Liberty Insider

What I Have

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI210507A

00:27 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:28 This is a program that I've been working
00:31 on for nearly 20 years
00:34 in association with Liberty magazine
00:36 of which I edited for 22 years.
00:40 It's a program designed to bring you
00:42 up-to-date information and insights
00:44 on religious liberty in the US and around the world.
00:48 My name is Lincoln Steed.
00:49 And as I said, I have been editor of Liberty magazine
00:52 for 22 years.
00:54 Moving on from that,
00:55 but not moving on from sharing religious liberty
00:58 on this program.
01:00 As part of the association ,with 3ABN over the years
01:03 I was privileged on two occasions
01:06 to go to Israel as part of the Holy Land tour
01:11 that I think is still regularly sponsored by 3ABN,
01:15 certainly many Christian groups,
01:17 many Seventh-day Adventist groups
01:19 organize these tours, and many people are helped.
01:23 When you get to,
01:25 to Israel, in Jerusalem, it's very overwhelming.
01:29 And you find that there's sort of the,
01:31 the Holy Land sickness that comes over many people.
01:36 For some people, it's so overwhelming,
01:39 they almost take leave of their critical senses,
01:43 and you have to sort of keep grounded.
01:46 And to me, it was not very hard,
01:48 because I know history.
01:50 And I know that most of what you see there
01:53 doesn't date back quite to the period of the gospel,
01:58 certainly not too far earlier periods.
02:02 The so-called Tomb of David is a rumor at best.
02:08 And the Church of the Nativity,
02:11 something designated by the Crusaders,
02:14 many, many hundreds of years ago.
02:16 But still you are in the context,
02:19 you are in the environment of where all of those events,
02:24 particularly in the New Testament
02:26 took place.
02:27 And it's easy to empathize.
02:30 I remember, on a Friday evening,
02:32 on the second visit,
02:35 we were near the western called Wailing Wall,
02:39 the foundations
02:42 that are leftover of the old temple,
02:45 and to see the celebration,
02:47 the exaltation of any number of Jewish believers
02:51 as the sun dipped, and the Sabbath was brought in
02:54 and the shofar blew and young people
02:59 from the religious schools came surging out almost dancing
03:03 and joyous and happy.
03:05 You know, that's hard not to get caught up in it.
03:07 I was happy enough to have my son
03:09 fairly recently do two recordings with me
03:12 on this program, and it reminded me of him
03:15 there with us on that same tour.
03:17 And I can remember him linking arms
03:20 with the young Israeli citizens
03:23 as they happily celebrated the seventh day Sabbath.
03:26 And I thought, what a wonderful moment
03:28 when he can grasp that enthusiasm,
03:33 spiritual enthusiasm
03:35 that's so linked with that environment.
03:38 But I want to talk for the rest of this program
03:41 on something that took place on that same spot
03:45 in very different circumstances.
03:47 It's an incident that's inspired me periodically
03:52 as I've preached sermons on religious liberty
03:54 for over two decades, editing Liberty magazine.
03:59 And it relates to those who followed Jesus.
04:05 We don't know in total
04:06 how many men and women follow Jesus,
04:10 we do know that He had more followers
04:13 than just the 12, the inner circle.
04:17 There were at least 70 others
04:18 that He sent out in His lifetime.
04:20 We do know that there were many women
04:23 that cared for Jesus and His wandering band.
04:28 Herod's, the wife of Herod's steward
04:31 is named as one of the women that brought
04:34 food and sustenance and support to the,
04:37 to the wandering group as Jesus said,
04:39 "The Son of Man has, like,
04:40 you know, even the foxes have holes
04:43 to lay their heads or holes to hide in,
04:45 Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head."
04:47 So they were itinerant,
04:49 religious teacher and pupils.
04:54 For most of people's figuring,
04:56 but a lot of what went on revolved around
04:59 coming to Jerusalem and in the temple precincts.
05:02 And when I think about Jesus,
05:05 dealing with those men in the inner circle,
05:08 particularly the 12,
05:10 it strikes me over and over again
05:13 and has ever since as a young teenager,
05:16 I tried to nut through how am I going to serve the Lord,
05:19 it strikes me how, like me and you knew they were.
05:25 They were not so different, not so different.
05:28 And individually,
05:30 they might have had things different from me.
05:32 But together, they exemplified all of the fallibilities
05:35 and the weaknesses, and the daily human reminders
05:39 that each of us labor under.
05:43 Peter, of course, the Roman Catholic Church
05:45 make much of Peter,
05:47 not based on anything much more than what you see in Jerusalem,
05:51 where there's these different places
05:53 to make pilgrimage to their arbitrary
05:55 determinations that are well meant,
05:58 but can't be proven.
05:59 And there's no biblical evidence
06:01 that Peter was anything more than
06:05 apparently one of the older the group
06:08 and one favorite of Jesus, but whether he was formally
06:13 set up as a protopope, not likely.
06:16 And it also settles on,
06:20 I think, a misapprehension of Jesus charter to him
06:23 there in his risen state.
06:28 He went backwards and forwards to Peter to get him to profess,
06:32 again, his love and dedication to the Lord,
06:36 but in a way that would undo the past
06:39 because Peter had a checkered history.
06:42 And, you know, you think about Peter something that
06:44 people don't dwell on much, two occasions,
06:48 before the denial that everyone knows about.
06:52 Peter sort of showed a rather unspiritual attitude
06:56 toward all that was going on.
07:00 On one occasion, when Jesus started to reveal
07:04 who He really was, and Peter said,
07:08 "Oh, you know, you're the Christ."
07:10 And Jesus said, "Well, this wasn't given to you.:
07:13 You know, naturally,
07:15 this was given to you spiritually,
07:16 so he commended in there.
07:18 But Peter said, close to that moment, he says,
07:20 "You know, you're not gonna die,
07:22 you know, this shouldn't happen to you,
07:24 don't think about it."
07:26 And Jesus says, "Get behind Me, Satan."
07:31 I haven't had too many ministers
07:33 or parents or teachers ever call me Satan.
07:37 Obviously, Jesus was doing it for effect.
07:39 But Peter was showing a total tone
07:43 deafness about the ministry of Christ.
07:46 Then, on another occasion,
07:47 a great occasion when Jesus was transfigured
07:50 on the mount with Elijah and Moses.
07:54 I mean, you'd think that it'd be a heavy scene.
07:57 And most people don't make much of it.
07:59 But Peter was impressed.
08:00 He says, "Let's build a little house for you here."
08:04 He didn't understand.
08:06 And then in spite of his professions of loyalty,
08:10 you know, at the Last Supper,
08:12 I never will betray you, Lord, never.
08:16 Then that before it was all over
08:19 before the cock crew in the morning.
08:22 Three times he with profanity and vehemence said,
08:25 "I never knew the man.
08:26 I never knew him."
08:28 But it wasn't just Peter.
08:30 What about James and John,
08:33 the sons of Zebedee, sons of Thunder?
08:36 Impetuous guys, like nearly everyone in their teens
08:39 or perhaps early 20s has a taste of it.
08:42 You're not seasoned by experience or spirituality,
08:45 you know, move ahead before you think it
08:47 through with the energy and the testosterone
08:50 that comes with being young and energetic.
08:53 You know, they wanted the lot.
08:54 They wanted to bring the fire down
08:56 from heaven of God on those that rejected Jesus
08:58 on one occasion, and then in an infamous moment,
09:01 and you can bet your life,
09:03 mama was speaking for the boys.
09:05 Their mother went to Jesus and said,
09:07 "You know, I have a request.
09:08 Can my two boys be at Your right either side,
09:11 your left and your right hand when you sit in Your kingdom."
09:15 And it gave Jesus the occasion to remind everyone,
09:19 you don't know what you're asking for?
09:21 That you don't know idea,
09:22 what you have no idea what's ahead for us.
09:25 And, of course, Judas, his betrayal
09:29 didn't turn out so well,
09:31 but I'm not so sure Judas was any weaker
09:34 or worse than the others.
09:35 But he failed to come back in tears to the Lord
09:40 and ask for forgiveness and try for redemption.
09:44 But one way or another, even John,
09:47 the beloved disciple fled naked into the night.
09:53 Not even ready to go back and get his clothes
09:56 when they were ripped off by the bushes, hid.
10:00 Although it appears he was at the cross there
10:02 when Jesus passed his mother over into his care.
10:06 But they were not men of inherent bravery,
10:09 intelligence, or perception.
10:14 And Jesus sure took the time with them.
10:17 It says in the New Testament
10:19 that Jesus often spoke in parables
10:22 and we all love those parables,
10:23 and I've heard many are well meaning preachers say,
10:26 you know, these parables are deep,
10:27 and they explain things clearly.
10:30 I don't think so it myself, because it does say that Jesus,
10:35 in the words of Jesus,
10:37 He spoke in parables to essentially hide
10:42 some hard things from people,
10:43 only those that thought long and hard on it
10:46 would understand what the parable stood for.
10:48 But it says to His own disciples,
10:51 to His apostles, He spoke plainly.
10:56 And even speaking plainly to them,
10:58 as He prayed His incredible long prayer
11:02 for oneness with the Father and with His followers.
11:06 They said, "What's He talking about,
11:07 going away coming at once?
11:09 What does this all mean?"
11:11 They didn't understand.
11:13 So to me, what I want to share with you
11:15 in the few minutes left of this program
11:18 has deeper meaning
11:19 when you understand the back story,
11:21 the type of men we were dealing with,
11:24 and yet changes by the type of men
11:27 that Jesus was the god man.
11:29 There's a story that's told in Acts Chapter 3,
11:32 and the verses that follow
11:34 and runs over into Acts Chapter 4,
11:37 but it takes place at that temple.
11:40 Now only a foundational remainder
11:43 with a foreign or an alien form of religion
11:47 packed on top of it.
11:50 It's sort of the festering sore religious animosity
11:55 in the Holy Land where the,
11:57 that sacred precinct for the Jews
12:00 now so laterally come back to David's city.
12:06 And they find that sitting atop is the Al-Aqsa Mosque,
12:10 erected by the conquering Muslim groups,
12:14 the Muslim, the Bedouin successors
12:19 hundreds and hundreds of years ago,
12:21 but on purpose,
12:22 and Christians have done it too.
12:24 Often when one religion and the society
12:27 and the political power that goes with it
12:29 when they deposed another,
12:30 they purposely erect their temple,
12:33 their holy place on the top of the other,
12:36 not even by accident.
12:37 The Christian missionaries in the South Pacific
12:39 nearly always built their mission compound
12:43 on top of the ancient burial grounds
12:45 in the spirit temples of the ancient gods.
12:48 It's a way to show neither that you fear them,
12:52 nor are they dominant anymore, that you have superseded them.
12:56 And, but in those precincts,
12:58 remember where Jesus fatally came in conflict
13:02 with the authorities.
13:04 It was what led to the cross.
13:06 He stayed back till His time had come.
13:10 Then at the time of the Passover,
13:11 He went down and spoke powerfully,
13:14 cleansed the temple, spoke powerfully and openly,
13:17 and there was a visitation
13:19 or manifestation of God's power.
13:21 And He says, "Now is the kingdom of this earth,
13:23 or the prince of this earth cast down."
13:25 He announced victory and upgraded everyone.
13:29 And the next night or in the night,
13:32 shortly following that He was taken
13:34 by the temple authorities condemned before Pilate,
13:37 was unwilling on the whole event,
13:41 and crucified.
13:43 And then the disciples fled.
13:45 But in Acts Chapter 3,
13:46 a story is told that inspires me powerfully.
13:51 Let's take a break and we'll pick up the story
13:54 in Acts Chapter 3.
13:55 Stay with us.


Revised 2021-10-07