Liberty Insider

Pandemic Opportunity

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI200489A

00:27 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:29 This is a program designed for you
00:32 to bring you up to speed
00:33 and inspire you
00:35 on religious liberty developments
00:36 in the US and around the world.
00:39 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty Magazine,
00:42 and my guest on this program is Pati Lawrence.
00:45 Welcome again.
00:46 This is not your first program, Pati.
00:49 But I'll introduce you again for some viewers
00:51 that haven't seen you before.
00:53 You are what I would call a religious liberty activist.
00:56 Yes.
00:58 A woman who as you've told the story
01:04 came in with an idea to serve
01:05 and saw religious liberty material
01:07 and literally followed the blueprint
01:09 and reached out and made contacts
01:11 with public officials
01:12 and at this point it's amazing, providential,
01:16 inspiring to hear you tell some of these stories.
01:19 So where do you want to pick it up?
01:20 Let's continue the story of the adventures of Pati.
01:23 There was a film years ago, The Adventures of Pauline.
01:29 But this is, doing and daring for the Lord, isn't it?
01:32 It is, and you know, the greatest thing
01:34 that I experience
01:36 is when the elected officials and not just elected officials,
01:39 but I build relationships
01:40 with county services with nonprofits.
01:44 The individually run nonprofits,
01:46 the people who are in the streets
01:47 with the people,
01:48 they see and know so much more
01:50 than maybe someone sitting in an office,
01:52 not to take away anything
01:54 but we need people on the ground.
01:56 But when their eyes notice that they begin to see us,
02:00 the Seventh-day Adventist Church
02:01 as an asset,
02:02 and as a positive influence and as a resource.
02:06 That's really a great thing.
02:08 But I do want to say, at the beginning,
02:10 I kept praying to be a resource,
02:12 God, let us be Your resource.
02:14 And God always does give us more than we ask for.
02:17 So happens that congresswoman's office,
02:20 like when I go in, and I before I leave them,
02:22 I let them know, if you need anything,
02:24 call me first, call me.
02:26 I may have a resource for you.
02:27 I may have a source, I may have a service, call me.
02:31 Well, they called me on that.
02:33 I received a call.
02:35 And the case manager says,
02:37 "Pati, we have a constituent in our district."
02:40 They have, it's a woman who has a brother,
02:43 he's a senior citizen disabled.
02:46 He is on limited income,
02:49 and his medical doesn't cover
02:52 for all of the adult diapers
02:55 that he needs through the month.
02:57 We might think oh, okay, that's not such a big deal.
03:00 But you know what?
03:01 It is a big deal to someone who has to go.
03:04 But I think they were almost testing you.
03:06 Maybe they were, this wasn't something...
03:08 This is what I think, this was a test case to see
03:09 how you would respond.
03:11 Adult diapers and I said, "Let me see what we can do.
03:13 Let me see what I can do."
03:15 Because I know that several of our churches
03:16 in the area have thrift stores
03:18 and have food banks.
03:20 I know they get baby diapers.
03:22 Again I prayed and I said, "God, let me be a resource.
03:25 Let me find diapers."
03:26 There was a local church I contacted.
03:29 Now this is a man, so diapers are specific.
03:32 They're specific to gender and size.
03:35 Capacity. Yeah, capacity.
03:39 I mean he was running about 18 to 20 diapers short a month.
03:43 I mean, that becomes a hygiene issue a problem
03:45 for the family.
03:47 Serious issue for the individual.
03:48 That's serious,
03:50 so I needed male
03:51 and I needed large adult diapers.
03:55 I reached out to a local church
03:57 that I knew had the food bank and a large thrift store.
04:01 They had large adult diapers
04:05 that someone had recently donated.
04:07 They were taking up too much space in their store.
04:10 That is a providential thing right there,
04:11 what are the chances?
04:13 What are the chances?
04:14 So I called back the congresswoman's office
04:17 her caseworker and I say,
04:18 "I have about a four or five months supply
04:21 of supplemental diapers that I can drop off."
04:23 And she says, "Well, can I put you in contact
04:25 with our constituent?"
04:27 She wanted me to then take to drive this
04:29 and take the reins on it.
04:31 I said, "Sure, let me give him a call."
04:32 So I called and the woman says, she gives me her home address.
04:37 I go to drop them off that day.
04:40 What I saw in that home, it just...
04:43 I can't put into words. I go into the home.
04:47 There were probably four or five little children
04:50 under 10 years old.
04:51 I believe this gentleman lived with his daughter
04:54 and her family.
04:57 When they saw me walk in,
04:58 I asked for help if someone could help me,
05:00 there was a teenager there, he came out to my car,
05:01 he helped me bring them in.
05:03 The children, five year old, six year olds were,
05:06 others may take it for granted in other you know areas of,
05:11 but these children were jumping up and down
05:14 carrying as much as they could.
05:16 The diaper the package of diapers
05:18 and saying grampy, grampy look, look.
05:20 They were excited for him.
05:21 To them, it was the greatest thing in the world
05:24 to see their happiness, they're jumping up and down.
05:27 The caregiver and his sister, they were just like,
05:30 their eyes were big, they couldn't believe it.
05:32 This was a great thing for them.
05:34 It was great.
05:36 And I left and I gave them my numbers
05:38 and said just call me.
05:40 If I could be of any other help, call me.
05:44 The greatest thing about this is,
05:45 they knew that their member of Congress,
05:47 their elected official helped them,
05:49 but they also know that we help them,
05:52 Seventh-day Adventist Church helped them.
05:54 I left some literature and higo,
05:57 you know, for the kids
05:58 and I had some I just happened to have
06:00 some little booklets that were for children.
06:02 No one never carry those.
06:03 I had them.
06:05 So I left them really I had tears in my eyes.
06:07 I was, it was a happy tears.
06:09 And I said God,
06:10 I kept praying for us to be a resource.
06:13 But you made us a blessing this day.
06:15 We were a blessing to a family.
06:17 Just last night I was reading Martin Luther King's
06:20 one of his last sermons
06:22 and he quoted there from the words of Jesus,
06:24 he says, you know you, you didn't do this.
06:27 And he says when I was sick, and you didn't visit me,
06:30 but you visited,
06:31 and I'm quoting the words of Jesus
06:32 that that's true godliness.
06:34 So to be part of helping someone
06:38 in their immediate need.
06:40 It's not only creating a good relationship
06:43 with the government official.
06:46 You know, this is God's work for that person.
06:47 But to see those children,
06:49 that's what made me so happy
06:50 to see those children running and saying,
06:52 "Grampy, grampy look what we have for you."
06:56 And one of the women she says
06:57 this is about a five month supply.
07:00 This will get us to the summer,
07:01 they were in awe and so as I.
07:04 I didn't know it would be that.
07:06 I just didn't know what to expect.
07:08 Now, but also these things that we may take for granted.
07:11 There's a non...
07:12 I mentioned the nonprofits, there's a nonprofit.
07:15 She's been doing homeless outreach
07:18 since she was a teenager.
07:19 Now she has her own foundation.
07:21 She goes out into Skid Row every Wednesday,
07:23 she has an alley
07:25 that she sets up in food, clothing.
07:29 First time I saw this, so she had a washing station,
07:31 it's a little portable.
07:33 You dispense soap and water.
07:34 She says, "Would you mind running this for me?"
07:36 We ran up to homeless people
07:38 will wash their hands and face and bring them in,
07:41 give them some lunch
07:42 and they can pick some clothing.
07:45 As I'm standing there I had gloves on,
07:47 we were very careful.
07:48 I would ask them the most of the time
07:50 they would wash their own hands and splash the water.
07:52 Some because of maybe a mental illness,
07:55 they didn't really know, I would help them
07:58 standing there washing their hands and face
08:00 on a hot day.
08:02 You see the relief that comes over them.
08:04 You see the smiles.
08:05 They're thanking me and I'm saying,
08:07 "No, thank you for letting me serve you.
08:11 Thank you for being here."
08:13 So I'm getting emotional.
08:14 It touches my heart, something we take for granted.
08:18 We can walk in and wash our hands and face
08:19 any time we want.
08:21 And when you see the dirty water
08:23 coming off their hands,
08:25 and so that prompted me
08:27 to buy a washing station of my own.
08:30 I thought I'm going to do this in my town San Pedro.
08:34 The week after I ordered it.
08:36 I come out of the post office,
08:37 and there's someone I hadn't seen in few years,
08:40 Seventh-day Adventist who also lives in San Pedro.
08:44 We worship at different churches,
08:46 but because of COVID,
08:47 it has kept us distanced really from interacting
08:50 and visiting our churches.
08:52 I saw him and he says,
08:53 "Pati, I've been wanting to do something with the homeless."
08:56 Thank you God and I said, "Really?"
08:58 I just bought a washing station.
08:59 I showed him the picture.
09:01 He's like what?
09:02 He says, "He wanted to focus on hygiene."
09:04 And I said, "So do I."
09:06 He says, there's a lot of people
09:07 and when you're out there,
09:08 there's a lot of people that pull up,
09:10 drop off food and clothes.
09:11 But who really takes the time
09:12 and there's many out there without face masks on,
09:15 where's the even...
09:16 I don't want to come down on the city or officials.
09:19 But where's anyone monitoring the homeless
09:22 to make sure they're protected?
09:23 No, they're literally fallen,
09:25 perhaps they're sleeping in the cracks.
09:27 Who's helping them wash their hands,
09:29 giving them gloves, giving them clean face masks.
09:32 So he and I talked about it for a while and we said,
09:33 "Let's do this."
09:35 I said, "My washing station will be here this week."
09:38 So he says, "Let's call everyone we know,
09:40 let's get them out."
09:41 Our first visit out, there were three of us.
09:44 He and I and a woman that lives in my building,
09:46 she lives downstairs.
09:48 She's Seventh-day Adventist.
09:49 Wonderful, wonderful woman
09:51 with the biggest heart of anyone,
09:52 her and her husband both.
09:54 So we went out the first time, first day.
09:57 We were going to go out the first Sabbath afternoons
09:59 and the third Sabbath.
10:01 He says, "Well, we have no one else coming out.
10:03 So I'm going to post this on Facebook."
10:05 Okay put, we talked about the washing station.
10:08 You know, let's give hygiene kits,
10:10 let's give clean masks,
10:12 let's wash their hands and faces
10:13 or have them wash their hands and faces.
10:17 The third Sabbath comes and I said,
10:18 "Let's meet at my house."
10:20 I think maybe 10 or 12 people are going to join us.
10:22 And I thought amen. That is great.
10:24 Lincoln, when we showed up,
10:26 we counted 34 Adventists showed up
10:28 from different churches.
10:30 That's amazing.
10:31 So people are ready to respond if you give them a direction.
10:35 We caravanned in cars to the homeless encampment.
10:39 There were people there from, I have to give them a plug.
10:43 They're called fusion from San Bernardino.
10:45 They do homeless outreach in San Bernardino,
10:47 they didn't have washing stations.
10:49 Now people are going to start getting washing station.
10:51 Amazing.
10:52 Loma Linda, Canoga Park, Burbank,
10:55 they drew out to a little port town
10:57 called San Pedro.
10:58 If you unless you know you're going there,
11:00 you don't drive through this town.
11:02 We had 34 people join us.
11:06 And you got any estimate about
11:09 on how many homeless people
11:10 that those different locations
11:11 are at the location you were in?
11:14 I don't know, because there are many
11:16 that stayed inside their tents, some came out,
11:17 there were quite a few.
11:19 It was a very large camp. You mentioned tents.
11:20 Since I traveled to US, in the last few years
11:22 I've notice more and more tents under on an underpasses
11:26 and by deserted bypasses
11:29 that they're not in the most public places,
11:31 but there's a lot.
11:32 Now and these were in the backyard.
11:33 Something is going on.
11:35 Yeah, they weren't on the street
11:36 where they were visible.
11:38 We happen to see a small portion of them,
11:39 once you get drive down the street,
11:40 it was an industrial area,
11:42 and you go down to like
11:43 the alleyways of the side streets.
11:44 There they are, there were
11:46 several homeless encampments all over.
11:49 And, you know, there are many different causes.
11:51 And I don't want to get into all of them.
11:54 But it tells me there's a mission field
11:56 at home.
11:57 You know, it's still trendy
12:00 to sort of talk about over there,
12:02 you know, and sometimes young people
12:04 go on mission trips,
12:05 it's not all bad or not all good.
12:09 But there's a mission field at home.
12:11 There is and...
12:13 You see numbers of homeless, huge amounts,
12:16 especially in the big cities,
12:18 and how they survive in the winter
12:19 sleeping on grids and stuff in sub zero temperatures.
12:22 I bought lots of flip flops,
12:24 because I see a lot of barefoot
12:25 in the summer.
12:27 And because of COVID I can understand
12:29 from all the outreach when we tried to call people
12:31 to join us, I can understand
12:32 because of COVID we have to be careful.
12:34 A lot of members don't want to go out.
12:35 Yeah, COVID has changed the dynamic.
12:37 I think it's exposed the need
12:38 but it's made the risk even working with this greater.
12:41 Let's take a short break
12:43 and we'll be back
12:44 to continue this interesting discussion
12:45 of opportunities during COVID.


Revised 2021-03-12