 09:43 for laying the groundwork 09:44 for all the scientific evidences 09:46 that have shown that the flood actually did happen 09:49 and it was a global catastrophe. 09:51 And because of the broad number of subjects 09:54 covered in this documentary, 09:56 this is going to be a great witnessing tool for you 09:59 to be able to give it to your friends, 10:00 family members and such because you know, 10:02 let's face it a lot of people today 10:03 don't want to sit down and open a Bible 10:05 and have a serious talk about religious things. 10:08 But to hand them just a simple DVD set 10:10 and say, "Hey, watch this. 10:12 This is dealing with science and some history, 10:13 Bible prophecy, you might be interested." 10:15 That it will catch their attention. 10:17 And it will be something that will draw them in 10:19 and to be able to walk them through 10:22 significant prophecies in the Bible 10:24 that'll lead them to a relationship with Christ. 10:26 And I remember when we started 10:28 talking about going into the next segment of like, 10:31 how do we help people to understand 10:32 one of the most amazing prophecies in the Scriptures, 10:35 the prophecies of the 2,300 days. 10:38 I mean, this is the prophecy that nails down the time 10:40 that Christ was baptized, he entered in his ministry. 10:42 And it points to the future to win a judgment hour 10:45 was gonna come the second time. 10:47 And Chris, I know, 10:48 you're kind of the graphics animation guy here. 10:50 You were involved with some of the animations for, 10:53 you know, the graphic work for this segment. 10:55 What kind of things were you doing? 10:57 The William Miller's section, I've done a lot of fun, 11:00 V effects work in that. 11:02 There's a shot near the beginning 11:04 where we shot down in Boise, Idaho, 11:07 coming down the outside of the house. 11:08 And the effect of the shot 11:10 was to then make the camera come from the outside, 11:11 pass through a window 11:13 into the set that we're in right now. 11:14 This is actually the room 11:16 where William Miller was studying the prophecy. 11:17 This is the room. Yeah. 11:18 So we had to match, you know, 11:20 a location here in St. Mary's to look down in Boise Idaho. 11:22 So sticking cardboard in the windows 11:24 and just we had tracking marks for it 11:25 and then using some software make it, 11:27 the two shots merged together 11:29 and replace all the glass and that kind of thing. 11:30 So that was pretty cool. 11:32 We actually shot one of the oldest houses in Idaho 11:34 which I think was built in the 1860s. 11:35 Yes. 11:37 So we were really looking for something 11:38 that was reminiscent of what William Miller would have had. 11:41 And it's difficult to find this far west but-- 11:44 Yeah. So we had to shoot. 11:45 'Cause he is in New England and we're in Pacific Northwest. 11:46 Yeah, exactly. 11:48 So we had to shoot at two locations, you know. 11:50 But what I felt was interesting too 11:51 is we actually shot him up on the hill, 11:53 up here and he was reading a Bible outside. 11:55 And in the background 11:57 when he does the one shot you see, 11:59 the house in, Southern Idaho, 12:01 in the background there so you're the guy 12:03 that's kind of like putting those things together like that 12:05 and then well, of course, William Miller comes around 12:06 and he goes into the house 12:08 and he comes into this set here. 12:09 They don't have clear cut logging 12:10 back in William Miller's day that I'm aware of at least. 12:12 And out here we're in the middle of a logging town. 12:15 So there's a few shots in the film 12:17 where I had to go through 12:18 and paint in the forest in the background again. 12:21 And then to help match it up 12:23 make it look like it was old farm 12:24 and that kind of thing. 12:26 We put horses in the field behind him 12:27 and a big ole maple tree in the foreground 12:30 and all that's digital help tied into the other location 12:33 and make it look more like it was shot back East. 12:36 Moving telephone poles. 12:38 Yeah, and cars from the highway and freeway and stuff, 12:40 just painting stuff out. 12:42 And I don't think people have any idea 12:44 of how much behind-the-scenes work 12:46 goes into doing a production like this. 12:48 And even for me, this is the biggest production 12:50 that the ministry has ever been involved with producing. 12:53 And I watched how long it takes to get the lighting right, 12:58 and to get everything right and we were hiring actors, 13:01 screening people to be actors 13:03 for the different segments that we were shooting. 13:06 There's a lot involved 13:08 with pulling off a production like this. 13:10 So what was the whole point 13:11 of trying to have William Miller 13:12 be part of The Days of Noah documentary? 13:15 What are we trying to reveal there? 13:17 It's hugely significant 13:18 because William Miller studying 2,300 day prophecy. 13:23 That prophecy really leads us to 13:26 when the judgment hour would begin 13:28 when the First Angel's message says 13:29 the hour of His judgment is come. 13:31 And we know that Noah had a judgment 13:33 our message in his day. 13:35 And so, really what we're looking at is 13:36 the anti-typical proclamation of the judgment hour 13:39 at the end of time and Noah had a message also, 13:43 that was a judgment hour message and so the-- 13:46 comparing the two is just really significant 13:49 'cause it really helps us understand 13:50 that we are actually living mathematically and specifically 13:54 in the days of Noah for the last generation. 13:56 I remember when we started 13:57 talking about producing this segment, 13:59 we were thinking how could we engage people 14:01 who are not familiar with 14:03 this kind of prophecy in the Bible 14:04 about that prophecy. 14:05 We thought why not have William Miller himself 14:08 explain it to the viewers, while he's discovering it. 14:12 And I have to admit 14:14 when I first watched the edited scenes, 14:16 I got goosebumps, because 14:17 not only is it really easy to understand, 14:20 but it was so well done. 14:22 The actor that we had for it did an excellent job. 14:26 Let's give our viewers just a little bit 14:27 of a taste of this segment of William Miller 14:30 studying the prophecies for himself. 14:33 The one most significant contribution 14:36 that Miller gave us was to link 14:39 Daniel Chapter 8 and Daniel Chapter 9 14:42 and the advantage is 14:44 that a starting point is given for Daniel Chapter 9. 14:47 The angel is telling Daniel, 14:49 he's going to give him the starting point, 14:51 for not only the 2,300 day prophecy 14:55 that you find in Daniel 8:14. 14:57 But he introduces another prophecy 14:59 about when will the Messiah come. 15:01 "Know therefore and understand 15:04 that from the going forth of the commandment to restore 15:06 and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince 15:09 shall be seven weeks and three score and two weeks." 15:15 It would be seven weeks, plus threescore and two weeks 15:19 for a total of 69 weeks unto Messiah the Prince. 15:22 In this prophecy, however, 15:24 the event marking the beginning of the time 15:26 to be calculated was given 15:28 from the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem. 15:46 With the new fervor and zeal to understand this prophecy, 15:50 Miller searched for the date of the commandment 15:52 to restore and to build Jerusalem. 15:57 Whole nights and days were devoted to the study 15:59 of what now appear to be of stupendous importance. 16:03 His study paid off. 16:05 And he found the commandment to restore 16:07 and to build Jerusalem in the seventh chapter of Ezra. 16:11 "I make a decree that all they of the people of Israel 16:15 and of his priests and Levites in my realm, 16:17 which are minded of their own free will 16:19 to go up to Jerusalem. 16:21 Go with it thee." 16:23 It was given by King Artaxerxes I, 16:26 which Ezra records 16:27 was in the seventh year Artaxerxes the king. 16:33 And our God is so good that 16:35 when He gives an important prophecy in the Bible, 16:38 right in the prophecy, He will give us evidence. 16:40 So there's no question about the day. 16:43 In the same way, in the Book of Ezra, 16:45 He tells us right in the Book with Ezra 16:48 that decree is given, that is the starting point. 16:54 William found the reign of King Artaxerxes I, 16:57 began in the year 464 BC. 17:02 The seventh year of his reign was 457 BC. 17:08 From this point, he could calculate the prophecy 17:11 unto Messiah the Prince. 17:17 The period of sixty nine weeks with seven days per week 17:21 was a total of 483 day 17:23 which was a symbol for 483 literal years. 17:27 Not counting the years zero which did not exist. 17:30 Miller eventually found 17:32 the prophecy extended from 457 BC, 17:35 483 years into the future unto Messiah the Prince, 17:39 which was 27 AD. 17:42 In autumn of this year, 17:44 Jesus was anointed by baptism 17:46 in the fulfillment of the prophecy 17:48 to anoint the most holy. 17:49 And He began his ministry as the Messiah. 17:52 The apostle Peter testifies 17:54 that God annoyed Jesus of Nazareth 17:56 with the Holy Ghost and with power. 17:59 In the Book of Luke Chapter 3, 18:01 one of the most easily collaborated dates 18:06 is the date of Christ's baptism. 18:08 Luke gives more information there 18:10 about who is ruling 18:12 and historians know that there is only one year 18:15 that the for instance, 18:16 the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar 18:18 and it tells who is high priest and who is governor 18:21 and all the different officials. 18:23 There is only with one year 18:24 when all those dates are overlapped. 18:26 And it was 27 AD. 18:30 At His baptism, 18:32 the last prophetic week 18:33 of the seven literal year period began, 18:35 mark by the appointing of the Messiah. 18:38 This was the seventh week. 18:40 The prophecy foretold. 18:42 He shall confirm the covenant with many for one week. 18:45 And in the midst of the week, 18:47 He shall cause the sacrifice and oblations 18:49 to cease on the cross. 18:51 That system of sacrifices and offerings 18:54 which for 14 centuries pointed to the Lamb of God was ended. 18:58 And the Messiah was cut off. 19:13 I'm a Jewish Christian. But my mother is Jewish. 19:17 I know there are couple of books in the Bible 19:19 that orthodox Jews forbid their followers to study. 19:25 One of them being Daniel Chapter 9 19:27 that clearly tells from the commandment 19:30 to rebuild Jerusalem unto the Messiah 19:32 and they know that it lines up 19:34 when you use the day for your prophecy, 19:36 it lines up perfectly with Jesus. 19:39 And it causes them no small consternation 19:43 when you study that we found out 19:45 and accept Jesus as Messiah. 19:51 Having seen and confirmed the application 19:53 of the seventy week prophecy and its start date of 457 BC, 19:58 Miller now calculated the remaining time 20:00 from the 2,300 a prophecy 20:02 to the cleansing of the sanctuary, 20:04 when the judgment would begin. 20:07 And as we follow that time prophecy down, 20:10 as we go from the gate in which we find it began, 20:15 and we move forward with the 2,300 day prophecies, 20:18 that's when we find that it comes to the year of 1844. 20:34 William found that the 2,300 days of Daniel 8: 14 20:38 would terminate in the year 1844, 20:41 in his lifetime. 20:47 I need not speak of the joy that filled my heart 20:49 in view of the delightful prospect, 20:52 nor of the ardent longings of my soul 20:54 for participation in the joys of the redeemed. 20:57 The Bible was now to me a new book. 21:01 It was indeed a feast of reason, 21:03 all that was dark, mystical 21:05 or obscure to me and its teachings, 21:07 had been dissipated from my mind 21:09 before the clear light that now dawned for me 21:11 from its sacred pages. 21:14 Oh, how bright and glorious the truth appeared. 21:19 A lot of work goes into producing, 21:21 a scene like you just watch showing William Miller 21:23 and this was going to be a phenomenal production. 21:27 It's gonna be able to tell a story about the flood, 21:30 about science and about where we are 21:32 in the world's history right now in these last days, 21:35 about Christ's soon return 21:37 and how we can be prepared for that coming. 21:39 So this is going to be something 21:40 that can reach a wide field 21:42 of different types of people groups. 21:44 That's what I hope is anyhow. 21:46 They were hoping actually to cover a fairly wide audience 21:50 because the first film really just gets people 21:53 into the story of what Noah and the flood was all about 21:56 and then we look at some of the scientific evidences. 21:58 That kind of establishes 21:59 the credibility of the flood story 22:01 and then in the subsequent parts 22:03 in part two we look at 22:04 then what does this mean for our time, 22:06 and then finally, in the third section 22:08 we get into a little bit more detail 22:10 and looking at the sanctuary 22:12 and what Christ is doing in the heavenly sanctuary 22:14 for us today and what implications that has 22:17 at the end of time. 22:18 And Chris, I know you've been working 22:20 with a couple other animators and some models and stuff. 22:23 What do you been doing to try to work with 22:26 helping to demonstrate the sanctuary model? 22:28 We wanted to have shots of the century, 22:30 illustrating it that we can have 22:32 as people are talking about these concepts involved with it 22:35 and so one guy built a 3D model of the sanctuary 22:38 that was just stellar. 22:40 So we've bought that from him 22:41 and now in the software that I'm more familiar with, 22:43 we've been retexturing everything 22:45 and trying to get all these these camera animations set up 22:47 so we can illustrate these concepts visually 22:49 because the picture is worth a thousand words, 22:51 and if you can see it not just hear it, 22:53 it's gonna help it stick. 22:54 So we want to be able to help people 22:56 to have to be able to see 22:57 really good visuals of the sanctuary. 22:58 But more than that to take them into the sanctuary 23:01 and understand the message 23:03 of what that sanctuary message is about, 23:04 to help them to understand 23:06 how that plays a significant role 23:08 for the inhabitants of this planet 23:10 in the last days. 23:21 Mike, if you were-- in a nutshell, 23:22 gonna explain the sanctuary 23:24 and how it pertains to the days of Noah, 23:27 what would you say to the viewing audience? 23:29 Well, the sanctuary is really great way 23:33 to explain the Three Angels' messages 23:36 because it is a visual illustration 23:38 of the everlasting gospel 23:39 which is the First Angel's message. 23:41 It helps us to understand what it means 23:43 when the hour of God's judgment is come. 23:46 And that ties together perfectly 23:48 with the story of Noah because-- 23:50 Right, because Noah had lived in the judgment hour 23:52 and so what we're really talking about 23:54 with the Three Angels' messages 23:55 is these messages are the message of Noah. 23:59 These are-- this is the same message. 24:00 Noah had a message 24:02 calling people out of the world, 24:03 out of false worship and into the ark 24:06 and which ties in with the Third Angel's message. 24:08 And so there's a lot of parallels 24:10 between the message that Noah had 24:12 with the message of the three angels in Revelation. 24:14 So one of the things that I think is really 24:16 unique about this project 24:18 is that we use the sanctuary 24:19 to illustrate visually the Three Angels' messages. 24:22 Using that visual illustration that God has given us, 24:25 is going to be so great to help people 24:27 unfamiliar with this message, 24:28 be able to comprehend it 24:30 and understand it in its context 24:32 as well as all its various components. 24:34 So we've mentioned that there's going to be extra cost 24:36 because we've decided to make this production 24:38 in the three parts. 24:39 And behind the scenes, we have a lot of stuff going on 24:42 it costs money, 24:43 money that we didn't really for see at the time 24:45 that when we started this production. 24:47 It was going to be involved 24:49 with pulling the production off. 24:50 What kind of other things do we need help with? 24:53 Well, one of the biggest tasks that we're faced with 24:56 at the moment is going to be the rendering the 3D sanctuary. 25:00 It takes an enormous amount of processing power 25:02 to be able to do these 3D animations. 25:04 So we need more computers 25:06 to really to be able to get that done. 25:09 Yeah, we have a limited amount of processing power 25:11 so we definitely want to increase that 25:13 but some of the other expenses that we're talking about 25:15 include music, 25:16 and we still have some narrations to shoot. 25:18 We still have some more production to do. 25:20 And we're really looking at trying to find an artist 25:23 to help do illustrations as well. 25:25 So Chris, if people wanted 25:27 to know more about 25:28 this documentary what can they do? 25:29 Where can they go? 25:31 They can go to our Facebook page. 25:32 We are on Facebook and "The Days of Noah" film 25:35 and they'll pop right up and you can follow us 25:37 get up to date information on wins that coming out 25:40 and where we're at in the production progress 25:41 and that probably be the best way to do it. 25:44 We're really excited about finishing this documentary 25:46 and if you'd like to help that would be great. 25:48 We'll put up our address and our phone number 25:50 and contact information at the end. 25:52 But this particular production is a message for today. 25:56 It's something that needs to be out 25:59 in the hands of people today. 26:01 And we really believe that this is going to be 26:02 a powerful presentation to convict people's hearts 26:05 about where we are in this world's history. 26:07 And that's really the reason why we're producing this. 26:10 And that is why we are living in the days of Noah. 26:39 I'm Jeff Reich, director of Laymen Ministries. 26:42 What you are about to witness will be unlike 26:43 anything that you've ever seen before, 26:45 not only are we going to investigate the flood story, 26:47 but we'll trace the roots of evolution 26:49 and show how it's influenced Western society. 26:52 And most importantly, 26:53 we'll take a look at how the story of Noah 26:55 helps explain the pages of Bible prophecy. 26:57 This is the story of Noah and the flood 26:59 like you've never seen before. 27:28 Today many Christians are anticipating 27:30 the future coming of Christ and they are wondering 27:32 what's in store for planet Earth. 27:34 They do well if they went back 27:35 and they read a story of Noah in the flood 27:37 because within that epic story of the Bible, 27:39 there is more the future revealed to us than many known. 27:41 In fact, the evidences are all around us. |
Revised 2016-01-21