Liberty Insider

The Liberty Commodity

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI200484B

00:01 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider
00:03 where I was sharing some thoughts
00:05 on the commoditization of humanity.
00:08 Looking back to World War II and what the Nazis did,
00:11 but to the present
00:13 and what we know is going on in China against detainees,
00:18 many of whom, if not most
00:20 are detainees
00:22 based on their religious identity,
00:25 many Christians certainly among them.
00:28 So I want to raise this point.
00:30 For us, it says, I wrote,
00:33 perhaps we are not so morally vigilant
00:37 because the commoditization of life
00:40 is now a full-on aspect of our digital lives.
00:46 Not too long ago,
00:47 one of the political parties rather openly railed
00:50 against as they put it,
00:51 the eaters or consumers
00:54 as being a drag on the producers.
00:58 One natural consequence of that
01:00 is a dulling of human sensibility
01:03 as we deal with illegals who are costing us,
01:06 so we are told and threatening us
01:09 so we are told,
01:11 and must be cleansed from our midst.
01:14 Of course, any country has the right to take steps
01:17 to protect itself and uphold its laws
01:19 and its borders.
01:20 But I see in this, the social dynamic,
01:24 expressing a reduction of humans to utility value.
01:30 Meanwhile, we all fondle our cell phones,
01:33 which track our every move and watch us incessantly.
01:36 We install ever listening bugs in our homes.
01:40 We are surrounded by ever smarter,
01:42 artificial intelligence that triangulates
01:45 all our personal information
01:47 to evaluate our personality, our health,
01:51 and our security risk factors
01:53 and indeed our very utility to the economy
01:57 and to the system.
01:59 In the US, at least,
02:01 there is still a residual memory
02:03 of the founding principle of republicanism,
02:07 not a party,
02:08 a principle that the power derives from the people.
02:12 In the Constitution there is still unobliterated
02:17 if largely unread,
02:19 applications of the greatly fought
02:21 for protection such as Habeas corpus
02:25 and protections from intrusion into our private affairs.
02:29 There is still an insistence on hands off
02:32 for religious practice.
02:35 But what will we do
02:37 when the algorithms and the public mood
02:40 tell us that we cannot afford certain viewpoints?
02:44 That is a huge unanswered question,
02:48 a huge unanswered question.
02:50 You know, in many ways we're coming close
02:53 to the mentality of the Jews in Jesus' time.
02:57 Obviously, there were doctrinal differences between Jesus
03:01 and the Pharisees, a little,
03:03 less than we might realize.
03:04 He basically was on their wavelength
03:06 because they believed
03:08 like he did in the resurrection
03:10 from the dead and miracles and so on.
03:12 There were even bigger differences
03:13 between Jesus and the Sadducees
03:16 who didn't believe in the divine
03:18 and the supernatural.
03:20 There were huge differences between Jesus
03:23 and the Roman occupation,
03:27 and then the puppet rulers.
03:31 Remember Jesus spoke of that fox Herod.
03:35 He was very critical,
03:37 but not involved with political matters.
03:41 So when Jesus ran foul of the Jewish authorities
03:46 and with the potential to be seen as seditious
03:49 by the Romans themselves,
03:51 the Sanhedrin met and it was said in that group,
03:56 dealing with this dissident who some of them
03:58 were more sympathetic than others.
03:59 And we know that Nicodemus in that group
04:01 became a follower.
04:02 So there was some pro-voices.
04:05 But the swing against him came when it was said,
04:08 it's better that one man die
04:12 than that the nation should perish.
04:16 It was said in Germany in World War II.
04:19 Better for the whole people,
04:20 these Jews and gypsies and communists
04:23 and, you know, that was a bit broader
04:24 than just the Jews,
04:25 but this part of our society
04:28 better that they be destroyed
04:30 than the Fatherland go down to disgrace.
04:34 Better an equation
04:36 balancing one against the other,
04:39 which is done in many things,
04:40 but dangerous when you're dealing
04:42 with human lives.
04:44 Better that one man die than the nation should perish.
04:49 The Marines which I've never joined
04:52 and I'm not militaristic,
04:53 but I've been inspired by their mentality
04:56 or their slogan in the past, never to leave a man behind.
05:00 The Marines try to do that.
05:02 I don't think they've always been able to.
05:04 I think in Mogadishu there was a horrible incident
05:09 where a few were left behind.
05:12 And I remember,
05:13 in Afghanistan shortly after 9/11,
05:15 there was the infamous scene
05:18 where a Marine was shot
05:20 and the Taliban and Al-Qaeda were savaging the body.
05:25 That is the things that are most regrettable
05:27 because the Marines
05:28 don't want to leave someone behind.
05:30 There's this great respect for a fellow soldier,
05:34 for a human being.
05:36 Western democracies also have, in the larger sense,
05:41 tried to embody this that humans are valuable.
05:44 And I like to think
05:46 that in our present COVID emergency,
05:48 which is full of disinformation,
05:49 overreaction, poor planning, and all the rest of that,
05:53 what lies behind it is still the sense
05:56 that we cannot stand by while humans die
05:59 or allowed to die,
06:01 either by neglect or poor planning,
06:04 but if there's something we can do anything,
06:07 we need to intervene to save their lives.
06:09 You know, that's not a dissimilar dynamic
06:12 that is existed behind true religious liberty.
06:16 People misunderstand religious liberty
06:18 just because we have open religious liberty
06:20 and I'm pushing for it.
06:22 It doesn't mean I think that this religion
06:24 or that faith system are wonderful.
06:26 I might think they're the most pernicious views
06:29 for human beings to hold destructive.
06:32 But as fellow human beings,
06:34 I have to not only allowed but defend
06:38 and spend myself in defending
06:41 their right to believe it,
06:42 because they are a human being
06:44 with thoughts and inclinations
06:46 just like me and is to be respected.
06:48 The West has brought that to a high level.
06:51 And, of course, republicanism is a whole-ism,
06:54 is a whole government system,
06:56 based on the respect of the individual.
06:59 As I've often said on this program,
07:01 it's not democracy writ large,
07:04 which can easily have the majority vote
07:07 against and eject a small minority.
07:09 No, republicanism is power
07:12 deriving from the people and protecting all people.
07:18 A democratic republican system doesn't protect the minority,
07:22 the disadvantage, the powerless,
07:24 it's denied its very essence.
07:27 And when we look at the modern world
07:29 and this inescapable commoditization
07:33 of the individual,
07:34 it's easily done as we gather together in cities
07:38 and every activity and every financial exchange
07:43 can be quantified and weighed
07:46 in the balances of what is said.
07:48 And it's a dangerous phrase.
07:51 The common good,
07:52 it's very easy to decide
07:55 these people are not necessary,
07:57 this class are not to be helped because it's futile.
08:00 They're costing us too much
08:01 or this belief system
08:03 is something that we cannot afford anymore,
08:06 because it's disruptive, it cost too much.
08:10 It might even be something that will spread through
08:13 and spread dissatisfaction to other people.
08:15 Any number of reasons,
08:17 but you can sort of put a number value
08:20 on this freedom
08:22 and it can be weighed in a utilitarian balance.
08:25 And those that have no sympathy for it
08:27 maybe decide whether or not it's allowed.
08:30 That's where we're heading.
08:32 We've been there in the world at least before.
08:36 The US hasn't had a great experience with this,
08:38 but I believe events, modernization,
08:42 the stresses of life are moving us
08:44 irrevocably toward this point,
08:46 where the bean counters of morality
08:49 are going to be allowed
08:51 or if we're not careful allowed
08:53 to make these life or death decisions
08:56 on people groups,
08:58 belief groups, and on principles.
09:01 And the greatest principle I believe that we have
09:04 in our government today or in our civil life,
09:06 is religious liberty.
09:09 It must be protected,
09:11 because human beings are not commodities.
09:14 They're sent in creations of a divine being
09:18 and we owe our life to God, we owe our loyalty to Him.
09:23 And I believe in reading my Bible
09:25 that we will have our continued existence
09:27 with Him one day.
09:28 How can we allow anyone to so demean
09:31 that is to see us
09:32 as just the number and an option
09:34 among many other options?


Revised 2020-12-05