Law of Life and Death

Agony And Ecstasy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: LLD

Program Code: LLD000005

00:35 Let's bow our heads for prayer.
00:38 Our Father and our God, it is with reverence
00:42 that we approach Your throne this morning.
00:47 We realize that human wisdom cannot grasp the greatness
00:53 of the plan of salvation.
00:55 And so I ask this morning that You will give me
00:59 thoughts and words to speak about this great theme.
01:03 I also ask that You will give those who are present
01:06 clarity of thought and that You will give us tender hearts
01:12 to hear Your message, and that it might make an impact
01:17 in our lives.
01:19 We ask, Lord, that You will help us to concentrate upon
01:22 what we're going to study.
01:24 And we thank You for hearing our prayer.
01:26 For we ask it in Jesus' name, amen.
01:31 There are many great Messianic prophecies
01:35 in the Old Testament.
01:38 I'd just like to mention a few of them as we begin
01:41 our study this morning.
01:44 Who could forget that great Messianic prophecy of
01:47 Genesis 22, the sacrifice of Isaac.
01:53 Who could forget the meaning of the Hebrew Sanctuary
01:58 where the calendar of the plan of salvation
02:01 is presented from beginning to end.
02:05 Who could forget that great chapter of Isaiah 53
02:10 where we hear about the suffering servant
02:14 who bore our iniquities.
02:17 Who could forget Daniel chapter 9 where you have
02:21 the exact chronology of when the Messiah would be baptized
02:25 and when the Messiah would die.
02:29 But this morning we want to study a certain Messianic
02:33 prophecy, one of the greatest Messianic prophecies
02:36 in all of the Old Testament over and above
02:39 the ones that I've mentioned.
02:41 And that is Psalm 22.
02:45 And so I invite you to open your Bibles with me
02:48 to Psalm 22.
02:51 Now as you're searching for this chapter,
02:54 I'd like to say that students of the psalms, scholars,
02:59 have studied the psalms and they have grouped them
03:04 by categories, by literary type.
03:08 For example, there are royal psalms.
03:12 They are psalms that have to do with kingship,
03:15 with the coronation of kings.
03:18 You have psalms of ascent.
03:21 Those are psalms that were sung as the Jews marched towards
03:26 Jerusalem to celebrate the Hebrew feasts.
03:30 You have psalms of individual praise where an individual
03:33 is rendering honor and glory to God.
03:37 You have psalms of congregational praise
03:40 where you have a whole congregation singing
03:42 in the midst of the psalm.
03:45 You also have psalms which are called psalms of
03:49 individual lament where an individual is expressing
03:53 anguish and pain and suffering in their psalm to God.
04:00 And of course, you have psalms of national lament
04:03 where the whole nation of Israel is lamenting
04:06 some calamity or some problem which has come about
04:10 in the congregation.
04:14 Psalm 22 does not fit strictly into any of these categories.
04:21 It is a strange psalm.
04:24 Because it's a mixture of two different literary types.
04:29 The first half of the psalm from verses 1 through 21
04:33 is actually a psalm of individual lament.
04:39 There's an individual who is suffering anguish
04:43 and suffering pain.
04:45 And he's expressing this anguish to God.
04:50 In the second half of this psalm we have a song of praise
04:55 being raise up by a whole congregation,
04:59 by a whole assembly, where this same individual
05:03 who was in anguish and who was in pain
05:06 is now in the midst of a great congregation.
05:09 And the great congregation is rendering him
05:12 honor, glory, and praise.
05:17 Now some scholars who have studied the psalms
05:20 have concluded that these two sections of Psalm 22
05:24 actually were written by different authors,
05:27 and then an editor came later and he patched the two parts
05:32 of the psalm together.
05:34 Because the two parts are so vastly different.
05:39 But I would like to say this morning that these two
05:42 portions of Psalm 22 are very closely related
05:48 one to another.
05:49 They really belong to the same psalm.
05:53 Now another thing which scholars have done
05:55 is to try and determine the historical occasion
05:59 which led to the writing of the particular psalm.
06:04 For example, Psalm 41 is when Achitophel, who was the enemy
06:10 of David, sided with Absalom in Absalom's rebellion
06:16 against the king.
06:18 It was written for that particular
06:19 historical circumstance.
06:21 Psalm 2, scholars all agree that this psalm was written
06:26 to celebrate the coronation of David as king of Israel.
06:30 In other words, scholars have studied the psalms
06:32 to try and determine what historical circumstances
06:36 led to the writing of the particular psalms.
06:41 In the case of Psalm 22, we know that the writer was David.
06:47 Now as we look at the life of David, we find many episodes
06:51 where he's crying out to God.
06:53 We find many places where David is suffering anguish.
06:57 For example, when he was fleeing from Saul
07:00 when Saul was coming after him and trying to destroy him.
07:05 We have many psalms where David is describing
07:07 that experience.
07:10 But Psalm 22 expresses an anguish, expresses such a
07:16 deep suffering on the part of the person who is actually
07:21 uttering the words of this psalm, that scholars have
07:24 not been able to find any particular episode of the
07:26 life of David which fits the experience that is described
07:31 in this psalm.
07:33 It appears that this particular psalm, Psalm 22, is actually
07:39 a direct Messianic prophecy.
07:42 In other words, it did not commemorate any historical
07:46 event in the history of Israel, but rather is a direct
07:50 Messianic prophecy which pointed forward to the future.
07:55 As we examine the psalm, in fact, we discover
07:58 that David was allowed to look forward through the corridors
08:04 of time to experience the thoughts and the feelings
08:09 of Jesus the Messiah when Jesus was going to go
08:13 through His passion in the garden of Gethsemane
08:17 and on the cross of Calvary.
08:19 As we examine the psalm, there's no doubt whatsoever
08:23 that this is describing directly the experience of the Messiah.
08:29 Now we're going to work through this psalm and we're going to
08:31 study the two sections that we find of this
08:35 particular passage of Scripture.
08:38 Verses 1 through 21, the deep anguish which is being suffered
08:43 by this individual.
08:45 Verses 22 to 31, this same individual in the midst of a
08:49 great congregation and He is receiving honor and praise
08:54 from a great multitude.
08:57 Now let's go to Psalm 22 and read verses 1 and 2.
09:03 And you're going to recognize immediately at the beginning
09:07 of verse 1 something that you've read in the gospel of Matthew.
09:12 It says there...
09:39 Immediately, we remember the words of Jesus
09:42 when He was hanging on the cross of Calvary
09:45 close to a thousand years later.
09:48 "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"
09:52 And it's interesting that the gospel writers,
09:54 when they register these words, they actually write them
09:58 in Aramaic, which is the language which Jesus
10:01 most likely spoke in.
10:04 And in the Aramaic language, you can sense the anguish
10:07 that Jesus was going through.
10:10 The words, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?"
10:14 "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"
10:20 In the gospels, Jesus is claiming this psalm as His own.
10:25 He's saying, "This psalm is about Me."
10:28 You see, Jesus had memorized Scripture.
10:31 And as we've studied in other venues, we've noticed
10:35 that the life of Jesus was actually choreographed
10:38 from eternity.
10:39 Jesus knew on the cross that these were the words
10:43 which He was to proclaim.
10:45 He had committed them deeply in His memory,
10:49 deep in His psyche.
10:52 Now you notice in these first two verses
10:54 that a mention is made of Jesus, or the Messiah,
10:58 crying out day and night.
11:03 Now undoubtedly, the night that is referred to here
11:07 is the experience of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane,
11:12 where we're told in the gospel of Matthew that He held
11:15 a mysterious cup in His hand.
11:17 And He begged His Father if it be possible
11:20 to remove this cup of suffering, this cup of God's wrath,
11:24 from His hand.
11:25 In other words, this anguish was experienced
11:29 by Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane.
11:32 In fact, we're told in the spirit of prophecy that
11:35 His anguish was so intense and so great, His suffering
11:39 was so intense that Jesus would have died in the
11:43 garden of Gethsemane had it not been for an angel
11:46 that came and strengthened Him.
11:50 So deep was His anguish.
11:52 You know, you've probably watched the movie that
11:54 Mel Gibson directed, The Passion of the Christ,
11:59 and you see how Jesus was beaten.
12:01 But have you ever realized that Jesus was at the point of death
12:05 before anyone laid one finger on Him?
12:08 Because of the spiritual anguish which He was
12:11 suffering intensely.
12:13 And up to this point, we're told in John 8 verse 29
12:17 that Jesus said, "My Father has not left Me alone.
12:21 He is always with Me.
12:23 Because I do the things that are pleasing in His sight."
12:26 But now Jesus cries out, "My God, My God,
12:30 why hast Thou forsaken Me?"
12:31 And the cup of God's wrath trembles in His hand,
12:35 and He begs His Father to remove the cup if it be possible.
12:39 And the only answer of His Father is a deafening silence.
12:45 Apparently He has been forsaken.
12:48 Now let's move on to verses 3 through 5.
13:13 It's interesting that here the holiness of God
13:17 is brought into view.
13:18 "You are holy."
13:20 You see, Jesus was suffering under the holy wrath
13:24 of His Father.
13:25 That's why His Father apparently was not there, though He was.
13:30 Because the Father withdrew His presence, His face,
13:34 from Jesus because Jesus was bearing upon Himself
13:38 the sins of the world.
13:40 And you'll notice in these verses that Jesus says,
13:43 "Our fathers cried out to You and You listened to Our fathers.
13:46 You delivered Our fathers."
13:48 Now the question is, what event was Jesus referring to
13:53 when He said that, "You heard the cries of Our fathers
13:58 and You delivered them."
14:00 There can be no doubt that Jesus here is referring
14:04 to what happened in Egypt when Israel was captive to Pharaoh
14:08 and to his hosts.
14:10 In fact, notice Exodus chapter 2 and verses 23 to 25.
14:14 Save your place there in Psalm 22.
14:16 Exodus chapter 2 and verses 23 to 25.
14:21 It says there...
14:29 Notice the terminology.
14:54 So Israel cried out to God.
14:57 And God delivered them from bondage.
14:59 But here Jesus is saying, "Our fathers cried out.
15:03 You delivered them.
15:04 But I cry out and there is no deliverance.
15:08 You don't listen to what I'm saying.
15:10 You don't answer."
15:12 Now it's interesting to notice the particular occasion
15:15 in which Israel cried out and Israel was delivered.
15:19 Do you remember in Exodus chapter 12 that Israel
15:23 celebrated the Passover when they were about
15:26 to be delivered from Egypt?
15:30 Have you also noticed that Jesus, according to the
15:33 apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians chapter 5 verses 7 and 8,
15:37 tells us that Jesus, our Passover, has been
15:40 sacrificed for us?
15:42 So Jesus is saying, "Your people, the fathers,
15:46 cried out to You at Passover, and through the blood of
15:49 the lamb You delivered them.
15:51 But now I am the Passover and I cry out,
15:56 and there is no answer from You."
15:58 Deafening silence.
16:01 Let's move on to verses 6 and 7.
16:04 Jesus is expressing His innermost feelings.
16:07 This is a thousand years before the events are taking place.
16:11 This is a Messianic prophecy.
16:12 Notice the perspective that Jesus has of His sufferings.
16:16 He says...
16:30 Kind of reminds us of Isaiah 53.
16:33 He was despised and He was rejected.
16:36 Verse 7...
16:57 Do you know that these are the very words which were spoken
17:00 by the enemies of Jesus as Jesus hung on the cross?
17:05 No doubt, as Jesus was on the cross crying out,
17:08 "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me,"
17:10 Psalm 22 was coming to His mind.
17:13 When He saw His enemies gathered around the cross
17:16 ridiculing Him, Jesus undoubtedly thought
17:20 about the words of this psalm, "Prophecy is being fulfilled
17:24 before My very eyes."
17:26 Notice Matthew 27 and verses 39 to 43.
17:30 Matthew 27 and verse 39.
17:35 It says there, "And those who passed by blasphemed Him
17:40 wagging their heads..."
17:42 Remember Psalm 22 where we just read?
17:45 "...and saying, 'You who destroy the temple
17:48 and build it in three days, save Yourself.
17:51 If You are the Son of God, come down from the cross.'
17:55 Likewise the chief priests also, mocking with the scribes
17:59 and elders, said, 'He saved others; Himself He cannot save.
18:05 If He is the King of Israel, let Him now come down
18:09 from the cross and we will believe in Him.'"
18:12 And now comes the direct quotation from Psalm 22.
18:16 "He trusted in God; let Him deliver Him now
18:20 if He will have Him.
18:22 For He said, 'I am the Son of God.'"
18:27 And so as Jesus is hanging on the cross, He's thinking about
18:31 the words of this psalm.
18:33 And undoubtedly, He's saying, "Prophecy is being fulfilled
18:37 before My very eyes in My very own experience."
18:42 Let's go to verses 9 through 11.
18:46 Psalm 22 verses 9 through 11.
18:53 He's speaking to His Father.
18:54 "You took Me out of the womb."
18:55 In other words, "You delivered Me when I was born."
19:20 He's saying, "You delivered the fathers when they
19:22 cried out to You.
19:23 You delivered Me when I was born.
19:26 But now I cry out to You and there is no one to help.
19:31 I am by Myself. I am alone.
19:34 Why have You forsaken Me?
19:36 Why can't You remove this cup of suffering and of anguish?"
19:42 Up till verse 11, we have a description of the
19:46 psychological suffering of Jesus.
19:48 The spiritual suffering of Jesus.
19:50 Not much has been said about His physical suffering.
19:53 But now beginning with verse 12 through verse 21,
19:56 We're going to find a description of His
19:58 physical sufferings.
20:01 Notice verses 12 and 13.
20:07 By the way, bulls represent great leaders in Israel.
20:11 You know, animals were used to represent leaders.
20:14 He goats and bulls represented, and rams, represented
20:20 great leaders.
20:21 And so it says...
20:35 You notice here that we have a reference to the bulls of Bashan
20:39 and to a roaring lion.
20:41 Of course, the roaring lion represents Satan
20:43 who goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom
20:47 he may devour.
20:48 Now Bashan was an area east of the Jordon River
20:53 that was very, very rich in pasture land.
20:57 And it was famous in biblical times for their bulls.
21:00 The bulls were huge and they were ferocious.
21:04 In other words, Jesus is saying, "My enemies are standing
21:08 next to Me, the devil is standing next to Me
21:11 like a roaring lion.
21:12 And they're ready to pounce on Me and to destroy Me
21:16 and to extinguish My life."
21:20 And then notice verse 14.
21:22 Another fulfillment of prophecy later on in the
21:25 ministry of Jesus.
21:27 In fact, when Jesus hung on the cross, He says...
21:43 You know, in 1968 they discovered in the Kidron Valley
21:47 the body of an individual who had been crucified
21:50 by the Romans.
21:51 And it helped us understand a little bit better
21:54 the method of crucifixion which the Romans used.
21:58 You know, they did not put the nails through the hand
22:03 of the criminal, but rather through the wrists,
22:07 it was discovered.
22:08 It was also discovered that the nails were not placed
22:12 through the feet, but the feet were actually placed
22:15 side by side, and then a spike was nailed through
22:20 both of the ankles into the cross.
22:24 This is the type of anguish and pain which Jesus was suffering.
22:28 You see, crucifixion was not only an execution.
22:31 Crucifixion was actually suffering with torture.
22:36 It was a method of torture.
22:40 You know, Jesus had been beaten several times
22:43 before He actually got to the cross.
22:45 And as He was hanging there, you know how the story goes,
22:48 He had been on the cross about six hours.
22:51 And the Sabbath drew on.
22:53 And so they felt that they needed to take the bodies
22:56 off of the crosses.
22:57 And so the soldier comes and he breaks the legs
23:01 of the two thieves.
23:03 And when he comes to Jesus to break His legs,
23:05 suddenly he's surprised.
23:08 Because this individual who has been on the cross
23:11 only six hours is dead.
23:14 You see, it was known in antiquity for individuals
23:17 to live on crosses for up to a week.
23:21 And here, this Man had died only in a period of six hours
23:26 of being on the cross.
23:28 And so this soldier, surprised by what he has seen,
23:31 the centurion, he takes the spear and he thrusts the spear
23:36 through the side of Jesus.
23:37 And suddenly, out of the side of Jesus comes water
23:42 mixed with what?
23:44 With blood.
23:47 Now, physicians know that this is a sign that Jesus actually
23:55 died probably of a heart attack.
23:57 You know, when an individual is in severe anguish,
24:01 severe stress, the water sack around the heart
24:07 grows larger and it pressures the heart.
24:10 And in some instances it can cause a heart attack.
24:14 And that's the reason why when this centurion thrust his spear,
24:18 Jesus was actually poured out, as it says in Psalm 22,
24:22 poured out like water.
24:24 His heart melted like what?
24:27 His heart melted like wax.
24:30 And so out of His side came water mixed with blood.
24:35 Notice verse 15 of Psalm 22.
24:39 Jesus is expressing His experience, He says...
24:45 Have you ever seen a potsherd, a piece of pottery?
24:48 Very, very dry.
24:50 Of course, Jesus at this point has lost a great
24:53 amount of blood.
24:54 And so He says...
25:01 You know, that's a sign of shock.
25:03 For those of you who know the symptoms of shock,
25:06 an individual who goes into shock,
25:08 you know, their mouth becomes dry.
25:11 And that's why Jesus said on the cross, "I..." What?
25:16 "I thirst."
25:17 And then I want you to notice the last part of verse 15,
25:21 "My strength is dried up like a potsherd,
25:23 and my tongue clings to My Jaws."
25:26 And now notice, "You have brought Me
25:28 to the dust of death."
25:32 Let me ask you, did this suffering individual die?
25:36 Yes.
25:38 He says, "You have brought Me to the dust of..." What?
25:41 "You have brought Me to the dust of death."
25:43 In other words, this individual died.
25:46 That is a very, very important detail.
25:50 Now notice verses 16 through 18.
25:53 Here Jesus says, "For dogs..."
25:55 A sign of the unconverted.
25:57 Those who have not committed their lives to God.
26:06 And now notice the clear references to the Messiah.
26:17 Was Jesus really at this point emaciated
26:22 that they could count all His bones?
26:26 He continues saying, "They look and stare at Me."
26:29 Because at this point, Jesus was stark naked.
26:33 We're going to notice that in the next verse, verse 18.
26:44 So Jesus is hanging naked on the cross.
26:46 You know, usually the artist will depict Him as covered
26:49 with loincloth.
26:51 That's not what Scripture teaches.
26:53 That's not what the Romans did.
26:55 The Romans would hang the criminal stark naked,
26:58 and people would look at them and make fun of them.
27:01 And so the garments of Jesus are removed.
27:04 They cast lots over Him.
27:06 They pierced His hands and His feet.
27:09 And His enemies have surrounded Him.
27:12 All of this is in Psalm 22, a thousand years before
27:16 it occurred to Jesus.
27:18 And then notice verses 19 through 21.
27:21 We reach the climax of His sufferings.
27:23 It says there in verse 19, "But You, O Lord,
27:27 do not be far from Me.
27:29 O My Strength, hasten to help Me!"
27:32 Notice, He's crying out to His Father, "Help Me."
27:36 "Deliver Me from the sword, My precious life from the
27:41 power of the dog.
27:43 Save Me from the lion's mouth..."
27:45 Notice, He's using all these metaphors.
27:47 He's using this symbolic language to describe
27:50 His experience.
27:51 He says, "Save Me from the lion's mouth
27:54 and from the horns of the wild oxen!"
27:57 Very sharp horns.
28:00 And then the person who is suffering in this psalm
28:05 says some very significant words in the midst of this suffering.
28:08 Notice what He says, "You have..." What?
28:13 "You have answered Me."
28:18 And so the first part of this psalm ends by Him saying,
28:21 "You have answered Me."
28:23 Here He's hanging on the cross.
28:26 He has His hands, or His wrists, and His feet that have been
28:34 pierced by these spikes.
28:38 He feels abandoned by His Father.
28:42 And yet He says here, "You have answered Me."
28:48 You know, you sense this, when Jesus is on the cross,
28:52 you sense this ambivalence of Jesus where He feels
28:55 forsaken, but He knows He's not forsaken.
28:58 Because Jesus did not guide His life by circumstances
29:01 and feelings and by emotions.
29:04 He depended on the promises of His Father.
29:07 It's interesting that Jesus says, "My God, My God,
29:10 why hast Thou forsaken Me," but then the last thing He says
29:15 on the cross is, "Father, into Your hands I commend My spirit."
29:20 Even though He felt separated from His Father,
29:22 He says, "I know that You have not separated from Me.
29:26 Because You promised that if I was faithful to You,
29:28 You would come and You would resurrect Me on the third day.
29:32 I feel terrible, but I believe Your promise."
29:37 You know, that has a great lesson for us.
29:39 Because we usually have the tendency of guiding our lives
29:42 by feelings and by emotions, how we feel.
29:44 Or by circumstances.
29:46 Jesus did not do that.
29:48 He felt forsaken, and yet He says, "You have answered Me."
29:56 And then we come to the second half of this psalm.
30:00 This same individual is standing in the midst
30:05 of a great congregation.
30:09 And this congregation is rendering Him honor
30:12 and glory and praise.
30:15 Now immediately you say, "Now wait a minute.
30:18 Didn't we just read that this individual died?"
30:25 Did we read that He died?
30:26 That God laid Him in the dust of the earth?
30:29 Absolutely.
30:30 And so you say, "How can you see Him in the midst
30:34 of a great congregation if He died?"
30:39 It must mean that He what?
30:42 It must mean that He resurrected.
30:45 Now the psalm doesn't say so.
30:48 But by implication, if He's going through this suffering,
30:51 if He's laid in the dust of the earth,
30:54 and then afterwards He's standing in the midst of a
30:57 great congregation that is rendering Him honor and glory
31:01 and praise, it must be that after His death He, what?
31:06 After His death He resurrected.
31:09 Notice verses 22 and 23.
31:12 He says this...
31:14 And remember that He has just said, "You have heard Me."
31:18 He dies knowing that the Father has heard Him.
31:21 Even though He doesn't feel like the Father has heard Him.
31:48 "For He has not despised nor abhorred the affliction
31:51 of the afflicted, nor has He hidden His face from Him;
31:57 but when He cried to Him, He..." What?
32:00 "...He heard."
32:02 In other words, the question is, was the prayer of this suffering
32:06 servant heard by His Father?"
32:08 Yes, He now stands in the midst of a great congregation
32:12 and He describes those who are there as His brethren.
32:19 By the way, do you know that this portion of Psalm 22
32:23 is actually quoted in Hebrews chapter 2
32:26 and verses 10 through 13?
32:29 Where we're told in short that Jesus is not ashamed
32:34 to call us what?
32:36 Is not ashamed to call us brethren.
32:39 In other words, He sees Himself, after His suffering...
32:43 And undoubtedly, this strengthened the mind of Jesus
32:46 as He was going through this experience.
32:47 He sees Himself in the midst of this great congregation
32:51 with His brethren.
32:54 Notice verse 25.
33:06 Notice, "The poor shall eat and be satisfied.
33:10 Those who seek Him will praise the Lord.
33:13 Let your heart live forever."
33:16 So you have the sons of Jacob, Israel, praising Him.
33:19 According to verse 25, you have the poor and the destitute
33:23 praising Him in the midst of the congregation.
33:27 Then it goes broader.
33:28 Notice verse 27, it says...
33:39 "For the kingdom is the Lord's, and He rules over the nations."
33:44 And so it begins with Israel, with Jacob, that small circle
33:48 of the Israelites.
33:50 And then it moves to the poor and to the afflicted.
33:53 Then it moves to every nation on planet earth.
33:57 In other word, the praise and the honor is growing globally.
34:03 Notice verse 29, "All the prosperous..."
34:06 Now the rich come into view.
34:08 The consecrated rich, that is.
34:10 "All the prosperous of the earth shall eat and worship.
34:14 All those who go down to the dust shall bow before Him."
34:19 Notice that, "...shall bow before Him, even he
34:22 who cannot keep himself alive."
34:26 What does that mean?
34:27 Even he who cannot keep himself alive
34:29 is going to praise the Lord?
34:31 It must be that they, what?
34:32 That they died and they resurrected.
34:36 Because those who were not able to keep themselves alive
34:40 will also come and praise Him, according to verse 29.
34:44 So not only the living, but also those who die
34:48 and are resurrected.
34:51 Notice verses 30 and 31.
35:09 In other words, those who as yet had not been born
35:12 when Jesus performed this work on the cross
35:16 were going to hear about this.
35:17 And they were going to be present to render Him
35:20 honor and glory and praise.
35:24 Now the question is, when is this going to be fulfilled?
35:30 When is it that all of God's people;
35:36 the people of the Messiah, the sons of Jacob,
35:39 the people from every nation, kindred, tongue, and people,
35:42 the rich and the poor,
35:45 those who died and those who resurrected,
35:49 when is it that the entire universe is going to render
35:54 Jesus honor and glory and praise?
35:59 Well you know, it's when all of His people are together
36:04 in the kingdom.
36:06 Notice Philippians chapter 2.
36:07 Which we've read many times before,
36:09 and I want to read it again.
36:11 Philippians 2 verses 5 through 11.
36:13 Because we're talking about the law of life and death.
36:18 The law of death is to exalt yourself.
36:21 God says, "I'll humble you."
36:23 The law of life is to humble yourself.
36:26 And God will what? Exalt you.
36:28 Do we find a clear reference to humbling in this psalm?
36:32 Sure.
36:34 Death of a cross? Yes.
36:36 Sub-human level? Yes.
36:40 But then do we find Jesus being exalted
36:43 and praised by the whole universe?
36:45 Absolutely.
36:46 Notice how this is developed in Philippians 2.
36:59 A better translation, as I've mentioned before,
37:01 is, "did not consider equality with God
37:04 and something to be grasped."
37:19 Notice that even when He was a Man already,
37:21 "He humbled Himself..."
37:27 There's the first part of the psalm.
37:30 And now notice the second half of the psalm.
37:50 By the way, that hasn't happened yet.
37:53 The ones under the earth have not done it yet.
37:55 Those are the people who have died.
37:58 And not everybody on earth who is alive is doing that
38:02 at present either.
38:04 And so it says...
38:12 There you have the second part of Psalm 22,
38:15 the exaltation of Jesus.
38:17 He who humbled Himself will be what?
38:21 Will be exalted and placed on the throne of the universe.
38:27 We find another scene similar to this in Revelation 5:11-13.
38:32 If you'll go with me.
38:33 Revelation chapter 5 and verses 11 to 13
38:36 speaks about this explosion of praise.
38:46 By the way, here you have all the angels,
38:48 you have the living creatures who are the cherubim
38:51 and the seraphim, and you have the 24 elders,
38:53 the representatives of all the worlds.
39:09 "...who was slain..." See, past.
39:10 That's the first part of the psalm.
39:22 And now notice, "And every creature..."
39:25 This hasn't happened yet.
39:50 The big question is, am I going to be in that congregation?
39:58 Did Jesus, on the cross, see me in that great congregation?
40:03 You know, we're told in Isaiah 53 that Jesus
40:09 had this trying experience.
40:13 And then He what?
40:15 He shall see the travail of His soul, and shall be what?
40:19 Satisfied.
40:21 Why?
40:22 Because He's going to see present there
40:24 all of the redeemed.
40:27 All those who received Him as Savior and Lord.
40:31 The question is, have we received Him as our Savior
40:35 and as our Lord?
40:39 You know, when Jesus was on the cross, according to
40:41 the spirit of prophecy, Jesus could actually see
40:47 every person who was going to be redeemed
40:51 in His kingdom individually.
40:56 He wants us there.
40:58 "He shall see the travail of His soul and shall be satisfied."
41:03 Because He's going to have His people there.
41:06 But folks, if we're going to be there, we have to have
41:09 the same spirit that Jesus had.
41:11 "He who humbles himself will be exalted.
41:15 And he who exalts himself will be..." What?
41:18 "...humbled."
41:19 Two mysteries.
41:20 Lucifer said, "I'm going up."
41:23 God cast him down, he's going to be destroyed.
41:26 Jesus said, "I'll come down."
41:28 The Father has highly exalted Him, and is going to exalt Him.
41:31 And all those who have the mind and the spirit of Jesus
41:35 will have the same experience of Jesus and will be present
41:38 in that great congregation.
41:40 I pray to the Lord that none of us in that great day
41:45 are missing.
41:47 Let us pray.
41:49 Father in heaven, we thank You for this marvelous
41:52 Messianic psalm.
41:54 We're thankful that You were willing to send Your Son,
41:57 Your beloved Son, the most precious thing in the universe,
42:01 the most precious being in the universe,
42:04 to come to this world to suffer the anguish and the agony
42:07 and the pain that we studied about in this psalm.
42:10 We'll never be able to fully understand,
42:13 not only the physical suffering, but the mental torture,
42:16 the spiritual anguish that Jesus felt.
42:20 We thank You that You were willing to send Jesus,
42:22 and we're thankful that Jesus was willing to come
42:24 and suffer this for us.
42:27 And Father, I ask this morning that You will come and You will
42:30 touch each heart and each mind in this congregation.
42:34 Father, instill in us the spirit of Jesus
42:37 who is meek and lowly of heart.
42:40 I ask, Father, that You will help us always to be willing
42:43 to occupy second or third or fourth place.
42:46 That we will be willing to occupy the place of service
42:50 that You have established for us.
42:52 So that someday You will exalt us and we will have the
42:56 privilege of being in that great congregation.
43:00 I pray, Father, that on that great day not one of those
43:03 who are gathered here will be missing.
43:05 I thank You, Father, for hearing my prayer.
43:08 For I ask it in the precious name of Your Son, Jesus.
43:12 Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17