Liberty Insider


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI200467B

00:01 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:02 Before the break,
00:04 we were in a very portentous discussion
00:06 about the partisan,
00:08 nationalism and then triumphalism
00:10 that just floats swirling around us
00:12 at the moment in the US
00:14 as we come up to a presidential election.
00:17 And, of course, there's different views
00:19 on who should be voted
00:20 whether the president should stay or so.
00:22 But when there's this backdrop of this
00:25 rather radical nationalism
00:27 mixed with a more than a dose of religion,
00:30 Christianity, it's a heady mix, isn't it?
00:33 Very heady, you know, who's...
00:36 Oh, when you start dividing up partisanly,
00:41 which church members are right,
00:43 and which church members are wrong?
00:46 This is where when you come from a servant leader position
00:50 like we did,
00:52 and you're interacting, this becomes a question.
00:56 You know, do you believe.
00:57 Well, even in the afternoon meetings
00:59 that we all run and, you know,
01:00 I have at least half the year I've got an afternoon meeting
01:03 and the standard retained
01:05 as we go through and critique
01:07 whoever the national leadership is for their treatment
01:12 of religious freedom
01:13 and their public statements or so, have to do that.
01:15 How else could we have a discussion?
01:17 But I'm finding more and more that people bridle,
01:20 if you say anything critical or analytical
01:24 about their current hero.
01:27 There's always been an element of that,
01:29 but it's on steroids at the moment.
01:31 It is much worse
01:32 than I've ever encountered before.
01:36 When I do an afternoon meeting
01:37 just because you're doing current events.
01:40 When you talk about current events,
01:43 you're looking at what is happening now.
01:48 You're not looking at what happened the last term
01:50 of the last president or the last, you know,
01:53 term for the last Supreme Court session
01:57 or congressional session.
01:59 And so, people do tend to get very connected
02:03 and tied to their political party,
02:07 and they don't want to hear anything bad about it.
02:09 But the truth is this.
02:13 When it comes to the First Amendment,
02:16 and the separation of church and the state
02:19 and free exercise,
02:20 we clearly are schizophrenic in this country
02:23 regarding the party system,
02:26 because if you're a Republican,
02:30 you tend to really protect the free exercise part.
02:34 Yes, it is true.
02:36 And if you're a Democrat,
02:37 you want to protect that establishment clause part
02:40 to keep church and state separate.
02:42 So in any given scenario,
02:45 you and I as religious liberty leaders
02:48 in the church,
02:50 we're going to say something negative
02:53 about the political party.
02:55 And it's a good time to throw in my theory,
02:57 I believe most of the time I've been on liberty,
03:00 the battle has been over establishment state aid
03:05 and state supported religious activity
03:07 and we've got it with a vengeance now,
03:09 with the religious faction supporting the president,
03:12 they are favored.
03:13 And I believe we're at the tipping point
03:15 where Free Exercise is going to be...
03:18 Free Exercise is really becoming an issue.
03:21 Yeah.
03:22 And in many ways,
03:24 that's the more egregious break of the First Amendment.
03:29 And I think that's upon us.
03:31 And that's really why we get this combative issues
03:38 between Christians who want the right to practice
03:41 their religion freely
03:43 and are seen to be Republican.
03:46 And the LGBTQ community
03:50 that want to fight against religious,
03:53 you know, Free Exercise,
03:55 because they're being discriminated against,
03:57 and they're seen as being the ungodly Democrat Party.
04:01 And again, we have to look beyond this.
04:05 We have to look beyond the political party system.
04:08 And we have to come together and say,
04:11 "There has to be a way in a civilized society
04:14 that religion is protected,
04:18 yet not used to put down another segment of society."
04:23 I know, it said nicely, but in reality,
04:26 a large faction want to use religion
04:29 to put down their opposition.
04:31 But as far as examples,
04:35 it's pretty easy to look to Nazi Germany
04:37 and some people just go ballistic.
04:39 You know, the idea that you're directly comparing
04:41 any personage or aspect of our government
04:45 to Nazism is horrific.
04:47 And on the face of it, of course it is.
04:50 But the reason Nazi Germany is so important
04:53 in the modern era, it was a democratic state,
04:56 a modern, industrialized democratic state
04:59 that went in that abhorrent direction.
05:01 The only other example in the modern world
05:03 that I think we can look at is Italy.
05:09 Well, not the only other example.
05:10 The only other two is Italy.
05:12 And there was more of,
05:15 as the knock against Italy was it
05:18 was more of posturing
05:19 Mussolini was a stutter and all the rest.
05:22 And you go to Rome today
05:24 and there's the great monuments he built.
05:26 The edifices of fascism is still with us.
05:29 But as it soon revealed against senior brother Hitler,
05:34 and Mussolini was sort of a wannabe.
05:37 But the only other example is Spain.
05:40 And that came out of the Civil War
05:41 and then the role of the Catholic Church
05:44 there was rather medieval, and so on.
05:46 So I don't think there's easy parallels
05:48 between both of those.
05:50 So Germany is the natural one.
05:51 Germany will always be the natural one.
05:52 And there's been no enabling act
05:55 in the US
05:56 so that we have had the Reichstag equivalent, 9/11.
06:00 But we haven't had an enabling act.
06:02 But as far as our church
06:05 and I'm not picking on Adventism
06:06 'cause it's my favorite church.
06:08 My too.
06:09 My favorite Christian Church.
06:11 But in Germany
06:13 as the National Socialist came to power,
06:17 Adolf Hitler made very good noises
06:19 about support of Christianity.
06:20 In fact, he even said that National Socialism
06:22 was based on Christianity which was nonsensical.
06:26 It was fake news, but it worked for him.
06:29 And even in our church, as most Christian churches,
06:32 the Catholic Church made a formal agreement
06:35 with the state.
06:37 They liked its opposition to communism/socialism,
06:41 even though they were National Socialists,
06:43 didn't like communism.
06:45 So the church was with him.
06:47 And I know a story
06:49 about our church that's very sad.
06:51 But it's illustrative, so I'm telling it.
06:54 Not only in the churches where men did many of them
06:56 have the swastika behind the lectern,
06:59 which is the rough equivalent
07:01 today of the American flag
07:02 alongside the so called Christian flag,
07:05 not a place to clamp the standard of the state.
07:08 You can be fully state supporting,
07:09 but in that holy place, it's dedicated to God.
07:12 So I think it's inappropriate.
07:14 But there was a story that I've come across
07:18 that during the build up to power before World War II,
07:21 one of our church leaders, a woman
07:24 who was in our church in Germany
07:26 was in charge of the Sabbath school department,
07:29 came on tour of the United States.
07:32 And as she traveled around,
07:33 the word started getting back to the leadership.
07:35 This woman's pushing Nazism and Hitler.
07:40 So finally they took her aside and they found
07:43 that she was a personal friend of Joseph Goebbels.
07:46 And that, you know, wouldn't challenge with it?
07:49 Absolutely, Nazism is the answer for everything
07:51 and so she was shipped back to Germany.
07:53 So it tells me how totally the insiders had been turned
07:59 in support of Nazism rather than...
08:02 She should have been going around talking
08:04 about running Bible study courses
08:07 and, you know, on the Sabbath School program
08:09 at the beginning of the church service
08:10 each Sabbath.
08:11 She was rather promoting this
08:14 abhorrent disastrous political agenda.
08:19 But at that point, she couldn't have known that.
08:21 Because it wasn't out in terms of Nazism.
08:24 No.
08:25 It was a moral regeneration of the nation.
08:27 And people...
08:29 Which all the Christian churches supported...
08:30 They loved it. They loved it.
08:32 I mean, they should have been a little bit more perceptive
08:35 because the bully boy tactics of the brown shirts
08:37 from day one were to, sort of, like a protection racket
08:41 in with the shopkeepers
08:43 and that they would strong arm it.
08:44 Keep in mind that they're coming off of a war
08:45 they had lost.
08:47 And a great depression.
08:48 And a great depression and they're trying to repay.
08:49 Where people have lost nearly everything.
08:51 No, they were 1,000 exculpatory reasons
08:55 why they got into that.
08:58 I think by that point though,
09:00 a perceptive Christian should have been forewarned.
09:03 But they've been carried along so much that, like I say,
09:06 this church leader was good buddies
09:08 with the propagandist of Nazism
09:10 was promoting it here in North America.
09:13 So it's insidious, Nazism.
09:16 But really in reality,
09:18 any contrary system
09:19 and especially the dangerous ones,
09:22 letting them into the Christian community
09:24 is, you know, it's worse than white-anting.
09:27 It's like, you know,
09:29 drilling for putting dynamite sticks
09:31 within the Christian community.
09:33 And, of course, that way was carried
09:35 through on this issue of nationalism,
09:38 not Nazism, but nationalism.
09:40 Yes, absolutely.
09:41 This comes back to where our concern is today,
09:44 that there is a rise in nationalism in the US,
09:49 and that it's dangerous.
09:51 And this is the type that we know.
09:52 Well, I'll complete and give you a,
09:55 not a last word but the word after made them.
09:58 But I've thought about this an American,
10:00 nationalism dependent upon religious bloc
10:03 or ethnic bloc,
10:04 what is to create nationalism in the United States?
10:08 There's only a few things,
10:10 a single shared ideal of individual liberty
10:13 and freedom for all.
10:15 It was a touchstone for a long time.
10:17 But I think that's drifting away.
10:20 It's being replaced by a, sort of,
10:22 a triumphalist view of us.
10:26 You know, and then in brackets, (sort of voice),
10:29 sort of, white "Americans."
10:33 It's us against the world to protect what we have,
10:37 which is a welfare, exceptionalism,
10:40 our standard living above everyone else
10:42 that will fight you to keep it.
10:44 Yes, definitely.
10:46 And that's a false
10:48 sort of a nationalism in my view.
10:49 It's always dangerous to do that.
10:51 And, you know, again, we have to remember that
10:54 to be Christian and Christ like
10:58 is not necessary to align ourselves
11:02 with one political party or the other.
11:04 It's just to do what's right,
11:07 and to try to make society
11:11 a better place for everyone to be.
11:17 It's been a few years since my father died,
11:19 but I will never forget that night in the hospital.
11:22 He was only a few hours away from his death
11:24 and they gave him a last minute surgery.
11:26 And as they wheeled him down through the public place
11:29 into the prep room for surgery,
11:32 he was singing a song that I'd heard before.
11:35 I think most recently, it was a sacred harp choir.
11:41 That is quite a sound if you've ever heard it.
11:42 And he was singing the song,
11:44 "There is a happy land far, far away
11:48 where saints and angels dwell."
11:50 When we talk about nationalism,
11:52 and indeed Christian nationalism,
11:55 I think it's worth remembering that for the Christian,
11:58 that has to be the point of reference
12:00 that happy land far, far away,
12:03 that Promised Land.
12:05 But for Christians living in a society,
12:08 particularly in a modern, democratic society,
12:11 the temptation is overwhelming to be swept along
12:15 in a tide of enthusiasm
12:17 for what that state is and can provide.
12:19 That's fine.
12:21 We have certain voting
12:22 and citizenship responsibilities
12:24 and the loyalty to provide for the here and now.
12:27 But always beyond that there has to be the song
12:31 of that happy land far, far away.
12:36 For liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2020-07-06