Liberty Insider

Liberty Insider

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI210503A

00:27 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:29 This is your program,
00:31 bringing you up-to-date news, views, analysis,
00:34 and general information on religious liberty
00:37 and conscience issues around the world,
00:40 and often in the United States.
00:42 My name is Lincoln Steed.
00:45 For 22 years, I was editor of Liberty Magazine,
00:48 and almost as long running this program, welcome.
00:51 And my guest on the program is a repeat guest,
00:56 my son Christopher Steed.
00:59 And I'm so happy that
01:01 you could be on this program, Christopher.
01:04 You've enjoyed it before, haven't you?
01:05 It's not so shocking, right?
01:08 Not really.
01:10 And I know it's gone well,
01:11 because the very first time you were on,
01:14 I don't think you were more than
01:16 about 8-10 years old.
01:19 And you had a cameo... I was 11.
01:20 Eleven. You had a cameo walk on.
01:23 And we exchanged a few words.
01:25 And for months after that I had very nice letters,
01:28 mostly from older women.
01:31 So you appealed to the women.
01:33 And one of them said, "Oh, that dear, dear boy."
01:36 And I said, "Yes, absolutely, my dear son."
01:39 But that was many years ago.
01:42 You're out and around and grown up now.
01:45 And I value your opinion.
01:47 So I want to talk with you about...
01:49 Twelve years ago?
01:50 Yeah, I want to...
01:52 I'm 23 now, yeah, 12 years ago.
01:53 You've been on the program more recently than that,
01:55 but I want to talk with you a bit about
01:58 what you're doing lately
01:59 and get your feedback on the issues of the moment
02:03 in some ways related to COVID.
02:06 Now, I titled this program Out and Around.
02:09 Yeah.
02:11 Most of us have not been out and around
02:13 for well over a year with COVID.
02:16 You know, in the US a little bit
02:18 but in other countries very much so people
02:21 were literally locked in their homes.
02:23 Yeah.
02:24 But what does your Bible say
02:26 about Christian's responsibility
02:28 even in the difficult time?
02:29 That we got to get out there.
02:31 And I actually did get out there for nine months.
02:35 I was in a program in Pennsylvania
02:38 in the Hamburg area called Core
02:40 where I was learning how to do Bible work.
02:43 So our first part of the semester,
02:47 we had "two semesters,"
02:49 the first one was learning how to go door-to-door
02:51 so we would learn how to do colporteur ministry
02:54 through asking some donations.
02:56 It's an old way of book selling door-to-door
02:59 and witnessing door-to-door.
03:01 So we had our backpacks and everything.
03:03 And we would go door-to-door,
03:05 we had to wear masks and everything.
03:08 But we were still out and about,
03:10 I mean, we were started giving Bible studies
03:13 right after Christmas break, we got back,
03:16 started giving Bible studies.
03:19 We had a few, actually people get baptized
03:23 at one of the seminary series we had,
03:25 because of those Bible studies.
03:28 Felt pretty good. Felt really good. Yeah.
03:30 Now tell me, you know, in this environment,
03:35 it even came over me
03:36 you'd start to feel suspicious of everybody
03:39 in the store or wherever you were,
03:41 you think, is that person going to give me
03:42 what's going to kill me.
03:43 And so there's a social distancing
03:46 by mandate,
03:47 but also in our own minds,
03:48 we were learning to distrust other people.
03:50 How did you find it door-to-door?
03:52 Did people welcome you,
03:54 or did you have open discussion?
03:56 At first, when people saw us at the door,
03:58 they did the one eye peeking out, "Hello."
04:01 "Hi, my name is Chris. I'm a Bible worker."
04:04 "Oh, you're a Bible worker."
04:05 The doors just opened up.
04:07 That's interesting.
04:08 So that disarmed their inhibition
04:10 and their suspicion.
04:11 Well... Sometimes.
04:13 I'd say at least 75% of the time
04:15 we had a very welcoming experience.
04:17 Other people were still a little,
04:19 "Oh, do you guys sanitize?
04:21 You guys wear your mask properly."
04:23 But I'd say 75-85% of the people
04:27 open their doors lovingly and widely, prayed.
04:30 I prayed with quite a few people.
04:33 And I'm still in contact
04:34 with one of our Bible study contacts.
04:38 And we still talk to this day about stuff that's going on
04:42 and she actually said that,
04:43 you know that you guys actually did a lot of good
04:46 in the community.
04:47 Because while we were there we weren't only like just working
04:50 at the one place where we were,
04:52 we had our own church that we went to.
04:54 So we were holding church services like
04:56 I was up front doing special music,
04:58 scripture readings, children's stories.
05:02 We held a VBS, we helped there.
05:06 Vacation Bible School for those...
05:08 Yeah, for its...
05:09 I know the acronym.
05:11 Camp meeting for little kids, pretty much.
05:14 And then we helped set up the camp meeting right before
05:18 the camp meeting started.
05:21 And then I went up to Pennsylvania
05:24 again for a summer camp...
05:25 Very good. For fun.
05:27 So, you know, the message I get out of this is at a time
05:30 of social separation and restriction,
05:34 you were part of an experience
05:36 where you saw firsthand
05:37 the people still not everybody,
05:39 but people still have spiritual needs
05:41 and were still responding.
05:45 And you alluded to the Bible text,
05:48 but as I remember the text, I don't know references,
05:50 always bad on references.
05:52 But Paul says,
05:53 "Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together."
05:58 Many people since COVID, I've spoken to,
06:00 they seem to remember that,
06:02 but they forget what comes next.
06:03 And he says next,
06:04 and the more so as you see the day approaching.
06:07 So it seems to me
06:10 the need to communicate and to meet
06:12 but not just in church,
06:14 to reach out and to talk about spiritual things
06:17 with people is more important,
06:21 as things get more dangerous.
06:23 And that's the great irony.
06:24 I mean, doesn't, isn't one of the signs from Ellen White,
06:27 where the devil will cast a great cloud
06:30 over the earth or great mist...
06:31 Of course, a deception, deception.
06:33 And that's, you're talking about Ellen White,
06:36 who was an early spiritual guide
06:38 for the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
06:39 And we believe that she was under some inspiration
06:42 when she shared things,
06:43 but actually, that's from the Bible.
06:45 It says the days are coming where there'll be a famine
06:48 of the Word of God.
06:50 And it says, a great blindness will come upon people,
06:53 a spiritual blindness.
06:55 I mean, that's pretty much exactly what's happening now.
06:58 'Cause I mean, a lot of the people I talked to,
07:01 there was a few Catholics I talked to,
07:03 there was even a...
07:07 I can't remember anything I think it's Jesuit.
07:10 It's Roman Catholic.
07:11 Roman Catholic,
07:12 but they were part of the Roman Catholic hierarchy.
07:14 And they said, their churches are closed,
07:16 their cathedrals are closed, like they won't meet.
07:19 Yeah.
07:20 Well, you know, I have strong opinions.
07:23 And I've got to be careful.
07:24 This is not a policy critique moment.
07:27 Yeah.
07:28 But I do think, for many churches,
07:31 and even our own Seventh-day Adventist Church,
07:34 in administrative sense,
07:35 and many of the actual churches,
07:36 I think it was a great mistake,
07:40 and a lost opportunity to sort of go back
07:43 into our kennels on command.
07:45 Like turtles.
07:46 Yes. Yeah, I like that.
07:48 I know why you're saying that.
07:49 As we were driving here yesterday
07:51 in a fantastic rainstorm.
07:53 You were driving, you suddenly put your brake on,
07:56 and leapt out of the car.
07:57 And I thought, what's he seen?
07:58 It's been an accident or something.
08:00 And here was this snapping turtle about 18 inches long,
08:04 making its way.
08:05 Feisty little firecracker. Yes.
08:07 And when we stopped,
08:08 he turned around and came at us.
08:09 I was trying to pick him up.
08:11 So I put my hand on top of the shell reached
08:13 around and picked him up.
08:14 And he was trying to bite my hand.
08:16 Yeah.
08:17 But more than that, when you're letting go,
08:18 he would turn around and come at you.
08:21 But, yes, I mean, I'm glad you see that.
08:23 And I would hope most people that have a,
08:26 an urgency to share something exciting spiritual,
08:29 spiritually would,
08:31 would be a little troubled how quickly
08:33 we sort of went to sleep.
08:34 You could say, pulled into our shell,
08:36 shut the doors.
08:38 And I have many differences as a Protestant
08:41 from the Roman Catholic Church.
08:42 But one thing I've admired about its policy,
08:45 I don't think always during COVID.
08:47 But through the ages, and in many countries,
08:49 the doors of the church were always literally open.
08:52 Yeah.
08:53 Usually empty.
08:55 Yeah. And that's another point.
08:57 But I think spiritual needs actually increased during
09:02 a time of stress, don't they?
09:04 Oh, I agree. So this was...
09:05 I mean, I saw it firsthand.
09:07 I mean the need that people express.
09:10 I had one lady, I could tell that she'd been crying.
09:13 So I asked her, you know,
09:15 right before I left, I was like,
09:16 "Hey, is there anything you need prayer for?"
09:18 And she said, "Yeah,
09:20 I just lost a family member due to COVID."
09:22 And I said, "Well, let me pray for you."
09:24 And I prayed for her.
09:26 And when I said amen, she had a smile on her face.
09:29 And she looks at me and says,
09:31 "Thank you. I really needed that."
09:33 And it was just the most genuine smile
09:38 I'd seen that takes.
09:39 I've seen people that come at you, Hi, how are you?
09:42 You know that they have to smile.
09:44 Social smile. Yeah, social smiles.
09:45 Yeah.
09:47 Well think about what some of our neighbors
09:50 and obviously a few Christians
09:53 directly and even Adventists have gone through.
09:56 Family members died, member died
09:58 and during COVID, they were hospitalized,
10:00 you weren't allowed to go visit them.
10:02 I know.
10:03 When they died, you weren't allowed to...
10:05 See them. Often go to a funeral.
10:06 They would just go on. Yeah.
10:08 So there was a need for spiritual comfort
10:10 and some reassurance of this,
10:15 of the, not of the salvation, you can't assure them,
10:16 that person's gonna be in heaven.
10:18 That's foolish.
10:20 But you can certainly give spiritual comfort
10:22 that it's in the hands of God.
10:23 And that, even though
10:25 they might not have said goodbye,
10:26 that, you know, they rest easy in the arms of Providence.
10:31 But I have been troubled by the way
10:33 that we shut up so easily.
10:35 And if nothing else,
10:36 it may not be a purely legal question
10:38 or of religious liberty in the classical sense,
10:42 but it's clearly a lost opportunity.
10:46 And I've always wondered as the Seventh-day Adventist
10:49 and the Bible believing Christian
10:50 and more importantly a Revelation reading.
10:54 You've read Revelation...
10:55 Yeah. Yes, I have.
10:58 The good parts. Variety.
11:01 But you can't help reading Revelation, you know,
11:03 that difficult times are predicted
11:05 for a world in decline.
11:07 Yeah.
11:09 And even if you're not a Christian,
11:10 or a Bible reader,
11:12 you know that the world is sort of spiraling,
11:15 somewhat out of control.
11:16 You know, many secularists think that beyond this,
11:18 it'll organize and they might be
11:20 a secular paradise, but they don't,
11:21 none of them say it's there now.
11:23 Yeah.
11:24 And, you know, I went to communist countries,
11:28 I'm trying to think, yeah, by the time you were born,
11:32 the Soviet Union already collapsed.
11:34 But at its peak, you know,
11:35 the idea was that socialism in the communist sense,
11:39 this Communist Revolution was going to engulf the world
11:42 and it would bring in a secular paradise.
11:44 Never happened. Never.
11:46 The theory was not always totally wrong,
11:49 but the practice was impossible,
11:51 because it was dealing with,
11:53 you know, the aspirations of human beings
11:55 that's full of jealousy and violence
11:57 and greed and so on and couldn't work.
12:01 So not communists anymore, not necessarily,
12:05 or even capitalists see, you know, a great,
12:08 wonderful horizon.
12:10 Right now the world is sort of in a, in a...
12:12 You're a good swimmer.
12:14 That's that summer school,
12:17 you were a lifeguard and swim instructor.
12:21 So you know that,
12:22 don't you agree the world right now
12:23 is sort of treading water.
12:25 It's not going strongly anywhere, but it's...
12:28 Dog paddling.
12:29 Yes, dog paddling.
12:31 And, you know,
12:33 part of the dog paddling
12:34 is get as many injections and people as you can,
12:38 and many weren't,
12:39 they're sort of like the ones that's dog paddling
12:41 with the missing foot.
12:43 Harder to stay afloat, isn't it?
12:45 So we need spiritual hope.
12:47 And what's your take away after going those
12:52 door-to-door contacts,
12:54 did that make you feel good?
12:57 I mean, as a person,
12:58 I'm going to do a quick plug for Core real quick because
13:01 it was a great experience shot at to Dee Casper.
13:04 He was one of the organizers.
13:06 He was the organizer.
13:07 He was the director. It was a...
13:09 It was an amazing program.
13:11 Not only where you learn a skill that you can use,
13:16 but as well as you learn how to love Jesus
13:21 on your own personal ways.
13:23 You learn how to accept that He is a friend.
13:28 It's life changing.
13:30 I mean, I went, you know,
13:33 not thinking that I was going to learn much of anything.
13:35 Come back knowing that now
13:38 I can go door-to-door selling whatever I need to sell,
13:44 books, hope and hope as well.
13:46 No, but hope. That's the point.
13:47 Yeah, yeah.
13:49 You're not just selling books or lessons or anything.
13:51 You're giving people hope, uplift.
13:53 And the smiles I saw on kids'
13:55 faces whenever I gave books
13:58 or on adults' faces was just amazing.
14:00 Wonderful.
14:01 We'll take a break.
14:03 But stay with us.
14:04 We'll be back shortly to continue this discussion
14:06 with my guest Christopher Steed.
14:08 Great last name by the way.


Revised 2021-09-28