Liberty Insider

A Fishy Business

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI200472B

00:01 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider
00:02 where we're donning the economist mantel
00:07 here but no, what we're doing
00:08 really is connecting to religious liberty.
00:12 What always is money is very important
00:16 in this secular world that we live in.
00:19 Money is the means that carries on a lot of religious activity,
00:24 of course, the heart
00:25 and commitment is unquantifiable.
00:27 But yet these budgets,
00:28 all churches or organizations
00:30 and governments give money,
00:32 they take money and they give it,
00:36 and that's always a reasonable discussion
00:39 when you're talking about religious liberty.
00:40 Are you giving...
00:42 Are you taking money that entangles
00:43 and even restricts your religious practice?
00:47 And I believe and it's worth discussing here,
00:50 that we may have just sort of put that process
00:52 on steroids during the COVID emergency
00:55 when a financially troubled empire,
00:59 the United States wanting to help
01:02 its citizenry in this incredible emergency
01:04 is sort of opened the floodgates
01:06 of monopoly money.
01:09 How much did everybody get, 1200 or something?
01:12 That's phenomenal.
01:14 It was a total of $3 trillion
01:16 which I think included aid to businesses.
01:19 But the receipts for the US are 3.3 trillion in one year.
01:23 So the entire expected income
01:26 for the year was given away in one single give out.
01:29 And most people say thank you government,
01:31 they don't realize
01:32 you can't give what you don't have.
01:35 Well, that's true.
01:36 Can we talk a little bit about...
01:38 So the debate and this is where
01:40 I want to involve you which you know ahead of time,
01:42 we talk behind the scenes.
01:44 It's created quite a lively discussion
01:46 within I think a number of church groups
01:47 including our own.
01:49 Is it appropriate in this situation to take money
01:54 and the way money was offered among several,
01:57 but one way was offered was like the businesses,
02:01 if you didn't lay any workers off
02:04 during the emergency,
02:06 then you could keep the assistance that was given.
02:12 I think once we accept that money,
02:15 we're at a dangerous point right now
02:17 where there's invasion of privacy,
02:20 they're coming in through your iPhones,
02:21 they're coming in through social media.
02:23 They're basically, it's kind of like
02:25 a helicopter parent hanging over you.
02:28 And the government knows everything that you're doing.
02:30 So all they need is,
02:32 I think that this stimulus money
02:34 is a foot in the door for them to be able to say,
02:37 but you accepted it.
02:38 So now it's time for a little payback.
02:42 Well, I didn't live through World War II.
02:45 And I didn't either. No, no.
02:49 We didn't live, I should have included you.
02:51 What I mean is that's ancient history
02:52 World War II.
02:54 I mean, when I was born,
02:55 it was not far in the Review and Herald,
02:57 I don't know anything about them.
02:59 I didn't live through that,
03:00 but before World War II this country,
03:03 the United States
03:05 and most of the world had a huge depression.
03:07 And one way the US got through it was people became,
03:13 many people unemployed people
03:15 became wards of the state basically.
03:17 They were sent to work camps.
03:19 Wonderful things were done by that administration.
03:22 But they lost a lot of practical freedoms.
03:25 Then in World War II particularly,
03:28 I know even in Australia, certainly in England,
03:32 and I believe in the US,
03:34 there was a lot of rationing.
03:38 Was of no matter how much money you had,
03:40 there's some things you couldn't buy,
03:41 no matter how much money.
03:43 You were given a certain amount,
03:44 the government was in control.
03:45 And I think that the COVID gift money
03:49 is a form of rationing.
03:51 It's the same model,
03:53 because they have given nothing.
03:54 So how do you turn that back in and say I don't want it?
03:58 Well, the check that we got individually,
04:02 I think it came without even applying.
04:03 But the church has to apply for money.
04:06 It's not given automatically.
04:08 And I think both out of respect
04:11 for the continued viability of the state,
04:14 the church shouldn't hamper
04:16 he state's already failing effort
04:19 and out of concern for its ongoing integrity,
04:23 it shouldn't take it either because it complicates.
04:25 I don't think there's any logic to taking it
04:28 that's overwhelming other than a momentary fix.
04:31 So just so we don't send everybody into a panic
04:34 here with this, the personal stimulus check.
04:37 Is there a problem with that or not?
04:39 Well, it's a problem, but it's not a problem
04:41 of religious liberty or freedom.
04:43 Okay, so you accepted yours? I haven't cashed it.
04:47 You haven't cashed it yet? But I probably will.
04:49 You probably? Okay, so you will.
04:51 But you're talking about your application...
04:52 You know, the people, the taxpayers
04:54 should recognize the government
04:55 cannot give you what it doesn't have
04:58 and what it has, it only gets from you.
05:00 Yeah, so it's like,
05:01 I'll take it out of your bank and I'll give it to you.
05:03 How much do you want?
05:05 So this is smoothing out the process, fine,
05:08 but they're not giving you something new,
05:10 especially when they don't have either money nor real credit.
05:16 So this isn't religious liberty,
05:18 but it's a commentary on our times.
05:20 We're living in a time of great financial bankruptcy.
05:24 And why I think it's worth mentioning every collapse,
05:29 and there's been many, many of them in the modern era.
05:31 Every collapse
05:33 has a negative civil liberty component,
05:36 it will create social dislocation.
05:39 Right now we have rioting from police actions
05:41 that is impounding on the civil rights movement
05:44 which is fine, because there's something
05:46 that people can address by group action,
05:49 but we likely before the civil war
05:50 was seafood riots.
05:52 We'll see riots from the inequalities
05:55 that are highlighted
05:56 by great unemployment and so on.
05:59 And in the crackdowns on that, almost inadvertently,
06:04 even a well intentioned civil government
06:06 is going to have to restrict certain actions and practices,
06:10 probably some form of religious activity.
06:12 So in your thinking, considering that we are moving
06:16 into this hyperinflation
06:19 could be by the end of the year,
06:20 could be in a few months from now.
06:22 How do you think that compares to what happened in 2009
06:27 with the economy?
06:30 This is Act 2. This is Act 2.
06:32 Yeah. More trouble, less trouble?
06:35 No, it'll be more of the same and you and I are not prophets,
06:39 but hopefully you and I are like most of our viewers,
06:43 we read and we see information.
06:45 It's an inevitability, it's already begun,
06:47 and the real estate agents know it.
06:49 There's a housing collapse coming,
06:53 which will have shockwaves
06:55 through the economy of banks failing,
06:59 people unemployed, less workman building houses.
07:02 I mean it just filters up. Yeah, it's coming.
07:05 But right now actually
07:07 that the real estate market is very hot right now.
07:09 It seems to be, well there's pent up demand.
07:11 You know what I'm talking about.
07:12 Yeah, it's hot now because people
07:14 who are in the cities,
07:15 this is what I was told by a financial attorney.
07:18 People in the cities after this COVID thing
07:20 let up a little bit,
07:21 they're wanting out of the cities right now.
07:23 And so the market is hot for country homes.
07:25 And this is interesting as Seventh-day Adventists,
07:28 we had advice that
07:29 we believe was given divinely to co-founder Ellen White
07:34 who there's plenty of evidence that she was under...
07:39 Inspiration.
07:40 Got to watch the words, you know,
07:42 people don't understand it.
07:43 But you know, the Spirit of the Lord
07:45 had moved on her,
07:46 it's not that she was all knowing
07:47 or some Delphic Oracle.
07:49 But on key things, she was given communications,
07:52 and she was told many of the things
07:55 that were happening now,
07:56 and she gave a warning to Adventists back
07:59 before we have the urbanization we have today,
08:01 but that we should move out of the built up
08:05 central city areas just as a matter of precaution,
08:08 because that's where troubles,
08:12 troublous times impact people the most negatively.
08:15 Right.
08:16 And what you're saying I think just confirms that.
08:18 There might come a time for all of us
08:23 wherever we are, it's best to stay in place.
08:26 I had a woman call me up
08:29 about six or eight months ago before the COVID thing.
08:32 And she said that some evangelist had told her
08:34 that she should sell her home and move to the country.
08:37 She was a retired lady.
08:38 And I said, "Have you ever lived in the country before?"
08:40 "No." You know, retired by herself.
08:42 I said, "If you sell now and move to the country,
08:44 that will be your time of trouble."
08:46 That's right.
08:48 So you know things have to be done
08:49 in the right context.
08:51 But we have to be moving our frame of mind currently now
08:54 out of those city areas, out of the worldly concepts
08:58 into a country mindset right now.
09:00 It is the time period that God is giving us.
09:01 And I think that it's not a uniquely Adventist,
09:04 uniquely Christian, it's just a practical concern.
09:09 In India or large population countries
09:13 where there's a lot of people that are very close,
09:16 you know, their income
09:17 is a little more than subsistence.
09:20 It's already happened a couple of times
09:22 in the last couple of decades,
09:23 when say the price of rice doubles.
09:26 A person living in a city with no access to a garden
09:29 or anything, they dropped to starvation level,
09:31 just like that.
09:33 And yet, if they could even leave the city, though,
09:36 they would have some security.
09:38 So this is very practical.
09:40 It's not relating just to Adventist,
09:41 not relating just to North America.
09:43 It's the cities usually where revolutions come,
09:46 where disease comes that we're in COVID now,
09:49 but the plague and so on.
09:51 These are practical considerations
09:53 and I believe religious liberty
09:56 will be strengthened by people that make life
09:59 a little easier for themselves when the hard time comes.
10:02 That's true.
10:03 Do you know there was a belief
10:05 it was a congressman from West Virginia.
10:08 I remember him stating one time, he said,
10:11 "You need to get out of the cities right now."
10:14 And the reason is that as you move out,
10:17 you become less dependent on the government,
10:20 because you don't want to be dependent on the government.
10:22 And so his whole point that he's saying is,
10:24 for each of us today living,
10:26 we want to be less dependent on the government
10:29 and more self-reliant, but for a Christian,
10:31 we want to be more reliant upon God.
10:34 And this is the time period
10:35 that we have to put our faith more and more in God,
10:39 and less and less on the government itself.
10:43 It's a scene I can well visualize.
10:46 Jesus holds up a Roman coin with the emperor's head on it.
10:50 And He says, "Whose face is there?
10:52 Who do you see on that coin?" Oh, Caesar.
10:55 He says, "Well, render unto Caesar
10:56 what is Caesar's and unto God the things
10:58 that are God's.
11:00 We deal with money in our Western society
11:03 and in a capitalist society, it's indispensable.
11:06 The system cannot exist without it.
11:08 But we need to make a distinction
11:10 between the things of God,
11:12 the charter the God has given us
11:13 in proclaiming
11:15 His liberation to all sinful human beings
11:18 in protecting our ability to do that
11:20 which is called protecting religious liberty.
11:23 We need to draw that distinction,
11:25 and do not think that
11:28 with unlimited or gratuitous golden coins,
11:32 figurative, that we can make up for a spiritual deficiency.
11:37 God does not need the visaged coins
11:41 of whatever system we live under.
11:43 God needs a dedicated pure people
11:47 who are advancing the kingdom of God
11:49 and spreading liberty throughout the land.
11:54 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2020-08-07