Liberty Insider

Electronic Persecution

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI200469A

00:28 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:30 This is a program designed to get you thinking about
00:34 religious liberty in the US and around the world
00:37 and to bring you some up-to-date information
00:39 on religious freedom and how you can relate
00:43 to this very important principle.
00:44 My name is Lincoln Steed, Editor of Liberty Magazine,
00:48 and my guest on the program is Alden Ho, Pastor Alden Ho.
00:54 Interesting background, Singapore, Canada,
00:57 now pastor in the US and Texas,
01:00 and I know, a man of a lot of technological insight.
01:05 So let's talk about something that we've touched
01:07 on a few times in the past on this program.
01:09 But I think in the wake of the COVID pandemic
01:13 or not in the wake, but we're in the middle of it.
01:15 We're right in it.
01:17 Electronics is not to be dismissed.
01:19 And, of course,
01:20 we're now communicating primarily
01:23 through all sorts of social networks
01:26 and Zoom for meetings and so on.
01:28 So we're very beholden, very under the thumb,
01:32 if you like of technology.
01:34 Do you see a role or a possibility
01:37 as we move into all of this,
01:39 that the very technology that we need
01:43 and love could really inhibit freedom in religious practice?
01:47 You know, I was...
01:49 As you're talking, I'm thinking about
01:51 how would the world be today amidst this COVID-19 thing
01:54 if there was no internet right now?
01:57 People would go stir crazy literally,
01:59 they would because people don't even know
02:01 how to go outside and do the regular things.
02:03 But today with all this that's going on.
02:08 Everything is getting down to control,
02:11 getting down to passing on information.
02:14 The national centre for whatever that they have...
02:17 Disease.
02:18 No, no, no, it's where they collect information.
02:22 It's a data collection place, and they're just dumping
02:27 lots and lots of information about you and I
02:29 and everybody else.
02:31 Well, I don't know if you've studied it,
02:34 but it's a few decades now
02:36 since the US government decided
02:39 as an aspiration
02:40 which they are making a reality
02:42 to collect all information.
02:44 Everything, as much as they can, yeah.
02:46 Everything, they haven't limited their scope,
02:48 everything, all electronic data.
02:50 And it's being sucked up like a vacuum
02:52 and kept in giant memory storage devices
02:57 and then sifted through in more and more
03:01 sophisticated manner.
03:04 I remember when it first came up in Washington,
03:06 it was called Project Carnivore.
03:09 Carnivore.
03:10 And that bothered a lot of people
03:11 'cause that sounds rather sinister.
03:13 Yeah. So they had to change that.
03:15 But, you know, we're in an era where the craziest things,
03:18 at least for a time,
03:20 some of them are given respectability.
03:22 I can remember early on,
03:23 I think, it was in the Bush administration.
03:26 I listened to a lot of hearings in Congress,
03:27 and it came out that out of the White House,
03:30 they were running a terrorism futures operation.
03:34 They were having people invest
03:38 in paying or putting money on
03:41 this date for a terrorist thing or that date,
03:44 and they had a very complicated algorithm,
03:47 and they believe that
03:48 the investment pattern itself would predict
03:52 when the event would take place.
03:53 That's crazy.
03:55 And it was shut down quickly when the Senate has got
03:57 an inkling of it.
03:58 But I think in some ways
04:00 through a lot of the sifting of information
04:02 and the seeing patterns of visiting different sites
04:06 and the choices that people see.
04:08 We're basically being double guests in a group way
04:12 by the electronic medium, or those that control it,
04:16 the high priests of the new technology.
04:17 So why do you think they're doing this?
04:19 Why do you think they're collecting this?
04:20 I don't think there's always a bad intention,
04:21 but a tool has been handed to the modern overseers
04:27 to control populations or not so much control,
04:29 to oversee, and to understand
04:32 even almost what you're thinking.
04:35 But, you know, all this, we know that all these things
04:38 are going to be used against us,
04:40 for God's people in the end time.
04:42 I mean, even just not even
04:44 dealing with the World Wide Web,
04:45 even the credit card.
04:47 They know, through American Express,
04:50 my spending habit,
04:51 they know where I go, they know what I buy.
04:54 And if I go to a place that I not normally go,
04:57 I get a phone call while I swipe that card
04:59 or insert that card, I get a phone call
05:01 from American Express and they said,
05:03 "Mr. Ho, we're just making sure
05:06 are you at such and such a place?"
05:08 They're collecting this, they know.
05:10 They know my spending habit,
05:11 they know that I don't go out and buy things on the Sabbath.
05:15 All this is being collected.
05:17 And I think one of these days
05:19 it's going to be used against us.
05:20 Of course, and in all societies,
05:23 information that comes up is used, it's evidence.
05:27 Depending on how free the society is,
05:29 it's used more and more,
05:31 or more or less aggressively,
05:32 but it'll be cited, I'm sure.
05:34 Yeah, years ago,
05:36 and I've mentioned on this program,
05:38 a fellow church member
05:39 who worked in some major downtown
05:42 Washington government office of...
05:44 I don't know the title but, you know,
05:46 the computer processing center,
05:48 he would come and he says "You have no idea."
05:50 He says that they understand everything about you,
05:52 what you're just saying, he says,
05:53 "You don't have to know who's a member of the church
05:57 or a political organization or whatever."
05:59 He says, "For example a Seventh-day Adventist,"
06:01 he says, "Your car has got a built in GPS,"
06:05 not the one that people know about.
06:07 There's a GPS in every car and the car companies told me
06:09 about it years ago,
06:10 they can switch your car off remotely,
06:12 anywhere and it tells where it is.
06:15 The GPS, your buying habits, your phone tracks you.
06:19 And so you put all that into a matrix and he says,
06:22 "When that's all put in, there's a huge hole
06:24 around the Sabbath in your travel,
06:26 your buying habits, your location,
06:28 the whole deal."
06:29 Hopefully, there's a hole around you.
06:31 No, I don't mind that. That's great.
06:33 I'm self-identified as a Seventh-day Adventist.
06:35 I think.
06:36 But you must remember, information cut loose
06:40 from context can be very damning.
06:43 And I remember hearing an FBI agent
06:46 once on YouTube explaining this and he says,
06:49 "Just remember," he says,
06:51 "You're not the one that gets to decide
06:55 what is right or wrong about what you do."
06:57 But I think...
06:59 It's a construction someone else puts on it.
07:00 The greater concern that we have to have
07:02 is not so much about Uncle Sam watching over us
07:06 but to understand that even more so,
07:09 even more not just where we go and what we do...
07:12 Now first of all the watchers, that used to be the term
07:14 for the angels, the heavily beings.
07:16 Right. They watch but...
07:17 But our thoughts are even being recorded in heaven.
07:20 Right.
07:22 So that should be a greater concern.
07:23 Absolutely.
07:24 And I always try to point this out,
07:27 you know, the mark of the beast, which...
07:29 Adventists are only one group that read that in the Bible,
07:33 and, you know, people can run amuck on that.
07:35 Not that important, it's a matter of loyalty
07:37 and whether or not it's some sort of barcode
07:40 or a tattoo on your arm, doesn't really matter.
07:45 If you understand the dynamic, we have to be loyal to the God.
07:49 And when we talk about these mechanisms of control,
07:51 you can't be so paranoid that, you know,
07:54 in the worst case people wear a tin hat, the cut out,
07:56 the, you know, the attempt to hack their brain.
08:00 But may or may not have some validity in some cases.
08:04 But, you know, if you live in such fear,
08:07 there's no escaping,
08:08 I mean, because it's crowding in on us,
08:10 that I think we need to know.
08:11 As Jesus said, "We're coming to a time of such hazard."
08:16 He says, "Unless those days be shortened,
08:18 no flesh will survive."
08:20 He didn't just say no faith would survive.
08:21 Right, yeah.
08:22 These are hazardous times
08:24 and I think man and his progress,
08:26 which is wonderful, you know,
08:27 we're going through a period of,
08:30 I mean, COVID's a bad period, but, you know,
08:32 generally speaking,
08:33 the progress of man has been great.
08:35 I mean, even kings didn't have
08:36 a toilet in their palace in old days.
08:39 You look back at, you know, the Roman Emperor,
08:43 he didn't live as good as someone in the tenements
08:46 of New York, you know.
08:48 But we're creating a situation that has a downside.
08:54 And this is why I'm so bothered about the social distancing.
08:57 We shouldn't let the worst aspects
08:58 of this takeover from the clear advantages,
09:03 practical advantages that modernization
09:05 has brought to us.
09:07 But this is all brought about now
09:09 because everybody has their electronics,
09:11 unless you're on an old flip phone or,
09:14 you know, what they call a dumb phone,
09:16 today everything is being ramped up
09:19 so that they can collect more information,
09:21 supposedly, to be able to know everything about you that
09:25 even you don't even know yourself.
09:28 Well, that's the theory of these algorithms
09:33 that they work, that supposedly they can,
09:35 you know, Hollywood
09:37 is not very sophisticated in many areas.
09:41 I think it's a cesspool
09:45 of unchristian behavior.
09:48 But, you know, just like science fiction books
09:51 of another era, they're sort of extrapolating
09:53 what they know
09:54 and there was that movie, was it Inception?
09:56 I think was, but the idea
09:58 that you can identify a future crime.
10:01 That's really where we're heading now
10:02 since 9/11.
10:05 After the terrorist incident that we saw
10:07 there where someone killed himself
10:08 committing the crime.
10:09 You can't wait to catch them doing it,
10:11 you need to look back on a line of causality
10:14 and identify someone that might do such a thing.
10:16 But China's already doing these things
10:17 by giving their citizens certain reward points
10:21 for their behavior.
10:23 So are you a good Chinese citizen?
10:25 Is that coming to the US?
10:27 I spoke to a woman recently
10:31 who had just come back
10:34 from a visit to China,
10:36 where she'd visited several home churches.
10:38 And she said that the...
10:42 at least in the major areas,
10:43 when you're travelling along the road,
10:45 the radar is tracking not only your speed
10:48 but photographing you inside the car
10:51 to see what you're doing inside the car.
10:53 And when you turn off the road
10:55 to go to a little town to a church,
10:57 it immediately tags that
10:59 and it'll go back to the central control
11:02 and alert them that
11:04 you're now freelancing so they can track you down.
11:07 And I even saw an English car program recently
11:11 and they were laughing about it.
11:12 They were driving it, not along the freeway in China
11:17 and it was just constant flash, ding, ding,
11:19 every 100, 200 yards, no more the light was going off
11:24 and photographing their speed
11:25 and what you're doing inside the car.
11:27 It's interesting 'cause I was over there in China
11:30 and I preached several years ago.
11:31 And it was a hot day but when I actually
11:34 went to start preaching on a second level
11:36 with all these Bible workers there
11:38 and elders, they closed all the blinds,
11:41 they closed the windows, they closed all the drapery,
11:43 and then they turned on the air conditioning,
11:46 so that my voice could not be heard outside
11:48 or anything like that
11:49 just to protect me from speaking.
11:52 But there are satellites that can have radar
11:57 that will see through a home
11:59 and from space can see who's in the home
12:01 and I think under some circumstances
12:03 even pick up the sound.
12:04 It's phenomenal.
12:06 We're in an age of outstanding scientific development.
12:09 And by the way I thought of it...
12:12 A few years ago I visited your church
12:15 and you had a drone, as I remember,
12:17 pretty sophisticated drone.
12:19 I thought of you when I saw one of the pictures
12:21 out of Wuhan.
12:22 They had drones on the road holding up signs
12:26 telling people what to do, but the drone was fixed there,
12:28 it wasn't travelling around.
12:30 And again, the drone's watching.
12:32 And actually, to come to think of technology
12:34 I saw and you also were born in Singapore, right?
12:40 In Singapore, they are using...
12:43 Since they don't want officials out
12:44 and around among the population picking up COVID,
12:47 they have robotic dogs that were developed
12:52 by the US military roaming around in the parks
12:55 and they look very sinister and in their fullest equipment,
12:59 you know, they have weaponry
13:02 where they will kill you with them.
13:04 And they're taking pictures
13:05 and they're recording what you're doing.
13:06 Right. And it's speaking
13:08 and it's interacting with the people
13:09 and so this dog's...
13:10 And back in the control booth, the guy's watching can see
13:13 how people react and treat this dog.
13:17 But it's science fiction, pure and simple.
13:20 And these dogs, nothing can upend them.
13:22 They can climb any barrier,
13:25 go quite fast, climb a hill, whatever.
13:28 It's not just, you know,
13:30 the Lost in Space Robinson family
13:33 thing with their robots, you know, little wheels,
13:35 or like in the supermarket, checking inventory,
13:38 no, these are incredible,
13:40 almost surreal looking creatures.
13:43 And we're talking sometimes about even the Jetson family.
13:46 But this is...
13:48 These dogs are, they're monitoring,
13:51 they're watching,
13:52 they're doing all these things, and it makes you wonder,
13:55 once again, more information, more data collection.
13:57 Yeah.
13:59 And what are they going to do with all this stuff?
14:00 Right. And...
14:03 I mean, I started in religious liberty,
14:09 quoting from Tale of Two Cities.
14:11 That was part of my literary upbringing,
14:13 you know, Charles Dickens novel set
14:15 in the time of the French Revolution between,
14:18 the Tale of Two Cities is London and Paris,
14:20 London at peace, democracy,
14:23 and revolution just across the channel.
14:25 And he begins it by saying
14:27 "It was the best of times,
14:28 it was the worst of times," and that's what we live in.
14:31 On one level, it's never been better,
14:33 these advances are fantastic.
14:36 You know, who would do without them?
14:37 But we need to realize the worst lurks there,
14:40 and when times turn bad,
14:42 and when persecution rears again,
14:44 even in the West.
14:46 This will complicate things radically.
14:48 Let's take a break now. We'll be back shortly.
14:50 Interesting discussion I think of our times,
14:54 but with the eternal principle of religious liberty at stake.
14:57 Stay with us.


Revised 2020-08-14