Liberty Insider

Chruch Documents

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI200458B

00:01 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:02 And before the break, I was talking about
00:05 significant changes in the Roman Catholic Church
00:07 and how it relates to other churches
00:09 and governments because of Vatican II.
00:13 Now I'd like to just go through some documents,
00:16 but before documents remind you
00:19 if you've forgotten that was big at the time,
00:23 Pope Benedict when he was first
00:26 placed in that office, made a lot of news,
00:29 very negative in the Muslim world
00:31 by a speech that he gave at Regensburg University,
00:36 where he spoken
00:38 or where he taught for some time,
00:40 I think it was significant and perhaps chosen
00:42 because it was also a major center
00:45 of the Counter-Reformation, the Catholic pushback
00:48 against the Reformation
00:50 'cause I've learned that nothing is by chance,
00:53 in the way the times and the places
00:55 and the context that Rome
00:57 chooses for these speeches and documents.
01:00 And he got into trouble
01:02 because he cited the historic conversation
01:04 between a Byzantine Emperor and the Iranian Muslim
01:10 General besieging Constantinople
01:14 as it was then, now it's Istanbul
01:17 and eventually felt to the Muslims.
01:19 And they got to discussing violence in religion
01:22 and the assumption in the discussion
01:24 was that Islam was violent.
01:26 And when that speech was broadcast,
01:29 the Islamic world started rioting right left
01:31 and center, which is sort of childish.
01:34 You're accused of violence,
01:35 so you become violent in objection.
01:38 But most people didn't notice the real speech.
01:42 That was just the setup.
01:44 He didn't think he'd get into trouble from a historic,
01:47 factual discussion.
01:50 It was a setup for his discussion
01:52 of violence within Christianity.
01:56 And he said Christianity too was once violent
02:00 until it adopted Hellenistic rationality.
02:04 And I could say until it adopted the ways
02:06 of the empire and adopted worldliness,
02:10 but if you accept his logic, then it was rather troubling
02:15 where he ended up because if it was once violent,
02:18 became nonviolent with Hellenistic rationality,
02:22 and then he gave three reasons
02:25 as to an incipient threat
02:26 of violence in Christianity again.
02:28 The last two, which is variations
02:31 on his preoccupation at the time
02:33 that secularism was bringing violence,
02:36 which I think is a hard, hard line to follow.
02:41 But his first point was ominous.
02:43 He said the reformers, this is exactly quote
02:47 as I can remember,
02:49 "The reformers by their insistence
02:51 on Sola Scriptura exposed Christianity
02:56 again to violence."
02:59 And this is post 9/11 when we know that
03:03 certain Islamic fanatics reading very selected
03:08 and self-serving passages from the Quran,
03:11 and listening to no other logic,
03:13 no other rationality,
03:14 no other humanity, other than, you know,
03:16 Allah wills it, we're willing to fly
03:18 into buildings and destroy themselves
03:20 and kill as many other people as possible.
03:22 The analogy is scary to say now that Christianity
03:26 through the Sola Scriptura model
03:29 of the Reformation, in other words,
03:32 Protestants are essentially
03:35 the next most violent possibility
03:38 in our modern world.
03:39 Horrible, not borne out by any facts, but, you know,
03:43 facts don't determine things as much as they used to.
03:46 So, you know, that was most interesting
03:48 and particularly from then on,
03:50 I started watching
03:52 the documents coming out of Rome.
03:53 For example,
03:55 this is all within the last 25 years
03:56 right up till the present.
03:58 There was a document
03:59 out of Rome called Ad Tuendam Fidem.
04:01 These are papal documents to defend the faith.
04:05 They were having trouble with theologians
04:07 who were denying both the primacy of the pope
04:10 and the inspiration of the Bible
04:11 and as well as other
04:12 foundational aspects of Christianity,
04:14 and they need to deal with them.
04:16 The document outlines that,
04:18 it said how they were dealing with theologians,
04:21 then it said how they were dealing
04:22 with those that were problems within the church,
04:25 and then it ended by saying, "Whoever believes
04:29 what the magisterium of the church
04:32 have rejected or rejects
04:36 what the magisterium of the church
04:38 has recommended is to be punished
04:40 with an appropriate penalty."
04:43 And to me, that's the language of the Middle Ages,
04:45 where the church
04:47 has a preeminent political position.
04:48 And if you offend the church,
04:50 they hand you off to the state to be punished.
04:53 Very ominous language.
04:55 Then the next document that's significant,
04:58 that Seventh-day Adventist
04:59 I know pay great attention to was called Dies Domini,
05:03 the Lord's Day.
05:06 This specified or the whole document
05:10 was talking about the Sabbath,
05:12 and it made no attempt
05:14 to dodge the obvious biblical reality
05:17 that the Sabbath was given by God
05:19 and The Ten Commandments
05:21 and really in a larger Old Testament context
05:25 to all peoples as the seventh-day of the week,
05:30 requirement of God.
05:31 And in the past, I know Seventh-day Adventists
05:33 have been challenged
05:35 on some of their proof texts, not anymore.
05:36 The Roman Catholic Church adopted all of them,
05:40 no challenge.
05:41 It reinforced the seventh-day Sabbath
05:44 except about halfway through it said this,
05:47 "While the early Christians had no direct instruction
05:52 from the Lord, they felt that
05:54 they had the authority to change it to Sunday,
05:57 in celebration of the Lord's resurrection."
06:00 Very interesting admission, but at the same time,
06:04 an assertion of an inherited authority
06:08 because with Rome, as with governments,
06:11 but here we're talking about religion,
06:13 authority is everything
06:14 and they have assumed the authority,
06:16 the mantle, that, by their interpretation
06:19 was given to Peter, the authority that
06:21 they have granted to the church fathers.
06:23 And curiously, the derivative authority
06:26 from the magisterium,
06:28 the power given to the church
06:30 and the integrity of the church fathers
06:33 to the scriptures that they have collected.
06:36 So Sola Scriptura is offensive to them
06:39 because as I've often read on Catholic material,
06:42 they assembled these documents, they assembled them
06:45 so it's their authority that determines scripture,
06:48 not sort of the other way around
06:50 judging the church by scripture.
06:55 The next one, and maybe I'll end this program
06:58 in discussion of this
06:59 and continue on another program,
07:01 these are the documents.
07:02 The next document that really created a fuss
07:05 within the Christian community,
07:07 which at that point was quite enamored
07:09 with the idea of the ecumenical movement.
07:12 And some decades ago,
07:14 its stated aim was to sort of bring everyone together.
07:17 I can remember even in Australia in the 70s,
07:21 hearing, visiting church leaders,
07:22 Protestant and Catholic talking about
07:25 healing the rift within Christendom
07:26 and coming back to the Mother Church.
07:28 It's not really the way it's expressed now,
07:30 but it was then.
07:32 And quite some years ago now,
07:35 but I'd say maybe about 15 years ago,
07:39 they came out with a document
07:41 called memory and reconciliation.
07:43 And it was reported widely in the press
07:46 but not saying where it came from that they had apologized
07:50 for the inquisition,
07:52 for the persecution of the Jews,
07:54 for the Sack of Constantinople,
07:58 where they sent one of the Crusades to pillage
08:01 and attack the other half of the Christian Church.
08:05 You know, whole thing,
08:06 a series of things were apologize for,
08:08 but it says in the document,
08:10 is it really possible to ascribe guilt
08:13 to the actions of another age.
08:15 And then the clunker in the middle of the document
08:18 that really troubled me it says this,
08:21 "Just as Christ, holy and undefiled
08:24 and incapable of error took upon Himself
08:27 the sins of fallen human beings.
08:29 So the magisterium of the church,
08:33 holy and undefiled and incapable of error
08:36 will apologize for the acts of human beings."
08:41 Basically, that acted on its behalf.
08:44 The intent I think, was good,
08:46 but in so doing,
08:47 they reiterated this exceptionalism
08:50 that Rome has always had,
08:51 which is antithetical to true religious freedom.
08:54 And from my perspective if it's not easily synthesize
09:00 with Bible truth,
09:02 the concept in the Old Testament
09:04 and the New.
09:05 No priest, no delegate of God
09:10 has the right to say that I know everything.
09:13 Even Moses, the greatest prophets
09:16 before John the Baptist,
09:19 and after his death, he was taken to heaven,
09:22 but even Moses was held at fault
09:24 because he whacks the rock and says,
09:26 "Must I bring the water out of the rock."
09:31 So, you know, the key is to St. Peter,
09:33 however, that legitimately or illegitimately they got.
09:36 They don't confer this absolutism on Rome,
09:40 it's not to be.
09:41 And so it's troubling to me, in this post Reformation era
09:46 when Protestants are forgetting
09:48 what they were that Rome is reiterating
09:51 some of the bolder claims of a prior day.
09:55 And I must say that memory
10:00 and reconciliation was really quite a disappointing one,
10:04 but it ended on a strange level
10:08 because it says we have apologized.
10:11 Now Protestants should reciprocate
10:14 and apologize.
10:16 And thereby hangs the tail
10:18 because in reality
10:19 some of this has already happened.
10:21 The World Lutheran Federation
10:24 have had two agreements with Rome the first,
10:26 that the disagreement with Lutheran Rome
10:29 was sort of a mistake, a doctrinal misunderstanding.
10:32 And the second document said there is no longer
10:35 any impediment to full reunification.
10:39 We've come a long way in 500 years,
10:41 and not all of it good.
10:44 And while Rome has got an openness now
10:48 that we could have wished for,
10:49 at the time of the Reformation,
10:51 there are still some deep misunderstandings,
10:55 deep assumptions that at the end of the day,
10:58 it might work against continued religious liberty
11:01 and need to be kept fully in mind,
11:04 by all who are as that speech spoke badly
11:08 of all who are insisting on Sola Scriptura.


Revised 2020-04-29