Law of Life and Death

The Immensity Of God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: LLD

Program Code: LLD000003

00:37 Shall we bow our heads for prayer.
00:44 Father in heaven, we thank You for the awesome privilege
00:47 of being in Your house.
00:50 It's kind of like an oasis in the middle of the desert
00:54 where we can get away and come together and
00:57 have fellowship, enjoy singing, praying, and the study of
01:02 Your holy Word.
01:04 We ask, Father, that as we open Your Book,
01:09 that You will speak to us through the ministration
01:12 of Your Holy Spirit.
01:14 I ask that You will give us glimpses of how much
01:17 You love us.
01:19 That in response, we will make a total commitment
01:24 to Jesus Christ as our Savior and as our Lord.
01:28 And we thank You, Father, for hearing and for answer
01:30 our prayer, for we ask it in the precious name of Jesus.
01:34 Amen.
01:38 I'd like to begin our study today in the book of
01:43 Colossians chapter 1 and verse 16.
01:48 Colossians chapter 1 and verse 16.
01:55 The main point that I want to emphasize in this verse
01:59 is the fact that everything that exists in the universe
02:03 was created by God the Father through the instrumentality
02:10 of His Son, Jesus Christ.
02:14 It reads this way, "For by Him," that is Jesus...
02:49 This text makes it very clear that Jesus Christ
02:52 was the Creator of everything which exists in the universe.
03:00 You'll notice that we're told in this verse that Jesus
03:03 was before all things.
03:07 Now this brings me to another very important point
03:09 as we set the stage for our study today.
03:13 And that is that Jesus was not only before all things,
03:18 but Jesus was eternally before all things.
03:23 He is eternal God.
03:26 Notice Isaiah chapter 9 and verse 6 on this
03:30 specific point that Jesus not only created all things,
03:34 not only does He pre-exist all things, but Jesus also
03:40 eternally pre-exists everything in the universe.
03:45 This is a very well known verse.
03:48 "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given;
03:54 and the government will be upon His shoulder.
03:59 And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor,
04:04 Mighty God," and here comes the key phrase,
04:08 "Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
04:15 In this verse, Jesus is called, the Everlasting Father.
04:21 Because He's our Father, because He created us.
04:27 Another interesting fact about Jesus is that Jesus created
04:32 the universe from nothing.
04:36 Now you try creating something from nothing.
04:39 You know, when we create, we use pre-existent matter.
04:44 But Scripture tells us that Jesus created all things
04:48 when He had nothing to create these things from.
04:52 Notice Psalm 33 and verses 6 and 9.
04:57 Psalm 33 and verses 6 and 9.
05:04 Here, the psalmist David is speaking and he says...
05:09 "By the word of the Lord the heavens were made,
05:13 and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth."
05:20 And then we go to verse 9.
05:22 "For He spoke and it was done; He commanded and it stood fast."
05:31 It's what theologians call, creation ex nihilo.
05:37 Creation from nothing.
05:41 And so we see Jesus, the Creator of the entire universe,
05:47 eternal God, creating everything from nothing.
05:55 Now I would like to take you on a little tour
05:58 of the universe today so that we can understand the
06:03 magnitude of the universe that Jesus Christ,
06:08 the eternal God who created from nothing, actually made.
06:15 What I'm going to share with you is going to boggle your mind.
06:19 But I'm only going to share a very few details
06:23 of the research that I have made on the magnitude
06:27 and the dimensions of the universe.
06:31 Allow me first of all to say that astronomers measure
06:35 the heavens in what is known as light years.
06:40 Basically, a light year is the amount of time that it takes
06:46 a ray of light to travel from point A to point B
06:51 at 186,282 miles per second in the course of that year.
07:02 Which means that a ray of light will travel in one minute
07:09 approximately 11 million miles.
07:15 In one year a ray of light will travel approximately
07:20 6 trillion miles.
07:23 In just one light year, 6 trillion miles.
07:29 I don't know if you're aware of it, but every time you take
07:32 two steps, light has traveled approximately 200,000 miles.
07:42 In one light year, the distance that a ray of light travels
07:49 would be equivalent to the number of miles that all of the
07:57 cars on planet earth travel during the same time period.
08:03 In fact, scientists have reached the conclusion that the
08:07 light year is far too small a measure to be able
08:11 to measure the heavens.
08:17 Now the moon, that very close planet of ours,
08:24 is 240,000 miles from our earth.
08:29 Which means that the light of the moon that we see
08:32 took 1.3 seconds to arrive from the moon to planet earth.
08:40 Let's talk about the sun.
08:42 Our sun is 93 million miles from planet earth.
08:49 Which basically means that the light of the sun takes
08:52 8.3 seconds to arrive at planet earth.
08:57 Now let me put this in context for you.
09:01 If you were to hop on an airplane and you made up
09:05 your mind that you're going to travel from the earth
09:07 to the sun, at 600 miles an hour, not stopping
09:14 for any reason, to refuel, it would take you approximately
09:19 17 years to get from the earth to the sun.
09:25 And the sun is right around the corner.
09:29 Let's talk about Pluto, let's move out a ways.
09:34 You know, Pluto has been demoted.
09:38 It is now called a dwarf planet.
09:40 But dwarfs have rights too, I want you to know.
09:45 By the way, the jury is still out on whether
09:48 it's a planet or not.
09:49 Not all astronomers agree that it's just a dwarf planet.
09:53 But anyway, Pluto is 5.3 light months away from planet earth.
10:01 Which means that if you wanted to get to Pluto,
10:03 it would be very easy.
10:04 You just get on some type of aircraft and you travel
10:10 5.3 months at 186,000 miles a second.
10:16 186,282; I wasn't going to mention the change.
10:22 And low and behold, you are at the dwarf planet, so called.
10:27 Let's move out further.
10:29 The closest star to planet earth is Alpha Centauri,
10:35 which is 4.3 light years away from planet earth.
10:41 Basically, this is 24.3 trillion miles from our planet.
10:49 Let's go out still a little bit further.
10:52 Let's talk about our Milky Way.
10:55 Our very own galaxy that we live in.
10:59 Do you realize that if you wanted to go from one side
11:02 to the other side of our galaxy, it would take you 100,000 years
11:11 at the speed of light?
11:15 Just to cross from side to the other side of our very own
11:19 neighborhood galaxy, the Milky Way.
11:22 100,000 miles from one side to the other at the speed of light.
11:30 100,000 light years.
11:34 By the time you got from one side to the other,
11:37 you would have traveled 600,000 trillion miles.
11:46 And our galaxy is only one galaxy, according to
11:50 astronomers, among probably at least one billion galaxies
11:58 in the known universe.
12:01 Let's talk about Andromeda, our next door neighbor galaxy.
12:08 Andromeda is a very close distance from planet earth.
12:11 It's only two million light ears from planet earth.
12:15 Which means that if you wanted to visit our next door galaxy,
12:20 our neighbor Andromeda, you can take an aircraft,
12:24 or some type of air vehicle, and travel for two million miles
12:29 at 186,282 miles a second.
12:34 And low and behold, you would be there.
12:38 But do you know that Andromeda is the only other galaxy that
12:41 we can see with the naked eye?
12:44 It's calculated that Andromeda and the Milky Way
12:47 each have over 100 million stars.
12:54 You know, man has invented powerful telescopes
12:58 to try and grasp, at least in a small measure,
13:02 the dimensions and the magnitude of the universe.
13:06 For example, there's a telescope on Mount Wilson which is able to
13:12 discern stars at 500 million light years
13:17 away from planet earth.
13:20 We're probably all acquainted with the telescope on
13:23 Mount Palomar here in California.
13:26 According to astronomers, that telescope is able to see
13:32 heavenly bodies, stars, which are one billion
13:37 light years away.
13:40 But then the Hubble telescope was invented.
13:43 And it's actually the first telescope to look at the skies
13:47 from outer space.
13:50 And according to Tom Siegfried, who writes the scientific column
13:54 for the Dallas Morning News, he says that the Hubble telescope
13:58 is able to discern stars that are between
14:02 seven and ten billion light years from planet earth.
14:10 If you wanted to put that in figures, you would have to
14:13 put a nine with twenty-one zeroes after it to know the
14:19 number of miles where seven to ten billion
14:24 light years away is.
14:28 And what's more amazing is that the Hubble telescope has been
14:31 able to determine that the universe is actually expanding.
14:36 The universe is actually growing, they've discovered
14:40 through the study, for example, of quasars.
14:44 And we think of our galaxy, we say, "Wow, 100,000 light years
14:49 from one side to the other.
14:50 Two million light years away to go to Andromeda.
14:55 That's pretty large."
14:57 But do you know that there are galaxies in the universe
15:00 that are 60 times larger than our very own galaxy?
15:06 It's calculated by scientists that these galaxies have
15:10 at least 100 trillion stars.
15:15 What's even more amazing is that astronomers have been
15:19 doing studies about the universe and they
15:22 discovered that as much as 90% or perhaps even 99% of
15:27 the universe is composed of what you might call, dark matter.
15:33 In other words, it cannot be detected by the telescopes
15:37 that we have today.
15:39 Which means that our telescopes are only able
15:42 to see perhaps 10% or as little as 1% of the universe.
15:51 It's amazing.
15:53 You say, "How do they know that there's so much dark matter?"
15:57 It's because of the effects of gravity.
15:59 See, they can measure the gravity.
16:00 They know that the matter is there, but they can't see it
16:04 with the telescopes.
16:06 Surely, what Job said in chapter 22 and verse 12 of his book,
16:12 "Is not God in the height of heaven?
16:18 And see the highest stars, how lofty they are."
16:25 So this is the universe that Jesus created.
16:30 An amazing universe.
16:33 Practically infinite, not infinite, but close
16:36 to being infinite, in its dimensions, in its magnitude.
16:42 But the amazing thing is that Jesus not only created
16:45 this universe, Jesus not only is everlasting God,
16:50 not only did He create this from nothing,
16:53 but the Bible tells us that Jesus, each instant,
16:58 sustains this universe and keeps it functioning together.
17:04 Notice Colossians chapter 1 and verse 17.
17:07 Colossians chapter 1 and verse 17.
17:11 This is the verse after where we read that Jesus was the Creator.
17:15 It says there...
17:24 Or all things hold together.
17:26 Can you imagine the power necessary to keep
17:30 the whole universe functioning in perfect harmony,
17:35 in perfect synchronization?
17:37 It is beyond the comprehension of a human mind.
17:42 In Psalm 147 verses 4 and 5, we're told that not only
17:47 did Jesus create the universe, not only is the universe
17:51 practically limitless, but we're told there that God is actually
17:57 able to count all the stars.
18:01 Notice what we find in Psalm 147 verses 4 and 5.
18:10 Not only does He count the number, we're told...
18:24 Once again, Isaiah chapter 40 and verse 26.
18:28 We find the same exclamation as Isaiah is observing
18:33 the universe.
18:34 It says there...
19:00 So is the power and the greatness and the
19:04 magnificence of Jesus, the everlasting God,
19:09 the Creator who created out of nothing,
19:12 who created a universe which is almost infinite
19:17 with an infinite number of stars and an infinite almost distance.
19:22 We might say, "Well, the universe sustains itself."
19:26 No it doesn't.
19:27 Listen to this statement from Ministry Of Healing, page 416.
19:32 "It is not by inherent power that year by year the earth
19:38 yields its bounties and continues its march
19:42 around the sun.
19:45 The hand of the Infinite One is perpetually at work
19:50 guiding this planet.
19:53 It is God's power continually exercised that keeps the earth
19:58 in position in its rotation.
20:01 It is God who causes the sun to rise in the heavens.
20:06 He opens the windows of heaven and gives rain."
20:12 Amazing.
20:14 In fact, in another statement on the same page of
20:17 Ministry Of Healing, Ellen White says that it's not by accident
20:21 that the heart beats one right after another.
20:26 She says that God makes the heart beat.
20:30 He makes the lungs breathe.
20:32 He is actively engaged in sustaining life.
20:37 He's not like that unmoved mover that was
20:40 spoken of by the philosophers.
20:42 He is actively involved in His creation.
20:47 He cares for His creation.
20:49 Now do you know that the number of stars
20:52 is almost infinite?
20:54 We've talked about the distances.
20:56 You remember that God told Abraham to go out and
20:59 count the stars of he could.
21:01 Do you know that you can only count about 3000 stars
21:04 with the naked eye?
21:06 And yet it looked like there were a lot of stars out there.
21:11 Well, our galaxy has approximately one billion stars.
21:16 And remember that there are at least one billion galaxies.
21:20 This means that the number of stars in all of the galaxies
21:23 of the universe is 10 to the 22nd power.
21:29 Let me tell you how much that is.
21:31 It's ten thousand million trillion stars.
21:37 Just to give you a little idea of about how many stars
21:40 there would be, imagine all of the beaches on planet earth.
21:44 And imagine that each grain of sand on all of the beaches
21:48 of planet earth is one of the heavenly stars or one of
21:51 the heavenly bodies.
21:52 That would be close to the number of stars
21:55 in the universe.
21:56 Now you try picking up a hand full of sand
21:59 and counting all the grains of sand in that one hand.
22:03 It would be practically impossible.
22:06 And yet we find that this universe that Jesus created
22:10 was awesome.
22:12 Now let me ask you, how big do you feel this morning?
22:16 You know, sometimes we think we're so important,
22:19 and so significant, and so great.
22:24 And yet in the context of the almost limitless universe,
22:29 who is man?
22:33 In fact, David asked that question.
22:34 If you go with me to Psalm 8 and verses 3 and 4,
22:39 David one night was looking at the heavens
22:41 and he came back with this impression.
22:44 Notice Psalm 8 and verses 3 through 5.
22:49 He says...
23:14 "What is man," is what David is saying,
23:17 "in the context of the universe?"
23:21 And yet, listen up.
23:23 When this planet fell into sin, Jesus, the Creator
23:29 of all the universe, everlasting God,
23:33 who created everything from nothing,
23:37 who by His power sustains the universe and keeps it
23:40 functioning in order, He said, "I cannot stand the idea
23:46 of losing that little planet."
23:50 And so Jesus Christ, the Creator, bid farewell
23:55 to the angelic host in heaven to come down
23:58 to this little rebel planet.
24:03 He came and He was born with a body affected by
24:06 4000 years of sin.
24:09 He was born in the likeness of sinful flesh.
24:13 As a child He studied the Old Testament,
24:16 which He had given.
24:19 As Jesus grew, the hatred against Him grew.
24:24 Imagine Jesus placing Himself in the hands of His own creatures.
24:31 To have them slap Him, and spit in His face,
24:36 and kick Him.
24:38 And yet not opening His mouth when by His power
24:42 He created the universe.
24:43 He could have simply spoken the word and everybody
24:48 would have been instantly pulverized and destroyed.
24:53 But Jesus, the Creator, came to this world.
24:56 The great God who was in the form of God.
24:59 He did not consider equality with God as something
25:02 to be grasped, and He came down.
25:06 In fact, let's read that passage that we've read before.
25:08 I never tire at reading this passage in Philippians 2
25:12 beginning with verse 5.
25:14 Philippians chapter 2 and verse 5.
25:17 Here, the apostle Paul says this...
25:32 In other words, He did not consider equality with God
25:34 something to be grasped.
25:40 In other words, He emptied Himself.
25:50 And now notice.
25:52 In the likeness of a man, we're told that He humbled Himself
25:56 even more.
26:02 Folks, we can never really understand this sacrifice.
26:06 Did Jesus really need this world?
26:09 Not really.
26:11 He can subsist very well without this world,
26:15 and without each individual in this world.
26:18 But He loved the world.
26:20 And therefore, He came here to save this planet.
26:25 You know, you could imagine, to give you a little comparison,
26:29 you know, there's a lot of orchards here of almonds.
26:34 You know, sometimes when I drive north on 99,
26:37 you have acres and acres of almonds.
26:38 Can you imagine a worker someday coming to the owner of the
26:43 orchard, almond orchard, and saying, "Sir, sir.
26:47 I have some news to report to you."
26:49 And the owner says, "What?"
26:51 "Well, a leaf fell off of a tree over at acre 83."
26:59 What would the owner say?
27:00 "A leaf? You're kidding me.
27:03 You come to report that a leaf fell off that tree?
27:06 Who cares."
27:09 The same is true of this world.
27:12 You see, this world is like a leaf in the orchard of God,
27:16 in the universe of God.
27:18 And when it fell, Jesus didn't say,
27:21 "Oh, I've got a lot of worlds.
27:23 I've got a lot of loyal citizens.
27:25 I don't need that little world.
27:27 Let's just snuff it out of existence."
27:30 No.
27:31 Jesus, the Creator, became a creature.
27:38 Isn't that amazing.
27:39 The creator became a creature.
27:43 That's how much He loved us.
27:45 And by the way, folks, do you know that the Bible says
27:48 that He cares so much for us that He even cares
27:53 for the little sparrows?
27:56 Notice Luke chapter 12 and verses 6 and 7.
27:59 You know, sometimes I hear people really down on
28:01 themselves and say, "Nobody loves me.
28:03 Nobody cares about me."
28:05 Well whenever you think that, remember that there is someone
28:09 who loves you and cares for you, and would have come
28:12 to save only you.
28:15 Notice what we find in Luke 12:6-7.
28:29 In fact, in Desire Of Ages, Ellen White says
28:32 that when a bird falls out of the tree and dies,
28:35 it touches the heart of Jesus.
28:39 The death of a bird.
28:43 It continues saying...
28:48 And let me tell you, Jesus has to adjust the account
28:51 with my head every day.
29:03 Notice Matthew chapter 6 and verse 26.
29:05 You know, this is not comprehensible to us
29:08 because we're selfish.
29:09 You know, we're not into this idea of serving
29:12 and helping other people.
29:13 We're into the idea of serving and helping ourselves,
29:16 and have other people us.
29:18 We have the problem of upward mobility
29:21 that we've been talking about.
29:22 Jesus showed that the principle of life,
29:25 the great principle of life, is downward mobility.
29:28 To serve.
29:30 No matter how great you are.
29:32 The greatest law of life is a law of service.
29:36 Matthew 6 verse 26, Jesus says...
29:57 Do you know what the great passion of Jesus is?
30:00 The great passion of Jesus is to have us where He is.
30:07 He showed that passion when He was about to suffer
30:11 death on Calvary.
30:14 He says, "I'm leaving, but I'm going to come again.
30:18 And I'm going to receive you unto Myself.
30:20 That where I am, there you may be also."
30:25 In fact, Jesus, just a few minutes perhaps after this,
30:29 or at much a few hours after this, He uttered that prayer
30:33 to His Father, that wonderful intercessory prayer
30:36 of John chapter 17.
30:39 And at the climax of the prayer, Jesus shows what His great
30:43 passion was.
30:45 John 17 verse 24, I'd like to read this.
30:47 And by the way, as you're looking for this text,
30:50 Ellen White says that this verse is on the lips of Jesus
30:55 on five different occasions.
30:58 The first occasion, of course, is when He prayed this prayer
31:02 in Gethsemane.
31:03 The second time was on Sunday morning when He resurrected
31:06 and He went to heaven to make sure that His
31:08 sacrifice was accepted.
31:10 He went in and spoke these words to His Father.
31:13 The next time was 40 days later when He went to heaven
31:16 and He was going to be enthroned as our High Priest.
31:19 Once again, He uttered these words.
31:22 The next time, she says, is at the time of trouble
31:24 when God's people are about to be wiped out
31:26 from the face of planet earth.
31:28 Jesus will speak these words to His Father.
31:32 Obviously, Jesus wants us to be there.
31:36 And she actually says that these words are on the lips of Jesus
31:39 now when Jesus intercedes for us in heaven.
31:44 What are the words? Notice...
32:05 What is the passion of Jesus?
32:07 That we be where, what?
32:09 Where He is.
32:12 And then He says...
32:21 Jesus constantly brings this prayer to His Father.
32:25 "Father, I want My own to come and to be with Me."
32:30 Do you realize that it would have been almost an
32:33 infinite humiliation for Jesus to take Adam's nature
32:36 before the fall?
32:38 Allow me to read you this very significant statement,
32:40 Desire Of Ages, page 48, where Ellen White explains the
32:46 great sacrifice of Jesus.
32:47 "It would have been an almost infinite humiliation..."
33:01 Imagine Jesus becoming a creature even in
33:03 the perfection of Adam.
33:05 But then she says...
33:40 You see, Jesus is the great exemplar.
33:44 He could have said, "I don't need this world.
33:47 I've got lots of other worlds with loyal citizens
33:50 who never sinned."
33:51 And yet He chose, in spite of all of His power
33:54 and greatness, to come down and save the human race.
33:59 A few years ago, actually many years ago
34:02 when I was teaching in Columbia, I had an evangelistic crusade
34:06 in the city of Medellín.
34:09 And at that time we would show movies that were produced
34:13 by Moody Bible Institute.
34:15 And one them was called, The City of the Bees.
34:18 And I showed the 20 minute little movie.
34:22 16 mm back then.
34:24 And you know, I was captivated by it.
34:27 I usually would preach afterwards.
34:29 And I was captivated by that movie, because it showed
34:33 basically a bee that was kind of, you know,
34:38 struggling and scrambling on the ground and couldn't fly.
34:42 And they said that little bee, the reason why he couldn't fly,
34:46 is because he had miscalculated the amount of nectar that
34:49 he needed to drink from the flower to be able to
34:52 make it back to the beehive.
34:55 And so he didn't have enough energy to make it back.
34:59 And they showed on that movie that if that little bee
35:03 was given a little bit of honey, or water that was sweet,
35:09 the bee would restore its energy and it would fly off
35:13 and be able to make it to his destination.
35:16 You'll never guess, but about two days later
35:18 I was coming out of home on my way to class.
35:23 And I was late for class.
35:25 Not as usual.
35:26 I was usually on time for class.
35:29 But I came down the steps of the house,
35:32 and low and behold, what do you suppose I saw?
35:35 A bee.
35:36 And it was on the ground, you know, it was alive.
35:39 But it's struggling and it couldn't fly.
35:42 So I said, "I wonder if this bee has the same disease
35:44 as the one that I saw in the movie?"
35:48 So even though I was late, I went up into the kitchen.
35:50 I got a little bit of honey on a spoon, and I brought the honey,
35:55 and I put it next to the little mandible of the bee.
35:58 And I could tell that the bee was sucking away.
36:01 Nothing happened.
36:03 A couple of minutes went by.
36:04 I said, "Well, it must be suffering from cancer or
36:07 tuberculosis, or something like that.
36:08 Obviously, he doesn't have this disease."
36:11 But then all of a sudden, like he was shot out of a gun,
36:16 this little bee took off into the air and just flew away
36:20 and disappeared.
36:24 You know, as I was on my way to class,
36:27 I started reflecting and thinking about this.
36:31 You know, that little bee is kind of like us.
36:36 It had a fall.
36:38 Because it disobeyed a fundamental law of the bees.
36:42 And that is, that you get enough nectar where you're at
36:46 in order to make it to where your destination is.
36:50 We had our fall.
36:52 And like that bee, without external help there's no hope.
36:59 You know, I could have done one of three things with that bee.
37:03 I could have stood there and lectured him.
37:07 "Serves you right.
37:08 You disobeyed the law, and now you pay."
37:11 And I could have walked off and let him die.
37:15 The other thing I could have done is look at the bee and say,
37:18 "You broke the law. Tough luck.
37:21 But I see your suffering, so I'll put you
37:22 out of your misery."
37:25 God could have done that with us.
37:27 God could have ignored us,
37:29 Jesus could have forgotten about us,
37:30 or Jesus could have put us out of our misery.
37:33 But He didn't.
37:35 You see, I didn't need that bee for anything in the world.
37:38 I'd be alive today if I hadn't helped that bee.
37:45 But even though...
37:46 And I like to imagine, you know, I know bees can't think, but
37:49 if he could think, he'd say, "Whoa, that's a big guy.
37:54 Important guy. I hope he doesn't step on me."
37:58 That's kind of like us looking at God,
38:00 "Wow, what a great God.
38:03 Would He actually save me?"
38:04 Well, you know, when this bee was in need,
38:07 I actually stooped down and came down to his level,
38:12 and gave him honey.
38:14 And he flew off into the distance.
38:17 He was saved from certain death by someone who didn't
38:22 need him at all.
38:24 So it is with us.
38:27 When we fell, Jesus could have ignored us.
38:30 He could have put us out of our misery.
38:31 But He came down to our level, even though He didn't have to,
38:35 so that He could save us from our sins,
38:37 and so that we could fly off into the skies and end up
38:40 in the heavenly kingdom with Him.
38:44 And you know what's even more amazing?
38:47 Is the fact that heaven is going to come down here.
38:51 Have you ever stopped to think that this is going to be the
38:54 headquarters of the universe?
38:57 That actually the New Jerusalem, the capital of God,
39:00 is going to come down from heaven and it's going to
39:02 rest on planet earth.
39:03 And this is going to be the center of the universe.
39:07 And we are going to have the privilege of living here
39:10 on planet earth with the Father and with Jesus
39:14 throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity.
39:17 What a privilege to live with Jesus forever
39:22 and ever on planet earth.
39:28 Do you know that Jesus would have done it only for one?
39:32 There was only one lost sheep, there was only one lost coin,
39:36 there was one lost son.
39:40 If there had been only one sinner, Jesus would have
39:42 come to save that one sinner.
39:44 I'd like to end by reading a statement that we find
39:47 in the book, God's Amazing Grace, page 173.
39:52 "The wealth of earth dwindles into insignificance
39:57 when compared with the worth of a single soul
40:01 for whom our Lord and Master died.
40:04 He who weigheth the hills in scales and the mountains
40:07 in a balance regards a human soul as of infinite value."
40:11 Now listen up.
40:12 How do you buy something that is of infinite value?
40:14 The only way you can do it is by paying an infinite price.
40:18 So Jesus bought that which was of infinite value
40:21 by paying an infinite price; the blood of Jesus.
40:25 Oh folks, let's not walk away from here this morning
40:30 saying no to Jesus.
40:32 Let's walk away saying, "Jesus, I receive You as my Savior
40:35 and as my Lord."


Revised 2014-12-17