Liberty Insider

Brought Up Short

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI190449A

00:26 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:28 This is your program
00:29 designed to bring you up-to-date
00:31 on religious liberty events, thinking analysis,
00:35 and so you can become knowledgeable
00:37 about these very real events in the US and around the world.
00:41 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty magazine,
00:45 and my guest on the program is Charles Steinberg,
00:48 attorney and vice president
00:50 of the Northwest Religious Liberty Association.
00:53 And...
00:56 I'm gonna put you on the spot.
00:57 What does life mean to you?
00:59 What does life mean to me?
01:01 You know, Lincoln,
01:02 in my Jewish tradition and Jewish heritage...
01:05 L'chaim, isn't it?
01:06 L'chaim, it's a life.
01:09 And then looking through all sorts of different analysis
01:13 by different rabbis over the years
01:15 where during the Inquisition,
01:18 it would be better to convert from Judaism
01:22 to different faith rather than to die
01:26 because life is worth preserving...
01:27 Yes, it's interesting moral conundrum.
01:30 Yeah, even though those Jews that refused to convert
01:33 would refer to them as marranos,
01:34 sort of pigs and,
01:38 and then, in my own view, from my perspective,
01:41 life happened when I was born.
01:44 But then when I look at the biblical view,
01:47 even the child inside Elizabeth's womb,
01:54 reacted at being near Messiah.
01:56 So these are great questions, you know,
01:59 as give birth and there's a living soul.
02:03 And...
02:04 Well, even if you say that, what is the soul?
02:07 I think you're getting it to the abortion issue
02:09 in the United States.
02:12 But what do other countries do with abortion?
02:15 I heard a presidential candidate
02:16 recently say that we need to have abortion more
02:19 in third world countries to help them
02:21 with their climate change problems and economy.
02:24 A candidate?
02:25 A candidate.
02:26 Well, it's interesting you say that
02:28 because the Liberty board recently
02:29 I had an article that in the end
02:31 they found unpalatable that I couldn't run it.
02:35 It was talking about different injections,
02:39 and inoculations, and serums
02:42 that were given to people,
02:43 and I can remember and I stated it
02:47 maybe 30 years ago in India.
02:51 Pharmaceutical companies were working with the government
02:54 to inoculate people against
02:56 some of the diseases at the time.
02:58 And it turned out, came out very openly,
03:00 but after the fact that they were coordinating
03:03 with a government plan too for population control,
03:06 and they were sterilizing.
03:08 For sterilization without knowing.
03:11 Yes, which crosses another moral line as well.
03:18 We have to believe as people of faith,
03:21 and it's buried within the religious liberty concept
03:25 that human beings have natural dignity
03:27 that life is just precious, you don't dispense with it.
03:31 No.
03:32 But I do think the abortion debate
03:35 in the public sphere has gotten tangled up
03:39 with all sorts of religious understandings.
03:44 Have to be valid but I mean, what is the state,
03:46 is the state getting into discussions of what,
03:48 where is the soul and so on.
03:50 It has to have a more utilitarian view of it.
03:54 And I am not pro-abortion,
03:56 but I don't think it's profitable
03:59 to run the idea of when is it the life?
04:02 When is it a human life?
04:04 You know, in the Jewish Old Testament,
04:07 there was actually something else going on
04:08 but the story of Onan
04:11 takes it back before conception.
04:13 Yes. Yeah.
04:15 In fact,
04:17 the Monty Python film once, you remember that?
04:20 I do remember Monty Python.
04:22 Every sperm is precious.
04:25 Yeah.
04:26 And I see it all as God's spectrum of life.
04:29 God is the life giver.
04:30 Yes.
04:32 And I think anybody
04:33 that gratuitously cuts off life,
04:35 whether it's cutting down a tree,
04:38 and I'm not a tree hugger,
04:40 but we're custodians of the earth.
04:42 So if you cut down a tree just for the thrill
04:46 or because it's there, will stamp on an ant,
04:49 and I'm not a Hindu or an ancient mystic,
04:54 or terminate a life even at the earliest stage.
04:58 I think you've set yourself against the God of heaven.
05:01 Well, you know, with regard to life
05:06 when the sperm fertilizes the egg,
05:09 I think you have life there.
05:11 Well, you have life, but is it human?
05:13 Is it protected life under the US Constitution?
05:16 Well...
05:17 Obviously not currently.
05:19 No, and I don't think in totality,
05:23 it's been a good thing to bring in abortion
05:26 into the modern era.
05:27 Because, you know, when Roe v Wade came along,
05:30 it was not really that long
05:33 after the horrors of World War II,
05:36 which was the total play out of the eugenics debate.
05:41 Dr. Josef Mengele, the medical experiments,
05:46 the horrors visited on the Jews, gypsies,
05:50 mentally retarded folks, is just terrible,
05:53 terrible things in the name of medical science.
05:56 Yeah, they were the immediate recipients
05:58 but it was broader than...
05:59 I mean it, the animist against Jews in that case
06:03 as well as the gypsies resulted in this new philosophy
06:08 being used full blown on them,
06:09 but the whole world was enamored with eugenics,
06:12 the US was too whether they were lobotomizations,
06:17 and sterilizations,
06:19 and other gross experiments carried out,
06:22 suited the state they could find out something
06:24 for their more well off citizens
06:27 that wouldn't hurt them,
06:28 but they were playing with lives,
06:30 killing people on occasion.
06:32 And so, yes,
06:36 I don't think that the gratuitous abortions
06:40 then coming in a few decades later
06:42 it can be seen as in itself a positive thing.
06:47 I think on a certain level
06:48 and I'm getting myself into trouble here.
06:50 On a certain level,
06:54 it was part of a good move in recognizing
06:57 the autonomous rights of women
07:00 which had been sort of submerged to that point.
07:03 But along the way,
07:04 I think it sort of enabled
07:07 a diminution of the value of life.
07:10 I agree with that,
07:11 that it is a diminution of the value of life.
07:14 I know the autonomy of a woman, for example in there,
07:17 one of the political slogans, my body my choice.
07:20 What right do you as a man
07:23 or legislature executive
07:25 to tell me I can't have this medical treatment
07:27 from my doctor?
07:29 What right do you have in that?
07:30 And you remember what the reverse
07:31 was big families?
07:33 Yeah.
07:34 And that was a woman's role to be a child bearer.
07:37 Well, big families and then also
07:39 you've got to admit that there were a lot of
07:43 gruesome unhealthy medical clinics.
07:47 I call it back alley abortion as well.
07:48 Oh, yeah, yeah.
07:50 The other side of this argument is,
07:52 but you know,
07:54 if it ends in endangering the mother's life...
07:59 You know, there are different penalties
08:01 in the Bible if you,
08:02 if two men are quarreling and you hit a woman
08:05 and she ends up having a pregnant...
08:07 If you hit a pregnant woman
08:08 and she ends up having an abortion,
08:10 the child doesn't survive, that unintentional fight,
08:14 there's a different penalty.
08:16 Not the same as murdering an adult.
08:19 Yeah, it's a different penalty but we saw...
08:22 But you're a lawyer.
08:24 I'm a lawyer.
08:25 And I know the law looks at that,
08:27 if I'm civilly sued for wrongful death, of course,
08:31 someone's death in some way or if a guy...
08:33 Yeah, I guess the same thing.
08:35 If a company is through its poisonous product
08:38 has caused someone's death.
08:39 When you look at damages,
08:41 you look at what that person is earning,
08:44 or son has the potential but you're looking at the
08:47 in essence at the value, you quantify the value.
08:50 Quantify by a number.
08:51 Now, and what do you do with a clump of cells
08:57 that has not taken a single breath yet,
08:59 not had a single thought?
09:01 There's a trial going on in California
09:04 regardless of what side you're on the abortion.
09:05 And what does it lost if it never existed?
09:09 It did exist.
09:10 And according to the Bible it is, yeah.
09:11 You know what I mean, as a sentient being.
09:13 Yeah, as what we would think a sentient being is.
09:16 There's a battle going on in California,
09:18 or were some undercover reporters
09:20 that had taped operatives of Planned Parenthood,
09:23 they're auctioning off and selling body parts
09:25 and that's actually on tape.
09:27 I mean, when you're looking at levels of proof of evidence
09:31 you have two people that see a car accident.
09:34 One says the light was red,
09:35 the other says the light was green.
09:36 There's no video evidence of that.
09:38 Nowadays, we probably do with Big Brother
09:40 watching everything we do.
09:42 But in this case, there's videotaped
09:45 evidence of them selling
09:47 baby parts on video.
09:53 They were once
09:56 a living organism within the mom.
10:00 Well, you know, our whole society
10:03 is deep into this sort of thinking
10:08 on a level that very few people have trouble with, you know,
10:10 there's an accident, someone's body is dismembered,
10:13 the eye goes here and the heart there and all...
10:17 When there's an accident, it's a death.
10:20 And I'm going to stand for a platform,
10:22 death is unnatural.
10:23 Yeah.
10:24 After Eden, death became a natural part.
10:26 I don't have an issue with that,
10:27 but I'm just saying the lines have blurred
10:30 because we've adopted in the modern world
10:33 because of scientific advance
10:34 and that a more utilitarian view
10:36 of what a human organism is.
10:38 They're atheists and forgive me viewers,
10:41 if you're an atheist watching this
10:42 and you're offended by what I'm about to say.
10:44 There are scientific atheists that have published in journals
10:47 that said that without the moral basis
10:50 of a church or some antiquated organization,
10:55 humans should throw off those cells.
11:00 In the 70s there was a science fiction movie
11:03 about Soylent Green.
11:04 Yeah, I remember it.
11:06 And now there's an atheist saying
11:09 there are benefits to humans and in my state Washington,
11:12 we just passed a law saying
11:13 it's lawful for you to compost your human body.
11:16 By the way, I was at a health food store
11:18 the other day and there's a product called soylent.
11:21 No way!
11:23 Somebody has a poor memory of it.
11:24 Yeah, they have a very poor memory.
11:26 It wasn't green, but it was soylent.
11:28 But I believe that human body is sacred.
11:33 I believe that we should never see it selling.
11:35 It's not sacred in itself,
11:37 but it's the temple to the Creator God.
11:40 Yeah.
11:42 That we have a sacred trust with it.
11:44 Yeah, we're made in His image.
11:45 And when you want to desecrate that,
11:48 okay, so after death after death,
11:50 and you know, using body parts here and there
11:53 for the benefit of science or a person can see again
11:56 or a person gets a kidney or person gets a heart
12:00 Those are great breakthroughs in medical science
12:02 and family celebrate that
12:03 that even though their loved one is gone,
12:05 they have the memory of maybe helping
12:07 19 or 20 other people through an organ donor program.
12:11 That's different than taking a fetus
12:12 and selling the body part, okay.
12:14 Remember, in China,
12:17 there's a roaring trade in prisoners' body parts.
12:20 And there's plenty of evidence that to meet demand,
12:25 they will condemn more, more prisoners
12:28 to fill the pipeline at certain times.
12:30 And some of the horrors to get the organs correctly,
12:34 like including skin.
12:37 They do it before they did.
12:39 So that's the outer fringe.
12:42 But it exists in the middle,
12:44 there's there in some poor countries,
12:46 there are clearly documented cases
12:49 of people selling obviously not organs, like a kidney.
12:54 They can sell a kidney
12:57 and even in the US there are transactions
13:02 like surrogate parenting and all the rest.
13:06 They're basically selling the use of your body
13:10 and all the rest so it's been commercialized.
13:12 The morality is being sucked out of it.
13:16 Yeah.
13:17 And so I don't see that as separate
13:19 from how we regard the fetus and yes,
13:23 we need to go back and I think
13:25 while there's a certain logic of free will,
13:29 recognizing free will behind the abortion thing,
13:31 the net effect has been
13:32 an incredible diminishing of respect
13:37 for what a human being is.
13:38 Yeah, incredible reduction of that.
13:42 We'll take a break now and come back
13:43 and continue this discussion.
13:45 So stay with us.


Revised 2019-11-21