Liberty Insider

Liberty Insider

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI210503B

00:07 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider
00:09 before the break,
00:11 I'm the host, Lincoln Steed.
00:13 And I like the role of Steed.
00:16 And I'll get it twice here because with my guest
00:19 Christopher Steed, my son,
00:21 we were talking about the COVID situation in general,
00:25 but in particular, your experience
00:27 with a program called call,
00:30 where you had some face to face with people
00:32 during COVID.
00:33 Yeah.
00:34 You know, the best of times,
00:36 I would have thought this was a wonderful opportunity
00:37 to expand your spiritual experience,
00:42 which you had.
00:43 But it's more amazing that you and others
00:45 were willing to do that
00:47 during the time of some little risk.
00:49 Your age group is not too bad.
00:52 But who wants to get sick as a dog for a couple of weeks
00:55 with the little chance
00:56 that it might be something mortal?
00:58 I mean we did all... We took all the precautions.
01:01 We hand-sanitized, we wore masks.
01:02 Of course.
01:03 And that's what I was saying,
01:05 we don't want to be seen as encouraging.
01:06 Yeah.
01:08 Just thumbing our noses at a reasonable precautions.
01:09 Now when we were at the doors,
01:11 we actually had a thing where we would knock
01:14 and then we would actually take a step back
01:16 so that it's like it gives that extra distance.
01:18 And I mean, even when they had like
01:20 screen doors or something like that,
01:21 there was where we would still take
01:23 like a half step back.
01:24 And we would always wear masks no matter what.
01:26 Yeah. I am not opposed to masks.
01:29 In fact, I wish, in retrospect,
01:32 that the US authorities had been more aggressive.
01:36 Remember there was a period they said you don't need them?
01:38 They're saying that now you don't need it
01:39 if you're fully vaccinated.
01:41 A different reason.
01:42 They didn't explain it early on
01:44 that they weren't trying to make a virtue
01:46 out of a problem.
01:47 We didn't have masks. Yeah.
01:49 So they were saying, "Oh, they're not that important."
01:51 But meanwhile try to get all that they could
01:53 for the medical professionals.
01:55 They did need them.
01:56 But I wish we'd all been pushed if...
02:00 You know, Betsy Ross did something great
02:03 in the early days of Americana.
02:05 Remember Betsy Ross? I remember.
02:06 What did she do? She made the...
02:08 Stitched the American flag. Stitched the American flag.
02:10 Plenty of seems just that could have made
02:13 as community projects.
02:15 They could have been sewing masks.
02:17 I mean, there was a lady at our church
02:19 who made custom masks for us.
02:22 Yeah.
02:23 I mean, just go to Joanne Fabric,
02:26 get a roll of fabric,
02:27 it's like $0.25 a yard or $0.30 a yard,
02:30 you can make a couple hundred masks.
02:33 That reminded...
02:34 I tried to give a light touch to this now and then.
02:37 If you ever heard me listening to poems
02:39 by Dylan Thomas.
02:41 Probably. In fact...
02:42 I've heard you listen to lot of stuff.
02:44 When you were growing up, I know we used to play his
02:48 "A Child's Christmas in Wales" at Christmas time.
02:49 Yep. I remember that.
02:51 Remember that.
02:52 He talks about getting a Christmas gift,
02:54 a little sort of a face bag.
02:58 Oh, man.
03:00 I don't know what it was supposed to be for.
03:02 But he made out like it was a bag like a horses...
03:05 You know, the horses used to have
03:07 a bag with some feed...
03:08 The feed bag, yeah. They'd clip around their ears.
03:10 It's a travel feed bag.
03:12 And he says, "Once I got this face bag,"
03:15 he says "from an aunt
03:16 who is no longer whinnying with us."
03:22 So it could have been sewn.
03:23 But, you know, those are things we all have an opinion on.
03:27 But the real point I want to make
03:28 is we're not irresponsible.
03:30 No.
03:31 You know, the Bible gives no license
03:32 to just thumbing your nose at reality.
03:35 Even though Jesus healed the lepers,
03:37 there is no evidence
03:38 that He encouraged His followers,
03:40 you know, to cast caution to the winds
03:42 and come in and hug and all the rest
03:45 unreservedly anyone with disease.
03:47 Those things came from the Old Testament.
03:49 They were good guidelines to distance
03:52 or to set aside those with communicable diseases.
03:56 So a Christian clearly needs to follow health guidelines.
04:00 And I'm sure you're aware.
04:01 You and I have had many discussions.
04:03 We've had our inoculation, right?
04:04 Yes.
04:06 And there are many
04:09 of our fellow Seventh-day Adventists
04:10 and other Christians and people of faith
04:12 or even people of no faith who say,
04:13 "I don't believe in it.
04:14 I'm not gonna have it.
04:16 It's an imposition on me."
04:17 And that seems to me a bit misbegotten, doesn't it?
04:20 Yeah.
04:22 I was talking to someone the other day about it
04:24 and they said, "Do your research on it.
04:26 Read the Bible.
04:28 The Bible does say that it is a curse on humanity
04:31 and it's not good to put foreign things
04:33 in your body."
04:35 But yet the same people that I've...
04:37 I'm not talking about this particular individual,
04:40 but I've heard other people who say that
04:42 and then you scroll on through their YouTube channel
04:45 or their Instagram feed or whatever
04:46 and you see them smoking and drinking
04:49 and getting covered in tattoos and piercings...
04:53 They're not good things. And I'm...
04:54 You know, I'm just saying like they're filling their bodies
04:57 with even worse stuff than the COVID vaccine.
04:59 Of course.
05:00 And remember what Jesus said, He says,
05:03 "It's not what goes into you that defiles you,"
05:05 He was talking about clean and unclean foods and so on.
05:08 He says it's what you put into your mind.
05:11 But of course, bad food can kill you and bad chemicals,
05:17 recreational drugs clearly kill people.
05:20 And it's not impossible that a poorly developed
05:23 and thought out immune...
05:26 or what do you call it...
05:28 An antidote and, you know, an injection.
05:30 Antivirus. Yeah.
05:31 Could cause some harm.
05:34 But if anybody chooses to find,
05:37 they'll find that the benefit for the population
05:40 is way out of proportion to any side effects
05:45 that people are getting.
05:46 And what you need to remember
05:48 is I think many of our fellows are forgetting,
05:50 any time you have injections,
05:52 even if it's just water
05:54 or, you know, saline solution...
05:56 You're gonna have an adverse reaction to it.
05:58 There are people that have adverse reaction,
06:00 some because they get a shock in their mind over matter.
06:02 Others are allergic to the simplest things.
06:05 So when you've got just several of those per million,
06:08 you know, there's no license to say,
06:10 "Well, that's a horrible thing,"
06:11 because without the people that gets sick,
06:15 at least 2% initially were dying.
06:18 That's a lot of people, lot of people.
06:20 I mean, I know people who have to breathe
06:23 purified air.
06:27 And if they breathe anything else,
06:28 they're allergic to it.
06:30 Right.
06:32 A healthy person has much to thank
06:34 the Lord for nowadays, right?
06:36 Oh, yeah.
06:37 And I'm encouraging you to do all the right things in life,
06:40 you ease your way through life.
06:42 That's the practical side of what Adventists used to say
06:46 health reform, a godly living.
06:51 I don't think it was just a divine mandate
06:54 or a miracle performed for the Jews.
06:56 You've read in the Old Testament
06:58 in Exodus...
06:59 The two loaves of bread or another...
07:01 Many things that happened to about a million people,
07:04 left Egypt wandered through a desert.
07:06 I hope it wasn't as desertified as it is now.
07:10 But you've been to Dubai, that part of the world.
07:13 You remember...
07:15 You walk out the door
07:16 and it's just like a brick wall.
07:17 You just... Heat.
07:19 Do you remember we were in a hotel
07:20 and about a quarter of a mile away
07:22 across open city blocks,
07:24 we can see this beautiful shopping mall
07:26 that we eventually went to?
07:28 You remember we stood there
07:29 debating whether we could make it?
07:33 It was inside the building with the AC on.
07:36 It was about I'd say 75-80 degrees.
07:39 Maybe lower.
07:41 As soon as you stepped outside, it was like 115-116 degrees.
07:46 I think it was around 120.
07:47 And you just felt all the liquid in your body...
07:51 Felt your energy just... Yeah.
07:53 I remember we ended up walking there.
07:56 And when we got there, the refreshing AC,
08:01 it's like the peace
08:06 that comes when you believe like...
08:08 Right.
08:10 And what the point I was trying to make
08:11 on the Bible text that says
08:13 that in this matter, the wilderness,
08:16 their clothes didn't wear out, their shoes didn't...
08:17 Yeah.
08:19 Well, you know, I don't doubt at all
08:22 that God divinely just like the cruse of oil
08:25 that lasted with the widow,
08:27 but I think most of the blessings
08:29 that followed were they followed
08:31 good spiritual advice,
08:32 God told them to do the right thing.
08:34 Even they got away from meat eating, remember,
08:37 and they were doing fine.
08:39 And it's ironic at first they said the leeks
08:41 and the onions of Egypt, they wanted the vegetables,
08:44 but later on, they want the meat
08:46 and so they were given quail and they all die.
08:48 Yeah.
08:49 So I think it's a Christian obligation
08:52 to do logical things to help our health,
08:55 but at the same time,
08:57 and this is the point I want to make
08:58 of this program, a discussion with you.
09:01 If we have anything special with God,
09:05 and by definition,
09:06 knowing God is the highest goal of humanity,
09:09 if you've got something,
09:11 we're under obligation to share it.
09:13 Of course.
09:15 And how can we sort of close the door,
09:18 shut our mouth, turn away
09:20 while people are in desperate states
09:21 just because there's a pestilence
09:23 wandering the streets.
09:25 I mean, I'll just give a quick example of a ministry
09:27 that I've seen, this YouTube channel
09:29 that I can't remember the name of.
09:32 But it started with a following of, I think,
09:35 it was only like 120 people.
09:38 And now it's been exactly a year
09:40 and they've got over I think 4 million subscribers today.
09:45 And they're a medium ministry
09:49 where they're not Seventh-day Adventist,
09:50 they're a Christian ministry
09:52 where they're just singing songs, reading stories,
09:56 talking about just daily events,
09:58 giving recipes for moms to cook with their kids,
10:01 and they've blown up.
10:07 Having a son is quite an experience.
10:10 Of course, the whole New Testament
10:11 tells us about the saga of God's own Son, Jesus Christ.
10:16 The Old Testament makes very much of the fact
10:19 that Enoch was changed after he had a son.
10:22 So it's been a great experience for me to have my son
10:25 on this program.
10:26 And remembering as I do when he was just knee high
10:29 to even me, he
10:30 was so full of energy and so uncontrollable
10:33 that in a store, you'd let him go,
10:35 and he would either go hide
10:37 or run away as fast
10:39 as his little legs can carry him.
10:40 I remember on one occasion, in a Walmart,
10:43 I turned my back and he was gone.
10:45 We hunted for him for 10-15 minutes
10:48 in increasing desperation,
10:50 finally found him out in the parking lot crying,
10:53 surrounded by a crowd of strangers.
10:56 We didn't want him to go then.
10:59 But the reality is that he like all of us is under compulsion.
11:04 We have to go and witness and share.
11:08 We have to share what God has done for us.
11:11 Some of us can share
11:13 what our parents have done for us
11:14 that comes and goes and varies greatly.
11:16 But for each person,
11:18 there is something to say about God who created this,
11:22 made us, knows us, and now charges us,
11:26 to say what He expects of each of us.
11:30 For Liberty Insider, this is LincolnSteed.


Revised 2021-09-28