Laymen Ministries

Pastor Johnson 2014

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jeff Reich


Series Code: LM

Program Code: LM000139

00:32 Hi, we're glad you could join us here
00:34 at Laymen Ministries Studio.
00:35 I have in our studio,
00:36 Pastor Swami Das Johnson from India.
00:39 And we're just talking about
00:40 how long we've been working in India.
00:42 And it's been what 20 years now?
00:43 20 years.
00:45 Oh, man, and you've been working
00:46 with our ministry directly for--
00:48 a something like 14, 15 years, about like that.
00:51 Yeah, we have a lot of interesting things
00:53 happening in India right now
00:54 and so we're going to give you a quick update
00:55 and Pastor Johnson just came to United States
00:58 and he's spending some time with us here in Idaho.
01:01 And I just came from India just a few months ago
01:03 and we have a new DVD out that--
01:06 and television program,
01:07 you might have seen on 3ABN called,
01:09 "India, Fishers of Men"
01:11 and I just encourage you to get that.
01:13 Well, Pastor Johnson,
01:15 this is 2014 almost the end of 2014,
01:19 what kind of things have happened this year,
01:20 you know, we built the new studio
01:22 and we had a lot of things happening,
01:23 you know, end of 2013 and into 2014?
01:27 What kind of things are going on this summer and this year?
01:30 This year is the year of evangelism.
01:34 By God's grace, 2014 so far,
01:37 we have given 716 baptisms.
01:43 And we are waiting another three months
01:46 that we will reach 1,000 baptisms this year.
01:51 Out team, all our Bible workers
01:53 enter into ten un-entered territory
01:57 that no Adventist presence so far.
02:01 And we were able to plant six new churches
02:05 in the city of Chennai.
02:07 So when you say we've planted six new churches
02:10 you mean that there's some people meeting up
02:12 like four or five people meeting
02:13 at little house some place?
02:15 No it is not like four, five people
02:17 in some places 50, 60 people
02:20 and some places 25 to 40 people
02:23 and we usually hire a place on the top of the house
02:27 and put a temporary roof,
02:29 something like that and then the conference
02:32 will appoint a Bible worker to take care of the church.
02:35 So this is not a kind of house, church or something.
02:40 It's a real church.
02:41 So they have a designated church?
02:43 Yes.
02:44 And then, down to road, what Laymen Ministries
02:45 usually does is that we help acquire property,
02:47 when different ways that happens sometimes--
02:49 And then we build a building there.
02:51 Yeah, it is not only worshiping or giving baptism.
02:56 We do the ground work
03:00 and hold a evangelistic meeting.
03:02 Then forming the group Bible study,
03:04 then church, then buy a property
03:07 and building and follow forth.
03:09 It's a long journey.
03:11 Like you say, it's a packaged deal.
03:13 Yeah, so we had several different interesting things
03:17 happening this year.
03:18 I know we got publishing we can talk about,
03:20 we have the studio analyst going,
03:22 we're working on web page design
03:24 and doing different things like that
03:25 but lets talk about the Bible workers for a second.
03:29 We had, a couple of years ago we had 12 Bible workers.
03:31 Yes.
03:32 And then we doubled it to 24, what do we have now?
03:35 Right now, 29 Bible workers.
03:38 Yes, so when I was there just a several months ago,
03:41 I met some of the Bible workers there.
03:42 Well, we have three ladies and two men,
03:44 I think, now and we've got a picture of them
03:47 standing out in front of the studio there
03:49 and what is the reason that you are trying
03:53 to work in that area there,
03:54 just because we're kind of what in a rural area,
03:56 you wanted to try to establish churches close by the studio,
04:00 is that what you were thinking
04:01 or you just want to use it
04:02 kind of as an outreach center?
04:04 Basically you are right, both points are valid.
04:08 But our goal and our aspiration is to reach the un-reach,
04:13 share the Three Angels' message,
04:15 so that is our main goal.
04:18 So our main goal is to share the Three Angels' message
04:21 and plant the new churches in un-entered territory
04:25 and also our studio is there
04:28 and only we have a studio and equipment
04:31 and if we don't have a church around our studio
04:35 there is no use in that.
04:37 So we want to implement in our studio area
04:42 then go to the new place.
04:43 So how is the plan working so far
04:45 with the Bible workers using the studio
04:47 as kind of like a center hub for that area?
04:49 Are they having Bible studies
04:51 and have things happening there?
04:52 It's awesome because the things in this year,
04:57 our Bible workers enter into the six area
05:01 in that places, six un-entered territory.
05:04 Because in the day time mostly people will go for work.
05:08 Because where our studio is,
05:11 it's a agricultural place, farming place.
05:16 So because of that mostly people will be ladies
05:19 and everybody will be in the work place.
05:22 Afternoon they come,
05:24 then they cook, they take a rest.
05:26 So our Bible workers will go 4 o'clock.
05:30 But in the city--
05:31 4 o'clock in the afternoon?
05:33 Yes, in the city our Bible workers work morning
05:37 but this side in our studio side
05:40 our Bible workers work in the evening 4 to 9 o'clock.
05:45 And so you know, you mentioned all of baptisms
05:47 that are taking place
05:49 or we've always talked a lot about
05:52 what kind of quality of people are being baptized,
05:54 are you-- feel really confident
05:56 that the people who are baptized,
05:57 they've gone through a whole process
05:59 of really understanding what the Bible teaches
06:02 and they have a,
06:03 a solid foundation under themselves
06:05 as far as what they believe?
06:07 Yes, I am sure because the main reason
06:11 we are selecting a town or a village,
06:15 then our Bible workers stay almost four to five months.
06:20 Usually we stay three to four months.
06:23 Now we are staying four to five months in a town.
06:27 And we are visiting the homes.
06:29 The first month, making a friendship.
06:31 The second month, giving Bible study,
06:34 then evangelistic meeting then follow fourth.
06:38 So it is kind of-- It is not as simply giving.
06:42 But there's exceptions to the rules,
06:44 you talked about a young man by the name of Sarvana.
06:48 How do you say it? Saravanan.
06:50 Saravanan.
06:51 Don't you just love those Indian names, Sarvanan.
06:54 You are right.
06:55 He got baptized like that,
06:56 what was the situation with him?
06:58 The situation.
06:59 You are right, there are some cases
07:02 we have given a baptism in a short notice.
07:06 With him, Saravanan,
07:07 he called author of our TV program.
07:10 He watched our TV program.
07:12 Actually he didn't call,
07:13 his mother called us for-- to pray for his son.
07:20 Because Saravanan is going for a interview.
07:23 There we prayed.
07:26 That evening his mother called and said,
07:31 my son got appointment in Singapore.
07:33 Evening she called us and said, my son got a job,
07:37 so I want to come to the church.
07:39 Those same week she and her son--
07:44 she and her son came to the church.
07:47 And they gave a thank offering and they asked me to pray.
07:52 Then that week, actually,
07:55 every alternate week we have a baptism.
08:00 So she saw the baptism
08:01 then she said I would like to join.
08:03 Then we said you need a time.
08:06 But she said, I saw miracle
08:09 that you prayed morning, evening it happened,
08:12 so I want to take a baptism.
08:14 No, no we will give you baptism after one month.
08:17 But she told us before my son leave,
08:21 I have to take a baptism.
08:23 And today Saravanan is in Singapore
08:27 and he is sent the money to his mother
08:30 and mother purchased a small property for us
08:34 to build a church in the city of Chennai
08:38 in the northern part.
08:39 So what you're basically saying that there's those people
08:41 who are sincere at heart
08:42 and you could recognize it and they say,
08:44 I want to accept Christ as my personal Savior
08:47 and I want to be baptized into this faith
08:51 and they become active participants in the church
08:53 and they learn as they're in the church
08:55 and they're just sincere, honest people
08:57 who really have a sincere desire
08:59 to want to know what the truth is,
09:00 and that was what happened with this lady.
09:02 You are right, because even in the Bible
09:04 there are lot of examples we can see.
09:07 In the book of Acts, lot of example.
09:08 So there are--
09:10 But that's not our standard procedure.
09:13 Yeah, because there are some cases, one or two.
09:17 But generally we give a Bible study,
09:20 all our doctrines, then we give a baptism.
09:24 Well, you were talking about evangelism
09:26 but we also were involved with revival meetings.
09:29 How many revival meetings have we done in so far in 2014?
09:32 This year is a year of evangelism,
09:35 2014 for our union.
09:38 So we have-- the Laymen Ministry
09:41 has partnered with a union and Pastor Shadrach
09:45 hold a 25 revival and reformation meeting.
09:49 And myself and with our team,
09:53 our young team, the technician,
09:55 the studio with a camera everything,
09:58 35 revival and reformation meeting.
10:02 In some meeting the union president came,
10:04 union secretaries came.
10:05 It's a kind of partnership
10:07 between the union and the Laymen ministry.
10:10 And kind of trying to strengthen the laypeople
10:12 and churches that may be are strugglings
10:14 and having situations where they're discouraged
10:18 and things like that.
10:19 So the revival meeting comes
10:20 and it kind of helps them
10:21 to put a little bit of a fire underneath them.
10:24 It is focusing on prayer and the lifestyle of the people
10:27 and then the reading the Bible,
10:29 giving importance, so Adventist,
10:31 that everyone should get ready to meet Jesus.
10:34 So we are kind of focusing in the revival and reformation.
10:38 Over the years we've published a lot of literature in India.
10:41 A lot, I mean thousands and thousands
10:43 of books and different things.
10:44 Have we done much publishing in 2014?
10:47 What are some of the examples that you could give us?
10:50 And also before that I want to say this year,
10:53 we have finished 14 evangelistic meeting
10:57 because this evangelistic meeting is different
11:00 and the revival and reformation meeting is different.
11:03 Because revival and reformation meeting just four days,
11:06 five days or some places for one week.
11:09 But evangelistic meeting,
11:11 it's a kind of covering our doctrines,
11:14 going to un-entered territory,
11:16 hire a big hall and holding a meeting.
11:19 And in some places we had a good response
11:22 and good churches not only in the city of Chennai
11:25 around Tamil Nadu,
11:27 even in the northern part of India
11:30 and Pastor Shadrach went to Andhra Pradesh
11:34 because there we have television show
11:36 in Telugu language.
11:37 He had a five meetings in Andhra Pradesh
11:40 and good response we had.
11:42 Yeah, praise God for that.
11:44 One of the things I just want to share with the viewers
11:46 is this whole idea of native or national evangelism.
11:50 The price that it costs for us
11:52 to hold one of these evangelistic series in India
11:55 is the same as the cost of an aero plane ticket
11:57 for one American to go to India to hold an evangelistic series.
12:01 And so this is really an effective way
12:03 for evangelism, it's cost effective
12:05 between 15 to 1,700 dollars we can hold
12:07 an evangelistic series over there
12:09 and it's done by nationals with their own people group,
12:12 with their own culture and it's very, very effective.
12:15 So publishing, let's talk about publishing.
12:17 So what happened in 2014 with publishing,
12:20 this is like of like a year end review you know.
12:22 Yes and 2014 we did Steps to Christ
12:26 and we have printed, because actually in 1998,
12:32 we have printed Steps to Christ with Pastor Shadrach Samuel.
12:36 Very popular book.
12:37 Very popular book and people asked,
12:40 where is that book and you have to give
12:42 because we did in a good quality.
12:45 So people asked to buy it.
12:47 By the grace of God,
12:49 again in 2014 we were able to print the Steps to Christ
12:55 and our division president R. John,
12:58 that-- he offered a prayer
13:00 and he received the first copy of that.
13:03 What other things did we publish in,
13:05 we did what, testimonies, councils to the church?
13:08 Council to the church and the Bible study material.
13:12 The three major things and we printed Great Hope.
13:17 Wow, wonderful.
13:18 Do you get a lot of response,
13:20 lot of request for that kind of material
13:22 from our television programs in India?
13:24 Yeah, but television program
13:25 also the people who are in middle east,
13:28 people who are in France and England
13:31 mostly more than Indian people,
13:34 abroad, Singapore, Malaysia they called us
13:37 and their relatives will come and take the books.
13:41 And also for your information,
13:43 in all our, in the union they have taken action,
13:48 all our school should have a display
13:51 in the entrance of the school,
13:54 of all our Laymen ministry books.
13:56 Wow, wonderful.
13:57 So they have a kind of a board
14:00 and it's a glass is there and inside there are books
14:04 and if they want the parents-- because in some school
14:07 there are 4,000-- 3,000 students are studying.
14:11 We're publishing a paper too, right?
14:13 Is it like a magazine?
14:14 Yeah, magazine.
14:15 And what is the name in the magazine
14:16 and what's the contents in it?
14:18 It is a magazine of "Saving Hands."
14:21 The saving hand magazine
14:22 it's a name "LMN Saving Hands" magazine.
14:26 So it's the Laymen's Ministries saving hands ministry in India.
14:29 You are right.
14:30 And the content is one doctrine and Gospels,
14:33 some letters from the viewers
14:35 and some health tips and some government--
14:38 what is going on in the government
14:40 around the globe, like that.
14:41 Oh, so like current events, things like that.
14:43 You are right. That's wonderful.
14:45 Is it got a pretty good circulation?
14:46 Yes.
14:47 Yeah, we are doing like, the last quarter
14:50 because we have yearly four time we are doing
14:54 and last quarter we did 8,000 magazine.
14:58 Wow. Yes.
14:59 And so this year also we had
15:00 some other unusual things happening.
15:03 You sent me pictures of computers
15:05 and sewing machines.
15:07 Yes. What was that about?
15:09 We have a studio, we have equipment,
15:11 we say Jesus loves and Jesus is coming soon.
15:15 But at the same time I--
15:18 we want do some community out reach to the people.
15:23 People who are around us. People who are near by.
15:28 So we thought computer is very attractive
15:31 to the young people.
15:33 So if the young people come we will teach the computer.
15:36 So they are coming to the upstairs area of our studio.
15:39 And it's a training center and you are using that as a,
15:42 like a community out reach center.
15:43 Out reach center.
15:44 Is it, is it-- have good response,
15:46 you get quite a few people coming?
15:47 Yeah, it's a good response
15:48 because we started almost now three months passed,
15:52 around 15 students have come
15:54 because we don't want more students.
15:56 Only have a couple computers
15:57 so you have to be careful there.
15:59 And also because we don't have enough place,
16:01 so just we want to do little by little.
16:05 So we are not attracting too much,
16:06 only that one village because --
16:08 So this is kind of a way to build a relationship
16:10 within the local people around the studio area there.
16:14 And also the tailoring classes also attract the ladies.
16:18 So that Saturday they can come to the church
16:21 because in our campus we have a church
16:24 and Fridays, Saturday, Tuesday the church service is going on.
16:28 So people come and pray.
16:31 So its kind of builds a relationship
16:33 with the people in the community
16:34 and then they start taking an interest
16:36 in the Sabbath services
16:37 going on the church right behind our center.
16:39 Yeah.
16:40 That's really a blessing that that's happening that way.
16:42 There was also some pictures
16:43 I was looking at that you showed me
16:45 about some blind people.
16:46 What was that situation behind the blind people
16:50 coming to the church there and you're giving them clothes
16:52 or something like that.
16:53 One of our Bible worker
16:56 returning from the work to the home.
17:00 She was-- mostly our Bible workers
17:02 travel in metro train and so she was on the train
17:07 and she saw the blind people,
17:08 then and our Bible workers purchased something
17:12 and she was talking what is your name and all that.
17:15 Then he was telling and he is singing also,
17:18 some blind people they will sing
17:20 and they will ask money.
17:22 So then our Bible worker said you are singing very good
17:27 why can't you come and sing in our church.
17:30 Then he said, I will come.
17:32 His name is Das.
17:34 Then he was so happy.
17:37 So next Saturday he was in the church and then he,
17:41 everybody appreciated his singing.
17:44 Then we started to give Bible study,
17:46 then along with him there are nine people have taken baptism.
17:50 Nine blind people. Nine people.
17:52 The Bible workers you know, I go there, India, every year
17:54 and I personally sat with the Bible workers
17:57 and listen to some of their stories
17:58 and have them explain some of the challenges they have
18:00 and the experiences they have going door to door in India
18:03 you know, targeting an area around Chennai,
18:05 which is one of the largest cities
18:07 in south India and going door to door.
18:09 Some of the situations they have,
18:12 people slamming doors on their face,
18:13 people opening doors on their face
18:16 and letting them in and sometimes
18:18 pushing them away and coming back out and asking to come in.
18:21 But can you think of a couple of the stories
18:23 you'd like to share, like the one about,
18:25 for instance, Jacob.
18:26 A lady named Jacob and her friend they are a kind of team
18:29 that would be working together for years.
18:30 What happen with him recently?
18:31 Usually our Bible workers go in the morning
18:35 and they pray near the bus stand
18:38 or the railway station or some places.
18:41 And our Bible worker named Savvy and Emily Mrs. Jacob.
18:46 They were, as soon as they--
18:49 down from the bus
18:51 and then they were standing near the tree
18:53 and they were just praying,
18:55 okay and talking, where we will go,
18:58 whether we will go this way, side
19:00 or this side or they were talking
19:03 because usually as soon as they get off
19:06 just they will talk,
19:07 okay, we will go here or they will plan.
19:10 There immediately, as they were talking,
19:13 the group of boys were laughing and making fun of,
19:17 hey, what they are doing praying on the road,
19:19 why they are praying?
19:21 So then after that one guy,
19:24 his name is Radha Krishnan, he is a Hindu guy
19:27 he called our Bible worker then--
19:30 but our ladies were, they were very strong
19:33 and very bold so they went, what happened.
19:36 And then he said, oh, can you pray.
19:38 Yeah, we will pray.
19:40 But what will happen if you pray?
19:43 So they were asking
19:44 if you pray it will happen or this
19:47 or like that they--
19:48 and if you pray something will happen to me
19:50 or if I get that or something like that.
19:53 So then she said, our Bible worker said,
19:55 no don't play like that.
19:58 No we will play why you are coming and making us--
20:02 Trying to convert people or something.
20:03 Convert people and all that you are doing this and that.
20:06 No we are not doing, we will go.
20:08 So then with their boldness
20:10 they didn't go that side they went to--
20:12 took a next turn and they went.
20:16 Then the next day again they were standing
20:18 and making fun of our Bible workers
20:22 and usually in all the places
20:25 where there is a bus stand there will be a tea shop.
20:30 A what shop? Coffee.
20:31 A coffee shop, like a tea and coffee shop.
20:33 Yeah.
20:34 So people this young people
20:36 or some kind of old people will talk and laugh,
20:39 make fun of somebody like that.
20:41 So then, what happened, one fine morning,
20:46 that guy he met an accident and he met an accident,
20:50 is a severe accident and then he was hospitalized.
20:54 In culturally, in our culture
20:56 if something happen immediately they will ask what you did?
21:01 You did something against God
21:02 or something like that people it is a kind of--
21:05 If the God's are punishing him for something he said.
21:08 Punishing him something like that is their nature.
21:09 So then he told, I believe, that I made these--
21:13 I was making fun of those Bible workers.
21:17 Then because of that, then immediately his mother,
21:23 where you met them?
21:25 Then he said I met them in the bus stand.
21:28 So she was came on the Friday, Friday they didn't go.
21:32 Saturday, Sunday then Monday she was able to find.
21:37 Because the Bible workers
21:38 always carrying their bible books
21:40 and have a bag and things like that.
21:42 So you can kind of pick them out little bit.
21:44 So what happened?
21:45 What happened when she found them?
21:47 She found them then she was happy
21:48 and she was crying,
21:49 ma, you have to come to hospital
21:52 and pray for my son,
21:54 I please apologize, for what he did
21:57 and all that he was talking like that.
21:59 Then our Bible workers went and prayed
22:02 then he also delivered
22:05 but his mother attracted to our Bible workers
22:10 and took a baptism she--
22:12 So she started Bible studies with them?
22:14 So the mother of that trouble maker
22:17 ended up being baptized.
22:18 Yes, baptized.
22:19 And they are our strong pillars in our church now.
22:22 Wow, praise the Lord.
22:23 And near they are in the ocean.
22:25 It goes to show you can't every--
22:27 always judge people on the outside you know,
22:29 what's going on in their hearts.
22:31 You know, people look at different people and go,
22:32 oh, that person wouldn't be interested in,
22:34 and you find out later that they are often times,
22:38 get really interested in the truth.
22:39 And also, for your information,
22:42 our studio, by God's grace and all
22:47 because of all our prayers and the donors support
22:50 we were able to build a studio and equipment, everything.
22:55 By God's grace, this year, January we started
22:58 because actually the studio started
23:00 to function 2013 September too.
23:05 And September, October, November,
23:07 December the four months 2013,
23:11 we were doing the conversion of all our old program into DVD
23:16 to upload in the YouTube
23:18 because most of the people ask Pastor Shadrach, program
23:23 into the YouTube and all that.
23:24 So we did all that work, website and all that.
23:28 Then January--
23:30 2014.
23:32 January, till now we were able to produce 45 episodes.
23:38 45 episodes. Yeah.
23:40 Like sermons and things like that?
23:42 You are right.
23:43 And then how many music videos,
23:44 which are really popular by the way in India,
23:46 music videos are you have them on your television programs,
23:48 people are glued to it.
23:51 That is eight, eight--
23:55 because we didn't have some equipment,
23:58 just recently we purchased.
24:00 So just we purchased two months back
24:03 so we just finished eight song
24:06 and we have uploaded in the YouTube,
24:09 two songs and other things, is the work is going on.
24:13 Well, at the close of this program
24:14 we'll give a little sample of one of those music videos
24:16 for our closing montage.
24:18 Okay, and I-- because of the--
24:21 and right now 2015
24:24 we want to have a new TV program in a new--
24:28 New look.
24:29 Yeah, new look to the need of the hour.
24:34 And also to meet,
24:35 actually to attract the young people
24:37 because Pastor Shadrach,
24:39 we for the doctrinal and conservative people
24:44 and one more show we want to attract
24:46 the young people and children
24:47 because they are the future of our--
24:51 So true.
24:52 So that's the thing.
24:53 Then we want to focus on the publishing
24:56 that is a major thing.
24:58 We want to print "Great Controversy",
25:00 because "Great Controversy" we printed in the year 1999.
25:05 Yeah, we printed a lot of them too.
25:07 I remember having stacks and stacks of them
25:09 with Pastor Shadrach standing there
25:11 and we had like this room
25:12 full of "Great Controversy" all gone.
25:14 Yeah, all gone and now we want to print,
25:17 but we want to print in a simple format like that
25:21 we want to make three section.
25:24 Oh make it like a three volume set.
25:26 You are right.
25:27 And color also little different so that--
25:30 because if it is so big people--
25:33 it is not easy--
25:34 Today, people even in India,
25:36 they're not-- they're going to iPads and tablets
25:38 and things like that and internet, laptops.
25:41 Taking a book and when you take a book
25:44 and translate into the Tamil language
25:45 "Great Controversy" goes from about this big
25:47 to about that big.
25:49 So you want to break into three sections.
25:50 Three sections so-- and also it will be cheap
25:53 because when the people buy it will be very easy,
25:57 they can afford.
25:58 So what would it cost to print like,
26:00 like say 2,500 sets of that?
26:03 It is almost, it comes 7,500 US dollars.
26:06 And that's something that's coming for this next year.
26:09 What are the books are we looking at?
26:10 Then the "Desire of Ages."
26:12 Which we printed that one time too, already.
26:14 We printed in 1999.
26:19 1999.
26:20 We printed and-- And they are all gone?
26:22 They are all gone because the previous
26:26 GC president Jan Paulsen, he inaugurated
26:29 and he got the first copy of the "Great Controversy"
26:33 and the "Desire of Ages" and they're all gone now.
26:37 And everybody is asking and we don't have that book.
26:40 And that book is the very important book
26:42 for the new believers and we also wanted,
26:47 we wanted to print in a three volumes.
26:51 So that it will reach to the un-reached people.
26:55 And the important thing is Bible study material.
26:58 We want to, because we have a Bible study material
27:01 we printed this year.
27:03 Because we printed that also going to finish soon
27:06 by end of this year.
27:08 The main reason we want to print
27:09 the "Amazing Facts, Historical Lesson"
27:12 in a color form,
27:14 because lot of young people attracted to that one.
27:16 So we thought we will do in a color-- for color.
27:20 And we've had that before in black and white
27:22 but when I showed you
27:23 what we did in the country of Lithuania,
27:24 with a really nice four color ones,
27:26 I think it's a really good way
27:27 to go to represent the truth we have.
27:29 Any how our time is up and I just wanted to thank you
27:31 for watching our program today
27:33 and if you'd like to get involved
27:34 with Laymen Ministries
27:36 you can write or call us at--
27:38 address shown on the screen
27:39 or contact us on the World Wide Web
27:41 at


Revised 2015-03-19