Liberty Insider

The Survival of the Fittest

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI190453B

00:01 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:02 Before the break, with guest, Greg Hamilton,
00:04 we were remarking on how in the wide world
00:09 there are many individual cases of countries,
00:12 some big countries like India,
00:14 we were just talking about
00:15 where they seem to be the clock is going backwards,
00:18 especially in regard to religion and tolerance and,
00:22 well, tolerance is a bad word to give religion,
00:24 but you know what I mean?
00:25 That's just, the threshold is drifting backwards.
00:27 Yes.
00:29 And I think you'd mentioned China.
00:32 There's a horrible situation with the Muslim speaking
00:36 minority up toward Mongolia,
00:39 but Christians are not getting a good run of it in China.
00:43 Actually, they're doing pretty good.
00:44 Here's what I learned at the Council
00:46 on Foreign Relations
00:47 just about a year and a half ago,
00:49 is that Jameen,
00:52 the premier is moving towards
00:58 recognizing Christianity in the sense
01:01 that it plays a traditional role
01:05 in China's history.
01:08 And so, therefore to uphold
01:12 China's traditions that,
01:15 he thinks that it's best to
01:18 as long as they're willing to sign on with the state
01:21 and become state approved churches...
01:23 Three-Self Movement.
01:24 Including even small groups who will yield to that,
01:27 then home churches, then everything will be fine.
01:31 Well, let's use American language.
01:32 That's establishment.
01:34 It is, it is. But nevertheless...
01:36 And unless you belong to the established church,
01:38 they won't persecute you.
01:39 Well, but it goes along with the same reasoning
01:41 is in their policies.
01:43 With the papacy and with Rome
01:45 and the appointment of cardinals and bishops,
01:48 so there's this been this long going dispute
01:51 dating back to John Paul II, then Pope Benedict,
01:54 and now Pope Francis,
01:56 you know, who has the right to
01:58 basically it's investigator controversy
02:00 of the Dark Ages.
02:01 Basically who has
02:03 It's a good parallel, I like it.
02:04 Who has the right to give the scepter
02:06 and ordain who
02:07 and basically the state of China says,
02:09 "It's our right.
02:10 We will determine
02:12 who the cardinals and bishops are,
02:13 not Rome."
02:15 And so Pope Francis has said,
02:16 you know, after a long dispute says,
02:17 "Okay, fine,
02:19 we give into that, you know,
02:20 to secure peace."
02:21 And what's interesting about that
02:23 is it's now preparing the wait for a state visit to China.
02:27 And there is over something like...
02:32 I forget it is 10 million Catholics in China,
02:36 which is a significant number even though, you know...
02:38 No, when you're talking a billion players.
02:40 Yeah, 1.2 billion, true.
02:41 But it represents about 1% of the country
02:44 or something like that.
02:45 But nevertheless, they're growing
02:47 and that's the significant factor
02:48 is they're growing.
02:50 And so a state visit to,
02:52 say, Beijing would be huge for Pope Francis.
02:55 The same thing is happening actually in Russia.
02:57 The Russian Orthodox Church has got Francis in the Vatican,
03:02 the Holy See to say,
03:04 "Okay, we won't evangelize anymore."
03:06 So evangelism is off the table,
03:08 but we'll recognize you as a traditional religion
03:12 in Russia, a competing religion,
03:13 but nevertheless someone,
03:16 a religion that will live in peaceful coexistence
03:18 with Russian Orthodox and other religions.
03:21 And so that's a good thing.
03:22 So that's preparing a way for a state visit for the pope.
03:27 Yes, as far as low attentions that sounds good,
03:30 but it's actually very retrograde.
03:32 When I was growing up in Australia,
03:34 I used to hear a lot about the missions
03:36 in the South Pacific.
03:38 And it devolved down to,
03:40 I guess I have to give my age roughly,
03:42 in the '50s and '60s.
03:46 In that whole area it devolved down this island
03:49 would be Methodist,
03:51 this island would be Adventist,
03:55 this island would be Catholic.
03:56 And things were fine if you obeyed that,
03:59 but you send a missionary into that island,
04:01 an Adventist missionary go to Methodist.
04:04 It's certainly a cultural mindset.
04:05 Right.
04:06 And I don't think we can agree with that.
04:10 This is a Muslim territory.
04:12 This is a Christian territory. Of course.
04:14 And I still remember years ago
04:17 in South Africa
04:18 trying to interview one of the mullahs.
04:20 He was an advisor to the Rafsanjani in Iran.
04:25 And when I interviewed him,
04:27 he got quite stroppy with me on something.
04:29 So at one point, he said to me he says,
04:31 "If I had been born in America,
04:33 what would I have been born?"
04:34 I said, "Probably Christian."
04:36 But it's still... And he says,
04:37 "If you'd been born in Iran, what would you be?"
04:39 I said, "Probably Muslim."
04:41 He says, "Fine, leave it that way."
04:42 But it still is...
04:43 In other words you're Muslim,
04:45 I mean, you're Christian, I'm Muslim.
04:46 But it's still an improvement.
04:47 That's not another words.
04:49 Well...
04:50 In other words, Adventist,
04:51 Christianity are not being outlawed,
04:53 they are not being persecuted or oppressed.
04:54 Okay, so in that sense, it is...
04:56 An improvement. An improvement.
04:58 Some improvements are elusory,
05:02 like the whole style of communism.
05:04 And China is a hybrid
05:06 but it's still a great communist.
05:07 What I'm saying is that
05:09 Christianity is benefiting in China
05:10 and Islam is losing.
05:12 So there seems to be this...
05:14 Because Christianity is more passive at the moment.
05:16 It seemed Christianity is being embraced
05:19 by strong man right now.
05:21 And communist theory was religion is antithetical
05:24 to progressive
05:29 people that are moving in evolutionary
05:34 way to the dictatorship of the masses if you like.
05:38 And the way to deal
05:39 whether it is Stalin and others,
05:41 you know, kill all the priests,
05:42 you know, he killed 50,000 priests.
05:44 But once they got past that era,
05:46 it's still isolate the old people,
05:48 give them too place to worship at the time
05:51 and restrict them
05:53 and make them socially powerless outside that
05:56 and when they die, it's gone away,
05:58 solves your problem.
05:59 The Three-Self in my use a total control movement.
06:03 And at the Three-Self Movement
06:05 they even say who the preacher is on a given Sabbath
06:08 in an Adventist Church,
06:09 it may not even be the Adventist pastor,
06:12 it may be a minister from another church.
06:14 So it's the form of godliness without the power
06:17 and without the freedom of choice.
06:19 And then if you meet in a home
06:21 which a lot of activated Christians and evangelicals
06:26 and missionary minded Christians are,
06:29 you get caught at that.
06:30 You go to the labor camp where they harvest your organs.
06:33 It's not just, you know, nice,
06:36 regimented lifestyle...
06:38 But what it's trying to do
06:39 and what's happening is my point
06:42 is that it's creating a Christian hegemony
06:45 around this world in terms of alignment with governments,
06:48 okay, in terms of approval.
06:50 It is. That's not my point.
06:53 My point is it's happening and it says phenomenon
06:55 that we need to be watched.
06:56 Right.
06:58 And remember in Nazi Germany,
06:59 that they co-opted the Catholic Church
07:01 and many other at the Lutheran Church
07:03 and many other Protestant Churches.
07:06 They were co-opted and looking at
07:08 in the hindsight of history,
07:09 it was an abomination.
07:11 They enabled the worst excesses of that dictatorship.
07:15 But just because the dictatorship
07:16 isn't quite Hitler revisited
07:18 doesn't mean the same dynamics not at work.
07:20 And I really think religion needs to be careful
07:22 that it doesn't become
07:24 the auxiliary of the past structure
07:26 at the time.
07:27 But what's motivating them?
07:29 Is it their fear of Islam?
07:31 I think that's part of it.
07:34 China, the government, yes.
07:35 They have a fear of all organized religion.
07:37 Well, same thing in India
07:39 and same thing with, yeah, in India.
07:40 And these are real fears.
07:42 I write something on the liberty.
07:43 These are real fears. Yes. Yes.
07:45 They may be approaching it in a paranoid way.
07:47 But there is substance to their fear.
07:50 Yeah. And Russia.
07:52 You mentioned Russia.
07:54 There's substance to Russia's suspicion
07:57 that evangelical Protestant organizations
08:00 are often a beachhead for American
08:03 or Western influence.
08:05 There is substance for that.
08:06 Philip Jenkins at Baylor University,
08:09 he's a famous sociology of religion professor.
08:12 And he writes a book called years ago,
08:16 back around 2001 actually,
08:19 the coming of Christendom
08:21 or the, basically he writes in his book
08:24 is that Islam will take a backseat.
08:28 It may be the fastest growing religion
08:30 and he disputes that,
08:32 he says, "Actually, Christianity
08:33 is growing faster than Islam
08:34 because Islam is on the basis of birth."
08:37 He said, "Everybody presumes that they'll grow faster,
08:39 but Christianity is actually growing faster
08:42 through evangelization."
08:44 And so he proves this statistically, but he says,
08:47 "The big thing that's helping the Christian religion
08:52 is its alignment with governments."
08:55 And he says, "This is what solidifying a Christian,
08:59 hegemony around the world."
09:00 That's true.
09:02 But, of course, Christianity came through...
09:03 But that's been always the crux.
09:05 Power with its alliance with Constantine.
09:06 That's always been the crux of Christianity
09:08 is they've always found a way to empower
09:10 itself through alignment with government.
09:15 But yet you and I are dedicated
09:17 to the opposite, separation of church and state.
09:18 Yes.
09:20 On the radio, I heard the other day
09:21 this politician is saying that,
09:25 you know, how old system our society is,
09:28 and Western civilization is based on Christianity.
09:32 That's just wrong. Yeah.
09:34 If you equate Western liberal democratic tradition
09:38 with Christianity,
09:39 Christianity should have been supportive
09:41 to any good political development.
09:42 But it's not religion on the political march.
09:46 That's the way of the medieval thinking in my view.
09:50 Today, we've talked about the oppression of strong men
09:56 that seems to be reemerging in the world
09:58 and how it's basically being driven
10:01 by a misunderstanding of religious freedom.
10:04 They want religious freedom
10:06 for their sense of religious nationalism,
10:09 Hinduism and in India,
10:13 and of course, Christianity in China.
10:17 And so as Christianity develops
10:19 more of this hegemony
10:21 by aligning itself with governments
10:23 around the world,
10:24 it may seem to be strength to Christianity.
10:28 Attacking itself to the flag,
10:30 but in fact, it's a weakness
10:32 because it limits its spiritual authority.
10:43 I remember, when I was much younger,
10:45 my father came back from a visit to Scandinavia.
10:48 And in one of those countries he photographed
10:51 and remarked endlessly
10:53 on a statue that showed a writhing mass of humanity
10:56 all climbing over each other to get to the top.
11:00 In many ways the world
11:01 as I see it today is sort of fit that bill.
11:05 There's a turmoil,
11:07 a conflict in almost every country
11:10 whether it's over often religion,
11:13 it's over rich versus poor aspirations,
11:16 whether it's over natural calamity or just
11:19 societies often being dragged into the 21st century.
11:25 But all taken together it means
11:27 that there is a crying need
11:29 for people to look to God for security.
11:32 There is a crying need to resolve
11:34 any number of human problems
11:36 most of which it root are spiritual
11:39 and can be easily resolved if people look to God,
11:43 look to His principles, and look to a future,
11:47 a promise future with the Lord.
11:50 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2020-02-15