Laymen Ministries

Spiritual Journey, Program 1 Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jeff Reich


Series Code: LM

Program Code: LM000064

00:01 I remember the first time
00:02 I visited a Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:04 I didn't come to listen to the preacher
00:05 or listen to an evangelist.
00:07 To tell you the truth, I came to create such a ruckus
00:10 that the police would have to come
00:11 and remove my girlfriend and a friend of mine
00:13 and I figured that way they would never ask me
00:15 to come to that church again.
00:16 Stay tuned, I'll tell you a little bit more about it.
00:42 You know, God speaks to us in three different ways.
00:45 You may be you have heard about this before
00:46 but He speaks to us through His written word the Bible.
00:50 And another way God speaks to us is through the things of nature.
00:54 And then the third way God speaks to us
00:57 is through the book of life experiences.
00:59 In fact, I like to think about the Book of Acts
01:01 is still being written today.
01:03 I've heard people say well, you know, back in Bible times,
01:05 well, brothers and sisters, we still live in Bible times
01:08 and the Book of Acts is being written today.
01:10 And as we talk about the book of life experiences,
01:13 I'm sure all of us can look back
01:15 and we can see how God has worked in our lives.
01:17 In fact, I'd like to think that God is working
01:19 in the lives of every single individual.
01:22 Often times as we look back
01:23 we can see like the mile post markers along the way
01:26 where God is actually led us
01:28 and we can see how He worked in different circumstances.
01:32 A Bible verse for today kind of goes along with that
01:34 because I'm gonna be sharing with you a little bit
01:35 about how God has led in my life
01:37 and often times I wonder,
01:39 you know, why should I share anything
01:40 about how God's led in my life, I'm nobody special.
01:44 The same time as I've shared with different people about
01:46 what God has done in my life they said,
01:49 you know, I really appreciate this.
01:51 This really helps me a lot and so I thought
01:53 I would take the time to share with you
01:56 in this presentation a little bit about
01:58 how God has led in the past and got us to the point
02:00 where we are today in the ministry
02:02 and in my life in particular.
02:04 Like I say I'm nobody special.
02:06 I ask myself what in the world am I even doing here?
02:09 But here I am and here I am to share with you
02:11 what God has done.
02:13 You look in the scriptures in Romans 7:22-24
02:18 is a verse that I have read over and over again
02:21 through my experiences in becoming a Christian
02:23 and I couldn't help it to relate with this.
02:25 It says, "For I delight in the law of God
02:28 after the inward man,
02:30 but I see another law in my members
02:33 warring against the law of my mind,
02:35 bringing me into captivity to the law of sin
02:38 which is in my members.
02:39 O wretched man that I am!
02:41 Who shall deliver me from this body of death?"
02:44 I'm sure a lot of you can relate to that.
02:46 In one hand you know what's right
02:48 and on the other hand you have this tug going on in your life.
02:51 It's pulling you in a different direction
02:52 and you cry out to God, O wretched man,
02:55 who will save me from this body of death?
02:57 You know, really a lot of people
02:59 are looking for spiritual realities,
03:01 deep down inside,
03:02 yeah, even kids are looking for spiritual realities.
03:05 I know when I was a kid I was believing in God and--
03:10 well, I'm talking about being a kid,
03:11 I'm talking about being four, five, six years old
03:13 I believed in God.
03:14 In fact I remember many times laying down in my bed
03:17 and praying that kind of prayer that when,
03:19 now I lay me down the sleep,
03:21 I pray that Lord, my soul to keep,
03:23 you know how that prayer goes.
03:25 But as I got older
03:26 some significant things started to happen.
03:30 I remember when I was about six years old
03:32 I stood outside in my parents house
03:34 and I looked up to the sky and I said,
03:36 I don't believe You exist
03:38 and I did believe that with all my heart.
03:40 It's kind of an unusual thing maybe for a kid six-years-old
03:42 to say that they don't believe in God.
03:44 But I gotten to the point,
03:45 I'd seen so much by the time I was six, seven years old
03:48 that I was completely turned off.
03:49 I turned my back on God and I basically said to myself
03:52 I don't believe in God and I'm just gonna go out
03:54 and have a good time.
03:56 But what was it that turned me off?
03:58 You know, I'll tell you what it was.
04:01 It was the hypocrisy
04:03 that I often saw in many different Christians.
04:05 I remember in one of my dad's best friends,
04:08 his name was Bean.
04:09 There was a Bean family and they went to this one church
04:14 and they had a revival take place
04:15 and they invited our family to go
04:17 and I'd never gone to church much
04:18 when I was a kid and I went there
04:20 and the revivalist was speaking
04:22 and there was all this excitement going on
04:23 but the sad thing was is that
04:25 at the end of the revival meeting
04:27 when the revivalist left,
04:29 he left with my dad's best friends mother.
04:33 He abandoned two boys and a father.
04:36 And I just looked at that and I thought,
04:38 it's wrong, it's hypocrisy,
04:40 I can't believe this man was preaching in a church
04:41 and then he took off with this man's wife.
04:45 And then our next door neighbors,
04:46 the exact same thing happened
04:48 and this lady ran off with a pastor.
04:51 And as a little kid just looking at this,
04:53 I was thinking to myself,
04:54 you know, this is just a bunch of hypocrisy
04:56 and then to top it off
04:57 I remember turning on the TV on Sunday morning
05:00 and there was these television evangelists.
05:02 Of course I need to be a little bit careful
05:04 as I talk about this because I'm on television
05:06 but I'm just trying to be real with you.
05:09 I turned the television and looked at the TV evangelists
05:12 and I would think, you know,
05:13 these guys are bunch of hypocrites.
05:14 You know, and I was just young boy watching this
05:16 and I honestly can say
05:17 that I don't really necessarily believe that completely now
05:20 because I looked at these people,
05:21 I thought to myself,
05:22 a lot of these people are just out after money
05:24 and they are simply out after trying to control
05:26 and manipulate people.
05:28 And so I basically wrote God off
05:30 and I said I don't want to have anything
05:31 to do with Christianity.
05:32 I don't want to have anything to do with religion at all.
05:37 I remember riding my bike as a young boy.
05:40 And you know, as you're going through life
05:41 you can see all these different things happen
05:43 and you start putting these pieces together
05:44 and those pieces can be for good or for bad
05:46 but I remember riding my bike and I had this favorite place,
05:49 there was all these sidewalks around,
05:51 all these really cool looking buildings
05:52 and there was these statues and turns out
05:54 that this was a big catholic church complex
05:57 and they had a big statue of the Virgin Mary there
05:59 and some rectory and a school and a big huge church.
06:04 And the interesting thing was is that,
06:07 one day when I was riding my bike
06:08 and I was flying around on these different trails
06:10 I stopped and I noticed
06:13 that there was a whole line of big black cars parked.
06:15 And I was thinking to myself,
06:17 oh, these look like mafia cars or something, you know.
06:20 And then I rode my bike a little further
06:21 and I put on the brakes and I looked into this open door
06:25 and I saw a bunch of men dressed in black
06:28 and I thought that's kind of strange
06:29 and I was kind of looking in there
06:30 and these men were smoking cigars
06:32 and they were drinking whisky
06:33 and then I realized this is the church,
06:35 those are religious men
06:37 and it was just another one to those things along life's way
06:41 that just really tuned me off
06:43 to wanting to have anything to do with Christianity,
06:45 just didn't seem right.
06:48 You know, all of us are searching
06:50 for some kind of identity.
06:52 Everybody wants to be somebody as the old song goes,
06:55 we all have our role models, we in a sense all wearing mask
06:58 and we want to deal with our insecurities
07:00 by hiding behind our masks.
07:02 Young people often times and probably very guilty of that
07:05 but as adults we're pretty good at doing that too,
07:07 you know, putting on our mask and pretending to be something
07:10 and it's the way they make us feel better of ourselves,
07:13 you know, if we can look good to other people
07:16 or we can model somebody
07:17 and fit into a certain type of way
07:19 people respect a certain individual
07:21 and that way you can feel good about yourself.
07:24 And as a young kid I was dealing with those insecurities too.
07:29 I wanted to be somebody and I was trying to decide,
07:32 who will be role model?
07:33 And I didn't have a lot of role models
07:34 but one thing I did have was my father.
07:36 And my father played music.
07:38 In fact my dad used to play
07:41 in the 3C camps during the depression.
07:43 He traveled around with his guitar
07:44 and played barn dances.
07:46 He was raised playing music.
07:47 I remember I was just a toddler growing up
07:50 between crawling around and walking
07:53 and crawling around between my father's tip tapping toes
07:56 as he was playing old Hank William songs
07:58 and Marty Robbins and some of these old songs
08:01 and I started playing music
08:02 when I was six years old in fact.
08:05 In fact, the very first instrument
08:06 I learned how to play was this one right here.
08:09 This is called a Supro slide steel guitar
08:13 and I was six years old when I started playing this one.
08:15 And lot of people may be have never seen before.
08:17 This is a Hawaiian steel guitar or electric dobro.
08:21 But at the age of six I got into playing that
08:24 and then by the time I was, oh, 11, 12 years old
08:28 I became very serious about wanting to be a musician.
08:32 And I tell you why I wanted to be a musician.
08:35 Because in the 70s rock stars where the ones who,
08:39 it seemed to me had
08:41 all the good things happening for them.
08:42 I mean, after all they had girls,
08:44 they had cars, they had drugs and they didn't have to work,
08:47 all that he had to do was play music.
08:48 And I was thinking to myself,
08:49 hey, what a way to beat the system, you know.
08:53 Well, every young man wants to be popular
08:55 and to have money and cars and girls
08:57 and that just seemed to be the icon of who I wanted to be.
09:02 And so I pursued my dreams.
09:04 I pursued the cars.
09:05 In fact at one time I had 13 old cars,
09:07 all pre 1940 cars, some of them street rods,
09:10 some of them are antiques and classics.
09:11 I got guitars.
09:12 I had amplifiers and when I was at the age 17
09:16 I lived in a music store
09:17 and played in five different bands at the same time.
09:20 You see I was achieving my goal,
09:23 yet, down inside I was still empty
09:25 and I was in need of something.
09:28 Hey, I'll tell you what.
09:30 I was just been on having a good time,
09:33 but was it in all those good times?
09:37 Why is it that seems like in all those good times
09:40 they always get ruined somehow?
09:44 You know, some people have uffa expression.
09:47 Man, I had a really good time last night
09:49 but I can't remember what I did.
09:51 What kind of a good time is that you can remember
09:53 what you did the next day?
09:54 And then I remember one time when I was a young boy,
09:56 and I was probably about 15, 16 years old
09:59 I got into drugs pretty heavy and staying out all night
10:02 and 3 o'clock in the morning down
10:04 behind some old buildings in the city
10:05 where I lived there was a guy
10:07 who was high on drugs
10:08 and pulled out a big butcher knife
10:09 and he was gonna kill us and I had a talking down
10:11 and take the knife away from him.
10:13 You know, hey, we were just trying
10:14 to have a good time, right.
10:16 And then there was the guy that was in the back of van
10:18 that died from a drug overdose.
10:19 We had to take him to the hospital
10:21 and they had to shock him and bring him back to life.
10:22 But hey, you know, we were just looking for a good time
10:26 and I had that opportunity many times of talking down.
10:30 My friends they were high on drugs,
10:31 they are freaking out
10:32 and may be they just having a good time, right.
10:34 And then you had the good time of your friends
10:36 breaking into your car, into your apartment
10:38 and stealing things from you,
10:40 just having a good time.
10:42 One of my friends name Tex
10:44 and five of his buddies were in a Volvo
10:45 and they were driving down this road really fast
10:48 and they slammed into a tree
10:49 driving about 95 or 100 miles an hour,
10:52 three of the men in that car died
10:54 in that tragic accident and he broke 12 bones.
10:56 He was on crunches for over two years
10:58 and had multiple surgeries.
10:59 But, hey, we were just trying to have a good time.
11:03 You know, and then I can think about all my friends
11:05 who some of them died from drug overdoses,
11:08 they are mentally disabled
11:10 and from the drugs they have taken
11:11 and they were just trying to have a good time.
11:15 I had a incident that just happened,
11:17 just actually about two years ago.
11:19 I went and visited one of my old musician friends.
11:21 You know, we're getting up in our 40s now
11:23 and I stopped in a music store
11:25 where he worked and his name is Pete.
11:27 And I said, hey, Pete,
11:28 I just want to ask you a question.
11:30 So what happened to Jeff so and so?
11:33 Oh, haven't you heard he's in rehab.
11:35 Well, what happened to so and so the drummer?
11:37 Oh, didn't you hear he died of drug overdose.
11:39 Oh, what happened to so and so?
11:41 Oh, don't you know, he's in rehab.
11:42 Well, what about this girl used to sing in our band?
11:44 Oh, don't you know she's in rehab.
11:46 And I looked at him and I said, hey, Pete, how are you doing?
11:48 He said, hey, I quit drinking, you know, a couple of years ago.
11:51 And I was thinking, you know,
11:52 I could have just been one of those people on the list
11:54 if that's the channel or direction
11:56 I would have just kept going in my life.
11:58 And then I remembered the story of the pastor's son
12:01 who ran into a bridge indictment
12:03 and he ended up in a wheel chair, you know.
12:05 He's just trying to have a good time.
12:07 You know, you stop and think about it all this good time
12:09 that people are trying to have,
12:10 sometimes it's just totally crazy.
12:14 You know, why is it that Satan is a master at having us forget
12:18 about all these good times?
12:21 You know, for some reason he's we're being lied to,
12:24 we're being fooled in the thinking
12:26 that we're really having a good time
12:27 when we were really miserable.
12:29 And yet we continue to pursue it and pursue it and pursue it
12:33 and God is speaking to our hearts saying hey,
12:35 there's a better way, come this way and walk in it.
12:38 In fact in Proverbs 4:19 it says,
12:40 "The way of the wicked is as darkness,
12:43 they know not at what they stumble."
12:45 And that's so true because I know in my own life
12:47 I was stumbling through darkness and I was trying to find answers
12:51 and at the same time
12:53 I was totally turned off to Christianity,
12:54 I didn't want to have anything to do with churianity
12:56 or Christianity or anything like that.
12:59 And something significant happened one time.
13:01 You see, my brother who is five years older then me,
13:03 he met this gentlemen who claimed to me warlock.
13:06 Now some of you maybe have never heard of a warlock before,
13:09 but warlock is a man who claims to be a male witch
13:12 and my brother started whizzing with him,
13:14 he was quiet an elderly fellow
13:15 and he gave my brother this old book
13:17 and he brought it to me and say,
13:18 hey, Jeff, check out this book
13:20 and I kind of like antique things
13:21 and I was looking at it and I was looking though it
13:23 and I see--
13:25 saw in this old book was published about 1850s, 1860s.
13:29 As I was flipping though the pages
13:30 I saw how you could influence people,
13:32 you could have magic powers,
13:34 you could do out of the body projection,
13:36 you could even summons a spirit guy.
13:38 But, as I started reading through this book,
13:41 you know, I talked to myself, I have a bunch of hokey pokey,
13:43 you know, it's not anything truth of this.
13:45 I don't believe in a God, I don't believe in a devil,
13:46 I don't believe in spiritual,
13:47 but it was interesting looking through this book.
13:50 And out of curiosity I went into a bookstore one time
13:52 and I was looking around
13:53 and I saw this book called a Satanic Bible
13:55 by Anton LaVey and I stole the book,
13:58 I shoplifted it, I took it and I was reading that.
14:00 Down inside I thought this is just a bunch of monk you know.
14:04 And then one day I decided to try and experiment.
14:08 In this experiment I decided to do something
14:11 that was in this whole book.
14:13 And that experiment basically to summons the spirit guide,
14:16 I thought that would be cool.
14:17 I would like to see one,
14:18 you know, some kind of spirit guide appeared
14:20 and talked about how you can go through this whole ceremony.
14:22 And I'm not gonna tell you what I did
14:23 because I certainly don't want to encourage
14:25 anybody to try this.
14:27 But it was the beginning of an awakening for me that,
14:29 hey, may be there's a possibility
14:31 that there is some kind
14:32 of spiritual dimension in this world
14:33 that we're gonna have to content with or deal with.
14:35 So I did this thing, I made a circle
14:37 and I went through this whole ceremony
14:39 and did some stuff.
14:40 You know, I followed the prescription
14:42 and then finally came the magic moment
14:44 where I sit down by the circle and read this Latin chat.
14:47 You know, it's-- you're gonna go
14:51 through this mumble jumbo thing
14:52 and I sit there in suspense and I watched and waited
14:55 and you know, what happened?
14:56 Nothing, nothing happened.
14:59 And I close the book and I wiped the circle,
15:01 I talked to myself, it was just a bunch of bunk,
15:03 you know, so silly.
15:05 It was fun to try it and it was summer
15:07 and school was out and I didn't have anything to do
15:10 and I went over and laid down on my bed and took a nap.
15:14 In those days my hair was down to my shoulders
15:16 and when I woke up I went over
15:18 and started combing my hair in the mirror
15:19 and I was combing my hair in the mirror,
15:21 I looked into the mirror
15:22 and all of a sudden my face started to change
15:26 and there was somebody else on the other side of that mirror
15:28 looking at me and I turned and I looked away
15:31 and I looked again and that same face was there.
15:33 And I turned and looked away and I thought
15:34 what's happening am I not awakened?
15:36 And I looked again and that same face was there.
15:39 I ran out into the living room
15:40 and I looked into this big mirror,
15:41 my parents had in their living room.
15:42 I looked into the mirror and that same face was there
15:46 and all of a sudden I had my heart pounding in my chest,
15:49 I thought, you know, what can I do I can't go
15:51 and tell my parents that hey,
15:52 I'm seeing a strange face in the mirror.
15:54 I can't tell my friends they would think
15:56 I was crazy and my parents would probably send me
15:58 to some kind of counseling or something.
15:59 So I didn't know what to do and I just kept it secret.
16:03 And my brother came to me and said,
16:05 you know, I've been having a lot of weird things happening.
16:07 Have you been having strange things happening?
16:08 I said yeah.
16:09 And I started talking to him
16:10 and we started to comparing notes
16:12 and he told me about how you know,
16:14 he would be in the bathroom
16:15 and all of a sudden he would hear this sound
16:17 and he turn around the hot water would be going,
16:19 full blast and he hadn't turn it on.
16:21 And at night time I would start having things,
16:23 well, my bed would start bouncing
16:25 and all of a sudden I came to a conclusion.
16:29 I realized that there was a spiritual dimension,
16:32 a spiritual reality that was beyond the physical.
16:35 You know, in a sense I was kind of like
16:37 looking at from the Star Wars approach.
16:39 You know, back in those days because I didn't believe in God,
16:41 I didn't know anything about the Bible
16:42 and it was basically that there are forces of good and evil
16:46 that exists in this world.
16:47 There's unseen forces,
16:49 the spiritual forces of good and evil
16:50 and they are contending for the minds and souls of men.
16:55 And at that point in my life I decided
16:57 that I needed to start finding spiritual direction.
16:59 I needed to get away this eclectic stuff.
17:01 I burned the Sanatic Bible and I got rid of this old book
17:04 and I started looking through ways to find to change my life
17:07 but you know, I'd said I never be a Christian.
17:10 So I started looking at different alternatives.
17:13 In fact, one of those alternatives was Zen Buddhism.
17:16 And I was reading books on Zen Buddhism, our new age.
17:19 I was in a rock n roll band and driving nice old cars
17:22 and hey, that kind of went along
17:23 with the whole hippy scene of the 1970s.
17:26 In fact we got into this thing called I Ching.
17:27 Maybe you have heard of that,
17:28 it's the famous 5,000 year old book of changes,
17:31 where they claim to be--
17:32 they claim it to be 5,000 years old.
17:34 You take the sticks in the morning
17:35 and you throw them down in the ground
17:36 and then you look up how they landed
17:38 and a little diagram in this book
17:40 and you can predict your future for the day.
17:42 And of course we were practicing things like Kundalini yoga.
17:45 But you know one thing that was interesting is,
17:47 we are trying all these different ways
17:49 of trying to find a religious experience.
17:53 I found out that I had no power over myself.
17:58 I still had a violent temper. I would smash things.
18:00 I would get arguments with my girlfriend.
18:02 We were still using drugs.
18:03 Of course these religions didn't condemn the use of drugs.
18:06 In fact the whole concept of being young
18:08 was to have a little good and have a little bad
18:10 and mix them together and find balance.
18:12 But I couldn't find any kind of power in those things.
18:17 And so I turned hesitantly to another source
18:22 and that was the Bible.
18:23 In fact, I asked myself,
18:24 could it be this book that this book right here,
18:27 this Bible has something in it to offer us
18:30 that we could actually find power to overcome ourselves.
18:34 You know, and the whole time I kept it secret
18:36 because I didn't want any of my friends to say,
18:38 oh, Jeff, what are you doing,
18:39 becoming a Jesus freak or something?
18:41 And I had such a hard time understanding the Bible.
18:45 I would sit and smoke a Marijuana cigarette
18:47 and I would read the Book the Romans
18:48 and I was trying to figure out what is Paul talking about,
18:50 with all these, these and thous and I look at the Old Testament
18:53 and there was these bigots and I'd close it
18:56 and I would just be so disgusted
18:57 because I couldn't understand, you know,
18:59 what it was about and I tell you
19:00 what it's scary to let other people know
19:03 that you're interested in the Bible.
19:04 You know, why?
19:05 Because soon as you tell people
19:07 that you're interested in the Bible,
19:08 you have-- I don't know how many different Bible
19:11 believing churches out there saying,
19:13 we have the truth follow us.
19:15 So do as we tell you and listen
19:16 to our interpretation of the scriptures
19:18 and you will be saved.
19:19 And that kind of turned me off too
19:21 because I figured you know,
19:22 if God really existed that somehow
19:24 He would be able to speak to my heart through His word.
19:27 And as I continued reading the Bible
19:29 and looking at the different books like--
19:31 I kind of looked at the Book of Revelation
19:32 and the Book of Daniel,
19:33 it's was like the national enquire of the scriptures.
19:36 And I just be honest with you.
19:38 There was a lot of times I moved in with my sister
19:40 and there was lot of times I would be in the basement
19:41 where I had a recording studio set up
19:43 for playing music and I'd get on my knees
19:46 and I would pray to God and I would say God,
19:48 please don't give up on me, don't give up on me.
19:51 I know that there this forces of good and evil.
19:53 I know You must exist.
19:55 I'm trying to find You but, Lord,
19:57 I know I'm not overcoming things in my life
19:59 that I should overcome.
20:01 I know, I'm doing many things
20:02 that are wrong but please don't give up on me,
20:04 don't take Your Holy Spirit from me,
20:06 that was the other prayer I used to pray
20:07 because I remember reading about
20:09 the work of the Holy Spirit in the scriptures.
20:11 You know, life is like a road
20:13 with many different signs along the way
20:16 and Christ is speaking to each one of our hearts.
20:18 This is the way you walk in it
20:19 and I'm sure as I was say earlier
20:21 if you look back in your life
20:22 and you look at the different things that happened
20:26 you can see the mile post markers along the way.
20:29 You can see the little signs
20:30 where you can see where God was pointing you this direction
20:32 or bringing you through experience
20:34 that was happening over here to show you
20:37 that He was trying to guide you to an understanding of truth.
20:40 You know, we blindly stumble along
20:42 but as we look back we can see
20:44 that God is leading you all this mixed up confusion.
20:47 He's trying to do what?
20:48 He's trying to bring us to the light of truth.
20:52 And speaking of road signs,
20:53 I remember one situation that happened.
20:55 I dated this girl when I started
20:56 becoming more interested in the Bible.
20:58 I was playing in the band and this girl was--
21:01 her family was a Pentecostal Catholic
21:03 which I thought was interesting.
21:05 I never heard of Pentecostal Catholics before
21:07 and she wanted me to go to mass with her
21:09 and I'd never been to, well, mass before
21:11 but a strange thing was, is this mass was at midnight.
21:15 It was called a midnight mass and I thought well,
21:17 this is kind of creepy actually.
21:19 And we went to this Prince of Peace Church
21:22 and we went to this mass
21:23 and this church complex took in a whole city block.
21:27 In fact, I remember exactly how this church was configured
21:30 because over here was the chapel where they had the mass service
21:34 and there was this long glass corridor
21:35 that had a glass wall on it
21:37 and I looked into this area that was like an open area
21:39 where you actually had a bunch of plants growing there,
21:43 it was kind of like an outdoor celery
21:45 and where something and then over on this one side
21:47 there was actually a meeting hall
21:49 for where the young people went and it had a glass wall on it
21:51 and on the other side it was rectory,
21:52 it was like a big shape of a hall of square.
21:56 And as I was standing there I was looking
21:58 because all the young people were gonna go down
21:59 and they were going to have like a rock concert down
22:02 in this special youth meeting hall.
22:05 And all these kids were going in there
22:06 and this rock band started playing,
22:07 the lights were down
22:08 and I saw people lightening up cigarettes
22:10 and they were drinking alcohol in there,
22:12 of course they snuck the alcohol
22:14 in because they shouldn't be drinking in there
22:15 but it was just like going to a rock concert or something.
22:18 And I thought this is so strange
22:19 because we just did this religious service
22:21 that was really solemn and quite
22:23 and this priest all dress in white,
22:24 was doing this Eucharist thing
22:26 and then all these kids went down
22:28 into this fellowship hall and they were down there
22:29 and listening to rock band
22:31 and I was standing there looking out this glass window,
22:34 looking down in there and all these kids
22:35 lighting up cigarettes
22:36 and doing this different things down there
22:37 thinking this just doesn't seem right.
22:40 And all of a sudden I looked over
22:41 and there was this priest standing next to me,
22:44 just, you know, a stone threw away there
22:46 and he was looking down
22:47 and he was standing with this gentlemen
22:48 who was in a business suit dressed very nice
22:50 and they were looking at each other,
22:51 they had this kind of smirk on their face and they were--
22:54 had their hand on their chin and they were talking in,
22:56 they looked almost like they were saying or thinking
22:59 we finally have the young people in the church.
23:02 And I don't know, but I just didn't think it was right.
23:04 There's something wrong with this whole picture
23:06 and I told my girlfriend, I said I'll see you later.
23:08 I think I'm gonna go and I left.
23:11 And as I looked back at that I just realized,
23:12 you know, there was something wrong with that.
23:14 It was another thing, it was kind of,
23:15 you know, I was reaching out for Christianity
23:17 and looking for a different way of life.
23:19 I was involved with all these east religions
23:20 and every time I turned around,
23:22 you know, it seemed like that there was something
23:24 that just turned me off to it.
23:26 In fact I had a situation
23:28 where I was doing a drug run one day
23:30 and I had to go to a halfway house.
23:32 You know, that's a place where people
23:33 who just got out of prison go
23:34 as they are being introduced back in the society
23:37 and I went there to meet this guy
23:38 how was supposed to get some drugs
23:39 and I knocked on door
23:41 and heard a voice say, come on in.
23:44 And I went in and I said hey, is so and so here?
23:47 And I heard a voice say no he's not in.
23:49 I walked into this room,
23:51 it was this man and I'll never forget this picture,
23:53 this man had long black hair all the way down
23:55 to middle of his back and he was not facing me.
23:58 And I said when will he be back
24:00 and gentlemen turned around and he had a Bible in his hand.
24:03 And he had a long black beard and I thought well,
24:06 this is a strange sight.
24:07 And I said well, what are you doing?
24:09 He said, oh, I'm studying the Bible.
24:10 I said, yeah, well, what are you studying
24:13 because I was kind of curious.
24:14 And he said I'm studying the Book of Revelation right now
24:16 and I'm studying chapter 17
24:18 about this woman riding a scarlet colored beast
24:20 and he said and he stoked his beard very slowly.
24:23 I'm coming to the conclusion and this was the church,
24:26 there's was a persecuting power during the Dark Ages.
24:28 And I like what?
24:30 I talked to myself, this guy is strange and I just left.
24:33 And about a year later I got involved
24:35 with what was called a Shalom House.
24:37 Now a Shalom House was a coffee house
24:39 that was designed to take street kids off the street
24:42 and get them down into a place where you could get them "saved"
24:45 and you speak in tongues
24:47 and it was Pentecostal coffee house
24:48 it's what it mounted to.
24:50 And what were speaking in tongues in one room,
24:52 we were dealing drugs in the other room.
24:54 And I just saw so many inconsistencies
24:56 and once again just like when I was a young boy
24:58 I talked to myself, you know,
25:00 Christians are a bunch of hypocrites.
25:02 And I just got to the point well, I had enough.
25:05 I didn't want to have anything more to do with religion
25:08 but something significant happened.
25:11 One day there was a knock on my door.
25:12 I was living in this flophouse of a place over
25:14 by the railway tracks on the north side of town
25:16 with a bunch of musician friends
25:19 and it was a rundown kind of like shack
25:21 and there was a knock on the door
25:22 and this two nice dressed men said,
25:25 would you be interested in studying the Bible with us?
25:27 And nobody was around I said, well, come on in.
25:29 And they came in
25:30 and they were from the Jehovah's Witness Church
25:33 and they started sharing with me,
25:35 but they had their own translation of the Bible,
25:36 it didn't quiet go along with the translation
25:38 I was using at that time
25:40 and I was you know, studying with them
25:42 and I studied with them several times
25:43 and they started sharing with me about Jesus Christ
25:45 really wasn't God.
25:47 And there was some teachings
25:49 that they were going through I thought,
25:50 you know, I've read the Bible some
25:51 and I don't really quite understand it
25:52 but this just doesn't seem right to me
25:54 and they quit coming to visit me.
25:57 Another time I received another knock at the door
25:59 and there was some nice dressed boys,
26:00 young boys with suits on and they came in and they said,
26:03 hi, we're from the church of Jesus Christ
26:05 and Latter-day Saints.
26:06 And would you be interested in studying God's word?
26:08 And I said sure and so I started studying with them
26:11 and after a few lessons I started asking them questions
26:14 about this guy called Joseph Smith
26:17 and he found this golden plates.
26:18 So I asked him how heavy were those golden plates anyhow?
26:21 And he carried him and translated them
26:23 and it was all this different things
26:24 they were saying, I thought to myself, you know,
26:26 this doesn't make any sense,
26:27 this doesn't go along with what the Bible says.
26:30 And again I was turned off.
26:32 And finally I just came to point rightly said,
26:33 I've had enough.
26:35 And but yet down inside I just want to share with you,
26:38 down side I secretly prayed
26:41 that God still wouldn't give up on me.
26:43 I secretly prayed that God would still
26:46 somehow enlighten me with truth but I got to the point
26:49 where I didn't want to have anything
26:50 to do eastern religions,
26:51 I didn't want to have anything to do with the Bible,
26:53 I didn't want to have anything to do with anything.
26:55 And then something significant happened.
26:59 My parents who had been church hopping a little bit
27:02 that they were over religious at the time
27:05 went to a Seventh-day Adventist Church
27:08 and they went through a whole set of
27:10 what was called evangelistic meetings
27:11 at this church and they were baptized
27:13 into the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
27:15 Well, my brother and my sister
27:16 and I all thought my parents
27:17 had just kind of really gone crazy,
27:20 in order to join this church
27:21 because we heard they went to church
27:23 on the wrong day of the week and they just seemed like
27:26 I never heard of Seventh-day Adventist before
27:28 and it was probably about three four months later.
27:33 I am sorry we're out of time.
27:35 If you would like to see this complete presentation,
27:38 please write or call Layman Ministries,
27:40 414 Zapada Road, St. Maries, Idaho, 83861
27:46 or call 1800-245-1844.
27:51 You can contact us on the web on the


Revised 2014-12-17