Liberty Insider

The Gathering

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI200490B

00:01 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:02 Before the break,
00:04 I was discussing with Pati
00:05 some very interesting elements of what she's doing
00:07 and particularly during the COVID era,
00:10 and we were continuing the discussion
00:14 during the break,
00:16 and I wish the camera had been running.
00:18 But we were talking really about the human trafficking,
00:24 I was nearly gonna say the white slave trade.
00:27 When I was growing up, that's what they call that.
00:29 It's an old term and misleading in some ways.
00:32 But slavery is not confined to a couple of 100 years ago.
00:36 No.
00:37 Other places where it does still exist.
00:41 And as far as US history, particularly from China,
00:44 there's been a continuing litany,
00:46 and the US didn't act well
00:48 toward Chinese immigration anyway.
00:50 But under the radar,
00:52 people were brought basically as pure slaves,
00:54 by those with money and cynicism
00:56 and take away their documents and mistreat them.
01:00 But now it's spread
01:01 to many aspects of our economy, hasn't it?
01:04 And you've had the inside...
01:06 Oh, yes, I'm...
01:07 Being at the table discussing with...
01:09 Exactly.
01:10 Well, we've had some of our events,
01:12 our film festivals, and other events.
01:14 We have survivors
01:15 that come and they tell their story,
01:17 labor trafficking stories, and they're afraid to speak up,
01:20 and they're afraid to just leave
01:22 without documentation.
01:23 They're told so many things,
01:24 when they come into the country
01:26 that they believe them at first,
01:27 then the mistreatment happens, it's too late.
01:30 But besides the labor trafficking
01:33 in the other area of sex trafficking,
01:36 here in America, yes,
01:38 people are brought from other countries.
01:40 But right here in America,
01:42 we have a problem because
01:43 there are many, many homes without strong father figures.
01:47 There may be a father figure in the home,
01:48 but they're not strong.
01:50 They're not a good influence to their daughter or son
01:54 or they're absent fathers.
01:56 And now this child is a girl, woman, girl grows up,
01:59 a teenager grows up
02:00 wanting that male kind of love and bonding,
02:04 and what we call...
02:05 And can be abused terribly and...
02:06 Yes. Lose their freedom.
02:08 And we call it the Romeo pimps because they Romeo the girls,
02:10 they come up to the girls,
02:12 they don't know who they are at first.
02:13 But they say, "You're beautiful,
02:14 you're worth so much to me."
02:17 They wine and dine them, buy them gifts.
02:20 These are teenagers, 15, 16 years old.
02:23 And they're often...
02:24 The sex slave and they're getting clothes,
02:26 and jewelry, and money, and fancy cars,
02:29 and they're being swept off their feet.
02:31 But we need strong fathers.
02:33 So you're discovering the public affairs
02:36 part of religious liberty
02:38 is leading you in many, many directions,
02:40 reformed directions.
02:42 Yeah.
02:43 You know, one of the big debates
02:44 that I even have with myself
02:47 is to what degree should we be involved in things
02:52 to change and improve society versus spreading the good news
02:56 about coming perfect kingdom.
02:59 And if you read Ellen White's comments
03:00 about social,
03:02 I don't know if she uses the term social justice.
03:06 It can be used in different directions,
03:08 but the overriding principles
03:10 she points out is
03:11 we need to maintain present truth,
03:14 present truth is speaking to the times
03:16 and warning people
03:17 and preparing them for God's kingdom.
03:19 But I know that that was never intended
03:23 and can't be used to totally short-circuit us away
03:26 from social responsibility.
03:31 But, you know, I think you're on the right track.
03:33 The same John MacArthur,
03:37 that's the pastor of that church
03:38 that I attended.
03:39 I saw online
03:41 where he came in and spoke to a group of seminary students
03:43 who are just freshmen, I guess they were.
03:46 And he said to them, he says,
03:47 "You think you've come here to change the world?"
03:50 He says, "That's not true, you're here to change people."
03:54 And your concern is going to the individual.
03:58 We are called to do that,
04:00 we're called to feed the homeless
04:01 and visit the sick, to change their lives,
04:04 but by no means are Christians in coalition or whatever
04:08 capable of turning this channel house of a world
04:12 we live in into heaven on earth,
04:13 it's not gonna happen.
04:15 We can't be indifferent to it.
04:17 We have to move into that like Jesus,
04:20 he met with the publicans and sinners
04:22 and the women of the world
04:23 who, you know, serial marriages and all of it.
04:26 I mean, we did bring relief to those people.
04:29 You know, some of these events we had,
04:32 I met an ex-trafficker himself.
04:34 He grew up almost homeless, very poor,
04:37 would go to school in the same dirty clothes every day.
04:41 Now as an adult, he said though,
04:42 as he was growing, not one teacher, not one adult,
04:45 whatever, went to him and said,
04:47 "Are you okay? Can I help you with something?
04:49 I noticed you don't have lunch, here,
04:50 I brought you something to eat."
04:52 He grew up feeling worthless, disempowered.
04:54 He didn't feel he had any value.
04:56 So as he grew a little older,
04:58 of course, in his neighborhood,
05:00 it was popular now, join a gang, sell drugs,
05:03 get involved with traffickers, which he did.
05:06 He did that for quite a while.
05:07 And he talks about the horrors of what he did.
05:10 And...
05:11 Well, there are neighborhoods
05:12 where if they don't join a gang,
05:14 both sides will pick on them.
05:15 So you have to decide between two gang friends, you know.
05:19 But now,
05:21 he is an amazing advocate for God first.
05:26 And he says he never married, he never had children,
05:28 but every child in the streets are his child, he says,
05:31 and he talks to them.
05:33 And first, again, Christ's method,
05:35 he meets them where they are.
05:36 If he has to dress like they do in the streets
05:39 to be welcomed by them, he will do it.
05:41 He doesn't dress like I saw him that day
05:43 he was speaking for us in a suit and tie.
05:45 No, he was dressed like street wear,
05:48 speaks with the kids.
05:50 But he always leaves them a message about God
05:52 and I tried to do the same when I talk with survivors,
05:55 with anyone, even the nonprofits,
05:57 the people who are head of the nonprofit,
05:59 and they may or may not be Christian.
06:01 But even in my conversations with them,
06:03 I'll say things like
06:04 when we're talking about
06:06 someone who's been human trafficked,
06:08 or someone on drugs, or an alcoholic,
06:10 or someone in the streets,
06:11 I will just trying to say,
06:13 "You know, God created us all to be so much more than that."
06:15 Even the person that's lying,
06:17 they're mentally ill, or on drugs,
06:19 we all have to look at them, like,
06:21 God created them to be so much more.
06:23 Then we start talking about God, we start...
06:26 Then start speaking my truth and...
06:28 We're taking advantage of every opportunity.
06:30 There's always way to bring God into it.
06:32 There's always a way.
06:33 I'm so glad you're sharing this
06:35 because it's true that
06:36 all good deeds are good deeds versus doing bad.
06:39 But just going through the motions,
06:40 handing out food to someone, that's only part of it.
06:43 As Jesus did, follow up on the leads
06:46 because I read a book years ago called Street Christianity
06:49 by Arthur Blessitt.
06:51 He's probably dead by now, I don't know.
06:52 This was many years ago,
06:54 but he carried a cross around the world witnessing.
06:57 But he would go into the nightclubs,
06:59 to the strip joints, witnessing
07:01 and every opportunity like one of his...
07:04 I remember one example,
07:05 he said he was walking past the tennis court
07:07 and he heard them call out 15-love.
07:11 And he says, "No, John 3:16."
07:13 Love John 3:16.
07:15 And the follow-up was this person
07:17 came home from playing tennis
07:19 and they said we were playing tennis
07:20 and this crazy guy yelled out love John 3:16.
07:23 What's it? What was that?
07:24 He became a Christian as a result.
07:26 And he went into a strip joint and wearing his rapture suit,
07:30 he called it, in other words a very crazy sort of an outfit.
07:33 And he asked the owner who met him, he says,
07:37 "You know, what are the girls like here?"
07:39 And the guy said writing in the books
07:41 as I delivered him to the lion's den, he says,
07:43 "Oh, you can go and talk to the girls backstage."
07:45 And after a while, no one's dancing.
07:47 He goes back and hear the girls weeping and crying,
07:49 and this guy's telling them how God loved them and all.
07:52 You know, not everyone can do that
07:53 in that aggressive way.
07:56 But we're all called to reach out
07:59 and touch people with something that we have
08:01 'cause in the book, he says
08:02 "I've got something I want to give them."
08:04 Like, he in the drug era,
08:05 he would sidle up to someone, he says,
08:07 "You want some reds?"
08:09 And he would give them little capsules
08:11 with a wound up Bible text.
08:13 But he's like...
08:15 He says, "I'm like a drug pusher for the Lord."
08:16 Yes.
08:18 No, but God opens those opportunities,
08:19 'cause I'm sometimes talking with people.
08:22 And they're speaking as raw as can be.
08:25 And I'm listening
08:26 and I'm trying to maybe share some experience.
08:28 "Oh, yeah, you know what I saw on the street the other day, "
08:31 or "You know what I saw at this homeless encampment."
08:33 But then there's always that way
08:35 when I don't know what I'm going to say
08:36 but God puts it, it just comes out.
08:39 And I'm witnessing.
08:40 I was talking to a father
08:42 who came to one of our events with two children.
08:43 He was there all day with two, very, very...
08:47 He must've been a single father,
08:49 I don't know.
08:50 Very young children.
08:51 He doted on them, and took care of them,
08:53 and he would walk them and he gave them food.
08:55 And all day, I'm watching him.
08:57 And at the end of the day, we had raffle tickets.
09:01 And he didn't win any raffle tickets.
09:02 Well, I didn't have time
09:04 to put them all under the tables
09:05 like I was supposed to, so I'm thinking,
09:06 "Maybe that's the reason why God...
09:09 That maybe there's a reason why."
09:10 So I went up to him and I said,
09:12 "I have some raffle tickets for you and your two children."
09:14 And he's like, "Oh, thank you."
09:16 And they were very unkempt.
09:17 So I don't know if they came from a homeless shelter.
09:19 He was very unkempt, they weren't clean.
09:21 But I gave him the raffle tickets.
09:22 I said, "You know, I've been watching you all day.
09:24 You're such a good father.
09:25 Thank you. You're such a good father."
09:27 And then I just started saying,
09:28 "You know, about our Father in heaven."
09:30 And he's like, "Yeah, a little bit."
09:33 And I happen to have some tracks in my purse,
09:35 I always carry something. So I gave him some tracks.
09:37 And I said, where my church was,
09:39 "But just talk to God and He's always with you.
09:41 You know, He's with you and you're a good father."
09:43 I can't remember exactly everything I said.
09:45 But God, even in that moment, when I'm thinking,
09:47 let me just give him some raffles,
09:49 some restaurant tickets for him to take the kids,
09:52 I'm talking to him about he's a good father,
09:53 but we have an awesome Father.
09:56 It's interesting,
09:57 you know, you're reminding me of the discussion
09:59 that I have with my neighbor.
10:00 She asked me once, you know, "Is this one of the plagues?"
10:03 You heard me say that in the sermon.
10:06 I don't see that
10:07 it directly answers the description.
10:10 But in those final plagues,
10:11 it says that this came upon the world,
10:14 but people didn't repent, they went and turned to God.
10:17 So I'm hoping this is not.
10:18 And I'm still waiting for what should follow this,
10:21 and you're giving me a little example.
10:23 It'll be wonderful
10:24 if under this suffering that's caused an effect,
10:27 you know, we know at least where it came from,
10:29 and the type of thing that develops it.
10:31 But if it causes people to seek God,
10:34 it'll be a wonderful opportunity,
10:36 I think, for revival in many, many individual lives.
10:40 And, you know, you're really privileged
10:41 to have these conversations
10:43 to take advantage of those leads, aren't you?
10:46 Even in a time like this.
10:47 You know, I feel so humbled, though, when I'm doing this,
10:49 and I thank them.
10:50 And I told this father, I said,
10:52 "You're a good dad.
10:53 Continue to be a good dad,
10:55 and your Father is watching you.
10:56 And God knows and sees everything."
10:57 And I thanked him for being there.
10:59 I thanked him for being a good father.
11:01 So it's not about me and why I was there,
11:03 but it was because I know God wanted me to reach him
11:05 and speak to him.
11:07 And I feel humbled and I'm blessed.
11:13 I can remember as a young man
11:14 visiting the city of Rome for the first time,
11:17 of course, it was overwhelming.
11:19 The Eternal City, it's been called.
11:22 But I must admit the visit to St. Peter's
11:26 and seeing the then-Pope come out from a mass
11:31 with all of the...
11:33 and that was rather dispiriting to me as a Protestant.
11:36 But what really impressed me
11:38 was we were taken by an Adventist student guide
11:41 to the catacombs.
11:43 As I remember,
11:44 it was close to a busy city circle,
11:47 but then to go down into what were the terms,
11:50 the place of death, and despair
11:54 and a place that
11:56 the Romans who knew
11:57 of Christians meeting down there,
11:59 so this is seditious, dangerous,
12:02 and of course, just health wise,
12:04 it probably was.
12:05 To me that's not so dissimilar
12:08 from today in our COVID threat
12:10 where there's death and destruction on every hand,
12:12 hundreds of thousands in the US,
12:14 a million, at least globally.
12:16 In that time,
12:17 Christians, many of them have just gone home
12:20 and gone to sleep.
12:22 And those that do meet,
12:24 whether it's in public, in their church
12:26 or under an awning in the yard,
12:29 that is our modern equivalent
12:31 to Christians meeting in the catacombs
12:34 at a certain risk,
12:36 at a certain shamefulness in the public eye
12:39 but still obeying the Lord's command
12:42 to forsake not the assembling of yourselves together.
12:46 That's a charge
12:47 that we must honor in our own way
12:49 in these days.
12:51 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2021-02-05