Liberty Insider

Ed Cooke Part 3 of 6

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI210499B

00:01 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:02 Before the break with guest Ed Cooke,
00:04 we were reaching back to Nazi Germany
00:09 and some of the uncanny parallels.
00:12 We're not really making the parallels yet,
00:15 but startling developments then particularly involving religion
00:20 and how people respond.
00:21 You mentioned Bonheoffer,
00:23 how people respond with their faith
00:25 in a time of great stress.
00:26 And that is very relevant to today, I think.
00:29 Yep.
00:30 And again, you know, I just wanted to touch on
00:32 the point that you mentioned just before the break.
00:35 So, the aspect of Bonheoffer, as far as him seeing
00:37 that there was a moral wrong with Nazi Germany.
00:41 Yes, that being a good point
00:42 at the same time like you pointed out.
00:44 And as we have mentioned in some prior programming,
00:47 that as Christians we are not involved
00:49 in trying to overthrow our government.
00:52 You know, we let God work things out
00:54 and He's the ultimate ruler.
00:56 He has the ultimate power to fix those types of wrongs.
01:00 But one of the things about Hitler's Germany
01:03 that I think is a fascinating part of history
01:06 is not only was he able to...
01:08 We could use the word co-opt the religions within Germany,
01:13 but also he was on a mad pursuit
01:16 and endeavor to obtain religious relics,
01:20 amulets, different things
01:21 that he thought would give he and The Third Reich
01:25 the power they needed to perceive.
01:26 Well, and they believed,
01:28 and I actually think there's some truth in it
01:31 that you know,
01:32 the Greek legends of Thor and his hammer, for example,
01:37 they believed that this was a remembrance
01:39 of an actual weapon.
01:40 And if they could find out enough information,
01:43 they could recreate that weapon.
01:44 Or the Holy Grail seeking after...
01:46 Holy Grail, they believed there was some secret power
01:50 that the early Christians had that derived from Christ.
01:53 Or the Shekinah Glory?
01:55 All sorts of stuff. The Jewish box, you know.
01:56 Yeah. They wanted to get the ark.
01:58 Indiana Jones wasn't totally fabricated,
02:01 it was reality, was the Ananobe group
02:05 that were hunting all this down,
02:06 but it wasn't just to, to get these icons of religiosity
02:11 or to find the secret behind them,
02:13 so they had power.
02:14 There's many things written by the insiders.
02:17 They planned on developing a religion of the area
02:20 and people's state religion,
02:23 and then removing Christianity and all of the religions.
02:26 They wanted in essence, a state
02:29 religion of the area and people,
02:32 sort of shades of Nebuchadnezzar in my view.
02:34 Yes, definitely.
02:36 That even overtures that we might say
02:39 are echoing, you know, today where you've got
02:42 groups that are wanting to take a,
02:44 whatever the religion may be right,
02:46 and make it the dominant state religion.
02:49 You know, maybe in some of our programming,
02:51 we can talk a little bit about Hinduism in India.
02:53 You know, there's another example,
02:55 or even Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine
02:58 and overtures that way.
03:00 Well, you know, on this program,
03:02 I've said not inaccurately, but I'll qualify it now.
03:04 I've said for years after 9/11,
03:07 that nationalism had sort of ended.
03:10 And, of course, Trumpism
03:12 is a little bit of a denial of that
03:14 because it was make America great again.
03:16 That's Christian sort of nationalism,
03:19 but what's really emerged is ethnic power,
03:24 the religion of a people.
03:27 And so religion plays into that,
03:29 but it's the people group
03:31 and that can manifest in a pseudo nationalism,
03:34 but Hitler was clearly on the people power
03:36 and area and nation and their ancestral religion,
03:39 and descends in essence from the gods,
03:42 Valhalla and all,
03:43 not by accident that he loved Wagner
03:47 'cause Wagner himself had done a lot of research
03:50 into the Nordic gods and legends of origin.
03:55 Very true.
03:56 So you know, we need to stick to the Bible
04:01 as the Protestant Reformer said,
04:03 you know, to Sola scriptura, the Word only,
04:06 because once you start moving away,
04:08 even if you think you're talking religion,
04:10 you pretty soon into mysticism and legend
04:14 and a fatal construct or a false construct.
04:16 And, you know, one, not to get off topic,
04:19 but just to, to note a parallel, right?
04:22 Part of the underlying issues in America
04:26 that would go back to the time period,
04:27 leading up to the civil war
04:29 is that you had a Protestant
04:33 general understanding where, there were individual
04:35 I've actually I've read writings of individuals,
04:38 not only Christians,
04:40 but also scholars of that time period,
04:42 where they would look at passages in scripture
04:45 and use that,
04:47 even though it didn't say
04:48 the area and race or the Caucasian ethnicity.
04:52 They would use that to justify the dominance
04:55 of a certain class, like the Caucasians
04:58 over the African slaves.
05:00 And they would use Scripture to do that.
05:02 So, one can look at that as an example, right?
05:05 Of how religion can be taken and misconstrued
05:09 and individuals maybe being sincere,
05:12 but that's the way they were educated.
05:13 They were raised that way.
05:15 So, in the deep thoughts.
05:17 Well, the Bible talks about the natural heart
05:19 mixing the faith once delivered to the saints,
05:22 but with the natural heart,
05:24 and it will pervert it every time.
05:26 Yep.
05:27 And the natural person
05:28 is loyal to family and clan, and so on.
05:33 It's not unnatural,
05:34 but if that's allowed to play out,
05:36 and then we all like religion, need religion,
05:38 you mix it in, you got a bad, bad mix.
05:41 That's really what happened in Germany in my view.
05:44 They were led step by step toward it.
05:46 And, of course, there was a whole process
05:49 of social engineering.
05:51 It didn't happen in a moment.
05:53 You know, the hero worshiper of the Fuhrer,
05:55 training the youth,
05:56 you know, all things that the Seventh-day Adventist
05:58 we should be grateful that we'd been given advice on this,
06:02 you know, the schools of the prophets,
06:03 of course, it's the model in the Old Testament,
06:06 but church schools, training young people.
06:09 The earlier you get young people
06:11 and give them values that will stick.
06:13 And the Nazis understood that.
06:15 They even got to the point where they maybe had
06:17 basically had baby factories
06:20 with the Waffen-SS men,
06:23 but, you know, the archetype of Arians
06:25 and then suitable women and take the babies
06:27 and farm them and then send them
06:29 to the Hitler youth and so.
06:30 No accident that within a generation,
06:32 they had fanatic, fanatical Nazis,
06:36 and then simultaneously the cult of the leader,
06:40 which I think is dangerous,
06:41 whether it's political or the church.
06:43 You know, we've got powerful quotes in religious liberty.
06:46 You know, John F. Kennedy,
06:47 poet, pope, or prelate
06:50 not going to tell me what to do.
06:52 We shouldn't have that swapping of authority levels,
06:57 but even within a church,
06:59 you know, the Pope
07:01 X is the regent of God on earth.
07:02 The Bible doesn't say any such thing.
07:04 True.
07:06 You know, whether it was Saul trying to sacrifice,
07:08 God says, your kingdom's taken from you,
07:10 whether it was, you know, the priest,
07:13 they fed him into the Most Holy Place on a rope,
07:15 because if he stepped out of line,
07:17 he would be struck down.
07:18 They have to pull him out.
07:19 You know, there's just no argument,
07:22 I think from the Bible to elevate a singular person
07:25 over a church or a state
07:27 to see them like the king.
07:29 The sole authority. Yeah.
07:31 The kings came to say, you know, divine, right,
07:34 God, that's what the crown is.
07:36 People have forgotten all they assembled.
07:37 That's the diadem of the power
07:42 from on high on you.
07:44 Don't believe in that.
07:45 The interesting thing about that is that,
07:47 you know, when we look at aspects of individuals
07:51 and in relationship to God,
07:54 we always have to fall back upon
07:56 what Scripture does teach us about us
07:58 needing to have an individual relationship with Christ
08:01 and recognizing Jesus as the sole authority
08:04 in our lives.
08:06 I believe that as we take the time to cultivate
08:07 that kind of spiritual relationship,
08:09 that is what can help us avoid the errors
08:12 of falling under the dominance and power
08:15 and control of powers that would lead us astray.


Revised 2021-07-19