Liberty Insider

Forever Young

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI200470B

00:01 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:03 Before the break with guest Alden Ho,
00:05 we were on Mount Olympus speaking down
00:10 about our views on how to...
00:12 not really, we were very biblically looking at,
00:17 you know, what can we do to help
00:19 or how can we identify the problem
00:20 with the younger generation not buying in,
00:24 I guess is the way fully
00:25 to the whole spiritual experience
00:27 and therefore not activist as they should be
00:30 for religious liberty
00:31 and other markers of Christian activity.
00:36 You know, in the studies I've done,
00:38 I believe it's been passed down,
00:40 the Bible does say that the sins of the forefathers
00:42 will transgress to pass the first,
00:45 second, third, to the fourth generation.
00:47 And I believe that we have gone
00:50 beyond the biblical understanding
00:54 that we have not taught our children,
00:56 we have not taught them when they get up,
00:59 when we walk around, when we sit down,
01:01 when we eat, we don't even eat with them,
01:03 let alone spend time with them.
01:05 So how does
01:06 what we believe transpire to a young person today?
01:11 'Cause if we don't transpire to them, guess what?
01:14 Satan's standing in the sidelines
01:16 getting ready to fill their minds,
01:18 and give them something else to focus on.
01:21 And I believe that's where we're at today.
01:23 Yeah, well, let me say something
01:25 that links with that.
01:28 And I was going to share it in another program,
01:30 but I wrote an editorial,
01:33 I think it was the one just before the COVID thing.
01:36 No, it was the first one and I called it contagion.
01:40 And I resurrected something
01:42 that I vaguely remembered from school,
01:45 but I don't hear mentioned anymore.
01:47 The Etruscans first
01:50 and then the Romans after them had a theory,
01:53 this generational loss of memory and shift,
01:57 they had a theory of four generations.
02:01 And the Romans called this period, a saeculum.
02:06 And it's really what the apostles
02:08 were speaking to Jesus,
02:09 tell us when will the end of the age be?
02:12 A saeculum was an age and of four generations,
02:17 wasn't so much the generations
02:19 but four generations, for the Romans
02:21 that was 110 years, no, 100 years.
02:27 And in 100 years, there's nobody left alive,
02:31 that remembers the beginning of that sequence.
02:36 And so the world tends to shift on its axis, society shifts.
02:42 And we're at that point now,
02:44 in the middle of the COVID thing,
02:45 you know, it's 100 years exactly
02:47 since the influenza epidemic.
02:50 But it's also 100 years since the war to end all wars,
02:53 the Great War, and the phenomenon
02:55 we know of World War I was that's when that
03:00 God is dead movement came along.
03:02 That's when faith
03:04 as Matthew Arnold says "Is at its ebb."
03:07 That's the Flapper era between the wars,
03:10 and in Germany, it was the decadence
03:13 of the night club era
03:15 that brought the Hitler regime in.
03:16 The world lost
03:18 its moral bearings in World War I.
03:20 And that's a saeculum ago. It's interesting...
03:23 I think we're bearing the bitter fruit
03:25 of what happened about hundred years ago.
03:27 If we are today the modern Adventist movement,
03:30 we go back and we look at the ancient Israel's,
03:33 Israelites movement,
03:34 for 400 years, they were in bondage.
03:37 They forgot all this too. You can go back.
03:39 They totally forgot about how do we keep the Sabbath?
03:42 What was the Sabbath?
03:43 They forgot all that information.
03:46 And so I think that whole thing continues to compile.
03:49 And that's where we are today.
03:51 And the young person today in their understanding
03:56 or lack of understanding,
03:57 I guess you could say of religious liberty,
03:59 they have to stand under something, a banner.
04:03 And that banner could be social injustice,
04:06 it could be sexuality, it could be whatever.
04:08 But they choose to stand under that
04:10 because the religious liberty is so weak in them,
04:15 because they have not been taught.
04:16 Yeah.
04:18 And whether or not we're identifying it
04:19 a little bit, that the answer I don't know,
04:20 the problem is not easy to see,
04:23 but you can sort of dissect it as we're doing.
04:27 We're in a dangerous path,
04:29 I think, and more dangerous than COVID.
04:32 At risk, you know, is 4% of the population.
04:36 It hasn't anywhere panned out that bad,
04:37 but it could, the mortality rate of those
04:40 that get infected is 4%.
04:42 But the world won't end with 4%
04:44 but it sure could end as we know it if again,
04:48 Matthew Arnold "The sea of faith disappears."
04:51 Or as I've mentioned in another program,
04:53 it's the social contract is dissolved.
04:57 We'll enter a new dark ages.
04:59 But you mentioned a very key word
05:00 and that is identify.
05:02 I think as we're talking about young people today,
05:05 they have to figure out who they identify with
05:08 because if they don't identify as Christians,
05:11 then well, judgment is taking place very soon.
05:16 And if we, if we're not teaching them
05:18 even in church, as a pastor, as youth ministry,
05:22 as church leaders, as parents,
05:24 if we're not teaching our children,
05:26 as the Bible says in the way that they should go,
05:29 then they will depart from it because they've chose
05:32 to identify with another banner,
05:35 rather than the banner of Christ.
05:37 And even now, as you say that
05:40 it reminds me of
05:41 why when I first started Liberty Magazine,
05:44 the first issue that I produced was on homeschooling.
05:48 Because educating the next generation
05:50 is the key to all of this.
05:52 And homeschooling is not the only answer.
05:54 But homeschooling is sort of a stand in
05:57 for a lot of what you're talking about.
06:00 Because most people don't realize that
06:01 the modern educational system
06:04 largely controlled by the state is to create
06:08 new citizens for the new state.
06:11 Not in the rigorous doctrinaire sense of,
06:15 you know the communists, you know,
06:17 the young communist group,
06:19 but in the utilitarian sense
06:21 and I wrote an editorial again using utilitarianism,
06:24 the commoditization of humanity.
06:28 And the modern state, the US is, it epitomizes it,
06:32 wants to suit the new citizens for the needs of the state.
06:37 And the needs of the state are not spiritual,
06:40 the needs of the state, you know,
06:42 it pays lip service to religion,
06:44 but it's not got a sense of godliness.
06:47 And more and more that proprietary sense of it,
06:51 the state education is at odds
06:52 with those who cling to the idea
06:55 of inculcating spiritual values
06:57 and many of them try homeschooling.
06:59 And that's where you see the battle lines drawn,
07:02 not the only way to opt out.
07:06 But then you see that there is a real antipathy
07:08 between the way of the world
07:10 and the way of moral way in a religious way.
07:13 And this fight is continuing to escalate more and more
07:15 between the ability to homeschool
07:18 and the ability to be in the public school system.
07:22 Right.
07:23 And they're taking your kids away.
07:24 And in some countries in a way you can see it,
07:27 probably the best test case is in Scandinavia.
07:30 Very liberal systems, very successful,
07:35 bad word in the US, but certainly, you know,
07:37 socialist sensibility, not communists but, you know,
07:39 social responsibility, but not much spirituality
07:43 and there the state is at the throat of anyone
07:47 that wants to teach religious values
07:49 in homeschooling.
07:51 And people, many people actually lately having to leave
07:54 those countries to come to the US,
07:55 or to England, or Australia
07:57 from a point of religious persecution,
07:59 ironic in an largely non-religious free countries.
08:05 But it's creeping up on us even in the US.
08:07 It is.
08:08 And where we're being blindsided
08:10 and I'm mixing a few things.
08:12 What we've seen in the last administration
08:14 is the coming to power
08:16 of those with a certain religious political sensibility
08:18 who want religious entitlement
08:23 for their view of religion.
08:25 So that's sort of cutting
08:26 through this neglect or antagonism,
08:29 generally the faith,
08:30 but they want a certain status religion to win the day.
08:36 That's currently right now a new buzzword is entitlement.
08:39 Yes.
08:40 Well, unfortunately,
08:42 they're usually talking down on Social Security.
08:44 Yeah.
08:46 So it's something that is being given to people
08:50 that claim their dues.
08:53 Well, do you think that this...
08:56 But entitlement is also being pumped
08:58 into social injustice too?
09:00 Yes, yeah.
09:02 I think something big has began
09:04 again during the COVID with the...
09:06 Triggered by these police killings,
09:08 which, you know,
09:10 I think it's reasonable for many people,
09:15 not just the black community to be affronted by this,
09:19 but why it suddenly caught their attention
09:21 is a little beyond me.
09:23 Anybody looking
09:24 from the outside of the US knows that,
09:27 in many ways the excesses of the slave era
09:30 have been perpetrated through the authority,
09:32 through reconstruction, which was released,
09:35 you know, the slave system light,
09:37 right up through World War II,
09:40 you know, history books don't belabor it but,
09:44 you know, the US had segregated military,
09:46 even in World War II.
09:48 I came to the US and saw Washington
09:50 burning in reaction to Martin Luther King kill.
09:53 I saw a few of the signs still in the shops.
09:56 So this is a long term thing.
09:59 The police actions have always been violent, generally.
10:04 And then that violence
10:05 is often targeted toward those that are marginalized.
10:09 The poor and the, you know, the racial minorities.
10:13 But, you know, why now suddenly?
10:15 I think it's going to have huge ramifications.
10:18 It's suddenly because it's not...
10:19 It's God's timing. Yes.
10:21 Would the world is ripe right now.
10:23 And as the world ripens,
10:24 people are having to make a choice.
10:26 And as we make a choice,
10:27 we're having to choose
10:29 which banner we're going to stand under.
10:31 And talking about God
10:33 and the Bible again, it's in Joel isn't it?
10:36 There's a promise
10:37 there that the young men see vision,
10:39 no, the old men see visions,
10:42 but that the young will be
10:44 spiritually motivated at the end of time and,
10:47 and so yes, I think God's preparing the way
10:50 and as always Satan will claim our youth,
10:54 the dark side to use the science fiction.
10:57 The dark side may claim some
10:59 but this is a moment
11:01 of opportunity for God and goodness.
11:03 It's time for God's people who really claim to,
11:08 "Identify as Christians today to really stand up."
11:13 Because if we're not standing up,
11:15 then we're clamoring down.
11:17 Are we going to be judged based on the fact
11:19 that we are kind of not wanting to put our hand up and say,
11:23 "This is what we believe?"
11:24 Because we're trying to be politically correct?
11:27 I think this is a time for us to,
11:29 as we said before.
11:31 Well, it's a time to stand up and be candid.
11:33 Will the real Christian please stand up?
11:35 So today for me, I look at it...
11:37 For me today,
11:39 there's a quote that Ellen White,
11:42 one of the founders of the Adventist Church said,
11:44 "The greatest want of the world is the want of men,
11:47 men who will not be bought or sold,
11:48 men who in their inmost souls are true and honest,
11:50 men who do not fear to call sin
11:52 by its right name,
11:53 men who will stand for the right
11:55 till the heavens fall."
11:57 And the question is, are you that man today?
12:00 'Cause I know I want to be, and hopefully you will be too.
12:05 Forever Young
12:06 is the title given to this program.
12:08 Sounds a little like
12:10 the title of a song of yesteryear,
12:13 but not a bad concept.
12:15 Some of us are not quite teenagers anymore,
12:18 but in our minds, we're forever young.
12:21 Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in His earthly sojourn was only
12:24 33 when He was crucified,
12:28 and then of course rose from the dead.
12:30 His disciples clearly were much, much younger.
12:33 And that's what I want to remember
12:36 with this program
12:37 and talking about religious liberty
12:39 and the activism that needs to connect with the youth.
12:44 They were young men who changed the world.
12:48 Our world is changing,
12:50 but young people need to change it
12:52 in the right direction.
12:54 We want that energy, that optimism,
12:57 the incurable optimism
13:00 of the youth dedicated
13:02 toward advancing knowledge of God,
13:04 advancing religious freedom,
13:06 and of course along with that, all civil freedoms,
13:09 because man was created to be free
13:12 and sovereign and only sin destroyed that.
13:16 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2020-07-23