Liberty Insider

Electronic Persecution

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI200469B

00:01 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:02 Before the break, we were in a technological buzz.
00:06 Deep discussion. Yeah.
00:08 Let me tell you something,
00:10 I haven't mentioned on this program before.
00:11 This is the moment to repeat it.
00:13 I had an epiphany.
00:16 A few decades ago
00:17 when I came back from Australia
00:19 to work at a publishing house in Boise, Idaho,
00:22 large publishing house for the Adventist Church,
00:24 a couple of hundred employees.
00:26 They've moved under some duress,
00:28 financial duress from the Bay area
00:31 near Silicon Valley.
00:33 And things have become so expensive.
00:36 And after the move, and I arrived,
00:39 I think a week after
00:41 they made it to the new plan, things were in disarray,
00:43 and the equipment seemed to suddenly aged
00:46 because of the move.
00:47 I think, in some ways,
00:49 the move did sort of highlight the need to upgrade
00:52 and they just spent about 200,000
00:55 to upgrade the typesetting equipment
00:59 and when we repackaged it and put it together.
01:02 It was ancient, didn't have flexibility.
01:04 It was on its way up.
01:06 And we made a choice
01:08 that we just had to dump it start from scratch.
01:10 And amazingly for one whole year,
01:13 we produced everything
01:14 on a IBM basic home PC
01:20 with 300 dot Apple laser printer.
01:24 And nobody sort of noticed, it's amazing,
01:27 but I remember the type guys will get there.
01:30 You know, they see this like an ink splotch.
01:33 So a number of us had to go around
01:35 and check on technology.
01:38 And in the middle of all of this,
01:39 we decided to reprint the,
01:41 I think 9 volumes of the Ellen White Testimonies
01:46 that had been done
01:47 on hot metal type decades earlier
01:49 and was getting worn out.
01:50 We need to go electronic,
01:52 we're not up and running on desktop.
01:55 So we hunted around and Ray Kurzweil,
02:01 electronics guru,
02:03 known by many of the young people at the time
02:05 was the guy that did the music synthesizer,
02:07 but he had developed the tech scanner.
02:10 And the first model was something like $5 million,
02:16 I think, a lot of money.
02:18 And we debated whether we would buy one
02:23 because we needed to, we couldn't typeset it
02:25 and errors would have been introduced.
02:26 Well, we didn't have $5 million,
02:28 but while we were looking it went down to 500,000.
02:32 Oh, it's pretty good, but we decided in the end,
02:34 we would contract with a company that had one.
02:37 And as I remember we paid $30,000
02:39 to have this whole set scanned in.
02:42 By the time we've done the job,
02:44 a tech scanner that was much better
02:47 had been developed by the Kurzweil
02:48 that was down to about $5,000.
02:51 And I'm telling you today, if you go to Walmart,
02:54 an inkjet not an inkjet...
02:56 Yeah, an inkjet printer,
03:00 will have a scanner built in, and a tech scanner
03:03 and a much better one than we had back then
03:05 maybe $30 to $50.
03:08 I got news for you.
03:10 I have an app on my phone
03:11 that I can just take the picture...
03:12 That's true.
03:14 And it will just copy the text over right off the bat.
03:17 So we've come and now it'll mix fonts
03:20 and even languages and all the rest, right.
03:22 Yeah, exactly.
03:23 So I saw it firsthand the logarithmic progression
03:28 of this development.
03:32 I've said it many times, you know, in school,
03:35 at least when I was in school,
03:36 we used to study the Industrial Revolution,
03:38 which over about 100 years revolutionized the world
03:41 settlement patterns, employment,
03:43 social restructuring.
03:45 We've gone through a far more radical shift
03:47 with the computer revolution in a shorter time
03:51 than the Industrial Revolution and it's not stopped.
03:54 And Ray Kurzweil has become a futurist
03:56 and I know he has a theory now.
03:59 I'm sure he's wrong on the time
04:01 that this curve will reach infinity.
04:05 In other words, it'll be a vertical curve of development
04:07 around the year 2035,
04:10 I think this is year, the point of singularity.
04:13 Not sure will be,
04:15 but the principle is there and it's also a principle
04:17 you can apply it at the national debt,
04:19 another things like that.
04:20 But in actuality...
04:21 Knowledge as the Bible says is going to explode.
04:24 It will, but that's an understanding
04:27 of knowledge of Bible prophecy,
04:29 but technologically wise
04:31 things are beginning to plateau right now.
04:34 On certain areas like the silicon chip,
04:36 they've reached the physical limits...
04:38 I mean, even iPhones,
04:39 the latest developments, they're not like,
04:41 "Wow, got to have that."
04:44 Drones for the drone technology.
04:46 They have all this locked in,
04:47 you know, when I fly that drone,
04:49 there's 19 satellites I'm locked into,
04:52 and there's certain fields.
04:54 I was flying it last week
04:55 through our big metropolis of Jefferson of 2000 people
04:59 and I couldn't fly over the jail.
05:02 I was downtown, it stopped me
05:04 and it said that there's a jail there.
05:06 And I couldn't go there.
05:07 So technology today is, it's a benefit,
05:11 but then at the same time,
05:13 like with the latest Apple 13.5 update, it is...
05:17 That's an automatic login when you do that
05:20 that you're logged in for this...
05:22 Well, we're clearly in this Kurzweil,
05:25 I haven't read his stuff in the last few months,
05:27 but he's probably regrouping of it
05:28 because yeah, because interrupted,
05:31 it's not gone backwards,
05:32 but there's a consolidation stage.
05:34 And clearly, the chips in the computers
05:38 have reached that they need a new medium.
05:40 The silicon chip has reached almost the limit,
05:42 although we're already in multiple cores
05:45 where they're getting the same sort of thing.
05:46 So one way or another, there is an onward and upward
05:49 and no one can predict,
05:51 but it's what you can safely predict
05:53 it's massively changing the norms of our life.
05:57 Everyday.
05:59 And so you can't counteract it,
06:00 but I think it needs to be factored in
06:02 when we're talking about
06:04 how a person of faith reacts to a world.
06:08 It's not the old world,
06:09 you need to realize the complications
06:12 that are coming our way and the oversight.
06:15 And just like Daniel,
06:17 you know, the king tricked,
06:21 you know, lay down the law that,
06:22 you know, if you pray to anyone but him, you're dead,
06:25 but Daniel goes into his room and prays as normal.
06:29 Fine, if that's your commitment,
06:32 that's how you should act,
06:34 but don't think that the things are done
06:35 in secret anymore.
06:36 No.
06:38 And for us, we've got to be as bold as Daniel was,
06:40 without having any fear, to be able to just stand for...
06:43 And that's really... Thank you.
06:44 You've got it to my...
06:46 I think this is the time to really show your colors.
06:49 Yeah, well, the real Christian stand up today.
06:51 Yes.
06:53 And rather than fade back in back to
06:56 what in another program really troubled me.
06:58 This is not the time for half-heartedness
07:01 to sort of retreat and think you can wait to that.
07:04 But if you stand,
07:06 then you're being socially awkward.
07:10 You're not being normal, you're not complying.
07:14 So is this really the time to stand?
07:17 Or is this still the time to sit down
07:19 and quietly stand?
07:21 I think it's the time to stand.
07:23 That's my bottom line,
07:25 but everyone has to move by conscience
07:28 as they're compelled to,
07:31 but I think in a time of great stress,
07:34 a time of great falling away of faith,
07:37 this is the time to rediscover or discover God and faith,
07:42 and then live up to it in a maximum way
07:45 not be half-hearted Christians.
07:47 It's never been good,
07:48 but I do believe
07:50 and, you know, we speak to people of all faiths,
07:52 but speaking as a Christian and what I read in the Bible,
07:56 I can see that God is merciful,
07:58 not willing that any should perish.
08:00 I think in easier times, people of good intention,
08:05 but not strong, overly strong faith
08:10 probably always have been saved,
08:12 but I think in a time of great stress,
08:15 it will take a greater faith
08:16 to not that God needs a greater faith to road,
08:20 but it will take a greater faith
08:24 to give your self some interference
08:26 on these delusions,
08:28 like even the health message in the Adventism,
08:30 you're not saved because you eat
08:32 or don't eat certain foods,
08:34 but if you eat certain bad food
08:38 or indulge in certain bad activities
08:40 that dull your perception,
08:42 you certainly can be lost
08:44 because you can't see the difference
08:46 between truth and error.
08:47 So you're saying that
08:49 I can't eat my way to heaven now.
08:50 No. You know, I had all this wrong.
08:52 I am saying that.
08:54 Yeah, that's exactly right.
08:55 But a lot of people haven't sort of grasp that.
08:58 So yes, God's not going to damn you for that,
09:01 but you may damn yourself in a very difficult time.
09:04 When times get straighter, the need is,
09:07 as the Bible over and over again,
09:09 Old and New Testament, it says, this calls for perception.
09:12 This calls for understanding.
09:15 The onus is on the person of faith
09:17 to see the difference between right and wrong,
09:19 and the need for action and interaction.
09:21 It would be interesting to see if you could actually look in
09:24 and take a poll of the thoughts of people
09:26 during this shutdown where everybody stayed at home.
09:30 Were they deeper into the Word of God
09:33 or they deeper into social media?
09:37 I think the latter, which,
09:39 and maybe we need to have another program on it.
09:41 I think it's not coincidental that social action activity
09:47 is that suddenly is a desire to do that
09:51 rather than spirituality and talk about God
09:54 and His wonderful love.
09:56 It's a Catch-22
09:58 because someone that's highly motivated
10:00 for spiritual godly things
10:01 should have a sensitivity to social action,
10:04 but that's not the main game.
10:06 Jesus said, "The poor you will have with you always."
10:08 Yeah.
10:09 And that's not the actual nature of people
10:12 to want to do that too.
10:14 Right.
10:15 Interesting times,
10:17 but I thought of anybody that I know
10:19 to talk technology with you would make sense.
10:21 And I know you see it, now I haven't even realized,
10:23 as you said, with your, with the drone that
10:26 now it's got its own inbuilt inhibition
10:29 against going certain places
10:30 interacting with other software.
10:34 And it's all put in there by the manufacturers
10:37 that even airports.
10:38 If there's an airport nearby, you can't go up so high,
10:41 you can't even go near that field.
10:44 It's...
10:45 So the days of the guy caught at 30,000 feet
10:48 in His lawn chair with balloons,
10:50 remember that story?
10:51 Those are over. Those are the analog days.
10:54 You could still do that by popping a balloon.
10:56 Yeah.
10:57 Well, so where do you go with your drone now
11:01 and with your faith, what do you think is the next?
11:04 I mean, I have to
11:06 during this time period that we have right now,
11:08 you've got to be focused in.
11:10 For me, I have to study more.
11:13 I have to know
11:14 because in order to be able to stand,
11:16 you got to be able to know what you believe,
11:18 to be able to stand.
11:22 A few years ago,
11:23 as part of a presidential election,
11:26 a fairly well-known comedian decided to run
11:30 as a gag candidacy for President.
11:33 And I will remember him standing up
11:35 as part of the preliminaries on television on a comedy show,
11:40 but still it was a pseudo campaign.
11:42 And he said with a very serious face,
11:44 which he normally had anyway, and he said,
11:49 "Lies have been going around,
11:52 rumors have been going around,
11:54 rumors of the very worst kind,
11:58 true ones."
12:00 We live in a time of misinformation.
12:03 And yet ironically,
12:04 we live in a time when information
12:07 and facts and figures and descriptions
12:09 are just flowing around us as the water in a stream.
12:14 As the Bible said, "Knowledge will be increased
12:16 and men run to and fro."
12:19 What we need to make sure
12:20 in this time of electronic over information is that
12:24 we are connected with the divine
12:26 and that we operate with integrity and honesty
12:29 in all that we do.
12:32 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2020-08-14