Liberty Insider

Changing Fortunes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI200477A

00:29 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:30 This is a program as always designed
00:33 to make you think a little bit more deeply
00:36 about religious liberty
00:37 and perhaps understand some of the developments
00:40 taking place around us in the US and around the world.
00:43 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty magazine.
00:48 And I have no guests on this program
00:50 as I usually do,
00:51 but I want to share some things with you.
00:53 For a Seventh-day Adventist,
00:55 religious liberty in some ways
00:58 really kicked off in the early days
01:00 in the late 1880s,
01:02 with a national move toward a Sunday law.
01:07 And Seventh-day Adventists
01:09 who had been studying prophecy in effect
01:10 that's how the group formed after the Millerite Movement
01:14 because of an expectation
01:16 through prophecy of the Lord's imminent return.
01:18 Millerites got the date wrong,
01:20 but it was the correct in time awareness.
01:23 And Seventh-day Adventists aware of prophecy
01:27 believed that their reading Revelation
01:30 that there would be a conflict over loyalty to God
01:32 and they saw the Sabbath worship
01:35 on God's day is the key issue at hand.
01:39 And I think there's increasing evidence
01:41 that that is likely to be the way
01:45 even in the United States we will go.
01:47 And in 1888, this national Sunday law movement
01:50 galvanized Seventh-day Adventists
01:52 with an expectation of an imminent time of trouble.
01:55 And the final reckoning with the forces
01:58 that were against worshiping God.
02:01 Let me just show you a few sentences
02:03 from the National Sunday rest bill proposal
02:06 that came before Congress.
02:09 It says, be it an,
02:10 this is Senate Bill number 2983,
02:12 introduced in the first session of the 50th Congress
02:15 by Senator H. W. Blair, May 21, 1888.
02:19 And it says, be it an,
02:21 a bill rather to secure to the people
02:23 the enjoyment of the first day of the week,
02:25 commonly known as the Lord's Day,
02:27 as a day of rest,
02:28 and to promote its observance as a day of religious worship.
02:32 And it's pretty unambiguous, that's the Sunday law.
02:35 And it says be it enacted,
02:36 that no person or corporation or the agent,
02:40 servant or employee of any personal corporation
02:43 shall perform or authorized to be performed
02:46 any secular work, labor or business
02:49 to the disturbance of others works of necessity,
02:52 mercy and humanity accepted,
02:54 nor shall any person engaged in any play,
02:56 game or amusement or recreation
02:59 to the disturbance of others on the first day of the week."
03:02 This is shades of the Taliban and their kite flying.
03:05 Nothing on the first day of the week,
03:07 commonly known as the Lord's Day
03:09 or during any part thereof in any territory,
03:11 district, vessel,
03:13 or place subject to the exclusive jurisdiction
03:16 of the United States.
03:17 Nor shall it be lawful for any person or corporation
03:20 to receive pay for labor or service
03:23 performed or rendered in violation of the section.
03:26 That's a Sunday law with unambiguously religious
03:30 shut down, go to church.
03:33 Thankfully, it was restricted.
03:35 But again, this is the talisman that we carry forward
03:40 that will be the unique sign
03:41 of an opposition to God's principles
03:45 because even though worship on the Lord's Day,
03:49 it happens to be the seventh day,
03:50 Saturday Sabbath.
03:53 Worship on the Lord's Day is something good
03:54 but to compel by civil law is wrong.
03:58 And I often tell people that compulsion,
04:01 if there's a compulsion in it,
04:03 you know that it's not religious liberty.
04:05 Even to compel people do a good thing
04:07 against their conscience and the used force is wrong.
04:10 God didn't do it to Adam and Eve in Eden,
04:12 and He will never do it.
04:15 Not too long ago, actually five years ago,
04:17 the Pope of Rome came and spoke to the US Congress,
04:21 was well received
04:22 by a formally dominantly Protestant society,
04:26 find to be respectful for him,
04:28 but you know, he was lauded as a great leader
04:31 and things that Protestants would never have said directly.
04:35 And he spoke well enough,
04:37 but behind his speech was a document
04:40 called Laudato si'.
04:43 Praise be to Thee.
04:44 And I've spoken on this program in detail
04:47 about that document.
04:48 It's an environmental document
04:50 that says our survival as a people depend on
04:53 or as a human race depend on saving the environment.
04:57 And then he goes further
04:59 and says that part of that saving
05:01 is to recognize the rhythms inscribed in nature.
05:04 And it says along those lines
05:05 worship on the seventh day Sabbath,
05:07 but later he applies it to Sunday.
05:10 So it's quite obvious that from a point of Rome,
05:14 which is a political religious power,
05:16 worship on the seventh,
05:18 on the Sabbath day is vital and will be encouraged,
05:22 and in other documents that implies enforced.
05:25 I came back from hearing that speech.
05:28 We had a meeting with our board.
05:30 And I was sort of full of the topic
05:32 and a couple of the lawyers they weren't named
05:34 because they're being used illustratively here
05:37 to damn them.
05:38 They sort of mocked me and they said, "Big deal.
05:41 He's not bringing the Sunday law."
05:44 And I said, "Well, I didn't say
05:45 that the pope is bringing the Sunday law."
05:48 And Great Controversy does not say that directly.
05:51 It's that Rome has been advancing Sunday law
05:54 for most of its history,
05:56 and often persecuting those who didn't keep it
05:58 and we are told and believe that at the end of time
06:02 a resurgent Rome will increase that push which they've done.
06:06 And that finally,
06:08 once Protestant society and the free,
06:11 religiously free society in the United States
06:13 will pick up that cajole and enforce Sunday worship.
06:19 And I said, "You haven't read Great Controversy, have you?"
06:21 They didn't answer me.
06:22 And I do believe that, unfortunately,
06:25 even within the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
06:26 many have not adequately read Great Controversy
06:30 after not having adequately read the Bible.
06:32 I want to share a few pages from Great Controversy
06:37 on this general topic of the Sunday worship
06:40 and the role of the United States.
06:44 It's from the chapter, God's law immutable.
06:47 And it says this, and so please indulge me,
06:50 but this may be a way that we all,
06:52 I review it and you hear it perhaps for the first time.
06:56 It says, "The importance of the Sabbath
06:57 as a memorial of creation
07:00 is that it keeps ever present the true reason
07:03 why worship is due to God,
07:06 because He is the Creator and we are His creatures."
07:09 The Sabbath therefore,
07:11 and this is a quote from J. N. Andrews,
07:14 History of the Sabbath.
07:15 "The Sabbath therefore lies
07:17 at the very foundation of divine worship,
07:19 for it teaches this great truth in the most impressive manner
07:23 and no other institution does this.
07:25 The true ground of divine worship,
07:28 not of that on the seventh day merely,
07:33 but of all worship is found in the distinction
07:36 between the Creator and His creatures.
07:39 This great fact can never become obsolete
07:41 and must never be forgotten.
07:43 It was to keep this truth ever before the minds of men
07:46 that God instituted the Sabbath in Eden."
07:49 And the pope dodged that a bit
07:51 because he said it was given to the Jews,
07:52 but it was given to mankind at creation.
07:56 And he continues to say that,
07:58 "Had the Sabbath been universally kept,
08:00 man's thoughts and affections
08:02 would have been led to the Creator
08:05 as the object of reverence and worship,
08:07 and they would never have been an idolater,
08:09 an atheist or an infidel.
08:11 The keeping of the Sabbath
08:13 is a sign of loyalty to the true God."
08:16 And I think that's just logical.
08:19 And, of course, prophecy points to this.
08:21 And it says in contrast,
08:23 "To those who keep the commandments of God
08:24 and have the faith of Jesus."
08:26 "The third angel of Revelation 14
08:29 points to another class
08:30 against whose errors are solemn and fearful warning is uttered:
08:34 If any man worship the beast and his image,
08:37 and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand,
08:40 the same shall drink of the wine
08:42 of the wrath of God."
08:43 That's Revelation 14.
08:46 So who are the beast and the image?
08:48 It says, "The line of prophecy
08:49 in which these symbols are found
08:51 begins with Revelation 12 with the dragon
08:54 who sought to destroy Christ at His birth.
08:57 The dragon is said to be Satan."
09:00 That's in Revelation 12:9.
09:03 "He it was that moved upon Herod
09:05 to put the Savior to death.
09:07 But the chief agent of Satan
09:08 in making war upon Christ and His people
09:11 during the first centuries of the Christian era
09:13 was the Roman Empire,
09:16 in which the paganism was the prevailing religion.
09:20 Thus, while the dragon primarily present Satan,
09:24 it is as a secondary,
09:26 in a secondary sense the symbol of pagan Rome."
09:29 No question on that.
09:32 Historians universally know and acknowledge
09:34 that pagan Rome persecuted early Christianity.
09:38 It says in Chapter 13 of Revelation
09:40 described another beast like unto a leopard,
09:43 to which the dragon gave his power and his seat
09:45 and great authority.
09:48 This symbol as most Protestants have believed
09:50 represents the papacy.
09:53 And the papacy is a political and religious combination
09:57 by its own testimonies.
09:59 It's not disputed.
10:01 It says, "Which succeeded to the power and seat
10:03 and authority once held by the ancient Roman Empire.
10:07 Of the leopardlike beast it is declared
10:09 there was given unto him
10:10 a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies.
10:13 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God
10:16 to blaspheme his name, and His tabernacle,
10:19 and them that dwell in heaven.
10:20 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints,
10:23 and to overcome them and power was given him
10:26 over all kindred and tongues and nations.
10:29 This prophecy says great controversy,
10:32 which is nearly identical with the description
10:34 of the little horn of Daniel 7."
10:37 Another prophetic
10:38 looking forward to persecuting power,
10:40 unquestionably points to the papacy.
10:43 And, you know, we don't want to attack unduly
10:46 another religious force in this world.
10:49 So we're primarily talking
10:51 about the historical role of papacy
10:53 played in medieval persecutions and the claims
10:56 that it made then someone
10:58 of which it carries forward to this present day
11:01 even in a more quiescent form.
11:04 And it says, "Power was given unto him
11:07 to continue 40 and 2 months.
11:09 And says the prophet,
11:10 'I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death.'
11:13 And again, he that leadeth into captivity
11:15 shall go into captivity.'"
11:18 Years ago, I was reading a letter
11:20 between Thomas Jefferson and President,
11:23 Ex-president Adams in their old age,
11:26 and they both wondered
11:27 whether Christianity would survive in America.
11:30 Jefferson thought not.
11:32 Adam said, "Yes, it'll survive."
11:34 But he says "First,
11:36 that Hindu capitalistic system known as Roman Catholicism
11:39 must die."
11:41 That's what aggressive Protestantism
11:43 thought in his day.
11:45 That's how they describe the papacy and he says,
11:48 but first, he says that present,
11:51 it has a mortal wound.
11:53 He understood this prophecy.
11:57 Napoleon Bonaparte had taken the pope captive
12:01 and destroyed its secular power or the pope secular power.
12:06 And he says that present has a mortal wound
12:08 but such is its strength
12:09 that it may take 200 years more for it to fail.
12:13 We're 200 years down and, of course, it's resurgent.
12:16 But there's a danger in the persecutory power
12:20 that's inherent in these absolutist claims
12:23 that Rome falling on,
12:25 Roman Catholic Church following on from Rome
12:28 had made.
12:29 And it says, at this point, another symbol is introduced,
12:35 says the prophet,
12:36 "I beheld another beast coming up from the earth
12:38 and he had two horns like a lamb.
12:40 Both the appearance of this beast
12:41 and the manner of its rise
12:42 indicate that the nation that is represented
12:45 is unlike those in the preceding symbols."
12:49 And it says,
12:51 "The beast with the lamblike horns
12:53 was seen coming out of the earth.
12:55 Instead of overthrowing other powers,
12:57 this nation arises from territory
13:00 previously unoccupied."
13:01 Well, unoccupied in a European sense,
13:04 but still a new land.
13:06 And it says, "It could not then arise
13:08 among the crowded
13:09 and struggling nationalities of the old world.
13:11 It must be in the western continent.
13:14 This is what nation?
13:16 This is the, the rhetorical question
13:20 asked in Great Controversy.
13:22 What nation of the new world
13:24 was in 1798 arising into power,
13:29 giving promise of strength and greatness
13:31 and attracting the attention of the world?
13:33 The application of the symbol admits of no question,
13:36 one nation and one only meets
13:38 the specification of this prophecy.
13:40 It points unmistakeably
13:43 to the United States of America.
13:47 It's an interesting point,
13:48 and we're going to take a break in a moment,
13:51 but I'll bring it to the point, it says,
13:52 he had two horns like a lamb,
13:56 lamblike, seemingly specific, but it says,
13:59 "The lamblike horns indicate youth,
14:01 innocence and gentleness, fitly representing
14:03 the character of the United States
14:06 when represented to the prophet is coming up in 1798."
14:11 But later, it found,
14:13 it's found to be aggressive and dominant.
14:15 And it says, these horns figuratively can be seen
14:19 as the two characteristics of the United States,
14:21 Republicanism, which is power from the people
14:25 and Protestantism, fundamental characteristics.
14:29 And I found it very significant
14:31 in a recent presidential election.
14:32 Senator Santorum, a fine and upstanding
14:35 and deeply dedicated Roman Catholic candidate said
14:40 in a shocking commentary
14:42 that was picked up by media everywhere.
14:44 He says, "Protestantism is absent in America today."
14:48 Let's take a break and I'll come back
14:49 and continue and conclude
14:51 this important segment of the book,
14:54 Great Controversy by Ellen G. White
14:56 written 120 some years ago.


Revised 2020-09-18