Liberty Insider

Here and Now

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI200474A

00:28 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:31 This is a program designed to give special insights,
00:35 up-to-date information on religious liberty
00:37 in the US and around the world.
00:39 My name is Lincoln Steed, Editor of Liberty Magazine.
00:43 And my special guest on this program is a man,
00:46 young man that shares my name.
00:48 Christopher Steed, Christopher Earnest David Steed,
00:51 named after his two grandparents.
00:54 And it's a privilege for me
00:55 to have you on the program, Christopher.
00:57 It's a privilege to be here.
00:59 You've been on a few times in the past,
01:01 and you're here for a number of reasons,
01:04 most particularly to bring a youth perspective
01:06 to our topics.
01:07 Often it's old, older people,
01:09 at least young people may think
01:11 so, it's just old fuddy-duddies
01:12 talk about what doesn't concern them.
01:14 So I want to get a bit of an insight from you.
01:16 And in particular, you know, we're six feet apart,
01:19 we maybe don't need to as much as others,
01:21 because we're in close proximity a lot of the time.
01:24 But this is the era of COVID, COVID-19.
01:29 From your perspective,
01:30 what does it meant staying home,
01:33 not being able to go to church as much as before,
01:36 and in a different way online and so on?
01:39 What's your take on it?
01:41 Well, I'm 22 years old.
01:43 So being a young guy,
01:44 I like to hang out with my friends.
01:46 I'm a car enthusiast.
01:48 So I like going to car meetings, stuff like that.
01:50 And for me, and most of the youth
01:53 around the world, it's been tough
01:54 because we can't go to our friends' houses,
01:56 we can't go to,
01:59 for example, the movies,
02:00 or we can't go to car meets.
02:02 We can't go just hang out at the park with our friends
02:04 due to the restrictions.
02:06 Not all the people go to movies.
02:07 It's not the best thing. Yeah.
02:09 And you don't go to movies either,
02:10 but you didn't, weren't brought up that way.
02:13 But, but you're right, your generation,
02:15 that's the type of things that they would do, right?
02:19 Yeah.
02:21 Also, for, by religious standpoint, going to church,
02:27 it's a fellowship, it's being at home.
02:29 I mean, watching it on TV is fine, we get to relax.
02:32 The dress code is not as strict as it would be going to church.
02:36 But it's, church to me is a fellowship.
02:39 But you're not that keeps a pretty high dress code.
02:41 I agree.
02:42 Watching in on show.
02:45 But for me, it's more of a social aspect
02:48 and a worship aspect being around people,
02:51 singing with people, shaking hands after church,
02:55 seeing your friends at church,
02:57 just being together and worshiping together,
02:59 fellowshipping together is a lot better
03:03 than actually just sitting at home
03:05 or watching on the TV with your family.
03:06 So you know that Bible text that says,
03:09 Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together."
03:12 I didn't know that.
03:13 That was the advice in the New Testament from Paul,
03:15 I think it was.
03:16 And so, you're pretty much underscoring
03:18 that there's a very practical need for believers to...
03:23 Is elsewhere it says, encourage one another with these sayings.
03:26 Absolutely.
03:27 So, yes, we ultimately, as Protestants,
03:30 we know we relate directly to God.
03:32 We don't need a priest or an intermediary,
03:34 we can relate to God, but as human beings
03:36 we have to connect with other people.
03:38 Absolutely.
03:40 We lose something, even, something spiritually
03:41 if we don't have that.
03:43 And going forward in the...
03:45 in June, I believe or July, end of July.
03:48 I'm supposed to be going to do colporteuring.
03:51 This year it's...
03:53 Not everybody that watches around the world might know
03:55 that term that you used,
03:56 that's door-to-door book selling,
04:00 and sharing literature, and witnessing.
04:03 But this year due to COVID-19, or Coronavirus,
04:08 we have to do virtual colporteuring,
04:11 which, from what I've seen
04:14 is going to be interesting.
04:16 I'm not 100% sure on how it works,
04:19 but my idea of how it work is people would...
04:22 We would send, I believe
04:23 they sent out a letter or something.
04:25 And people will call in and we would talk on the phone,
04:29 or on Skype, or on Zoom or something like that.
04:32 And it's going to be different.
04:35 It's going to be a challenge, but...
04:36 Yeah.
04:38 It is good in witnessing
04:40 we're able to maneuver with the reality
04:43 that we have and this is some way,
04:45 but it probably is not a direct equal
04:48 of looking at someone knocking on the door,
04:51 looking at them and interacting
04:52 in that dynamic personal ways.
04:54 But at the same time, I don't see,
04:57 for example, going door-to-door,
04:58 you can go to the door
04:59 and knock on the door, step back.
05:01 Like for example, if they have like two sets of stairs
05:03 on their front porch,
05:04 you could step back down onto one of the steps.
05:06 You'll keep your distance, you'll have your mask on.
05:10 That's not real door-to-door salesmanship, the old theory,
05:15 and this is tongue in cheek was to step forward
05:17 and put your foot in the door.
05:20 Prevent them from slamming at your face.
05:22 And that is good psychology.
05:24 My father and your grandfather started his work in the church
05:28 as a literature evangelist, associate director.
05:34 When I was about 10 or 12,
05:36 he took me out door-to-door because I wanted some money.
05:39 We all want money,
05:41 and I wanted a few extra shillings
05:44 as they were in Australia back then.
05:46 And he says, "Well, why don't you go and sell
05:49 Alert magazine
05:50 which was the temperance sobriety magazine
05:53 that our church printed.
05:54 And he says, "I have some old copies,
05:56 so I'll show you how to do it."
05:57 So we went out door-to-door
05:58 and he sold at every door.
06:00 But I remember his technique,
06:02 they would knock on the door and he would step back.
06:05 And he would say, "I guess you're wondering
06:07 who's knocking at your door?"
06:09 Because they're wondering.
06:10 But by stepping back, he had removed the threat.
06:13 You're right, very good thing, especially in the COVID era.
06:17 Now, you have been involved with something
06:19 that our church is doing that is very possible
06:23 during a time of restriction like this.
06:25 Our free pantry.
06:26 Right, tell me a little bit more about it?
06:28 I go to Willow Brook SDA Church with my family.
06:30 In Hagerstown, Maryland?
06:31 In Boonsboro actually, Boonsboro.
06:33 Technically, yes.
06:35 It's a Hagerstown Church out there.
06:36 Yes.
06:37 But at our church every Friday,
06:40 starting at 10 o'clock,
06:42 I get there at 10 o'clock.
06:44 We accept donations from 10 to 11.
06:45 And then at 11 o'clock, we open up our food pantry,
06:48 and every day we serve
06:50 about 20 to 30 cars and in each car,
06:54 there can be one family, there could be two families.
06:57 We have people coming from all around
07:01 coming in and getting food.
07:03 We have boxes of like cheeses, sandwiches,
07:06 cereal boxes, pancake mixes.
07:09 Anything that's donated,
07:10 we package in a box for a family
07:12 and we give that family,
07:13 that's a family's meal for, let's say,
07:15 a week could be in that one box.
07:19 And I've been taking the boxes home
07:22 and giving it to our neighbor.
07:24 And every week I take it to him
07:26 and he always says thank you.
07:27 It's a huge blessing which you guys are doing.
07:30 I had a lady
07:33 come through our, "drive-thru."
07:36 And so we took down her information,
07:39 we asked how many people in her family.
07:40 And then at the end after we had finished
07:42 loading up her car with her groceries,
07:44 I go around her window,
07:46 and I asked her if she needs prayer.
07:47 And she says yes, and she tells me
07:49 what her needs are and I pray with her.
07:52 And then after she's done, after I say amen,
07:54 I'm starting to leave and she says,
07:56 "Hold on one second.
07:57 I want, I just want to say thank you."
07:58 There's tears streaming down her face,
08:01 as she thanks me for praying with her.
08:02 She says, "She really feels
08:04 that God is working through the church,
08:06 through me, and through everybody."
08:08 And she just wanted to say thank you.
08:11 Wasn't that a great feeling?
08:12 It was. Yeah.
08:14 So COVID hasn't stopped everything
08:17 that we do as Christians,
08:18 as Seventh-day Adventist Christians
08:19 reaching out to the community.
08:22 And I think this is admirable.
08:23 And I know this is not the only church doing it.
08:26 But we've, you and I have observed this close.
08:28 They're operating within the norms of COVID,
08:31 drive-thru like you say, although,
08:33 I've got to say for our viewers,
08:35 at this late point in this overall emergency
08:38 when 120,000 Americans have died,
08:40 so there's a real risk.
08:42 I still don't understand
08:43 why churches at the very least
08:46 couldn't operate on a drive-thru basis,
08:48 like the old drive-in.
08:50 Drive-in movies. Yeah.
08:52 Which don't really exist anymore, but, you know,
08:54 I'm old enough to remember when there were such things
08:56 and to see them they were a prominent,
08:58 physical features of a lot of towns.
09:00 Zero chance of contagion.
09:03 But you could have someone
09:04 either on a screen or on a stage
09:07 with the microphone and receivers,
09:10 you could easily do it
09:12 on your radio receiver in the car.
09:13 And it would give a sense, certain sense of community.
09:17 They've not allowed, at least in the number of states.
09:20 And Liberty has featured that,
09:23 that the fact that they were not allowed,
09:24 but this is an equivalent in some ways, isn't it?
09:27 Well, for now,
09:28 I know Willow Brook for example is opening back up.
09:31 Yes, just the last few weeks.
09:33 Very limited seating.
09:35 In our sanctuary, it's every other pew is open.
09:38 And then we have our dining hall
09:40 or pedant hall off to the,
09:41 off to the backside of the sanctuary,
09:43 where we have the pastor
09:45 and I set up 42 seats,
09:46 42 or 44 seats for overflow.
09:50 And people, people are coming to church,
09:53 people are coming back to church
09:54 and every time we've gone,
09:56 I've seen just a little,
09:57 a few more people every single time,
09:59 but, it's, the whole dynamic has changed from...
10:05 For example, January, we would go to church
10:08 and I'll be able to go out,
10:09 go out right up to my pastor, shake his hand
10:11 and say thank you for a wonderful sermon.
10:13 Now I have to stay six feet away from him
10:15 and do a air shake and...
10:20 It's just not the same.
10:22 Yeah, I've even wrote, written in Liberty magazine
10:24 about this dynamic,
10:26 it troubles me a little bit
10:27 because it's quite,
10:28 it's a little bit bigger than religion.
10:31 You know, a handshake.
10:32 You know, what a handshake goes back to?
10:34 I do not.
10:36 Why do you shake with your right hand?
10:38 It's my dominant hand.
10:40 It's your weapon hand.
10:41 And so, in the medieval times
10:44 when they started, you know,
10:47 you would carry your weapons with you,
10:48 but if you put a hand
10:50 that would carry your sword normally,
10:51 you were disarmed
10:53 and the other person was disarmed,
10:54 and you will show you're peaceful by that alone,
10:56 and that's why one reason why
10:59 there was this suspicion of a left-handed person
11:01 because he could shake with his right hand
11:03 and still wield his weapon.
11:05 So you're showing that you're disarmed,
11:07 you're vulnerable.
11:08 And this is social convention that we've adopted.
11:11 And now with COVID and the distancing,
11:14 we're unraveling somewhat subliminal,
11:17 even peaceful interchange,
11:22 and I don't think it's good
11:24 and certainly in a worship context,
11:27 where we're pulling back, we're pulling back,
11:30 but it's very good that at least short term
11:32 where we were home watching on the screen.
11:34 Some people are now coming back to church
11:36 under limited circumstances and experiencing the fellowship
11:40 that the Bible says forsake not.
11:45 Tell me again what...
11:47 I touched on it,
11:49 but tell me as a young person,
11:51 how overall,
11:53 what's your thoughts on this panic,
11:55 which is real, but maybe not for you so much.
11:58 Young people don't feel it.
12:00 They've heard many times that it affects older people,
12:03 or people with deep underlying conditions,
12:07 super obesity, or diabetes, now the cancer treatment
12:13 where the immune system is broken
12:15 but the young person, not a real threat.
12:17 So young people
12:18 I sometimes think
12:20 maybe are just frustrated by this,
12:21 like why all the bother, it's not gonna affect me.
12:24 But what do you?
12:25 What's your take on this overall?
12:27 Honestly, for me,
12:29 I agree with partly in the fact
12:31 that it's just a huge bother.
12:34 The masks are hard to breathe through.
12:36 They're uncomfortable and some of them are.
12:40 But mostly, I think
12:41 it's the social distancing that people are,
12:43 especially young people are getting sick and tired of,
12:45 because as I said before,
12:47 we can't hang out with any of our friends.
12:48 We can't do, we can't go to,
12:50 for example, I know,
12:51 girls for example like to go shopping
12:53 at the mall in giant groups.
12:55 They can't do that.
12:56 And men don't like to. Young men or husbands stay.
12:59 Young men like to go, go to car shows
13:01 and oogle and ogle at the brand new cars
13:05 that are there and all the modifications.
13:06 Yeah.
13:07 We know, there's a lot of restrictions.
13:09 Yeah.
13:10 So that's a general social thing.
13:13 But again, how do you think this is affecting religion?
13:18 Do you think it's just something
13:20 we can live through
13:22 or is there deep threat religious practice?
13:25 I believe in the long run.
13:27 In the short run,
13:28 it's something we can live through.
13:30 But in the long run,
13:31 I believe at the end of this whole thing.
13:33 I mean, even think about it,
13:35 our church was so quick to just shut down
13:37 as soon as the government said so.
13:38 Yeah.
13:39 So I believe in the long run,
13:42 we're going to suffer from it
13:44 because the government now knows that
13:46 if they say shut down, we'll shut down.
13:48 That's the risk, isn't it,
13:50 even if it wasn't done with any particular agenda?
13:55 We've shown that
13:56 we're very compliant maybe unnecessarily, so.
13:59 I think at this late point the government or many people,
14:03 there's no one government in government
14:05 may have realized that it was approached wrongly.
14:08 You remember, we were told
14:10 we didn't even need to wear masks once,
14:11 made no difference.
14:13 We were also told to inject bleach indoor assistance.
14:17 Let's hope we were not told,
14:18 that was an inference
14:19 by a rather irresponsible public official,
14:22 but we won't dwell on that.
14:24 But we've lived through the funny time
14:26 there's no question.
14:27 Let's take a break now and stay with us
14:30 and come back and with a young man
14:32 getting an interesting perspective
14:35 on COVID-19
14:37 from a young point of view,
14:38 and also looking at it
14:40 for its ramifications on our practice of faith.


Revised 2020-09-04