Laymen Ministries

South India

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jeff Reich


Series Code: LM

Program Code: LM000125

00:47 Laymen Ministries has been working in India for going on
00:49 18, 19 years now, so we really understand the culture here, we
00:52 understand the people and the problems that we face.
00:54 And working with people like Pastor Shadrach Samuel and
00:57 Pastor Johnson, being nationals, we've developed a system that is
01:01 very effective in being able to reach people.
01:06 We believe it's a kind of sowing the seed.
01:09 Various churches we go, and we help people to prepare for these
01:15 end times.
01:17 In 2000 we hardly had like 15 to 30 churches.
01:21 But today, around 150 churches.
01:23 We need a spiritual revival, and by God's grace through the help
01:29 of Laymen Ministries, this is what we are trying to do.
01:40 Being the director of Laymen Ministries, I personally come
01:43 and check on all the different projects.
01:45 Pretty much every year I come to India. I go to North India and I
01:47 look at what's happening with our training school up there.
01:50 I go to the Philippines and I check with what's happening with
01:52 our schools there. Making sure that money is being
01:54 used in a proper way, the work is being done effectively and
01:57 efficiently, and also to build a spirit of camaraderie.
02:00 Because of the fact that we're working with mostly in South
02:03 India with Nationals. They are able to speak the
02:06 language, they understand the challenges they face, they can
02:08 do evangelism. They know when they go into a
02:11 home, like the Bible workers for instance, go into a home, they
02:13 know what to say to be able to touch the lives and hearts of
02:16 those people because they can identify with them because
02:19 they're their own people group.
02:20 And so Laymen Ministries over the years here has really
02:23 developed a very good system.
02:25 We'll go door by door. The first one is forming group
02:29 Bible study. It's a kind of friendship, then
02:32 forming group Bible study. Then the third one is kind of
02:37 evangelistic meeting. The fourth one is the follow up
02:39 work and planting churches. What we are doing is, sowing the
02:43 seed through TV and then we have our Bible workers.
02:47 They will follow the addresses and phone the people who call.
02:51 And then we'll hold a meeting in a particular place, and after
02:56 the meeting we'll plant a church.
02:59 We'll hire a place and put a temporary church roof, then
03:04 we'll appoint a layman to hold a church.
03:08 Then after that, try to buy land, then construct a church,
03:13 it's a long process.
03:15 One of our many challenges is, we do not have a different
03:21 program to reach those who are non-Christians.
03:25 In India, Christian population is very small, less than 7%.
03:31 Less than 7%. So you can understand, 80% of our
03:36 population is un-reached. So our greatest challenge is to
03:41 reach people who have never heard of the gospel.
03:46 Laymen Ministries from the beginning to not just with the
03:51 baptism, we have an ongoing program, training them for
03:55 bringing more souls in soul winning and nurturing the
03:59 churches after, even after baptism, providing lay people
04:03 with the literature, with the resources.
04:07 Pastor Johnson took a few minutes to share with me about
04:10 some of the literature they use in evangelism.
04:12 Many of these books which Laymen Ministries helped print, include
04:15 such titles as "The Great Controversy," "Prophets and
04:18 Kings," "Education," "Mount of Blessings," "Life Sketches of
04:21 the Apostle Paul," devotional books and Bible study lessons.
04:25 Laymen Ministries is not just another type evangelism, just
04:29 people coming here preaching, conducting meeting and going
04:32 away. No.
04:33 This has been an ongoing program, a steady permanent work
04:37 beginning from 1994 and it has steadily grown.
04:41 So we're here to stay we're here to really keep training keeping
04:44 this program going, and that's probably one of the unique
04:46 things about Laymen Ministries is that we just haven't come in
04:49 did some kind of project and left.
04:51 We've been here for a long time and continue
04:53 to plan to stay here.
04:56 When we first started coming to India I would stand in a city
04:59 like Chennai and I think it's the sixth largest city in the
05:02 world or the sixth largest city in India. I cant remember but
05:04 it's just teaming with people and I would look and I would say
05:07 "how in the world is the Lord going reach
05:09 all these people?"
05:10 And it just seemed almost impossible and then as we
05:12 started developing the TV ministry here I realized that we
05:16 can take the truth right into the privacy of a home and be
05:19 able to share the truth with the person.
05:21 A person can be having problems in their life and going through
05:24 different things and they can turn on the TV set and there we
05:26 are face to face with that person in the privacy of their
05:28 home sharing the gospel.
05:30 I really believe that in the end times that somehow God is going
05:33 to take the reigns into His own hands and He's going to somehow
05:36 finish this work in a way that's just going to amaze all of us.
05:39 but meanwhile we have the opportunity to be able to share
05:42 the gospel with millions of people through the privacy of
05:45 their own homes in a television set and I can see now a little
05:49 bit, a glimpse of how we can really touch the lives and
05:52 hearts of a lot of different people.
05:54 There are few homes that which we visited. All came to a church
06:01 through the result of TV evangelism.
06:05 Over the course of several days we had the opportunity to visit
06:09 many homes of people whose lives were transformed by Laymen
06:12 Ministries TV programs and DVDs.
06:14 One couple we visited was particularly on fire for God and
06:18 the Sabbath Truth this was the home of Clayton and Jennifer.
06:22 Clayton is a very interesting person.
06:27 He was a boxer. He lived a wild life, drinking,
06:33 all kinds of bad habits.
06:37 And it's amazing how this man has completely changed.
06:42 He was also a catholic. Once he was one of those who
06:46 received our free CD players. And being an Anglo-Indian, he
06:52 could watch all our programs and DVDs.
06:55 And this man was amazed. He went to his priest asking
06:59 them questions. Why is the catholic church
07:02 teaching like this?
07:04 Clayton was born and raised a Catholic while his wife was a
07:07 protestant Christian.
07:08 Once being introduced to the truth about God, His
07:11 commandments and the Sabbath; Clayton was convinced and
07:14 convicted.
07:15 He doesn't just have a mere knowledge of the truth his
07:18 diligent search for truth accompanied by his discoveries
07:21 made a profound impact on his life.
07:23 As a result his passion to share these truths with others should
07:28 be an example to us all.
07:29 Our duty is to teach everyone and tell them the Truth.
07:32 they must come to know, to know the Truth.
07:35 Come to repentance.
07:36 Come to maturity in Grace.
07:38 Bibles is in every house.
07:40 Its up to you to study it.
07:41 [that's true]
07:43 So you don't study it, you're left without an excuse.
07:46 There's no excuse for you.
07:47 You have it in your use and you don't open it.
07:49 And if someone shows you the light,
07:51 you want to turn your face.
07:52 You don't want to hear.
07:54 But if God is speaking, you have to listen, you have to hear,
07:57 because it's the Truth you see.
07:58 Today we have a choice.
07:59 Jesus said "if you love me, keep my commandments."
08:03 I said, there's a condition in that.
08:04 The whole world is praying for the Holy Spirit, but can't hear
08:07 the Holy Spirit. Why?
08:08 The condition. "If you love me, keep my commandments."
08:11 I'll pray to the Father and He'll send you another
08:13 comforter, "even the Spirit of Truth who the world cannot
08:15 receive.
08:17 But who will be with you and in you forever."
08:19 So God's Truth will come to a person who wants it.
08:23 "Those who hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be
08:25 filled" He says.
08:27 So unless you hunger and thirst
08:29 only God can fill you with His Words.
08:31 Then you can go, and you can share with people.
08:34 Another very interesting thing about
08:36 this man; he found the Seventh
08:38 day Sabbath on his own reading the Word of God.
08:41 And when he found the Adventist Church he was so happy, now this
08:45 man is on fire. His wife did not first accept
08:49 the truth, and this man did not force her.
08:51 It is nearly 4 or 5 years now, just recently two months ago the
08:56 wife on her own decided to take baptism and both husband and
09:01 wife were baptized.
09:03 At first Jennifer wasn't really too convinced about the Sabbath
09:06 or it's importance. When she finally investigated deeper she
09:10 became restless and approached other Christians about the
09:13 Sabbath including her pastor.
09:15 Since pastor said this is done away at the cross and then God
09:19 has given us grace and all this.
09:21 We thought ok, that's it. That's the way it is.
09:23 [and that's good enough]
09:25 Whenever I ask anyone about the Sabbath day they'd say it's a
09:28 cult, and they're making one person very prominent and all
09:31 these things. And also you better be careful.
09:34 This is what they always used to tell me.
09:36 And I used to ask him and he says no, this is what the Bible
09:39 says. You don't have to see anyone, I
09:41 am looking at the Word of God and telling you that it is it.
09:44 And that's all. He'd play the CD. And I'd be
09:47 doing my work and I'd be listening, but like I'd never
09:50 open myself to it, you know?
09:52 Then recently now, one of his parents.
09:55 I think pastor gave him the CD.
09:58 Actually he brought a set of Mark Woodman.
10:01 He started talking and I listened.
10:04 I only just listened to one CD.
10:07 It's was like something was troubling me.
10:09 And again I listened. And it was bringing me back.
10:12 Come listen and I listened. I think 15 no?
10:14 15 CDs.
10:15 The full thing I listened to and that's it.
10:18 I became so... I was sick.
10:20 I didn't know what was wrong with me.
10:22 I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat.
10:25 I've had that happened to many friends their like "no
10:27 this can't be true! This can't be true!"
10:28 Then you listen some more.
10:30 "No! this cant be true!"
10:31 And then he said what.... we said no I listened to this Mark
10:35 Woodman. And he's a layman but, it's such
10:37 a nice thing. I said he explained everything.
10:39 And he's gone through all the details.
10:42 I mean, he's a layman. What gives him the trouble of
10:45 doing all this?
10:46 That pastor, ok, he's a pastor he has to do it.
10:49 He's taken the job.
10:50 But not a layman. [laughing]
10:51 Not a layman, I said why should he do it I said?
10:52 Is something really...and after seeing it
10:54 I'm so etcetera, etcetera.
10:55 Something's wrong with me. I can't explain it.
10:58 I cannot even eat for three days.
11:00 I can't sleep. I just can't enjoy anything
11:02 [laughing].
11:03 And this is one those couples who are on fire for the Lord.
11:08 I gave them hundreds of DVDs and they go on distributing to other
11:14 catholics and Anglo-Indians.
11:17 And wherever I go, If I'm in a tea shop,
11:18 I will talk about Christ.
11:20 Anywhere, if I go to the market and see someone...
11:23 I'm not ashamed of the gospel.
11:25 Wherever I go, wherever I go. I'm not ashamed.
11:27 So I go to houses. I speak to people in the house.
11:32 Wherever I go, wherever I go,
11:35 I give the Sabbath Truth.
11:37 Our DVD ministry has been greatly blessed, it has been
11:42 very effective. We have distributed thousands
11:46 and thousands of DVDs.
11:48 With our TV viewers, when they write to us and when we know
11:53 they can follow English, they can understand, we send them our
11:58 English sermons,
11:59 or of our various other speakers like Pastor Mark Finley, Pastor
12:04 Doug Batchelor. And our local language sermons also.
12:08 Many people have expressed appreciation and some people
12:15 have been baptized only through this DVD ministry, this is a
12:20 very great thing.
12:22 It's been really amazing you know, there has been cases like
12:25 one family that was a Hindu family and the wife was going
12:28 through some deep turmoil in her life.
12:29 She watched one of our TV programs and it really touched
12:32 her heart.
12:33 She started calling in on a regular basis.
12:36 Finally she was interested in having the Bible workers come
12:39 but was afraid of what her husband would think because he
12:42 was a high caste Hindu man.
12:44 And what ended up happening is they arranged a meeting away
12:48 from her home. And they ended up starting Bible
12:51 studies with her.
12:52 One day she said my "husband's gone" so, they invited the
12:54 Bible workers to come over to the house and to have a Bible
12:57 study there.
12:58 And in the middle of the Bible study her husband came home, and
13:01 you could imagine he was really disappointed, he's a high caste
13:04 Hindu. Seeing his wife studying with
13:06 these Christian people and he became furious.
13:08 But at the same time he knew that his wife had been
13:11 struggling with a lot of sever depression and he had seen the
13:14 changes that had happened to her over the last several months.
13:17 And he started to understand that this came about from her
13:21 studying the Bible and her new found faith in Christ.
13:24 And so he generally accepted her desire to want to become a
13:27 Christian.
13:28 So he even started taking her to church on Sabbath morning.
13:31 Dropping her off and then driving away and doing different
13:33 things and then coming picking her up at church.
13:35 And one Sabbath morning he pulled up to the church.
13:37 He got there early and the sermon was going on and
13:40 sometimes outside the churches
13:41 they have these loud speakers there.
13:43 And he listened to the sermon and he was touched by the sermon
13:46 and so he actually after that started every once in a while
13:49 coming and parking his car and
13:50 just listening to the sermon outside.
13:52 And then eventually he got to where
13:53 he started coming in the building.
13:55 And praise God that family was
13:57 baptized into the church and it all started
13:58 through this TV ministry.
14:00 It shows how it can go into a home, can touch a person's life
14:03 and it can draw people into the truth.
14:06 This shows how our program works, from sowing the seed
14:13 through TV and then evangelistic meeting then giving books, Bible
14:21 study and planting churches and then not only planting churches
14:25 nurturing the people.
14:27 Nurturing the people is exactly what we were doing one afternoon
14:30 at an Adventist Church in Chennai.
14:32 The church where I'm standing is started through the fruits of
14:37 Laymen Ministry India Bible workers.
14:39 Since 2005 the church is existing.
14:41 Today more then 50 believers are attending every Sabbath service,
14:47 and this church is one of the best examples how Laymen
14:51 Ministry, it's not one thats sowing the seed but focusing
14:56 planting churches in various parts of India.
15:00 So this is the little church that was raised up in 2001? Is
15:03 that what year it was? Yeah? Ok, good.
15:05 We'd come to hear some of the testimonies of the Bible workers
15:08 and to pray with some of the women who were asking for
15:11 special prayer.
15:12 Her name is Shandra Kumari and her husband is to take a lot of
15:18 hard cleaning alcohol.
15:20 He's drinking a lot.
15:21 Shandra Kumari's husband suffered from alcoholic
15:24 poisoning, providentially Laymen Ministry's Bible worker, Joseph,
15:27 had just visited the house at that time.
15:29 And upon learning of her husband's condition suggested
15:32 that he try taking charcoal. As a result her husband
15:36 recovered and they both have been
15:38 receiving Bible studies and now attend the local Seventh day
15:41 Adventist church every Sabbath.
15:43 And their story is a very interesting story, her husband
15:47 is working in the electrical department.
15:50 Stella's husband is a telephone line man, which means he has to
15:54 climb up the telephone poles to repair the lines.
15:56 While working one day he fell and was taken
15:59 to near by Hospital.
16:00 The Bible workers were providentially visiting that
16:03 Hospital and took time to visit with her husband.
16:05 After his recovery Bible studies started with
16:08 the couple at their home.
16:09 Both of them were excited about the message and today they
16:12 attend the Adventist church and watch our television programs
16:15 regularly.
16:16 This again is another example how Laymen Ministries outreach
16:20 with Bible workers, works in tandem with the television
16:23 ministry and the local churches.
16:25 These are just a couple examples of many more stories, every
16:29 Sabbath at this tiny church 40 members along with their
16:32 children attend church every Sabbath.
16:34 After I met with these women I shared a brief message about the
16:38 importance of Lay workers in the church
16:40 and then prayed with them.
16:42 We prayed specifically for a couple of women and then a third
16:45 stranger came forward for prayer.
16:47 And then the unexpected happened.
16:50 She became demon possessed!
16:54 [screaming: "Don't pray! Don't pray!
16:58 Don't pray for me!"]
17:01 [Pastor Shadrach praying]
18:11 We were finishing praying for this one lady and there was this
18:14 one lady there that we didn't know where she had came from.
18:16 Turned out that she was a catholic lady and she came there
18:20 because she was seeking help.
18:22 But as soon as we started to pray,
18:23 She was telling us not to pray she said "don't pray, don't
18:27 pray, don't pray for me!" she said.
18:29 And she fell on the floor and she was gnashing her teeth and
18:33 it was quite evident demon activity.
18:35 And Pastor Shadrach immediately put his hands on her forehead
18:38 and started praying for her and commanding
18:40 the demon to come out. You know,
18:42 calling on the name of Christ.
18:43 And when we prayed finally she became quiet.
18:46 Then she immediately.... and this is the way I think that
18:49 should happen, that I believe should happen because Christ is
18:52 more powerful then demons, then immediately she fell to the
18:55 floor and immediately a calm came over her.
19:01 These people who are possessed after we pray they fall down and
19:05 they lay unconsciously, after some time they get up and they
19:09 are normal.
19:21 One of the things that they were saying is that he was telling me
19:24 when he is coming across this kind of demon activity, that its
19:27 like talking to the devil.
19:29 They'll say who they are, where they came from and such
19:31 This case is like classic case
19:34 of how it really should be dealt with.
19:35 He immediately put his hands on her, prayed for her and then
19:37 she became unconscious and
19:39 then when she woke up she was much better.
19:41 But she was actually from what they were telling me looking for
19:43 a place to go to find deliverance from this demon
19:45 harassment that she'd been having.
19:47 So that was quite the interesting experience for sure.
19:50 When we saw that lady suddenly acting different, it is amazing
19:56 and we still don't...I do not know how she has been talking
20:01 like a spirit of a dead person.
20:04 And often this happens like that.
20:07 They would say "I am from so and so and I'm such and such a place
20:12 and I have possessed this woman!"
20:14 But what we do is we will pray earnestly and our Bible workers
20:19 will take fast and they will... whole day they will sit in the
20:24 church and we'll invite them in the church and we'll pray.
20:29 Sometimes when it is repeated we fast and pray for such people
20:33 and they have permanent relief.
20:35 They have to have a willingness inside to really release that
20:38 demon and to stop the things that are causing those
20:40 demon...demonic influences in their life too.
20:43 They have to stop that kind of association if they really want
20:46 to be free from that kind of demon activity.
20:48 Why do you think it is so common in India that you see so many
20:51 people that have like this kind of demonic activity?
20:53 We see this lady, there is nothing they can do, she is a
20:57 Catholic lady.
20:58 oh.
20:59 The Catholicism is almost like Hinduism here.
21:02 I have observed that this is seen mostly among ignorant
21:07 people, unlearned people. that's one thing, if at all if
21:12 you see this among learning people it's very rare.
21:16 Maybe it's because of the fear
21:19 and their belief in this Hindu or heathen gods.
21:23 And what we witnessed on Wednesday, that woman happens to
21:27 be a catholic believer and this is another observation,
21:31 catholicism and Hinduism we see not very much difference there.
21:36 For example you see a procession there with the Hindu
21:39 deity they're carrying our catholic virgin Mary statue.
21:45 You will not know the difference whether it is Hindu or
21:49 Christian. So even though that woman was a
21:52 Catholic lady I am sure she has this Hindu Philosophy mind,
21:57 worshipping idols and trying to appease God and having fear.
22:03 I think these are some of the reasons.
22:06 With the practices and lifelong traditions of false worship in
22:09 India, demonic activity is not uncommon
22:11 as the vast majority of India's population have heard nothing of
22:16 the gospel. As Pastor Shadrach stated 80% of
22:18 India is completely un-reached for Christ.
22:21 For this reason Laymen Ministries is in a very unique
22:25 and profound position to reach the multitudes with the Truth.
22:28 Why?
22:29 Because our Christian TV programs are airing on a
22:32 mainstream Hindu network Jaya Television, as a result these
22:36 programs are bearing a lot of fruit and a positive result.
22:40 We are receiving a lot of letters.
22:42 Not very many baptisms but one thing I have observed, people
22:47 come to know Adventists as Christians for the first time.
22:51 Many people have the idea that Seventh-day Adventists
22:55 they are a cult.
22:57 Now after our TV presentation they come to me they are
23:01 surprised "You believe in the Bible you believe in
23:03 Jesus Christ?"
23:04 It is a surprise to them, so our TV ministry in Telegu language
23:09 is a great blessing. People come to know
23:12 who Seventh-day Adventists are.
23:14 As far as I know in our whole division, southern Asia
23:19 division. Laymen Ministries is the first to
23:22 start the TV ministry. This has been, beginning
23:27 from 2000 or so we have continued nearly for ten years.
23:33 One of the problems we face we go use secular studios to record
23:36 our programs, Pastor Johnson and Paster Shadrach are under an
23:39 immense amount of pressure
23:41 because they go in there, they're watching the time,
23:42 they know if they go over time their gonna
23:44 get charged extra amount of rupees.
23:45 If we have our own studio we can do things in a more casual
23:48 manner, we can plan things, we can develop programs that will
23:51 even be more effective then the ones we have.
23:53 Soon we are planning to start a Hindi television program because
23:57 in India the potential audience of Hindu speaking is 750 million
24:04 people, and also apart from that those who are in Pakistan those
24:09 who are in the middle east can understand Hindi.
24:12 So the potential audience will be more then 750 million people.
24:18 We have been looking for land to build a studio on for a few
24:21 years. One afternoon I was out with
24:23 Pastor Johnson and Paster Shadrach, we looked at a few
24:26 different potential properties.
24:28 This is one of the places that we're looking at a piece of
24:31 property to buy for a Laymen Ministries office and studio,
24:34 and it's the end of rainy season right now so there's a lot of
24:36 floating water in this area so what we would normally have to
24:39 do most of the places in this part of India anyhow is you have
24:42 to build up the property with
24:44 some kind of pit run and rock fill.
24:45 But anyhow we're looking at a piece right back in there and
24:49 possibly this area where this little house is at and this is
24:52 the silicon valley of south India, this area so real-estate
24:56 here has been skyrocketing the last 10 years.
24:58 Yeah this is an incredible housing development here.
25:07 Where are we at right now?
25:11 Just for one house?
25:14 We have been carefully pursuing plans to build a studio in
25:18 Chennai now for several years. Either the price wasn't right or
25:21 there were complications with the location.
25:24 So we continued to pray and only a few days later
25:26 God answered our prayers!
25:28 Just this morning while we were here in India we were offered 5
25:31 cents of land. Thats roughly maybe a quarter of
25:34 an acre or a little bit less of property here by Paster
25:37 Shadrach's brother Meshach Samuel
25:39 who is a doctor in America.
25:40 And I told him that we are looking for land.
25:43 And I suggested to him why not we give at least 3 cents of our
25:48 land to be registered in Laymen Ministries name.
25:51 And I'm glad he told me "why 3 cents
25:54 lets give 5 cents" he said. Apart from that 5 cents another
25:58 10 cents is available of our land which my brother
26:03 wants to give to Laymen Ministries for the use of
26:06 evangelism in the memory of our parents.
26:09 And that's really an answer to prayer because we've been
26:11 spending the last year and a half
26:12 looking for a piece of property.
26:13 We can start building on this immediately, we need to buy some
26:16 cameras, the studio we need to build, all together probably for
26:20 around $60,000 dollars we could equip this studio to be able
26:23 to do our own in-house production.
26:24 And not have to be wasting money going off to secular studios and
26:28 having programming done. So thats a really God-send that
26:31 happened just today.
26:33 Now we have secured land to help this television ministry
26:36 grow. We are also seeking to increase
26:39 the number of Bible workers who will go out and reap the seeds
26:42 from our TV broadcasts. Our Bible workers will go door
26:45 to door to hand out literature, DVDs and to offer
26:48 to do Bible studies.
26:53 In the last two years has it gotten more difficult to find
26:56 people interested in having Bible studies?
26:58 They said "no!"
27:00 Amazing that they're saying that it's not more difficult.
27:02 Explain to me why it's not difficult to find Bible studies.
27:05 She says they have a lot of experience how to reach
27:13 the un-reached, how to give the Bible study,
27:16 they know the strategy now.
27:18 I asked for Bible workers about their strategy for studying the
27:22 Bible and generally they said they'll start by sharing about
27:25 creation and a single God who created it.
27:28 Then they discuss sin and the need of redemption followed by
27:31 the prophesies and verses that prove Jesus is the Messiah.
27:35 Once a person has an understanding of the gospel
27:37 message, from there we'll branch off into other types of studies
27:41 like on the state of the dead or hell.
27:43 And end time Bible prophesies.
27:45 Due to the success of the Bible worker program we're planning to
27:48 double the number of Bible workers
27:50 so we can have two teams.
27:51 So many people in South India are still in spiritual bondage,
27:56 slaves of ignorance, false Gods and even demonic possession.
28:01 80% of the country is still Non-Christian which makes our
28:04 work in South India a very important one.
28:06 We are doing our best to try to maximize the potential for a
28:10 successful strategy of outreach combining our Bible workers,
28:14 Evangelism and the TV ministry.
28:16 If you'd like to get involved with Laymen Ministries please
28:20 contact us at 414 ZAPADA RD. ST.MARIES, ID 83861
28:25 Or you can contact us at 1-800-245-1844.


Revised 2014-12-17