Laymen Ministries

Spiritual Journey, Program 1 Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jeff Reich


Series Code: LM

Program Code: LM000065

00:01 I remember the first time I visited
00:02 a Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:04 I didn't come to listen to the preacher
00:05 or listen to an evangelist.
00:07 To tell you the truth, I came to create such a ruckus
00:10 that the police would have to come
00:11 and remove my girlfriend and a friend of mine
00:13 and I figured that way they would never ask me
00:15 to come to that church again.
00:16 Stay tuned in, I'll tell you a little more about it.
00:42 My parents who had been church-hopping a little bit
00:45 but they weren't overly religious at that time
00:48 went to a Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:51 and they went through a whole set of
00:52 what was called evangelistic meetings
00:54 at this church and they were baptized
00:56 into a Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:57 Well, my brother and my sister and I all thought my parents
01:00 are just kind of really gone crazy
01:02 in order to join this church
01:03 because we heard that they went to church
01:05 on the wrong day of the week and they just seemed
01:08 like, I never heard of Seventh-day Adventist before.
01:11 And it was probably about three or four months later
01:16 another evangelist came to town
01:17 and I remember I was playing music with my friends
01:20 we were jamming and smoking marijuana
01:21 and drinking beer
01:23 and we just got then playing a set of music
01:24 and we were just taking a little break
01:26 and a telephone rang and I--
01:29 one of my friends picked up the phone and he said,
01:31 hey, Jeff, it's your mom, she wants to talk to you.
01:33 And so I went over and said, hi.
01:34 And she said, hey, how would like to hear and evangelist?
01:37 I said, what?
01:38 How would you like to come and hear an evangelistic series?
01:39 I said, what's that?
01:41 And she said, well, it's a guy
01:42 who is preaching from the Bible you know,
01:43 sharing different things.
01:44 And I said, just a second,
01:45 and I put my hand over the phone
01:47 and I looked at the keyboard player
01:48 and I said, how would you like to go
01:49 to an evangelistic meeting?
01:50 How would you like to go listen to someone
01:52 preaching the Word of God?
01:53 And he said, yeah, sure that sounds good.
01:55 And I said, yeah, what time is it?
01:57 And she said, 7 o' clock.
01:58 And so I went and got my girlfriend,
02:00 got a six pack of beer
02:02 we smoked a couple of marijuana and cigarettes,
02:03 the keyboard player and I squirmed over
02:05 to the Seventh-day Adventist Church
02:06 with my girl in a 1939 Chevy with a Corvette engine,
02:10 big wide tires, black leather coat,
02:11 long blonde hair down my shoulders
02:13 and we came into this church.
02:15 And like I said at the beginning of this presentation
02:17 we didn't come to listen to the evangelist.
02:22 In fact, what we did as we came to this church
02:24 to sit up in the balcony to create such a ruckus
02:27 that we knew that they would have to call the police
02:30 and physically remove us from the church
02:32 and you see that way I thought my parents
02:33 would never ever invite me to come to this church again.
02:37 And I thought well, that would take care of this you know,
02:38 and that will settle everything.
02:41 And an interesting thing happened
02:43 because special music started.
02:45 They dimmed the lights in the church
02:46 and this lady came out to start to sing
02:48 and I wasn't into that kind of music you know,
02:50 but I was a musician and I was listening
02:52 and it sounded pretty good, you know and we were listening
02:55 and by the way when we first got to the church
02:56 we were making a lot of noise and up in the balcony
03:00 and some of the old folks were looking up there
03:01 like who are those kids up there anyhow making all that noise.
03:04 And just never ever forget that
03:06 if this happens in your church
03:08 you never know who those people
03:10 really might end up being someday.
03:12 We listened and you know what happened that night?
03:15 The opening night subject was on spiritualism.
03:19 My mouth dropped open because of all the things
03:21 that happened in my younger years
03:22 of my life previous to that point of coming to the church.
03:26 And so I sit there and I listened
03:27 how this evangelist had been raised in a spiritualist home
03:30 and all the things that happened and I couldn't believe it.
03:33 And so we went back there second night,
03:35 and you know what he was talking on?
03:36 He was talking on rock music and hypnosis.
03:40 And I turned to the keyboard player
03:41 and I said, hey, this guy knows more about music than we do
03:43 because we knew what he was saying was true.
03:46 So, night after night
03:47 we went listening to this evangelist
03:49 and the Bible started coming alive.
03:51 All these things that were inconsistent to me in the path
03:54 that I couldn't put together the bits and pieces
03:57 started fitting together.
03:58 And after the evangelistic series was done
04:00 my parents introduced me to an elderly gentlemen,
04:03 in fact, he introduced to group of young people
04:04 to an elderly gentlemen, who was a retired Bible worker.
04:08 And the interesting thing was about this Bible workers
04:10 was every single time I'd ask him a question
04:13 from the Bible he'd never give me his opinion.
04:15 He'd never say, well, I think.
04:17 He said, Jeff, I want to show you
04:19 what the Bible says,
04:20 and systematically verse by verse
04:22 he would show what the Bible says
04:24 and he would allow me to come to my own conclusion
04:27 of what God's word said.
04:28 And you know that's what I'd been looking for all along.
04:30 I'd sit in pastor studies for different denominations
04:34 and I'd ask different questions
04:36 and lot of times the pastors would close their Bibles
04:38 and they would say something like,
04:40 well, Jeff, let me tell you something.
04:41 As soon as they said that I'm turned them out
04:43 because I didn't care what a pastor thought.
04:45 I wanted to know what the Word of God thought.
04:48 And I'll be honest with you,
04:50 through the evangelistic series
04:52 through studying with the Bible worker
04:54 I learned a lot of doctrines.
04:55 But there is one thing that I failed to learn
04:59 and that was how to have a personal relationship
05:02 with Jesus Christ.
05:04 So like many numbers through evangelism
05:08 I was one of those people that quit coming to church
05:10 but my girlfriend, she kind of caught the message
05:14 and together with my brother and my sister
05:16 they started having Friday night sundown worships.
05:19 We were both baptized in church by the way at the second series
05:22 that we went to and my girlfriend decided
05:24 that she really wanted to stick with that.
05:27 By the way that girlfriend is still my wife today
05:30 amazingly enough after all these years.
05:32 But I'll tell you what happen
05:33 was my conscious was awakened
05:36 but, at the same time I started running from God.
05:38 It's a terrible thing to have learned all these bible truths,
05:41 all the dos and don'ts of Christianity
05:43 but yet not know how to tap
05:45 into the power to do all those dos and don'ts.
05:48 And my girlfriend, she moved to Alaska
05:50 and I followed her to Alaska.
05:52 And up in Alaska we were smoking marijuana
05:55 and we were running from God
05:56 and dealing with some personal issues up there
05:59 and feeling really guilty because we knew what was right
06:02 and she was trying to do what was right
06:04 and I was kind of pulling her the wrong direction
06:05 because I wasn't making any commitment to God
06:07 and I met this guy that was a guitar player
06:09 and one Saturday afternoon, Sabbath afternoon
06:12 we went out to this park
06:14 and this just shows you how God sometimes work,
06:17 He works in just amazing ways.
06:18 But we went to this park
06:20 and there was this kind of like geodesic dome
06:22 where you could sit and play your guitars
06:23 and it had a really nice acoustics to it.
06:25 And we were jamming away on our acoustic guitars,
06:28 playing a bunch of rock music and folk music
06:31 and this guy walked up with a guitar case
06:33 and he had Jesus Saves stickers
06:35 all over the outside of his guitar case
06:36 and I was looking at my friend
06:38 and I like, oh, no, who's this guy?
06:39 And he said, hey, man, can I jam with you guys?
06:41 And we said, sure.
06:42 And he said, do you know any Christian songs?
06:43 I said, no, we're not playing Christian songs here.
06:46 And he said, hey, have you two been saved?
06:48 And I said to him, yeah, I've been saved once
06:51 but I am not practicing right now.
06:52 He said, you've been saved,
06:53 you are not practicing right now?
06:54 And he got this close to my face
06:56 and he said, repent brother, you need to repent.
06:59 I said, who are you to tell me to repent?
07:00 He said, the Word of God tells me to tell you to repent,
07:03 you've back slipped, you need to repent.
07:05 And I started shaking and I thought,
07:07 you know, 'cause I knew down inside
07:08 this gentleman was telling me what was right.
07:11 And so we left Alaska, we went back to other town,
07:14 we lived in at that time
07:17 and we decided to move
07:18 to another little town out in the country
07:20 to try to get away from our friends
07:21 and our influences.
07:23 My wife and I, my girlfriend and I got married
07:25 and I was working at a job there
07:29 and every Wednesday night
07:31 Christy, my wife would go to the local Adventist church
07:34 and she would pray
07:35 with an elderly little group of women
07:37 there at prayer meeting on Wednesday night,
07:40 oh, please convert Christy's husband,
07:44 help Jeff to come to the truth
07:45 and help him to come back to the church.
07:47 And we never know the power of prayer,
07:50 how that really can affect a person
07:51 and how that really end up being an instrument
07:54 in leading a person back to God
07:56 because at that time I was really starting
07:59 to become more and more convicted.
08:01 And as I share this with you,
08:03 it's a little bit sensitive because it's a--
08:07 its one thing to go to church
08:10 it's another thing to be a Christian.
08:11 It's one thing to be involved in churchianity,
08:13 it's another thing to become a Christian.
08:15 People ask me, well, how long have you been an Adventist?
08:17 I say, well, I was an Adventist, baptized Adventist in 1976,
08:21 and then I hesitate and I say,
08:22 but I become a Christian in 1981.
08:25 And they look at me and a little bit startled
08:27 by that but a lot of people
08:28 professed to belong to some church
08:30 but they really haven't experienced
08:31 the conversion experience in Christ.
08:34 And that's exactly what happened to me,
08:35 I didn't have an experience,
08:37 a Christian experience with Christ
08:39 but I knew all these different doctrines,
08:40 I knew all these different things
08:42 but at the same time I started going to church.
08:45 You know, I guess you can say,
08:47 praise God, started going to church,
08:49 started advancing in truth,
08:50 started reading a lot of the books,
08:52 started studying my Bible and trying to do
08:54 all the different things you should do as a Christian.
08:57 You see, I had entered into a phase
08:59 and maybe you can relate to this and maybe you can't,
09:01 becoming a schizophrenic Seventh-day Adventist.
09:04 Maybe you've never heard
09:05 of a schizophrenic Seventh-day Adventist
09:07 or a schizophrenic Christian.
09:09 That's a person who basically
09:11 has like a split religious personality.
09:14 You know you have a double standard
09:15 when you are with one group of people,
09:16 you do one thing,
09:18 with your different group of people
09:19 you do different thing.
09:20 When I got with my old friends I would do what they were doing
09:22 and then when I got with the church people
09:24 I looked really good and I had my tie on
09:26 and had my haircut short now and was attending church.
09:29 In fact, you know what,
09:31 I started even reading out in Sabbath school class
09:34 and I started holding different positions in the church.
09:36 It's just the young person,
09:37 I was involved with the youth group
09:39 in our local church
09:40 and the same time I was still smoking marijuana,
09:44 still drinking from time to time and doing these things
09:46 but I kept those things quiet and secret
09:49 and I never let the church people know
09:50 or the pastor know that I was doing all those things
09:51 because that's taboo, you are not suppose to do that.
09:54 And so I was like this schizophrenic person,
09:56 at one hand you know,
09:58 I am going to church and looking good
09:59 and everybody thought, oh, isn't it wonderful,
10:00 Jeff is coming to church and on the other hand
10:02 when I got with my other friend
10:04 I was doing the things that they were doing.
10:06 And of course then I had to start really being careful
10:08 about the bad things that I was doing.
10:10 In fact, I got to a point
10:11 where I was so good at doing those bad things
10:13 that I put toothpaste in my mouth,
10:14 my wife never even knew
10:15 that I was still smoking marijuana
10:17 and doing some of these other things
10:19 that I shouldn't be doing.
10:20 And during this whole period of time
10:23 I was dealing with a lot of guilt.
10:25 You see its one thing to know what is right
10:28 but still end up doing the wrong thing.
10:31 And I continued reading my Bible
10:32 and the more I read my Bible the more I read other books
10:35 that are published by the church,
10:36 I started feeling more and more guilty
10:37 and more and more condemned
10:39 but the same time I had head knowledge,
10:40 I could give you all the different
10:42 27 fundamental believes,
10:43 I could take you through a Bible study,
10:45 I can tell you about the 12 seals
10:48 in the Book of Revelation
10:50 or the seven seals in the Book of Revelation
10:52 or state of the dead or any of the other Bible doctrines.
10:56 And I remember reading one time in the Book of Romans.
11:00 In fact, I'd like to just share that with you.
11:02 In the Book of Romans in Chapter 7,
11:04 I read a statement that just really hit me
11:07 and actually this is the statement
11:09 that I started to read
11:10 at the very beginning of this introduction,
11:12 it says, "For that which I do I allow not,
11:17 for what I would, that do I not but what I hate, that do I."
11:23 And I thought to myself,
11:24 you know, when I read this during this time in my life,
11:26 it's exactly me.
11:27 You know, here I am,
11:28 that which I know I shouldn't be doing
11:29 I'm doing and the things that I know I should be doing
11:32 I'm not doing
11:33 and I found myself in this dilemma
11:36 doing the very things that I hate.
11:37 And Paul goes on and says,
11:39 "If then I do that which I would not,
11:42 I consent to the law that it is good."
11:43 In other words, the law condemns us
11:45 when we do things that are wrong,
11:47 I consent to the law that those things
11:49 that I'm doing are not good.
11:51 And Paul goes on in verse 17 and say,
11:53 "Now then it is no more I that do it,
11:55 but sin that dwelleth in me."
11:56 And I thought to myself, yep, that's true.
11:58 "For I know that in me, that is, in my flesh,
12:00 dwelleth no good thing, for to will is present with me
12:05 but how to perform that which is good I find not."
12:08 You know, so many Christians are struggling
12:10 with this very point in their life,
12:12 they know what they should be doing
12:14 but they don't have the power to be able to really do things
12:16 that they know they should be doing
12:18 and so they pretend to be Christians,
12:20 they are involved in churchianity,
12:21 they go to church week after week
12:23 and they pretend to be Christians.
12:25 And inside they want to have power to be overcome--
12:27 to be able to overcome in their life
12:28 but they don't know how to overcome it.
12:31 They know all these different dos and don'ts,
12:32 they know different doctrinal subjects
12:35 but yet they don't know
12:36 how to have an experience with Christ
12:38 to overcome the sinful nature of that they have.
12:42 And Paul goes on to say, "Now if I do that I would not,
12:46 it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.
12:50 I find then a law, that, when I would do good,
12:53 evil is present with me.
12:55 For I delight in the law of God after the inward man."
12:57 And I could say even that.
12:58 I wanted to be a Christian,
13:00 I delighted in the law, I thought it was right,
13:01 it was holy, just and great thus I should be doing God's law.
13:04 "But I see another law in my members,
13:06 warring against the law of my mind,
13:09 bringing me into captivity to the law of sin
13:11 which is in my members."
13:13 Brother and sisters, this is the battle of the mind
13:15 and this where a lot of us are, we're struggling,
13:17 we're trying to overcome our fleshly tendencies.
13:19 We're struggling with different things in our lives
13:21 so we don't know how to overcome
13:23 and we have this battle going on between the flesh and the spirit
13:26 and trying to live up to the light
13:28 that God has given us.
13:30 And then finally Paul cries out, "O wretched man that I am!
13:33 Who shall deliver me from this body of death?"
13:36 I was fighting, you know, this fight,
13:38 I was mentally trying to justify sin to deal with guilt
13:42 and at the same time I wasn't dealing
13:43 with the root of the problem and dealing with the sin itself
13:46 and it became a vicious circle.
13:49 A circumstance happened in my home one day
13:53 and during this time my wife had just came into the house
13:59 and I do these different crazy things,
14:03 you know, I would go down to my shop,
14:06 I was running a repair shop at that time
14:08 where I was restoring antique and classic cars
14:10 and I would smoke some marijuana
14:13 I go up to the house and see my wife
14:14 and I try to hide it and not let her know
14:16 that I'd been doing that.
14:18 And I would-- sometimes I would go down to my shop
14:21 and I would take out this bag of marijuana
14:22 and I'd smoke some and then I would feel so guilty
14:24 because I wanted to be a Christian.
14:26 And so then I would take this bag of marijuana,
14:28 I take my pipe and I'd open my shop
14:30 and we lived out in this farmland area
14:31 where had this shop at and I would take it
14:33 and I would throw it out into the felid
14:35 as far as I could and I would get on my knees
14:37 and I say, "Lord, I am not going to do this anymore."
14:42 You know, that night I would go to bed and think of myself,
14:44 I am going to be a Christian now, I really am.
14:46 And the next day I go to shop and I start working
14:48 and I start thinking to myself,
14:50 wow, it should be nice to smoke a little marijuana.
14:52 And so I'd be out there in the grass out
14:54 in the field looking around
14:55 and I would find my bag and my pipe
14:57 and I go back into my shop and smoke some more
15:00 and then I feel really guilty that I done it again.
15:02 And I take the bag and I would throw it out in the field
15:04 and get on my knees and I would pray,
15:05 "Lord, please help me not to do this anymore.
15:07 I really wanted to be a Christian."
15:09 And day after day I would keep doing this same thing,
15:13 in fact, I got where I was really good
15:14 at just taking the bag of marijuana
15:16 and strategically throwing into the grass
15:18 so could find it more conveniently the next day
15:20 just enough to help me to deal with the guilt.
15:23 And then one day a significant thing happened.
15:25 I got on my knees and I prayed,
15:26 "Lord, I don't want to do this anymore
15:28 and I want you to do whatever is necessary
15:31 to help me to quit doing this.
15:33 I don't want to be a hypocrite anymore.
15:35 I really want to be a Christian.
15:36 I took my marijuana and my pipe
15:37 and threw it into the woodstove and burned it
15:40 and I decided I really was going to be a Christian.
15:42 I started doing all the dos and the don'ts,
15:44 I got up every morning, studied my Bible,
15:46 I prayed, I went for a walk with my wife in the morning
15:49 and I tried to really be a Christian
15:51 and things were going so great.
15:52 One week went by, two weeks went by
15:54 and then one day like I was saying earlier,
15:56 I walked into the house and my wife was there
15:59 and she said something to me
16:00 and to be honest
16:01 I was being a little bit edgy, little irritable.
16:03 I was kind of feeling like I needed something more
16:05 or maybe some of you can relate to that,
16:07 that need to have something more in your life.
16:11 And she said something to me and I said something to her
16:14 and I know this never happens in your homes.
16:16 I know this is just something really rare
16:18 that just happens like happened in my home at that time.
16:20 And she said something to me and I said something to her
16:23 and she said something to me and I said something to her
16:25 and the next thing you know, we were just going at--
16:27 we were getting really angry and talking back and forth
16:30 and all of a sudden she flipped over
16:32 and knock down some stuff off the counter
16:34 and I knocked over a lamp and we started cursing
16:37 and yelling at each other and we worked our way
16:39 into the kitchen and my wife and--
16:42 she doesn't like me telling this part of the story and she says,
16:44 that's not exactly how it happened.
16:46 But she run over and grabbed a black cast iron frying pan.
16:50 You know ladies, what I am talking about, right
16:51 a black cast iron skillet.
16:53 And she took that skillet and she was looking at me
16:55 and she says that she wasn't intending to hit me with that
16:58 but she had that look in her eye.
17:00 And she had it in her hand like this
17:02 and she raised it up
17:03 and she slammed it down on the counter
17:05 so hard that the skillet broke in half.
17:08 Now I'm not talking about the little handle,
17:10 I'm talking about the skillet, it broke in half.
17:11 And as I was standing there I was thinking
17:13 I was really thankful that,
17:14 that was not my head that happened
17:17 that--that had hit me on.
17:19 Anyhow, I looked at her and I said, fine,
17:20 I want a divorce and she said, that's great
17:22 and I turned around and I left.
17:24 Well, I just want to share with you something,
17:27 a lot of people have this vicious cycle
17:29 that they go in because down inside
17:31 they really want to be involved with a certain type of sin
17:35 they're struggling with alcoholism,
17:37 food addictions, drug addictions but yet they feel guilty.
17:41 And so if they can create a circumstance
17:44 that can give them a justifiable reason
17:46 for going out and indulging in that sin
17:49 it helps them to deal with the guilt.
17:51 But the only problem is that once you do the sin
17:53 you'll experience the guilt again
17:55 and even thought you're subconsciously
17:56 trying to blame it on your spouse
17:58 or your work person that you work with.
18:00 You know for people say,
18:01 well, I wouldn't drink if it wasn't for--
18:03 and they give this long list of excuses
18:05 of why they do or do the things that they do.
18:09 But you know, I saw that this vicious cycle
18:11 was taking place in my life.
18:13 I stomped out of the house and now I had a perfect excuse.
18:17 I drove about 60 miles away to a nearby town
18:20 where I was raised.
18:21 I went over to this man's house who was a drug dealer,
18:23 I knocked on his door, nobody home.
18:26 Went on to sit in my car
18:27 and as I was sitting in my car I was thinking to myself,
18:31 you know, here I am, I just told my wife
18:34 I want a divorce, here I am,
18:35 I've tried for two or three weeks to be a Christian,
18:37 I was doing really well, I was studying my Bible,
18:39 I was praying everyday.
18:41 I was really making it as a Christian,
18:42 now I'm not blowing it again.
18:44 And I thought to myself, I need to talk to somebody
18:47 and I thought who could I talk to?
18:49 It's getting late in the evening,
18:50 I thought, you know, I could go talk to my dad.
18:52 My dad had become a Seventh-day Adventist,
18:54 my mom had become a Seventh-Day Adventist.
18:55 They're people I really respected,
18:57 I saw how God changed my parents' lives.
19:00 And I thought you know, I can go talk to my father.
19:02 I had a good relationship with him.
19:04 I jumped in my 1939 Chevy with a Corvette engine
19:07 and I went flying over to my parents' house.
19:10 I walked into the house and my dad was there
19:12 and I notice something peculiar about my father.
19:15 I saw his face was all red and he was talking to me
19:18 and he tried to distract me a little bit
19:20 and made me look at some things
19:21 that he was working on in the house there
19:23 and he went over to the countertop there
19:25 and he pushed something off to the side
19:27 and threw a cloth over it.
19:28 I looked up the side of my eye
19:29 and saw that it was a glass of wine
19:32 and a bottle of wine and I realized all of a sudden,
19:35 I caught my father drinking alcohol.
19:38 And I don't know about you, how you would feel.
19:39 Here I came to get some advice from my father,
19:42 I was looking for counsel, I was looking for help.
19:44 I was struggling with the drug problem,
19:45 I was talking about divorcing my wife and I went to my dad
19:48 who was professing to be a Christian too
19:50 and here my dad was having similar struggle
19:53 just like the one I was having.
19:55 And I just looked at my dad
19:57 and this schizophrenic part of me kicked in you know,
19:59 like I heard this, you are seeing that
20:01 illustration of like a little devil sitting on one shoulder
20:03 and a little angel sitting on the other shoulder
20:06 they are talking to the person
20:07 and they are going back and forth.
20:08 It was kind of like what was going on in my head.
20:10 On one side I heard little angel
20:12 or God's voice saying something like,
20:14 you need to talk to your father, he's backslide,
20:15 you need to encourage him
20:16 because you know I was a Christian,
20:18 I wanted to help people.
20:19 I gave Bible studies and things like that
20:21 and I wanted to really try to be involved with ministry.
20:24 And then I heard the other voice say,
20:26 Jeff, remember how many times
20:27 you threw the bag out in the field
20:28 and how many times you tried to quit, you'll never quit.
20:31 And I went back and forth and back and forth
20:32 and finally I listen to the little devil
20:35 and I thought to myself you know,
20:36 I'll never quit, I'll never get the victory
20:37 and I just looked at my dad.
20:39 And he was trying to talk with me
20:40 and stuff and I just totally tuned out
20:42 and I said to him, I said, dad, I'll see you later
20:45 and I slammed the door and I left.
20:47 Got in my car, peeled out in the parking lot,
20:49 drove over to my friend's house, he was home.
20:51 I bought some cocaine and some marijuana.
20:53 I went out that night and partied,
20:54 late at night I went home and went to bed.
20:57 Next morning I went out
20:59 and I was working in my shop and fixing a car,
21:02 sanding on a car and a telephone rang.
21:05 And my dad said to me, he said-- it was my father
21:08 and he said, what are you doing today?
21:09 I said, I am just working in my shop.
21:10 He said, I'd like to come and talk with you,
21:12 are you going to be around?
21:13 I said, sure.
21:14 And so he said, I will be there in just a little while.
21:17 Couple of hours went by and the next thing
21:19 I knew my dad pulled up on his motorcycle,
21:21 he was retired now and he had a big motorcycle
21:23 he used to drive around.
21:25 He came and you know, have you ever had one of those situations
21:27 where you know you need to talk to somebody about an issue
21:30 and they know they need to talk to you about an issue
21:32 but at the same time
21:34 you are just too nervous to really talk about it,
21:36 you are afraid so you kind of beat around the bush.
21:37 And my dad talked to me about Sabbath school lesson,
21:40 he talked to me about family, he talked to me about my work.
21:42 I talked to him about motorcycles
21:45 and cars and things like that.
21:47 A couple of hours went by
21:48 and we never talked about the issue.
21:51 So finally I just you know, my-- finally my dad looked at me
21:54 and he said, hey, I got to go
21:56 and I said, okay, we'll see you later.
21:57 He got on his motorcycle and he left.
21:58 I went in and I lay down some cocaine
22:00 and consumed it and I smoke some marijuana,
22:03 I start sanding on this car and an hour went by,
22:05 two hours went by and the phone rang
22:07 and I picked up the phone
22:09 and it was a friend of mine from high school,
22:10 I hadn't talked to him for years.
22:12 He said, Jeff, I've got some bad news for you.
22:14 And I said, what's that?
22:15 He said, your father is dead.
22:17 He was killed in an accident this afternoon.
22:18 And I said, listen, Dan-- his name was Dan.
22:20 I said, Dan, this is a sick joke,
22:22 it's not fully, okay.
22:23 And he said, no, I am serious, your dad is dead.
22:24 I said, no way, he was just here.
22:26 He said your father is dead, I saw the accident.
22:28 And I said, no way, and I said,
22:30 this is not funny, and I slammed down the phone
22:32 and called my parents' house and the line was busy,
22:34 the line was busy.
22:35 And I kept trying to get through
22:37 and in desperation I called the hospital
22:39 that I knew was close by
22:40 where my parents lived and I said,
22:42 can I have ER, please and emergency room answered.
22:44 I said, has there been an accident
22:45 on such and such avenue and they said, yes,
22:48 there has been but we can not release any other information.
22:50 And so I called in desperation
22:52 one more time to my parents' home
22:53 and my mom answered and she was crying
22:55 and she said it's true,
22:57 your father was killed this afternoon.
22:59 Shortly after he had gotten home from visiting me,
23:03 he took a blind lady out to walk her down the road
23:06 and two young kids that were on drugs and alcohol
23:08 swerved off the road and they slammed into both,
23:11 my father and this elderly lady
23:12 and killed both of them instantly.
23:14 And as I was standing there in my shop
23:17 holding this telephone to my ear
23:20 I started thinking about all the things
23:21 that had transpired the last 24 hours.
23:23 And I was thinking to myself, why him and not me?
23:26 Here we're both Christians, both trying to do what's right,
23:29 trying to have a Christian experience
23:30 and now he was dead and I was alive.
23:32 You know, why him, why not me?
23:34 You know and as I was standing there,
23:37 I was holding the phone
23:38 it was like I can see my father's face
23:40 and I can look into his eyes
23:41 and I can see a reflection of myself,
23:43 a father and a son, the same kind of dilemma,
23:46 the same kind of struggle.
23:48 And as I hung up the telephone
23:51 and realize all the things that was gonna have to happen now
23:53 and making funeral arrangements and helping my mom
23:55 work though this difficult time in her life
23:57 I realize that there been something missing in my life.
24:02 I learned all these different truths
24:04 but I never learned about Him
24:07 who was the Truth with a capital "T."
24:11 I never learned really what it meant
24:12 to pick up the cross and follow Jesus.
24:16 You know, in Matthew 16:24,
24:20 Jesus said unto to His disciples,
24:24 "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself,
24:27 and take up his cross, and follow Me.'"
24:32 I would just like to ask you the question,
24:34 what does Jesus mean here
24:35 when He talks about taking up the cross?
24:38 Is He talking about putting icons
24:40 around in your house and up in your church
24:41 or is He talking about wearing little cross ear rings,
24:44 a little cross necklaces around your neck.
24:47 You know what is this cross,
24:49 the real cross that Christ is talking about?
24:51 I'll tell you what it is, it's a daily dying yourself.
24:55 You know when God reveals His will from heaven,
24:59 it's a vertical plane coming down
25:01 and that vertical plane crosses our human will.
25:04 You know we have our own motivations,
25:06 our own desires, our own inclinations,
25:08 our own selfishness
25:09 and the will of God comes to us and speaks to us.
25:12 This is the way walk in it
25:14 and it crosses our natural sinful human inclinations
25:17 and there is the cross of Christ.
25:18 It's an intersection of wills.
25:21 And so the cross of Christ is yielding your will to God.
25:25 In fact, in scriptures, it says in Galatians 6:14,
25:29 it says, "But God forbid that I should glory,
25:32 save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ,
25:35 by whom the world is crucified unto me,
25:37 and I unto the world."
25:39 You see, God is calling us to make a decision to submit
25:43 and surrender our will to Him.
25:46 That's what the cross of Christ is all about.
25:48 That was the missing element that I had in my life.
25:51 I didn't understand what it meant to surrender,
25:54 to submit my will to Jesus Christ.
25:57 I had all this head knowledge
25:59 but yet it came down to these different things in my life,
26:01 I would constantly make the wrong choices
26:03 because I would refuse to follow
26:06 the injunction of Jesus Christ of taking up His cross
26:10 and following Him, picking up my cross
26:12 and following Him.
26:14 And in fact, it says in Galatians 2:20,
26:16 it says, "I am crucified with Christ,
26:19 nevertheless I live, yet not I,
26:21 but Christ liveth in me and the life
26:24 which I now live in the flesh
26:26 I live by the faith of the Son of God,
26:28 who loved me, and gave Himself for me."
26:32 I would just like to challenge you today,
26:34 have you personally taken on the cross of Christ?
26:38 Have you come to the point
26:39 where you are not just playing churchinaty,
26:42 but you really being a Christian?
26:44 Have you come to the point
26:45 where it's just not head knowledge
26:47 and have you come to the point
26:48 of really giving your heart moment by moment?
26:51 Paul says, I die daily.
26:53 Well, let's take that little bit further,
26:54 I die moment by moment
26:56 and surrendering our selfish inclination,
26:59 our selfish will to Jesus Christ.
27:01 That's my challenge to you today and that's' the challenge
27:04 that I have to face everyday in my life
27:06 because that cross never goes away.
27:09 That cross is there and you know
27:10 what is so wonderful about that cross,
27:12 is that when we submit our will to God
27:15 a supernatural power above and beyond ourselves
27:17 comes into our life to give us the ability to do that
27:20 which we normally couldn't do ourselves
27:22 and that cross all of a sudden becomes this yoke,
27:26 not a bondage
27:27 but a yoke of deliverance where we can say like David,
27:31 "I delight to do thy will O God,
27:33 for thy law is written in my heart."
27:37 If you would like to see this complete presentation,
27:39 please write or call Laymen Ministries,
27:42 414 Zapada Road, Saint Maries, Idaho, 83861
27:47 or call 1800-245-1844.
27:52 You can contact us on the web at


Revised 2014-12-17