Liberty Insider

Justice and the Justices

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI200481B

00:01 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:02 Before the break,
00:04 I was holding forth on Ruth Bader Ginsburg,
00:08 a woman of great integrity
00:09 that passed away recently from life
00:12 and from her life tenure on the Supreme Court
00:15 and the battle that's picking up again,
00:18 on the different factions
00:20 trying to stack the Supreme Court,
00:22 which is a wrong concept to start with.
00:25 I want to share this editorial that I wrote last year
00:29 about this sort of phenomenon
00:31 was called Stare Decisis revisited,
00:34 hopefully upon there
00:35 because Stare Decisis means established law.
00:38 And the idea in the judiciary is
00:40 if something is settled and established,
00:43 you don't lightly overturn that,
00:44 it has its own weight of continuity.
00:49 And I wrote, "These are not normal times.
00:52 We seem to be living
00:53 through the Pauline prediction
00:55 that what can be shaken
00:56 will be shaken in Hebrews 12:27.
01:00 I use the Bible text advisedly
01:02 because so many people of faith
01:04 seem to have committed themselves
01:06 to shaking the system of secular laws
01:08 to bring about moral renewal.
01:12 Liberty has not spent
01:13 a lot of space on Roe v. Wade in the years
01:16 since that 1973 Supreme Court case.
01:21 In those 46 years," 47 years now, maybe nearly 48,
01:26 "the Christian opposition to this abortion precedent
01:28 has swelled from moral outrage.
01:31 It's such a blatant denial of the value of life
01:34 through two violent acts,
01:36 including murder
01:37 against those who perform abortions,
01:41 and finally on to concerted political action
01:44 to gain power and rollback this
01:47 and other objectionable precedents.
01:51 I have commented before in Liberty
01:54 and even on this program
01:56 at the rather ironic doctrinal dynamic
01:58 that once saw Roman Catholic leadership
02:02 upfront in opposition
02:04 for reasons that had everything to do
02:06 with original sin and the immortal soul."
02:10 It's worth remembering,
02:12 that is a base
02:13 why the Roman Catholic Church objects to Roe v. Wade.
02:18 I think they have right to object to it,
02:20 but the theological dynamic is something
02:23 that Protestants don't accept,
02:25 original sin and the immortal soul,
02:28 at least not the first.
02:29 "But later joined in arguably overtaken
02:32 by American Protestant leadership,
02:34 which seem not to care as much as Luther et al
02:39 about such differences.
02:41 But for the point of my comments here,
02:43 it makes little difference.
02:45 A unified Christian Action Coalition
02:48 is on the move to rollback Roe
02:52 and as many by their own statement
02:54 says 120 of the court actions that they find offensive.
03:01 So-called heartbeat bills in a dozen states
03:04 now criminalize all
03:05 but the most early term abortions.
03:09 Alabama recently went ahead
03:10 and passed an openly anti-abortion bill
03:13 that could apply penalties of up to 95 years in prison
03:17 to doctors who perform abortions.
03:20 It passed the State Senate by a vote of 25 to 6.
03:25 Of course, such a bill
03:26 is in violation of Supreme Court precedent
03:30 and by design,
03:33 I think it's obvious that this is in expectation
03:37 that the newly conservative Trump court
03:39 will promptly overturn Roe
03:41 when this challenge is taken up.
03:46 I know that some recent applicants
03:48 murmured against established law
03:51 during their confirmation,
03:52 but many think
03:54 that that is a necessary white lie to do good later on.
04:00 A while back, I read some comments
04:01 on all of this by Jeffrey Tubin
04:03 writing in the New Yorker, in May 27, 2019.
04:09 Justice Thomas wrote for the majority
04:11 and franchise Tax Board of California
04:14 versus hire.
04:16 I know these things seem dull and tedious
04:18 to many listeners, but they're important,
04:20 these cases, "on whether,"
04:23 in that case,
04:24 "on whether the 1979 precedent of the court
04:27 should be overturned.
04:29 In this view," writes Tubin,
04:31 "it is fine for the court to do away with Stare Decisis
04:36 or the rule of precedent.
04:39 If the current majority believes
04:41 that the precedent represents an 'incorrect' resolution
04:46 of an important constitutional question.
04:49 Tubin writes,
04:50 this is not how Stare Decisis is meant to work.
04:54 What he didn't write,
04:56 but I think apropos
04:57 is that this looks like legislating from bench,
05:01 something we've been warned about
05:02 for years by the very same people
05:04 who now attempt it."
05:07 Back to Roe again.
05:09 "I think it obvious
05:11 that in practice the phenomenon of gratuitous abortions
05:15 often used as birth control have cheapened
05:19 or has cheapened the value of life
05:21 and paved the way for some people
05:24 seeming unnecessary in a utilitarian society.
05:29 Of course, before Roe, people were treated...
05:32 Women were treated badly in this regard
05:34 and often bore both the blame
05:36 and the consequence for unwanted pregnancies.
05:39 So it cannot be good for Big Brother government
05:43 with Uncle Faith
05:45 to lay a heavy hand on personal behavior.
05:49 This is the conundrum here.
05:51 Yes, abortion as it is come to exist
05:53 as part of a moral decline in society.
05:57 And yes, people of faith
05:59 risk being part of the stoning crowd
06:02 who brought a woman before Jesus.
06:04 Somehow, faith supported legal initiatives
06:07 should be more in line with Jesus advice to her,
06:11 'Go and sin no more, ' He told her in John 8:11.
06:15 Now back to that Latin term.
06:18 I always find it very telling that so much of the law,
06:21 and so much of Roman Catholicism
06:24 is steeped in Latin,
06:26 evidence that we are not so far removed
06:29 from the long lived or slow to die Roman Empire.
06:33 And I write this in gratitude
06:35 that I was only a generation removed
06:38 from obligatory Latin lessons in school.
06:41 Stare Decisis is a term derived,
06:43 a central to any discussion of the law.
06:46 It means to stand by what has been decided.
06:51 Or as a more elongated translation
06:54 of the larger Latin statement goes,
06:56 stand by what has been decided
06:58 and do not unsettle the established.
07:02 It is a good legal principle in any society,
07:04 aiming its stability as the Romans did.
07:08 I remember once, a few years ago,
07:09 listening with much interest
07:11 to the inimitable Justice Antonetta Scalia,
07:14 expand on his principles of original intent
07:17 in interpreting the US Constitution.
07:20 He was hardly a legal neophyte,
07:23 and his general principle had matched or recommended,
07:26 even if it tended to play amateur psychologist
07:29 with dead icons
07:31 and ran the risk of summoning up
07:32 the lesser of the founders intentions."
07:35 What I'm saying there in plain language
07:37 and trying not to be clever,
07:38 he would look back
07:40 and try to divine what the founders meant.
07:44 Well, other than the hard words in the Constitution,
07:47 you're really sort of parting back the curtains,
07:51 a musty mausoleum
07:54 who could know what they thought
07:56 in their innermost minds, what they really meant.
07:59 We've got a pretty good idea that in some cases,
08:02 they view was quite truncated on today
08:05 and it's worth knowing
08:07 that much of what happens on the Supreme Court
08:10 is divided between literal as you look at the words,
08:13 and some who take those words as principles
08:15 and try to apply them in a modern world.
08:18 It's an arguable point,
08:19 but a little jump from the literal words.
08:24 Anyhow, it says, "At one point in his lecture,
08:26 he railed against English common law,
08:29 and indeed on any other legal system
08:31 as being irrelevant.
08:32 But I think I saw a twinkle in his eye as he said it,
08:36 and I took it as more of a dare than effect
08:39 because US law is deeply indebted
08:42 to English common law.
08:43 How could it be otherwise?
08:45 The 13 original states were English colonies.
08:49 One little window into the legal awareness
08:51 is Jefferson's discussion
08:53 of the origin of morality and common law, "
08:56 where he clearly says
08:58 that we inherited in the United States
09:01 English common law, I remember...
09:05 Sorry.
09:06 "Further, in spite of the revolutionary language
09:08 of the American Revolution,
09:09 it was not the radical ejection of the old
09:13 that the French Revolution introduced.
09:16 If the French Revolution...
09:18 In the French Revolution,
09:20 the old political order was he attained
09:22 and religious structures demolished.
09:25 The American Revolution took to the next level
09:28 the aspirations of republicanism
09:31 that had already stood England in its civil war,
09:34 and nevertheless ended up
09:36 with its own versions of wigs and Tories
09:39 and the upper and lower houses
09:41 and the presidency set up suspiciously
09:44 like a constitutional monarch of the time.
09:47 And I say thank God Washington refused the crown.
09:50 It was offered to him.
09:51 I know the current President sees article two
09:54 as conferring unlimited power,
09:56 but the reality is that the king of England
09:58 had little more than veto power,
10:01 and the presidency was intended
10:03 to be the instrument of the people.
10:06 During the alarms
10:07 that followed the September 11 attacks.
10:10 Various attempts were made to change to settle the law.
10:14 I remember well the comments
10:15 of a George Washington Law School professor
10:17 that presidential actions
10:19 on arbitrary imprisonment
10:20 for anyone designated an enemy combatant,
10:23 put us back before Runnymede and the Magna Carta of 1215.
10:28 English legal precedent,"
10:30 yes, "part of the founding principle
10:33 in the US of Habeas Corpus
10:35 and the full legal process as protection against tyranny.
10:39 Once we turn against the settled laws
10:42 and liberties that define free people,
10:45 anything is possible.
10:48 A morality unmoored from law
10:52 is apart from an inbuilt contradiction,
10:55 mortal peril for all freedoms.
10:58 How easily some forget
11:01 that the Soviet Union and the grand dictatorship
11:04 of the proletariat in advanced was unsettlingly moralistic.
11:10 How few remember
11:11 that it was a yearning for moral renewal
11:15 that raised the Nazi brown shirts
11:17 to power in Germany.
11:19 And who has the temerity
11:21 to raise the topic of the Inquisition,
11:24 not just in Spain
11:25 but throughout the old and new worlds,
11:28 an inquisition that overturned
11:31 the logical freedom and ruts
11:33 in its search for moral security."
11:36 You know, these are unsettling
11:40 what ifs and maybes and parallels
11:43 to the past that I'm raising,
11:45 but we need to be unsettled in our assumptions
11:48 because there are many who are wanting
11:50 to unsettle established law.
11:54 I personally
11:55 and I think anyone of any biblical morality
11:58 is uncomfortable with something like
12:01 the Roe v. Wade dynamic and what has brought with it,
12:04 but we should be equally uncomfortable
12:06 against doing what Jesus warned against
12:09 saying that the kingdom of God gives us the power
12:13 to interfere with the kingdom of man.
12:16 We're to bring God's kingdom in hearts here and now
12:21 to be fulfilled in its great fulfillment
12:23 in the future
12:24 when God establishes His eternal kingdom,
12:27 but to meddle with compulsion to faith is not good.
12:33 We fought against
12:35 those who from the Islamic world
12:36 have crossed this line and think that they can force
12:39 and kill in the name of religion.
12:41 Why should we think it any better
12:43 if we do the same
12:45 in the name of a generic Christian morality
12:50 in a country of free republicanism?
12:54 Not good.
12:55 Stare Decisis is a good principal.
12:59 Protection of the established is good
13:02 and we should work towards
13:04 establishing the God's will in our lives.


Revised 2020-11-23