Liberty Insider

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI210512A

00:27 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:29 This is a program consciously designed
00:32 to clarify things for you on religious liberty.
00:36 While we often feature events in the United States,
00:39 it's a global concern.
00:41 My name is Lincoln Steed,
00:43 for 22 years editor of Liberty magazine,
00:46 and nearly as long as the host of this show,
00:49 and those of you
00:50 that have regularly watched this know
00:52 that our normal setup is for me
00:54 to have a guest and to dialogue with them.
00:56 But on this program and several others,
00:58 I intend to just talk directly to you.
01:03 I'm sure over the years you've heard me
01:06 mention the book, The Great Controversy.
01:09 And for Seventh-day Adventists,
01:10 this is a rather important book.
01:12 It was written by Ellen White,
01:15 who together with her husband James White
01:17 were in essence the co-founders
01:19 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
01:21 They and others of their era
01:24 had gone through what was known as The Great Disappointment.
01:27 They had followed
01:29 a Bible teacher and leader, William Miller,
01:35 who was studying prophecy and became convinced
01:37 that 1844 was to be the return, literal return of Jesus Christ.
01:42 Obviously, they had their numbers wrong.
01:44 And even before
01:46 the Adventist Church was formed,
01:47 Ellen and James White and others saw this
01:50 at first on a bitter experience of standing, waiting
01:54 at the moment that it was predicted
01:56 that didn't happen.
01:58 And then in looking more closely
02:00 at how prophecies to be interpreted,
02:02 she realized that I think
02:04 all honest Christians see now that as Jesus said,
02:08 "It's not given to you to know the day and the hour."
02:12 He says, "He will come like a thief
02:13 in the night."
02:14 But it is given to us as the upbraid of the Pharisees
02:17 for not understanding the time of His appearance.
02:20 He says, "You study the seasons,
02:22 you should know the appropriate time
02:24 for the fulfillment of these events."
02:26 And I think it's arguable that we are living
02:29 in the end times portrayed in the Bible,
02:32 and in particular in the Book of Revelation.
02:35 And Ellen White wrote Great Controversy
02:39 at a very interesting time in US history
02:42 and in Adventist history.
02:45 In the year 1888,
02:48 the Adventist Church was very small,
02:51 was only a few tens of thousands of members.
02:54 It was growing quickly.
02:55 And today it's many millions of people,
02:57 I think, somewhere around 15 million worldwide.
03:00 But it was very small back then.
03:03 They had just established a religious liberty work,
03:06 and Alonzo T. Jones, AT
03:10 which used to be the style
03:13 and someone that was powerful,
03:15 you know, just have their initials AT Jones
03:18 was editing that magazine, the Liberty precursor.
03:22 And suddenly religious liberty
03:24 which had always been important for a group
03:26 that had come through the ridicule
03:28 of the failed expectation
03:30 who had been injected from their churches,
03:33 many of them because they believe things
03:35 that were objectionable,
03:37 who had been harassed by authorities
03:39 for disobeying the blue laws,
03:42 which were common back then
03:43 and are still on the books
03:44 in about 20 states blue laws that,
03:46 that find criminalized on occasion work
03:51 and different activities on Sunday,
03:53 the nominal Lord's Day of the society,
03:56 never biblically correct
03:59 and certainly not legally appropriate
04:03 since the First Amendment grants religious freedom,
04:06 but the states back then were penalizing people
04:09 that didn't worship on the Sunday.
04:12 So Seventh-day Adventists had this long concern,
04:15 but in 1888,
04:17 something quite galvanizing happened.
04:20 There was a proposal in the Senate
04:24 for a national Sunday law and not a blue law
04:27 that might find you for doing this
04:29 and that and the other.
04:30 A law that overtly said that that day was to be...
04:33 It was under pain of loyal forbidden
04:35 from doing any commercial or regular secular activities.
04:40 And you were to worship on the...
04:43 As I said the Lord's Day.
04:45 It was a Sunday law which Adventists
04:48 already by studying prophecy had said,
04:53 "A strong push to enforce a false day of worship."
04:59 And I must tell you, on religious liberty,
05:01 by definition,
05:03 any enforced day of worship is false.
05:05 Biblically, the seventh day Sabbath
05:07 is the day given under the Ten Commandments
05:10 and no direct command
05:13 as the papal document Dies Domini says,
05:15 "There's no direct command of the Lord to change it."
05:18 I mean, they did.
05:20 And the early Christians, some of them felt free to,
05:22 but there was no command.
05:24 So it's a binding day,
05:25 but from the principle of religious liberty,
05:29 if the United States
05:30 or any country would bring in a law,
05:32 compelling worship on the seventh day Sabbath,
05:36 it would be wrong, because that is not the way
05:40 that God ever worked with man to compel them
05:43 against their will,
05:44 to worship Him in the way
05:47 He would find acceptable,
05:48 because it even says in the Old Testament,
05:50 you know, I find no pleasure in the sacrifice of animals,
05:54 you know, He wanted heart worship.
05:57 But still,
05:58 to add further insult to the wrong dynamic,
06:01 it was on a Sunday, a false day,
06:05 and AT Jones was quite involved in challenging this legally.
06:09 He gave testimony
06:11 before a congressional committee.
06:14 And then spoke many, many times to the Adventist community
06:17 about the danger of this and the prophetic significance
06:22 that it signaled the very imminent
06:24 return of Christ.
06:26 So in that context,
06:27 Ellen White wrote this book Great Controversy,
06:31 which tells the great sweep of human events
06:35 and God's dealings with humans,
06:37 really from the earliest times
06:39 right through till His appearance,
06:43 tell the story of the reformation
06:44 of efforts to restrict liberty of conscience.
06:47 It tells in advance, and we believe
06:50 it was divinely explicated to her,
06:53 tell us in advance how even in the United States,
06:57 religious liberty will be restricted,
07:00 and people will turn against those
07:03 who persist in keeping the Lord's Day as Saturday
07:08 and honoring it.
07:09 I want to read you a couple of selections
07:12 from this book.
07:14 But before I do,
07:16 let me just tell you one example,
07:17 where I found it most illuminating
07:20 to be familiar with this book.
07:23 In 2015, I think it was, the Pope of Rome
07:27 came and addressed the joint session of Congress.
07:32 To me, that was a massive moment.
07:35 Massive historically, because up until that point,
07:38 no religious leader had ever spoken to a joint session.
07:43 The few that addressed legislators
07:46 were like Lafayette,
07:51 the Prime Minister of Israel a couple of times,
07:56 you know, major world figures, Winston Churchill,
07:58 I think twice, no religious leader.
08:01 And in fact, a few months before the pope came,
08:04 there was a suggestion that the Dalai Lama
08:07 might address Congress.
08:08 And that was quickly nixed,
08:10 because it was said he would be a divisive figure.
08:13 Why? I don't know.
08:15 I mean, I don't personally
08:17 go along with his whole Buddhist philosophy,
08:19 but he's certainly a benign grandfatherly figure.
08:22 But it would be wrong for such prominence to be given
08:28 to religious leader in Congress,
08:29 as it was wrong for the pope to speak,
08:33 but it was agreed and it was a historic moment.
08:38 As I say, no other religious leader
08:40 beyond that...
08:44 No Catholic in previous years
08:47 would have ever been let near Congress,
08:50 which was a sign of prejudice.
08:52 You can't endorse the previous attitudes.
08:56 But given that the United States society
08:58 was so overwhelmingly Protestant,
09:01 and at times violently, anti-Catholic,
09:05 the Ku Klux Klan was not just racist,
09:08 it was anti-Catholic and anti-Jew.
09:10 They wanted a white Protestant America.
09:13 Roman Catholics were persecuted
09:16 openly in New York City in the mid 1800s.
09:21 I remember reading about one crowd of several thousand
09:24 that rampaged for a whole weekend
09:26 through New York,
09:27 killing every Catholic like the lay their hands on.
09:31 Bad history.
09:32 But given all of that,
09:34 now the pope brought in as a conquering hero,
09:37 amazing.
09:39 So, and then from a Seventh-day Adventist perspective,
09:43 we are told that when Romanism, the Church of the Medieval Era,
09:49 which by its own accounting did things
09:53 that were horribly wrong.
09:55 Now there's a document that Rome came out
09:57 with called Memory and Reconciliation,
10:00 where they apologized for the Inquisition,
10:04 for the persecution of the Jews and on and on.
10:07 Unfortunately, they kept the magisterium intact,
10:11 their sign of authority, their right to do that,
10:14 but they apologized for what they did.
10:16 But the point is,
10:18 there's no defense of what happened then.
10:20 And this was the mainline church
10:22 and Protestantism separated from it
10:25 for problems of doctrinal disharmony
10:29 or disturbances, false day of worship and so on.
10:34 And also because of its corruption
10:38 and paganism.
10:40 So for the United States,
10:45 once Protestant country to then
10:46 think very benignly on Romanism.
10:49 Seventh-day Adventists felt,
10:51 and are convinced is a fulfillment of prophecy.
10:55 In Revelation it's, and in Daniel it speaks about
10:59 a power that has been wounded,
11:01 and speaking against the Most High
11:03 and changing times and seasons,
11:05 all markers of false Sabbaths and so on,
11:08 that it will, the whole world will wonder after it,
11:11 and it will be reinstated.
11:13 And Seventh-day Adventist see in the elevation
11:15 of the modern papacy,
11:17 which has every right to exist.
11:20 All religions, and on this whole spectrum
11:23 under the principle of religious liberty
11:25 absolutely should be allowed to function.
11:28 You restrict any religion,
11:30 and you're struck against the principle
11:31 of religious freedom.
11:33 But from an Adventist perspective,
11:34 looking at truth and error and prophetic developments,
11:38 this was very problematic.
11:40 And I can remember on that day
11:42 after I went and heard the pope speech,
11:45 that pope's speech
11:46 which was benign on the face of it,
11:49 but he was lecturing the legislators.
11:52 And when I came back to the office,
11:54 we had a board meeting.
11:57 And I was quite excited
11:58 that I'd heard this historic moment
12:01 for the United States and this prophetic moment
12:03 for a Seventh-day Adventist.
12:05 And as I was talking about it,
12:08 two of the lawyers that were in that group,
12:11 and I won't name them for their protection
12:13 and not to embarrass them.
12:15 They started mocking me and they said, "Big deal.
12:18 He's not bringing the Sunday law."
12:21 And I said, well, I didn't say that.
12:25 But I said, "You haven't read The Great Controversy,
12:28 have you?"
12:29 And no answer.
12:31 And I realized in a moment
12:33 that it's likely that they hadn't,
12:36 and it's certain that many of my fellow members
12:39 haven't read it.
12:40 And it's equally certain that not enough
12:42 of the general populace have been exposed to this book
12:45 that's been sold door to door for 100 years.
12:49 It does lay it out very well.
12:51 And I want to share with you after the break,
12:55 just a little bit that's in the book.
12:57 I mean, it's hundreds of pages,
12:59 but just to give you a flavor of it,
13:01 but we are living through momentous times.
13:05 And on this program before I've mentioned
13:08 a comment made by ex-President Adams
13:12 in his dialogue by mail with Thomas Jefferson,
13:16 interesting characters of yesteryear
13:19 and the battles that they had,
13:20 bitter political enemies,
13:22 even though Jefferson had been vice president under Adams.
13:27 But they were opposite spectrums, politically.
13:30 But they wrote letters
13:31 until they died on the very same day,
13:33 50 years after the Declaration of Independence.
13:36 And as he died, Adams cried out, he says,
13:39 "But he still lives."
13:42 And unknown to him, Jefferson had preceded him
13:44 by some time a couple of hours.
13:48 In their dialogue, they debated at one point
13:51 whether or not Christianity would survive
13:54 in the United States.
13:55 An interesting question.
13:59 Jefferson didn't think it would.
14:04 But Adams said, "Yes, it will survive."
14:06 But he said, "First, for it to survive,
14:08 he says that Hindu cabbalistic system
14:11 known as Roman Catholicism must pass away."
14:16 But he says, "At present it has a mortal wound,
14:19 but such is its strength
14:20 that it may last 200 years yet."
14:23 He was repeating the outline from the Bible,
14:27 from the Book of Daniel, and the Protestant concept
14:30 of the role of the Roman Catholic Church.
14:33 And we're here 200 years later,
14:35 of course, Rome is dominant,
14:38 far more dominant than any single
14:40 Protestant organization.
14:43 Stay with me and after the break,
14:44 I'll share a few words with you.


Revised 2021-11-29