Liberty Insider

Advocate Religious Liberty

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI200488A

00:27 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:29 This is your program designed to bring you up to speed
00:32 and involve you in some of the events,
00:35 developments, and underlying issues
00:37 relating to religious liberty.
00:39 Of course, in United States, but around the world also.
00:43 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty Magazine,
00:47 and my guest on this program, Pati Lawrence.
00:50 You're a, what I would characterize
00:52 as an advocate for religious liberty
00:55 and even an activist.
00:57 Yes.
00:58 You're a Seventh-day Adventist lay person, lay woman.
01:01 And you've taken the challenge and God has rewarded
01:06 you mightily with some incredible stories.
01:09 And that's really what I want to get out of you.
01:11 And the best way to lead
01:13 into this is something that's current,
01:15 not quite knowing when this will be broadcast,
01:17 but of recent days,
01:19 the United States was quite shocked
01:21 when Justice Ginsburg, Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
01:27 I was trying to think of her initials.
01:29 A legendary figure.
01:31 In fact, in one of my other programs,
01:33 I mentioned on a plane to Australia,
01:34 watching the movie made of her life story.
01:37 Very dramatic.
01:38 And at the same time, there was a full documentary,
01:40 all within months of her passing.
01:43 She was a woman of some accomplishments.
01:48 And a few months ago, or about a year ago,
01:53 we decided that we wanted to get through to her
01:55 and hope that she could respond
01:57 to an invitation to speak at our Liberty dinner.
02:01 Now it turns out that she was going through
02:03 another bout of illness and so on,
02:04 but you've filled an incredible role
02:08 in making a contact with her office.
02:09 Didn't you? Tell me how that worked?
02:11 And again, God is good.
02:13 It's God opening the doors.
02:15 After you and I spoke about inviting her.
02:18 I contacted my contacts and I love to say this,
02:21 my contacts at a congressional, at a Congresswoman's office.
02:25 And I said to him, I told him what we wanted and he says,
02:28 "Sure, I can help you out.
02:30 We can reach out directly."
02:31 This was the Congresswoman's district director.
02:34 He says, "Do you have a letter?"
02:35 I remember contacting you, do we have an official letter?
02:37 You sent it right over, sent it to him.
02:40 He made phone calls to her office
02:42 and he provided me with an address.
02:45 And he said, this will get directly to her.
02:47 I mean, there's addresses you can find
02:49 to write are Supreme Court
02:51 and a lot of people online,
02:52 but this was a different address.
02:54 This is an address that led directly to,
02:56 she would receive this in her hands.
02:57 Yeah. Of course, her staff.
02:59 I remember I tried to hand deliver it
03:00 and got into a lot of trouble.
03:02 The security's tight.
03:03 And I had to hand it to a security officer
03:06 and I was worried, but he says, "It will get to her.
03:08 Don't you worry."
03:10 Yes.
03:11 And it was a letter from the Congresswoman.
03:13 Yes. So I was excited about it.
03:17 We made that contact.
03:18 I believe I sent one out priority overnight
03:22 and then prayed.
03:23 And I remember you contacted me and you said,
03:26 "You did receive a reply back."
03:28 Yes. You did. So that was exciting.
03:30 I mean, it wasn't the success, but the success here.
03:32 I mean, we didn't get her,
03:34 but the success was there's a mechanism
03:36 and the contacts were working.
03:38 They were working.
03:39 And this is after the same Congresswoman,
03:42 her district director called me one day
03:44 and he's asking me for favor.
03:45 So it kind of goes back and forth.
03:47 It really does in.
03:49 When you have that relationship,
03:50 it's comfortable to call up and say,
03:52 "Hey, hello, I need this."
03:54 It becomes that comfortable.
03:55 It really does, informal emails back and forth, phone calls.
03:59 Or I just, now I get to the point
04:01 where many of the, and this is members of Congress
04:04 that I have developed relationships
04:05 with throughout Southern California,
04:08 because they're busy also.
04:09 And they know I'm gonna show up every Wednesday.
04:10 They say, "Pati, you don't have to call for us,
04:12 just come on it."
04:13 If we're there, you can come back say hello,
04:15 drop off because they know
04:16 I'm going to give them something.
04:18 So it gets to the point
04:19 where I can just walk in to their offices.
04:23 So he called me, the district director
04:24 for this particular Congresswoman.
04:26 And he says, normally they scout for venues
04:29 when they're going to have a town hall or a big event
04:31 or, they scout.
04:33 But he says to me, "Pati,
04:34 Congresswoman wants to use one of your churches,
04:37 wants to use one of our churches."
04:39 So I reach out to Dennis
04:41 and to our vice president of our Southern Conference
04:44 who jumped on it right away,
04:46 recommended the church, contacted the pastor.
04:49 We're good. Yes, we will do this.
04:50 And I said, "Well, Congresswoman is thinking big.
04:53 She wants a venue.
04:54 One of our churches
04:56 that would hold 200, 300 people.
04:57 Okay. No problem.
04:58 But they gave me a church that held occupancy of 1,000 people.
05:02 Okay. But that'll work.
05:04 A day of the...
05:06 Although I've had enough meetings
05:07 to know that you really want to fill.
05:11 If you've got a 100 people,
05:12 it's better to have a meeting room
05:13 that holds a hundred
05:15 and it looks full than to rattle around,
05:16 a 100 people rattling around.
05:18 It looks like it's a poorly attended meeting.
05:20 But obviously God's hand was in this.
05:21 Yes, I know.
05:23 God's hand, because we had no idea.
05:26 Yeah.
05:27 So the evening of the town hall,
05:30 I pull up, I have so many pictures.
05:32 Every news truck was there. There was ABC.
05:35 This is California, channel seven,
05:37 channel nine, channel two, channel five.
05:39 Even the Spanish news channel
05:41 was out there all around our church.
05:43 It's lit up, and I'm thinking what?
05:45 This is our church. I go in.
05:47 It is quickly filling up.
05:49 I spot the Congresswoman.
05:51 I go, we're at the very front seat.
05:52 She sets up her podium.
05:54 There's also a table because she has city officials,
05:59 city management there from the city.
06:01 And I see the Congresswoman.
06:03 She sees me, we greet each other.
06:05 She says, "Pati, I just want to tell you.
06:06 Thank you for letting us use your church."
06:09 I mentioned to her district director.
06:11 She said, I mentioned to him,
06:13 "You'll find me a neutral place."
06:14 First she says without hesitation.
06:16 He says, "Pati Lawrence, they're neutral."
06:20 And that's important for them to know.
06:22 Not neutral on religious liberty,
06:23 but neutral politically.
06:24 We're not a political action group
06:27 for any party or pressure group.
06:30 No.
06:31 And they know what we stand for
06:33 from the very beginning of our meetings
06:35 that we have with them.
06:37 And she says, "You know, I was thinking big.
06:38 I needed a venue, 200, 300 people."
06:41 And I say, "Congresswoman,
06:43 this venue, this church holds a thousand people and look,
06:46 there's standing room only.
06:47 Her eyes were so big. I reversed my shoes.
06:50 I know, I know, we're looking around.
06:54 It was so exciting
06:55 and these are people from the community.
06:58 Now what better free marketing can we get than...
06:59 Yeah.
07:01 How many times can we have a thousand people
07:02 from the community to come in without us
07:04 sending out one flyer or one bulletin?
07:07 Now tell me, I've heard your story
07:09 of what happened during that meeting.
07:11 There was some interesting exchanges.
07:13 Yes. It was not a happy crowd.
07:18 The issue, it's normally a city issue.
07:22 I think I can mention
07:23 it was about potholes in the city.
07:25 I know, it sounds, it is laughable but...
07:27 Well, not really. But not really.
07:29 Not for this city.
07:30 I guess it's my program, indulge me,
07:32 I've got a book called ''Parkinson's Law."
07:36 It's a humorous book, but with scientific basis
07:39 and one of them is called
07:40 the point of vanishing interest.
07:42 And it says, how this committee meeting
07:44 to discuss the nuclear power plant.
07:47 And it's, you know,
07:49 so many billion dollars and so many cents.
07:51 And it says, nobody asked how come that odd number.
07:54 And it says, nobody on the committee
07:56 knows anything about nuclear power plants.
07:57 So they voted in a moment.
08:00 Then they get down to, you know,
08:02 building some roads in that
08:03 with a bit of discussion because people understand roads
08:05 to some degree voted after 10, 15 minutes.
08:08 Finally, bicycle shared for the employees.
08:10 Everybody knows about it.
08:13 So potholes guaranteed interest.
08:15 Everybody has opinions on potholes.
08:18 So it would be expected that
08:20 it would be a very contentious thing
08:22 where to proportion to the monetary
08:25 and social effect of it.
08:27 Well, in this town in particular,
08:29 I've driven through this town.
08:30 There's, we're not just talking a little bump in the road.
08:33 There are huge potholes everywhere and deep.
08:37 I mean and the reason that the Congresswoman...
08:39 I've read articles, these potholes
08:40 that have swallowed cars up.
08:42 Yes.
08:43 This is bad, almost on every block.
08:45 The reason Congress on being federal
08:49 took a stand now for this
08:50 is because she's also on a health committee.
08:54 And when 9/11 is called,
08:56 when paramedics are needed out in an emergency,
08:59 they're delayed, they have to slow down.
09:01 They have to take different routes.
09:03 They're going around the block.
09:04 Now this person's health is in jeopardy.
09:06 They need to be there immediately
09:08 and it's taking them minutes longer to get there.
09:12 So now she stepped up
09:13 and she's an amazing Congresswoman.
09:15 She stepped up.
09:16 So this is going on
09:18 and it's not a friendly conversation
09:19 you can imagine.
09:21 The audience, they're tired of years
09:23 and years and years of promises.
09:25 They're tired of hearing money's been allocated,
09:27 but nothing's been done.
09:29 That's why city management was there.
09:30 I believe even the mayor of the city
09:32 was there in the front view.
09:33 I was towards the front.
09:37 A gentleman gets up.
09:39 I have the picture also.
09:40 I wish I could have shared some pictures.
09:42 Very tall, angry, loud gentlemen.
09:46 Now Congresswoman is at the podium
09:48 and I don't see her bodyguard anywhere around.
09:52 Her secret service
09:53 or security person anywhere around.
09:55 Maybe he had stepped away to restroom, I don't know.
09:57 He starts inciting the crowd to a riot.
10:00 He starts saying, "Come on, are we going to stand for this?
10:03 We're not going to stand for this."
10:04 He was going.
10:06 Now the crowd starts angrily yelling.
10:08 A thousand people in the sanctuary
10:11 and it wasn't praising.
10:12 I mean, they are yelling and screaming.
10:15 Congresswoman becomes silent.
10:17 She doesn't know what to say.
10:18 There's moments of just silence.
10:19 And this man now starts approaching the podium,
10:22 big over six foot tall, big man, loud.
10:25 And the crowd, you can imagine the scene.
10:29 Our pastor of the church steps forward,
10:34 shields her, she steps behind him.
10:37 Now our pastor is
10:38 at the member of Congress podium.
10:41 Now on our pulpit,
10:44 here is our pastor behind the podium.
10:47 He shields her.
10:49 This was amazing. Now the crowd is still yelling.
10:51 He's trying to yell over them to say,
10:53 "Can I have your attention?"
10:54 Can I have, he's trying everything he can.
10:57 They're not quieting down.
10:59 And I'm getting where I'm thinking...
11:00 This was an interesting mob scene that developed, isn't it?
11:03 It just seems so surreal
11:04 because I'm thinking, is a riot going to break out.
11:07 Really, this man is still trying.
11:09 Now, this man is getting closer to the pulpit
11:11 and he's a big man.
11:13 Suddenly the pastor starts,
11:15 he started saying something like,
11:16 you know, you're here because we care.
11:18 We opened our church because we care.
11:21 This is a house of faith.
11:23 As he's yelling that the crowd starts to quiet down.
11:26 Now, if this isn't the Spirit of God,
11:28 I'm telling, if you're not a believer,
11:30 you're going to be a believer after that night.
11:31 A good reminder to those people,
11:32 that the Adventist Church, that it's a holy place,
11:36 and not a place for mayhem.
11:40 No.
11:41 And he starts, they start to listen to him
11:43 because then he started, when he started saying,
11:46 "This is a house of faith".
11:49 Then they started to quiet down.
11:51 And then he says, again,
11:53 "You are here because we care about you."
11:55 We opened up and his,
11:58 you could just hear it in his voice,
11:59 the caring and the upset,
12:02 because this is a house of faith.
12:04 And he says, "If this were your house of faith,
12:06 how would you be?
12:07 We would respect your house of faith.
12:09 Please respect our house of faith."
12:11 So he's also including in there that this is us,
12:14 but you know, if it were your house of faith,
12:16 we respect all of our houses of faith.
12:18 And it worked. People started quieting down.
12:23 Amazing.
12:24 They started quieting and the Congresswoman
12:26 is still just standing behind him.
12:27 He pretty much took over.
12:29 And then he says, you know, we care.
12:31 And then he says,
12:32 so I asked for respect for your Congresswoman.
12:35 You give your Congresswoman
12:36 and your city officials respect,
12:38 people started applauding.
12:40 So this proves that the Lord is in what you're doing.
12:41 And that faith
12:43 is not a coincidental matter to all of this.
12:44 No.
12:46 We'll take a break and be back shortly,
12:47 stay with us.


Revised 2021-01-27