Liberty Insider

Threats and Perceived Threats

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI190448B

00:04 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider
00:06 with guest Charles Steinberg.
00:08 Charles, we were really into the weeds
00:11 of the sociological change that we've seen
00:15 and the religious threat that's appeared,
00:18 it appears to some with the gay
00:21 and transgender movement.
00:25 So where do you think it can go because, you know,
00:27 I've tried to trace where it began
00:28 and maybe where it was more appropriate
00:30 to make a moral objection.
00:34 But now it seems almost cruel of people
00:37 of faith looking down then
00:39 as people that they might know better,
00:44 but you know, to some degree it's,
00:46 they don't make
00:47 the same profession necessarily of faith
00:49 and they've made that choice.
00:50 The society is legally supporting it.
00:53 So all you should be able to, or all you should be
00:56 inclined to do is witness to them,
00:58 treat them charitably in Christian,
01:00 in a Christian way,
01:01 but it's a little heavier than that.
01:03 Well, it's a little heavier than that because you're...
01:05 It's something unknown to you.
01:07 If you're a Bible believing Christian,
01:10 you may or may not be in that lifestyle.
01:12 Well, I got to admit freely, I've said it on this program.
01:15 Me personally, in my age,
01:17 you know where I've live through that,
01:19 you know, it gets my stomach
01:21 all fluttery to see this in action.
01:23 It's not, you know, I have a biblical view on it,
01:26 but as well as that the visceral and discomforted,
01:30 but I can't change that.
01:32 I hope that community is not going to even expect me
01:35 because I don't want to.
01:37 But what I mean is, yeah, I'm not comfortable with it,
01:39 but I have to look at it logically,
01:42 and from a point of a fellow creature of God,
01:46 you know, I don't have it rightly to abuse them.
01:51 Already, they've made by my judgment
01:54 not a good choice of life.
01:55 Why should I add to their troubles
01:57 by illustrating bad Christianity.
01:59 Exactly.
02:00 And I'm glad you brought that up
02:02 illustrating bad Christianity.
02:03 Because in the example I gave earlier with law and Maybaum
02:07 and the Oregon Citizen's Alliance to strip
02:10 gay and lesbian people their civil rights,
02:12 that's just wrong.
02:14 But with regard to a duty of a person of faith,
02:19 your duty is to witness to them.
02:21 Yeah.
02:23 And even though you're uncomfortable with it,
02:24 possibly for many reasons, it's not your job to beat them
02:29 over the head with the Bible either.
02:31 No.
02:32 And you're getting close
02:34 to where there is a real threat.
02:35 It's God to judge.
02:36 Now... Go ahead.
02:38 Well, what I was gonna...
02:40 Well, I'm thinking but I'll forget,
02:42 I'm sorry if you forget what you're saying.
02:44 But, you know, the legitimate questions
02:47 have been brought up lately about these...
02:51 I'm trying to think of the term
02:53 but sort of aversion therapy or...
02:56 Oh, conversion therapy?
02:57 Conversion therapy sessions that they strike me
03:01 as less than Christian more like
03:07 criticism sessions
03:09 that were popular for years ago
03:10 for any number of things where a group gets around
03:12 and browbeat someone into submission,
03:14 break their will basically.
03:15 Yeah, that's not very Christian.
03:17 And I have never seen it,
03:19 but it does seem abundantly clear
03:22 that certain groups
03:24 with the cooperation of family members
03:26 often have indulged in this, you know,
03:28 I don't see who would defend that,
03:30 but a sensitive Christian with friends and contacts
03:34 and all the rest.
03:36 it seems to me at some point in the natural discussion
03:38 or you know, without forcing something
03:41 on someone should be allowed and probably compelled
03:45 to make statements like I said, even that statement
03:47 about the cake shop guy,
03:49 that's a way of telling people...
03:50 Yes.
03:51 What view I hold without condemning them outright.
03:54 Yeah. If you...
03:56 I hope that legally, that doesn't come under
04:00 the ban of the state, but I think it might tend to be
04:04 a consequence of what's going on now.
04:07 That will be a restriction of religious liberty.
04:09 It could be a restriction of religious liberty
04:12 in the United States because of what we call
04:15 hate speech laws.
04:17 And if you take some of the verses of the Bible
04:20 and how it rallies against homosexual,
04:21 how it rails against homosexuality,
04:24 I know in other countries there have been pastors
04:27 that have taken that on as there,
04:30 was their hill to die on so to speak,
04:33 and they'll be activists about it
04:35 and take out large paid
04:36 newspaper ads in municipal newspapers.
04:41 And then they're gonna get...
04:43 If you're putting yourself out there,
04:44 you're gonna get shot out.
04:47 And in other countries, I know that
04:49 they have charged pastors with hate crimes
04:52 for quoting parts like that in the Bible,
04:55 but there's a way around that
04:56 and that is to be have Christian charity
05:00 towards another image,
05:01 another person created the image of God just like you.
05:05 And I don't think...
05:06 With different behavior choices.
05:07 And I think,
05:10 even if someone doesn't buy,
05:14 you know, biblical worldview, and Christians and Muslims,
05:17 for example, share a common view
05:19 of the end of time and conditions
05:21 that might accompany that.
05:24 But even if you don't share that,
05:25 I think a lot of social scientists
05:28 and thinking people recognize that
05:30 we're in an interesting point of Western civilization
05:33 where a lot of the norms and structures
05:36 that have been erected are sort of shaky
05:37 and we're moving beyond that.
05:41 And in that environment,
05:46 we need to be very careful
05:48 that we don't major in one thing.
05:52 As an outside observer, I think many in the so called
05:54 Christian Right Moral Majority have done themselves
05:58 a disservice by majoring only in...
06:00 It seems at times only in anti-abortion
06:04 at the expense of other
06:07 religious cultural sensitivities.
06:09 And it's worth remembering that in a wicked age
06:12 that we live in does have a sexuality,
06:15 there's bestiality,
06:16 there's child abuse, there's a gross dishonesty,
06:20 there's mail fraud, you know,
06:22 there's murder and mayhem on every front.
06:28 So it's not so much that we should decide
06:30 to say nothing on that area.
06:32 But we should be speaking to the times,
06:36 not just something that gets us going.
06:39 No, not just to a gut level reaction...
06:42 Which the more that's done.
06:47 Just in the level of psychology,
06:48 people can figure there's something going on
06:51 here beyond their faith.
06:52 And in some cases that might be.
06:54 It might be that they do have something
06:56 more going on besides just their faith.
06:59 If they're just on the one issue thing,
07:01 but then there's also a political power grab,
07:04 or to counter a political power grab
07:06 that they perceive somebody else is doing.
07:08 You know, it's kinda like a chess game,
07:11 but it's for political power and vote to the church,
07:14 when the church wants political power.
07:16 Yes, yes.
07:18 And maybe that's a simple that,
07:20 I don't see it as political power,
07:21 but there's a manipulative power
07:22 over other people in demeaning them.
07:27 And even if people are indulging
07:28 in something that the Bible warns
07:31 in the most stringent manner we should have pity for them.
07:34 Just like Jesus spoke to the crowd.
07:37 I'm sure they were just a move, you know,
07:39 moveable feast of all of the ills of the time.
07:42 Says that His heart was moved with pity when He saw them,
07:44 He had pity for the crowd.
07:47 He had great pity for the human suffering
07:48 and the human condition.
07:49 And we're all, you know,
07:51 our own people and hardened by life,
07:53 but we somehow need to find that I think,
07:57 not a charity because charity concern
07:59 was being enabling,
08:01 you know, like in addiction situations
08:06 you can really further the situation.
08:07 But we need to have a burden for the times
08:12 and we need to be a positive force not a shrill,
08:18 aggravating noise like the siren comes down.
08:20 Everyone knows there's a fire but...
08:21 Yeah.
08:23 Sometimes the siren is as much the problem,
08:24 shut it off.
08:25 Well, and there is legitimate concern
08:27 in religious liberty,
08:28 because if I'm going to use the hate crime legislation,
08:34 if the hate crime legislation comes through,
08:37 and then same sex person
08:41 or same sex couple claims that,
08:44 well, this person here has been persecuting me
08:46 because they've been reading Bible verses to me
08:48 about my behavior choices, you know,
08:52 a Christ like attitude, you know,
08:55 if they're not accepting the message in that town,
08:58 you're supposed to shake the sand out of the sandal
08:59 and move on.
09:01 And that's a clear Bible verse
09:03 and if you are a follower of Christ,
09:05 you're gonna listen to that.
09:07 Well, what did God say?
09:08 My spirit will not always strive with men.
09:09 Yes. Yeah.
09:11 So even God gives up at a certain point.
09:12 Yeah.
09:13 Well, you know, but let's see here, who was it?
09:15 Was it Abraham pleading for his nephew Lot
09:18 in Sodom and Gomorrah?
09:19 And if there are 50 righteous men,
09:21 40, 20, 10, 1?
09:22 Oh, no, God's charity is way beyond
09:25 what we could ever imagine.
09:26 God's charity.
09:28 Humans need to take a little bit of that piece
09:30 because we are created in the image of God,
09:32 and we need to have more love
09:33 and Christian charity toward our brother,
09:35 even if they behave in a way that we don't like.
09:39 Well, that's exactly how a Christian should respond
09:42 with charity and an understanding,
09:43 but not condemnation.
09:45 You know, Jesus said, "Go and sin no more."
09:49 Yeah, with one of the things
09:51 about being a Bible believing Christian
09:53 that can sometimes be hard
09:54 for Bible believing Christian is to act
09:57 with Christian charity and love toward others,
10:00 even though they are behaving differently,
10:03 and one of the great things about religious liberty
10:05 is that we have a large, multicultural,
10:09 diverse opportunity to go and reach other people
10:12 for Christ and fulfill the Great Commission
10:15 to make disciples of all people,
10:18 baptizing them in the name of the Father,
10:19 the Son and the Holy Spirit.
10:21 And it is a great work to do.
10:26 For decades
10:27 after the Protestant Reformation,
10:29 Europe was convulsed by religious wars.
10:34 It's a rather sad retelling if you go back
10:36 and read what happened in Europe,
10:39 millions, as many as 8 million people died
10:42 during that time, fighting for their faith,
10:46 got mixed up with national identity
10:48 and the Treaty of Westphalia
10:50 established the world as we know it.
10:52 Before that really there wasn't anything like
10:54 the modern nation state with borders
10:58 that can be defended and needed to be defended.
11:01 But the takeaway that I have
11:03 from looking at that time
11:05 and the religious component is how futile,
11:09 both Catholic and Protestant of its different stripes.
11:13 I don't think too many of them at the end of the day
11:15 could be seen as truly defending their faith.
11:19 It was murderous differences run amok.
11:25 And today, we don't have religious wars of that
11:28 sort of violence, at least in the West.
11:31 But we do have a conflict of faith versus the other.
11:35 The other can be any number of immoralities that stir us up,
11:39 but we need to remember that
11:40 that sort of violence is futile.
11:43 And that only through deeds of love
11:44 and mercy is the kingdom of God
11:47 and a faith truly advanced
11:50 in any world and certainly in this world.
11:53 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2019-11-14