Laymen Ministries

Spiritual Journey Series, Program 2 Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LM

Program Code: LM000074

00:02 Our spiritual journey is gonna continue.
00:04 In fact, at this point,
00:06 the programs are gonna take a really interesting twist.
00:09 We're gonna be talking about things like alcohol,
00:11 angels and even Willie Nelson.
00:14 In fact, I'd like to show you
00:15 how to cut lumber with a chainsaw.
00:16 But you know, more than that,
00:17 what I'm really hoping is we go through this series
00:19 of programs called Spiritual Journeys
00:21 is that you will catch your vision
00:23 of how God has a special journey
00:25 just for you and your family.
00:43 This is the second program in a series
00:44 entitled Spiritual Journeys.
00:46 Each program is an hour long,
00:47 so if you're watching this on TV,
00:49 unfortunately, you're only gonna get half of this program.
00:52 There are several programs in this whole series
00:53 entitled Spiritual Journeys.
00:55 So if you'd like to get
00:56 this whole program or the whole series,
00:58 please contact us at our address,
01:00 phone number, or website at the end of this presentation.
01:03 And one thing that we determined
01:04 in our hearts years ago
01:06 what we're gonna do as we start praying about this
01:08 and thinking about moving up into the country
01:11 was it would be really easy
01:13 to be so consumed in trying to um--
01:17 spend all your time building
01:18 and spend all your time trying to get the house going
01:21 and stuff that you would neglect your dedication
01:23 and your spiritual commitment to God so,
01:25 we thought about the story of Daniel
01:27 and we decided that three times a day
01:29 that we were gonna give our hearts to the Lord.
01:32 In the morning, we would get up and have our devotions,
01:34 we would stop mid-afternoon and have a special prayer
01:36 and then in the evenings,
01:37 we would always have family worship
01:39 and we had one small child when we first moved up here.
01:41 We decided to keep that as a priority
01:43 as we started doing this.
01:44 You know when we were mixing up
01:46 the cement for the-- foundation, to me,
01:49 it was amazing and we started here
01:51 filling this wheelbarrow with cement and rocks
01:55 and sand and water and it was like--
01:58 mixing this big, big batch of dough
02:04 but you are stirring it with this straw board,
02:06 barely able to move it.
02:08 It was-- I don't know, to me,
02:11 it was just amazing to watch cement
02:13 being made in a wheelbarrow.
02:16 This was our first experience,
02:17 I want to honestly say that I had no ability
02:20 of other than what Jerry and Linda Warnick shared with us
02:23 about the principles of how to do this.
02:25 We were what we call North Idaho greenhorns
02:28 you know and we ended up
02:29 digging this foundation by hand here
02:31 and put these rocks in and as you look at it,
02:34 we have a saying here at the Ministry,
02:36 this is the crooked house that Jeff built
02:38 and these rocks here are all placed in by hands,
02:41 we used ah-- slabs that were left over
02:43 from the chainsaw mill in cutting the lumber.
02:46 This particular siding on the outside the house
02:48 is some of the purchase siding that we bought.
02:51 And the rest of the structural material for this,
02:54 and a lot of the cedar siding on the outside
02:56 of this house was all cut with a chainsaw mill.
02:58 All the sub floor, all the inside of the house,
03:01 everything, in fact this main structure
03:03 when we-- just got the main structure up
03:07 and enclosed and we were living in it, we had you know,
03:09 if you're gonna have a hard time believing this,
03:11 we had about $3,200 into the whole house.
03:14 I know that seems unheard of but
03:16 you have to consider these windows here,
03:18 these windows here, we ended up getting out
03:20 and behind the glass shops, there were rejects,
03:24 there were defects, sometimes we got them for free.
03:27 Some of them were blemished, we paid,
03:28 you know, $5 a piece for,
03:30 the same with some of these other,
03:31 other windows we have here.
03:32 One of the other challenges we had to where we were building
03:34 this place was my wife started
03:37 telling about our makeshift kitchen in houses,
03:39 old wooden camper that we were living in,
03:43 was refrigeration, you have to realize
03:44 that we lived up here without electricity
03:46 and without running water
03:48 and we didn't have any of the luxuries of city living
03:52 and we needed a refrigerator.
03:54 Do you remember?
03:55 Well, we cut a whole on the ground
03:57 and we filled the whole with sawdust
04:00 and then we lined the sawdust with wood
04:03 and because the ground stayed at certain temperature,
04:06 we were able to keep fruits and vegetables in it.
04:09 We had keep um, leftovers down bed,
04:13 as long as we didn't have any dairy products
04:15 or meat products in it, we were pretty safe.
04:17 And what we did is we had a piece of insulation board
04:20 that we would put over top of it
04:21 that was like about this thick.
04:23 And that would-- the ground temperature here
04:25 as clay soil like I mentioned about the mud ruts,
04:28 the clay soil is pretty cool.
04:30 Do you remember what happened one morning?
04:32 Yeah, one morning I was studying at my table in here
04:35 after we had the house established
04:39 after a couple years and I looked out there,
04:41 and there was a great big huge black bear
04:42 in our refrigerator hole
04:44 and we are living on about $35 a week at that time
04:47 and this bear had just got into all our groceries
04:51 that we were buying and I remember chasing,
04:53 I was I kind of just reacted and I ran towards the bear.
04:57 I know you're going to think I'm a little crazy
04:59 but I ran towards the bear and I started screaming at him,
05:01 making much noise and the bear ran off
05:03 into the forest and I was chasing him
05:05 and as I was chasing him, the bear just stopped.
05:08 And now, if you have studied the book of Daniel,
05:09 you know about the bear that's the bear of Medo-Persia.
05:12 You know he is the bear with the three ribs in his mouth
05:14 well the bear has lifted up on one side,
05:16 well bears do that, you know, I found out that this big bear
05:18 who I was only about 30 feet behind,
05:20 he lifted up on one side
05:21 and he turned around and he looked at me
05:23 and I could tell what he was thinking.
05:24 He was thinking why am I running from this little guy.
05:27 And I look at him and I thought
05:30 what on the world am I doing chasing this black bear,
05:32 this black bear's one of the bigger black bears
05:34 I've ever seen in my life and I ran back down to the house
05:37 and locked my bear proof door
05:38 which I will show you in just a second.
05:40 But just some of those adventures
05:42 that take place we you move to the country, you know.
05:43 It was funny to watch the bear because he is down in the hole
05:47 and he has got his nose
05:49 and he is rolling around this melon,
05:51 trying to get a bite on it,
05:53 but he's thrown corn out this way
05:55 and corn out that way.
05:57 These were precious commodities,
05:58 we were a little bit upset at the bear.
06:00 Yeah, we were-- really, really poor.
06:02 But let's go ahead over to the house here
06:05 'cause we're mentioning all this lumber
06:07 we have cut with a chainsaw mill on this house
06:09 except for some of the cedar siding right here.
06:11 But this is our bear proof door,
06:12 this is a door that we had actually
06:14 cut with chainsaw lumber and outside it's all cedar--
06:18 we just recently upgraded
06:20 to this really nice modern door right here
06:23 just a couple years ago
06:24 'cause we needed to actually seal it off better for winter
06:26 but I just couldn't get rid of this door
06:27 and this is our bear proof door.
06:29 And I want to show it to,
06:31 this door is three inches thick,
06:33 the outside as one inch of cedar.
06:35 The inside is one inch of red fir
06:37 and the inside of the door is one inch of pine
06:41 and the silly thing is we built this to be a bear proof door
06:44 for our house but this is the latch.
06:46 If you can see this--
06:48 this latch is a this little
06:49 tiny Mickey Mouse hard grill latch
06:51 and I think a bear could probably
06:53 lean against this door and pop this off
06:55 but you know we were only in our early 20s
06:57 so we really weren't experienced
06:59 at doing this kind of stuff.
07:00 Well, before we had this--
07:02 we just leaned a piece of plywood
07:04 against the hall, it was okay.
07:06 As soon as we got a door, we had put a lock on it.
07:08 Yeah. Funny thinking.
07:09 Let's take everybody, let's take--
07:11 let's go inside and take a look inside of the house.
07:15 It's quite heavy, this doorway weighs a ton.
07:18 Let's go inside.
07:26 As you can tell by looking at this place,
07:29 all this lumber for this house was cut with a chainsaw.
07:32 In a little while, I'd like to take you out
07:33 and show you exactly
07:34 how we cut lumber with a chainsaw.
07:37 One thing that as you listen to the stories
07:39 of this spiritual journey in this part of our life,
07:42 I'd like you to understand that you know,
07:43 what we did was fairly radical.
07:45 This was back in 1981, '82
07:47 when we started building this place,
07:49 but if the Lord could take
07:50 a couple of young people like us
07:52 with hardly any money and move out
07:53 into the woods and do what happened here
07:56 certainly the Lord could get you out of an inner city area
07:58 with your kids and put you in an environment
08:00 that would be a lot better than living
08:02 in some of the inner city areas that we are in today.
08:05 This fireplace here, Jerry Warnick,
08:07 my good friend I was telling you about,
08:09 he lives up by Glacier National Park
08:11 showed us how to do stone work and this--
08:13 this fireplace actually is an airtight wood stove.
08:16 In fact, if you look at the-- this metal plate on here
08:20 what we would do is we would load this thing up
08:22 with a lot of big chunks of wood
08:24 and then we would close this metal plate on here
08:25 and when it got down to below air outside,
08:28 this whole fireplace would heat up
08:30 into like a big riff of wood stove
08:34 and all the rocks will get nice and warm.
08:36 We had a gravity feed water system
08:37 that came down out of them, out of the top of the property
08:41 and fed down to the house
08:42 and we heated all our hot water with this wood stove.
08:45 This was also used to heat our house
08:47 but we have some heating coils here
08:48 that go up into all hot water tank
08:50 that we found behind a plumbing place
08:53 and this provided all the hot water for us.
08:55 Once we finally got a well in here,
08:56 of course you have to realize for me--
08:58 quite a number years we didn't have these luxuries
09:00 but when we finally got
09:01 the gravity feed water system in,
09:02 we had some pressurized water here
09:04 and we could actually take hot showers,
09:06 which was a really nice feature.
09:08 And my wife had quite an interesting kitchen.
09:10 Do you remember what your kitchen
09:11 looked like back in the days we first moved here?
09:13 Oh, let's go look at it. It'll give you an idea.
09:16 And just it's important for you to understand
09:19 that when we first moved here, this was our main house,
09:21 we live in a different house now as the ministry is growing.
09:24 We've actually turned his house into an office
09:26 and I'll share with you later that you know,
09:28 the other parts of the office
09:30 and we have an administrative room here
09:31 and we have a lot of stuff stored in here so,
09:34 we have bookstore in here and things for publishing,
09:36 this is a break room for employees,
09:38 so things are considerably different
09:40 now than they were back in the early '80s
09:42 when we used to live here.
09:43 On the back side of the fire place
09:45 was my wood cook stove.
09:47 And what I did there is I heated the water for baths,
09:52 for washing clothes, and baking bread in it,
09:56 did everything from scratch,
09:58 and so we had our wood cook stove here
10:00 but over here where you see these beautiful oak cabinets,
10:03 now we had homemade cabinets made out of pine
10:07 and one time as Jeff was building those cabinets for me,
10:11 he had the countertop
10:12 made out of a very thick cedar board stand.
10:16 He had little this little tiny was is it a jig saw?
10:19 A saber saw-- Little saber saw.
10:20 --to a generator.
10:21 He was cutting a hole in that,
10:24 of course this was years later when we finally had a generator
10:27 and he was cutting a hole in that
10:29 to put a sink in for me
10:31 and he was just struggling and struggling
10:34 and it wasn't going anywhere
10:36 and now I'm thinking this isn't going to last.
10:38 And just like I thought he went out the door
10:40 and as I anticipated he came walking
10:42 right back in with his chain saw.
10:44 And he got up on the counter and ripped his chain saw
10:48 and just threw saw dust all over
10:51 but you know that's what I was used to,
10:54 I was used to following him around
10:55 and cleaning that mess as we-- as we built.
10:58 We have to understand that all of this lumber that we cut,
11:01 all the-- you know you guys
11:02 that are contractors that are watching
11:04 this are gonna have a hard time with this
11:05 but all the finished work on this house
11:08 was done with a chainsaw.
11:10 I'm talking the miter cuts for around the windows.
11:13 I'm talking about the window moldings,
11:14 I'm talking about all the fine 'delicate stuff' that--
11:19 we didn't have a handsaw, we only had chainsaws
11:21 and so all the fine delicate stuff
11:23 that you would do with a chainsaw,
11:24 I mean, with a handsaw, we were doing with the chainsaw,
11:26 so all this finished carpentry,
11:28 edges and everything were either hand planed
11:30 with a hand plane or they were cut with a chainsaw.
11:32 So, it was only natural for me
11:35 to jump up on the counter with a chainsaw
11:37 and cut the hole for the sink.
11:38 We had this idea when we came up here,
11:39 we're going to do all these great things
11:42 and when the first year went by,
11:43 all of a sudden, we realized that things were happening
11:45 exactly the way that we thought that they should.
11:48 We had this idea we're gonna build a clinic up here,
11:50 we're gonna build houses,
11:51 we're gonna have a health food store and restaurant in town.
11:54 We were going to do all these great things for God,
11:56 revelation seminars and by the time
11:57 the first summer came to its end,
11:59 my brother and sister-in-law
12:01 decided the weather here was too cold,
12:02 they didn't like it and they left.
12:03 And we're up here and we had a house
12:06 that was just barely built
12:07 and this whole idea of 'the great work'
12:10 started to change focus
12:12 and we started to realize what the great work was,
12:14 not going out and doing some great things for God,
12:16 but it was about character development.
12:18 Learning to trust Him, learning Him to be--
12:20 to be faithful in the little things,
12:22 learning to be frugal with what resources
12:24 and money that He-- Learning to surrender.
12:26 Learning to surrender,
12:28 learning how to get along as a husband and wife
12:30 and we found out that was really
12:31 what country living was about,
12:32 it wasn't about doing some great work for God.
12:34 It was about doing some great work in our hearts.
12:36 Our hearts. Yeah.
12:38 We would like to take you outside
12:39 and show you the generator
12:40 that we later bought to start powering this house
12:43 'cause as the ministry started growing,
12:45 as a ministry started growing, that's a whole another story
12:48 that will develop into this spiritual journey series
12:50 that we're on right now.
12:56 When we finally decided
12:57 that we needed to get electricity here
12:59 'cause the ministry was starting to grow,
13:00 we started out first with a little teeny Honda generator
13:03 and then we ended up moving to--
13:06 this one here and a gentleman
13:08 who is a real kind individual gave this generator to us.
13:12 This is an old military generator,
13:14 it's not really, it doesn't really put out
13:16 all that much wattage but it was enough to charge
13:18 some graphique telephone batteries
13:20 and run an inverter system
13:22 so that we could have washing machine
13:24 and 12 volt power 'cause as the ministry started growing,
13:28 we started having computers
13:29 and such here but we were still running
13:30 this ministry off this generator
13:32 and this is like a 1945 old military generator
13:37 with a flathead four cylinder
13:38 and this provided electricity for us probably for almost,
13:41 I would think about almost five years
13:43 and then we finally got power in.
13:46 The whole story about how the power came
13:48 to the property is just definitely providential
13:52 and how the Lord lead and I'll never forget--
13:57 our neighbor that has property right next to us here
14:00 and wanted to have power brought into our property.
14:02 And you see, when we first moved here
14:03 we had this idea we'd like to bring power to the property.
14:06 We checked- on it and we found
14:07 that it was going to cost $12,698.
14:12 Well, that was way out of the budget
14:14 that we could ever even consider affording
14:16 and so year after year went by we just knew
14:18 we'll probably not get power into this place ever
14:20 but the ministry started growing in
14:22 and I knew the Lord knew
14:23 that we needed to have electricity
14:25 to do everything we're doing.
14:27 The neighbor said why don't we check with the--
14:28 this huge corporation on property right behind us
14:31 and see if we can get power in and he checked with them,
14:35 they were having a board meeting
14:37 and they called me up on a Friday morning
14:41 and they said we've decided
14:42 you could put power in through our property
14:44 but because you're going through our property
14:45 you have to go underground.
14:47 And I said well, how much would that cost?
14:48 And they said around $12,000
14:50 and I was thinking oh, nine years down the road
14:53 and it's still the same price which we can't afford.
14:57 And I was a little discouraged
14:58 but you know the Lord has an interesting way
14:59 of having things happen because that next morning
15:02 which was Sabbath morning we went to church
15:04 I was feeling a little bit depressed
15:06 and I was thinking, Lord, you know why is this happening
15:08 because we really need to have electricity here
15:10 and what ended up happening was
15:12 after we came home from church.
15:14 We heard a knock at the door and I opened the door up
15:16 and it was the gentleman on the--
15:18 almost a mile section of property
15:19 right behind our house and he said,
15:21 "Jeff I was just wondering,
15:23 have you ever thought about getting power in your place"
15:26 And I kind of grinned and said
15:27 "Well, you know,
15:28 I thought about that actually quite a bit lately
15:29 and I didn't tell him you know about
15:31 what was happening just the last week
15:34 and he said you know what let's go take a look at the property
15:36 and I got thinking should I be doing this on Sabbath?
15:38 Well, I think the Lord brought this gentleman to me
15:42 to our family and so I went out for a walk with him
15:44 and he went talk with his other family members
15:46 and that individual gave us permission
15:49 to be able to put power in
15:51 right next to this corporation's property
15:53 just over thirty feet cut down to swath the trees
15:55 for free all the way in from the highway.
15:58 And you know how much it cost us?
15:59 It cost us $1260--
16:04 $1268 or something like that was almost exactly
16:07 a tide of what it was going to cost us,
16:09 you know, nine years before that to get power in
16:12 and what this other company wanted to charger us.
16:14 And that was just again another sign you know,
16:16 of how the Lord was leading to be able
16:18 to help this ministry to continue to grow
16:21 and to provide the needs that we had here
16:23 to really make this ministry
16:25 be the blessing that it is today around the world.
16:32 One of our greatest needs that we had up here
16:34 after several years a running the ministry
16:36 was getting a telephone in
16:38 and before we even got power into this place.
16:41 You have to consider this extremely remote area
16:43 and try to get telephone in here
16:45 was going to cost a lot of money.
16:46 And we were making it a real serious matter of prayer
16:50 and I had used a one of the neighbors phones
16:53 and I called and asked about having an engineer
16:56 from the telephone company come out
16:58 to our place in just give us an estimation
17:00 on how much it was going to cost
17:01 to have the telephone brought in.
17:03 And I remember one morning we were about our daily business
17:05 at the house doing home schooling
17:07 and I was studying and there was a knock on the door
17:09 and there was a gentleman
17:10 there with one of these little wheels a meter wheel
17:12 that measures distance.
17:14 And he started telling us that,
17:15 well, we can get telephone in here,
17:16 it's going to cost around $700 I think it was at that time.
17:20 And he looked up on the wall and he saw a picture of Jesus
17:24 and he looked down at my desk there was right by the door
17:26 and he saw a Bible and he look at us
17:28 said are you folks Christians?
17:29 Then we said yeah, and he said
17:30 oh, I'm Christian too and we visited with him some
17:33 and it was really nice and-- and then he said do you know
17:36 we can get telephone in here and there would be no problem
17:38 I'm the head engineer and I looked at him
17:41 and I said I don't have the money
17:43 to have this system installed and he said
17:46 "Oh, we can work out a payment plan for you,
17:47 don't worry about that."
17:49 And so they drag actually a wire
17:50 that was just laying on top in the snow
17:52 and across the creeks and everything,
17:54 all the way up from the county road
17:56 over a mile away, all the way down into our property here
17:59 and hocked up the telephoning and we had telephone up here
18:02 and so I started making monthly payments
18:04 but the only odd thing was as every time
18:06 I made a monthly payment
18:07 it was just being credited to our phone bill
18:09 and so our phone bill was like
18:11 increasing rather than being charged.
18:14 And so I started calling the company up,
18:15 then I called this place and I called that place
18:17 and they didn't know what to do about it,
18:19 they didn't tell me where to put the money.
18:21 I finally called the engineer up
18:22 that had originally come up here
18:25 and he said to me he said "Jeff I'll check into this."
18:27 Now this is after I've done everything
18:29 I possibly could do to try to make payments
18:31 on the installation of this telephone line
18:33 he said "Jeff I'll see what I can do
18:35 until you hear from me
18:36 don't you worry about anything from this point on."
18:39 And till this day I've never heard back from him.
18:42 And so the Lord provided free telephone for us here,
18:45 I'd done everything on my part
18:46 to clear my conscience to try to be responsible
18:49 and we've never heard back
18:51 from the telephone company and to this day,
18:53 now we have multi line system up here for the whole mystery.
19:25 The first thing you do when you cut lumber
19:27 with a chainsaw mill as you have this apparatus here.
19:29 Oh, man this thing weighs a ton.
19:31 This is the chainsaw mill, last time four chainsaw mill
19:34 with husk of chain saw and this is your log
19:37 and now we're going to prepare the log
19:38 and we're going to get ready to cut--
19:40 cut it up into boards.
20:05 Good.
20:38 That's the carriage return.
20:42 Well, this finishes are here. That is so nice.
20:46 It's cut a little bit rough because it's a brand new chain.
21:12 Now you put this, just drop it.
21:38 What we've done now is we've taken this log
21:41 and we've cut off two sides of it
21:43 and we've got an exactly a 4-inch wide piece here.
21:45 Now we're going to do the top cut.
21:47 We're just going to basically shim off the bark
21:49 as much as possible and then we get a nice top cut,
21:52 then we are going to really start making lumber.
21:55 Okay, we want to set it at three
21:58 and you love this three and a quarter.
22:20 Right now we could cut a beam.
22:22 Out of this we can make a four by four beam,
22:25 we could make a one by out of it.
22:28 Whatever dimension now we set this at,
22:30 we can go ahead and cut the dip width of the board.
22:40 Basically, that's how you do it
22:42 and you think that all the lumber
22:43 in that house was cut with a chainsaw
22:46 just like this whether it was two by fours
22:48 two by six cedar paneling,
22:50 everything pretty much was cut this way.
22:52 It's a slow process but we're on a tight income
22:55 it produces some pretty nice lumber.
22:59 I just want to say, you know,
23:00 as we went through these early times of the ministry here.
23:03 We learned some valuable lessons
23:05 and those lessons were learning
23:07 to keep God first in our life,
23:10 learning how to work together as a husband and wife.
23:12 If it wasn't for the fact that Christ was in our relationship.
23:15 I think an experience like what we've gone through here
23:18 probably could have very easily
23:20 caused a young couple to go to a divorce
23:22 because it's not easy doing what we did but that,
23:24 it actually drew us together a lot of ways
23:26 and the other thing that I learned
23:29 was learn to trust in God in every circumstance
23:33 that He would provide our need step by step as we needed that,
23:36 as each door needed to be opened
23:37 we stepped through it God would provide.
23:40 They taught us how to be frugal with money
23:42 because we often times lived on thirty dollars a week
23:45 just to survive up here.
23:47 And it also-- and this may be kind of odd,
23:51 it helped us to prepare us for international ministry
23:55 because as we started going to various different countries
23:59 and in the third world countries,
24:01 to tell you the truth we felt rather comfortable
24:03 because we've been there and we've lived
24:06 without all those luxuries of everyday life
24:09 that so many people enjoy in the city.
24:12 You know, one of the lessons
24:13 I learned in those times of living
24:16 so poorly is that you don't worry about tomorrow
24:21 and I really like this scripture
24:23 that says to "To cast your bread upon the waters"
24:25 because after many days it shall return.
24:28 And I saw that proven so many times we would have--
24:32 be at the end of some sort of supplies
24:34 and I'm looking at it and I'm thinking
24:37 you know what, how am I going to replace this
24:39 and I'd go ahead and use whatever supplies it was,
24:43 whether it be raisins or fruit
24:47 or whatever it was there for the meal
24:49 and throw the last of it in.
24:51 And within a day or two someone would be showing up
24:54 and they would be trading with us some--
24:57 for some sort of services or something like that
25:00 and they would be trading date pieces
25:02 or they would be trading prunes
25:03 or they would be trading more raisins and--
25:06 My faith was just so strengthened
25:09 by those little experiences in life
25:11 when Jesus provided for us.
25:13 And what that did for us
25:15 is rather than having this big picture
25:18 of some kind a big ministry
25:20 it started to help us to realize
25:21 that what ministry really was-- was way a way of life.
25:24 It was who you are in Christ it was,
25:27 you know, getting to know your neighbors
25:29 and to share what little you had
25:34 with other people and that ministry was--
25:36 is more about giving and taking with people in your community
25:39 and the people you come in contact with everyday life
25:41 and as we started to understand that God started,
25:45 the old saying is that we worked on the plan of addition
25:47 and God start working on the plan of multiplication.
25:49 I remember we're almost out of firewood one winter.
25:52 And one friend came up to my place here
25:55 and he said he needed firewood really bad
25:58 and I said go ahead and take half of what I have
26:00 and I knew that we were going to run out anyhow.
26:02 And soon as I did that within two days
26:04 the Lord opened up a place for us
26:05 where we had unlimited supply of firewood.
26:08 We filled our woodshed for two years
26:10 and then we ended up having enough wood
26:12 to give to couple of other poor families in the community
26:14 and different people that needed some firewood
26:16 like at the one of the church schools here
26:20 in town was burning firewood back in those days
26:22 and we gave firewood to them
26:23 and so by us being willing to sacrifice
26:26 what little we had and sharing it
26:27 with somebody else to help them.
26:28 God ended up pouring more blessings on us
26:31 and you know, that's the Divine Principle
26:33 of how God works with us as Christians.
26:36 As we've been talking about some of experiences
26:39 that we've gone through the years.
26:41 It take me back to a quote
26:44 that was always encouraging to us,
26:45 and it goes kind of like this.
26:48 "It would be well for you to lay by your perplexing cares
26:51 and find a retreat in the country,
26:53 where there's not so strong an influence
26:55 to corrupt the morals of the young.
26:58 True, you would not be entirely free from annoyances
27:01 and perplexing care is in the country,
27:03 but you would there avoid many evils
27:06 and close the door against the flood of temptation
27:09 which threaten to overpower the minds for your children."
27:13 And we just felt that being out here
27:16 in the country was a safe haven for our children.
27:20 It was worth the sacrifice
27:22 and I would encourage any of you to consider
27:25 if you are in the inner city area
27:27 that this is the time to consider
27:29 moving into more rural area.
27:31 We are all out of time right now
27:32 in the spiritual journey is going to continue
27:34 and I know that you're going to gain many blessings
27:36 with the stories that are yet to come.
27:38 So until next time may God bless you
27:39 and may God bless you
27:41 as you continue your spiritual journey.
27:43 If you would like to see this complete presentation
27:45 please write or call Laymen Ministries,
27:48 414 Zapada road, St. Maries, Idaho, 83861
27:53 or call 1-800-245-1844.
27:58 You can contact us on the web at


Revised 2014-12-17