Liberty Insider

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI210514B

00:06 Welcome back .to the Liberty Insider
00:08 Before the break, I was getting a bit nostalgic
00:12 by sharing my last editorial in Liberty magazine.
00:17 I put myself up for retirement a few months ago
00:19 and they've since replaced me
00:20 with a recent guest on our program, Bettina Krause.
00:25 But given that this is likely
00:27 the last episode of this long running series
00:31 that I've been privileged to be part of over 20 years.
00:34 I haven't even looked closely at it,
00:35 but I know it's over the 20 years.
00:40 You know I thought that was a good way
00:41 to segue into summarizing
00:44 and capstoning the contribution
00:49 that I've been able to make
00:50 and the communications I've made on this program.
00:54 I could jump in so many different places.
00:58 But when I look back on it,
00:59 the world has changed in massive ways,
01:02 even in just a couple of decades.
01:05 When I began editing the magazine,
01:08 of course, there were issues.
01:10 The main issue of the time was with vouchers,
01:15 a tricky way people thought at the time
01:18 to put government money in the...
01:22 against church, schools to publicly fund
01:26 religious activity.
01:28 And some of our own people were quite enthused by this
01:30 because government money seemed useful to do a good thing.
01:33 But it was part of a blurring of the line of distinction
01:36 between church and state.
01:37 But when I looked back on it,
01:39 that was kid's play that what we're in now,
01:41 then 9/11 intervened,
01:42 and we saw a whole religious community
01:45 is inherently dangerous toward Western democracy.
01:48 Whether that's true, I think, probably not,
01:51 but there was an element of radicalism in Islam
01:54 and always has been
01:56 that's antithetical to Western democratic ideals.
02:01 And that I'm certain now
02:02 there's not a misinterpretation as one Islamic leader
02:06 said in the meeting I was at.
02:08 They said, "There's no such thing
02:09 as separation of church and state in Islam.
02:12 Very true but the United States
02:15 depends upon separation of church and state
02:17 to give teeth to its protection of religion
02:21 by restraining the government and the churches on both sides.
02:26 The government given
02:27 half a chance would control and orchestrate those churches
02:31 that had funds and churches,
02:34 as we saw during the Middle Ages
02:36 with the Roman Catholic Church
02:37 would love to have a chance to dictate to the state,
02:40 how to uphold its form of orthodoxy
02:43 and to punish those that finds heretical.
02:48 So we've been interesting places,
02:51 but we've moved on.
02:52 Within the space of that 20 years,
02:55 a developing skepticism by the religious right
02:59 to the separation of church and state
03:01 has turned into outright enmity,
03:04 where they claim boldly and un-factually that
03:09 there's no such thing
03:10 in the Constitution, and no term.
03:13 But as many judges and public figures
03:15 have admitted through the years
03:17 and starting with Jefferson himself,
03:19 who had a lot to do
03:21 with through his Virginia statute,
03:24 with the concept of the separation
03:26 of church and state.
03:28 Many people have upheld, yes,
03:29 there's a separation of church and state.
03:31 But it's hated now by, at least,
03:34 a significant fraction of the religious right.
03:38 I'm making discoveries all the time
03:40 and I've long ago read a book by Hal Lindsey,
03:43 Late Great Planet Earth, which had a lot to do
03:46 with the rise of dispensationalism,
03:49 which is a curious,
03:51 largely unbiblical doctrine of God's people being
03:55 plucked out of this earth
03:56 before the real trouble descends.
03:59 It'd be nice but it's not the promised thing.
04:01 We're here to help finish it.
04:04 But I read that book, but only the other day
04:07 that I discovered another book that
04:08 Hal Lindsey wrote, Warning of Coming Genocide,
04:13 by people that hold this
04:14 extreme view of the place of Israel
04:17 in prophecy and a theocratic aspiration
04:20 in this country.
04:22 People, in other words,
04:23 that bought into his first book,
04:25 and he pointed out that, the same dynamic that
04:28 led the Lutheran and then
04:29 the Catholic Churches in Germany,
04:31 to turn on the Jews in a genocidal move,
04:33 he said could easily produce
04:35 that same genocide in the US.
04:38 And the way he outlined that
04:40 it would not just be the Jews, all that don't share
04:43 their particular triumphalist view of a promised nation
04:49 and the theocratic role of the United States.
04:54 These are real dangers. We've moved on to...
04:58 On January 6,
04:59 there were many things going on but in my view,
05:02 judging by the joyful prayer made at the speaker's podium
05:07 there by some of the invaders,
05:10 where they thanked the Lord for what they were doing.
05:11 And there's a certain Christian triumphalism at work
05:16 that really it sees no contradiction
05:18 in beating down the walls and beating people into line,
05:21 to establish God's Kingdom on earth.
05:23 That is not God's way and it is certainly
05:26 not the way to religious freedom.
05:31 And as I've often said in Liberty magazine,
05:33 what we've seen lately
05:35 under the guise of religious liberty
05:36 because it's...
05:37 No one's against religious liberty.
05:39 I never met anyone opposed to it
05:41 but everybody defines it differently.
05:44 And under the guise of religious liberty,
05:46 in the Christian West,
05:47 and particularly the United States,
05:49 we're seeing religious entitlement,
05:51 special privilege for a type of religionist,
05:55 who has one hand on the reins of power
05:58 and the other ready to invoke
06:00 that power to whip
06:02 with those that disagree with them.
06:04 We're seeing that rather than true religious liberty.
06:07 We are not heading into liberal times
06:10 and none of us know how long we will live.
06:12 None of us know how long that the earth
06:15 will circle the sun.
06:16 We don't know how long God is allowed
06:19 this whole order that we live under.
06:22 But it's obvious to me that sooner rather than later,
06:24 perhaps in our lifetime, we're going to see
06:27 the results of a liberal attempts
06:31 to subvert true freedom into compulsion.
06:34 I believe things like property values,
06:37 things like respect for other people,
06:40 things like monetary stability,
06:42 they are all going out
06:43 the window at the speed of light.
06:46 And it's very likely that
06:47 we'll be into some of the sort of dysfunction
06:50 that the science fiction writers
06:52 and the more fantastical movies,
06:54 most recently the purge are imagining.
06:59 It's reached the point
07:01 where the worst imaginations of man's heart
07:03 are really becoming realized
07:06 because as the Bible says, "Every imagination is evil."
07:10 We're not living in a godly generation.
07:12 We're living in an evil time.
07:14 Again, it's been a great privilege
07:16 to be associated with this program.
07:19 And I know 3ABN has many programs
07:21 and many ways of
07:22 spreading the word for this day,
07:25 and the Seventh-day Adventist spreading
07:26 the three angels' messages.
07:28 The message doesn't cease but this program will.
07:31 And so I want to thank those
07:33 that have watched regularly.
07:35 It's been a great journey, and stay faithful.
07:40 Stay clear on
07:41 what religious liberty truly is.
07:44 Don't be one of those that believe
07:45 and practice a lie.
07:47 Be one of those that stand for the truth,
07:49 stand for ultimate freedom,
07:51 stand for the Lord Jesus Christ,
07:52 because no matter
07:54 what your theological view is,
07:55 no matter what your do good sensibilities,
07:58 if you don't represent Jesus accurately,
08:01 He will likely say, "I never knew you."
08:03 We want the reverse.
08:04 We want to hear Him say,
08:06 "Well done, good and faithful servant,
08:09 enter thou into the joy of the Lord."
08:16 The ones famous author Charles Dickens in writing
08:19 one of his semi-autobiographical stories
08:22 began by saying,
08:24 "Whether I am the hero of my own life
08:27 remains to be seen."
08:29 For most of us, that's really very much the story.
08:32 We can't clearly judge on
08:34 how successful we've been
08:36 or what we're trying to do,
08:37 or indeed how others see us.
08:39 And when I think of what I've been able to do
08:41 with Liberty magazine
08:43 and on this program, it's harder to judge.
08:46 All I know is that
08:48 it's a great privilege to pick up
08:50 from what others have done and carry forward
08:52 a proclamation of religious liberty,
08:55 which I see is inseparable from the Gospel Commission.
08:59 Others will follow it to be sure,
09:01 but like those faithful
09:04 mentioned in Hebrews Chapter 11,
09:07 some of whom were cut into song,
09:09 consumed by the flames, all of them and hopefully,
09:13 many of us, including myself will hear one day,
09:16 "Well done, good and faithful servant."


Revised 2021-12-16