Liberty Insider

Liberty Insider

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI210508B

00:06 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:08 Before the break, I was sharing
00:11 an editorial from 2013
00:15 that was taking a little longer than I thought to read.
00:18 Although none of them are long, they're only 1200 words
00:21 which words come and go pretty quick for most of us,
00:24 but it was inspired by the Second Coming,
00:28 which we had a picture on the cover,
00:30 those of you that missed it,
00:32 trying to signal at the time of disappointed
00:37 apocalyptic predictions and apocalyptic like
00:41 storm on the east coast of the US.
00:43 People were thinking about, what's going on?
00:45 So I'll pick it up at the beginning
00:47 of the paragraph that I was last reading.
00:52 An author that everyone knows, Lewis Carroll,
00:55 Alice in Wonderland, not everyone's read it,
00:58 but we know of that.
00:59 It's a good kid story,
01:00 but a little bit more than that.
01:02 He was deeply symbolic because he was a mathematician.
01:06 And I wrote here that Lewis Carroll
01:10 of the Alice in Wonderland fantasy,
01:13 but actually an accomplished mathematician,
01:16 wrote that, "If you don't know where you're going,
01:20 any road will take you there.
01:23 Too many of the roads up ahead signal trouble for us.
01:27 We need to know where we are going,
01:30 not necessarily whether the world will end one day.
01:34 I often tell seminar attendees that I can my,
01:37 stake my life on one prediction.
01:41 The world as we know it is about to pass away.
01:46 That I'm setting off,
01:48 whether it's the end of the world
01:50 or the beginning of Christ's eternal kingdom
01:51 that's not given to us to know.
01:54 Beyond this present world construct is likely
01:57 a time of runaway technological control
02:01 and dislocation.
02:03 Beyond is shore to be a time of declining resources
02:06 and more wars for access.
02:09 It will be a time of more natural disasters
02:12 caused by such things as unnatural global warming.
02:17 And I can already sense
02:19 a paradoxical swing towards
02:23 mass faith expression,
02:25 even as many will come to regard minority faith views
02:30 as a luxury that species survival cannot afford.
02:36 More than 100 years ago
02:37 the people who eventually began to publish Liberty Magazine
02:41 got into quite a debate about
02:43 how religious liberty should be projected
02:46 to the nation's thought leaders.
02:49 Some wanted to keep the argument
02:51 to historical and legal points.
02:53 Another group insisted on the necessity
02:56 of giving these arguments together
02:59 with a biblical framework.
03:02 They insisted that religious freedom
03:04 in the United States must be linked
03:07 to biblical faith and eschatology.
03:10 And in particular
03:12 they mentioned the Bible Sabbath,
03:14 a matter of much debate within Christendom, even today,
03:18 and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ,
03:20 a central teaching of Jesus,
03:21 without which one would have little more
03:24 than the wise sayings
03:25 that Jefferson redacted from the Gospels.
03:29 This magazine that I edited, Liberty Magazine,
03:32 continued that second approach.
03:35 We know that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
03:38 is the only perfect solution to all that ails the world
03:43 and nation of the United States.
03:47 And we sense that it may be soon.
03:52 But as the Apostle Paul wrote, "That day will not come,
03:57 unless the rebellion comes first,
04:00 and the man of lawlessness is revealed."
04:03 That's from 2 Thessalonians 2:3.
04:07 There might come a day, I write,
04:10 when the basic tenets of the Constitution
04:14 are practically put aside:
04:16 that certainly will be a time of crisis
04:19 for religious freedom,
04:21 but we defend the Constitution
04:23 because that day can be pushed back.
04:27 There may be uncertain times ahead
04:30 for social cohesion.
04:32 There may be stormy days more blustery
04:36 than any mega-storm yet seen on the East Coast.
04:40 But keep an eye on the horizon.
04:46 Poet Gerald Manley Hopkins
04:49 wrote how at such a time
04:52 "Morning, at the brown brink eastwards, springs."
04:58 We must be watchers for that event.
05:02 We must not be easily daunted
05:05 by ill-informed end of the world prognosticators
05:09 and, worse, their solutions.
05:12 Keep freedom alive in your hearts
05:15 and in your actions,
05:16 and the break in the clouds will come.
05:21 Was exciting stuff living through those days
05:24 and privilege for me to be able to write to it.
05:27 But you know, seven years, eight years down from that,
05:31 I can say it with a vengeance.
05:33 All of the signs of social, economic, financial,
05:38 and military storms are with us.
05:40 In fact, as I study history, in the long haul,
05:44 you can say the same thing.
05:46 But in the short haul,
05:47 we're only here by the mercy of God.
05:49 There is no logic that in the nuclear age,
05:55 with thousands of nuclear bombs stored up
05:59 by several major powers
06:01 and no end of aggravations between them.
06:04 There's no logic that we have lived this long.
06:08 Man is self-destructive, self-willed,
06:11 short imagined in all of his plans,
06:16 and they're going wrong at the speed of light.
06:19 But I think it's a privilege.
06:20 When we talk about religious liberty,
06:22 we're talking about a civil element,
06:27 you know, freedom of speech, freedom of thought,
06:29 these are civil rights.
06:31 But applying it to religion,
06:34 this is the most cherished aspect of our life,
06:37 the right to think beyond the storm,
06:40 beyond the troubles, beyond the immediate threat,
06:43 and to fix our gaze on a coming redemption.
06:47 You know, how could it be any better in our state?
06:53 For a year or two, sometime back,
06:56 I remember spending an inordinate amount of time
06:59 watching the debates on YouTube,
07:02 but they were given in different locations,
07:05 usually on college campuses, between Christopher Hitchens,
07:10 an avowed atheist, an enemy of all religions,
07:13 not just Christianity, and a great student of history.
07:15 I watched him
07:17 because he was a brilliant writer and historian,
07:19 and wordsmith.
07:21 And it was fascinating to watch his arguments
07:24 and to see him literally destroy many people
07:27 that thought their faith was intact.
07:29 And, you know, in the New Testament,
07:31 it tells a story
07:33 of the disciples trying to perform miracles
07:35 without the true faith in God and magician,
07:38 set the devil's upon them and says,
07:40 "You know, Paul, I know and so and so I know,
07:42 but who are you?"
07:43 You know, don't speak for God unless
07:45 you're really honestly wanting to be on God's side.
07:49 You know, just an assumed quackery religion
07:52 isn't going to cut it.
07:53 But I noticed that toward the end of his life
07:55 as Hitchens died painfully of cancer, unrepentant
07:59 of his anti-God stance.
08:04 He one occasion shortly before he died, he said,
08:08 "I've come to believe
08:09 that this world is basically a prison house
08:12 for the universe."
08:14 And how right he was, but how forgetful
08:18 or unknowing he was also,
08:21 that in this prison house, redemption is promised,
08:24 release is coming very, very shortly.
08:29 And that's the privilege in talking about
08:30 religious liberty.
08:32 It's not just a civil construct that helps people
08:35 that have this faith that's important to them,
08:37 not necessary to the whole, can carry forward.
08:40 No, it's how, as the Bible says,
08:43 this blessed hope can be protected in advance
08:46 toward that blessed eternal moment,
08:49 the moment of the ages when the skies part,
08:53 the storm fades away,
08:55 and the brilliant light of an eternal smile
08:58 from the deity is fixed on us.
09:01 That's the hope of the ages.
09:03 That's what this cover was hinting at.
09:06 The sky is not to be dark always,
09:09 it's to be bright with the glory of God.
09:15 When I was much younger and probably
09:17 more impressionable on the wrong things,
09:20 I had a dream of the Second Coming.
09:23 And my dream was incredibly mechanical.
09:26 There was a little kazoo type trumpet
09:29 that was elevated and then beeped out its message
09:33 and then I could see rollers on the side of the sky
09:36 and the sky was rolled back.
09:38 And there the heavenly group came
09:41 and they were like cardboard cutouts.
09:44 That is not how it's going to be, I'm quite sure.
09:47 CS Lewis writing on the event said it's like
09:51 a sudden end where a brick is thrown at the curtain
09:54 or the lamp and smashes it out.
09:57 It's a violent or at least a radical shifting
10:01 of the present reality.
10:04 That moment is something grand and imminent.
10:09 And I think it's a privilege for all of us
10:11 living in these declining days,
10:13 not of the Roman Empire,
10:15 not even of the American Empire,
10:17 but these declining days of the empire of man,
10:20 soon to be replaced by the eternal
10:23 empire and kingdom of God for the redeemed.
10:26 We can all be there.
10:28 We can all be expectant.
10:30 We can all know as we read God's Word
10:32 and read the seasons,
10:34 as the Pharisees will want not to do.
10:36 Christ is coming.
10:38 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2021-11-29