Liberty Insider

Liberty Insider

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI210504B

00:06 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider
00:08 before the break with guest Christopher Steed,
00:12 as I say, good last name, my son.
00:15 We were talking about many things,
00:17 but from the point of view of COVID
00:20 and the restrictions we're facing
00:22 and how a Christian or indeed anyone
00:24 with any moral convictions is able to,
00:29 and should reach past that
00:32 and share what they have, right?
00:35 It's a tricky time, tricky time.
00:39 And again, I'd like to get your opinion
00:41 as a young person, you know,
00:44 you're a work in progress like I am,
00:46 but the work is coming to an end.
00:48 Yeah.
00:50 You know, how have you decided personally,
00:53 how will you deal with this from here on,
00:54 because what I need to preface it,
00:57 I think there's a reasonable chance that while we may
01:01 somewhat get over COVID,
01:02 I think it's that we're not over it by any means.
01:05 And I think we'll see a radical increase between now
01:08 and the end of, you know, I wouldn't say
01:10 when we're filming this, but before the end of 2021,
01:14 I think we're gonna to be in panic mode again.
01:17 I think so, too.
01:18 So what would your resolution be if you
01:23 had to deal with this?
01:25 I think from the experience I've had with what I learned
01:28 at Core, and then also with what I saw while I was
01:32 working at Core and what I saw while
01:34 I was working at the summer camp,
01:35 but the needs that the kids showed.
01:37 I would start a program myself if I had the resources
01:41 and the backing from the church.
01:44 I would start a program exactly like Core,
01:47 teaching young people how to spread the Word,
01:49 you know, actually showing them IRL in real life,
01:53 how to do it, like giving them that door-to-door experience
01:55 like I got, because honestly there is a need.
01:59 I mean, even if it's just one or two people going
02:02 out door-to-door, you know, just asking if, you know,
02:04 people need prayer.
02:05 I mean, that would honestly make a huge difference
02:08 because people are open to it.
02:10 They're responsive to it.
02:12 They need something to believe in when they feel like
02:16 there's nothing to believe in.
02:18 You know, we're all very familiar with Jesus
02:20 and His 12 apostles.
02:23 Judas sort of betrayed, well, sort of betrayed Him,
02:26 but he betrayed the trust, no, but he betrayed.
02:29 He didn't pan out as far as a witness.
02:31 Well, if you read the gospels, Judas was part of some
02:35 of the miracles and so on, but what people forget
02:38 is they were 70 people, a larger group that Jesus sent
02:41 out very consciously to go door-to-door
02:44 and into the cities and far afield from Jerusalem.
02:49 And it's worth remembering the time they had,
02:52 you know, it wasn't COVID, but every disease you could
02:55 imagine was at foot, they didn't have immunization.
02:59 So, there were real risks in the Bible.
03:01 It just talks about leprosy that covered about
03:03 any visible sense of disease, including real leprosy
03:08 and people dying of cancer.
03:10 You know, now, we just see cancer
03:12 as something in an oncology ward,
03:14 and you might die from it, but in that country,
03:18 and that time, as well as some third world countries now,
03:21 you know, cancer might lead, you see some of the huge lump
03:23 hanging off them and oozing sores and so on.
03:28 And you could catch, they would think you
03:30 could catch it as well as that they were
03:33 a city under occupation.
03:35 It was a military occupation that the very least to compare
03:38 to the day.
03:39 Don't you think that'd be right in saying
03:41 it was about the same as going out
03:42 witnessing door-to-door in Baghdad?
03:44 Yeah, I'd say about the same.
03:46 Same sort of risk, there's violent men around.
03:49 One of Jesus' own disciples was a zealot.
03:53 They were basically the Al Qaeda of the time
03:57 and caught up with them.
03:59 Shortly after Jesus' death, there was a rebellion
04:04 against the Romans and the city was destroyed.
04:06 So, not one stone was on the other,
04:08 as Jesus said, and for 400 years,
04:11 this is an interesting historical fact.
04:13 Nobody even knew where the temple had been.
04:15 Nope, it was that destroyed.
04:17 It was just, it just part of the stones in the area.
04:21 So, it was a highly dangerous time from health
04:24 and security, and they still went out.
04:28 So, I, you know, I'm sure that today
04:29 we're called to do something, not foolishly, but consciously.
04:34 And it's COVID this year.
04:38 Next year it could be disease Brocks, I don't know.
04:42 May be ones or two, and decides fixing it.
04:46 No, I'm just joking, but it could be anything.
04:48 In fact, it will be this book that I shared before.
04:51 I think you've got it. Yeah, I got it.
04:54 Well, it doesn't so, to say, it's the end of time,
04:56 that's not a theological book.
04:58 It speaks of the inevitability.
05:01 In fact, one of the most scary stories
05:04 there was when they were dealing with Ebola in Africa,
05:09 you know, these are serious scientists
05:11 that with the isolation suits and everything,
05:14 they went to a village and while they were there,
05:17 one of their members came down with this incredible case.
05:21 They thought of Ebola.
05:23 There were sores all over him. He couldn't breathe.
05:25 I mean, he was dying
05:27 and they airlifted him out of the US
05:29 and work with him for a couple of weeks.
05:31 And he survived, but they never could identify what it was.
05:35 It wasn't Ebola, it was something else.
05:39 And the lesson they got out, there are things even worse
05:42 than Ebola floating around.
05:44 And they almost don't know what they are,
05:47 but they know they're there.
05:48 And at any given time, when the conditions are right,
05:51 that something like that could leap off and be,
05:54 like even now in the Middle East,
05:55 have you heard of MERS?
05:56 Yeah.
05:58 I heard you talking about it.
05:59 That's or a common term, camel flu.
06:02 They have that in the Middle East
06:04 and it's already caused troubles.
06:06 Of those that get it 20 to 40% die.
06:10 If that escapes, you know, God help us.
06:14 And, you know, God does help us,
06:17 but the lesson of anyone listening on religious liberty,
06:21 we need to do and to dare in spite of the situation,
06:26 taking due diligence
06:29 about protecting ourselves,
06:31 but not staying in our kennel until it's over.
06:35 It never will be over.
06:37 It never was over from, Eden on,
06:39 sin is ravaged and come after us.
06:42 But we need to do what we can.
06:46 So, yeah, I'm happy to hear
06:48 your feedback from witnessing door-to-door.
06:51 And I know, I remember when you told me that someone
06:53 asked you to pray with them at the door.
06:55 That was like mainlining faith, wasn't it?
06:59 You felt like I am doing something special here.
07:01 I mean, the fact that when we were giving
07:04 Bible studies, we got the feedback from them.
07:06 Like after every Bible study we were like,
07:08 "Wouldn't you find this one interesting?
07:09 Do you have any further questions?
07:10 Any pointers for us?"
07:14 My work partner and because we had prayer
07:16 partners were paired to twos.
07:18 So, there was always, you and someone else.
07:22 And when we were giving the Bible studies,
07:25 one of our younger men, he was about our age.
07:27 I see between 20 and 28, I'd say,
07:32 college student working his way through college.
07:35 And he was Christian but he didn't really believe,
07:40 believe like he knew that there was a God,
07:43 he knew that the seventh day was the right day
07:45 and everything like that, but he didn't know why.
07:47 And we started going through the studies
07:49 and he's like, you know, if you guys hadn't,
07:52 you know, come and talk to me,
07:53 I really wouldn't know any of this.
07:55 You guys are doing a great job.
07:57 And we're just two college aged kids
07:59 in the same situation as he is.
08:01 We really, when we first got there,
08:03 I mean, I'm talking for myself.
08:05 I knew a little bit, but I know some of the kids
08:07 who got there didn't know about half the stuff they talked
08:11 about or even knew about.
08:12 That's why it's a training program,
08:15 but there's nothing that can internalize better
08:17 than sharing something.
08:19 I learned that many months ago
08:21 when I was first asked to teach the Sabbath school lesson.
08:24 I didn't like the idea, but I mean,
08:26 you study it first of all ahead of time,
08:28 and then even just sharing it, you reinforcing
08:31 and then the dynamic.
08:32 So, there's nothing like doing something to learn
08:35 and to internalize what's important to you.
08:39 And so, it's a great testimony.
08:40 It really is, every time.
08:43 I envy you on it and it used to be that every pastor
08:47 of our church, the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
08:49 that was prerequisite to being a pastor to go out
08:51 selling door-to-door.
08:53 So, you've got a skill you're going to carry with you,
08:56 aren't you?
08:57 Absolutely.
08:58 Um, I see in the future, you know,
09:00 me being able to go out and give Bible studies
09:02 and no matter where I am,
09:04 no matter what situation I'm in.
09:05 And I feel like that's a skill that every young man
09:07 or woman should have.
09:09 And I would encourage people to find schools like Core
09:12 and go to them.
09:16 Writing has been a big part of my life
09:19 and one of the major tenets or commandments
09:23 of good writing is to avoid the passive tense
09:27 and get things active.
09:30 And when Jesus told His disciples,
09:32 "Go ye into all the world."
09:35 That's active, it's a command, action.
09:39 You cannot just sort of sit around.
09:41 "Well, He said go after all."
09:43 No. When He said go and go.
09:47 There's a great privilege that's been given to each of us
09:50 that learn about Jesus Christ
09:52 and what He was brought to accomplish in this world
09:55 and what He's charged for us to follow on
09:58 and finish for Him.
09:59 And it's an active command.
10:02 Whether we're young or old, we can go,
10:05 we can tell, we can do and dare for the Lord,
10:10 because one day He is going to come
10:14 and take us with Him to an eternity of bliss
10:18 and fulfillment in worlds made new.
10:22 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2021-09-13