Liberty Insider

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI210513A

00:27 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:29 This is a program designed to bring you up to speed,
00:32 catch your interest and inform you
00:34 on religious liberty developments
00:36 in the US and around the world.
00:38 My name is Lincoln Steed, host of the program
00:41 and for 22 years editor of Liberty magazine,
00:45 and nearly as long on this program.
00:47 And I'd like to take you far away
00:51 where I originally came from, way down South.
00:55 I've told people for years talking to audiences in the US,
00:57 I'm from the Deep South.
00:59 Well, it's Deep South,
01:01 the South of the great Southern land of Australia.
01:03 But talking about religious liberty,
01:05 it's hit me that something took place down there
01:09 a few decades ago
01:10 that was very telling
01:12 on the nature of religious liberty
01:14 and how easily societal attitudes
01:16 can turn against those of faith.
01:21 Perhaps a few of the viewers remember,
01:24 especially if you are readers of Adventist books.
01:26 When I was book editor
01:28 at Pacific Press in Boise, Idaho,
01:30 I was under assignment to get a book
01:32 based on the story I'm about to share a little with you,
01:37 the saga of the Chamberlains,
01:40 Lindy and Michael Chamberlain.
01:42 A Seventh-day Adventist Church pastor and his wife,
01:44 who with their infant daughter and two young sons
01:48 went out into the desert
01:50 in the Center of Australia at Ayers Rock
01:52 where there's a massive monolith
01:54 surrounded by mostly desert plains
01:58 with a few scrubby eucalyptus,
01:59 and kangaroos, and emus but not much else.
02:02 They went camping there and while...
02:06 Even to this day,
02:07 it's a little obscure what happened.
02:08 It appears
02:10 that while they were gathered around the campfire
02:12 with their children in a nearby tent,
02:15 a dingo or a wild dog crept into the tent
02:18 and took the child out of the sleep
02:21 of a little bassinet is the term
02:22 they use down there,
02:24 in the presence of the two boys.
02:26 But it was never clear
02:27 if they saw it or what they were doing.
02:30 It was an incredible headline used item for years
02:34 and I was in Australia during much of that period.
02:38 And initially, people were just overwhelmed
02:42 with sympathy for the family
02:45 as you'd expect because to have a child
02:48 that's just a few weeks old
02:50 taken and probably eaten by the wild animals
02:54 was horrific.
02:57 Unfortunately, the family didn't help a lot.
03:00 The father was a Seventh-day Adventist minister
03:03 and I think because of their faith,
03:07 they were able to bear up reasonably well,
03:11 and make statements to the media
03:13 that they were not worried.
03:14 They knew they would see their daughter again
03:17 beyond this veil of tears,
03:19 but they had hope for another time.
03:22 That was good.
03:23 But unfortunately as time went on,
03:26 that seemed to translate
03:27 into a rather careless attitude in the public mind
03:31 because the next day
03:32 Michael was there taking photographs.
03:34 He said he was going to write a book
03:36 about the event.
03:38 In the inquest
03:39 that was followed closely by the public.
03:41 The wife turned up in a different dress every day
03:44 and the newspaper started covering it like
03:47 a fashion moment
03:49 and so people became a little ambivalent.
03:52 Were these truly grieving parents?
03:55 So a lot of gossip grew up
03:58 that maybe something happened different than an animal.
04:03 Then a misunderstanding kicked in
04:06 Seventh-day Adventists Protestant Christians,
04:10 Bible believing and prophecy explicating
04:16 Protestant Christians
04:18 and one of the emphases
04:20 of the Adventist Church is on health.
04:22 We're very much opposed to alcohol,
04:24 tobacco and other habits and substances
04:26 that will ruin our body's integrity
04:29 and, of course, cloud our minds about
04:31 understanding spiritual things.
04:33 And in spite of that the husband
04:35 had run anti-smoking clinics in his church and as a gimmick
04:39 but very unfortunate
04:40 when the media attention focused on them.
04:42 He used to carry a little coffin down
04:45 in the middle of the church
04:47 and have people throw their cigarettes into it
04:50 as he was asking them to stop smoking.
04:52 Well, a little coffin seems more than prescient
04:56 for a family like that.
04:57 People started to wonder,
04:59 "Was it foreshadowing
05:00 their efforts to do away with a child?"
05:01 So rumors grew up like crazy.
05:04 But the judge, like most judges kept to the law
05:09 and tried to have personal justice
05:11 as well as legal justice.
05:13 And so at the hearing, they made it public
05:16 and he decried all of the rumors and innuendos
05:19 that were going on.
05:20 And he said, "These are truly grieving parents."
05:23 He says they did not harm their child
05:25 and exonerated them.
05:27 And that should have been the end of it,
05:30 but unfortunately there was a fight
05:32 even within the church.
05:33 And a dentist
05:36 from the same religious community
05:39 was convinced that they had done something
05:42 so he went to the police.
05:43 They gave him the little jacket that had been found
05:46 and he took that to England
05:48 and here is where farce kicks in.
05:51 He took it to England and had a dingo expert in England.
05:53 There's no dingo in England, examined it.
05:56 And the idea that he brought back
05:59 was that there was not teeth marks on it.
06:01 These were scissor marks.
06:03 And so a whole scenario was cooked up
06:06 whereby with the group around the fire
06:11 the mother had ducked away for just a moment,
06:13 killed the child with scissors,
06:16 stuffed his body in a camera bag
06:17 and come back and acted normally.
06:20 The timing was improbable,
06:22 as well as the rationale was crazy,
06:25 so then the police started really checking on this couple.
06:30 Again, they didn't help themselves
06:32 very much.
06:34 They separated them with quiz separately,
06:36 of course, with tape recorders rolling.
06:39 And the wife sure of her innocence said
06:42 to the policeman in the car,
06:44 she said, "Even if I did it, you couldn't prove it."
06:47 And he says, "You're a very clever woman,
06:49 but we will get you."
06:51 So those were all unfortunate human elements
06:53 that contributed to it,
06:55 but there's no question
06:57 that as this thing revved up religious prejudice,
07:00 misunderstandings,
07:02 and then outright disliked minority group kicked in.
07:07 And it went on for years and years
07:09 and in the end,
07:11 Lindy Chamberlain was put on trial,
07:14 convicted and sentenced to,
07:17 I think it was 20 years but a lifetime,
07:19 essentially with hard labor.
07:22 Her husband was convicted of being an accomplice
07:25 but given a suspended sentence,
07:27 which is where the judge showed his clemency
07:29 because the judge was very easy on them
07:32 but the community were not
07:37 and the jury in that area were very prejudiced.
07:41 They even allowed to go home at night and discuss things
07:44 and what's the news and all the rest.
07:45 But in the sentencing guidelines for her,
07:48 the judge had no choice so it was obligatory.
07:52 With the husband, he showed
07:53 that he didn't really think that this even happened.
07:57 And the government, as I listened to it,
07:59 were looking for an excuse to release it from prison
08:02 because it's not unusual.
08:04 Even when a parent does kill a child like that,
08:08 they'll put it down to extenuating circumstances
08:11 like postpartum depression or whatever.
08:15 But what I really want to bring up
08:17 here in this short discussion
08:19 is once religious prejudice kicked in,
08:23 it then divided the church.
08:27 And half of the church members
08:30 believe she'd done it, half not.
08:32 In the wide community,
08:34 the vast majority of citizens believed
08:36 that this woman was guilty.
08:38 They do till this day, incidentally.
08:41 So there was infighting in the church,
08:43 half of the church members were prayerful about it,
08:48 the other half were politically active,
08:50 and used to hold rallies on the Sabbath day,
08:53 even demanding her release.
08:55 And I talked to some of them
08:57 and they did notice that there was a connection
09:00 between for one of a better word,
09:04 religious liberalism and the political activism
09:07 of those that were supporting political reasons
09:10 to get her out of prison.
09:12 But it tore the church apart and the country
09:14 was in a turmoil periodically over this.
09:18 In the middle of all of this,
09:20 I was listening to the legal programs
09:23 on government radio.
09:25 And there were two things that happened
09:27 that made me realize
09:28 the stakes were very, very high.
09:33 As in America, Australia has great guilt
09:36 about its treatment of the indigenous peoples.
09:41 The United States
09:43 has gotten over it to a large degree,
09:45 but you know, there were land grants,
09:47 reservations and so on given to the Indian tribes
09:50 and they're out of sight, out of mind for most people.
09:53 In Australia, it's a little more public
09:56 because of the civil rights movements
10:02 of recent years.
10:03 They've taken up the cause of the Aboriginals
10:06 and given them the land back also
10:08 and recognizing sacred places and so on.
10:11 But in recognition of the abusive nature
10:15 of colonialism
10:16 and the White settlement in Australia,
10:19 they have long allowed native peoples
10:23 to give unsworn testimony in court.
10:26 That's not allowed in the US that I know of
10:29 and that was out of deference to the fact.
10:31 And Australian Aboriginals are not an aggressive people,
10:34 nothing to do with colonialism or whatever.
10:36 There are just a very passive quiet, sorts of,
10:40 a nature of their race.
10:43 And so to allow them to appear in court
10:46 were normally under cross examination,
10:49 they could be intimidated,
10:51 and they would say nothing
10:52 or crack under the attorney's questions.
10:56 It had been allowed
10:58 that they could give the testimony.
10:59 It would be unchallenged to go into the record.
11:02 In the middle of this Chamberlain thing,
11:04 where the followers of Lindy were trying to elect
11:08 their own representatives
11:09 into the Northern territory where this took place,
11:14 into the Northern territory assembly with the stated aim
11:17 that they would then use their legal powers
11:20 to release her from prison.
11:23 And one of the Adventist lay people,
11:27 a wealthy journalist had uncovered
11:30 supposedly new testimony from an Aboriginal tracker,
11:33 who could prove,
11:35 "prove that the body had been dragged
11:39 under the home of a ranger
11:43 who then shot the animal and disposed the body."
11:47 Crazy stuff.
11:49 And here on the legal program, they were saying,
11:54 "No reference to the Chamberlain thing."
11:55 But suddenly in the middle of this
11:57 that they were in the process of removing this clause that...
12:01 or this provision that allowed natives
12:05 to give unsworn testimony.
12:08 So it removed a massive protection
12:12 from an entire people
12:14 in trying to get this one person out of jail.
12:17 That was bad enough but then a few weeks later,
12:19 I heard something that is much more relevant now
12:23 but it was very frightening at the occasion.
12:25 This was not well before 9/11.
12:27 This was in the 1980s.
12:31 And the lawyers came on this program
12:33 and they said the greatest threat ever
12:35 to civil liberties is taking place
12:37 in the Northern Territory.
12:39 They said they're in the process of...
12:41 They put forward a bill that would...
12:44 an anti-terrorism bill.
12:46 And at that point,
12:47 there had never been a terrorist act in Australia.
12:51 The closest to it,
12:52 there's a lot of Serbs and Croats
12:54 that have made their way to Australia
12:56 and because we know the Balkans War,
12:58 what that produced there
12:59 but in Australia it was just antagonism
13:01 between the elements of the community.
13:03 And I remember on one occasion
13:05 someone exploded the garbage can,
13:07 probably put a firecracker or something in.
13:09 That was the closest to a terrorist action.
13:11 So here according to this
13:14 law review report,
13:18 they said this great threat to civil liberties
13:20 was coming under an anti-terrorism bill
13:22 and the bill will be set up this way.
13:26 They would establish an anti-terrorism Commissioner,
13:30 who would not be bound by the rules of evidence.
13:34 Now that's quite startling.
13:36 Both in Australia and England and also in the US,
13:42 there's the rules of Habeas corpus
13:44 and the conventions of,
13:47 you know, a trial by jury
13:48 and you know, all of these conventions of fair trial,
13:51 fair and speedy trial and you're innocent
13:53 until proven guilty and so on.
13:55 That wouldn't apply in this case.
13:56 He's not bound by the rules of evidence
13:59 and he would hold a secret list of terrorist organizations,
14:03 a secret list, never made public.
14:06 And if you belonged to a member
14:09 of one of these secretly listed organizations,
14:13 you would be subject to immediate
14:15 and arbitrary arrest
14:16 and imprisonment without trial
14:19 on hard labor for the rest of your life.
14:21 I mean, it's just...
14:22 You couldn't hardly credit such a thing.
14:24 And it clearly was a response
14:28 to the political pressure being brought
14:31 to gain release of Lindy Chamberlain.
14:35 A very sad situation.
14:37 I will speak a little bit more about it
14:39 after the break but stay with me.
14:41 And we'll continue the tale of the desert
14:45 from Australia and civil and religious liberties.


Revised 2021-12-09