Liberty Insider

A World of Hurt

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI200471A

00:29 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:31 This is your program designed to open your awareness
00:35 to religious liberty
00:37 as it's practiced
00:38 or even opposed all around the world today
00:41 and very often talking about how it relates to events
00:45 in the United States.
00:46 My name is Lincoln Steed, Editor of Liberty Magazine,
00:50 and my guest on the program is Pastor Alden Ho,
00:55 a man of the world, born in Singapore,
00:58 lived in Canada for years and almost in the US now,
01:01 based in Texas.
01:04 That's a joke for those living in other countries.
01:08 Atlanta Lone Star State, although once Mexico.
01:12 Yeah, exactly.
01:13 But we won't go too far back in history.
01:15 But you know,
01:16 this is an interesting world today,
01:18 we're recording
01:19 maybe best part of six foot apart
01:21 during a COVID sequence
01:24 that I think will last
01:26 at least another year worldwide.
01:29 And one thing I've picked up that while a lot,
01:32 most of us are all worried about not getting infected
01:35 and the government
01:37 in the United States and Australia
01:38 where I originally grew up and Singapore,
01:41 and places like that,
01:43 you know, they've got public health measures
01:45 that are more or less successful,
01:46 very similar, just differently applied.
01:51 That's fine, but there's plenty of evidence
01:53 that some countries that already had an agenda
01:57 against religious practice of one type or another
02:00 are using this as cover to further restrict religion.
02:05 Have you picked up on any of this?
02:06 What are your thoughts on this?
02:08 There's a lot of this that's going on.
02:10 It's...
02:11 They're using this as a platform
02:13 to now hone in on certain people
02:17 to figure out things, to invade your privacy.
02:21 And it's not just here,
02:22 it's happening globally everywhere.
02:23 Now, this was a bit before COVID,
02:25 where I remember Hillary Clinton,
02:27 when she was Secretary of State went to China,
02:31 one of her first adventures.
02:34 And it was reported officially,
02:37 that she told China
02:38 that we were not going to be as worried
02:39 about civil rights issues as before
02:43 that we were not linking that to trade.
02:46 So I saw
02:47 the first sign of trouble there.
02:50 Not too long
02:51 and it may well have been just before COVID hit,
02:57 but in the last few days,
02:58 it's been released in a infamous book by Bolton,
03:02 that the President told the President of China
03:07 that it was fine for them to detain the Uyghur Muslims,
03:12 that this was the right thing to do.
03:14 Interesting.
03:18 Whether or not the United States
03:20 has formal detention for religious dissidents,
03:26 not officially,
03:28 but we know that, that Guantanamo continues.
03:32 We know
03:33 that illegal aliens of one type or another are detained
03:36 and it's probably inevitable.
03:40 Perhaps even undercover of this
03:42 that the people with a different viewpoint/religion
03:47 are going to be shuttled off to a sort of a detention
03:51 and nothing much you and I
03:52 or most of our viewers can do about it,
03:54 but I think an awareness and a shared awareness
03:57 makes it less likely
03:58 or less likely to go unchallenged.
04:02 I was just reading last week that there is,
04:05 they're still detaining children,
04:07 illegal immigrants that come across from Mexico,
04:10 they're detaining them.
04:11 But this is, just like you said,
04:13 this is all just part of a preliminary check.
04:16 Let's see if we tell the world to jump.
04:20 How high are they willing to jump?
04:21 I think so.
04:23 And as we see who's on board, who's not on board,
04:26 then we'll put the screws
04:27 to those who are not really with the program
04:30 and those who are with the program,
04:32 kind of use them as the influential place
04:34 to be able to do things.
04:36 All this is happening as the plan biblically
04:41 to bring about the soon coming of Christ
04:43 but they don't know that.
04:45 They're being utilized by Satan right now.
04:46 And in talking
04:48 about what the Bible speaks about.
04:50 It talks about a time,
04:51 at the end of time when the natural relations
04:54 between the parent and the child are disrupted
04:58 and the detention practice
05:02 not just under this recent administration,
05:05 it predated of the few years,
05:07 but has come out more and more.
05:10 These illegal aliens,
05:12 many of whom present themselves legally at the border,
05:15 escapes most people.
05:16 There are many that that go through the process,
05:19 they come to the border, they asked for asylum.
05:22 And then they're taken into custody.
05:27 Many of those, in fact in most cases,
05:30 they will separate the children from the parents
05:34 and thousands and thousands of them
05:36 are kept apart for months, a year or two,
05:40 and a huge percentage of them are then fostered out,
05:43 they never see their parents again.
05:47 And it's easy to see this as a bureaucratic breakdown,
05:52 but I don't think so.
05:54 I think there's more evidence
05:55 that this is part of a systemic plan
05:58 to break down the resolve,
06:01 and the family affinities of people.
06:03 And this is what Satan is also working at
06:05 to break down the family.
06:07 I was picking up on what you're saying.
06:08 Yeah.
06:09 And, you know, it's not to pick on the US.
06:12 These are human reactions in different stresses
06:16 and different regimes that have authority
06:18 tend to revert
06:19 to these sort of disruptive behaviors.
06:22 It's kind of like a pre-programming
06:24 that they're trying to do, pre-programming.
06:26 Yeah, humans know what makes human tick,
06:28 human, other humans tick,
06:30 and when they want to disempower them,
06:32 or discourage them, you break the family down,
06:35 you isolate them.
06:36 And this is why I'm so troubled about isolation during COVID.
06:40 I mean, it's just a tried and true way
06:43 to break the resolve
06:45 in the autonomy of an individual.
06:48 So we're in a very dangerous, dangerous time.
06:50 But again, back to the point I'm trying to make,
06:53 let's look at it globally,
06:55 is religious or I'll phrase it this way,
06:57 do you think religious liberty
07:00 and the COVID emergency are two discrete things,
07:03 or how are we already seeing
07:06 and how may have they sort of one effect the other?
07:10 I, for me,
07:11 I see this as the people in general
07:15 of different countries,
07:16 see it as two different issues.
07:18 But if you understand
07:19 what the Bible is talking about,
07:21 and if you understand that there is an enemy,
07:23 that Satan is doing everything that he can in the last days.
07:27 You will see that all of this
07:28 are all part of one big overlay of a merger,
07:31 just different overlays that are happening
07:33 but when they're laid down together,
07:36 they're all part of a bigger picture
07:38 that many people are not seeing.
07:41 So you have to look at it through the eyes
07:44 of what is Satan trying to do
07:46 to take God's people away from Him,
07:49 to distract them, to rewrite their mind,
07:53 their thinking,
07:54 and that's what God is trying to write it
07:57 in our hearts and in our minds,
07:59 and Satan is doing everything that he can
08:01 to stop that from going into our minds.
08:04 You're talking about isolation.
08:06 Absolutely.
08:07 People are going stir crazy as a result of that
08:09 and they come out just going crazy.
08:12 They want to do something.
08:13 When I was riding across the United States
08:16 on my bicycle.
08:18 At first I didn't see many people,
08:20 but after about three four weeks into it,
08:24 I started seeing on weekdays...
08:26 Repeat again because this is another program
08:27 and earlier when you mentioned but you just...
08:29 I did a bicycle ride from...
08:31 Done something quite unique, haven't you?
08:32 Oh, not unique, but special, very special.
08:34 On March 31, I began a...
08:37 I took a sabbatical from ministry
08:39 and I started to ride my recumbent bicycle
08:42 from San Diego,
08:44 across the United States to St. Augustine, Florida,
08:46 2500 miles in 45 days.
08:49 And when I reached somewhere around West Texas,
08:52 which was about two, three weeks into it,
08:54 this stir craziness of people stuck in their homes
08:58 because of the Coronavirus.
09:00 At first, these first couple weeks,
09:02 I didn't see very much traffic.
09:04 But as I started getting into it more,
09:07 you would usually see motorcycle groups
09:09 going out for a joy ride on the weekend.
09:12 But this is on a weekday that people were going out,
09:15 groups of these people,
09:17 and I'm wondering why are they doing this?
09:18 And I talked with them and they're saying,
09:20 "We're just going crazy sitting around at home,
09:23 we got to do something."
09:24 So and the best thing that people don't realize is
09:27 fresh air and sunshine.
09:29 While I was about to throw at you.
09:30 I throw two best things.
09:32 I had a doctor point out the obvious thing.
09:34 One of your defenses against infection of any type,
09:38 and including COVID is vitamin D,
09:41 which you get from sunlight,
09:43 and it boosts your immune system.
09:45 So the surest way
09:46 to knock the immune system for a population
09:49 is to keep them inside.
09:50 And I thought
09:51 what was very interesting is I had,
09:53 as I was journaling this on a website platform.
09:57 I had people commenting
09:58 and they were some of them were kind of sinister
10:00 and they were being not very nice to me saying,
10:03 you need to stay at home.
10:04 Health professionals are saying
10:06 that you need to stay at home shelter in place.
10:09 And I'm wanting to say to them, that's very ironic
10:13 because riding on either side of me right now
10:16 are two ER doctors without their masks
10:19 and they've said themselves
10:21 the best thing is fresh air and sunshine for vitamin D.
10:25 And so even they,
10:27 the health professionals are out there riding with me
10:29 through all this.
10:31 And even though
10:32 you still need to keep a distance,
10:33 the wind is dynamic outside
10:36 so the chances of contagion are quite minimal outside.
10:41 And your face to face contact with people
10:44 as you're riding across.
10:45 I don't need to go to the gas station and fuel.
10:47 I have food with me.
10:49 I might see one person when I go to a campground
10:52 checking in with me
10:53 and then they're behind a plexiglass thing.
10:55 And then I'm in a tent by myself.
10:58 I'm trying to think there's a Bible text that says,
10:59 "They shall not faint nor grow weary."
11:01 But what about pedaling now, you must have...
11:04 Well, interestingly enough...
11:05 Yeah, have some muscle cramps here and there.
11:07 Twenty five hundred miles, I eat totally plant based.
11:10 And I never took one painkiller.
11:13 I didn't take any of that stuff,
11:15 didn't take turmeric,
11:16 didn't take any of that stuff, just rode.
11:20 Well, anyhow, good point.
11:21 But let me go international again.
11:26 A lot of countries in recent decades
11:28 and some that I've visited have clamped,
11:32 choosing to clamp down on religion
11:35 by clamping down on entry visas and so on for missionaries.
11:40 In fact, a lot of them don't want missionaries per Se.
11:43 It has to be locals running a mission
11:47 or a religious program.
11:49 This COVID, of course, is going to increase the excuse
11:53 that we don't want outsiders
11:54 like even Australia where I come from.
11:57 I just read this morning, now they're down to nearly,
12:02 it's a little bit over 99% I think foreigners kept out.
12:07 It's just a trickle of citizens coming in.
12:09 And if you go to Australia,
12:11 for 14 days you'll be in a hotel
12:13 under the quarantine that they want you.
12:15 Have to be an Australian, or family member, or friend,
12:19 or someone connected within Australia.
12:20 This is pretty much global though.
12:22 When you go to someplace there,
12:23 they're locking you down self quarantined.
12:25 Many countries, not every country.
12:26 Not everyone. But anyhow that's my point.
12:29 That's the extreme,
12:30 but it's going to mean that the foreigner,
12:32 the stranger or someone with an agenda
12:34 from another country,
12:35 why would you let them in and it will seem logical,
12:39 yes, we need to protect ourselves.
12:41 But it can be used two fold.
12:43 It will be a clear restriction of religious activity
12:49 and this is a process already began.
12:51 My point is, it began before the COVID,
12:53 but this will give strength to those countries
12:55 that don't want missionaries or other religious influence.
12:59 And, of course, you could turn it on its head.
13:01 The US doesn't want Muslim activists coming in
13:06 spreading Islam in this country.
13:08 We've locked them out.
13:09 It's interesting that you said
13:11 that this could go on for another year or so.
13:13 But I think that this in phases of it,
13:16 this is how it's going to be, this is the world today.
13:21 And this is going to be the world tomorrow,
13:23 and more things will continue to come in and be introduced
13:26 that will continue to restrict,
13:29 remove away our liberties, our freedoms,
13:32 all these things are going to happen.
13:33 It's possible.
13:34 And, you know, we hope not
13:36 but the economy is likely to crash.
13:40 I mean, we've shut the economy down,
13:42 but there's an economic effect of that.
13:44 And if we have tens, hundreds, perhaps even millions of people
13:49 below the subsistence level,
13:50 the government will do what it did
13:53 before World War II with the WPA program.
13:56 People were in basically in the US in labor camps
13:59 where they had to abide by tough rules
14:01 to get the government handout, build roads and so on.
14:04 But if you didn't work on Saturday,
14:06 Adventists were given even mock executions
14:10 and some of those things, people have forgotten this.
14:12 And yet, there's no evidence at that time
14:14 that the US had a brief against religion.
14:17 But once this model was in people with in this case,
14:21 a religious conviction of Sabbath worship,
14:24 didn't fit and quite persecuted.
14:26 It's coming back again.
14:27 So, yes, I think there's a chance
14:29 of quite dangerous shifts like that.
14:31 Stay with us.
14:32 We'll be back after a short break
14:34 to continue this global discussion.


Revised 2020-07-30