Liberty Insider

Covid Schmovid

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI200493A

00:26 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:28 This is a program designed to get you thinking
00:32 about religious liberty developments in the US
00:34 and around the world.
00:36 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty Magazine.
00:39 And my guest on this program is my good friend,
00:42 Clifford Goldstein,
00:44 once an editor of Liberty Magazine
00:45 and currently editing the Bible study guides
00:48 for the Seventh-day Adventist Church worldwide.
00:50 It's a massive distribution.
00:54 But I'm sure you still have a little spot in your heart
00:57 for Liberty Magazine
00:58 and all the hurly-burly of what that involves.
01:01 There're aspects of it I miss.
01:02 Yeah, I'm sure some aspects here,
01:04 although you're on the big money now,
01:06 you don't have to worry.
01:07 I'm just joking,
01:09 but you know, we're living through
01:10 an interesting period now.
01:11 This is the COVID era.
01:13 When it finishes, I think sometime in 2021,
01:17 but we don't really know.
01:19 But, you know, I'm reminded of a quote.
01:21 I forget who said it, but he says,
01:24 "This is the way the world ends,
01:26 not with a bang, but with a whimper."
01:28 It's Robert Frost I think, it was Frost's poem.
01:31 But I sometimes fear that that's what's happening.
01:34 You and I are here filming this program,
01:37 but different our subsets of the church organization
01:41 have basically shut down, right?
01:42 We're not supposed to travel.
01:44 We have, I have permission.
01:47 But that troubles me
01:48 how quickly a lot of church operations
01:51 just shut down.
01:52 Well, a lot of everything.
01:54 A lot of everything, yeah.
01:55 Of course, this is what we wanna discuss,
01:57 but religion early on,
01:58 there's been some court cases
01:59 lately that have challenged that,
02:02 but early on religious services
02:04 certainly didn't pass muster's essential services.
02:09 Did that trouble you
02:10 while there is someone working for the church?
02:13 I don't know.
02:14 It's always been the question.
02:17 How do you balance,
02:18 you know, this stuff is all balance of rights.
02:21 It's a balance of rights.
02:23 Well, legally it is maybe not philosophically
02:27 or not the individual
02:28 that's standing for its principle.
02:29 You do wonder it's okay to run out in the street
02:31 and protest and burn down buildings
02:33 and people don't complain.
02:34 But if you go and gather in a church service,
02:37 you're suddenly,
02:38 you know, so there's certain elements of
02:40 which certainly appears to be...
02:42 Well, that's what the judges in New York were starting,
02:44 they were allowing demonstrations,
02:45 restricting churches, and that was...
02:47 Yeah, so some of these things are,
02:49 but look, this COVID thing,
02:53 it took the world by a storm.
02:56 I don't think anybody saw this coming
03:01 and by the time it came, nobody knew.
03:05 I mean, I imagine in hindsight of time
03:07 with we're here 20 years from now,
03:09 people might come back and think,
03:10 "Oh, we should have done this. We should have done that."
03:13 I want to believe that most of the people involved
03:17 are doing what they think was best.
03:20 I want to think most people, but...
03:22 That's certainly not a great sign of forethought
03:25 to the extreme things that are done.
03:26 Yeah, it just seems to, but if anything,
03:29 it shows how radically...
03:34 The world can change.
03:35 The world can change
03:37 and how radically America can change
03:39 and how we could be going along doing our thing and then boom!
03:45 Overnight, everything changes.
03:49 And I think it's understandable a lot of Americans.
03:53 And I suppose around the world,
03:55 people have found this very disconcerting.
03:58 You know, you hear stories
04:00 of increasing pharmaceutical for antidepressants
04:05 and increase of people, mental problems and so on.
04:09 I mean, if you're struggling to begin with.
04:11 And then you have
04:12 this massive thing coming along,
04:15 which is affecting everybody, it's a little scary.
04:18 Well, I've thought about it in the light of a book
04:22 that really influenced me back in college, 1984.
04:26 Well, everybody,
04:28 you know, they've been putting parallels to 1984 in front
04:31 and that we remember when year 1984 came,
04:34 there were all these,
04:36 and there were no parallels back then.
04:37 I remember writing an editorial in 1984.
04:39 Yeah, 1984.
04:41 I mean, it was a great book and I know what you mean.
04:43 But what I, what I'm getting at is one,
04:45 there were many aspects in his very insightful
04:48 and progressive little book.
04:51 It's not very big,
04:53 but he was projecting tendencies
04:55 that were already obvious in his era.
04:57 Almost dealing with Soviet Union and all that.
05:00 You know, I'll get on side with you,
05:01 you know, the Trump administration,
05:03 I could critique it or love it.
05:05 You know, people go both ways.
05:07 But it was characterized
05:09 from the early days Trump was saying fake news,
05:12 right, questioning the news?
05:14 If you believe the American news media,
05:17 you are dumber than I ever imagined.
05:20 I don't believe there's a force for more evil in this country
05:26 than the mainstream news media.
05:29 I think they are a force for evil.
05:31 I guess this program is living up
05:33 to a provocative image.
05:34 That is a great, a fake news.
05:36 Of course, it didn't start with Trump.
05:38 No, but in 1984, remember, there's three powers.
05:44 And no two can beat any other one power
05:46 and they're constantly changing.
05:48 And when they realign
05:51 the same slogans are put on the wall
05:52 with no recognition of change.
05:54 So it's like, you sort of,
05:56 your reality is constantly being remanufactured.
06:00 And that was the charge on the fake news
06:02 that it's not reality.
06:03 It's just sort of,
06:05 it's a fiction being put at you.
06:06 And on one level,
06:08 yes, anybody that's traveled or read other media knows
06:12 that for some decades now, American media,
06:15 not that people in the US
06:16 necessarily less competent to judge news,
06:20 but there's so much entertainment...
06:22 And there're so many sources.
06:23 Source, yeah.
06:25 But still the delusions of the modern life
06:29 has sort of captivated America more than most countries.
06:32 They'd rather learn about the Kardashians
06:34 than real political development, right?
06:36 Yeah, of course.
06:37 So if you want real news, you go overseas.
06:39 But still the statement
06:40 that you made on the face of it is dangerous
06:43 because as you well know
06:45 democracy depends
06:47 on having a free and open press.
06:49 And so to restrict the press we're saying...
06:51 I'm not saying restrict that, but I'm just saying...
06:53 But that's what's going on now fake news,
06:55 so we disregard that we close them down.
06:57 Well, you know, it was so funny a while back.
06:58 And I guess I should,
07:00 there were some stuff out on Facebook
07:01 that there were some riots
07:03 and the police were harassing the press,
07:05 and I would've given them money to beat the press
07:08 you know, 50 bucks for, you know, fight.
07:11 I'd give a cop a $10,000 award
07:13 to go club a couple of New York Times people.
07:15 I'm sure you're speaking figuratively.
07:17 Yeah.
07:20 Well, okay.
07:21 We'll go with that for sanity sake.
07:23 But the point is...
07:25 But once information, once information is restricted,
07:27 then...
07:28 Well, I'm not saying that...
07:29 Then anti-Democratic forces will run amok.
07:31 I don't want the government restricting the press.
07:34 But I just think they're evil.
07:36 They're evil. They're forces for evil.
07:38 You know, I remember I was 18 years old
07:42 and I got a job as a copy boy at the Miami Herald.
07:45 I was a copy boy.
07:46 Okay, gofer. Okay.
07:48 And I'm just, so I was interested in writing
07:53 and I wasn't particularly political
07:56 and I never particularly liked Richard Nixon,
07:58 but I used to come home
08:01 and my father used to talk about
08:03 how angry I was at how distorted
08:09 they were out to get the president.
08:11 Okay.
08:13 They were, you know, and I thought, wait a minute.
08:14 I thought this is a newspaper.
08:16 I thought, and then how naive I was
08:19 to think that a newspaper would be honest
08:22 and objective and so on.
08:26 And it was always that way.
08:28 But in the era of Trump,
08:30 putting aside what you think about Trump.
08:33 You know what I think of Trump.
08:34 They were out to get him, and it was so unfair
08:36 and so dishonest
08:39 and putting aside whether you like Trump or not,
08:42 but that has, so I agree with him.
08:44 I don't trust the news media at anything.
08:47 Well, I would put it in another way.
08:48 I don't believe they were...
08:49 And we're straying a little,
08:51 I don't think there's hard evidence
08:53 that they were out to get Trump.
08:54 Oh, come on.
08:56 You can't be serious, man.
08:59 Listen. You can't be serious.
09:00 You might think they're right.
09:02 You might think he's Hitler, he's evil.
09:04 But to think that they weren't out to get him,
09:07 you got to be kidding me.
09:08 Let me finish the sentence. Okay, go ahead.
09:10 I don't think from day one, they were.
09:13 What set the cat among the pigeons
09:15 was in particular,
09:17 a candidate then President Trump
09:19 accusing them,
09:21 they're evil and all the rest.
09:22 So he created enmity, and once that was started.
09:25 Yes. I think...
09:27 But a lot of journalists have been spared.
09:28 But that's not, that's not in itself news.
09:29 There's been, I've lived through presidencies
09:32 where the press were opposed to them.
09:35 But if you have an open press,
09:37 they'll have this paper that's opposed to them,
09:40 this one that supporting,
09:42 and it's in the multiplicity of voices
09:44 that you can get at the truth.
09:45 And then there are liable laws and all the rest that can be,
09:49 you want, you don't want the Randolph Hearst thing
09:52 where it's just fabrications thrown at people.
09:55 Yeah.
09:56 But there is a protective element
10:00 in an open society where you have...
10:01 Well, I agree we need them,
10:03 but it's unfortunate what happened to our press.
10:04 What people are confusing and it's a false model.
10:09 The idea that the press should be unbiased,
10:12 who says they never were.
10:14 Never. Well.
10:15 Yeah, but the point is when you have a newspaper
10:16 The media is not unbiased.
10:18 Yeah. Of course, but it's...
10:19 Nobody has a biblical viewpoint and a prophetic understanding
10:22 that Adventist bring to it.
10:24 Well, but see, it's different when you have a publication
10:26 like what you've got.
10:27 Okay.
10:29 Of course, we've got,
10:30 but when you have the idea of a big city newspaper.
10:33 You have idea, they're going to present the news.
10:35 You've got the editorial section,
10:37 you know, so on, you got a magazine.
10:39 Like we said, the New Republic, it was always left wing.
10:42 That was fine.
10:43 Or Harper's is very left wing or National Review right wing,
10:47 that's different,
10:48 Rush Limbaugh is gonna be a right winger.
10:50 Okay. Yeah.
10:51 That's different.
10:53 But when you have these news outlets
10:55 that supposedly just bringing you the news,
10:58 you know, that mean,
10:59 we're a long way from CBS News with Walter Cronkite,
11:03 a long way.
11:05 He might judge on what's happening in,
11:06 with the news in the US, I see it.
11:08 Right?
11:10 As you used to,
11:11 I go to a lot of these events in Washington.
11:13 Sure.
11:14 And you go to this political event
11:18 where there,
11:20 maybe ahead of time, they've announced
11:21 they're talking about some topic
11:23 or some initiative,
11:24 but whatever,
11:25 you know, I go there
11:27 and I see the different stringers in that
11:28 for the different papers and services come.
11:31 You go into the room, at
11:32 the door there's the handout with the material.
11:36 And I'm telling you nine times out of 10 anymore,
11:39 what you read in the newspaper is that stuff repeated.
11:42 Yeah.
11:44 And the changes,
11:46 you know, to seize on a date as good as any
11:50 probably around the Clinton administration,
11:53 when there was a reshuffling of the economy,
11:56 remember there was a period where people lost their jobs,
11:59 got them back,
12:00 but they got employed at a lower level.
12:03 Essentially people were turned into service industries
12:06 and the news medias dropped there like Reuters
12:10 and that became nothing.
12:11 They used to have a lot of people
12:13 like in the Watergate era
12:15 where they could do investigative journalism.
12:17 They don't do that anymore
12:18 because they don't have the budget.
12:19 There's only a few people
12:21 and they take what's given to them
12:23 either spew it back
12:25 or if they have a deep seated bias,
12:26 they challenge it.
12:27 But there's not what true media did investigate...
12:33 Like spotlight, you remember spotlight.
12:35 Yes. That's not done anymore.
12:37 The superficiality,
12:39 that to me is more dangerous
12:41 than even erroneous information or a biased viewpoint.
12:45 The news media has gone wacko in this country.
12:49 And you've gotta be an idiot
12:50 to believe what you see on the media.
12:52 But what's accomplished in the last few years,
12:54 which I think is deadly dangerous,
12:55 not just for religious liberty.
12:57 It's, religious liberty
12:58 is inextricably tied up with civil liberties.
13:02 You can't separate the two,
13:03 but the media attack is on civil liberty
13:06 and the information that provides an open society.
13:09 So to cast doubts
13:10 for just a blanket discrediting of the news media
13:16 is it is dangerous to the extreme...
13:18 Well, they deserve it, I'm sorry.
13:19 Well, they might deserve it, but it's still very dangerous.
13:21 Well, I mean it's all we got, we're stuck with it.
13:24 Fortunately, now in the day of the internet,
13:26 there are other sources,
13:27 but how much of them you could trust is,
13:30 you know, I don't know.
13:33 It's a scary time.
13:34 I know you've challenged me
13:36 before getting a biblical analogy,
13:37 but, you know, the Bible says
13:39 my people perish for lack of knowledge.
13:42 If you're not well-informed, you can't make good decisions.
13:45 Well, democracies function
13:47 on the idea of a well-informed public.
13:52 And unfortunately, I don't,
13:55 I read something where 10 years ago,
13:58 or something, 67% of Americans,
14:02 when you have the word Holocaust
14:05 with a capital H,
14:07 60%, 67% of Americans
14:09 didn't know what you were talking about.
14:12 Things like that get very scary.
14:13 And I doubt that it's been true for the last administration,
14:16 but the statistics
14:17 have been pretty consistent beyond that,
14:19 between elections.
14:20 I think it's only about again the sixth.
14:22 I think it's 6% of Americans can name the sitting president.
14:25 Wow. That's stifling.
14:26 How many?
14:28 It was only about six?
14:29 Very, very, single digit number.
14:31 We'll be back after a short break,
14:32 stay with us.
14:34 Interesting discussion.


Revised 2021-02-25