Liberty Insider

Yesterday When I Was Young

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI210505B

00:06 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:09 Before the break,
00:10 I had introduced the last editorial
00:12 I'd written for Liberty Magazine
00:14 and even given you a little of it,
00:15 so I won't repeat all of it,
00:17 but I want to share parts of it.
00:19 I included that story of Bulgaria,
00:23 which you know already, so I'll skip over that.
00:25 But this is what I wrote, called A Small Gap.
00:29 A little more than 22 years ago I sat down in a new office,
00:34 at a new desk, and pondered what to do next.
00:38 On the desktop were just a few items
00:40 that tied me to this new reality.
00:43 There was a cake-top decoration
00:45 in the style of the Statue of Liberty,
00:47 left over from the farewell with editorial staff
00:50 at the late Review
00:51 and Herald Publishing Association
00:53 in Hagerstown, Maryland, where I live by the way.
00:56 In a card that came with it, an editor friend had noted
00:58 my possible risk in defending religious
01:01 liberty in a volatile world:
01:05 the thought perplexed me at the time,
01:08 and did not make much sense till years later,
01:10 walking alone through the religious-riot-ravaged
01:13 streets of Ambon City, Indonesia,
01:16 it hit me that there was indeed mortal danger.
01:20 In an incongruously small box on that desk
01:24 was also a little pile of articles,
01:26 some yellowed and marked as accepted decades earlier:
01:32 my "slush" file this was
01:34 or otherwise known as the makings of my first issue.
01:39 And then I went back and spoke about Bulgaria
01:42 and other travels and ended with this.
01:46 Almost a lifetime back now,
01:49 we crossed much of India by train.
01:52 I will never forget looking out on the fields one morning,
01:56 as the train chugged its way across
01:59 the countryside,
02:02 and seeing outside the window,
02:06 almost shoulder to shoulder humans
02:08 in morning ablutions, dotting the plain
02:12 from trackside to horizon it seemed.
02:16 It was disorienting to my sense of humanity.
02:20 Jesus Christ I read in the Bible was said
02:23 to have looked on the crowds and had pity on them.
02:28 Far easier to depersonalize one's concern and
02:33 transmigrate religious liberty to legislative action,
02:37 court cases, and efforts to protect
02:40 religious organizations.
02:42 I know that we have to fight our own sensibilities
02:47 in standing up for the conscience rights
02:49 of all mankind.
02:50 How easy it is in matters
02:53 of religious liberty to slip into thinking
02:56 that such things do not apply to Untermensch,
02:58 to use the word with deep meaning,
03:01 only to we who understand all of its complexities!
03:06 As though we ever could!
03:08 Back in my Australian homeland,
03:10 with my foreign-born wife, Rosa Delia,
03:12 whom I had met
03:13 while living and studying in the United States,
03:15 those visions and insights seemed dreamlike and distant.
03:20 After all, in a nearly empty lucky country,
03:22 two-hour drive into the country might reveal only
03:26 dusty-road-edge-
03:27 -to-distant-ridge congregations of kangaroos
03:30 and wombats:
03:32 existential emptiness and easy forgetfulness.
03:36 Then in the early hours of the morning,
03:38 there was that call to return to the United States
03:40 for editing responsibilities.
03:42 "Don't go," cautioned my wife, echoing the view of many
03:46 down south, deep south by the way,
03:48 that the United States
03:50 is the eye of a hurricane best avoided.
03:53 And I was conflicted, to be sure.
03:57 "But this is so unexpected," I said to my wife,
04:00 "and the signs of God's leading so clear
04:03 that I must go."
04:05 It may be that I am just
04:08 a small connection in a big plan:
04:12 a single contact I make may complete the chain.
04:16 And so we returned.
04:18 And a few years later I sat
04:20 at that new Liberty editorial desk!
04:24 For most of my formative years
04:26 Roland Hegstad was the editor of Liberty magazine,
04:29 34 years in total for him out of
04:33 about 120 some years for the magazine.
04:38 So for me he will always be Mr. Liberty.
04:42 But, of course, when I think further about it,
04:45 Liberty magazine belongs to none of us,
04:48 editor or reader.
04:51 Religious liberty is as big as humanity
04:54 and everyman's stirrings of conscience.
04:58 It is surely the idA(C)e fixe
05:01 at the center of a gospel proclamation.
05:05 For years
05:07 I have tried to remind Christian audiences
05:09 that fallen mankind has been released
05:13 from millennia of captivity to sin
05:15 by the actions of a Redeemer.
05:18 We are free, we have freedom,
05:22 no one can take that from us.
05:26 The Bible says in the words of Jesus,
05:28 "I have set before you an open door
05:32 that no man can shut."
05:34 That's how the Bible puts it.
05:36 And during the time with Liberty
05:37 I have seen the religious world warp
05:39 and narrow religious freedom
05:42 into an entitlement to restrict others.
05:46 And during that time
05:47 I have seen a narrowing of even the secular concept
05:51 of liberty.
05:54 After the towers down of 2001,
05:56 an article in Le Monde magazine in France
05:59 commented on the realism of the moment.
06:02 More than real, it said: symbolic!
06:06 As I remember, the author wrote that quote,
06:08 "We have reached the point
06:10 where the very idea of freedom,
06:12 itself relatively recent and new,
06:15 is in the process of being replaced by its polar opposite,
06:19 that of a terror of security."
06:22 And so, enhanced interrogations,
06:24 unitary visions of executive power,
06:26 impromptu prayer sessions by insurgents
06:29 in the House chamber, a voice,
06:31 a choice rather of isolation over worship during a pandemic.
06:35 What next?
06:36 God only knows, try reading Revelation.
06:40 So where is my place within all of this?
06:43 This editorial is from my last issue
06:47 of Liberty magazine as editor, last as editor before retiring.
06:53 I daren't apply to myself General MacArthur's
06:55 self-pitying epilogue after being fired
06:58 for wanting to drop the atomic bomb in China.
07:00 "Old soldiers don't die, he said, they just fade away."
07:06 Of course we fade away,
07:08 like the grass, according to the Bible,
07:11 but our actions can endure.
07:13 Instead, I'd like to invoke
07:15 a Russian folk song of wartime loss.
07:18 I always find a deep sadness and melancholy
07:23 in Russian song and literature.
07:25 As a young man of the Vietnam War era,
07:28 I was deeply affected by reading
07:30 Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace.
07:33 The song I'm quoting from is called Cranes:
07:37 I loved it best sung by the late baritone,
07:40 Russian baritone Dmitri Hvorostovsky.
07:43 The lines of that song that I think admit me now
07:47 are these:
07:49 "Flying in the fog at the end of the day,
07:53 and in those ranks there is a small gap:
07:58 Maybe this is the place for me."
08:03 You know, I don't think it's just because
08:07 I'm a Seventh-day Adventist
08:09 Bible believing prophecy inclined Christian.
08:13 I think it's staring us in the face.
08:16 As the Bible itself says that
08:17 the world is waxing old like a garment.
08:21 I think it's clear that things are winding down.
08:25 The old controversies are reaching fever pitch.
08:28 The old certainties are crumbling,
08:31 certainly in the United States, democratic norms
08:35 are not so sacrosanct anymore.
08:39 We are facing a moment of truth.
08:42 Each of us needs to decide
08:44 how we're going to comport ourselves
08:46 in what is being called the last great crisis.
08:50 Will we argue not just for civil liberties
08:54 in the West, we think that that's what we're about.
08:57 But will we argue for religious liberties
09:00 for our rights before God,
09:02 for our rights to explain God to our fellows?
09:05 Will we maintain our integrity, no matter what happens?
09:08 Remember, Lucifer in heaven about Job says,
09:12 one of his friends actually said,
09:14 "Will you still maintain your integrity?
09:16 "Of course,
09:18 we need to be faithful to the end
09:22 to that last stroke of the pen, the end of the game.
09:29 Retirement can mean
09:30 different things to different people.
09:32 And in my threatening to my wife, at least,
09:34 I've suggested that I might spend
09:36 more time listening to compact discs.
09:38 I have 5,000 of them,
09:40 disorganizedly stored in the basement.
09:43 So I started listening to them the other day,
09:45 practicing for soon to begin retirement
09:49 and fell upon Frank Sinatra singing
09:54 songs of yesteryear and the waning year
09:58 and September song and the one that got me
10:00 was Yesterday when I was young.
10:04 And in reality no matter what age we are,
10:07 yesterday is when we were young.
10:09 As the Bible says 1,000 years is a day with the Lord.
10:14 Time is fleeting for all of us.
10:16 We just don't notice it, till we're a little older.
10:19 What we need to do is look ahead
10:21 to the eternity of bliss promise for all of us
10:24 if we're faithful, if we're true,
10:26 if we catch the imagination of being one
10:29 with the Creator of all things,
10:31 Jesus Christ.
10:33 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2021-09-20