Participants: Jeff Reich (Host), Dennis & Judy Skandunas
Series Code: LM
Program Code: LM000140
00:30 Or something like that? No, it's too late now.
00:33 I am glad you could join us. 00:34 We were just sitting around talking about 00:35 mission experiences 00:36 and in our studio we have Judy and Dennis. 00:40 Did I say your last name right? Yes. 00:42 It's like Lithuanian, I think or something like that. 00:45 And anyhow, we just were talking 00:46 about recent mission trips 00:48 and we're happy that you could be with us here. 00:49 I think you'll really enjoy the program today. 00:52 They just recently came back from Northern India 00:56 and Nepal on a mission trip, 00:58 and the reason I invited them to come to the studio 01:00 is because they went and interface 01:02 with one of our projects in North India. 01:04 And you folks didn't do the application process 01:07 and everything. 01:08 I kind of said, you came in through the back door kind of. 01:10 You actually just kind of contacted me and asked, 01:13 hey, we're going to be traveling in India, 01:14 visiting different ministries, 01:15 we'd like to go and check with-- 01:17 check on the work that Sandra and Terri Horner are doing 01:19 and would that be okay? 01:21 And I said, sure. 01:22 And so you folks kind of like on the outside looking in, 01:26 going checking on one of our projects, 01:27 not as missionaries working with our ministry 01:29 but just kind of like freelance missionaries, 01:32 I guess you could say. 01:33 So how'd you happen to know about this particular project 01:36 with Sandra and Terri Horner in North India to begin with? 01:39 We've been getting their magazine 01:40 from Laymen Ministries for years, 01:42 and followed the projects and just thought someday 01:45 we'd love to go visit their project. 01:47 We've been in Nepal before 01:49 and just that whole Nepali culture 01:52 in the mountain area appealed to us. 01:54 So you folks are not new to traveling. 01:57 I mean, it sounds like 01:58 you've done a little bit of traveling in the past. 02:00 Dennis, and you said, you were in South America one time and-- 02:03 I flew my motorcycle down with another church member 02:05 down to South America, Argentina, 02:09 and rode a motorcycle all the way up from Argentina-- 02:12 You are kidding me. It sounds like a blast. 02:13 It was great. 02:14 It was 17,000 some miles and then the next year 02:17 we finished up to Alaska, tip of Alaska. 02:21 So you two both have had some experience 02:23 prior to this particular trip. 02:25 So where all did you go in India 02:28 and when you got up to where 02:30 Sandra and Terri were training school 02:31 is our life education health training center. 02:35 How long did you plan on staying there? 02:38 Well, we weren't sure. 02:39 We knew we had seven or eight weeks left. 02:41 We spent other times in other counties 02:44 and that was going to be our last place to be. 02:49 And so we're checking it out. 02:51 Judy and I were just checking it out when we first got there. 02:55 But at the same time when we just got there 02:57 Sandra says, don't unpack 02:58 because I have you going with a team to Nepal 03:03 and they broke out in four teams so-- 03:05 I mean you meet Sandra for the first time 03:07 and you just arrive there, 03:09 and she's saying don't unpack your bags. 03:11 Yes. 03:12 What's up with that? 03:14 And she had-- she gave us a schedule 03:17 what I needed to speak on. 03:18 And I get real nervous speaking out in front, 03:23 I had an interpreter and they said 03:25 it would be easier as I can speak, 03:28 I would have time to think. 03:30 But it doesn't work that way for me with the interpreter. 03:33 I lost my thoughts, but it was good. 03:36 So you got there and you didn't even hardly unpack your bags 03:39 and then you guys went to Nepal then from North India? 03:42 Is that what you're saying? Yes. 03:43 Where did you actually go? 03:44 I mean, can you give me 03:45 a general idea of where you two ended up? 03:48 I can't remember the name of the village 03:50 but from the point where we took land transportation 03:53 to a particular village site 03:55 and then it was major four wheeling roads 03:58 for 2 hours up into the mountains in a vehicle. 04:01 And they were sitting in the back on sacks of rice 04:05 and I got to sit up front. 04:07 So you got to experience traveling in Nepali style. 04:09 Yes. Yes. 04:10 And some people on top too, I think. 04:14 And so you were actually in the foothills 04:16 of the Himalaya Mountains 04:17 and some of the village there in eastern Nepal, 04:19 kind of way out in the far eastern side of Nepal? 04:22 Southeast. Southeastern. 04:24 Yeah. Yeah. 04:25 So general impressions, what was it like? 04:29 I don't know if there's a picture of the bathroom 04:32 that is shorten, but water is-- 04:38 every couple hours you have water, 04:40 the rest of the village doesn't. 04:42 The water comes 04:43 and they transfer to a different village 04:45 through a little hose, pipes all over the mountainside. 04:50 They gave us a table, it was a regular kitchen table 04:54 and they put blankets on it and says, 04:56 we know the westerners don't like 04:58 sleeping on the floor, they like bed. 05:00 So they gave us a table. 05:02 So that was your bed? That was our-- 05:04 And you said something about toilets? 05:06 Now, I've been in these parts in Nepal 05:08 and one of the reasons we're running 05:09 a Health Education Lifestyle Center 05:12 is because people don't have toilets. 05:14 And they just go out into the bushes kind of, 05:17 so you are saying, they have some kind a makeshift outhouses 05:21 or something like that or-- 05:22 Yes, it was tent, it was little squatter. 05:26 And this is because of the- 05:27 probably the teaching of our missionaries going there 05:29 and working with the people. 05:30 Yes. 05:31 So what are the kind of things did you experience 05:33 while you were there as far as like 05:35 the hygiene and things like that? 05:37 I, for two weeks, I did not have a bath 05:40 or spit bath of any kind which is a first in my life. 05:43 The water was there at times 05:45 but the privacy was not in the little outhouse. 05:47 So what did the nationals do? 05:50 They bathe underneath their clothes 05:52 out in this big cement square 05:55 that supposed to be the squat pot, 05:57 designed for them. 05:58 Okay. Yeah. 06:00 And then they wash their dishes on the ground, 06:04 the chickens are right there. 06:05 Or when you're eating, when you're finished 06:07 eating the chickens come up to the table 06:08 and eat off your plates. 06:11 Did you see them washing the pots 06:13 and pans out with mud? 06:15 Did you notice them doing that? 06:16 Yes. We did that. 06:18 Each meal, they had to break sticks and cook. 06:21 There was no gas stove, no anything else, 06:24 it was just sticks. 06:26 And we waited for our food for hours. 06:30 Rice and potatoes. Rice and potatoes. 06:32 Rice and greens. Rice and greens. 06:35 And they ate with their fingers, 06:37 then we asked for spoons. 06:38 So Judy and I were the only ones with the spoons 06:41 and they felt comfortable eating in their tradition. 06:46 Did you get to see any of the churches 06:47 that Sandra and Terri's teams 06:48 have been involved with building? 06:50 Did you get to speak at any of the churches or? 06:52 In Mungpoo, yes they built the church and it's really-- 06:55 Well, that's a beautiful facility. 06:56 It's a very, very special. 06:58 I guess Terri and Sandra and the students 07:00 at that time build it, and we were there. 07:05 Yeah, just very impressed overall with the whole program. 07:08 Yeah, various places all over eastern Nepal, 07:11 we've built probably about eight or nine churches, 07:13 they're more primitive than the when 07:14 that you folks were in. 07:15 I didn't know if you got 07:16 to actually see any in the field or not 07:18 but they are little bit not as nice as that one. 07:21 But actually these places, 07:23 you know, people are just Hindus 07:25 and they go in there and work with these folks 07:27 and establish churches. 07:28 It's really quite amazing. 07:31 What kind of experiences did you have out in the field? 07:33 Tell me about what you're doing in such out there? 07:36 I mean, Sandra, did she say, okay, we're heading 07:38 and did she tell you what you're going to do 07:40 or was it just winning the whole thing or what? 07:41 Well, no. 07:43 She had a layout there, when I spoke, 07:46 when she spoke, 07:47 when students spoke via translators 07:50 so it went all day long. 07:52 Morning worship, afternoon, evening. 07:55 Evening was the big one where the village will come in 07:57 and they had the speaker 07:59 and you wouldn't want to sit next to the speaker 08:01 because it was very loud. 08:02 So, Dennis, I mean, what do you think 08:04 when she all of a sudden, 08:05 you don't even know Sandra or Terri, 08:07 you're going, okay, we're going to go to Nepal 08:09 and she hands you this piece of paper. 08:10 What did you see on there? 08:11 What kind of responsibilities did she give you? 08:14 What was your reaction? 08:15 Well, my reaction was I talked to the interpreter real quick 08:19 and I says, can you do my part? 08:21 And he says, no, you're doing your part 08:23 and I'll help you, you know. 08:24 So but as it went, I enjoy studying 08:28 and it worked very well. 08:30 We had the local village which was the village 08:33 there would probably was maybe 15-18 buildings. 08:38 And now so we had a turnout of maybe 25-30 people each night. 08:43 And what was your responsibility there 08:45 and what were you doing? 08:46 Giving talks on Daniel. 08:50 So and you were all prepared for this? 08:52 No, not at all. 08:54 So luckily I brought literature 08:57 and they also-- the students did, 09:00 and we shared, you know, shared the notes 09:04 and they had Daniel also, different parts of Daniel. 09:07 So it was very good. I enjoyed it when we left. 09:11 When you left. 09:13 Did you feel like the Holy Spirit, 09:14 like work with you in being able to get you 09:16 out of your comfort zone and doing that? 09:18 You can see that the people were really listening and-- 09:21 Yes. And I do it again. 09:23 I'd still be stressed and nervous 09:25 but I do it again because it was a blessing. 09:27 Praise God. 09:28 Yeah, it was-- got me out of the comfort zone. 09:33 They listened, they understood what the message was. 09:36 Then when we left or the last night 09:40 it was a good turnout, it was more turnout then-- 09:43 And they came over, they knew it was the last night 09:45 and because of the speakers were so loud, 09:47 they could here it at home also. 09:49 So they didn't have to come into the hall we had made. 09:54 So they really missed us. 09:56 I mean, they really enjoyed us and there was Adventist there 10:02 and there was another church there, 10:04 the Pentecostal. 10:07 And pastor was there each night listening. 10:09 Wonderful. So, yeah, it was good. 10:13 Judy, what were you doing there? 10:15 What was your responsibilities 10:16 when you were handed this sheet of paper? 10:18 I also had some sermons I had to give. 10:21 They had morning worship 10:22 and then they had a children's program in the afternoon. 10:25 So we had the stories from the picture roll 10:29 and taught the kids. 10:31 And the students also that came, 10:33 they did a great job with these children. 10:35 How many kids would show up 10:36 for some of the meetings here in generally 10:38 and how many different villages did you go to, you know? 10:41 We-- personally, the meetings were at one village. 10:45 I'd say about maybe 10 at the most students. 10:48 But during the day the young people, 10:50 the students from the center 10:53 and Joseph, the translator and the gospel outreach pastor 10:56 would go out to some of the outlying villages 10:58 on their motorcycles. 11:00 And so they were able to meet people 11:04 that couldn't come the distance to the church. 11:06 When we were at there in the village doing our-- 11:11 we call it probably the revival, 11:13 we figured it was revival, 11:15 there was other villages that were hours away 11:19 that would come up and they walked 2 hours, 11:22 you know, at the most to hear this 11:25 and they're all related so they'd sit in the evening 11:29 and then they have a place to stay at night 11:33 with one of the relatives. 11:35 And some people in the States wouldn't go to church, 11:38 you know, in the west 11:39 if they had to go walk 2 hours one way to get there. 11:43 What are we going to say, Judy? 11:44 Well, another part that was part of the program 11:46 was a health lectures 11:48 and the textbook for that was the book 11:51 that Sandra Horner had put together 11:53 on the Miracles of Water and The Eight Natural Doctors. 11:56 And so our talks each night, 11:58 each of the 10 nights featured one of those. 12:00 And one night I demonstrated hot and cold treatments using 12:04 Dennis as my patient 12:06 and the people were very interested. 12:08 These are new things for them. 12:09 The topics that we covered were new for them. 12:11 They have very limited knowledge of the Bible. 12:15 And so it was just a privilege. 12:18 We kept saying to ourselves, 12:19 even though it was difficult at times and challenges, 12:23 this is the highest privilege to be here. 12:25 Praise God. And we just-- 12:27 So then when the school was all - the field trip was all done, 12:31 you went back to the school 12:32 and you got to see the daily operations on 12:34 how our school there actually operates. 12:36 What was the general routine of the school 12:39 and, you know, what was the kind of schedule 12:41 and what was your impression of what they were doing there? 12:44 Well, we were impressed. 12:45 When we were there, we saw how she split up 12:49 and there was other missionaries there too 12:51 that were there just few weeks before us. 12:53 They had a short term, 6 months. 12:55 And it was Joshua and Emily Juresic 12:57 right there, the couple. 12:59 And they were dedicated also. 13:00 And he went to a different part. 13:03 The school split of in four groups. 13:07 We went to Nepal. 13:08 He took another group somewhere else. 13:10 So he was doing his fieldwork in a different area. 13:13 So when we all came back and then we got to know 13:16 each other pretty good, dedicated. 13:19 So he was part of the school system 13:22 and he taught Desire of Ages. 13:24 That the school starts at 6 o'clock in the morning, 13:29 six days a week and students learn in English. 13:34 The Desire of Ages, and then some would work in the kitchen, 13:38 some would work in the garden. 13:39 I mean, they all would rotate. Medical, sewing -- 13:44 I was there, they were going through the prophecies 13:46 of Daniel and Revelation with these kids. 13:48 We saw that they know more than many of us 13:51 here in the United States know in our church about the Bible 13:55 and they're able to share it. 13:57 They have many opportunities to do that, both on site, 14:00 they are given in the evening vespers program, 14:03 they take charge of that sometimes. 14:07 They also have The Desire of Ages class later in the day. 14:11 They cover-- the curriculum is based-- 14:14 it's an English language school. 14:16 And so they get a certificate at the end 14:19 and they have all the vocabulary lists 14:21 from any class 14:22 but their curriculum is the Bible, 14:24 the Spirit of Prophecy, hymn book 14:27 and their own native songs there. 14:30 And they just-- they are beautiful young men. 14:35 And they have liked do a lot of education 14:37 like in health and physiology 14:39 and some anatomy and things like that too there. 14:41 Yeah, the medical missionary training, 14:43 that's another piece of the curriculum. 14:44 Oh, yeah. Okay, yeah. 14:46 Well, that's-- that's where they called 14:48 a health education lifestyle center, 14:50 it's kind of a mouthful. 14:51 And when Joshua would take Sabbath afternoon, 14:57 he take couple of students up to the villagers, 15:00 trails all over through the villages and homes 15:05 and the door is wide open 15:06 when they talk to him about the health thing 15:09 and they have pamphlets, many, many pamphlets, 15:12 you know, smoke and the water, you know, hot and cold. 15:16 And they're all open to it. Praise God. 15:19 And of course and at the same time 15:21 the literature on Jesus too. 15:23 But at the school, Wednesday afternoon 15:29 two students would go on a motorcycle, 15:32 there's two churches down. 15:33 I don't know how far. 15:34 We never visit church, 15:36 down off the hill where the school is 15:38 and she'd had two students go down for Friday-- 15:43 Wednesday night meeting. 15:45 They love to play the guitar and sing. 15:47 So one would do the music 15:49 and the other one would give the Wednesday-- 15:52 Was it like prayer meeting Bible study? 15:53 Yeah, the whole Bible study. 15:55 They come up Thursday morning, do their school, 15:58 Friday afternoon the same two will go to the same church 16:03 and do Friday vespers and Sabbath sermon. 16:06 Wow. So that's those two. 16:08 Then the next Wednesday 16:09 there will be two other students 16:11 who would go to the other church 16:13 and it just rotates continuously. 16:16 So you two got-- did you meet Joseph 16:18 while you were there? 16:20 And he's just recently I think, translated the book, 16:23 the book Great Controversy. 16:25 He is so dedicated and just a wonderful influence 16:29 there at the school and in the villages 16:31 when we were preaching and teaching, 16:33 he takes real ownership for it. 16:37 And he is a product of the training center 16:41 from years ago, 16:42 as well as Joshua, the tailor, the head tailor 16:46 that made my outfit here. 16:47 Well, talk about the tailoring program little bit. 16:49 That's something that some of our viewers 16:50 don't know anything about, 16:52 but we actually have 16:53 a practical training in school too 16:55 and tailoring is one of them. 16:56 So did you see them sewing? 16:58 Yes, the students have the-- 17:01 In fact we bought a little outfit 17:03 for our infant granddaughter from them. 17:06 And inside the top 17:08 and the pants had the name of the student 17:11 that had sewed that. 17:12 So your outfit was actually tailored by them? 17:15 This was by Joshua, the main tailor. 17:17 Oh, really? He do and it's top quality. 17:21 They made a shirt and pants for Dennis 17:23 and it would be in one of the highest stores 17:26 in our country, one of the top. 17:28 And so what are they doing with the goods at tailoring? 17:30 Do they have any kind of marketing going on? 17:33 Well, they are custom-made. 17:34 Our school started to approach them now, 17:37 neighbors and all that. 17:39 So he takes the measurements 17:40 and he sews them up for students at the school 17:44 and, so it's just-- I think there's four sewing machines 17:48 and it's staying busy. 17:50 Now we talked-- you talked to me 17:51 a little bit earlier about the landlord 17:54 and you talked about the silent witness of the school. 17:56 What exactly did you mean about that? 17:59 Well, it's on his property and he's a-- 18:03 Our school is actually 18:04 on a rented piece of property in-- 18:06 He's right next door. 18:08 The landlord lives right next door. 18:09 Yeah. Okay. 18:11 And they converted part of his place into the school 18:14 and it's big enough with all the students and-- 18:17 So he's a Hindu 18:19 and we're talking to his mom after a couple of weeks 18:24 and she was thrilled 18:25 that he allowed the school to be there 18:29 because he saw the students and Sandra and Terri, 18:36 how they live. 18:39 So by that he quit and she mentioned it, 18:43 quit swearing, quit chewing, smoking, beetle nut, 18:48 chewing beetle nut and his temper. 18:51 So... 18:52 It's like his anger, quit being so angry? 18:56 He just-- it was just observing the school. 18:59 That's interesting. 19:00 And tell him about the medical, the ambulance. 19:03 They would, unannounced an ambulance would come up 19:07 and bring one or more people up in the ambulance. 19:12 They had heard through different means 19:14 one of which was a funeral down in the village 19:17 that the center had attended to sing to them. 19:20 They had heard about that people can help them. 19:24 So they would come out, 19:25 and the students are trained in hot and cold treatment, 19:27 trained in massage. 19:29 And so one day when Dennis was there 19:34 they brought a man out and-- 19:37 Is this that when you-- there I think, 19:39 remember one time you told me about 19:41 he could barely walk, and he was all hunched over 19:43 and they brought him into the school 19:44 or something in the ambulance? 19:45 He was that way for 3 years. 19:47 He had a stroke and a lot of them have strokes 19:49 because of their health. 19:50 Now there's no water, beetle nuts, the stuff. 19:53 So they carried the man downstairs 19:57 where they would make a table, hot and cold, 20:00 lay him out and massage and hot and cold. 20:02 And I was upstairs and downstairs, 20:05 just checking out now and then 20:08 and probably about half way into it, 20:12 I saw him moving around on the table 20:14 and the students were telling him, 20:15 don't move around. 20:16 You know, he was getting excited, 20:17 he was moving around. 20:20 Probably an hour went by 20:22 and he like jumped out of the table, 20:25 standing up and he was thrilled to death. 20:27 This is first time in 3 years, just by hot and cold massage. 20:31 And there was-- 20:33 It's like he's come alive for something. 20:35 Yeah, And there was a picture roll there 20:37 and Jesus was there, 20:39 happen to be on the picture roll. 20:40 He went down and bowed down and stood up 20:46 and he comes bouncing up the steps to Sandra. 20:49 And he was going to kiss her feet 20:51 and Sandra goes, no, no, you know, this is Jesus' work, 20:54 you know, this is the work that-- just simple work. 20:57 Almost like a miraculous healing in a sense. 21:00 And then that's the opportunity because the people 21:04 that brought him up from the ambulance, 21:07 they were surprised too because, you know, 21:09 they were working with this guy for 3 years 21:11 at the hospital down the hill. 21:13 And here now this within an hour, 21:15 hour-and-a-half he's walking around. 21:18 So that was the opportunity to, you know, 21:20 to give the literature out on the health 21:23 and stuff like that. 21:24 But that was just, that was the last one, 21:26 but there was also a first one, 21:28 wasn't as you know as dramatic, 21:31 but just the hot and the cold and the message. 21:33 Isn't that interesting that the hospital 21:35 would send people up in the ambulance to our center? 21:39 Oh, before the time runs out, 21:40 let's talk about your trip to Darjeeling. 21:42 Just really quickly, 21:43 Darjeeling is a really famous city in North India. 21:46 It's kind of a tourist area. 21:47 They did a movie there called Darjeeling Express years ago, 21:50 it's kind of a historic tourist area. 21:53 But so you folks went up there for your anniversary, 21:55 what happened? 21:56 It started, we went to Mungpoo, where you had your church. 22:00 So they had this 5 day, 7 day Revelation seminar. 22:04 So then from there the group went back down to the school 22:08 and then Darjeeling was about half way, 22:11 so we went up there. 22:14 So Dennis had tried to get room at two other motels 22:18 and they just didn't seem to want to wait on him. 22:21 But then we had heard of this other-- 22:22 the best western place so we went there 22:25 and there was a really nice catered meal 22:30 that's part of your fee there, twice a day. 22:33 And as we-- 22:35 Lot of character for most of that area in North India. 22:37 Yes. Yes. 22:39 And as we had an experience there 22:40 we realized then how the Lord 22:42 just closed these other motels off 22:45 because he had a purpose for us being there. 22:48 And we would go there for our meals, 22:49 we were there I think 3 days and these young men, 22:53 the stewards would come and wait on us, 22:56 water or ask if we needed anything. 22:59 We would go up to the buffet to serve ourselves 23:01 but as we were nearing our close there, 23:04 being there both two young men came at different times 23:08 and said, are you a Christian? 23:09 Are you Christians? It's the waiters there. 23:11 Yes. 23:13 One is named Deep, 23:14 he's the shorter man in the pictures you'll see 23:17 and Sandeep is the other one. 23:19 And so we talked with them 23:20 and the taller man is a Christian. 23:23 And he told us, please do not forget me 23:25 when you go back to America. 23:26 Please pray for me. 23:28 And he's been trying to witness to his friend 23:30 Deep there, who is Hindu. 23:34 And so we gave them some of the literature 23:37 that we had brought that Sandra and Terri had developed, 23:41 that's in Nepali on different Bible topics 23:43 and medical missionary. 23:46 And then afterwards 23:47 when we went back to the center, 23:49 we had a copy of Steps to Christ 23:51 that Joseph had translated and The Great Controversy 23:55 that we later had sent by Joshua and Emily 23:58 back to Darjeeling to the acting pastor 24:02 to please take to them. 24:03 And he said he had done that. 24:04 So I think it's because we ate fruit 24:07 and maybe because we bowed our head for prayer 24:10 that they wondered if we were Christians. 24:12 Yeah. People are watching. 24:13 We never know about the silent witness of 24:15 how it can affect people. 24:18 Generally now that this was your first time 24:20 going to this project, 24:21 what was your impression with Sandra and Terri? 24:27 We were so inspired and blessed by them, 24:30 their dedication. 24:31 Sandra, I guess has been there 14 years I think in Nepal. 24:35 She speaks English with a Nepali accent. 24:38 There is a one particular sound that kind of go... 24:42 and she does that with someone of the English sounds 24:44 and when she is speaking English. 24:46 And they call her Sandra Miss, 24:51 and then they call Terri, who's been there, 24:54 I'm not sure how long, but at least 10 years. 24:55 She goes for 6 months each year, 24:58 and they call her mommy. 25:01 And just love both of them. 25:04 And their dedication, we would sit in 25:07 and watch some of the lectures that Terri would give. 25:12 It's just how they've dedicated their lives, it is-- 25:16 It's truly inspiring to us. 25:19 And Terri being 70 years old, 25:21 is not using the age not, you know, the excuse. 25:28 She's very healthy, 25:29 she can walk right along with the students, 25:32 up and down these mountains. 25:34 So we are very impressed with her dedication. 25:39 And the students love them, you know. 25:43 So you two going there kind of like, 25:45 we start out this program Outside Looking In, 25:47 you know, you're not Laymen Ministry missionaries, 25:49 you are people who just happen to want to go in that direction 25:52 and pop in and see what was happening. 25:54 What did you see the needs are for this project 25:58 and what they're doing up there? 26:00 Did you notice things that people 26:01 who are watching this program 26:02 might be interesting in trying to help? 26:06 I think they can use people coming to help in any way. 26:13 Most recently in the Ministry Magazine, 26:15 they actually have provided a list 26:17 of what could be helpful to them 26:19 and funds for Bible workers, 26:21 funds for churches in other locations. 26:24 In fact the one in Nepal that we were at, 26:27 they actually had put together a proposal to submit to Sandra 26:32 and then to the General Conference, 26:34 requesting a church. 26:35 And the GC called while we were there. 26:37 So we were privileged to be a part of that. 26:39 And we can build churches in Nepal for way, 26:42 way cheaper than in the west. 26:43 I think $1,500 to $2,000, 26:46 sometimes $2,500, depending on the location, 26:49 we can build a pretty nice little church 26:51 for new believers there. 26:52 Now, at the beginning of this program you said, 26:54 you're going to be going back. 26:56 Are you folks leaving pretty soon 26:57 to go some on another mission trip? 26:59 Yes, we are. 27:01 November 4th we will be flying out to other projects. 27:05 We will be gone till March 10th 27:09 and we definitely going to visit 27:12 and they expect us. 27:13 We've been communicating with them, 27:15 so we know when they're going to be there, 27:16 not out in the field. 27:18 And so we will be visiting them 27:21 and also Darjeeling and see the two- 27:24 Two waiters? Yeah, the two men that-- 27:27 Do little follow-up, long-distance follow up. 27:29 Yes. 27:30 I really appreciate you folks coming here 27:32 and sharing your experiences in going, 27:33 looking our project from the Outside Looking In. 27:36 And I just want to encourage our viewers, 27:38 if you would like to be part of this project 27:40 or be involved with this ministry in anyway 27:42 just contact us at Laymen Ministries, 27:44 that's 414 Zapada Road, St. Maries, Idaho 83861. 27:49 And you can email us or contact us 27:52 through our website at 27:56 Thank you, folks. |
Revised 2015-03-19