Liberty Insider

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Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI190439B

00:03 Well, we'll continue our discussion.
00:05 Before the break,
00:06 we were going through the Reformation,
00:08 we talked about Martin Luther,
00:09 something that struck me a few years ago
00:11 when I was restarting the Reformation as well,
00:13 Martin Luther can't be discounted.
00:15 I mean, he was a guiding light,
00:18 not the only person.
00:19 And in the United States
00:21 the link to the Reformation is less to Luther
00:24 and more to Calvin.
00:27 You didn't really,
00:28 if you thought that through a few times?
00:30 Tell me a little more.
00:31 Well, the Puritans and the English Protestants,
00:35 their connection was clearly to Calvin,
00:38 the confessing churches and the churches
00:41 that were far more into the weeds
00:44 if you like, of Bible living, of holy living,
00:48 and that led directly
00:50 by way of Knox
00:52 and Wycliffe and so on,
00:55 coming from, not Wycliffe,
00:56 but with Knox and the others coming from Calvin,
00:59 then the Puritans coming to this country,
01:01 that led directly to what
01:04 we are Seventh-day Adventist
01:05 are part of the holiness movement.
01:07 And, of course,
01:09 Wakefield and the Wesley brothers.
01:13 This was all the holiness,
01:14 was once called the holiness movement.
01:17 And I don't know what your thoughts are,
01:18 but I know as the Seventh-day Adventist,
01:21 many of my peers
01:22 have sort of forgotten their church history,
01:24 they've forgotten how Adventists came about,
01:26 and they read some of the things
01:28 of a few decades ago, and it looks so legalistic.
01:30 Oh, yeah.
01:32 Because they don't like encouragement to holy living.
01:34 Sure.
01:35 Well, you know, this, to me, as I understand it,
01:40 the beautiful aspect of Christ's righteousness
01:43 is really a package deal.
01:46 It is the justifying power of Christ,
01:48 the robe of righteousness that comes over us,
01:51 and it is also Christ's righteousness working in
01:55 and through us in sanctification.
01:58 So this is all part of our connection with Him.
02:01 There's no possible way that you can become holy
02:04 on your own.
02:05 It has to be that that connection with heaven.
02:09 And that's where that daily walk
02:11 with the Lord comes.
02:12 But at the same time, you are justified
02:14 as you're connecting with the Lord every day.
02:17 Well, using the word holy,
02:19 we're automatically holy
02:20 when we dedicate ourselves to God.
02:22 We can't become perfect in ourselves, that's the...
02:24 Sure.
02:26 Those holy who are set aside for God
02:28 and we called to live to God.
02:30 And I think that aspect of the Reformation was
02:33 through Calvin and, of course, he had a few accesses,
02:37 the predestination
02:38 or it's not pure predestination,
02:41 but the idea that sort of God foreknew which He did.
02:44 He's saved once therefore, you sort of hit a time decided,
02:48 I think it was a mix-up in thinking about foreknowledge.
02:51 Because everyone has the opportunity
02:53 of beating Satan.
02:54 Right, we're all predestined for salvation.
02:56 But by actions we can take advantage all our self.
02:58 Right.
03:00 But I do see the holiness or the holy living,
03:04 the upright life,
03:06 eventually the Puritan style of pure living
03:09 coming through that avenue
03:10 and being picked up by Adventists.
03:12 And we came by, naturally, remember,
03:14 there were two Great Awakenings in the US,
03:17 1750 that laid the groundwork for the American Revolution.
03:22 As I read the US history,
03:24 that gave a sort of a holy war,
03:27 a righteous cause type spin,
03:29 and then our church began with the second great
03:32 or out of the Second Great Awakening in the mid 1800s.
03:37 And again, there was a hole in this movement.
03:40 And you know some of that, of course,
03:42 is taken right from Philippians 2:12-13,
03:47 "Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed,
03:50 not as in my presence only,
03:52 but now much more in my absence,
03:54 work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."
03:56 Now that doesn't mean you're gonna be the one
03:59 who determines your salvation because the next verse says,
04:02 "For it is God
04:05 who works in you both to will
04:07 and to do for His good pleasure."
04:09 So everything is connected to God,
04:12 but it doesn't leave out our objective
04:15 of being more and more like Christ
04:17 through His power.
04:18 Absolutely.
04:19 Let me get on to the present moment a little,
04:21 you know, I deal directly with religious liberty
04:24 with Liberty magazine...
04:25 Yes, and thank you. Thank you for what you do.
04:26 You've always been a very strong supporter,
04:28 but as you would automatically be
04:30 because our church has really defined us
04:33 from the earliest days,
04:34 and not just because it was a comfortable thing to do.
04:38 It's integrally tied up to our prophetic,
04:40 theological underpinnings.
04:43 I've seen lately that there's a shift
04:45 in the United States,
04:47 which is trying to redefine itself
04:49 and refine or find itself again.
04:52 But there's a shift
04:53 and I heard it once at a religious...
04:58 I won't say the group,
05:00 but it was a religious legal meeting,
05:02 and they said that there's been far too much
05:04 talk about the individual rights,
05:06 conscience rights in the United States.
05:08 Not enough about
05:09 the corporate rights of the church,
05:12 and my spine tangled,
05:13 because that's the thinking of the medieval church,
05:15 that's the pre-Reformation era.
05:18 And I can see where we're heading now in the US,
05:23 it's particularly is a good time,
05:25 but a dangerous time.
05:26 And people have forgotten
05:28 even how the constitution came about.
05:31 They don't remember clearly how the Reformation came.
05:34 We need security,
05:35 we're troubled by the secularization
05:38 and I think some people are in essence
05:40 allowing religious forces,
05:42 sometimes whole institutions
05:44 to sort of reach out to the legislators and say,
05:46 "We want this super law, we want that super law."
05:50 Now in private I was telling you that,
05:53 I'm troubled that I've seen a few YouTube videos
05:57 where they've taken your comments out of context
06:00 what you were saying.
06:02 Unfortunately it happens.
06:03 Yeah, what all of us will say at one time or another that,
06:05 right now there is no direct Sunday legislation
06:08 before any national, federal government body
06:13 that is certainly not the senate
06:14 or the Congress and the Supreme Court
06:16 don't legislate from the bench in spite of what people say.
06:18 So, you know, on the face of it,
06:20 as they quoted you, "No Sunday law."
06:23 But the story doesn't stop there, does it?
06:24 No.
06:26 The dynamic has shifted with growing forces
06:29 that have redefined the Reformation,
06:31 redefined what it is to be an American thinking
06:35 Christian nation or Christian society
06:38 should mean Christian nation a government dedicated
06:41 to advancing by law, certain form of faith.
06:44 This is all coming together with the present emergencies,
06:47 post 9/11, one disaster after another,
06:50 political instability.
06:52 And I see ongoing evidence
06:55 that there are any number of groups
06:57 that want to in essence legislate their version
07:00 of what it is to be a holy nation.
07:03 They go under the title sometime of as...
07:07 Well, the Christian reconstructionists
07:09 are the most retrograde,
07:11 there's sort of an Old Testament sharia,
07:13 Christian sharia type,
07:14 they want the Old Testament here.
07:16 But many Christians have taken the view of dominionist
07:20 that they, you know,
07:21 we were given dominion over the world
07:22 and this is a Christian nation therefore, let's legislate.
07:26 And you and I are Seventh-day Adventists,
07:28 we have some inklings, don't we in Revelation
07:31 and even in Revelation 14
07:33 that the arm of the law will be used again
07:35 at the end of time
07:38 to require people to worship a certain way.
07:41 Absolutely, in fact,
07:44 the prophecies in the Book of Daniel
07:46 and Revelation are so clear
07:49 in terms of how that
07:52 church and state relationship
07:54 will ultimately bring about a forced kind of worship,
07:59 which of course is going against everything
08:02 regarding freedom of conscience and religious liberty.
08:05 I believe completely in what the prophetic
08:08 understanding of Daniel and Revelation portrays.
08:12 I believe, explicitly,
08:14 in what that beautiful book
08:16 The Great Controversy by Ellen G. White
08:19 indicates will happen.
08:20 Sunday laws and persecution
08:23 and forced worship in a certain direction
08:26 will absolutely be in reality.
08:30 Right now, we do not see that
08:33 in public display in terms of particular legislation,
08:37 but it certainly is somewhere in the movement.
08:43 The last events are going to be very rapid.
08:47 So I don't understand anyone who says, well, you know,
08:51 why you say this or that.
08:53 We don't see it explicitly,
08:56 but we know it's coming
08:58 and we need to prepare through a study of God's Word.
09:01 Now, anybody that's listening,
09:02 has heard any number of public officials
09:04 in the last few months say openly,
09:05 they don't believe in the separation
09:07 of church and state,
09:08 which has been a great protective element for the US.
09:11 And a blessing.
09:12 Anyone that's reading a little more widely knows
09:14 that some of these same religious groups
09:17 that are whispering into the air of power,
09:19 or also whispering in countries in Africa in particular,
09:23 and when they leave the government leaders
09:26 they're excited that it was their influence
09:28 that led them to pass laws,
09:29 giving the death penalty say for gay behavior,
09:31 which no Christian could condemn.
09:33 But it's not given to us to execute people
09:35 for disobeying moral laws anymore.
09:38 So we know the lay of the land and I shared with you recently,
09:42 some of the documents
09:44 that are coming out of Rome with us,
09:45 you know, there's a breath of fresh air
09:46 on a certain level.
09:48 I am very excited that Rome seems to have discovered
09:51 what the first angel's message says that
09:53 this is the era to call attention
09:56 to the Creator
09:58 and in a document in 2015,
10:02 no doubt, I see the pope there says
10:04 that the whole world needs to pay attention
10:07 to this issue of global degradation
10:09 for our very survival.
10:11 And he says, we need to find again,
10:12 the rhythms inscribed in nature by the Creator,
10:16 the Seventh-day Sabbath.
10:17 He's right on the mark, except unfortunately,
10:20 Sunday comes up.
10:21 Well, people have a right to think differently,
10:24 but the Bible never gives
10:26 cause to think of any other day than the seventh-day Sabbath.
10:28 Absolutely.
10:30 And it seems as
10:31 if we're remembering the Creator,
10:32 in Genesis, which was
10:35 to all mankind then it says
10:36 that the seventh day was hallowed,
10:38 is a memorial of creation.
10:40 So I see some signs
10:41 that this is coming to the head globally.
10:44 Absolutely.
10:45 I travelled all over the world
10:47 and I know that there are many things developing,
10:50 which are forcing us to the very end of time,
10:53 and I believe it with all my heart.
10:55 So we need to keep our eyes open,
10:58 we need to speak where we can
11:00 to help, protect, religious freedom,
11:02 but know that oppression, persecution,
11:06 and Sunday laws and other laws,
11:09 which will force individuals they are coming.
11:12 Force people to go against their conscience,
11:14 that's why the only protection
11:17 against this is constant vigilance
11:20 and a complete belief in God's power to save us.
11:24 And to see God's leading in history
11:26 but to see a counterforce
11:27 that will bring in false Sabbath
11:29 and a false religious liberty
11:31 with compulsion rather than free will.
11:34 It's a privilege to talk to you as always and...
11:36 Thank you.
11:37 I know our viewers will appreciate this
11:39 and these are exciting times.
11:41 They are.
11:42 And the Sunday law is just one of it.
11:44 But as I've told people, one litmus test is
11:46 on religious liberty is if there is coercion
11:49 or force involved, that's not from God.
11:51 You're right. You're right.
11:53 As the Bible says elsewhere, I think is it Ezekiel?
11:56 You know, millions in the valley of decision.
11:58 This is the time we live among,
11:59 people are making up their minds
12:02 because there's a lot riding in it.
12:04 And back to the period of history
12:06 that I love the time of the English Civil War
12:09 and the Puritans actually gained political power
12:12 the wrong way.
12:14 But a large group of them
12:15 were called the Fifth Monarchy Men,
12:17 and they were looking at that image of Daniel too...
12:19 Well before Adventists used to have their charts
12:22 and they believe they were in the fifth and final kingdom,
12:25 that's feet of iron and of clay
12:27 and God's kingdom was about to replace it.
12:29 I believe, where they really not as they thought
12:32 they were with it.
12:34 We're in the toes.
12:35 The end of the toes.
12:36 Thank you very much.
12:38 Been a privilege to be with you.
12:40 Stay with us.
12:43 That Reformation wall in Geneva
12:47 was certainly an inspiration to me.
12:48 And I will not forget standing there,
12:51 staring at those memorials of the heroes
12:54 of the Reformation,
12:56 John Calvin towering figure,
12:58 Oliver Cromwell, one of my heroes
13:00 and, of course, Roger Williams,
13:02 the connection to Protestantism in America.
13:05 But really, it doesn't end there
13:07 by any means.
13:09 And as Paul said,
13:10 in the New Testament,
13:11 the heroes of faith
13:13 through the ages stand as guides for us
13:15 as we move toward the culmination of all things
13:18 at the second coming of Jesus Christ.
13:21 Protestantism is not something of the past.
13:25 The faith that they held forth is the eternal faith
13:28 and the confidence that we can have
13:31 was what they left to us.
13:34 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2019-07-22