Liberty Insider

Onward Christian Soilder

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI200463A

00:28 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:30 This is the program that's bringing you news,
00:33 views, information and discussion
00:35 on religious liberty events in the US
00:37 and around the world.
00:39 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty magazine,
00:42 and my guest on this program is Amireh Al Haddad.
00:46 You're the director of PARL,
00:48 Public Affairs and Religious Liberty
00:49 for the Southern District of the United States
00:53 for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, right?
00:55 Yes, I have.
00:57 Sounds like a court introduction.
00:58 Yes.
01:00 I have eight states in my territory
01:02 all in the southeast.
01:03 Yeah.
01:04 How long have you been working in the unions?
01:07 Well...
01:08 I think 20 years or so, isn't it?
01:09 Yeah, more than 20 years.
01:11 I don't want to give my age away.
01:12 But I came in 1992,
01:16 and just kind of worked my way through.
01:19 So you've seen a lot of developments
01:21 on the religious liberty front.
01:22 I have.
01:24 The running joke is that I'm not an attorney,
01:26 but I play one on TV.
01:28 Yeah.
01:29 So sometimes I think it's an advantage
01:30 not to be an attorney, they get to focus
01:33 on the technicalities and my feeling is that
01:37 sometimes the lawyers will willingly suspend
01:40 a sort of a moral judgment, so which makes them a moron.
01:43 Right.
01:44 Anyhow, let's talk about some current events that
01:48 have a bearing on religious liberty.
01:51 This present administration in the United States is bold.
01:55 Let's just say that, even if you agree with it,
01:57 it's bold, and disagree.
02:01 And I think nothing shows that
02:03 boldness more than the president's recent offer
02:08 of a peace plan for between the Palestinians and Israel.
02:14 Now, you know, we can discuss the politics of that.
02:17 But what do you think lies behind that?
02:19 Why would a US president throw something out,
02:23 seemingly politically a non starter?
02:27 But what's he got to gain from it?
02:28 Where's this coming from?
02:30 You're asking somebody
02:32 with an Arab background to talk about.
02:37 Well, because I know the answer doesn't lie in the Middle East,
02:39 it lies here.
02:41 Correct. It does lie here. What's informing it?
02:43 It's a combination of his voter base,
02:47 our current president's voter base,
02:50 which is evangelical Christians,
02:52 and his vice president's connection
02:55 to evangelical Christians.
02:57 It starts with a misunderstanding of prophecy
03:03 within that group
03:06 in terms of the millennium,
03:10 what's going to happen in the millennium,
03:12 where the millennium will take place.
03:15 And what's the millennium?
03:16 I'm sure not everybody that watches the program
03:18 even knows what's this millenarian
03:20 or millennium concept.
03:22 So the millennium is the thousand years
03:24 that is talked about in Revelation
03:27 after Jesus comes.
03:29 Well, that's part of the game.
03:31 Is that the thousand years before He comes,
03:34 after He comes,
03:35 after Seventh-day Adventists even have a different timeframe
03:41 to everything than the other people.
03:43 It's about three or four different chronologies,
03:45 which are all enabled
03:47 because Revelation is clearly not written
03:49 in totally linear fashion.
03:51 Right.
03:52 And it really depends on
03:53 whether or not you're from the school
03:55 of pre millennialism or post millennialism.
03:58 Do you believe that Jesus comes before the millennium
04:02 or after the millennium?
04:03 And then mixed in with this is the secret rapture...
04:07 The secret rapture.
04:09 The good people are taken away
04:10 and they don't have to suffer through
04:12 tough stuff anyway.
04:14 Yeah, it's actually a very theologically
04:16 important factor that a lot of people
04:20 don't recognize the importance of it.
04:22 And the importance is that
04:24 if you believe as many evangelicals believe
04:29 that Christ is going to reign on earth in the millennium,
04:33 what you have done is you've set yourself up
04:37 to fall for the Antichrist.
04:41 Yes, I like that. That's a good point.
04:43 Because the Bible's very clear that Jesus will not,
04:48 Jesus is clear that
04:49 He's not going to touch the earth
04:52 when He comes back the second time.
04:56 And so this is the difference between understanding that
05:02 whoever touches this earth is not going to be Christ,
05:06 and who the real Christ is.
05:08 Because the Bible says that the Satan will come
05:10 with the appearance of an angel.
05:12 Yes.
05:13 And it seems to describe a fake appearance,
05:16 at least something that gets people's attention.
05:18 They think, oh, this is the Holy One,
05:19 maybe Jesus,
05:20 and he'll appear all over the world and...
05:22 And this may be too deep.
05:24 I mean that it may be too deep theologically
05:28 to talk about on Liberty Insider.
05:30 It's very complicated. It is complicated.
05:32 Well, it's too deep for us to settle it.
05:33 Yeah.
05:35 But I think we can bring it up,
05:36 people need to know this stuff is at play.
05:38 Now on religious liberty per se,
05:41 it doesn't matter
05:43 when you're talking about the right of all people
05:44 to believe or disbelieve whatever they want.
05:47 But it's necessary to get to this explain this to,
05:51 so people understand what's really going on.
05:53 Yeah, because what's really going on
05:55 is the evangelical base here in America
05:58 is trying to prepare
06:04 Jerusalem for Christ's return.
06:08 It's one of the reasons why in 2017
06:11 Trump moved the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
06:16 That was a evangelical push
06:20 for individuals who were his base voters.
06:24 And what troubles me,
06:25 it should trouble a lot of people
06:27 that may or may not believe this
06:28 while at placates that basal plays to them,
06:31 it also provokes precisely what they think will happen.
06:34 Exactly.
06:36 It's a purposeful self fulfilling prophecy.
06:38 Yes.
06:39 So it's really a provocation
06:43 for the people in that area
06:46 who already have quite strong opinions on it.
06:49 And this peace treaty, I think, is the latest thing.
06:52 To come up with a peace treaty
06:54 that's so biased toward Israel's agenda.
06:56 And, you know, we're all sympathetic to Israel.
07:00 Some more than others, but I think you know,
07:02 who would wish well to any country,
07:04 which badly to any country, and particularly,
07:07 the connection to the Jews left over in,
07:12 in World War II from the Holocaust.
07:14 There was sympathy to as they settled
07:16 in the Middle East and so on.
07:17 And that sort of spiraled out of control.
07:19 But nobody wants other than perhaps a odd manager
07:23 wanted to wipe them off the face of the planet.
07:25 But a peace treaty which is needed,
07:29 why would you present
07:30 something that's sort of packaged
07:31 and biased toward Israel one party
07:35 and then say to the other, take it or leave it?
07:37 To me, this is the end game.
07:38 That's what's very troubling about it.
07:41 And as you've just explained well,
07:44 the origins of that are not necessarily in a wish
07:47 to sort of smooth things over.
07:48 It's to placate the base whose very agenda is dynamite.
07:53 They want the Armageddon.
07:57 They want the horse, the blood up
07:58 to the horse's bridle as the Bible says.
08:01 And it is this type of move by the US
08:06 to placate evangelicals in this attitude
08:10 that really plays
08:13 into the issue of terrorism
08:17 and why the US is so demonized
08:21 by Middle East Arabs, especially Muslims.
08:25 And it doesn't, it does not help to continue
08:30 to do what the accuser is saying you're doing.
08:33 I know.
08:35 And I feel very sad on this development,
08:39 looking at the Middle East, where you know,
08:41 any reasonable, intelligent person
08:44 would want tensions to drop
08:45 and for all parties to be better off if,
08:48 you know, it's unlikely that everybody could be happy
08:51 to the fullest degree in any sort of a settlement.
08:54 There's going to be some compromise,
08:56 but you want to ease it, but this seems to me,
08:58 it just throws doctoral gas on the fire.
09:01 And we need to explain to our viewers
09:05 from the point of view of religion
09:06 and religious liberty
09:08 and particularly the separation of church and state,
09:10 the ideal, you know what's going on here?
09:14 I don't think under any circumstances
09:17 this fits the model of separation
09:18 of church and state.
09:20 This fits the model of the medieval period
09:22 where a political power with a religious agenda
09:26 either goes on a crusade
09:27 or starts a program or whatever.
09:30 Those are not good dynamics
09:32 when you mix any religion
09:34 into that sort of a dynamic, are they?
09:38 No.
09:39 There is, you know,
09:41 when you pick one religion against the other,
09:47 you add to the friction that's already there.
09:52 Very little is needed to escalate.
09:58 You know, the conflict that is going on there.
10:01 Let me throw in a wildcard
10:02 that you probably in your wildest dreams
10:03 wouldn't think it would be connected to this topic.
10:05 But do you, when I bring it up,
10:08 can you see a connection or a necessary connection
10:12 between what's going on in the US at the moment
10:14 where we're tearing down statues
10:17 and remembrances of bad periods in particular
10:20 the Civil War and some of the anti heroes who,
10:24 heroes to some perhaps,
10:26 how would you relate that dynamic
10:29 to what we've been talking about
10:31 in the Middle East?
10:33 Yeah, that's a little off for me.
10:36 Well, I'm not really sure that I'm not sure
10:39 where you're coming from on that actually.
10:41 No, but I have a point to make.
10:43 You know, we...
10:45 There's a lot of historical revisionism going on.
10:47 Yes.
10:49 And I think some regrets about what's happened in the past.
10:54 And I don't think we should tear down
10:56 every statue where you sort of wipe world history.
10:59 You go through Europe,
11:00 and there's all sorts of men on horseback and all the rest.
11:02 And if you know the history
11:04 very seldom are they Santa Claus.
11:08 You know, they cut somebody's head off,
11:10 they did something wrong.
11:12 And you know, you don't have to lionize them
11:14 to recognize their significance in history.
11:16 But to go to the good side of what's happening in the US,
11:19 we're looking at it with a tender conscience,
11:21 perhaps and not wanting to inflame the old rivalries
11:25 that in the US led to a civil war.
11:28 Why don't we apply that
11:29 same sort of thinking to the Middle East,
11:34 instead of stirring it up each time?
11:37 Or let me take another angle on it.
11:40 If as Israel
11:44 I think with a religious sensibility,
11:46 even though it's a socialist state,
11:49 keeps talking about,
11:50 I remember Begin, the Prime Minister talk about
11:52 they had a claim to Sumeria.
11:55 What's he talking about? That's Bible talk, right?
11:58 How many thousand years ago was that?
11:59 Two thousand years ago.
12:01 Are we going to settle the wrongs of 2,000 years ago
12:05 if we started that here?
12:07 I said on the program recently that I filmed,
12:09 I said we'll be living in teepees,
12:11 nobody in their right mind,
12:13 even I think the original inhabitant,
12:16 the descendants of the original habitants think
12:18 she can crank the, you know,
12:20 the world back to 2000 years ago
12:22 and start again.
12:23 We have to seek justice here
12:26 and try to minimize the conflict
12:29 but not buy into a scenario where you, you know,
12:33 you reach back into history and this mythical ideal,
12:36 which happens to be loaded with theological implications,
12:41 you know, and triumph, religious triumphalism,
12:44 you're not going to plant that as a goal
12:48 and you know that
12:49 it will bother other religionists.
12:52 The religionist history issue is very troublesome
12:57 because history is what it was.
13:02 And you don't want to change it because if you change it,
13:04 how do you learn from it?
13:06 How do you remember it?
13:08 But more than that, you can't really fully undo the past.
13:12 No, you can never undo the past.
13:13 You know, I thought about this
13:15 a lot on this isn't religious liberty,
13:17 but just on a world history and a human dynamic stage,
13:21 there's some justification,
13:23 I think within living memory to do something,
13:27 certainly the current generation,
13:28 but you get further back,
13:30 first of all information is unreliable.
13:32 And then the facts
13:34 on the ground are just so irrevocable,
13:37 that and then, you know, this group and that group
13:40 and like in our early Adventist history,
13:44 really jumping back for Adventism.
13:46 They had huge debates
13:47 about what Germanic tribes made up,
13:50 you know, well who were the 10 original Germanic tribes
13:54 that made up all
13:56 of the modern peoples of Europe.
13:57 And they, you know, you look at the history of it,
13:59 they moved here, they lived there.
14:01 You got to try to sort of crank back history
14:03 to where they came from,
14:05 nobody's even suggesting that, it's an exercise in futility.
14:09 It is.
14:11 And so I think people with the religious sensibility,
14:15 which they're allowed to have,
14:17 but they've been granted a very dangerous power
14:20 to apply that in a political scene
14:24 and mayhem is likely to follow.
14:26 It is, as you know, the sons of Abraham
14:30 had been fighting since they were born.
14:33 Ishmael and Isaac have been fighting for forever.
14:37 To add the US dynamic into it which is a different goal,
14:42 a different reason for doing that.
14:45 It really just kind of
14:47 puts you at a disadvantage
14:51 on the US's side of things,
14:53 because they're never going to be
14:56 able to work it out.
14:58 Good summary of the situation. Let's take a break.
15:00 We'll be back to continue this discussion shortly.
15:03 Stay with us.


Revised 2020-06-11