Liberty Insider

A Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI190454B

00:01 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider
00:02 before the break with guest Greg Hamilton.
00:06 I am not, it doesn't take much doing,
00:08 I'm trying to extract some highlights
00:11 of your illustrious career
00:13 in religious liberty starting from...
00:15 We didn't quite start in the cradle,
00:16 but when you were young and what led you toward it.
00:19 And just before the break
00:21 you were talking about the Oregon,
00:23 what is it, the religious?
00:24 Oregon Workplace Religious Freedom Act.
00:25 Yeah, but it dealt
00:27 with religious garb a lot, right?
00:28 Well, it dealt with holy day accommodations for anybody
00:33 that had a particular Sabbath that they needed
00:36 to have accommodated in the workplace.
00:40 And that was interesting in and of itself,
00:41 we can talk more about the legal aspects in a minute
00:44 but what happened was,
00:47 we got the bill passed
00:48 in both the House and the Senate
00:50 and Governor Ted Kulongoski signed it,
00:53 but then immediately a number of religious minorities,
00:58 Sikhs, Hindus, Jewish sects,
01:03 and also Islamic sects wanted to repeal it,
01:07 because it didn't allow for the wearing
01:09 of any religious clothing or garb in the workplace...
01:12 Yeah, I guess, I was getting ahead of things.
01:13 In public schools, while teaching school.
01:16 And so teachers were basically barred from that
01:18 and they went back to that statute
01:21 in the bill that we passed and it remained.
01:26 Was a statute that went clear back to 1920,
01:28 and it was a statute
01:30 that was inspired by the Ku Klux Klan
01:32 in the state of Oregon at the time.
01:34 Governor Pierce was the governor
01:36 and both chambers in the House and the Senate,
01:39 Republicans and Democrats were basically owned
01:42 by the Ku Klux Klan
01:44 and claimed Ku Klux Klan membership,
01:46 it basically had become a very racist state.
01:49 And they believed that the greatest threat
01:53 to their sense of white supremacy
01:58 and if you will "Protestantism".
02:00 Well, that was Ku Klux Klan, it wasn't just racism,
02:03 it was a White Christian country.
02:09 And so by definition they were against Catholics and Jews.
02:12 Yes. Very much so.
02:14 And so, but they believed that communism.
02:17 I didn't wanna say Christian, Protestant, I meant Protestant.
02:19 Yeah, they believed that Communism
02:20 or Leninism at the time,
02:21 because of Lenin rising up in Russia
02:25 and creating a revolution there.
02:28 Would best or easiest to infiltrate
02:32 through Catholic schools and so they thought,
02:35 well, if it's through Catholic schools,
02:36 it might be even through Protestant schools too.
02:38 So they came up with this plan
02:41 and put a bill through the legislature
02:43 basically banning all religious schools.
02:45 All right, now go figure.
02:47 I mean, who would think of doing that?
02:48 And by the way it resulted in the greatest,
02:50 biggest religious freedom decision
02:53 by the US Supreme Court ever in American history.
02:56 It's called St. Mary's Academy
02:58 or Pierce v. Society of Sisters which is St. Mary's Academy
03:02 on 5th Street right there in Downtown Portland, Oregon.
03:05 And so they had,
03:08 the governor had signed the law,
03:11 the bill into law,
03:12 and it banned all religious schools,
03:15 so everybody was in a state of fear.
03:16 The Adventist Church came,
03:18 you know, wrote a Supreme Court brief,
03:21 it was one of the strongest ones actually,
03:24 and the Supreme Court ruled 9 to nothing against governor.
03:27 It said, are you nuts, you know, so that's,
03:30 that was interesting history but that,
03:32 there was a statute still remaining in our bill,
03:36 the Oregon Workplace Religious Freedom Act
03:39 that didn't allow any wearing of religious garb
03:42 or clothing in public school
03:43 while teachers were teaching in public school.
03:45 And it was aimed specifically at Catholic priests and nuns.
03:48 Okay, if they were to come in
03:50 and teach in public schools and so,
03:52 that still remained on the books.
03:54 And by the way there were still three states
03:56 that had that by the time
03:57 we passed the Oregon Workplace Religious Freedom Act.
04:00 Pennsylvania, Oregon and I believe Tennessee
04:04 were the three.
04:05 And so, the other two have been since repealed by the way,
04:09 but Oregon started that movement
04:11 to help the other states get it repealed.
04:13 And maybe for our viewers,
04:14 even though from time to time we've revisited the...
04:23 Religious freedom...
04:24 Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
04:26 Was passed on a federal level a long time ago,
04:28 what was it '96?
04:29 '93.
04:30 '93, it was in the 90s.
04:33 And it was declared unconstitutional
04:35 because it gained a lot of its...
04:37 And the Supreme Court decision called Boerne v. Flores, 1997.
04:40 Because it was piggybacked on inter-state commerce, right?
04:44 Yes.
04:45 Not because there was anything really wrong with the law
04:47 and since then, you as a major figure
04:51 and others tried to do the equivalent
04:53 by getting it state by state, right?
04:55 Yes, and we did that in Idaho in year 2000.
04:57 I know you had great success on it.
04:59 We had State Religious Freedom Restoration Act passed,
05:01 that was our first victory in 2000.
05:04 I'd come on board at the Union Conference office there
05:07 at the North Pacific Union in the year 1998,
05:10 and that was a huge victory for us
05:12 with Senator Grant Ipsen, who is now deceased.
05:15 And my good Mormon friend
05:18 who was just a dear, dear man.
05:20 Just a good soul and very conscientious person.
05:24 Now, when you got this through,
05:26 did you have any trouble with groups wanting to add,
05:30 add on bits and pieces to the basic bill
05:33 with their own agenda,
05:34 'cause that's the problem now in a nutshell?
05:36 Well, The American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU,
05:38 you fought us tremendously including
05:40 with our Oregon Workplace Religious Freedom Act.
05:43 And by the way just to finish off
05:45 with the Oregon Workplace Religious Freedom Act,
05:47 when we, when the religious minorities,
05:50 the ethnic religious minorities
05:52 wanted to repeal our original victory
05:55 with the Oregon Workplace Religious Freedom Act,
05:57 we convinced them to stay on board.
06:01 After 10 years of effort to stay on board
06:03 to help us amend the bill
06:05 instead of repealing it, okay,
06:07 repealing the statute or the law
06:09 that we just passed the year before.
06:12 And so they decided to work with,
06:14 thanks to our representative Dave Hunt
06:16 who was a man called for such a time as that.
06:19 Former American Baptist Conference president nationwide
06:25 and he served as a short time
06:27 as speaker of the House there in Oregon.
06:29 And truly his power,
06:34 his consciousness
06:40 really worked in our behalf
06:41 and so we lobbied legislators day and night,
06:46 and the reason being
06:48 is because the ACLU
06:49 had convinced a number of Democratic legislators
06:52 to go ahead and repeal the bill.
06:55 That, because, but their reason was opposite.
06:59 Okay, their reason was they wanted
07:01 to keep the statute in there,
07:03 that the Ku Klux Klan put in there
07:07 regarding banning all religious garb
07:10 by public school teachers in public schools.
07:12 They wanted to keep that in place to ban that.
07:15 'Cause they kept religion out of the public schools.
07:17 In the name of the constitutional separation
07:18 of church and state which is an irony in itself.
07:21 But Attorney Steve Greene
07:23 from Willamette University School of Law
07:25 which is right across the street from Salem.
07:28 The Oregon legislature there in Salem
07:30 came to our defense
07:31 and he was the biggest proponent of the ACLU,
07:34 one of their chief spokesmen, okay.
07:36 So he backed them down
07:38 and yet we still had to convince legislators,
07:41 in fact, going into the,
07:44 both the House and the Senate for votes and debate.
07:47 We had a number of them, who said,
07:49 "No, we're gonna vote to repeal."
07:52 And when we got there, Dave Hunt even came to me,
07:55 the speaker of the House, he says,
07:57 "I don't know what's going to happen
07:59 but this does not look good."
08:00 And so, just sit in the chamber and we'll see how it comes out.
08:03 I had the worst ulcer I've ever heard in my life
08:06 when I was sitting up there in the chamber
08:08 and I'm telling you it was a miracle,
08:10 especially the Senate one.
08:11 We got it through the House just fine,
08:13 at 66% of the vote, okay.
08:16 But the Senate was the most dramatic
08:17 where one by one Democratic senators got up
08:20 and said, I've changed my mind and here's why.
08:25 And one of the reasons that drove them
08:26 to change their mind
08:28 was the fact that when they understood
08:30 the Ku Klux Klan historical connection,
08:34 that really convicted them.
08:36 And number two, the other reason,
08:37 this is the irony
08:39 is that there were a number of Republicans
08:41 who were very pro big business.
08:43 And they didn't want to accommodate anybody
08:45 for anything in the workplace.
08:46 It was all about the mighty dollar bill
08:49 and they said, "Oh, it affects small businesses."
08:51 So they voted against it,
08:53 but nevertheless as Democrats came through
08:56 and we had another 66% vote in the Senate.
08:58 You pulled it off.
09:00 So then we had our April Fool's Day
09:01 signing ceremony on April 1st with Governor Ted Kulongoski
09:05 with that famous...
09:06 That picture.
09:07 It's a beautiful picture on April 1.
09:09 And we can't show it here,
09:10 but go on the Liberty website and you'll see it.
09:12 Yeah, it's just amazing and...
09:14 But what... We're running out of time,
09:16 but one thing that I got out of that
09:18 and hearing it again from you,
09:20 this was not a simple thing,
09:22 it involved a lot of people,
09:23 and a lot of time, and a lot of persistence.
09:25 Yeah, it did.
09:28 And religious liberty
09:29 is not something to take casually?
09:31 No.
09:32 It rewards consistent and diligent effort,
09:33 doesn't it?
09:35 There's a lot of nuance and substance involved
09:36 when it comes to defending
09:38 and passing religious freedom bills.
09:41 I'm thankful for the career
09:44 that God has given me to be a sentinel
09:48 on the walls of religious freedom,
09:51 and I wouldn't trade that for anything.
09:56 I would do it all over again,
09:58 and I love the ministry of religious freedom.
10:01 And I would encourage you that if you are young,
10:05 and you're watching this program,
10:06 you're a boy or a girl,
10:09 and you want to champion
10:10 true religious freedom in this country,
10:12 you wanna be a true American patriot.
10:14 I would encourage you to go to school,
10:18 get your college degrees, whatever it takes,
10:21 become either an attorney, a historian, a business person,
10:25 a nurse, and doctor, whatever.
10:27 But set out to make your life goal
10:29 to champion religious freedom, both in your home,
10:34 in the workplace and at your state legislature.
10:38 Thank you. God bless.
10:46 Only a few years ago, it seems George Bush Sr.
10:49 was commenting that freedom and democracy
10:53 seems to be breaking out all over the world.
10:55 Well, those days are past, authoritarianism,
10:59 and despotism, and repression,
11:01 and visceral sort of nationalistic movements
11:05 are the order of the day in our day.
11:08 And often, very often religious conflict
11:12 is the center of this movement.
11:14 It's very unfortunate
11:15 that religion seems to be hastening
11:18 these bad tendencies.
11:20 Much better as we promote religious freedom,
11:23 and tolerance, and respect,
11:25 and allowance for all faiths of conscience.
11:27 Much better that that's the movement.
11:30 Much better that we work to the day for that
11:32 to break out all over.
11:36 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2020-03-02