Liberty Insider

Spirited Times

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI200473B

00:01 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:02 Before the break, we were into some heavy stuff,
00:07 thinking about what should be our motivation
00:10 or what we should be motivated to do to participate
00:14 in answering great injustices and so on.
00:17 And I was giving the example,
00:19 remember of the Seventh-day
00:20 Adventist Church and its leader,
00:23 co-leader Ellen White at that time,
00:25 most moved by the problem down south
00:28 that helped precipitate the civil war of slavery,
00:32 huge injustice that will be a ghost haunting
00:34 this country till the end of time, I'm positive.
00:37 It's the original sin.
00:40 But the Adventist Church
00:41 while it included many people
00:43 involved in the Underground Railroad,
00:44 there were many abolitionists.
00:46 Ellen White herself had a huge affinity
00:48 for the work in the south of the...
00:50 at least to say the colored people.
00:52 I mean, that's what she said,
00:53 they worked for the color people.
00:54 And to this day,
00:56 the Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:57 has structures set up for black communities,
01:01 separate conferences.
01:03 But yet, right at that time,
01:05 they decided to be non combatants,
01:07 not to fight in that war.
01:10 And I can only extrapolate it for our time that,
01:13 you know, on a certain level
01:15 we need to help and support such things.
01:18 But our charters what Ellen White says,
01:21 carry present truth, and present truth
01:23 is to warn a world of coming judgment
01:27 of the coming kingdom of glory of the Lord,
01:29 and warn the world
01:30 that this is the time to get yourself
01:32 and your personal house in order spiritually
01:34 to prepare for that moment.
01:36 The grand moment of the ages is upon us.
01:39 You know, as I was driving up here,
01:41 I spent some time reflecting on this in this long drive.
01:44 And, you know, the focus today is very much
01:48 about Black Lives Matters
01:50 and all those other things
01:52 and then you have Other Lives Matters.
01:55 But to me as I pondered this,
01:57 I think one of the reasons that we're not supposed
01:59 to get focused in on this is because all lives matters.
02:04 Well, of course.
02:05 And because all lives matters,
02:07 our focus is not just on one particular race,
02:10 one particular color,
02:11 but our focus is on a global scale,
02:14 that there's a world that's dying out there.
02:16 And if we just hone in on one niche
02:18 of the whole thing,
02:20 we're missing out on the opportunity
02:21 to proclaim that gospel message to everybody.
02:24 And this is the time period,
02:26 and Satan is using orchestratively,
02:30 he's using this time period right now to sow focus
02:33 and take all our energies,
02:35 take all our focus and everything
02:37 and throw it out somewhere else,
02:39 so that we can't be about our Father's business.
02:40 Right.
02:41 And you say focus,
02:43 but part of what I see him doing is divide and conquer.
02:45 That too. Like right now.
02:46 Yeah, within... In some countries in...
02:51 Usually Muslim parts of Africa, there's actual slavery still.
02:57 I mean, what happened here was desperate
03:00 and we bearing the consequences.
03:01 But I don't see these people going on about
03:04 the literal slavery in certain countries,
03:06 that's justified by in some of those countries,
03:09 both by the government and the religious leaders.
03:12 There has been a concern about human trafficking,
03:15 which is, you know, all that slavery in term.
03:19 It's the same sort of thing.
03:21 I mean, there's horrible human abuses
03:23 all over the world
03:24 and you can see how a Creator God
03:26 at a distance would be weeping over the whole,
03:29 toward retail, but, you know,
03:31 what's near at hand, that's ours,
03:34 but people are dying by the minute
03:36 from one thing or another,
03:37 whether it's abuse from humans or starvation.
03:40 You know, we are worried about whether it's enough
03:43 in our supermarkets, not as much as it used to be,
03:45 but there's places in the world,
03:47 if rice goes up a couple of cents,
03:49 people die.
03:53 So somehow, yes,
03:54 we need to have an increased affinity
03:57 and sympathy and on occasions,
03:59 even assistance for this thing,
04:01 but that's not our singular aim.
04:03 And, you know, I look a lot at
04:06 the ministry of Jesus Christ and, you know,
04:08 on one level we're called to be
04:10 exemplars or imitators of Christ.
04:14 He called Herod a fox, so he had no political fear.
04:18 But he wasn't trying to solve the situation.
04:21 They were under horrible occupation,
04:22 weren't they with the Romans?
04:24 I mean, we forget what the Romans were like.
04:26 I mean, crucifixion for Jesus.
04:28 Yes, they crucified people pretty commonly.
04:30 Roman...
04:31 The Romans weren't unhinged barbarians,
04:34 but they were the cruelest most...
04:38 What's the word?
04:40 At the moment anti-fascist.
04:41 The Roman regime was fascist to the limit.
04:46 The iron fist of the state, inflexible law
04:50 and especially if you ran afoul of it,
04:53 it will walk all over you,
04:54 cut your head off, put it on the pike in the town,
04:57 all of that, in the name of integrity
05:00 and supporting the state.
05:04 Jesus didn't challenge that.
05:06 I can't see it all, He challenged the abuse
05:09 of spiritual prerogatives,
05:10 threw the money changers out of the temple.
05:16 But, you know, what do we do?
05:20 We can't sit idly by
05:21 but what should we be active about?
05:23 What's your prescription, Alden?
05:24 You know, for me, remember,
05:26 during that time period
05:27 as we mentioned in previous shows,
05:29 I was cycling across the country
05:31 through all this 2,500 miles
05:33 from San Diego to St Augustine, Florida.
05:36 And for me, I took that time period
05:38 to when I had the opportunity
05:41 to actually meet somebody,
05:42 I was always witnessing with the people.
05:44 Right.
05:45 You know, when you're on a bicycle,
05:47 you're very limited as to what you can carry.
05:49 But I did carry a few tracks with me,
05:51 and I was able to pass them out,
05:53 pray with the people.
05:54 I mean, wherever we are today,
05:56 no matter what the circumstances,
05:59 no matter even if we're at war with people,
06:02 there is still an opportunity that the Lord gives us
06:04 if we ask for that each and every day,
06:07 an opportunity to be able to witness
06:09 and share the good news.
06:11 Remember, there is good news in a very bad news world today.
06:15 And that's what we have to do.
06:18 As you talk about
06:19 in the "Religious liberty area."
06:21 There may be strife, there may be famine,
06:24 there may be destruction all around us.
06:26 But that should not at all impact us
06:30 or cause any fear with us because Jesus says,
06:33 I'll never leave you, I'll never forsake you.
06:35 So based on those promises,
06:37 there's a work that we have to do today,
06:41 no matter what goes on,
06:42 because all lives matter in Jesus' eyes.
06:46 Right. Absolutely.
06:49 I was thinking of the statement,
06:51 the Bible says, perfect love casts out fear.
06:54 So if we have...
06:56 I mean, none of us will have perfect love,
06:58 but if we are as perfectly
07:00 as we can oriented toward heavenly things
07:03 and emulating Christ,
07:05 it will diminish our fear factor.
07:06 There's no question.
07:08 But I think we need to be sober minded in these times,
07:11 not puritanically permanent, you know,
07:16 removed from the world but, in fact,
07:18 it seems to be religious
07:19 or otherwise you're disconnected
07:22 from reality if you're not restrained
07:26 by current situation in the world.
07:28 The world is...
07:30 I wrote an editorial a few years ago that
07:32 I keep reminding myself of, I called it Convergence.
07:35 When I was a kid.
07:37 The church was on a prophetic evangelist
07:40 as they still are, would talk about prophecy
07:42 and the great empires
07:43 and the resurgence of the worst parts
07:46 of the Roman Catholic Church
07:48 because, you know, many wonderful Roman Catholics
07:50 I've met over the years,
07:51 but the Roman Catholic Church had drifted away
07:53 from doctrinal purity from a biblical point of view
07:56 and the Protestant revival, of course, challenge that.
08:01 But it...
08:04 The Bible says that
08:05 Rome will come to power again, right?
08:08 We see that.
08:09 And I remember the evangelists talking about it.
08:10 And, you know, we were always troubled
08:12 about ecumenism and so on that had its line.
08:15 You could look as people now as sort of consumed on,
08:19 you could look at ecological degradation.
08:22 And the Republicans in particular
08:25 seem to hate the idea of global warming.
08:28 I think it's a terminology problem.
08:29 But global change is everywhere.
08:32 Anywhere you go in the world, the weather's wacky,
08:35 it's never been like this before.
08:36 It's turmoil.
08:38 You can look at political collapse
08:40 in formally solid countries like the United States.
08:44 We're clearly going through a dicey political time.
08:46 So, you know, individually, you could argue against one
08:50 or the other, but put together
08:51 you got all these lines of convergence
08:53 and they're accelerating and coming together.
08:55 There's a flashpoint. Yes.
08:57 A moment of truth, who knows where it is,
08:59 but it's not far ahead.
09:00 And even if one or two
09:02 of these lines have crossed already,
09:03 don't pan out, we're going to have a conflict...
09:07 Well, there was a book Conflict of the Ages,
09:09 the Conflict of the Ages is upon us and I...
09:13 In afternoon meetings,
09:14 I tell people who like to set dates
09:16 and our church doesn't set dates, can't.
09:19 Ellen White says, no date after 1844.
09:21 That was a political mark.
09:22 I mean, a prophetic marker.
09:24 But I tell people,
09:25 the world you know is about to pass away.
09:29 I'm sure we're at the end of an age.
09:32 All you have to do is read Matthew 24.
09:33 Yeah.
09:35 That'll tell you for sure
09:36 where we are in this time period.
09:38 Yeah.
09:39 A wonderful beginning, a rough like...
09:42 Well, Jesus says birth pangs, these are the birth pangs.
09:44 Beginnings of it. Yeah.
09:46 And, you know, after the birth, wonderful.
09:47 I mean, that's the beginning of life.
09:49 But then He also goes on to say,
09:50 "You'll be hated because of Me."
09:53 Yeah. And why would people be hated?
09:55 I think it's because
09:56 we're at a choosing time period.
09:58 People have to choose who...
09:59 And people that have made a choice,
10:01 which we could say is the wrong choice,
10:02 but made a choice,
10:04 and might have a few second thoughts,
10:07 then we'll hate someone
10:08 that reminds them that they made a bad choice.
10:10 It's a psychology that I think we all understand.
10:13 It's not just in spiritual matters.
10:14 Well, sure.
10:15 If you represent Christ, and you're blaming Christ
10:19 for all the bad things that have happened,
10:20 why people do that, I don't know.
10:22 But where Christ allows these things to happen.
10:26 Why?
10:27 Because He's trying to bring us closer to Him.
10:29 Yeah.
10:30 Well, that could be our prayer
10:31 and I hope all of those
10:33 that watch this from time to time.
10:35 I hope you're just not a onetime watcher, viewer.
10:38 I hope there's an underlying message
10:41 that we have a God that loves us,
10:43 there's another world to be gained
10:46 and this world is not yet lost
10:48 because there are those seeking
10:49 and searching for God and we can play a part
10:52 in spreading God's love, a warning.
10:56 And, yes, religious liberty is important,
10:58 but religious liberty is the mechanism to proclaim
11:00 what we already have, freedom and trust.
11:03 Proverbs 3:5, 6 tells us that,
11:06 "We are to trust the Lord with all our heart
11:08 that we're not to lean on our own understanding."
11:11 And then he also says,
11:13 "In all your ways acknowledge Him
11:14 and He will direct your path."
11:16 And I think in this time period that we're living right now
11:19 is our only trust can be in Jesus Christ.
11:22 And with all the stuff
11:23 that's happening in the world today,
11:25 I ask you the question, who do you trust?
11:28 Who are you living for today?
11:31 It's a little ironic that in the COVID-19
11:35 period of isolation,
11:36 we've seen a resurgence of demonstrations.
11:40 That's good because we've come a long way I think,
11:43 since the George Bush administration,
11:46 when free speech zones were roped off areas,
11:50 often miles from a presidential cavalcade.
11:53 Now admittedly
11:55 with the risk of smoke, grenades,
11:58 people can demonstrate in front of the White House.
12:01 People are moved with
12:02 what they see as moral imperatives.
12:05 But as Jesus said,
12:06 the poor you will always have with me.
12:08 Some of these besetting problems
12:10 are a part of our condition.
12:12 And while we need to be disturbed by them,
12:14 speak out against them.
12:15 We need to clearly advance
12:18 with every energy and fiber of our being,
12:20 the coming Kingdom of the Lord
12:22 and the ultimate fix for all that ails us.
12:26 If we are an activist in one area,
12:29 we will by definition ignore others.
12:32 The singular area of focus for the Christian is Christ.
12:36 And the singular hope for the Christian
12:38 is an eternity of bliss with Christ in heaven.
12:42 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2020-09-04