Liberty Insider

Onward Christian Soilder

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI200463B

00:01 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:03 Thanks for staying with us
00:04 and let's continue with Amireh Al Haddad.
00:08 This discussion of the, one of the hottest issues going
00:11 even though it seems to have slid past
00:13 the radar in the US pretty easy,
00:15 I think because of the impeachment sideshow,
00:18 or it was a sideshow to the impeachment.
00:19 Maybe there's a better way of putting it.
00:22 But there's an antecedent to the president's designation
00:26 first of Jerusalem as the capital,
00:28 and then the sudden revelation of this final and last
00:32 take it or leave it peace treaty.
00:35 As you've said,
00:36 this come from an evangelical faction,
00:41 the strong base of the president
00:43 and this is part of their theology.
00:46 But you mentioned
00:47 during the break the word dominionist?
00:49 Yes. Tell me more?
00:51 So I'm giving you a probably a very brief summary
00:55 of who a dominionist is,
00:58 But a dominionist is described as someone
01:00 who is working towards
01:04 creating God's dominion on earth.
01:08 They generally believe that this nation,
01:12 the United States should be a Christian nation.
01:15 They generally believe, and not generally,
01:18 they do specifically believe
01:20 that this country needs to return
01:24 its constitution to a more scriptural way.
01:27 I'm glad you said that
01:28 because it isn't just changing society.
01:30 It's changing the structure of the government itself.
01:32 It's changing the very essence
01:35 of what this country
01:37 is foundationally as where we started from,
01:43 and there, there has been a very consistent move
01:48 within dominionist to kind of re-educate
01:52 the young evangelicals in America today.
01:56 And they do so mainly by saying,
02:00 "This nation was founded on the Bible.
02:04 Our laws are founded on the Bible."
02:09 What's wrong with this country today
02:12 is that, we're not doing the biblical way.
02:15 There's a song I remember.
02:17 I'm sure I got the words are on
02:18 but it says wishing to make it so.
02:20 Right.
02:21 And you know these are people
02:23 I think by and large of good inclination,
02:25 and they wish that it was a Christian country.
02:28 They wish that it was a moral community.
02:31 We all do. Yes.
02:32 It's right. It's a good wish.
02:34 But they sort of projecting it on history
02:36 and history doesn't support
02:38 that the facts of the establishment
02:41 of this government and the Constitution itself
02:44 just doesn't bear up this mythical godly nation.
02:48 In essence, you know, God's people
02:50 like the Old Testament in the new Promised Land.
02:54 It's a fantasy,
02:56 but it's a dangerous fantasy I think.
02:57 Yes.
02:59 And it's a dangerous fantasy to religious liberty.
03:01 Right.
03:02 Well, of course, that's why we talk about it here.
03:04 For the most part, we can say, oh, we're Christians too.
03:07 Hey, we're Protestants.
03:09 We live in Protestant America.
03:11 But when you start breaking it down,
03:14 and if you're coming from the side of religious freedom
03:17 that we're coming from,
03:19 which is religious freedom
03:20 should be available for everyone
03:22 the way God gives it to us.
03:25 God gives everyone religious freedom.
03:27 Not the country, not the state.
03:29 Not the state.
03:30 The state recognized the inherent
03:33 but it didn't establish the right
03:35 and then, you know, didn't have the authority,
03:38 especially not in the US, because in theory,
03:40 the very power of the government
03:42 comes from the people, it's not giving to us,
03:45 we give to the government.
03:46 We give to the government, exactly.
03:48 And so, for this to come through
03:52 within dominionism, obviously, dominion,
03:56 the word dominionism comes from dominating,
03:59 to give dominion over all.
04:01 And so, you have to kind of ask yourselves,
04:04 well, if you believe in dominionism,
04:06 and you're going to be the person
04:08 that controls everything,
04:09 and you believe that only Christianity
04:12 is what this country is about,
04:13 well, where is religious liberty in that?
04:17 But again, the evangelical base
04:20 that is pushing this move in the Middle East,
04:25 also comes back to the US and like I said before,
04:31 you've got the tribe of Ishmael
04:32 and the tribe of Isaac always fighting,
04:35 but you have this third,
04:38 third leg that factors in which is evangelicals,
04:43 dominionists here in the US affecting US policy
04:47 overseas in order
04:50 to prepare Jerusalem
04:54 for Christ's second coming.
04:55 Right, it isn't just a matter of sympathy.
04:57 There's a direct agenda.
04:59 There's a direct agenda
05:00 that is focused on their religious beliefs.
05:02 And it's out of fringes, it gets quite bizarre,
05:05 you know, it involves
05:08 perhaps offending Islam there
05:11 with the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Mount, Temple Mount,
05:15 it involves tearing that down or removing it in some way,
05:18 reestablishing the temple worship,
05:21 the red heifer,
05:22 the ideal sacrifice and on we go again.
05:25 I mean, you couldn't create religious conflict
05:29 more directly if you tried than that scenario
05:32 and they're clearly pushing, pushing, pushing.
05:35 And so, it's one thing to have a religious view,
05:37 fine, we're all entitled to that
05:39 as right or wrong as those views may be.
05:41 If we're removed from political power
05:43 and forcing our views on other people,
05:45 no great harm done.
05:47 But to put this in tandem with US policy,
05:51 I think we're entering into a, at the very least,
05:55 a very fraught time.
05:57 But I want to take it a little bit further.
06:00 You brought up dominionism
06:01 which is a term most people know.
06:04 Actually, I found
06:05 that most people don't know that term.
06:07 Well, okay, maybe it's the wrong way
06:09 to put it, but it's commonly used.
06:11 It is commonly used.
06:12 It's not a secret term.
06:14 Right, yeah.
06:15 And I listen to a lot of the people representing it,
06:19 and of course, their spectrum
06:20 and not all of the quite the same mind.
06:22 And it ranges from people
06:24 who are very close to the root origin of dominionism,
06:30 which is Christian reconstructionism.
06:32 And others are just wanting
06:33 sort of to model in this continent.
06:37 You know, the godly nation sort of approach
06:40 and it's more aspirational than anything.
06:42 But one thing that unites them all
06:44 and you got onto it.
06:46 It's in the word,
06:47 it's not custody or stewardship.
06:50 Dominion's control, take, tell,
06:56 and I've seen it expressed in so many words.
06:58 This is the world is ours.
06:59 We can take us much oil out of the ground.
07:01 We don't have to be involved with the conservation.
07:06 That's God gave it to us.
07:08 We can do it with that as we want.
07:10 It's been said,
07:12 but it route the Christian reconstructionism
07:15 which I came across,
07:16 and I've mentioned it on this program
07:17 a number of times,
07:19 but I think it's a clear and present danger
07:21 to clear thinking in the United States.
07:24 It was established by Rushdoony,
07:26 I forget the year,
07:27 but it's been around many, many decades.
07:29 His son-in-law, Gary North carries it on
07:33 and I see him mentioned a lot over the years
07:36 in these gatherings often at the White House.
07:40 And I know that...
07:41 And Gary North has a very...
07:43 He has a very military, militant stance,
07:46 and he talks very militant, when he talks about,
07:50 you know, establishing and dominating
07:52 the world in truth.
07:54 In a nutshell they want an America modeled
07:57 after the Old Testament theocracy.
07:58 Yes.
07:59 Rule by, well, I don't know who the prophet
08:01 or the Shekinah Glory would be,
08:03 but probably the president
08:06 speaking ex cathedra on religious matters,
08:09 and you do what you're told,
08:10 and one of the clear parameters
08:14 of this new nation,
08:16 they've said that the penalties would be mandatory death
08:19 for adultery,
08:21 homosexuality and service breaking.
08:23 I mean, no, I can't think of an easy way
08:26 to explain the totalitarian vision
08:29 that they have done that and, but I would,
08:31 but I say there is good news, about a year and a half ago,
08:34 I'd say one of their representatives
08:35 was on TV.
08:37 And he must have been in a very charitable mood,
08:39 because he said they'd rethought their attitude
08:42 toward gays when they gain control,
08:45 that they would not apply the death penalty
08:47 if people kept quiet about it.
08:50 So there is charity even in such a hardness system.
08:54 But you know,
08:55 I don't myself think in any scenario,
08:58 or even the end of the world scenarios in Revelation,
09:01 I don't think this group
09:03 will ever gain power in their own right.
09:05 But already they've shown an ability
09:07 to bleed across and influence,
09:10 you know, their ideas to bleed across and influence
09:12 the larger Christian community in quite a toxic way I think.
09:17 It is toxic, and it bleeds in a different way too,
09:22 not just into the Christian community,
09:25 but it bleeds outside the Christian community,
09:27 because it hinders our ability
09:32 to show love to other people
09:34 who differ from us.
09:35 Yes, because it isn't true Christianity.
09:37 Great.
09:39 And it gives a false impression
09:42 of what Christians are about.
09:44 And why would anybody want to be friends
09:46 or why would anybody want to seek Christianity,
09:50 if that's what Christianity is about?
09:53 Yeah, it's not attractive to an outsider.
09:55 Right, it bleeds two ways.
09:57 To the insider it gives them and who many of whom
10:00 are from different spreads of life
10:02 and say in the Bible Belt,
10:04 it appeals more to middle or lower class.
10:08 You know, well, people that need the support of religion,
10:11 that's where religion gets its greatest strength
10:13 when people are desperate and needy.
10:15 Well, this empowers them in a great way,
10:17 you know, we're on the winning side,
10:19 we're on the move, we were,
10:21 you know, we've got might on our side.
10:23 I think the dynamic is quite frightening
10:25 if you think it through.
10:27 And when you think it through far enough,
10:30 what scares me is a version of the Christian Taliban,
10:35 where you really and truly
10:38 don't want the US
10:41 maintaining what people's religion will be.
10:44 You don't want laws
10:46 that are going to affect the country
10:50 to be based on Christianity alone.
10:54 We live in a secular society where we can all engage
10:58 despite the fact
11:00 that we may be different religiously.
11:02 And that's really what religious freedom is about
11:04 and what we try to maintain,
11:06 especially with religious liberty
11:08 here in America.
11:13 Many ago I watched
11:14 a rather historic movie called Khartoum
11:17 was some classic British actors.
11:21 And in one scene
11:22 Laurence Olivier playing the Mad Mahdi,
11:25 leading an avenging band of Muslim vigilantes
11:31 was sweeping down the Nile and toward Khartoum.
11:36 And he was talking
11:37 by night to the commander, Lord Gordon,
11:41 who eventually killed
11:42 and he says, you know, the Allah has shown me
11:47 that I will take Khartoum
11:49 and that I will move on to Egypt,
11:52 down to Cairo, it will all be mine,
11:55 it's told to me that this is my destiny.
11:58 Made a good film.
12:00 And of course it was based on history
12:02 and yet those not of that fanatical stance look askance.
12:07 But if we're not careful, even in the United States,
12:10 even in a land as educated and advanced as ours,
12:15 we can fall into that same thought.
12:19 American exceptionalism should not exist, cannot exist
12:23 while there is divine exceptionalism
12:26 and a God that rules on High.
12:30 For liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2020-06-11