Liberty Insider

A Strong Constitution

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI200482B

00:01 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:02 Before the break, I was reading from an interesting article
00:06 in Liberty Magazine from 1914,
00:09 on the Constitution.
00:13 And as you would,
00:14 I think, expect Seventh-day Adventist Christians
00:18 putting this together
00:19 were very concerned for the protection
00:22 of Christianity
00:23 and with an awareness of the Seventh-day Sabbath,
00:25 very concerned to protect that right,
00:28 that doctrinal uniqueness,
00:31 and not allow the Constitution
00:33 or those claiming to act within it
00:37 to be used to advance
00:39 or restrict any religious practice.
00:42 So let me just share a few more paragraphs.
00:44 It says, "The observance of a day of rest
00:46 is a religious act.
00:48 It is a duty between the individual and God
00:51 and this duty can be directed only by,"
00:54 and they're quoting here,
00:55 "reason and conviction not by force or violence.
00:59 As a free people that says we should view with alarm,
01:02 the fact that Congress
01:03 is continually besieged with petitions
01:07 requesting the enactment of laws
01:09 favoring the observance of Sunday."
01:13 Liberty Magazine itself goes back to 1906,
01:18 I think was the year that we began publishing,
01:21 I wasn't alive then.
01:23 Began publishing Liberty Magazine.
01:26 But it was a continuum of a periodical
01:28 that was previously named the Sentinel,
01:32 Sentinel of Liberty,
01:34 edited by Alonzo T. Jones.
01:36 And in 1888,
01:39 he and the Adventist Church
01:41 and a few other civil organizations
01:45 and a few churches objected to a proposal
01:48 before the US Senate for a national Sunday law.
01:53 And it nearly passed.
01:54 And you can go online and read it.
01:56 It's quite horrific,
01:57 because it mandates
01:59 the ceasing of all secular activity
02:03 under punishment of law,
02:06 and directs all people
02:08 to worship the Lord on that day.
02:09 That's a Sunday law.
02:12 Might have given some sort of
02:14 sanctimonious religiosity to the state,
02:17 but it was against the principles of civil
02:19 and religious freedom.
02:22 And that was defeated at that time,
02:24 but it really laid its mark on the Sentinel of Liberty,
02:29 and then Liberty Magazine as it began,
02:31 and at various time since there have been attempts.
02:35 And there are continuing organizations
02:38 that have that as they go.
02:39 I can remember many years ago now in my life,
02:43 but not long in the great stream
02:45 of Liberty Magazine.
02:46 But maybe about 15 years ago,
02:50 I sat next to a major conservative leader,
02:53 I won't name him,
02:55 and I have great respect for him,
02:56 but a leader in the conservative movement.
02:59 Had a media ministry and so on.
03:01 And he said to me,
03:02 when I introduced myself, he says,
03:04 "You Seventh-day Adventists think that
03:05 I'm bringing the Sunday law, don't you?"
03:08 And I said, "No, I don't think that you are,
03:11 but I said much of what you're involved with
03:13 has that as its natural consequence."
03:17 And there are some
03:19 who openly are pushing for both Sunday legislation
03:23 and other legislation,
03:25 slated forms of their religious doctrinal outline.
03:28 And so we need to guard against that,
03:30 not because they're bad people, but they're misguided.
03:33 And if the goal of religion is to change the hearts of men,
03:38 if the goal of religion is to prepare the way
03:40 for the kingdom, eternal kingdom of the Lord,
03:43 surely it should be the most logical thing
03:46 that coercion of unregenerate people
03:50 is hardly the way to go about it.
03:53 It's using the devil's methods in a vain hope
03:56 that it will bring about the kingdom of God.
04:00 It says here,
04:01 continuing on this article,
04:04 it says, "Sunday is not a civil but a religious institution
04:08 and is therefore beyond the purview
04:09 of the civil power.
04:11 Let Congress legislate but once upon the question,
04:14 and the step will be followed by disastrous consequences."
04:18 And then quoting from a Senate report in 1829,
04:22 it says,
04:23 "Let the national legislature once perform an act,
04:26 which involves the decision of a religious controversy
04:29 and it will have passed its legitimate bounds.
04:31 The precedent will then be established
04:33 and the foundation laid
04:35 for the usurpation of the divine prerogative
04:38 in this country,
04:40 which has been the desolating scourge
04:42 of the fairest portions of the old world."
04:44 Should be obvious
04:46 that the experiment of religious coercion
04:48 didn't work.
04:49 And not just the Spanish Inquisition
04:51 but other attempts.
04:53 You know, the St. Bartholomew's Day
04:56 Massacre in France comes to mind,
04:59 horrible things
05:00 where church and state were mixed
05:02 and bloodshed followed.
05:06 The absence,
05:07 and this is another quote from a book Church and State,
05:11 says, "The absence of the names of God and Christ
05:14 in a purely political and legal document
05:16 no more proves denial or irreverence
05:20 than the absence of those names in a mathematical treatise,
05:23 or the statutes of a bank or railroad corporation."
05:26 Much has been made of that,
05:27 both the absence and the slight
05:30 in the year of our Lord
05:32 like that religious acknowledgement.
05:36 It says, "The title holiness does not make the Pope of Rome
05:40 any holier than he is.
05:42 And it makes the contradiction only
05:44 more glaring in such characters as Alexander VI."
05:48 It says, "We may go further and say
05:49 that the Constitution not only contains nothing
05:52 which is irreligious or un-Christian,
05:54 but it's Christian in substance,
05:56 they're not informed,
05:57 it is pervaded by the spirit of justice
06:00 and humanity."
06:01 Things that are being argued about
06:04 and demonstrated for,
06:06 as never before in the United States,
06:09 which are Christian, it says, these are Christian principles.
06:11 The First Amendment could not have originated
06:14 in any pagan or Mohammedan country,
06:16 but presupposes
06:18 Christian civilization and culture.
06:20 Christianity alone has taught men
06:23 to respect the sacredness of the human personality,
06:26 as made in the image of God and redeemed by Christ,
06:30 and to protect its rights and privileges,
06:32 including the freedom of worship
06:34 against the encroachments of the temporal power,
06:37 and the absolutism of the state."
06:40 You know, these are powerful words
06:42 from the past.
06:43 And, you know, I want to repeat these now,
06:46 because we have forgotten them.
06:48 These were the trumpet cries,
06:52 through most of the history of the United States,
06:56 reiterating these with the Constitution
06:59 as evidence,
07:01 that of itself
07:03 that it was not to meddle in religion.
07:07 Let me conclude with one more statement here
07:09 that I saw earlier, which was good.
07:11 It says, "The publishers of liberty protest
07:15 against Congress making any law respecting religion."
07:20 In other words, we uphold the First Amendment.
07:22 "They do this because they are Christians,
07:24 because they love religion in the nation,
07:27 and do not wish to see the ship of state
07:29 wrecked upon the rocks
07:31 of the union of church and state.
07:33 Let our constitutional liberties remain
07:35 in violet.
07:39 That's worth remembering now.
07:43 I intend in another program to talk about
07:45 the dynamic that's emerged
07:47 during the COVID emergency
07:50 where it's not said in so many words,
07:54 but given that,
07:56 to gather together in churches
07:58 is to sort of invite contagion.
08:01 And the syllogism has drawn that
08:03 therefore religion is antithetical
08:05 to the survival of a free society.
08:07 It's not good. It's not a good dynamic at all.
08:10 Religion is important to our personal life.
08:14 And it was so important
08:15 that the Constitution was designed to protect it
08:18 by leaving it alone,
08:20 not restricting it,
08:22 no law, respecting religion,
08:26 nor prevent the free exercise thereof.
08:30 I mean, that's a wonderful prescription
08:32 for continued religious freedom.
08:35 But how we will maintain that in the years ahead,
08:39 as we have religious diversity on a level that,
08:43 you know, we grant almost semi profit status
08:45 to the founders or the framers of the American Constitution,
08:49 but they were mere men.
08:51 I am sure they could never have imagined
08:54 the religious diversity
08:57 and, of course, the diversity of those who are informed
08:59 not by faith or tradition, but by "science,"
09:04 which often means a sense of rationality
09:09 by people who are not rational,
09:12 nor always knowledgeable,
09:14 but cynical and suspicious of faith
09:18 absolutes that have come down to us.
09:20 You know how those men could have imagined that never.
09:24 We're in a stressful circumstance
09:26 for the very assumptions that formed the Constitution.
09:30 But we need to cling to that idea
09:33 of a separation of church and state,
09:36 and religion.
09:38 We can work itself out versus the power as Jesus said,
09:41 the powers of hell shall not prevail against it.
09:44 If there is faith on this earth
09:46 and Jesus worried that it would disappear,
09:48 it can take care of itself,
09:50 but let the state decide that it will either support
09:54 or worse oppose religion.
09:56 And either way, a great travesty is enacted.
10:00 It's a privilege for all of us to live in the United States
10:03 where more than most any country
10:05 in modern history,
10:07 the United States is enshrined a great reverence
10:10 for the practice of religious faith.
10:12 And it's worth remembering,
10:13 it is enshrined in the Constitution.
10:16 It is a dynamic of separation.
10:19 And it's so integrally tied to the very survival
10:23 of this great experiment
10:24 that Abraham Lincoln so extolled.
10:27 You know whether it will succeed,
10:29 we need to respect it.


Revised 2020-11-30