Liberty Insider

Spirited Times

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI200473A

00:28 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:30 This is a program designed to bring you news, views
00:32 and up-to-date insights on religious liberty in the US
00:36 and around the world.
00:37 My name is Lincoln Steed, Editor of Liberty Magazine.
00:41 And my guest on this program is Elder or Pastor Alden Ho.
00:46 You're a man of the world,
00:49 born in Singapore
00:51 and lived in Canada and now pastoring,
00:54 have been pastoring in Texas,
00:56 the center of the world, right?
00:58 Jefferson, Texas, head a self supporting academy,
01:03 Jefferson Academy there.
01:05 You know, this is an interesting time
01:07 we live in.
01:08 In fact, very exciting to me.
01:09 Very crazy, yeah.
01:11 You know there's times
01:12 when I think about my bank balance,
01:14 so what I'm gonna do next year, I'm getting some of the shakes.
01:17 But as someone who loves history
01:20 and just following current events and so on,
01:22 it's amazing.
01:24 I've seen for a while but I'm more and more
01:26 reading from commentators
01:28 that it's like histories in fast motion,
01:30 things that would take decades
01:32 or longer to work out in one new cycle
01:34 or the other can produce them.
01:37 And at the moment, we're in the middle
01:38 of the COVID emergency
01:40 which I don't know
01:42 when this program is shown but likely still within it,
01:45 because I think another year at least.
01:49 What do you think though about the...
01:51 It's more or more in the foreground
01:53 but it started as the backdrop to the COVID lockdown,
01:56 people started demonstrating,
01:58 there were demonstrations,
02:01 some violence and not just
02:04 from the demonstrators, police violence.
02:08 It seems to me evocative of the '60s that
02:12 I remember very well, 1968 in particular.
02:16 Where do you think this is leading?
02:18 Is it a dangerous time?
02:19 Is it a time of opportunity or...
02:22 You know, when we look at this,
02:23 the times have certainly changed.
02:25 I mean, very much changed because I remember,
02:29 I think it was the '50s when this came out,
02:31 Andy Griffith Show,
02:33 when Andy Griffith and Barney Fife,
02:35 you know, they were dressed in their tan khakis.
02:40 Police don't dress that way anymore.
02:42 Everything is in a military format.
02:45 They've gone very much militia.
02:48 The times in which we're living is very visible in
02:51 how they're dressing, how we react,
02:55 what they're doing,
02:56 how we react to what they're doing,
02:58 and it just constantly goes back and forth.
03:01 The value of life has changed dramatically
03:06 in that time period.
03:07 And I think that
03:09 they've taken their positions to in
03:12 what they were to protect
03:13 and serve has taken on a different level as well.
03:16 You know, you're making generalizations
03:18 and, of course,
03:19 there's wonderful exceptions in these.
03:21 Sure.
03:22 Maybe it's a stretch, but I think
03:24 there's some sort of may be very scattered
03:26 around the US, you know.
03:28 There are exactly for sure.
03:29 But generally speaking, no, the US law enforcement,
03:33 even before I arrived as a teenager
03:35 had sort of morphed into...
03:38 Now it's militaristic, but it had already morphed
03:40 into sort of a wider type operation versus
03:46 I read in Liberty on this the other day verses
03:48 what still somewhat exists say in England, you know,
03:51 the bobby and on his local beating,
03:53 and he's not likely to have a gun
03:55 or use it if he has one.
03:57 The US policing is long been a law
04:02 and order brute force often
04:06 and now it's turned sort of toxic
04:09 and, yeah, there's many ways
04:10 you can track not just the militarization,
04:13 the hand me down of military technology,
04:15 it's, you can see it physically moving into law enforcement.
04:19 Local law enforcement specifically.
04:21 Yes and riot gear and so on.
04:23 I remember 20 some years ago I spent a week in Metro-Dade,
04:28 with the Metro-Dade Police in Miami doing a film.
04:32 And they took me out on the SWAT team operations
04:34 and on the helicopters and I could see then already,
04:36 it's pretty heavy stuff.
04:38 You know, when the team comes in an armored car
04:41 and they hooks a chain to your front door,
04:44 rips it off, then they go in with sonar shotguns.
04:46 That's heavy stuff. Yeah.
04:49 It's not going to get better either.
04:51 No. Certainly not.
04:52 We're at the time period right now
04:54 in this world's history that it's only going to
04:57 progressively get worse and worse.
04:59 Yeah.
05:01 And what's scary is, as our rights are fizzling
05:05 and disappearing,
05:07 they continue to walk forward with this, over those.
05:10 And you can see how it's coming.
05:12 I don't think in every regard anywhere,
05:15 but particularly in the US
05:16 is a grand master plan for repression.
05:20 I mean, some people may have it,
05:22 but I don't think so.
05:23 I think we're sort of on a tumbling series of events,
05:26 sort of suck everyone into this inevitability
05:29 and, you know,
05:30 with the present president of the US,
05:32 I think he got caught in his own
05:34 law and order sort of mantra
05:35 that sort of scared most people,
05:37 you know, flash-bang grenades
05:39 and force outside the White House
05:41 for a group of people
05:43 that were almost there just to wave to the king.
05:46 That's not a criticism,
05:47 that's an allusion to in England,
05:49 you know, I've set out front of...
05:51 I've stood out front of Buckingham Palace
05:53 a few times to see the grin of the guards
05:55 and hope to see a real personage.
05:58 You know, there's a flatter
06:00 that the people get outside the leader's home
06:03 and whether it's a king or a president.
06:05 I think people are not as ready
06:08 as they might be in other places
06:09 to hurl insults or whatever.
06:11 And I think it's very sad commentary on
06:15 where we are that the violence was used right up
06:17 front of the White House.
06:19 Very dangerous. Yeah.
06:21 And I live in the Washington area
06:23 and one of my first remembrances
06:25 of Washington in 1968,
06:27 like I was only two years into the country.
06:30 I saw Washington burning
06:32 when Martin Luther King was killed.
06:33 Most major cities in the US went up in smokes
06:36 and the nation's capital was a massive riot.
06:42 We lived about the time about maybe 12 miles
06:47 in a straight line from downtown
06:49 and the pall of smoke coming up from the city was massive.
06:52 And tens of thousands of national guard in jeeps
06:57 and all the rest, police with the tape
06:58 across the window in riot gear,
07:01 it was a city under siege.
07:02 We're not back there yet.
07:04 So that's, it's a roundabout way
07:05 to say this is a bad situation,
07:07 but I don't equate it with the incipient breakdown
07:12 of all of the models of society in '68.
07:15 It was a dangerous time.
07:16 But you said a key word.
07:18 We're not at that yet.
07:20 Now, we're heading that way.
07:21 But it's very quickly coming this way.
07:22 Right.
07:24 And it might be in a couple of months' time.
07:26 You don't know things are moving quick.
07:28 Yeah.
07:29 So, this is the time to stand up
07:32 and be candid, right?
07:33 This is the time period to actually get out
07:35 of the cities right now.
07:36 Well, yeah, we've talked about on another program, of course.
07:39 It comes from a theological point
07:42 as Seventh-day Adventists,
07:43 but I think it's just practical.
07:45 You don't want to be in harm's way.
07:46 No, certainly not.
07:48 Few years ago, I was in Buenos Aires,
07:54 and we were staying at a hotel right downtown
07:55 and I noticed the traffic at all stopped
07:58 and there were thousands of demonstrators
08:01 banging on tin cans and all the rest
08:03 and they pretty much shut down the inner city
08:07 and I got that same feeling, we're in a danger zone here.
08:10 And then I connected
08:11 that as we've driven to the hotel,
08:13 we'd seen the military and the generals
08:15 and that with their cockets on their hat,
08:17 all out front of the military headquarters.
08:19 So there was something brewing.
08:21 I don't know it was a coup.
08:23 But it just reminded me,
08:24 these big cities get disturbed with that,
08:27 there's no question.
08:28 And what happens
08:29 when they get more and more disturbed?
08:31 I think that there's, with all of this,
08:34 people are sitting at home right now.
08:37 They're sheltering in place through all this COVID stuff.
08:40 And I think there's a lot of pent up anger
08:43 that happens as a result of that too.
08:45 And we see a lot of the writing and all that too.
08:49 So, again, to take it back to religious liberty.
08:52 Yeah.
08:55 Do we just bide that time
08:59 when in a cascading loss of different freedoms
09:03 and liberties of movement even,
09:06 then we might fight to retain civil liberty
09:08 or religious liberty
09:10 when civil liberties are drifting.
09:12 Do we take steps now? Do we say things?
09:14 Do we speak about our faith at a time
09:17 when it might seem people only want to hear about,
09:20 you know, the latest social issue?
09:23 I don't know that you and I can give the answer,
09:25 but these are huge questions
09:28 that each person in these times must ask themselves.
09:31 You know, as I think about this process,
09:34 when is the time period to speak up?
09:36 When is the time period not to speak up?
09:39 Well, we know right now that
09:40 the movement is kind of hostile out there.
09:44 And then it's going to move into,
09:46 back to people sheltering place
09:48 as this possible second wave of COVID hits.
09:51 But as these things
09:54 continue to come out for us there,
09:57 I mean, let me put it this way.
09:59 There's a black and there's a white area.
10:01 We want to definitely stay in the white area with this,
10:04 we don't want to go into the black.
10:06 But what Satan is doing in these last times, I believe,
10:10 is he's taking that
10:11 white and black area and stretching it out.
10:14 So that now we have 1000 different shades of grey.
10:19 And you could be on gray.
10:21 I mean, the thing I find that's interesting is,
10:24 if you take black paint
10:26 and you drop one drop of white paint into that,
10:29 it has no change.
10:31 But if you take white paint
10:32 and you drop one drop of black in there,
10:34 it changes it forever.
10:37 Think about what you believe as a Christian today.
10:40 What you believe as the Seventh-day Adventist?
10:43 Is that being tainted
10:44 by what is happening all around us today?
10:48 Is there a black drop going inside the paint?
10:50 Well, the load is tainted. The loaded word is tainted.
10:54 I think it's axiomatic
10:57 that we're affected by everything that happens.
10:59 So it's that tainting,
11:00 is that diverting, is it blinding?
11:03 Now, these are, I guess, mixing the metaphor a bit,
11:05 but you need to discuss what effect, I mean,
11:09 what, what's the follow on to the obvious effect?
11:12 We're not untouched by event surrounding us.
11:15 No, certainly not.
11:16 We're product of them, if anything.
11:18 But those events shape us, those events mold us.
11:22 Those events push us, either closer to Christ
11:25 or actually further away from Christ.
11:27 And if you don't have a stance, you will be moved.
11:30 Now, and you're getting
11:32 to what's troubling me a bit now
11:34 about some of my fellow
11:37 Seventh-day Adventist Christians,
11:38 you know, you could make it about any group,
11:40 it's not an indictment of Christians,
11:42 not an indictment of Adventist much as people of faith.
11:46 In the COVID era, we've all gone to our burrows.
11:51 We've done nothing, doing little,
11:52 very little church activity.
11:55 My son is involved in our local church
11:57 with something that's wonderful.
11:59 They have a food bank drive-thru food giveaway
12:02 at the church once a week
12:03 and he's been helping with it, you know,
12:04 that's a practical church activity,
12:06 but very little is happening other than that sort of thing.
12:11 So you're doing nothing but yet,
12:13 I know of some fellow members already
12:18 who have been out demonstrating.
12:20 Well, that's not wrong.
12:22 I mean, they're demonstrating in a good cause,
12:24 but how come
12:25 they weren't demonstrating for their faith?
12:28 They've backed off on religion.
12:30 And now when it seems that the crowd wants to do it,
12:34 they're demonstrating with the crowd on a good cause,
12:36 but not the cause.
12:38 That's a good question.
12:41 And it is not the matter of right or wrong,
12:43 but it could uncover some skewed perspective.
12:47 But technically it is a question of
12:49 right and wrong.
12:50 It's not right and wrong.
12:51 It's still a question of left or right,
12:55 black or white, not on a race issue,
12:57 but it has to do with where you stand today.
13:00 Because if you're willing to die on one hill,
13:04 why did you not die on,
13:05 willing to die on another hill
13:07 that think that the truth is on.
13:08 Very well, or let's get back
13:10 to early Adventist history
13:13 at the time our church was organized,
13:16 and Ellen White and the other pioneers.
13:21 Early on, they didn't really expect
13:22 to found a separate church.
13:24 They were Christians who,
13:25 some of them were Methodists,
13:27 some Baptists and that,
13:28 they had a unique concern for the second,
13:31 imminent second coming of Christ,
13:33 but once they were ejected from those churches
13:35 for their activity,
13:36 they needed to form together and they had an organization.
13:41 And they formed that church at the time of the...
13:44 as the American Civil War was breaking up.
13:48 And there were several reasons that contributed to it.
13:51 But the overriding more and more
13:53 contentious issue was slavery.
13:55 And Ellen White, I think speaking of truism,
13:58 but she had sort of the authority
14:00 as the visionary in the church.
14:01 She said that God's punishment was resting on the south
14:04 for its embrace of slavery of the institution.
14:07 So, this was a real moral cast.
14:10 So here a country goes to war, Civil War, Conscription
14:14 right, left and center.
14:16 That was precisely the moment
14:18 that Adventist decided to be non-combatants
14:21 and not fight in that war.
14:22 Very interesting thing.
14:25 And not quite the same as what's happening
14:27 with Black Lives Matter with,
14:29 but people are reacting to a huge injustice that
14:31 you can track it all the way back
14:33 to before the Civil War, but of the same ilk.
14:36 But yet, I don't think
14:38 we're called to break down
14:39 the barricades just for that one issue.
14:43 We need to take a break now and mull it over.
14:45 We will continue the discussion after a break.
14:48 Stay with us.


Revised 2020-09-04