Law of Life and Death

The Two Crowns

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: LLD

Program Code: LLD000002

00:38 Shall we bow our heads for prayer.
00:41 Father in heaven, what a joy it is to be in Your house
00:45 of worship on Your holy Sabbath.
00:48 We thank You for this oasis in time.
00:52 We thank You that we're able to forget everything ours
00:56 so that we can focus on everything yours.
01:00 We ask, Father, that as we open Your Word that Your Holy Spirit
01:03 will be with us to instruct us and to guide us.
01:07 Help us to learn the lessons which will be useful
01:10 in our own personal walk with Jesus.
01:14 And we thank You, Father, for hearing our prayer,
01:16 for we ask it in Jesus' name, amen.
01:23 I would like us to begin our study this morning
01:27 at Psalm 8 and we will read verses 3 through 5.
01:33 If you remember, we're studying now a series titled,
01:37 The Law of Life and Death.
01:42 And today is the second sermon in this six part series titled,
01:48 The Law of Life and Death.
01:52 What I want us to notice in this passage is that God
01:55 placed Adam on the throne as the ruler of planet earth
02:03 at the very beginning of human history.
02:07 It says there is Psalm 8 and verse 3,
02:11 the psalmist speaking...
02:33 Speaking about the creation of Adam.
02:42 Notice, this is the idea of a coronation.
02:50 And notice, he has a territory which God gave him.
02:53 "You have made him to have dominion over the
02:56 works of Your hands.
02:58 You have put all things under his feet;
03:02 all sheep and oxen, even the beasts of the field,
03:07 the birds of the air and the fish of the sea
03:10 that pass through the paths of the seas."
03:14 Clearly, God placed Adam as the king of planet earth
03:19 at the very beginning.
03:21 And He placed a crown on his head,
03:23 according to this passage.
03:26 But when Adam chose Satan as his sovereign,
03:31 Satan took over the throne and Adam lost his dominion.
03:37 Let's read about that in Luke chapter 4
03:40 and verses 5 through 7.
03:43 Luke chapter 4 and verses 5 through 7.
03:48 This is the moment when the devil takes Jesus to a
03:51 very high mountain.
03:53 And it says there in verse 5...
04:28 So basically, the devil is saying to Jesus,
04:33 "This kingdom or these kingdoms have been delivered to me.
04:37 And I give these kingdoms to whomever I wish."
04:42 Originally, we noticed, that the kingdom was given to Adam.
04:46 But now Satan is claiming the kingdoms of this world.
04:52 And he's actually offering these kingdoms to Jesus.
04:57 It becomes very obvious that after Adam sinned,
05:02 the kingdoms of this world were taken over by usurpation
05:08 from the hands of Adam.
05:12 And therefore, the human race needed someone to come
05:18 and recover that which had been lost.
05:23 But the Bible says that there was no one within humanity
05:26 who could actually come and defeat the devil,
05:29 because everyone had already been defeated by the devil.
05:33 We find in Romans chapter 3 and verse 10,
05:36 "There is none righteous, no not one."
05:38 In Romans 3 verse 23, "All have sinned and come short
05:42 of the glory of God."
05:43 There was no one within the human race who could recover
05:46 the throne and the dominion which Adam had given over
05:51 to Satan as the ruler of this world.
05:56 And so it became necessary that Jesus, the Creator
06:01 of the whole human race, become incarnate
06:05 so that He could recover the throne
06:08 and He could recover the crown.
06:12 Now it's important to notice the way in which Jesus did this.
06:16 You know, in heaven He was a King.
06:19 He had a crown.
06:21 He had His throne.
06:24 You would have thought that He would have said,
06:26 "Okay, Satan, you stole the throne.
06:29 I'll knock you off and I'll just restore the throne."
06:34 But that's not the way it happened.
06:37 You see, in order for Jesus to recover the throne,
06:41 He had to get down from His throne in heaven
06:44 and He had to come to this world in a very strange
06:49 and unexpected way.
06:53 Do you realize that the last week of the life of Jesus
06:57 before His death on Calvary actually was the process
07:04 of His coronation as a King?
07:07 You know, we usually read those texts where it speaks about
07:10 Jesus coming on His throne of glory with all of His angels
07:15 and having a crown within a crown on His head.
07:18 And we think that this is the description of Jesus as King.
07:22 But there is another description of Jesus as King,
07:26 which is very, very strange.
07:31 Let's notice John chapter 12 and verses 12 through 15.
07:37 This passage is speaking about the procession of Jesus.
07:44 He's coming into Jerusalem as a Prince.
07:47 And as a Prince, He is going to be eventually crowned as King,
07:54 and He is going to be placed on His throne.
07:59 This is known as the triumphal entry.
08:02 It is taking place on what Christians call, Palm Sunday.
08:07 I want you to notice the kingly terminology
08:10 that you have in this passage.
08:13 It says there, beginning at verse 12...
08:33 Do you see that they're proclaiming Jesus King?
08:35 He's entering Jerusalem as a Prince.
08:38 And the multitudes are crying out, "Hosanna.
08:41 Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.
08:44 The King of Israel."
09:01 So you'll notice that Jesus enters Jerusalem
09:03 in this triumphal entry, and He's being acclaimed
09:07 as a King by the multitudes.
09:10 In fact, He sits on a donkey, which was a sign of royalty.
09:14 This is the procession of Jesus as the Prince.
09:18 He's coming to Jerusalem to be crowned as King.
09:23 Now it's interesting to notice in John chapter 12
09:27 and verses 31 to 33 that the Lord Jesus predicted...
09:32 This is taking place, by the way, only three days
09:36 before the death of Jesus, what we're going to read now.
09:38 Jesus is predicting that He is going to cast out
09:43 the present ruler at that time of this world
09:46 by what He was going to do in Jerusalem.
09:49 Notice John chapter 12 and verses 31 to 33.
09:54 You see, this world had a prince.
09:56 This world had a ruler.
09:57 He had taken it from Adam.
09:58 Now Jesus is saying just a few days before His death
10:01 on the cross, He's saying, "I'm going to take this individual
10:05 off the throne and I'm going to be the new ruler
10:08 by what I'm going to do in Jerusalem."
10:10 Notice...
10:31 He was saying, "When I hang on the cross,
10:34 when I say, 'It is finished,' I am going to knock off
10:37 the present ruler of this world who took the throne
10:40 from the original ruler, from Adam."
10:44 In other words He's saying, "I'm going to lay stake to My throne.
10:48 And I'm going to lay stake to My crown."
10:52 But this was a strange King.
10:55 Very unusual King.
10:59 Now every king, in order to be king, needs to be anointed.
11:02 Would you agree with that?
11:04 Interestingly enough, after the triumphal entry
11:09 you find the anointing of this King.
11:12 Notice Matthew chapter 26 and verses 1 and 2.
11:16 And while you're looking for Matthew 26:1-2,
11:18 let me ask you, where were kings anointed?
11:22 On what part of their body?
11:24 On their heads.
11:26 And what were they anointed with?
11:28 They were anointed with oil.
11:32 Now notice what we find in Matthew 26 and verses 1 and 2.
11:51 By the way, that means to be enthroned.
11:55 We're going to notice that a little bit later.
11:58 Let's jump down to verse 6.
12:00 "And when Jesus was in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper,
12:05 a woman came to Him having an alabaster flask of
12:09 very costly fragrant oil."
12:16 Now some places don't say that it was oil.
12:21 But I want you to notice, I'll just mention this text
12:23 in passing, Luke 7 verse 46.
12:27 Jesus says, "My head with oil thou didst not anoint,"
12:31 He's saying to Simon.
12:33 "You didn't anoint My head with oil."
12:36 "But this woman hath anointed My feet with ointment."
12:42 So what this woman was using was oil.
12:44 And where did she anoint Jesus?
12:47 Verse 7 again, "A woman came to Him having an alabaster flask
12:50 of costly fragrant oil, and she poured it on His..." What?
12:55 "...on His head as He sat at the table.
12:59 But when His disciples saw it, they were indignant,
13:01 saying, 'Why this waste?
13:03 For this fragrant oil might have been sold for much
13:07 and given to the poor.'
13:08 But when Jesus was aware of it, He said to them,
13:11 'Why do you trouble the woman?
13:13 For she has done a good work for Me.
13:15 For you have the poor with you always,
13:19 but Me you do not have always.
13:21 For in pouring this fragrant oil on My body,
13:24 she did it for My burial.'"
13:26 So we find Jesus entering as a triumphant Prince
13:30 into Jerusalem.
13:32 And now He is anointed with oil on His head.
13:37 He's being anointed as a King.
13:41 But this is quite a strange King.
13:45 Now, all kings need to have a crown.
13:47 Don't they?
13:49 Therefore, Jesus had to have a crown as well.
13:52 But it's a rather strange crown.
13:55 Notice John chapter 19 and verses 2 and 3.
13:58 John chapter 19 and verses 2 and 3.
14:03 Jesus had a crown.
14:06 But it was a strange crown.
14:09 It says there in verse 2...
14:18 Isn't that kind of a strange crown for a King?
14:28 Notice, they're rendering Him homage as a King.
14:39 And so this King who has this triumphal procession
14:42 into Jerusalem as the Prince who is going to be crowned,
14:46 who is anointed on His head with oil to be the King,
14:49 now a crown is placed on His head.
14:53 But it is a crown of thorns.
14:56 Now every king needs to have special garments.
15:00 And the special garments, of course, are to be
15:03 a certain color.
15:05 Kings actually were garbed in purple.
15:09 That was the royal color.
15:11 And so Jesus, if He was going to be a King, had to be
15:14 robed in purple.
15:16 Notice John chapter 19 and verses 2 and 3 once again.
15:21 "And the soldiers twisted a crown of thorns and put it
15:25 on His head, and they put on Him..." What?
15:30 "...a purple robe.
15:33 Then they said, 'Hail, King of the Jews!'
15:36 And they struck Him with their hands."
15:40 So Jesus the King wears a purple robe.
15:44 They place a crown of thorns on His head.
15:46 It's the crown of a King.
15:48 He has His anointing service separating Him as King.
15:52 And He enters triumphal into Jerusalem as a Prince
15:56 who is going to be crowned.
15:58 But now every king needs to be recognized by his subjects
16:02 and needs to be honored and glorified by his subjects.
16:05 And so, of course, Jesus had to also receive homage
16:09 from His subjects.
16:10 But the interesting thing is, they acclaim Him as King,
16:14 but they acclaim Him in a mocking manner.
16:18 Notice Mark chapter 15 and verses 17 through 19.
16:23 Mark chapter 15 and verses 17 through 19.
16:39 See, like the multitudes would do in case that a king
16:42 is coming and is going to be crowned.
16:45 You know, they're going to honor and glorify him
16:47 and sing out his praises.
16:50 But this is a strange way for the people
16:52 to recognize this King.
16:55 It says, "And they began to salute Him..."
17:13 But all of this was done by His subjects mockingly.
17:18 Normally, a king, when he's recognized,
17:21 the multitudes would actually praise him in a sincere
17:26 and honest way, in a loving way.
17:30 Now every king also has to have a scepter in his right hand,
17:34 which is a symbol of his rulership.
17:38 Therefore, Jesus also had to have a scepter
17:41 in His right hand.
17:43 Notice Matthew chapter 27 and verse 29.
17:47 Matthew chapter 27 and verse 29.
17:50 Jesus had His scepter as well.
17:53 He's going through a process of coronation as King.
17:56 Strange King that we find here.
18:01 It says...
18:11 See, that's the scepter.
18:23 So Jesus has His crown.
18:26 He has His scepter.
18:28 He has His purple robes.
18:30 He had His anointing service.
18:34 The people acclaim Him, mockingly, as King.
18:40 Was Jesus really a King?
18:43 All of the evidence seems to indicate so.
18:46 In fact, in Matthew 27 verse 11, which we won't look up now,
18:50 Jesus had a private interview with Pilate,
18:53 with Pontius Pilate.
18:55 Pilate asked Him, "Are you a King?"
18:58 Jesus says, "Yes.
19:01 But I'm not the type of King that you think I am.
19:04 I'm not a glorious King who's going to take away your throne
19:07 and sit on the throne of Rome."
19:10 He says, "I am a King, but My kingdom right now
19:13 is not of this world."
19:16 And then when Pilate brings out Jesus before the Jews,
19:21 I want you to notice how he introduces Jesus.
19:25 John chapter 19 and verses 14 and 15.
19:30 John 19 and verses 14 and 15.
20:04 So Pilate recognized that Jesus was a King.
20:08 He introduces Jesus as a King.
20:11 In a private interview, Jesus says, "I am a King."
20:16 And then Jesus is taken on the procession
20:20 to the place of His coronation.
20:24 But it's a strange procession.
20:27 It's known commonly among Christians as the Via Dolorosa;
20:33 the way of sorrow and pain.
20:37 You see, He's going on the procession because they're
20:39 going to place Him on His throne.
20:41 But we're going to notice that the throne is actually a cross.
20:49 What a strange way to be recognized as a King,
20:54 to be placed on a throne which is actually a cross.
21:01 Notice what we find in Matthew 27 and verses 31 to 33.
21:31 "And when they had come to a place called Golgotha,
21:34 that is to say, the Place of a Skull..."
21:38 So you have here the procession of Jesus to the place
21:42 of His coronation, to the place where He's going to be
21:46 put upon the throne.
21:50 Now, you know, it's very interesting that the
21:53 book of Acts describes this coronation
21:58 and enthronement ceremony by quoting a prophecy
22:02 from the Old Testament.
22:05 Turn with me to Acts chapter 4 and verses 25 to 27.
22:08 In case you haven't recognized now that the last week
22:12 of the life of Jesus before His death was a process of
22:15 coronation as a King, this will seal it.
22:19 Acts chapter 4 verses 25 to 27.
22:23 Here, Peter is reminiscing about the moment when
22:27 Annas, Caiaphas, the Jewish leaders,
22:30 Herod, and Pilate gathered around Jesus,
22:34 mockingly, to destroy Him.
22:38 And I want you to notice that Peter quotes a very interesting
22:41 passage from the Old Testament.
22:43 Let's begin at verse 24 of Acts chapter 4.
22:49 "So when they heard that, they raised their voice to God
22:54 with one accord and said, 'Lord, You are God,
22:58 who made heaven and earth and the sea,
23:00 and all that is in them...'"
23:10 Do you know where he's quoting from?
23:12 Psalm 2, a very important psalm.
23:44 " do whatever Your hand and Your purpose
23:46 determined before to be done."
23:50 Now why would this passage be quoted as referring to the
23:55 moment when the leaders of Israel and when Pilate and Herod
24:01 gathered around Jesus to mock Him?
24:05 We need to know the original historical context of Psalm 2.
24:09 You see, Psalm 2 is speaking about David's coronation then.
24:14 And God is placing David as His servant on the throne.
24:18 And at the same time that David is being placed on the throne,
24:22 the surrounding nations with their kings are conspiring
24:25 to overthrow him before he wins over the sympathy of the people.
24:30 They say, "If we can knock him off early,
24:34 then he won't have the confidence of the people,
24:37 and we'll be able to overcome him."
24:40 Interesting that this passage in Psalm 2, which applies
24:44 originally to the coronation of David and the nations
24:47 conspiring against him as the king of Israel,
24:51 is used to refer to Jesus who is also being crowned as a King
24:56 and the nations are conspiring against Jesus Christ.
25:03 So this passage makes it very clear that the process that
25:06 Jesus went through was His coronation day like in Psalm 2.
25:12 Now every king needs to have an inscription above his throne
25:16 so that everybody recognizes his name.
25:19 And it couldn't be any different than Jesus.
25:22 Notice John chapter 19 and verse 19,
25:26 and we'll also read verse 20.
25:28 John 19 and verses 19 and 20.
25:35 It's beautiful to hear the pages of the Bible.
25:38 It's musical.
25:40 It says there...
25:57 Interesting.
26:00 But there's another very interesting detail about this.
26:02 Notice the following verse, verse 20.
26:05 "Then many of the Jews read this title, for the place where
26:10 Jesus was crucified was near the city," and notice this,
26:14 "and it was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin."
26:22 Was Jesus only the King of the Jews?
26:26 No.
26:28 The inscription above His head that said,
26:31 "Jesus, the King of the Jews," is actually in three languages.
26:35 The main languages of that day and age in the known world.
26:39 Hebrew, Greek, and Latin.
26:43 In other words, this King is not only the King of the Jews.
26:46 This King is the King of what?
26:49 He's the King of the world.
26:51 He's the King of everyone, whether it be Jew,
26:54 or whether it be Greek, or whether it be Gentile.
26:57 Whatever, He is the King of all.
27:01 And so we have this strange description of Jesus as King.
27:08 Now have you noticed in all of this that Jesus is actually
27:13 a suffering King in everything that we've studied?
27:19 A sorrowful King.
27:22 A humiliated King.
27:26 And yet Scripture presents Him as King, because He is King
27:31 by what He's doing, by humbling Himself.
27:33 He's taking away the throne from the ruler of this world,
27:37 who took it from Adam.
27:38 And He is recovering the throne by what He is doing.
27:42 But He's not doing it by force.
27:44 He's doing it by becoming nothing.
27:47 By emptying Himself.
27:48 By humbling Himself.
27:52 Now Scripture presents Jesus in a different light
27:58 in other passages.
28:01 It presents Him, for example, in Matthew 25 and verse 31
28:08 as a King seated on a glorious throne.
28:13 With a crown, according to Revelation chapter 19,
28:18 within a crown.
28:19 "On His head are many diadems," is what Scripture says.
28:25 This is a different kind of King.
28:28 No longer mocking Christ, no longer a crown of thorns,
28:31 no longer a cross as His throne.
28:36 But rather sitting on a throne of glory with a glorious
28:40 crown on His head.
28:44 Let's read about that in Matthew chapter 25 and verse 31.
28:51 "When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the
28:57 holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the
29:02 throne of His glory."
29:06 And do you know that Scripture says that those who mocked Him,
29:09 those who pierced Him, will wail over Him
29:13 when they see Him seated on His glorious throne
29:16 with His glorious crown on His head.
29:20 Different kind of King.
29:23 Now you remember that in our last study together,
29:25 we talked about upward mobility and downward mobility.
29:31 Most of the world operates by the rule of upward mobility.
29:37 But the kingdom of Christ operates on the basis
29:40 of downward mobility.
29:42 "He who humbles himself will be..." What?
29:46 "...will be exalted."
29:49 And in the case of Jesus, we find an illustration
29:53 of this principle very clear.
29:56 Before Jesus can sit on the glorious throne
30:00 with a glorious crown on His head, He must come down
30:03 and He must have a crown of thorns, and He must
30:07 sit on a crown or rest on a crown, which is actually
30:12 a cross, and His hands and His feet and His side being pierced.
30:17 In other words, before He can reign He must humble Himself
30:22 and He must become a servant.
30:26 You see, this is how we explain the two thrones
30:29 and the two crowns of Jesus.
30:33 He's, first of all, the suffering servant.
30:36 And then He becomes the sovereign Lord
30:39 as a result of humbling Himself.
30:43 Let's read that passage again in Philippians chapter 2
30:46 and verses 5 through 11.
30:48 Philippians chapter 2 and verses 5 through 11,
30:51 which we looked at last time.
30:52 But let's look at it again, because here we have
30:55 the law of life and death.
30:58 If Jesus had remained on His glorious throne in heaven,
31:01 we would all be lost.
31:03 But because He came down, we all have the hope
31:06 of everlasting life.
31:09 Notice Philippians 2 verse 5.
31:20 Actually, He did not consider His equality with God
31:23 as something to be hung on to, as something to be grasped.
31:30 Notice, this was His choice.
31:31 He made Himself of no reputation.
31:34 Actually, He emptied Himself.
31:38 He said, "Father, not I but You."
31:52 See, He's already a man.
31:53 He's going to humble Himself even more.
31:57 It's His choice. He humbled Himself.
32:06 Even that throne, the throne of the cross.
32:10 Even that crown, the crown of thorns.
32:12 Even the mocking cries of the people.
32:16 He humbled Himself.
32:17 He emptied Himself.
32:19 He went to the cross.
32:21 What did God do as a result of that?
32:24 Notice verse 9.
32:27 Did Jesus go to heaven and say, "Okay Father, I went down
32:30 and I did it.
32:32 Now I want My just due.
32:36 Come on, give Me My name.
32:40 Give Me My throne back."
32:43 No.
32:44 "He who humbles himself...
32:47 ...will be exalted."
32:49 See, you don't do the exalting. God does.
32:51 "He who humbles himself will be exalted."
32:54 "And he who exalts himself..."
32:56 Somebody else will do also the humbling.
32:58 "...will be humbled."
33:01 That's the law of life and death.
33:02 You humble yourself; life.
33:04 You exalt yourself; death.
33:06 It's that simple.
33:08 Notice verse 9.
33:12 Did He exalt Himself?
33:15 No, God did.
33:16 God has highly exalted Him and given Him the name.
33:19 Who gave Him the name?
33:20 Did He grab the name? No.
33:41 Not even to His own glory, but to the glory of His Father.
33:47 Are you catching the picture here?
33:49 He humbles Himself, and His Father gives Him a name.
33:54 His Father exalts Him.
33:57 And it's all not for His glory.
33:59 It's for the glory of whom?
34:01 It's for the glory of His Father.
34:04 Now how does this impact us?
34:07 You know, many times we want to rule before we pay our dues.
34:15 We want to be up here before we are willing to humble ourselves.
34:20 In fact, the text that we read last sermon, last Sabbath,
34:25 Matthew 23 verse 12, has the essence of the
34:28 teachings of Jesus.
34:30 If you miss a lot of the things that Jesus said
34:32 and you understand this verse, you understand the most
34:35 important concept that Jesus taught.
34:37 "He who exalts himself will be humbled.
34:40 And he who humbles himself will be exalted."
34:42 And the life of Jesus is a living
34:44 illustration of this principle.
34:46 And the question is, what about us?
34:50 Do we have to follow the same process that Jesus did?
34:54 Of course we do.
34:57 Actually, Jesus is giving us an example.
34:59 He's saying, "As I have humbled Myself,
35:02 you humble yourselves too.
35:04 That as I was exalted, someday you might be exalted
35:07 with Me as well."
35:10 You see, we can never occupy the throne
35:12 until we have carried the cross.
35:16 We can never be exalted unless first we have humbled ourselves.
35:21 You know, there are many illustrations
35:23 of this in Scripture.
35:24 You have the life of Joseph.
35:27 Joseph was up here nice at home, and God says, "Hey, you have to
35:31 go over to Egypt and become a servant."
35:35 And so Joseph goes, he's faithful as a servant,
35:38 he's faithful as a slave.
35:40 He ends up even in prison.
35:42 And so God says, "Okay, now you have learned the
35:44 lesson of being humble.
35:45 Now I'm going to exalt you."
35:47 And He places him as the Prime Minister of Egypt.
35:51 Do you think he would have been ready to be Prime Minister
35:53 of Egypt unless he had paid his dues.
35:56 Absolutely not.
36:00 You have the story of the transfiguration.
36:03 See, the disciples, they thought that Jesus was going to
36:06 sit on the throne, he was going to destroy the Romans.
36:09 He was going to be up here first.
36:11 Jesus says, "No, no, no, no.
36:13 I have to go to Jerusalem.
36:15 They're going to mock Me, they are going to spit in My face,
36:17 and they're going to crucify Me.
36:19 But then I'll tell you what.
36:20 After I'm crucified, I'm going to resurrect
36:22 and God is going to exalt Me."
36:26 So you see, "First," Jesus says, "I must die."
36:29 And then He's seen in His kingdom with Moses and Elijah,
36:33 who represent a mini kingdom.
36:36 Moses; those who died in Christ and resurrected.
36:39 And Elijah; those who will be transported to heaven
36:41 from among the living.
36:42 Jesus is saying to the disciples, "Listen, I know
36:45 you're all dejected because I said I was going to Jerusalem,
36:47 I was going to be mistreated, and I was going to die.
36:49 But lift up your spirits.
36:51 Look, this is the way it's going to be.
36:54 This is the way the kingdom is going to be.
36:56 I am going to be glorified like you see Me here
36:58 on the mount of transfiguration.
37:00 And Moses and Elijah, representing the whole
37:02 human race, are going to be with Me."
37:05 Wow.
37:07 But first comes the humbling, and then comes the exalting.
37:12 We have the same thing in Daniel chapter 7.
37:16 You know, it talks about the saints of God being
37:18 trampled upon and being mistreated.
37:21 But then the time of the judgment comes.
37:22 See, they've been stepped on.
37:25 They've lost everything.
37:26 They've been burned at the stake.
37:28 Their goods have been confiscated.
37:31 They've been hung.
37:34 They've been stamped on.
37:37 But then in the judgment, we find the kingdom is given to
37:41 Jesus and to the saints of the Most High.
37:43 And they shall rule forever and ever.
37:47 So don't you think that suffering is so bad.
37:51 Don't you think that humbling is so bad.
37:53 Because only those who know the lesson of humility
37:58 will ever be exalted.
38:00 It's a law of life.
38:03 Notice the way the apostle Paul expresses this
38:05 in 2 Timothy chapter 2 and verse 12.
38:08 2 Timothy chapter 2 and verse 12.
38:10 He gives us this maxim, he gives us this formula,
38:15 which has to be fulfilled.
38:18 2 Timothy chapter 2 and verse 12.
38:22 The apostle Paul says...
38:35 Now notice, "If we endure..."
38:37 Other versions translate, "If we suffer..."
38:47 So what's the necessary requisite for reigning with Him?
38:52 Going through suffering now, through trials,
38:54 through tribulations, through difficulties.
38:56 And folks, as we go through the trials and tribulations
38:58 and difficulties in a humble way, we learn great lessons
39:03 that will make us capable of handling the
39:08 greater responsibilities.
39:11 Because he who is faithful in little will eventually be
39:14 faithful in what?
39:16 In much.
39:18 I'd like to end by reading 2 Corinthians 4:17-18,
39:23 where the apostle Paul is describing his own experience.
39:26 He says...
39:35 What's for a moment?
39:37 Our light, what?
39:38 "Oh Pastor, you don't know how much I'm suffering."
39:41 The apostle Paul says, "For our light affliction,
39:44 which is but for a moment..."
39:45 I mean, what are 70 or 80 years in the context of eternity?
39:53 Notice that our light affliction but for a moment,
39:55 "is working for us..."
40:05 Those are the things, the light affliction but for a moment.
40:21 I pray to God that He will help us learn this lesson, folks.
40:25 That he who humbles himself will be exalted.
40:29 And he who exalts himself will be humbled.


Revised 2014-12-17