My name is Sandra Horner. I have been working here in 00:00:35.30\00:00:39.33 India and Nepal since 1999. 00:00:39.33\00:00:42.43 With no one else helping her and her needing help so much I 00:00:42.43\00:00:46.50 finally decided to quit my job and come over here. 00:00:46.50\00:00:50.63 And I'm working here as the director of prayer in the 00:00:50.63\00:00:54.36 Lifestyle Education Center. 00:00:54.36\00:00:56.53 We have had several student missionaries here they have 00:01:01.03\00:01:03.46 been a real blessing. 00:01:03.46\00:01:05.43 At our school we are trying to train adventist young people 00:01:05.43\00:01:10.20 equip them for work in there own villages. 00:01:10.20\00:01:14.40 After nearly sixty hours of traveling 00:01:20.30\00:01:22.80 my cameraman and I finally arrived in India. 00:01:22.80\00:01:25.56 We landed at the airport in Bagdogra 00:01:25.56\00:01:27.63 where we met some of our missionaries and students. 00:01:27.63\00:01:30.16 Sandra Horner oversees our North Indian 00:01:30.16\00:01:32.50 and Nepal projects and operates 00:01:32.50\00:01:34.30 a Lifestyle Education Center. 00:01:34.30\00:01:36.80 We arrived a day later than we'd planned because the airline 00:01:36.80\00:01:39.70 misplaced one of our bags and as a result 00:01:39.70\00:01:42.10 we missed our connecting flight in Canada. 00:01:42.10\00:01:44.33 Thankfully our lost bag caught up with us in Delhi. 00:01:44.33\00:01:47.23 So now we needed to make up for some lost time and 00:01:47.23\00:01:49.56 quickly unpacked our heavier items at a bus stop. 00:01:49.56\00:01:52.90 I guess we're gonna go ahead and go to Nepal right now. 00:01:55.36\00:01:57.73 Its been quite a journey on this one it took us like sixty 00:01:57.73\00:02:00.80 some hours just to get to this point. 00:02:00.80\00:02:03.60 We were planning on visiting the remote village in Nepal 00:02:11.00\00:02:13.76 where some of our student missionaries 00:02:13.76\00:02:15.06 have been working to establish a church for four years. 00:02:15.06\00:02:19.43 To give you an idea how this mission project is moving along 00:02:19.43\00:02:22.50 and how it was started, let me first 00:02:22.50\00:02:24.26 take you back to the beginning. 00:02:24.26\00:02:26.13 We first started working in North India around the year 00:02:27.93\00:02:30.60 2000, and it sprung off our work in Nepal 00:02:30.60\00:02:33.43 under Joel and Joyce Myers. 00:02:33.43\00:02:36.06 I came to Nepal in 1997 to visit and to hold 00:02:36.06\00:02:40.46 a short course and then with the Lord's 00:02:40.46\00:02:43.20 help and Laymen's Ministries I came for a full time work 00:02:43.20\00:02:49.13 starting in January of 1999 so this is about eleven years that 00:02:49.13\00:02:53.33 we've been working together with 00:02:53.33\00:02:54.63 Laymen's Ministries here in Nepal and India. 00:02:54.63\00:02:58.73 After a string of incidents took place such as the 00:02:58.73\00:03:01.73 king and queen of Nepal being assassinated, the rise 00:03:01.73\00:03:05.10 of Maoist insurgents 00:03:05.10\00:03:06.53 and the basic political unrest throughout the country, we 00:03:06.53\00:03:09.56 decided to temporarily at least pull out of nepal. 00:03:09.56\00:03:13.46 Sandra who was working with the Myers 00:03:13.46\00:03:15.23 at the time moved across the border to 00:03:15.23\00:03:17.13 North India and opened a Lifestyle Education Center 00:03:17.13\00:03:20.46 in connection with Laymen Ministries. 00:03:20.46\00:03:23.40 The major objective of our Lifestyle Education Center 00:03:24.73\00:03:28.10 is to work for the Nepali speaking population of both 00:03:28.10\00:03:31.76 Nepal, India and Bhutan in helping to train workers for the 00:03:31.76\00:03:36.10 Seventh-Day Adventist Church 00:03:36.10\00:03:38.13 Those who can just help out in their church as a 00:03:38.13\00:03:41.03 deacon elders as well as those who can work as 00:03:41.03\00:03:45.76 lay pastors and others who can help also in more 00:03:45.76\00:03:51.63 formal positions as pastors in the churches. 00:03:51.63\00:03:56.06 Just a few years ago some of our 00:03:56.06\00:03:57.80 students embarked on such a task in a 00:03:57.80\00:03:59.70 remote village located in east central Nepal. 00:03:59.70\00:04:03.53 From there we had a couple of your men who were very 00:04:03.53\00:04:08.03 interested in sharing 00:04:08.03\00:04:09.03 the gospel with their own country. 00:04:09.03\00:04:11.70 They wanted very much to start in an area where 00:04:11.70\00:04:13.96 there weren't any 00:04:13.96\00:04:14.83 Christians at all. 00:04:14.83\00:04:16.36 As they began their work there they started by building 00:04:16.36\00:04:20.26 a small mud and 00:04:20.26\00:04:23.20 stick house with a thatched roof. 00:04:23.20\00:04:25.73 First we had a baptism of about fourteen people 00:04:25.73\00:04:30.13 there followed by 00:04:30.13\00:04:31.20 another one of twelve or so people. 00:04:31.20\00:04:36.10 This is where we're headed right now so we can see how the work 00:04:36.10\00:04:38.76 there is progressing. 00:04:38.76\00:04:41.50 It was getting late so we decided to get some much 00:04:54.83\00:04:57.43 needed rest at a local 00:04:57.43\00:04:59.06 bed bug infested hotel. 00:04:59.06\00:05:02.60 We've spent the night here at the border of Nepal 00:05:12.93\00:05:14.83 just inside Nepal 00:05:14.83\00:05:15.96 at a little Nepali hotel. 00:05:15.96\00:05:17.76 This morning we're gonna get on a bus and we're gonna 00:05:17.76\00:05:19.46 head into the more 00:05:19.46\00:05:21.30 central region into the Himalaya mountains of Nepal 00:05:21.30\00:05:23.56 to go up and check 00:05:23.56\00:05:24.43 on a church plant project. 00:05:24.43\00:05:27.30 We're almost they're we've been hiking for I don't know 00:05:49.93\00:05:52.30 probably about an 00:05:52.30\00:05:53.10 hour and ten minutes or so 00:05:53.10\00:05:55.43 and it's starting to get dark so we hope to get in there 00:05:55.43\00:05:57.60 before dark it's 00:05:57.60\00:05:58.26 a pretty good hike back in here. 00:05:58.26\00:06:00.23 I guess it's down in that riverbed area right 00:06:01.73\00:06:03.30 down in there 00:06:03.30\00:06:04.63 If you can see that. 00:06:04.63\00:06:05.76 Finally we arrived at the village just 00:06:05.76\00:06:08.33 slightly after dark. 00:06:08.33\00:06:11.53 We woke up cold and hungry early the next morning. 00:06:16.96\00:06:20.06 I slept all night with my clothes on including my shoes, 00:06:20.06\00:06:23.13 my coat, my long 00:06:23.13\00:06:24.20 underwear, a hat, and gloves, under a wool Nepali 00:06:24.20\00:06:27.90 blanket on a hard 00:06:27.90\00:06:29.23 wooden frame bed. 00:06:29.23\00:06:30.60 This was Sabbath morning and we were just in time for a short 00:06:31.90\00:06:35.66 morning devotional. 00:06:35.66\00:06:37.20 We'll be talking here today about the part that each one 00:06:38.40\00:06:42.40 has to play in the 00:06:42.40\00:06:43.40 church, How each one has a responsibility. 00:06:43.40\00:06:47.96 It's a reminder that we all have a large part to play 00:06:49.13\00:06:51.76 in the success or 00:06:51.76\00:06:52.83 failure of our mission as a church to reach those 00:06:52.83\00:06:56.30 in our communities. 00:06:56.30\00:06:58.46 It's Sabbath morning here and we're getting ready to 00:07:05.16\00:07:06.73 go to church, this 00:07:06.73\00:07:08.26 little church here in this village represents several 00:07:08.26\00:07:10.96 different churches 00:07:10.96\00:07:12.10 that we have planted in the various hills around this 00:07:12.10\00:07:13.90 part of Nepal. 00:07:13.90\00:07:15.06 And also one of our teams is planting churches like four 00:07:15.06\00:07:17.86 or five churches 00:07:17.86\00:07:18.73 over in the central part of Nepal. 00:07:18.73\00:07:20.53 We actually hiked into this village and all it was was 00:07:20.53\00:07:22.96 a mud house and we 00:07:22.96\00:07:24.16 were meeting there and Heman and Daniel were two of our 00:07:24.16\00:07:26.46 workers started 00:07:26.46\00:07:27.66 a church plant here and now it's four years later and 00:07:27.66\00:07:29.60 we have this 00:07:29.60\00:07:30.10 little church built. 00:07:30.10\00:07:31.33 And since they were having baptisms that afternoon 00:07:32.43\00:07:35.13 I chose to speak about 00:07:35.13\00:07:36.36 the Significance of baptism and what it really means 00:07:36.36\00:07:39.26 to forsake the ways of 00:07:39.26\00:07:40.53 the world and to follow Christ. 00:07:40.53\00:07:42.73 But the most important for you getting baptized is to have 00:07:42.73\00:07:45.73 a relationship with Jesus Christ. 00:07:45.73\00:07:47.50 Afterwards many of the candidates got up before the 00:07:47.50\00:07:50.06 church and started to 00:07:50.06\00:07:51.16 share a brief imony how God has worked in their life 00:07:51.16\00:07:54.73 and led them to 00:07:54.73\00:07:55.73 this important decision. 00:07:55.73\00:07:57.56 After church we hiked about forty-five minutes through 00:07:57.56\00:08:00.70 deep canyons and 00:08:00.70\00:08:01.90 ravines to find a place with enough water for the baptisms. 00:08:01.90\00:08:05.53 Today we get the great privilege of going out here towards 00:08:05.53\00:08:08.66 the river it's 00:08:08.66\00:08:10.26 a very shallow river but it has a deep spot where we're 00:08:10.26\00:08:13.53 going for baptism, 00:08:13.53\00:08:15.10 this is the third baptism here in Daumoti 00:08:15.10\00:08:17.90 And Pastor Kumar has joined us for these three baptisms. 00:08:17.90\00:08:21.60 Today we have twenty ready for baptism and we're all 00:08:21.60\00:08:25.16 excited about it. 00:08:25.16\00:08:26.43 It was at this beautiful spot at the base of this cliff 00:08:26.43\00:08:29.83 deep in a canyon we 00:08:29.83\00:08:31.36 sang Nepali Christian songs, Prayed and then Pastor Kumar 00:08:31.36\00:08:35.40 baptized nineteen people. 00:08:35.40\00:08:37.50 Jewelry in this culture is a very important part 00:08:37.50\00:08:40.23 of their culture 00:08:40.23\00:08:41.36 because it's a status symbol of how wealthy you are and 00:08:41.36\00:08:47.16 everyone wants to show off how wealthy they are and 00:08:47.16\00:08:50.60 people will respect 00:08:50.60\00:08:51.96 them according to that. 00:08:51.96\00:08:54.23 Before the women were baptized they chose on there own 00:08:58.50\00:09:01.53 to remove there 00:09:01.53\00:09:02.63 jewelry as a way of showing there commitment to God. 00:09:02.63\00:09:06.56 The students from our Lifestyle Education Center take 00:09:06.56\00:09:08.83 the truths of 00:09:08.83\00:09:09.83 the word and experiences they have gained back 00:09:09.83\00:09:12.63 to there own people 00:09:12.63\00:09:13.86 They meet the peoples needs, treat the sick uplift 00:09:13.86\00:09:16.93 Christ who draws 00:09:16.93\00:09:18.00 them unto himself. 00:09:18.00\00:09:20.46 Please keep these souls in your prayers and that they 00:09:20.46\00:09:23.16 will be used by 00:09:23.16\00:09:24.00 God to bring others into the truth. 00:09:24.00\00:09:29.16 We walked back to the village and then participated in the 00:09:29.16\00:09:31.83 Lord's supper and 00:09:31.83\00:09:33.43 the ordinance of humility outside the church as the 00:09:33.43\00:09:36.63 sun was setting. 00:09:36.63\00:09:38.00 It was a beautiful Sabbath. 00:09:38.00\00:09:39.86 To make the most of our day we got up and headed out just 00:09:48.60\00:09:51.73 before sunrise. 00:09:51.73\00:09:52.86 Finally we arrived later that evening at our Lifestyle 00:09:52.86\00:09:55.53 Education Center in 00:09:55.53\00:09:56.53 Mungpoo North India. 00:09:56.53\00:09:59.20 We got in from Nepal last night and we're here at the 00:09:59.20\00:10:02.60 Mungpoo Health and 00:10:02.60\00:10:03.80 Lifestyle Training Center that's operated by Laymen Ministries. 00:10:03.80\00:10:06.63 They have quite a large group of students this year 00:10:06.63\00:10:08.70 and Sandra and 00:10:08.70\00:10:09.83 Terri are having actually morning worship right now. 00:10:09.83\00:10:12.40 6:30 we have morning worship. 00:10:12.40\00:10:15.46 I've been trying to have singing for 20 minutes. 00:10:15.46\00:10:20.23 In the morning we have English hymns and in the evening 00:10:20.23\00:10:22.70 the same hymns 00:10:22.70\00:10:24.13 from the Nepali songbook. 00:10:24.13\00:10:26.43 And then in the mornings I also try to teach a new 00:10:26.43\00:10:29.00 scripture song each week. 00:10:29.00\00:10:30.66 After worship is breakfast. 00:10:30.66\00:10:33.13 For the next couple days we're gonna be here going through 00:10:37.06\00:10:39.03 watching how the 00:10:39.03\00:10:40.06 classes are operat and such and then we're gonna 00:10:40.06\00:10:41.50 go from here to the 00:10:41.50\00:10:42.56 autonomous region of Sikkim where they're going to 00:10:42.56\00:10:44.30 be doing a Daniel 00:10:44.30\00:10:44.90 and Revelation seminar. 00:10:44.90\00:10:46.46 So I'm excited to see the progress thats happened 00:10:46.46\00:10:49.03 we're gonna also 00:10:49.03\00:10:50.10 check out thnew church that's just built up behind 00:10:50.10\00:10:51.96 the center here 00:10:51.96\00:10:52.53 to while we're here. 00:10:52.53\00:10:53.10 When I come to North India I enjoy spending time with 00:10:54.23\00:10:56.60 the students and 00:10:56.60\00:10:57.36 getting to know them better. 00:10:57.36\00:10:58.73 It's important for me to hear their thoughts and 00:10:58.73\00:11:01.33 feelings about the 00:11:01.33\00:11:02.33 school, their struggles and successes. 00:11:02.33\00:11:05.23 It also makes me to know how we can improve our program to make 00:11:05.23\00:11:07.96 it better for the future. 00:11:07.96\00:11:10.03 Many of these students have pretty amazing stories 00:11:10.03\00:11:12.40 how they heard 00:11:12.40\00:11:13.40 about Laymen Ministries and made the decision 00:11:13.40\00:11:15.10 to attend our school. 00:11:15.10\00:11:16.86 Your whole family baptist? 00:11:16.86\00:11:18.13 Yes 00:11:18.13\00:11:18.96 In Assam 00:11:18.96\00:11:20.26 Is there very many Christians in Assam? 00:11:20.26\00:11:22.53 Recently we've been working in the book Great Controversy 00:11:28.76\00:11:32.13 this has been a 00:11:32.13\00:11:32.93 real challenging book. 00:11:32.93\00:11:34.80 We have a class in Nepali and a class English. 00:11:34.80\00:11:38.76 Such things as Bible doctrines, Daniel or Revelation, 00:11:38.76\00:11:42.13 Christian home, basic 00:11:42.13\00:11:44.30 subjects like this. 00:11:44.30\00:11:45.70 The major objective of our Lifestyle Education Center 00:11:45.70\00:11:49.13 is to work for the 00:11:49.13\00:11:50.33 Nepali speaking population of both Nepal, India and 00:11:50.33\00:11:53.70 Bhutan in helping to 00:11:53.70\00:11:56.06 train workers for the Seventh-Day Adventist church. 00:11:56.06\00:11:59.26 We don't charge the students a tuition fee for attending 00:11:59.26\00:12:04.93 our school here. 00:12:04.93\00:12:06.66 Many of them come from quite poor families. 00:12:06.66\00:12:10.63 So we ask the students to help out with a lunch and breakfast 00:12:10.63\00:12:15.30 preparation in the kitchen 00:12:15.30\00:12:17.36 and we have a rotating schedule so that only once every 00:12:17.36\00:12:21.16 other day are 00:12:21.16\00:12:22.13 they in the kitchen. 00:12:22.13\00:12:23.96 and when they aren't in the kitchen then they can be 00:12:23.96\00:12:25.93 learning typing on 00:12:25.93\00:12:27.60 the computer, or a washing there clothes, taking bathe 00:12:27.60\00:12:32.33 or different things like this. 00:12:32.33\00:12:34.26 Every week we need to come into Siliguri to get our 00:12:37.36\00:12:42.16 weekly groceries. 00:12:42.16\00:12:44.10 So get a, forty kilos of potatoes, onions. 00:12:44.10\00:12:52.50 You can see here we're getting our weekly supplies, 00:12:56.26\00:12:59.10 this will last 00:12:59.10\00:12:59.93 us a week and a half or so. 00:12:59.93\00:13:04.43 We're off to the Autonomous region of Sikkim now after 00:13:04.43\00:13:06.36 spending a couple 00:13:06.36\00:13:07.33 days here at the Lifestyle Center. 00:13:07.33\00:13:08.80 A new church has been opened in Rhenock and there the 00:13:08.80\00:13:12.26 church elder has 00:13:12.26\00:13:13.36 invited us to come hold a Daniel and Revelation seminar. 00:13:13.36\00:13:16.70 This should be a real enjoyable time I've never been 00:13:16.70\00:13:19.10 to the autonomous 00:13:19.10\00:13:20.13 region of Sikkim before it's a very cultural area 00:13:20.13\00:13:22.26 in North India. 00:13:22.26\00:13:23.53 We're all packing up our bags bringing out blankets it may be 00:13:23.53\00:13:26.30 a little cold there. 00:13:26.30\00:13:28.06 The program here in North India is Mission Minded and 00:13:28.06\00:13:31.40 designed not only 00:13:31.40\00:13:32.50 to reach the students but to prepare them to teach 00:13:32.50\00:13:35.50 others about God, 00:13:35.50\00:13:36.80 Scripture, Prophecy and the health message. 00:13:36.80\00:13:42.60 Driving in India can be quite Mmmm, treacherous, in fact 00:13:42.60\00:13:46.63 I've always said 00:13:46.63\00:13:47.70 that one is only millimeters away from death on the 00:13:47.70\00:13:51.26 roads in India. 00:13:51.26\00:13:53.43 Looks like we're going to have a short delay, this guy 00:14:00.43\00:14:02.96 thats taking us to 00:14:02.96\00:14:04.13 Sikkim is fuel gauge said that he had fuel but a it's not 00:14:04.13\00:14:08.43 working apparently 00:14:08.43\00:14:09.40 so we are stranded here on our way to Sikkim. 00:14:09.40\00:14:14.43 Not sure whats going to happen, this is part of the 00:14:14.43\00:14:16.56 interesting things of 00:14:16.56\00:14:17.73 doing these kind of trips you never know whats gonna 00:14:17.73\00:14:19.46 happen it makes it 00:14:19.46\00:14:20.10 more of an adventure. 00:14:20.10\00:14:21.56 Since we were traveling in two jeeps we sent the other 00:14:23.20\00:14:25.83 jeep to get some 00:14:25.83\00:14:26.83 fuel, while we waited along side of the road. 00:14:26.83\00:14:30.16 Before long the other driver was back with the much needed fuel. 00:14:30.16\00:14:34.43 We pored it into the jeep and we were back on our way. 00:14:38.60\00:14:41.66 While we made it to Sikkim but now we have another 00:14:43.20\00:14:44.93 obstacle it turns out 00:14:44.93\00:14:46.30 that since this is an autonomous region that the 00:14:46.30\00:14:49.23 Nepali workers that 00:14:49.23\00:14:50.46 are coming with us are not to come into the country 00:14:50.46\00:14:52.60 because they don't 00:14:52.60\00:14:53.40 have there national ID cards 00:14:53.40\00:14:55.96 From Nepal coming into this area and that's unfortunate 00:14:55.96\00:15:00.10 because Joseph is 00:15:00.10\00:15:01.43 our main speaker for this series that's going on 00:15:01.43\00:15:03.66 and he's from Nepal and they're saying that all the Nepali 00:15:03.66\00:15:05.40 people have to go 00:15:05.40\00:15:06.30 back to the Center now and back to India. 00:15:06.30\00:15:09.33 So we're not sure what we're doing yet we're kinda 00:15:09.33\00:15:11.16 regrouping at this point. 00:15:11.16\00:15:12.80 Ok, I will send a Hanna to meet you....... 00:15:12.80\00:15:17.60 Final decision looks like the Nepali students are gonna 00:15:26.50\00:15:28.83 go back to the Center. 00:15:28.83\00:15:30.23 Joseph who's the main speaker does have a Nepali 00:15:30.23\00:15:33.53 passport so he's gonna 00:15:33.53\00:15:35.13 be able to come back tomorrow and maybe the other 00:15:35.13\00:15:37.33 students will come 00:15:37.33\00:15:38.20 back tomorrow to and 00:15:38.20\00:15:39.46 They're thinking if they come in in a smaller group they 00:15:39.46\00:15:41.53 might be able to 00:15:41.53\00:15:42.20 all get back into Sikkim here. 00:15:42.20\00:15:43.73 So we're gonna go on up to another hour into to the 00:15:43.73\00:15:47.06 heartland of Sikkim 00:15:47.06\00:15:48.23 and they're gonna head on back. 00:15:48.23\00:15:50.43 Really disappointing but, what else can you do. 00:15:50.43\00:15:53.20 This highway reminded me of something that you would see 00:15:56.76\00:15:58.40 out of a National 00:15:58.40\00:15:59.70 Geographic's magazine and was quite a frightening experience. 00:15:59.70\00:16:05.43 To go there is not so difficult but takes a little time 00:16:05.43\00:16:11.10 over the roads 00:16:11.10\00:16:12.10 that have been torn by landslides and never seem 00:16:12.10\00:16:15.30 to be kept up very well 00:16:15.30\00:16:16.90 with lots of dust and bumpy roads. 00:16:16.90\00:16:19.93 Finally late that night we reached our 00:16:19.93\00:16:22.16 destination in Sikkim. 00:16:22.16\00:16:23.70 We were surprised and happy to find out the Nepali 00:16:23.70\00:16:26.06 students were on their 00:16:26.06\00:16:27.30 way to the church that was a relief and an answer to prayer. 00:16:27.30\00:16:31.43 The next morning after breakfast the prophecy seminar 00:16:31.43\00:16:35.00 began on schedule. 00:16:35.00\00:16:37.50 Recently they have invited us to the church there 00:16:37.50\00:16:41.13 in Rhenock to help with 00:16:41.13\00:16:42.90 the church members they have knowledge of God but not 00:16:42.90\00:16:47.40 much knowledge 00:16:47.40\00:16:48.23 of his word and so 00:16:48.23\00:16:49.76 they invited us to come and hold programs on Daniel 00:16:49.76\00:16:52.73 and Revelation 00:16:52.73\00:16:54.56 with many commitments here at the center my mother and 00:16:54.56\00:16:57.90 I have not been 00:16:57.90\00:16:58.96 able spend so much time so one of our teachers here 00:16:58.96\00:17:02.96 Joseph and Hanna have 00:17:02.96\00:17:05.90 gone to hold this Daniel and Revelation program. 00:17:05.90\00:17:11.03 Joseph is presenting the classes on Daniel and 00:17:11.03\00:17:14.53 Revelation and Hanna is 00:17:14.53\00:17:16.36 sharing in a simplified version to the children. 00:17:16.36\00:17:19.76 My name is Hanna yesterday I was teaching to the 00:17:19.76\00:17:23.06 children about Daniel 00:17:23.06\00:17:26.76 and his three friends, also about Daniel 2 studying 00:17:26.76\00:17:31.80 about the dream 00:17:31.80\00:17:33.56 of king Nebuchadnezzar. 00:17:33.56\00:17:36.33 Mostly the part that I enjoyed was teaching them about 00:17:41.96\00:17:44.86 the prophecy and 00:17:44.86\00:17:46.50 how God can use even a heathen king to let him know that 00:17:46.50\00:17:52.96 what is going to 00:17:52.96\00:17:54.00 come in the worlds history and I hope that the 00:17:54.00\00:17:58.40 children understood. 00:17:58.40\00:18:00.80 Visiting the homes in the area to invite them to a prophecy 00:18:00.80\00:18:03.86 seminar is very difficult. 00:18:03.86\00:18:05.83 In a place like this you just can't mail out fliers or have 00:18:05.83\00:18:09.03 advertisements on TV and radio like we do in America 00:18:09.03\00:18:12.13 On top of the Adventist church is a megaphone speaker 00:18:14.93\00:18:17.90 that broadcasts 00:18:17.90\00:18:19.10 everything that's happening in the church and it echoes 00:18:19.10\00:18:21.60 across the valley. 00:18:21.60\00:18:23.23 Megaphones like this on top of churches are common all 00:18:27.00\00:18:29.86 through India. 00:18:29.86\00:18:30.96 If people hear something happening or hear there is a 00:18:30.96\00:18:33.76 meeting being held 00:18:33.76\00:18:35.16 they may stop by at the church and see what's going on. 00:18:35.16\00:18:38.30 Joseph is one of our missionaries who works 00:18:42.50\00:18:44.66 closely with Sandra 00:18:44.66\00:18:45.70 and Terri Horner. 00:18:45.70\00:18:47.36 I like the prophecy sequence of the nations that comes 00:18:47.36\00:18:51.86 one after another 00:18:51.86\00:18:53.00 and falls and its tells interestingly in the Bible. 00:18:53.00\00:18:57.10 It tells me about more about a sure existence of God and 00:18:57.10\00:19:02.26 that God is there 00:19:02.26\00:19:03.20 and that he is leading everything and every 00:19:03.20\00:19:06.66 circumstances and every events 00:19:06.66\00:19:09.20 that is taking place in this earth. 00:19:09.20\00:19:12.43 Here at the Rhenock Seventh-Day Adventist church 00:19:20.50\00:19:23.03 in Sikkim the local 00:19:23.03\00:19:24.96 church elder invited me to come and share with the members 00:19:24.96\00:19:27.73 on what baptism is. 00:19:27.73\00:19:30.76 What does it mean, what the steps are in baptism, how 00:19:30.76\00:19:34.83 to get ready and what 00:19:34.83\00:19:37.26 the purpose of baptism is. so today we had a presentation 00:19:37.26\00:19:41.60 on it and it's been 00:19:41.60\00:19:43.16 a blessing to be able to share with them 00:19:43.16\00:19:45.60 how in Christ we can become new and give away our wash away our 00:19:45.60\00:19:51.86 old life in baptism. 00:19:51.86\00:19:53.93 While we were there in Rhenock we took a little excursion 00:19:53.93\00:19:56.40 up to the top of 00:19:56.40\00:19:57.60 the mountain beautiful part of Sikkim it's such a beautiful 00:19:57.60\00:20:02.83 country there in 00:20:02.83\00:20:04.16 the view of the snow capped Himalayas 00:20:04.16\00:20:07.13 we were able to go for a nice outing with the students 00:20:07.13\00:20:10.93 on the pond up there 00:20:10.93\00:20:12.83 and paddle boats it was really enjoyable many of them had never 00:20:12.83\00:20:15.76 been on boats before 00:20:15.76\00:20:17.23 and so they had a great time going around the pond 00:20:17.23\00:20:20.70 there it was 00:20:20.70\00:20:21.60 really enjoyable. 00:20:21.60\00:20:22.70 My name is Joseph Mugar and I'm working in the 00:20:23.73\00:20:27.16 Lifestyle Education 00:20:27.16\00:20:28.66 Center as a teacher and as a translator also and I have been 00:20:28.66\00:20:33.63 working for the last year translating the Great 00:20:33.63\00:20:37.66 Controversy. 00:20:37.66\00:20:38.76 In Nepal from 1999 we started a publishing committee 00:20:38.76\00:20:43.56 to work together 00:20:43.56\00:20:45.13 to try to translate the books of Ellen White into the Nepali 00:20:45.13\00:20:48.60 language it has 00:20:48.60\00:20:49.96 been a very difficult work. 00:20:49.96\00:20:52.00 So many of the people that have promised to do the 00:20:52.00\00:20:53.83 work they have 00:20:53.83\00:20:54.96 never done it and many of the times we have found that 00:20:54.96\00:20:59.06 the translation 00:20:59.06\00:21:00.06 is very poor quality. 00:21:00.06\00:21:01.93 Many sentences are missing many paragraphs are missing 00:21:01.93\00:21:05.66 and so Joseph 00:21:05.66\00:21:06.63 who's just a 7th grade graduate. 00:21:06.63\00:21:12.56 He has been studying the spirit of prophecy over the 00:21:12.56\00:21:15.40 last four or five 00:21:15.40\00:21:16.83 years and his English has grown so much that he's taken 00:21:16.83\00:21:20.13 on the challenge 00:21:20.13\00:21:21.16 of translating Great Controversy. 00:21:21.16\00:21:23.36 My biggest challenge is the words vocabulary words 00:21:23.36\00:21:26.93 it's very difficult 00:21:26.93\00:21:28.36 to understand and the sentence structure is very different. 00:21:28.36\00:21:32.63 I think if I have the time to work continually it will 00:21:32.63\00:21:37.13 take about three 00:21:37.13\00:21:38.56 months or so to finish translation work. 00:21:38.56\00:21:42.33 Please pray for us that we might work efficiently we may 00:21:42.33\00:21:46.86 work for Nepal and 00:21:46.86\00:21:48.43 they may be blessed by this book. 00:21:48.43\00:21:50.96 On our last Sabbath in North India we all went for a hike. 00:21:52.86\00:21:57.26 Towards the top of the mountain we came to a large 00:21:57.26\00:21:59.56 Buddhist temple. 00:21:59.56\00:22:01.30 Buddhism was founded in Nepal and it along with 00:22:01.30\00:22:04.73 Hinduism are the two 00:22:04.73\00:22:06.26 predominate religions in India. 00:22:06.26\00:22:08.66 Its presence in here in this area is obvious as well. 00:22:08.66\00:22:12.00 The building is large and unique and the sound 00:22:12.00\00:22:14.03 of hypnotic drums beating 00:22:14.03\00:22:16.00 will grab the attention of any who passes by. 00:22:16.00\00:22:19.60 We hear in the Bible about demon possession and how 00:22:19.60\00:22:23.03 Jesus with just a 00:22:23.03\00:22:24.23 prayer and a word the demons were gone. 00:22:24.23\00:22:29.46 Some of the challenges working with them here and people 00:22:29.46\00:22:32.13 who from their 00:22:32.13\00:22:33.30 heart did not want to leave separate from the demons has 00:22:33.30\00:22:36.96 been a real trial 00:22:36.96\00:22:38.63 and a challenge in working with the people here. 00:22:38.63\00:22:44.36 One of our young ladies in the women's ministries course 00:22:44.36\00:22:48.73 from the day she was 00:22:48.73\00:22:50.36 married she had problems with demon possession. 00:22:50.36\00:22:54.80 It would attack her and she would just be thrown 00:22:54.80\00:22:58.96 violently around it would 00:22:58.96\00:23:01.33 take several men to hold her down 00:23:01.33\00:23:04.06 and to keep her from running off and a killing herself 00:23:04.06\00:23:07.90 or hurting herself 00:23:07.90\00:23:08.93 severely and so whhe came to the Lifestyle Education 00:23:08.93\00:23:11.86 Center she said 00:23:11.86\00:23:12.96 she was free of this problem but slowly as she let other 00:23:12.96\00:23:17.43 things get in 00:23:17.43\00:23:18.56 the way between her and God satan got the opportunity 00:23:18.56\00:23:22.90 to attack her. 00:23:22.90\00:23:24.13 At first started out very minimal, very short attacks, 00:23:24.13\00:23:27.93 but as the time 00:23:27.93\00:23:29.06 increased some of the attacks would last as long as 00:23:29.06\00:23:32.80 an hour and sometimes 00:23:32.80\00:23:36.06 maybe two hours and with prayer and singing reading 00:23:36.06\00:23:44.70 Gods word she 00:23:44.70\00:23:46.40 would find release but 00:23:46.40\00:23:49.93 It requires on the person who is demon possessed if they 00:23:49.93\00:23:53.53 want freedom that 00:23:53.53\00:23:55.23 they give their heart and their life totally to the Lord. 00:23:55.23\00:24:00.53 For others to work for them it gives a temporary relief, 00:24:00.53\00:24:03.93 but unless they 00:24:03.93\00:24:05.03 themselves seek for it, you can only do so much and 00:24:05.03\00:24:10.70 so this has been a big 00:24:10.70\00:24:12.03 challenge working with people who aren't willing 00:24:12.03\00:24:14.16 to make the 100% 00:24:14.16\00:24:15.53 commitment with the Lord. 00:24:15.53\00:24:16.80 After walking by the Buddhist temple we all stopped to rest in 00:24:18.03\00:24:21.46 a large gazebo. 00:24:21.46\00:24:22.20 It was a nice opportunity for me to share some 00:24:23.16\00:24:25.60 encouraging stories of my 00:24:25.60\00:24:26.96 own spiritual experiences with the students before I left 00:24:26.96\00:24:30.20 to fly to south India. 00:24:30.20\00:24:31.76 Our students will be going out in a few months for their 00:24:32.96\00:24:36.66 field work of one 00:24:36.66\00:24:38.66 year of helping out in evangelism both 00:24:38.66\00:24:41.63 in India and Nepal. 00:24:41.63\00:24:43.76 We need to be able to equip them for this work help them 00:24:43.76\00:24:48.26 to feel that they 00:24:48.26\00:24:49.46 have tools in which to work. 00:24:49.46\00:24:54.66 The challenge of financing the Bible workers is continual need 00:24:54.66\00:24:59.33 that we have. 00:24:59.33\00:25:00.53 As I've been in Nepal and seen the blessings of having 00:25:00.53\00:25:03.60 even just a little 00:25:03.60\00:25:04.66 small portable computer and be able to show 00:25:04.66\00:25:07.86 pictures to people, 00:25:07.86\00:25:09.16 you know people are even here are addicted to television and 00:25:09.16\00:25:13.16 it's hard to keep 00:25:13.16\00:25:14.26 their attention but if we have pictures to show them 00:25:14.26\00:25:17.63 it draws instant crowds. 00:25:17.63\00:25:20.20 We have developed the New Beginnings program 00:25:20.20\00:25:23.26 in Nepali and to have the 00:25:23.26\00:25:26.26 words their in their own language to have pictures 00:25:26.26\00:25:29.26 to go along with it is 00:25:29.26\00:25:30.63 just been a real blessing. 00:25:30.63\00:25:32.53 We also need student missionaries who can come over 00:25:32.53\00:25:36.26 and help those who are 00:25:36.26\00:25:39.13 strong in the their love and knowledge of the Lord, that 00:25:39.13\00:25:42.63 have a desire to 00:25:42.63\00:25:45.90 work with the people love the people and to help share 00:25:45.90\00:25:51.46 the gospel to the 00:25:51.46\00:25:52.60 people here of Nepal and India. 00:25:52.60\00:25:55.73 And of course always there is the needs of building churches 00:25:55.73\00:26:00.10 in different areas. 00:26:00.10\00:26:02.03 We have workers in Nepal and here at the Center right now, 00:26:02.03\00:26:07.36 but some of 00:26:07.36\00:26:08.46 these students are going to be graduating we see 00:26:08.46\00:26:10.60 promise in a number 00:26:10.60\00:26:11.70 of them and it will be helpful if we could have funds 00:26:11.70\00:26:16.53 to be able to 00:26:16.53\00:26:17.73 sponsor, support some of these young people as they go out 00:26:17.73\00:26:21.80 into mission work. 00:26:21.80\00:26:23.66 We're trying to give our students a vision 00:26:23.66\00:26:25.83 of doing mission work 00:26:25.83\00:26:28.20 themselves it's not just for Americans to do mission work 00:26:28.20\00:26:31.46 but they need to be 00:26:31.46\00:26:33.43 able to go to their own people or to new unentered areas. 00:26:33.43\00:26:38.73 One of the rewards you know as we've been trying to teach 00:26:38.73\00:26:43.10 scripture songs 00:26:43.10\00:26:44.33 is to hear the young people singing these 00:26:44.33\00:26:46.33 scripture songs when 00:26:46.33\00:26:47.90 it's not class time. 00:26:47.90\00:26:51.06 I guess that's a teachers reward. 00:26:51.06\00:26:55.63 As you can see there are many projects underway 00:27:23.53\00:27:25.83 in North India. 00:27:25.83\00:27:27.10 From training missionaries, church planting, 00:27:27.10\00:27:29.53 to translating books and 00:27:29.53\00:27:30.90 holding Bible seminars. Even in spite of the 00:27:30.90\00:27:33.36 many challenges 00:27:33.36\00:27:34.40 and struggles Sandra and Terri face they and the 00:27:34.40\00:27:37.36 students are pressing 00:27:37.36\00:27:38.70 forward in faith. 00:27:38.70\00:27:40.16 By the faithfulness of there efforts God is blessing and the 00:27:40.16\00:27:44.16 fruit is coming forth. 00:27:44.16\00:27:45.80 This project in North India and Nepal continues to be 00:27:45.80\00:27:48.86 a blessing and a 00:27:48.86\00:27:49.83 source of truth and hope to many people. 00:27:49.83\00:27:53.00 If you'd like to help support this project or if you 00:27:59.46\00:28:02.40 are interested in 00:28:02.40\00:28:03.60 missionary opportunities, please contact our ministry at Laymen 00:28:03.60\00:28:08.00 Ministries 414 Zapada Rd. 00:28:08.00\00:28:11.10 St. Maries, ID 83861. 00:28:11.10\00:28:14.53 Our email address is and 00:28:14.53\00:28:18.83 our website is 00:28:18.83\00:28:19.76 you can 00:28:19.76\00:28:23.90 find us on Facebook and Youtube just search for 00:28:23.90\00:28:27.06 Laymen Ministries. 00:28:27.06\00:28:29.63